But.... what can he do?

Let me begin with a cannon demon that is also a sentient emotion:

Rolls of Glorious Divinity 2 said:
The calmest moments are those of Lypothymie, who is both a Third Circle demon and an emotion unique to the Demon City. Lypothymie is something like nostalgia or despair, and she brings a hopeless swoon to those who feel her most intensely.

Dvesha is a spiritually corrosive emotion of hate or disgust felt by those in Malfeas that shortens tempers, stokes feelings of blood lust, and rejects what is different, strange, or other.
Just like his brother Raga is a self-consuming lust, addiction to sensation, and greed that becomes an obsession that poisons any possibility of healthy relationships or satisfaction with what you already have.
Just like their brother Moha is a self-perpetuating confusion and ignorance about the true state of affairs that breeds superstition and false hope, and hinders finding real solutions to your own problems because blaming others and circumstances is so much easier.

Jointly they turn the demon realm from merely an endless, violent slum ruled by insane god-monsters into Hell. Their "poisons" are mental attitudes that twist the (already very bad) world into something even more twisted and monstrous. There are demon-saints who have purged themselves of these subtle poisons, who can engage in violence without being consumed by hatred, who can value people and possessions without obsessing about what they don't have or the fear of losing what they do, etc. A lot of them ended up with Qaf seeking Nirvana.

Dvesha does not just passively allow all this aversion to manifest, he cultivates hatreds great and petty with the same care Ligier puts into the things he makes. As a person he whispers in the ears of Peers and Peasants alike, he sends spies to intercept messengers of peace (or temporary truce against a common threat), he plants evidence of misdeeds, sometimes he just sends people to wreak stuff and hurt but not kill demons badly so that resentment will start to grow.

And yes, he can condense all that into physical poisons. They can ruin relationships, make you hate your former vices enough to break their hold on you, infect kingdoms with race or class conflict, etc. Sorcerers and those who realize he hates himself with all the concentrated disgust of every being who has ever felt him (and he enjoys that self-hate because it feels like something he can control) have leverage that can very easily backfire. Those who are wise also ask for his advice on fomenting divisions between groups because he has had thousands of years of practice making people hate each other.

Is that enough that he can do?
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Ah. Then that's fine.

So if you wish to break apart a fellow ship, like a circle of solars or a sworn brotherhood, you use him?
Sure! But like, using him against people who have their own wide scale loyalty enforcing and emotional magic is gonna run right up against difficulties
So, is there any particular reason that so many people seem to make a disproportionate number of Demon write-ups in comparison to Elementals or Gods, or is it just bleed over from the thread's apparent fascination with Infernals? :???:
I've written a few demons too, and I've talked with @EarthScorpion extensively about ghosts, but I generally don't write gods and elementals because I think the latter are boring and pointless and have thought so since 2002, and the former is something i usually write in context of a culture, because I am the kind of person who plays Exalted for the wonders of a myriad of pre-modern cultures and their norms etc. and I don't think gods are very interesting in themselves, beyond how they interact with societies and power-structures.
I've written a few demons too, and I've talked with @EarthScorpion extensively about ghosts, but I generally don't write gods and elementals because I think the latter are boring and pointless and have thought so since 2002, and the former is something i usually write in context of a culture, because I am the kind of person who plays Exalted for the wonders of a myriad of pre-modern cultures and their norms etc. and I don't think gods are very interesting in themselves, beyond how they interact with societies and power-structures.

Yep. Like, say, take Kaloichi here.

Kalochi, Goddess of the Dock Cats
Deity of the First Rank
South-Western Directorate

Once a minor storm spirit worshipped by beastmen in the isles of the far Southwest, Kalochi's tribe was defeated in war. Taken as slaves, they were sold to northerners. Abandoning her post, Kalochi chose to instead track her followers down. With her aid, the tigermen seized control of the boat, sacrificing the slavers to her. But none of them knew the way back home, and their lands were lost. After several adventures, they wound up in Saata, taking up residence around the docks - and the storm goddess became the spirit of the diaspora.

Kalochi now wears the form of her adopted children, appearing as a feral-looking woman with tiger-like eyes, stripes on her cheeks, and tightly coiled orange hair. She has the muscled body of someone who works in hard manual labour every day. The goddess dresses herself like a Saatan gang lord, layering diaphanous silk of many colours and bedecking her ears, neck and fingers with jewellery of all kinds. Some trace of her former nature remains in the spear she bears, forged from a lightning bolt. She did not return it when she took up her new role, for it allows her to coax storms and direct their thunder.

Her time as a storm goddess did not prepare her for the complexities of Saata. Storms are blunt and uncomplicated; the spirit courts of Saata thrive on the chaos of the city, and the city father only encourages it. She has learned from her followers to keep her head down and avoid entanglement with the greater powers, accepting her niche as the goddess of the tiger and leopard beastmen who live around the docks. By natural temperament, she is forthright and confrontational, but the very knowledge of her own weakness means she overcompensates and retreats from fights she could win because she does not trust her judgement.

Through her contacts among the weather-gods, she forewarns the Dock Cats when cyclones are scheduled to happen. Some captains have already noticed that the beastmen refuse to go to sea when a storm is coming. So far, they put this down to some kind of animal intuition. The goddess was never a strong spirit, and perhaps for that reason she chose to tie her fate closely to mortals. Their worship allows her to punch well above her weight, but that same closeness means she weeps when her worshippers die and rages when they are defeated. The Muk Kai tiger beastmen threaten her Dock Cats, and worse, they worship Puruk, a war god who came with them from their homeland. He is crude and doesn't understand how to play the Saatan game, but he wields his power to aid his followers freely. She fears that she may be defeated before consequences catch up with him.

