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Decided to write up a few charms focusing on Ceceylne's status as the law of the Yozi. Still pretty rough but I like the ideas behind most of them and would love some feed back.
A concept I was trying to push with these charms would be that over use of them causes the Infernal to sincerely believe that a lot of really dumb unfair laws which benefit him at the expense of others were in fact "good" laws. That's why so many of these create an intimacy of just and fair and incentive you to have a lot of them. I want characters to say "It's illegal for people to dodge my attacks" so that they can use this to make their weapons better. And then have to live with the fact that they think this is a fair law.
Counter-Pronouncement of Enthymemic Law
Cost: 6m +1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Requisite Charms: Untouchable Infinitude Reflection
The following changes have been made to this charm. When the Infernal declares a law using this charm, it creates an Intimacy of Just and Fair towards the law. These Intimacies do not count towards the normal limits allowed to a character. This charm cares only for the letter of the Infernal's words, not any perceived "spirit".
Laws from on High
Cost: 3m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple (6 long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Counter-Pronouncement Of Enthymemic Law
The Infernal creates a set of new laws, backed by rigorous legal theory, which compels or restricts some form of behavior. This Charm is a Bureaucracy-based social attack to compel a social group with Magnitude 1+. The character must have spent several hours within the last month encouraging the creation of the new laws within the group prior to using this charm, and this Charm must be invoked in the presence of at least one member of that group. The Infernal's player rolls ([Charisma or Manipulation] + Bureaucracy), Subtract an external penalty equal to the leader's MDV plus half of the group's Magnitude from the rolled successes. If the character succeeds, the social group accepts the new law. The society instantly integrates the law into its Policy. The law remains a part of that group's Policy until the group's leader spends a total of 10 Loyalty, at most one per week, to remove it. It is also a part of the Policy of any social groups of Magnitude of 1+ that splinter off from the target group, and the leader of those groups must spend a total of 10 Loyalty, at most one per week, to remove it.
This Charm has no effect on individuals, save that breaking the new laws of their society can make them criminals. Its primary function outside of narrative time is to limit the actions that social groups can take.
When the Infernal creates a law with this Charm, they gain an Intimacy of Just and Fair towards the new law.
Fairness of Uncaring Law
Cost: 4; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Counter-Pronouncement of Enthymemic Law
The primordial war taught Cecelyne a hard lesson on the the nature of Justice and Law. Her Laws are an attempt to share the fundamental truth of her lessons. This Charm supplements a social attack which attempts to convince another character of the moral rightness of a law or rule. This doubles the Infernal's successes on the roll before comparing them to the target's MDV.
Charged with False Crimes
Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms:Counter-Pronouncement of Enthymemic Law
The Infernal is judge, jury and executioner. The Infernal declares someone a criminal, reciting their varied crimes for all and sundry to hear. This is a Bureaucracy based social attack which convinces all present, including the Infernal and his target, that they have committed the stated crimes.
This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence on every valid target of this roll. If their MDV is less than the extra successes on the roll, this Charm inspires them to believe. It also creates an instant commitment to that belief. Shaking off the illusion requires one Willpower per scene, and the effect lasts until the targets break their commitment to the false belief.
If one of the charges leveled against the target be that they broke a law that the Infernal has an Intimacy of Fair and Just towards, then all targets affected by this charm gain an Intimacy of Revulsion towards the target.
The Last Argument of Kings
Cost: 6m +1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Requisite Charms: Counter-Pronouncement of Enthymemic Law
A law, no matter how just, is useless without the power to enforce it. This is the lesson Cecelyne learned at the hands of the Solar Host. How appropriate then that her laws are a weapon unto themselves.
When the Infernal uses this charm, she speaks one of the myriad and byzantine laws of Cecelyne which the Infernal has an intimacy of Just and Fair towards. The law flows from her lips, the blue words shaping themselves into a blade with which the Infernal may smite her foes. This blade deals aggravated damage to criminals. (See Below)
The blade is always a blue weapon which deals aggravated damage to Criminals (see below) and is inscribed with the law that has been broken. The Infernal can summon this weapon to her hand from anywhere it has fallen, as a diceless miscellaneous action.
The player defines the appearance of this blade when purchasing this charm. She can also define it's weapon qualities as follows. If she chooses a light, agile blade with Speed 3, she can divide a number of points equal to her (Essence + Lore) between its Accuracy, Defense, and lethal damage. If she chooses a larger sword with Speed 5, she can divide a number of points equal to twice the Infernal's (Essence + Lore) between its Accuracy, Defense and lethal damage. In both cases, Accuracy, Defense, and Damage begin at 0 and cannot be lowered. The player can change this choice and allocation when the character raiser her Lore. The weapon has unlimited Rate.
Characters can use this charm to summon paired blades, one in each hand. Doing so increases the Charm's cost by four additional motes, to a total of 10 motes, 1 willpower.
By spending an hour meditating on the laws of hell, the Infernal may define a new blade, or alter the current one. The Infernal may have up to (Essence) blades created in this way, and each one must correspond to a law which she has an Intimacy of Just and Fair towards. Should this Intimacy disappear, so too will the blade.
