Indoctrinate organization into control?

I suppose this means warping their minds to better serve the sorcerer?
Pretty much. He mutates people so they can perform their role better, and twist their minds into forms which better suit his needs scouring unwanted thoughts from their minds. In general he's meant to be summoned for big stuff, massive wide ranging effects. But these are by necessity diffuse. One v one he falls apart.
Has anyone ever written a Qafian Mythos Exultant? Just as a tribute to my almighty teacher, of course.

EDIT: In keeping with the Yozis villainousness, I tend to imagine him as a kind of 'bad-guy sage', enlightened and wise, but made arrogant and prideful by the same, which prevents him from attaining the heights that he, perhaps, otherwise could, while still being very, very powerful. Basically, I see him as a bit of a Hakushin, though less... dead. Hell, the resentment works fine, as he didn't fight in the Primordial War and got jailed nonetheless.
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So, is there any particular reason that so many people seem to make a disproportionate number of Demon write-ups in comparison to Elementals or Gods, or is it just bleed over from the thread's apparent fascination with Infernals? :???:
So, is there any particular reason that so many people seem to make a disproportionate number of Demon write-ups in comparison to Elementals or Gods, or is it just bleed over from the thread's apparent fascination with Infernals? :???:
Well, for me it's because I rather like the weirdness of demons, especially in contrast to many other fantasy settings, while the gods and elementals are comparatively 'vanilla'. Not to say that they're boring or lacking in story-fodder by any means, but that ground's been trodden before.

And it probably is a bit of bleed-over, yes.

Demons are more interesting.

Like, man, living tool races.
This too. It comes into the 'comparative weirdness' part, but the idea of demons as the result of what is effectively 'bioengineering: the power' is a cool one, while the 2 and 3CDs being actual souls of a higher over-being is, again, interesting.
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So, is there any particular reason that so many people seem to make a disproportionate number of Demon write-ups in comparison to Elementals or Gods, or is it just bleed over from the thread's apparent fascination with Infernals? :???:
For me it's a combination of a couple things. I don't find gods or elementals all that interesting in the base game. Infernals are my favorite splat. The demons I've been writing up have been to flesh out an Infernal character in making who uses @EarthScorpion s fourth soul devil domain stuff.
Well, for me it's because I rather like the weirdness of demons, especially in contrast to many other fantasy settings, while the gods and elementals are comparatively 'vanilla'. Not to say that they're boring or lacking in story-fodder by any means, but that ground's been trodden before.

And it probably is a bit of bleed-over, yes.

This too. It comes into the 'comparative weirdness' part, but the idea of demons as the result of what is effectively 'bioengineering: the power' is a cool one, while the 2 and 3CDs being actual souls of a higher over-being is, again, interesting.
Fair enough.

Demons are more interesting.

Like, man, living tool races.
That's true for Gods as well, though? Although I suppose they're more living software races than tool races.

If you haven't read Games of Divinity, you should.
I have, so that doesn't answer my question.

For me it's a combination of a couple things. I don't find gods or elementals all that interesting in the base game. Infernals are my favorite splat. The demons I've been writing up have been to flesh out an Infernal character in making who uses @EarthScorpion s fourth soul devil domain stuff.
Fair enough. I suppose it's worth noting that I'm coming from the position of not finding Demons to be particularly interesting, at least not any more than Gods or Elementals.
Fair enough.

That's true for Gods as well, though? Although I suppose they're more living software races than tool races.

I have, so that doesn't answer my question.

Fair enough. I suppose it's worth noting that I'm coming from the position of not finding Demons to be particularly interesting, at least not any more than Gods or Elementals.
For me the big issue with gods is that, when they're doing their job, they aren't supposed to interact with creation. That's really boring.
A few minutes of critical thinking is all you need to do to make a god interesting- because the more powerful a god is, the more interested they are in cultivating allies, assets, pursuing their hobbies and generally just getting engaged with the world- concurrently or in-line with their own domains.