Sanctum: Kalochi dwells within her shrine, part of a small temple which backs onto a warehouse in the dock district of Saata. The sanctum resembles a gang-lord's hideout, with stolen treasures decorating the walls and a bottle of rum usually close to hand. She has been drinking more since the conflict with the Muk Kai started. Kalochi is intimately enough involved with her mortals that she has been having idle fantasies about having a child with one of them, but she fears the heartbreak of watching a mortal son or daughter grow old.

She's meaningless without the context of Saata and how she's basically there to show how gods can be immigrants eking out an existence in new roles too - and how a storm spirit becomes a cultural goddess because she's a remnant of their homeland.
Your preconceptions do not reflect the reality of the game. Stop assuming they do so, and listen when someone is telling you "That's not how this works."
Uh, I think Accelerator's point was more of a, "and? That's good enough," kind of thing. Challenging a Solar is a pretty good claim to fame.
Does anyone have any ideas for turning 2e (Yozi) Sorcerous Enlightenments into 3e-style Initiations - that is, any ideas for appropriate Shaping Rituals and/or associated Merits? I've got a few thoughts, but not much.

  • Draw sorcerous motes from spectacularly killing people (ideally with fire/GSNF)
  • Draw sorcerous motes from the fearful awe of others
  • ?
  • Draw sorcerous motes from Places of Desolation
  • Draw sorcerous motes from worship
  • ?
She Who Lives in Her Name
  • Draw sorcerous motes from systematic study
  • Draw sorcerous motes nearby Malfean Crystal
  • ?
  • Draw sorcerous motes from killing people
  • Draw sorcerous motes from absolute silence
  • ?
The Ebon Dragon
  • Draw sorcerous motes from darkness and shadows, ala the Bargain with Mara Enlightenment in the Ex3 corebook
  • Draw sorcerous motes from lies, deception and moral corruption
  • ?

  • Draw sorcerous motes from seas
  • Draw sorcerous motes from nearby kin and/or Beloved characters
  • Draw sorcerous motes from your own malice and hatred for a character, which you can only use on spells to harm that character
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So, is there any particular reason that so many people seem to make a disproportionate number of Demon write-ups in comparison to Elementals or Gods, or is it just bleed over from the thread's apparent fascination with Infernals? :???:

Other people have given pretty solid answers but I want to feel included so nyeh.

Demons are easy to make rough "templates" for because they have a really strong, like, guiding ethos I think? 1CD's are explicitly tools, they're made in job lots and are found in hundreds of thousands of breeds all across Hell to fulfill almost every niche imaginable. There's a strong start hard baked into the foundations and plus, out of all of them, you're most likely to summon/have an enemy summon a 1CD. So it's even kinda practical to have a standard skeleton around that you can consult and stretch a few details over, 'cause it might actually get some use! 2CD's are fun, in my experience, mostly in how they relate to 3CD's and 3CD's are fun in how they let you take a guiding principle of a Yozi and blow it up and pick it apart. Taken together they're basically a large scale exercise in "so this is what my Isidoros/Szoreny/Elloge is like" which can be kinda gratifying overall, especially if people find it appealing too.

'Cause let's be honest. Positive ratings are a big reason anyone writes any homebrew for the thread. :V Or at least why they post it here.

But personally I've really warmed up to writing Dead and Gods. The Dead are trickier 'cause, going off of @EarthScorpion's rough rubric of "Lesser Dead are ghost stories, Greater Dead is shit like Sadako, Deathlords are Dark Souls bosses" (and @Rook's own stuff there which is v. good), they're much more narrative. You have to kinda imagine what it'd be like for a party of teenagers to encounter them. What the dramatic entrance would be like, in what ways they're scary and wrong because that's kind of the whole point. They need to be scary in some way which is challenging but, like I said, a lot of fun.

I've written far fewer Gods than I have demons but I actually like them a lot. But Imma cheat a bit and circle back to this point later.

Meanwhile, elementals? Elementals are a serious blurry spot in Exalted; the canon material has them as not-gods without anything really distinctive to latch onto, and the fan approach ranges from Revlid's idea of them being drones generated by Creation to correct elemental imbalances in a region to the somewhat nebulous alternative riff where they're mythological harbingers/embodiments of various major environmental phenomena, so the winter months in a region happen because of these weird yak-creatures made of snow who live in the icy mountains and bring its wintry winds along with them when they descend to the lowlands as part of their migration.
If an elemental god gets a job from the Celestial Hierarchy, they become just another god - which explains the censors. So they're genies and ogres and other things that live in the wilds, but can also reform and become the god of a tribe if they're worshipped - and likewise, unemployed gods leave Heaven and become elemental creatures.

I've had some good results -from a sample size of, like, one admittedly- of using them to sort of signpost the small, mundane ways that Creation is Fundamentally Different from our world. A fucked up spider-mantis thing with limbs that are spiked with bamboo shoots. That leaves them impaled in the ground as it delicately picks its way through the trees, sort of glimpsed through the mist and fog of a cold, rainy morning. Farmers stopping in the rice paddy to gingerly shoo off a little lizard-thing made of twined together leaves and grain that came over to inspect all the cut stalks. A three-legged crow with burning, smoldering wings soaring over a golden, sun-withered plain on their own perpetual thermal.