Charm Concept: Criminals
Several Charms in this set reference Criminals. For the purposes of these charms a criminal is:
Cost: 6m +1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Requisite Charms: Untouchable Infinitude Reflection
The following changes have been made to this charm. When the Infernal declares a law using this charm, it creates an Intimacy of Just and Fair towards the law. These Intimacies do not count towards the normal limits allowed to a character. This charm cares only for the letter of the Infernal's words, not any perceived "spirit".
Laws from on High
Cost: 3m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple (6 long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Counter-Pronouncement Of Enthymemic Law
The Infernal creates a set of new laws, backed by rigorous legal theory, which compels or restricts some form of behavior. This Charm is a Bureaucracy-based social attack to compel a social group with Magnitude 1+. The character must have spent several hours within the last month encouraging the creation of the new laws within the group prior to using this charm, and this Charm must be invoked in the presence of at least one member of that group. The Infernal's player rolls ([Charisma or Manipulation] + Bureaucracy), Subtract an external penalty equal to the leader's MDV plus half of the group's Magnitude from the rolled successes. If the character succeeds, the social group accepts the new law. The society instantly integrates the law into its Policy. The law remains a part of that group's Policy until the group's leader spends a total of 10 Loyalty, at most one per week, to remove it. It is also a part of the Policy of any social groups of Magnitude of 1+ that splinter off from the target group, and the leader of those groups must spend a total of 10 Loyalty, at most one per week, to remove it.
This Charm has no effect on individuals, save that breaking the new laws of their society can make them criminals. Its primary function outside of narrative time is to limit the actions that social groups can take.
When the Infernal creates a law with this Charm, they gain an Intimacy of Just and Fair towards the new law.
Fairness of Uncaring Law
Cost: 4; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Counter-Pronouncement of Enthymemic Law
The primordial war taught Cecelyne a hard lesson on the the nature of Justice and Law. Her Laws are an attempt to share the fundamental truth of her lessons. This Charm supplements a social attack which attempts to convince another character of the moral rightness of a law or rule. This doubles the Infernal's successes on the roll before comparing them to the target's MDV.
Charged with False Crimes
Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms:Counter-Pronouncement of Enthymemic Law
The Infernal is judge, jury and executioner. The Infernal declares someone a criminal, reciting their varied crimes for all and sundry to hear. This is a Bureaucracy based social attack which convinces all present, including the Infernal and his target, that they have committed the stated crimes.
This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence on every valid target of this roll. If their MDV is less than the extra successes on the roll, this Charm inspires them to believe. It also creates an instant commitment to that belief. Shaking off the illusion requires one Willpower per scene, and the effect lasts until the targets break their commitment to the false belief.
If one of the charges leveled against the target be that they broke a law that the Infernal has an Intimacy of Fair and Just towards, then all targets affected by this charm gain an Intimacy of Revulsion towards the target.
The Last Argument of Kings
Cost: 6m +1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Requisite Charms: Counter-Pronouncement of Enthymemic Law
A law, no matter how just, is useless without the power to enforce it. This is the lesson Cecelyne learned at the hands of the Solar Host. How appropriate then that her laws are a weapon unto themselves.
When the Infernal uses this charm, she speaks one of the myriad and byzantine laws of Cecelyne which the Infernal has an intimacy of Just and Fair towards. The law flows from her lips, the blue words shaping themselves into a blade with which the Infernal may smite her foes. This blade deals aggravated damage to criminals. (See Below)
The blade is always a blue weapon which deals aggravated damage to Criminals (see below) and is inscribed with the law that has been broken. The Infernal can summon this weapon to her hand from anywhere it has fallen, as a diceless miscellaneous action.
The player defines the appearance of this blade when purchasing this charm. She can also define it's weapon qualities as follows. If she chooses a light, agile blade with Speed 3, she can divide a number of points equal to her (Essence + Lore) between its Accuracy, Defense, and lethal damage. If she chooses a larger sword with Speed 5, she can divide a number of points equal to twice the Infernal's (Essence + Lore) between its Accuracy, Defense and lethal damage. In both cases, Accuracy, Defense, and Damage begin at 0 and cannot be lowered. The player can change this choice and allocation when the character raiser her Lore. The weapon has unlimited Rate.
Characters can use this charm to summon paired blades, one in each hand. Doing so increases the Charm's cost by four additional motes, to a total of 10 motes, 1 willpower.
By spending an hour meditating on the laws of hell, the Infernal may define a new blade, or alter the current one. The Infernal may have up to (Essence) blades created in this way, and each one must correspond to a law which she has an Intimacy of Just and Fair towards. Should this Intimacy disappear, so too will the blade.
Charm Concept: Criminals
Several Charms in this set reference Criminals. For the purposes of these charms a criminal is:
- Anyone who has broken a law which the Infernal has an Intimacy of Fair and Just towards
Any demons more than two Essence levels lower than the Infernal - The strong always have the right to punish the weak - Anyone with an Essence level two higher than the Infernal's Essence cannot be a criminal.
- Anyone acting against the legal authority of an area they are in.
- Anyone actively pursued by an officer of the law.
A concept I was trying to push with these charms would be that over use of them causes the Infernal to sincerely believe that a lot of really dumb unfair laws which benefit him at the expense of others were in fact "good" laws. That's why so many of these create an intimacy of just and fair and incentive you to have a lot of them. I want characters to say "It's illegal for people to dodge my attacks" so that they can use this to make their weapons better. And then have to live with the fact that they think this is a fair law.
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