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These guys.

Accelerator;n1269975 said:
Characters:Pipaepu the Publisher Imps - exalted official wiki - mirror from
[h=3]Pipaepu, the Publisher Imps.[/h] Pipaepu, the Publisher Imps.
Demons of the First Circle, Progeny of the Discoverer of Horizons Vedderhart once wept tears of languid refulgence in his incapacity to share the wonders of beyond with the rest of Malfeas. So the Discoverer of Horizons beseeched Nesquick, his Automaton Concubine, to collect the tears and percolate them within her Seven Miracle Membrane Layers and spawn the first generation of Publisher Imps to spread the wonders to be found Beyond!

With bodies similar to Creation born chimpanzees, with fur the shade of azure one finds in the bright mornings in the shallows of the neck, and pale skin the color of salt the Pipaepu are a diminutive species. They possess large dactylic wings formed from mud on bones of sleet that when fully outstretched possess a length in excess of two yards. Their teeth are made of wood and pyrite, with tongues of reddish quicksilver, and eyes made of polished eburnean buttons. They all possess an inborn intimacy towards fancy hats and vests, and the rest may or may not garb themselves in clothing. Most, fearing violent muggings that are commonplace in the Demon City, carry a portable crossbow or Hellpiece in their purse, as well as a backup mace formed from brass.

Publisher Imps are born with lifetimes of memories, all not theirs, and so they publish biographical stories from these memories, as well as the dreams they have slumbered. Most consider the Publisher Imps habitual liars or at least delusional, but the Imps feel they speak nothing but the truth, at least that is their claims whenever they are interrogated during their intoxicated revels at pubs after finishing a project. They work to have these stories of a thousand lifetimes, in a thousand different worlds produced on dispensable media such as books, and during the First Age in Teleplay format on IAM. Sorcerers have been known to produce great works of fiction through the employ of Publisher Imps, combined with a human or other demon working as editors and developers. And Publisher Imps have constant employ as Playwrites, and professional dreamstone dreamers. Some Sorcerers upon reaching the abrupt end of novel series centuries after the original author have died have learned that it is very likely that a Publisher Imp can be summoned to continue the adventures of their favorite literary characters having dreamed their adventures upon birth or at some point in slumber in their lives. They make excellent storytellers, and many have been summoned to entertain settlements in those long harsh winters in the North.

Many have learned languages that have never been spoken upon the shores of Malfeas or under the Sun's light in Creation. And through their memories the Pipaepu have learned languages that are virtually extinct, such as Rocktongue, Earthtongue, and Pelagial. They have even learned alien languages such as Autochthonian and the Stych of the Shadetailed Menders. They have been sought out for their Primers published and enhanced with charms to teach and spread fluency in these languages. Some alien/extinct languages have been used or taught for secrecies sake. Pipaepu have a desire to work on their Magnum Opus at the end of their lives, and will seek hermitage to set this great work to writing. Once they complete their project they consume it before anyone has a chance to read it, including themselves, after which they slumber under a pile of stones. The beings that awaken from this pile of stones are a single young male, and a single young female Publisher Imp. It is said the Final works of a Publisher Imp contain great secrets of the Universe and any who reads one before the Imp consumes it would attract the attention of Orabilis and be starbound.

Summoning: (Obscurity 2/4)

Sometimes a mortal author will die by candlelight before they have completed penning their last work. Sometimes before the last flicker of the candle goes out a Publisher Imp will place a new candle made of Bloodape fat, and finish scribing the great work for distribution in Creation. Publisher Imps will gain Limit once per day if forced to change the facts in their story. They will also gain limit once per day if forced to dispose of the arms in their purse. Every 25 hour period of not writing or telling a story from their Dreams to an audience will cause a Pipaepu to roll their Conviction and each success becomes a limit point.