...Pokemon basically. They work well as Pokemon. Especially when they're bound to Sorcerers as Patrons and participants in Pacts under the Anchor system to provide them their powers, so you get shit like "I summon my thunderbird companion to shed blue-white lightning bolts all over the battlefield and hover over me being cool as fuck". I disagree with Manus who is basically the Worst and one of history's greatest monsters when he says that elementals are boring and pointless but by the same token I don't think Escorp's really wrong. Elementals don't have much to distinguish them from gods and this is a problem that goes to canon. Like fuck I still can't tell you for the life of me if Dogs of Unbroken Earth are gods or elementals and that's sort of the issue in a nutshell yeah?

Although admittedly I would take it a step further and -stealing from @Revlid now- say that the boundaries between spirits, between gods and ghosts and demons are more...not metaphysical but like metapolitical than anything? It's a taxonomy rather than an objective Truth. A living hero ascends as a god upon their funeral pyre, a sorcerer's soul is dragged down to serve in hell, there are dead gods waiting beneath the world that kind of thing. You can have demons defect to heaven and gods get cast into Hell without having to do this weird two-step shuffle thing.

I've written a few demons too, and I've talked with @EarthScorpion extensively about ghosts, but I generally don't write gods and elementals because I think the latter are boring and pointless and have thought so since 2002, and the former is something i usually write in context of a culture, because I am the kind of person who plays Exalted for the wonders of a myriad of pre-modern cultures and their norms etc. and I don't think gods are very interesting in themselves, beyond how they interact with societies and power-structures.

Also Manus, actually Satan, is pretty spot on here too. Imo Gods work best when they're paired with a location write up which is kiiiinda how I've ended up using them I think. It gives them tangible territory, interests and assets they want to protect, worshipers you can interact with, plot hooks basically. I've done a couple of write-ups for the North East and pretty much all the Gods I've done exist as a sort of add-on that can be snapped in or out to populate the region with powers and active agents. Even the Celestial Gods have the region (and I do think tying Gods more strongly to geographic Directions, ie. North, North-East, East etc does a lot to ground them) that they concern themselves with and will pop in from time to time. A la the bigshot troubleshooter from corporate coming down to find out why the branch office is on fire and what happened to their Internal Affairs guy.
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I have, like, two Deathlords posted here, one of which I'm basically happy with the writing of, and tepid to the design space of (Ignominy's Last Word) and one who is a delightful and horrifying boss to play with that I gotta clean up a little bit of the writing for (Smiling Ape Confronts The Cosmos In Glorious Combat, AKA Goku The Deathlord). I would suggest just reading Scorp's posts about Deathlords then the one I made about why I like them, for a framework to think about things in.

Also I was rewriting canon Deathlords a while ago to be either a little less sucky (FaFS) or just completely different (Princess Magnificent) so at some point I will type the fourth fucking draft of Princess Magnificent and get her up, when next I have PC access. I don't write Exalted home brew regularly, I'm not Scorp :p
The Dead are trickier 'cause, going off of @EarthScorpion's rough rubric of "Lesser Dead are ghost stories, Greater Dead is shit like Sadako, Deathlords are Dark Souls bosses" (and @Rook's own stuff there which is v. good),

Any chance you have these post bookmarked and can share them?

Also I didn't write it, but over at Number None @random_npc wrote up the Espada in a qya that makes the them work perfectly as death lords.

Hollows as Greater Undead
libri Spirtuum Corruptorum Vol I

The Jackal

The jackal wears no mask, appearing in it's full unnatural nature when called. It's body is that of an unnaturally tall and emaciated man with a grinning jackal skull for a head. From its body sprout great branch like horns of bone. It wears a strange and resplendent cloak and is attended always by numberless lesser spirits. Despite its power and fine dress The Jackal posses no throne. The lesser spirits appear in their natural state as human skeletons adorned with a dogs skull.

The Jackal possess the power to birth Lesser spirits in numbers beyond counting, and will freely barter their service as laborers or guards. It rarely asks for the same sacrifice, but will often ask for the favored sacrifice of other Spirtus Corrupti . Extreme care must be taken when striking a bargain, as the lesser spirits can don masks of perfect humanity. Ensure that any contract demands that the lesser spirits return, count them thrice and do not allow the jackal to walk the world unwatched for even an instant. Less it slip its children unbound into the world. The jackal can also provide an introduction to Cirucci's Handmaidn, though to bypass her lord is a great risk.

In addition to it's numberless children The Jackal poses but a single servant of power. A knight crowned with a unnaturally large crest of hair and a face adorned with a visor of bone. The knight is a creatures of sullen silence. He offers no services but will sometimes negotiate in his masters stead. For projects of complex nature the Jackal can bid him to work as a foreman, commanding its children in its stead.The Knight's true face is unknown, and he seldom speaks to the living.


Wonderweiss Holds the 10th and lowest throne among the Spirtus Corrupti. His fals face is one of a slender fair haired youth. His eyes are an unnatural pink and he bears a great hole in his chest. His expression betrays his mindless nature. None among the living or the dead now his true face. He is often accompanied by the dread cifer, holder of the 4th throne.

Wonderweiss is a mindless thing, incapable of speech or reason. Do not seek to treat with him, instead treat him as a dangerous beast. Despite his mindlessness his might is great, and his mindless meandering can cause great ruin. Should he appear before you attempt to lure him far from civilization, so that neither his minders nor his own madness harms others. Like a child he can be attracted by fluttering ribbons of bright color. He has been known to be drawn to bonfires, sitting within their flames without harm. It is said by the dead that he was given his throne as an insult to other claimants. Do not call this spirit, for it will not bargain and to call him away from his post is to earn the ire of one who has fully devoured it's multitudes.


Aaroniero holds the 9th throne among the Spirtus Corrupti, and is the only one among them who has not even partially devoured his multitudes. Alone among the Spirtus Corrupti, his false face is flawless, allowing him to appear as a normal man. Do not be fooled, his true face is a horror and he has devoured all who have seen it. Aaroniero shuns the light of the sun, and must be called in a darkened room. Calling him during the day is a common safgard.

