Hey so, Holden finished the Exalted vs. WoD supplement thingy. Shockingly, it also includes rules and charms for Alchemicals and Infernals:
Exalted vs World of Darkness Companion
Holden is still writing? I thought they kicked him out.
Hey so, Holden finished the Exalted vs. WoD supplement thingy. Shockingly, it also includes rules and charms for Alchemicals and Infernals:
Exalted vs World of Darkness Companion
As lethally stupid mistakes go, thinking a Champion of the King of All Craftsmen is a terminator isn't too bad. It can't rank any higher than playing chicken with Oramus or connecting a hardline between your trinary computer and She Who Is Now A City In Her Name.
You can take the man out of the company, but you can't take the Ink Monkey out of the man.
If someone has 3L/4B does the 3L protect against bashing as well?@rogthnor
Penalties in 2e should be described as Internal (which remove dice from pools) or External (which subtract successes from the roll).
If a penalty doesn't say, um.... I guess, evaluate it? Internal penalties directly hinder your capability to do something - being sick, lacking training, etc. External penalties make the task more difficult - trying to be sneaky when there are a bajillion alert guards, trying to sprint through knee-high mud, etc.
Nope.If someone has 3L/4B does the 3L protect against bashing as well?
No, they are separate soaks. A target with 3L/4B reduces bashing damage by 4 dice, and Lethal by 3 (Down to minimum damage, whatever that is for a given attack). They aren't connected.If someone has 3L/4B does the 3L protect against bashing as well?
Doesn't this sort of break the "no chumping Exalts" rule? If you're asleep or your Sanctum is just big enough to not be escapable in a few minutes, you can pretty much OHKO an Exalt this way.If the spell is countermagiced, an Elsewhere sanctum starts to collapse over the course of a few minutes. A character who cannot escape before the door ceases to be perishes.
Doesn't this sort of break the "no chumping Exalts" rule? If you're asleep or your Sanctum is just big enough to not be escapable in a few minutes, you can pretty much OHKO an Exalt this way.
I'd suggest, like, dumping all characters into the Wild or something as the Sanctum reverts to absence, which does basically the same thing but is survivable for a prepared Exalt. Or otherwise rule that Integrity Charms might let you survive in Elsewhere long enough to spontaneously develop a Charm that lets you get back.
If you can't get out of a self-destructing base in a few minutes, you die just like any other movie villain who can't escape in time when the heroes blow up his base. The heroes have managed to track down your hidden base, and broken its defences so now it's collapsing into the void and if you can't get out before it seals, you die. That's not chumping. That's dying to your own hubris as you assume that your hidden sanctum-base is protected against everyone.
If you don't want to perish when the world collapses on you, go create the option that isn't a hidden sealed away base which can be brought in secretly to a place, only have its entrance seen by people who can see spirits, and is super convenient. Go summon a sorcerer's tower in the real world. But if you want the low visibility option, accept the risks and suck it up.
Hello, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion. Good to see you again. Also usable for modelling The Hunter's Dream, now that I think about it.
it's basically morpheus's castle from sandman and I'm there for that
Reading the first lunar charm update. I vote we rename Moon Beckons Tide to 'I need a hero' Prana,
I'm really fond of Divine Monster Judgment. Honestly, the charm seems like everything Beast the Primordial tried for and then failed to implement.
So I just saw Alita and Zapan had this thing where his back was like a bunch of faces that were in the style of like ancient indian or maybe Mayan temples? And it was just like the most exalted aesthetic I have ever seen even if it was on a cyborg I just like want the words to describe it so I can make it the aesthetic of an infernal for my game but I dont have the words to do it justice
Little bit, but it doesnt look quite right. Maybe I just didn't get as clear a look at it as i thought though
History and "Deep Time"*Setting that aside, I'd ask this: what's the setting conceit of the Lunars? What is the one thing you know, going in to any game, any splat, that Lunars are going to be doing? That you can essentially drop into any game, any format, just as easily as a Wyld Hunt?
History and "Deep Time"*
It came up on the discord, and in the previews.
Old Lunars are old. Nobody's around from the War of the Gods/Titanomachy/Primordial War, but MHS, Raksi, Leviathan, and Ui the Burning Eye* are all from the first age, and have more in common with each other than they do any living Lunar. Imagine sending the socially awkward penguin meme to somebody, and then needing to explain not only what socially awkward penguin is, but what a penguin is and what an image macro is.
That is what it means to be a Lunar, to be an expatriate in time, rather than space.
*Not really deep, but this is a reminder that Julius Ceaser lived closer to the opening of the first Pizza Hut than the building of the pyramids, and that the modern US is only three degrees of separation from Rome.
**Yes, that really is his name