Motivation: To spread the tales from their dreams through pen and word.
Compassion 2 , Conviction 4 , Temperance 2 , Valor 1 Willpower 6
Attributes: Strength 2 , Dexterity 4 , Stamina 3 ; Charisma 3 , Manipulation 3 , Appearance 2 ; Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3


Martial Arts 2 (Strike at the Eyes 2, Below the Belt 1)
Melee 1 (Mace 3)
Archery 3 (Crossbow 3, or Algarel 3)
Thrown 1 (Scrolls and Books 3)
War 1 (3 points of Specialty divide amongst any terrain)
Integrity 2 (Journalistic Integrity 3)
Presence 2 (Jokes 3)
Performance 2 (Storytelling 5)
Resistance 3 (Working by Candlelight 3)
Survival 1 (Nests 3)
Medicine 1
Investigation 1 (Interviews 3)
Craft Water 1 (Recipes 3), Earth 1 (Alien Architecture 2) , Wood , Air 2 (Calligraphy 3)
Occult 4 (Raksha 1, Underworld 1, Zen Mu 1)
Lore 4 (Alternate Histories 3)
Athletics 2 (Flying 3)
Awareness 2 (Birds eye view 3)
Stealth 3 (In Groups 3)
Dodge 3 (While holding writing 3)
Larceny 1 (stealing 2)
Socialize 3 (Other Writers 3)
Ride 1
Sail 1
Bureaucracy 1 (Publishing 3)
Linguistics 6 (Native Old Realm, 6 other languages often they are Languages unknown to Creation, 10 points of Specialties divided into 10 different dialects)

Backgrounds: Backing 1, Resources 2, Contacts 3 (Demon Publisher Companies), Allies 3 (Other Publisher Imps).


1st Excellency Archery, Performance, Craft
2nd Excellency Occult, Lore
Benefaction- May give a one die bonus to those who just read a primer, instruction manual, or cookbook they penned, or just listened to an hour of storytelling.
Endowment- May use Endowment as a training effect to teach a language to those who read their Primers. Publisher Imps use this to expand their population of potential readers.
Dreamscape- Publisher Imps often enter the dreams of mortals and demons to spread the tales from beyond hoping they will inspire their writings when they awaken.
Impromptu Messenger- Publisher Imps may speak out of the mouths of any slumbering creature.
Calculated Order of Immediate Action- Publisher Imps may create copies of works they have already written, or Tales they have told.
Form Reduction Technique- Imps often reduce themselves to the size of an apple to sneak copies of their scrolls to distinguished playwrites and journalists, or to sneak into the rooms of dreamers.
Landscape Travel- Double Flight Speed
Subtle Whispers- Often used to convince Mortal and Demon Publishers to accept deals.
Animating Management- Publisher Imps often possess pens to write on their own.
Wine of Infinite Heartbreak- used on their audience for continued storytelling.
Spice of Custodial Delectation- Writing their Tales.
NOTES: Some Publisher Imps have learned Sorcery through their memories and the Salinian Workings, these are rare and often race to complete their Magnum Opus before Orabilis handles them. However this same line of reasoning may mean that a very rare few have learned of Necromancy rather than Sorcery, and thus spread their tales through the Labyrinth. These Imps have Whispers as well.

Essence: 3

Soak: 3B/1L

Note: This is a comment by the Author in response to their fixations on hats and vests.
Eldagusto said:
Yeah I wanted the desire for hats and vests to reflect some inborn nature of civility for them. Since they would wear vests in place of other clothes they would make sure they are good attractive vests that display their individuality. Same with the hats, since they are a culture that flies over things they view having to look down upon each other they see a hat first, so they want the hat to make a good first impression. I guess it came off as silly though. I got idea from often seeing Imps and wee folk wearing colorful clothes, like little Djinn wearing those Aladdin pants and pointed shoes. The purse thing was after hearing about heterosexual men sometimes wearing purses, so this would be a unisex thing for the Imps. And it would also be important since they value possessions like writing implements, weapons that make them feel safe. Ultimately the accessories and clothes were to show the Imps individuality and professionalism compared to some species that just go commando.
He did it.
He fucking did it.

Okay, I don't play oWoD much other than a short-lived Technocratic campaign, but at a glance it doesn't seem obviously unbalanced. And it's darn fun to read.
I remember they talked about something like this in the audio released during the Kickstarter. Hopefully, if this can eventuate then so can the Heptagram book they discussed; I want my 'R-rated Harry Potter'.
Hey guys. Was thinking of making an elemental. A creature basically like a camerupt. Attracted by tectonic activity, and the mixing of fire and earth Dragon lines.