Aaroniero is a secretive creature with many strange powers. What tasks he will accept or reject has no rhyme or reason. He has slain enemies, stolen treasures, poisoned wells, tilled fields, ruined reputations and more, yet there is no assurance he will agree should you ask of him any of these things. When treating with him he demands respect, and will avenge any slight. Make no mention of his wretched true face. His price is always the same, the sacrifice of a being of power. Most prized are other lesser spirits but for lesser tasks he will accept mortal seers. Should he feel in any way slighted, he shall insist that his host watch him devour the offering, or worse insist they share his meal. Should one refuse his twisted generosity he shall take great offense, and devour them uttlerly. Aaroniero has no servants.


Szayelaporro holds the 8th throne among the Spirtus Corrupti. He is a scholar of dark and forbidden lore. His false face is that of a polite scholar with golden eyes and hair of an unnatural color. His face is adorned with lensless spectacles of bone. His true face is said to resemble a great mass of vines in the shape of a man, but none among the living have seen it.

Szayelaporro is a treacherous creature, speaking warmly and kindly but entrapping the unwarey, do not let hist honedy words put you at ease and take great care in your agreements. He enjoys the company of fellow scholars, and will teach any wise enough to meet his standards a great deal of natural philosophy. Should he find a potential student a dullard he shall endeavor to entrap them for dark purposes. His strange arts enable him to craft many strange and potent elixirs, but he is shrewd and will demand a heavy price for even the least of them. Among his comon wares are potions to heal any sickness, poisons to blight acres for years, fertility potions for humans or livestock and many other such things. Typically his price will be measured in lives, as the living are of great use to his art and are scarce in his dead halls.

Szayelaporro posses many and changing servants of some power. Their forms and number changes frequently as he works his dark arts upon them. A summoner who has spoken with him thrice or more without being entrapped may be offered their use for a pitance. be wary of accepting, Szayelaporro has been known to pursue obscure and dangerous ends through his servants. It is said that some who have dealt with this spirit frequently will sometimes see those they have sacrificed to him among his twisted creatures.


Zommari holds the 7th throne among the Spirtus Corrupti and styles himself a preacher to their dark master. His fals face appears to be a powerfully built man of dark complexion, his bald head adorned with small spikes of bone instead of hair. His eyes are an unnatural gold. His true face resembles a fleshy flower, it's petals heavy with eyes and a human torso for a stamen.

Zommari is a skilled speaker, and can teach one much of the skill of debate. His cost for this is that one engages him in a discussion on the nature of God. Should one accept he shall assault their faith in the one true Savior with unholy passion and eloquence. Summoners beyond counting have found themselves seduced by his dark preaching, willingly forsaking their faith and damming themselves at Zommari's words, some going so far as to begin spreading his heresy themselves. Only the most skilled of debaters, or the most fanatical zealots can hope to withstand the crucible of his heretical tongue. Should one hold onto their faith they will find him a most skilled teacher, should one impress him he will offer other services. For a pittance he will walk among your enamies and slander their lords, sowing discord and dissent. Be wary, for should he go forth strang cults will bloom in his wake. For a chance to preach to your people he shall agree to bear his face against your enemies, upsurping control of their bodies for a time for whatever purpose you desire. When used in this way do not let him speak through the mouth of any who have the trust of their peopel, lest he make of them followers and slaves. Zommari has no servents of note, but has been known to call up lesser spirits from his dark flock.


Grimjow holds the 6th throne among the Spirtus Corrupti. His false face is one of a lithe and muscular man, his features have a predatory cast and his face is adorned with an ornament of bone and fangs. His unnatural nature is betreyd by the pale blue of his haire, and the great hole through his guts. When he assumes his true face he is adorned with suite of plate crafted of bone, its gauntlets are clawed and spiked. He retains his human face but sprouts long besetail ears. Upon his brow will sprout a savage crown of bone and his hair shall become a long and regal mane. Grimjow claims the title of king of hunts, he disdians formality and prefers crude speech. Speak to him as one would a proud and respected soldier of low birth.

Grimjow is a restless creature, displeased with it's lot, As such it's deisres and conduct is prone to change. As he desires to be what he is not he often will trade skill for skill. In exchange for instuction in philosophy or administration he will teach some of his skill in hunting. If you allow him to command a host of men in war games he will teach some of his skill in puglisim. Be warey, while he is an able student he is argumentative and will tolerate no slights. He will offer to teach a band of strong men to fight as one for no cost, but in truth his price is a chance to practice controlling his strength, and he is likely to cripple many of those sent before him. But those who survie whole and hale will be a terror on the field of battle. In exchange for free reign to induldge in revelry unchecked for a year and a day, or the promise of a challenge, grimjow shall unleash his true face upon your foes. Rending apart armies and fortresses alike with his bestial strength.

Grimjow poasses 3 servants of power, an Officer, a Soldier and a Brute. The officer is a creatures of duty and custome. His false face is of a tall regal man of the orient, he wears a strange helmet of bone that covers one eye. His demanor is formal and he should be treated as an officer of standing. His true face is a strange animated suite of armor. It's arms reed thin and it's fingers long claws, from it's head hangs a long stinger. In homage to his lord he laves one half of his helm open, displaying part of his false human face. He often serves as his lords second, and thus in many ways offers lesser versions of what his lord does. In exchange for officers manuals he shall drill a group of men with inhuman precision, groups subjected to his training are more likely to survive the training of his king. In exchange for true secrets plied from the halls of the dead he will bear his face and slay one foe, no matter the protections they posses.