A god does not have to be a jerk to be engaged with the world- but the books don't do a good job of explaining how to make this happen. They spend a lot more time on the negative antagonistic gods (which is fine because those are actually going to be fairly common antagonists to many splats).

Like, the god of a frontier gold-mining town is going to be interested in improving his town, no matter what his methods are. That means he's going to be doing things to improve it, but some of those things may not be legal in the eyes of Heaven, but Heaven cannot enforce them anymore. Plus, the moment an Exalt (especially a Solar) gets involved, the god can start using the Mandate of Heaven (2e) as a pretense because Terrestrial Gods- a lot of the longer lived ones- know that the Exalted had more authority over them than heaven does.

Or, if you don't want to explore that angle, your god can be a competent martial artist, a gateway player, a poet or playwrite. Gods are not automata, and they are in a lot of ways actually more susceptible to boredom and ennui than a human is. They have to fill their immortal lives somehow, and Powerful gods have too much willpower to go through life just doing their jobs- I should also stress that powerful gods are the ones who can actually do things at a sapient/sophont level- because least gods and so on aren't really characters unless other characters uplift them.
Half-awake random thought: In regards to the Unconquered Sun swooping in to save everything, why should he, when he has done nothing to help the Dragon Kings? When Autochthon set the Great Geas on the Mountain Folk at the Solar's request, and then fled Creation? When the Lintha had their patron ripped from them, and have remained trapped in a millennia-long downward spiral? When the Autochthonians are running out of souls and resources while the Great Maker remains comatose?

Nobody else got to have their patron pop up and make things okay again; why should humanity in general and the Solars in specific be the exception?

Now I sleep.
The objection is more a problem of evil thing, I think. "If God is perfectly good, why is the world like this?"
The objection is more a problem of evil thing, I think. "If God is perfectly good, why is the world like this?"
I was only half awake, but I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be more along the lines of asking why out of all splats only Solars get a safety net for making things all better, instead of having to deal with all the shit thrown at them by themselves like everyone else.
I just realized something.

I once had an idea for a sorcerer in worm, that fell victim to a pseudo exaltation/ exigent that was thrown between reality during the usurpation.

Basically? Jacked up solar circle sorcerer.

I wanted to give him a character flaw, so I made him impulsive and with a bad temper, so he did things and then regretted them later.

But the earlier demon posted just removed that. Also, therapy.

Hmm... marottes are construction equipment. Sesseljae are doctors. Blood apes are thugs.

Ideas for demons:

1. Designers and planners
2. Tunnel diggers
3. Guns
4. Demolitions
5. Lights
Hmm... marottes are construction equipment. Sesseljae are doctors. Blood apes are thugs.

Ideas for demons:

1. Designers and planners
2. Tunnel diggers
3. Guns
4. Demolitions
5. Lights
  1. Designing and planning is largely the job of 2CDs.
  2. Is there any kind of demon that's basically a Cthulhu Mythos Dhole? Because if not, that's a way it could be taken.
  3. In the Green Cherry Demonomicon there's a type of demon that's a living crossbow - progeny of the Living Tower. I think that's about as close as we ought to get to guns. Though I guess a 'biological' version of a firewand might work. I'm picturing a kind of symbiont-demon that burrows into your hands and spits fire from a mouth on your palm.
  4. Blood Apes. Or marottes. Or the Kutta from the Dialogues of Iridescent Sin.
  5. I'd be curious as to what you could do in terms of interesting light-demons, and how you could make them demonic. They'd probably be sub-sentient in the manner of the Living Pavilions, but I could see a kind of vine with glowing fruit. Heh. Perhaps they do double-duty as lighting and grenade-providers? It bears mention, though, that given the fact that Ligier doesn't cast shadows and doesn't set, lights may not be of massive utility in Malfeas.
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I was only half awake, but I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be more along the lines of asking why out of all splats only Solars get a safety net for making things all better, instead of having to deal with all the shit thrown at them by themselves like everyone else.
Because only Solars have a patron described as anywhere approaching 'infinitely Compassionate'?