Often summoned by sorcerers for their ability slew out clouds of ash. Either as a massive area denial weapon, a source of obsidian and ingredients for concrete, or as a way of fertilizing desolate land.
Hey guys. Was thinking of making an elemental. A creature basically like a camerupt. Attracted by tectonic activity, and the mixing of fire and earth Dragon lines.

Often summoned by sorcerers for their ability slew out clouds of ash. Either as a massive area denial weapon, a source of obsidian and ingredients for concrete, or as a way of fertilizing desolate land.
I did a Pokémon as Elementals thread back in the day. And through play I realized it works, but it can work even better if you mix two Pokémon together as inspiration or just swap the types around. Like I made Grasscrabs by mixing Parasect and Krabby.
2E, I don't own any others. It's a Northern Wyld section, the place is described as the First Age location to learn flying due to local wind situation.

Specifically - Compass of Celestial Directions, Volume 2 - The Wyld - Splinters of the Wyld. That's the 40-page supplement, not the book. Page 7, right column, The Flight Zone (Manse 3). On page 8, it has this:

Though it is nearly impossible to see from the ground (with mortal eyes, at least), a Dragon-Blooded corpse flies in a repeating pattern several miles above the manse. It wears jade wings of the raptor (see The Books of Sorcery, Vol. I—Wonders of the Lost Age, p. 54). At that height, the air is so strong that nobody could ever get the body down. Few even dared try, with such an example.​

Obviously, an agata can probably open a portal to that corpse, and then open a portal to near the surface, bypassing the problems with getting back to safe, solid land.
Thank you.
So what do you think I should mix it with?
Good question! Not a hundred percent necessary, I'd did insert Sandslashes/Sandshrews and just called them Sandhogs, so it's good as is with an ultra realistic style. Or something with a beak like Zapdos or tentacles like tentacruel, but that might be more demony.
The Exalted Forums erased my two threads about Exalted vs the World of Darkness. :( why?
One of the previous developers of 3e, holden shearer, did a Exalted vs world of darkness hack. On the off chance anybody is interested the link is below. It runs off of V20.

Exalted vs the World of Darkness | Holden Shearer on Patreon

It largely runs off of base V20, with the sole exception of using the multi-attack rules from V20: Dark Ages.

Also this is pretty fun and I wanna make a Dawn Caste who operates a Dojo out of a strip mall, only to give Tiger Warrior training to anyone who comes by.
Kneejerk reaction?

Exalted Vs World of Darkness complete with the Unconquered Sun fist fighting Caine left some deep psychological scars.

Maybe label it something like "Exalted/WoD crossover game" ?
Yeah but that is the name of the PDF, and they didn't address me about it, they did it secretly...
Haven't looked at this yet, but one immediate problem I have about it is that it's "VS" rather than "In".
But people here apparently think it good? So yeah, I'm gonna give this chance.

To be fair, the opening fiction sets the direction that he was going for pretty well

Elysium. All the best-dressed monsters in the city have gathered to see and be seen. There's a commotion outside the doors, and conversations stall as immortals tilt their heads and listen. The door opens and an unconscious ghoul falls through it. A wave of alarm ripples through the room, followed by anger and hunger.

The figure in the doorway is human, you see. Mortal. Some of them can smell the sweat on his skin, hear his heart pounding in his chest. It's just a kid, 18, 20 tops, skinny, with a wild mop of carroty hair, standing there backlit by a street light. He's got a gym bag. The room's silent enough to hear a pin drop, certainly quiet enough that everyone hears him swallow and unzip the bag. Half of them could be across the room in a heartbeat to end this, but eternity's a long time and there are, eventually, so few surprises.

He pulls off his shirt, revealing nothing very impressive, and then brings two objects out of the gym bag. The first is the saddest, shittiest mall katana you could ever imagine. The second is a rubber horse-head mask, which he pulls on before stepping out into the gallery light.

The first vampire is just starting to laugh when the icon of a blazing sun erupts, shining gold through the rubber mask, and then the killing starts.
I can't blame either of them for disliking the other. They've both earned it.

But that is some seriously bad forum management.

At the end of the day it's still just a fun hack sold for free, while giving Exalted fans more of a reason to get into WoD20. Banning discussion is just effort wasted on something that is a net benefit for you.

Anyways, I'm pretty hyped to murderhobo the Camarilla to death.