The Brutes false face hints at it's simple nature, a creature of hunger and brutality. It takes the form of a tall and broad shouldered man of roufgh features, adorned with a half mask of bone. His true face is a horror, as he has not even partially devoured his multitudes. He rises taller than an oak, and bloats with corruption as his skin truns to black tar. The distorted skulls of his multitudes press from his corrupt flesh and scream in their torment, withotu his human mask to contain him his passing shall taint the ground leaving it dead and barren for a year and a day. For all the horror of his form, remember that he is the least of grimjows servents. He offers but one service, for strong drink and hearty food in vast quantities he shall bear his face and lay waste to an army befreit of spirtual protection.
The Soldier is a vain creature. It's human mask is of a fair haired man of beautiful features, upon his brow rests a skullcap of bone and a hole sits in the middle of his chest. His true face is of a rampaging beast, a minotaur with a hide white as bone and grotesquely swollen shoulders. He is a gossip and will cheerfully swap minor secrets from the hales of the dead for the same. For cosmetics of great quality he shall demolish empty buildings or uproot great swaths of forest. In exchange for dark lore, the services of a great artist, long dresses of unparalleled quality or flowers of truly exceptional beauty he shall lay waste to the fortress of your foes. It is known among the courts of the dead that he uses such offerings to court the Snake, and she has been known to appear wearing the goods sold to the solder. Some sumoners have convinced the Solder to accpt lesser offerings by convincing them that they would be pleasing to his caustic lady, doing so is risky as he shall be enraged should she reject the gift.


Cirucci holds the 5th throne among the 10 Spirtus Corrupti, and is the greatest among them who have not fully devoured their multitudes. Her throne was claimed by treachery, but held by strength. She respects cunning, but disdains those who cannot hold with skill what they take with betrayal. Her false face is that of a woman in the prime of life, her cheeks bear tattoos of tears and her hair is adorned with bone, only the royal purple of her hair betrays her unnatural nature. Should she discard her human seeming her hair shall become clouds, and her body shall become a great bird with features and talons of steel, ever vain she retains her human face.

Cirucci enjoys conversation and thus can be treated with in safety so long as one is respectful. She demands the respect of a princess, and will be neither pleased nor offended should one give the respect due to a higher station. Despite her high station she is willing to batter for petty matters for small sacrifices. For a pleasant meal and an excellent song she will share minor gossip of the realm of the dead, be ware should she feel insulted by the fare or music she may seek retribution. She holds dominion over the winds and may be entreated to either call or dismiss storms. When called in for such matters her price will be substantial. Either mundane food or fabric of great quality in large quantity , or an item of great historical or mystical significance. The greatest cost would be to ask her to smite one's enemies, her price for this is never the same but its always terrible. When employed for this task she shall smite your foes in a rain of terrible lighting and tearing winds until even the ground their fastness was built upon is naught but ruin and woe.

Cirucci has but two servants of power, a handmaiden and a jester, both of which she may allow a Sumner to treat with for a petty sacrifice. The jester is a creature of cruel mockery and appears as a youth that could be either male or female, none know of it's true face. The jester has a love of tragic stories, and will gladly trade stories of the living for stories of the dead. For greater services the price will change, but always will it be something that will cause the summoner great pain to part with. Should its crule price be paid the jester can divine the nature of the relationship between any it gazes upon, or unravel the trust of comards with but a few barbed words. Any bargain with the jester must include an assurance it shall not do thus to the summoner, for it delights in betrayal and the sight of comards spilling each others blood.

The handmaiden is a creature of silence and beauty, she takes the appearance of a cloaked woman in horned mask. Her blue lips and the hole in her throat betray her unnatural nature. The handmaidine posses a strange an alien honor, and will react violently if it is violated. her true face is said to be one of shadows and hunger, but none who have seen have kept their wits. The handmaiden speaks with silence but can be understood by all. She is a tailor and will gladly create resplendent garments in exchange for rich fabrics and dyes. Should one provide her with an item of great personal worth she can create from it a garment of unnatural power. The handmaiden can sew flesh as easily as cloth, and can be implored cheaply to mend the sick and wounded, though her skill at such is no more than the greatest of mortal physicians. For the sacrifice of a potent artifact she can be set to steal from ones enemies, but beware, should she encounter great danger you shall rouse the ire of her mistress. The final service she can offer is the uncovering of secrets, though strange means the past is laid bare to her sight and she delights in uncovering what is hidden. The sumoner should be wary of asking this of her, as she will rarly seek only what one bids her, and she will do what she will with any other secets she uncovers.

Also arethere any good charms for turning into energy? Want my Devil Tyrant avatar Shintai to include turning into burning green fire.
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Yo, @rogthnor

Yep, there is a general one. Let's use Ianade as an example, because she's yandere and would be offended to be ignored:

Ianade, the Devotee of Blades
Demon of the Second Circle
Messenger Soul of the Prince of Leeches

When Ianade is called forth into Creation, she teaches three truths with her cleaver-like knives; firstly, love is jealous; secondly, love cuts men and women from their parents; thirdly, that true love requires willingness to die - or kill. To that end, she seeks out a lover, stalking them for a month and a day. If they publicly declare their love for a living soul, she then kills all that they love, kills their parents, and finally devours them whole, spitting out their bones. From these bones she carves fine trinkets and jewelry which have the seeming of ivory and hold much power.

The Devotee of Blades wears the form of a woman of the Realm, but to look too closely in her eyes is to see the mad serpents that coil inside her skull, chewing on the blood-red strings of love she tears from her victims' chests. Snakes and centipedes hear their hissing and come to her in swarms, obeying her every command. When she is near, roosters lay eggs and bulls lactate. Her face is locked in a permanent smile and she never speaks unkindly or crudely, even as she does her bloody deeds.