These exist, check Compass Malfeas I don't remember what they're called exactly. Gl-something?
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  1. Designing and planning is largely the job of 2CDs.
  2. Is there any kind of demon that's basically a Cthulhu Mythos Dhole? Because if not, that's a way it could be taken.
  3. In the Green Cherry Demonomicon there's a type of demon that's a living crossbow - progeny of the Living Tower. I think that's about as close as we ought to get to guns. Though I guess a 'biological' version of a firewand might work. I'm picturing a kind of symbiont-demon that burrows into your hands and spits fire from a mouth on your palm.
  4. Blood Apes. Or marottes. Or the Kutta from the Dialogues of Iridescent Sin.
  5. I'd be curious as to what you could do in terms of interesting light-demons, and how you could make them demonic. They'd probably be sub-sentient in the manner of the Living Pavilions, but I could see a kind of vine with glowing fruit. Heh. Perhaps they do double-duty as lighting and grenade-providers?

1. Why? I mean, you have demon doctors, thugs, merchants, etc. Why not designers?
2. I was more thinking a version of the Sakeeda. Like.... secretes acids and chews up the rock in front of it, and then secretes slime and pitc from its scales to serve as a reinforcement and covering for the tunnel it leaves behind. Made by Octavian so that he can tunnel into opponent's fortresses.
3. Wait. So..... Iron man repulsors?
5. Glowing plants are easy. But they must be weird and have a biotech feel. So.. not sure.
1. Why? I mean, you have demon doctors, thugs, merchants, etc. Why not designers?
Well, those roles you mentioned aren't really leadership roles like a designer's, and you have to remember that Malfeas produces housing and buildings 'naturally'. For demons, getting a new home is more a matter of finding one (or birthing one, in the case of those weird brass trees born from Hrotsvitha) than building one.
2. I was more thinking a version of the Sakeeda. Like.... secretes acids and chews up the rock in front of it, and then secretes slime and pitc from its scales to serve as a reinforcement and covering for the tunnel it leaves behind. Made by Octavian so that he can tunnel into opponent's fortresses.
Works for me.
3. Wait. So..... Iron man repulsors?
More like Deidara's hands from Naruto, only breathing fire instead of chewing explosive clay, with a dash of Parasyte's Migi thrown in there.
Well, those roles you mentioned aren't really leadership roles like a designer's, and you have to remember that Malfeas produces housing and buildings 'naturally'. For demons, getting a new home is more a matter of finding one (or birthing one, in the case of those weird brass trees born from Hrotsvitha) than building one.

Works for me.

More like Deidara's hands from Naruto, only breathing fire instead of chewing explosive clay, with a dash of Parasyte's Migi thrown in there.
1. What about, say, people who design and craft blueprints for things? Like, say, manses, artifacts, jewellery, but never actually transmute them into reality?
3. Oh wait. Remember the demonic fists? Maybe something like that?
I think I mentioned the Dragon Kings?
Okay, let me phrase this somewhat differently.

All other groups' patrons are not given to be super Compassionate, righteous, etc etc. Sol is the only one called out as such. So, saying 'why do Solars have this expectation when no one else does' is missing the big obvious point where only the Solars have a reason to expect that. The Dragon King's worship of Sol is, from what I recall, slightly different, and they wouldn't really view him the same? Even setting that aside, the complaint is that if Sol is so super Compassionate, why doesn't he help Creation/unfuck Heaven's bureaucracy, etc...

So the fact he's also patron of the Dragon Kings just adds 'why doesn't he help out the Dragon Kings' to the list. It doesn't somehow change how his given characterization and the state of the setting contradict each other.

Most people's solution is simply: Sol isn't a perfect super good guy. This removes all complaints, it also means the Solars wouldn't have the expectation that Sol would intervene.

Well, the real answer to why I said 'Solars' is because I briefly forgot about the Dragon Kings, since they are, essentially, completely irrelevant.