Ianade watches her greater self from afar, lusting after him. She sees so many men and women that adore him and the snakes that are her mind hiss and coil. To that end, for she fears to teach Balanodo her truths, she instead focuses her attentions on the others that love him and seeks to dispose of them in many ways both cunning and brutal.

Sorcerers invoke Ianade to ruin a rival or slaughter a family. She is an assassin who is very nearly as dangerous as Lucien, though her foibles make her erratic and harder to control. The Devotee of Blades may escape from Hell when one who adores the Prince of Leeches promises love for someone else, only appearing for long enough to take their heart for their infidelity.

There is some room for flexibility. Often the first and second paragraphs are the other way around, so they don't read too mechanically, and sometimes people get a second quirk paragraph or they get a separate domain and appearance section. But it's a very efficient way to get the core information down and sell a reader on the concept.
Is there a consolidated homebrew thing somewhere? ES has the Book of 10K Scorps, Kerisgame, Green Cheery, and no sig links to any of them.

I still haven't found the base post for the anchor system for spells.
Has anyone ever done an E10 Exalt Quest here?

This immediately runs into the fact that these characters have a good chance of having Intelligence, Charisma, Manipulation or Wits at 10. How do you even write someone like that? To take Intelligence as an example, the distance between them and Stephen Hawking is the same as the distance between him and a chimp.

Just have it be an E5 sitcom where a party of PCs helped Creation get its shit together and now have to deal with being the first amongst equals in a resurgent Exalted Host.

Is there a consolidated homebrew thing somewhere? ES has the Book of 10K Scorps, Kerisgame, Green Cheery, and no sig links to any of them.

I still haven't found the base post for the anchor system for spells.

Second entry in the thread marks, buddy.

(as a side note, I'd appreciate a heads up on any Exalted homebrew projects that came out since that time so I can add them)
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Any chance you have these post bookmarked and can share them?

Also I didn't write it, but over at Number None @random_npc wrote up the Espada in a qya that makes the them work perfectly as death lords.

Hollows as Greater Undead
libri Spirtuum Corruptorum Vol I

The Jackal

The jackal wears no mask, appearing in it's full unnatural nature when called. It's body is that of an unnaturally tall and emaciated man with a grinning jackal skull for a head. From its body sprout great branch like horns of bone. It wears a strange and resplendent cloak and is attended always by numberless lesser spirits. Despite its power and fine dress The Jackal posses no throne. The lesser spirits appear in their natural state as human skeletons adorned with a dogs skull.

The Jackal possess the power to birth Lesser spirits in numbers beyond counting, and will freely barter their service as laborers or guards. It rarely asks for the same sacrifice, but will often ask for the favored sacrifice of other Spirtus Corrupti . Extreme care must be taken when striking a bargain, as the lesser spirits can don masks of perfect humanity. Ensure that any contract demands that the lesser spirits return, count them thrice and do not allow the jackal to walk the world unwatched for even an instant. Less it slip its children unbound into the world. The jackal can also provide an introduction to Cirucci's Handmaidn, though to bypass her lord is a great risk.

In addition to it's numberless children The Jackal poses but a single servant of power. A knight crowned with a unnaturally large crest of hair and a face adorned with a visor of bone. The knight is a creatures of sullen silence. He offers no services but will sometimes negotiate in his masters stead. For projects of complex nature the Jackal can bid him to work as a foreman, commanding its children in its stead.The Knight's true face is unknown, and he seldom speaks to the living.


Wonderweiss Holds the 10th and lowest throne among the Spirtus Corrupti. His fals face is one of a slender fair haired youth. His eyes are an unnatural pink and he bears a great hole in his chest. His expression betrays his mindless nature. None among the living or the dead now his true face. He is often accompanied by the dread cifer, holder of the 4th throne.

Wonderweiss is a mindless thing, incapable of speech or reason. Do not seek to treat with him, instead treat him as a dangerous beast. Despite his mindlessness his might is great, and his mindless meandering can cause great ruin. Should he appear before you attempt to lure him far from civilization, so that neither his minders nor his own madness harms others. Like a child he can be attracted by fluttering ribbons of bright color. He has been known to be drawn to bonfires, sitting within their flames without harm. It is said by the dead that he was given his throne as an insult to other claimants. Do not call this spirit, for it will not bargain and to call him away from his post is to earn the ire of one who has fully devoured it's multitudes.


Aaroniero holds the 9th throne among the Spirtus Corrupti, and is the only one among them who has not even partially devoured his multitudes. Alone among the Spirtus Corrupti, his false face is flawless, allowing him to appear as a normal man. Do not be fooled, his true face is a horror and he has devoured all who have seen it. Aaroniero shuns the light of the sun, and must be called in a darkened room. Calling him during the day is a common safgard.

Aaroniero is a secretive creature with many strange powers. What tasks he will accept or reject has no rhyme or reason. He has slain enemies, stolen treasures, poisoned wells, tilled fields, ruined reputations and more, yet there is no assurance he will agree should you ask of him any of these things. When treating with him he demands respect, and will avenge any slight. Make no mention of his wretched true face. His price is always the same, the sacrifice of a being of power. Most prized are other lesser spirits but for lesser tasks he will accept mortal seers. Should he feel in any way slighted, he shall insist that his host watch him devour the offering, or worse insist they share his meal. Should one refuse his twisted generosity he shall take great offense, and devour them uttlerly. Aaroniero has no servants.


Szayelaporro holds the 8th throne among the Spirtus Corrupti. He is a scholar of dark and forbidden lore. His false face is that of a polite scholar with golden eyes and hair of an unnatural color. His face is adorned with lensless spectacles of bone. His true face is said to resemble a great mass of vines in the shape of a man, but none among the living have seen it.

Szayelaporro is a treacherous creature, speaking warmly and kindly but entrapping the unwarey, do not let hist honedy words put you at ease and take great care in your agreements. He enjoys the company of fellow scholars, and will teach any wise enough to meet his standards a great deal of natural philosophy. Should he find a potential student a dullard he shall endeavor to entrap them for dark purposes. His strange arts enable him to craft many strange and potent elixirs, but he is shrewd and will demand a heavy price for even the least of them. Among his comon wares are potions to heal any sickness, poisons to blight acres for years, fertility potions for humans or livestock and many other such things. Typically his price will be measured in lives, as the living are of great use to his art and are scarce in his dead halls.

Szayelaporro posses many and changing servants of some power. Their forms and number changes frequently as he works his dark arts upon them. A summoner who has spoken with him thrice or more without being entrapped may be offered their use for a pitance. be wary of accepting, Szayelaporro has been known to pursue obscure and dangerous ends through his servants. It is said that some who have dealt with this spirit frequently will sometimes see those they have sacrificed to him among his twisted creatures.


Zommari holds the 7th throne among the Spirtus Corrupti and styles himself a preacher to their dark master. His fals face appears to be a powerfully built man of dark complexion, his bald head adorned with small spikes of bone instead of hair. His eyes are an unnatural gold. His true face resembles a fleshy flower, it's petals heavy with eyes and a human torso for a stamen.

Zommari is a skilled speaker, and can teach one much of the skill of debate. His cost for this is that one engages him in a discussion on the nature of God. Should one accept he shall assault their faith in the one true Savior with unholy passion and eloquence. Summoners beyond counting have found themselves seduced by his dark preaching, willingly forsaking their faith and damming themselves at Zommari's words, some going so far as to begin spreading his heresy themselves. Only the most skilled of debaters, or the most fanatical zealots can hope to withstand the crucible of his heretical tongue. Should one hold onto their faith they will find him a most skilled teacher, should one impress him he will offer other services. For a pittance he will walk among your enamies and slander their lords, sowing discord and dissent. Be wary, for should he go forth strang cults will bloom in his wake. For a chance to preach to your people he shall agree to bear his face against your enemies, upsurping control of their bodies for a time for whatever purpose you desire. When used in this way do not let him speak through the mouth of any who have the trust of their peopel, lest he make of them followers and slaves. Zommari has no servents of note, but has been known to call up lesser spirits from his dark flock.


Grimjow holds the 6th throne among the Spirtus Corrupti. His false face is one of a lithe and muscular man, his features have a predatory cast and his face is adorned with an ornament of bone and fangs. His unnatural nature is betreyd by the pale blue of his haire, and the great hole through his guts. When he assumes his true face he is adorned with suite of plate crafted of bone, its gauntlets are clawed and spiked. He retains his human face but sprouts long besetail ears. Upon his brow will sprout a savage crown of bone and his hair shall become a long and regal mane. Grimjow claims the title of king of hunts, he disdians formality and prefers crude speech. Speak to him as one would a proud and respected soldier of low birth.

Grimjow is a restless creature, displeased with it's lot, As such it's deisres and conduct is prone to change. As he desires to be what he is not he often will trade skill for skill. In exchange for instuction in philosophy or administration he will teach some of his skill in hunting. If you allow him to command a host of men in war games he will teach some of his skill in puglisim. Be warey, while he is an able student he is argumentative and will tolerate no slights. He will offer to teach a band of strong men to fight as one for no cost, but in truth his price is a chance to practice controlling his strength, and he is likely to cripple many of those sent before him. But those who survie whole and hale will be a terror on the field of battle. In exchange for free reign to induldge in revelry unchecked for a year and a day, or the promise of a challenge, grimjow shall unleash his true face upon your foes. Rending apart armies and fortresses alike with his bestial strength.

Grimjow poasses 3 servants of power, an Officer, a Soldier and a Brute. The officer is a creatures of duty and custome. His false face is of a tall regal man of the orient, he wears a strange helmet of bone that covers one eye. His demanor is formal and he should be treated as an officer of standing. His true face is a strange animated suite of armor. It's arms reed thin and it's fingers long claws, from it's head hangs a long stinger. In homage to his lord he laves one half of his helm open, displaying part of his false human face. He often serves as his lords second, and thus in many ways offers lesser versions of what his lord does. In exchange for officers manuals he shall drill a group of men with inhuman precision, groups subjected to his training are more likely to survive the training of his king. In exchange for true secrets plied from the halls of the dead he will bear his face and slay one foe, no matter the protections they posses.

The Brutes false face hints at it's simple nature, a creature of hunger and brutality. It takes the form of a tall and broad shouldered man of roufgh features, adorned with a half mask of bone. His true face is a horror, as he has not even partially devoured his multitudes. He rises taller than an oak, and bloats with corruption as his skin truns to black tar. The distorted skulls of his multitudes press from his corrupt flesh and scream in their torment, withotu his human mask to contain him his passing shall taint the ground leaving it dead and barren for a year and a day. For all the horror of his form, remember that he is the least of grimjows servents. He offers but one service, for strong drink and hearty food in vast quantities he shall bear his face and lay waste to an army befreit of spirtual protection.
The Soldier is a vain creature. It's human mask is of a fair haired man of beautiful features, upon his brow rests a skullcap of bone and a hole sits in the middle of his chest. His true face is of a rampaging beast, a minotaur with a hide white as bone and grotesquely swollen shoulders. He is a gossip and will cheerfully swap minor secrets from the hales of the dead for the same. For cosmetics of great quality he shall demolish empty buildings or uproot great swaths of forest. In exchange for dark lore, the services of a great artist, long dresses of unparalleled quality or flowers of truly exceptional beauty he shall lay waste to the fortress of your foes. It is known among the courts of the dead that he uses such offerings to court the Snake, and she has been known to appear wearing the goods sold to the solder. Some sumoners have convinced the Solder to accpt lesser offerings by convincing them that they would be pleasing to his caustic lady, doing so is risky as he shall be enraged should she reject the gift.


Cirucci holds the 5th throne among the 10 Spirtus Corrupti, and is the greatest among them who have not fully devoured their multitudes. Her throne was claimed by treachery, but held by strength. She respects cunning, but disdains those who cannot hold with skill what they take with betrayal. Her false face is that of a woman in the prime of life, her cheeks bear tattoos of tears and her hair is adorned with bone, only the royal purple of her hair betrays her unnatural nature. Should she discard her human seeming her hair shall become clouds, and her body shall become a great bird with features and talons of steel, ever vain she retains her human face.

Cirucci enjoys conversation and thus can be treated with in safety so long as one is respectful. She demands the respect of a princess, and will be neither pleased nor offended should one give the respect due to a higher station. Despite her high station she is willing to batter for petty matters for small sacrifices. For a pleasant meal and an excellent song she will share minor gossip of the realm of the dead, be ware should she feel insulted by the fare or music she may seek retribution. She holds dominion over the winds and may be entreated to either call or dismiss storms. When called in for such matters her price will be substantial. Either mundane food or fabric of great quality in large quantity , or an item of great historical or mystical significance. The greatest cost would be to ask her to smite one's enemies, her price for this is never the same but its always terrible. When employed for this task she shall smite your foes in a rain of terrible lighting and tearing winds until even the ground their fastness was built upon is naught but ruin and woe.

Cirucci has but two servants of power, a handmaiden and a jester, both of which she may allow a Sumner to treat with for a petty sacrifice. The jester is a creature of cruel mockery and appears as a youth that could be either male or female, none know of it's true face. The jester has a love of tragic stories, and will gladly trade stories of the living for stories of the dead. For greater services the price will change, but always will it be something that will cause the summoner great pain to part with. Should its crule price be paid the jester can divine the nature of the relationship between any it gazes upon, or unravel the trust of comards with but a few barbed words. Any bargain with the jester must include an assurance it shall not do thus to the summoner, for it delights in betrayal and the sight of comards spilling each others blood.

The handmaiden is a creature of silence and beauty, she takes the appearance of a cloaked woman in horned mask. Her blue lips and the hole in her throat betray her unnatural nature. The handmaidine posses a strange an alien honor, and will react violently if it is violated. her true face is said to be one of shadows and hunger, but none who have seen have kept their wits. The handmaiden speaks with silence but can be understood by all. She is a tailor and will gladly create resplendent garments in exchange for rich fabrics and dyes. Should one provide her with an item of great personal worth she can create from it a garment of unnatural power. The handmaiden can sew flesh as easily as cloth, and can be implored cheaply to mend the sick and wounded, though her skill at such is no more than the greatest of mortal physicians. For the sacrifice of a potent artifact she can be set to steal from ones enemies, but beware, should she encounter great danger you shall rouse the ire of her mistress. The final service she can offer is the uncovering of secrets, though strange means the past is laid bare to her sight and she delights in uncovering what is hidden. The sumoner should be wary of asking this of her, as she will rarly seek only what one bids her, and she will do what she will with any other secets she uncovers.

Also arethere any good charms for turning into energy? Want my Devil Tyrant avatar Shintai to include turning into burning green fire.
Threadmarks for my Deathlords, mini essay here: General Exalted Thread - Megathread - Pen & Paper | Page 1928
This immediately runs into the fact that these characters have a good chance of having Intelligence, Charisma, Manipulation or Wits at 10. How do you even write someone like that? To take Intelligence as an example, the distance between them and Stephen Hawking is the same as the distance between him and a chimp.

Just have it be an E5 sitcom where a party of PCs helped Creation get its shit together and now have to deal with being the first amongst equals in a resurgent Exalted Host.

Second entry in the thread marks, buddy.

(as a side note, I'd appreciate a heads up on any Exalted homebrew projects that came out since that time so I can add them)
Also their Charms will trivially solve anything not backed by bigger magical biggatons because high Essence play was bullshit and also just shit. Essence 5 was already pushing the limits.
Alright, you know what time it is? Terrible homebrew time!
About a year and a half ago, I decided to try to make a new splat for Exalted. I knew I wasn't good enough to do the mechanics, but I figured I'd just go full plot and see how it worked out.

It started with the vague idea, how would I try to free the Yozi if I were inclined to do so? Then moved on from there. It eventually became this.

When the Exaltations that would become the Green Sun Princes were captured, other than containing them work did not begin right away. Malfeas called his vassels to meet. He demanded service, to surpass the work of the traitor, and forge a way out with Autochthon's work as a guide. Together, they made something new, although the work fractured the yozi as never before.
They made something to let them grow, develop into a whole being and become something unbound. An anchor in Creation, to draw their souls out one by one, by acting as an artificial fetich. It would allow them to greater express their lesser themes and become new beings.
Each new moon, a random Second circle of their you would be drawn near the anchor, and once all the souls of an Unquestionable were out, the next Calibration the Prince of hell would be as well.

Should I continue, or is this too terrible?