There should be a fandom-level ban on "what level working would this be" tbh. The answer is always: whatever works best for your table. That's it. I've never seen it be a useful discussion.

Multiple people have, at multiple times, told you to stop doing this shit. People are fucking fed up at being a broken record, spoon feeding you answers to questions which you should have the capability to answer if you have at the very least, access to the books and possession of a smidgen of intelligence. The fact almost everyone in this thread either acts as a condescending prick towards you and or refuses to engage with your stupid ass questions should tell you where you stand. Each and every time I see you ask some inane question, a part of me dies. I don't know whether or not this is idoicy, denseness, or malice on your part, but that I'm stupefied that someone can be comparable to Greg fucking Veder.

But in a last desperate hope that you'll finally get a fucking clue, unlikely as it may be, I've outlined a list of what you should do to get the answers you want.

A. Does your question pertain to rules and mechanics? Read the fucking core book.
B. Does your question pertain to lore? Read the books that everyone else in the thread recommended.
C. Does your question tackle obscure esoteric lore and concepts regarding the setting? Politely ask, then RTFM.

A. Do you need the information?
I. Are you going to be a player or a GM?
a. Is this your first time running or playing Exalted
ii. RTFM.
ii. Ask for starter advice from the thread.
b. Are you confused by the mechanics?
i. RTFM.
ii. Do a dry run simulation.
iii. Play the game.
c. Don't know how to create a character?
i. RTFM.
ii. Talk to your GM for advice and guidelines.
iii. Ask for starter advice from the thread.
d. Don't know about the lore?
i. RTFM.
ii. Talk to your GM for advice and guidelines.
iii. Ask the thread for book recommendations. Then RTFM.
e. Weird rule interactions?
ii. Read the Errata.
iii. Discuss with players/GM.
iv. Ask people in the thread for advice.
II. Are you going to write fiction?
a. RTFM.
b. Learn the setting by RTFM.
c. Decide if you want to incorporate mechanics, the why's and how's.
d. Go read some writing tips and advice.
e. Find people to be your beta, editor, and or sounding board.
III. Are you reading to get an idea of the setting?
a. RTFM.
b. Ask for book recommendations.
c. RTFM.
d. Discuss with other people.
IV. Are you reading to get an idea of the mechanics?
a. RTFM.
b. Dry run simulation.
c. Find people to play a game.​

B. Are you home-brewing?
1. RTFM.
2. Learn the lore.
3. Learn the mechanics.
4. Think of what you want to create
5. Find something that already exists which is similar to what you want.
6. Use said existing mechanics as a baseline.
7. Think hard on how your creation interacts with the mechanics. Never mess with the following...
a. Excellency Dice Caps
b. Perfect Defenses and methods to bypass them
c. Mote Cost Reduction
d. Eclipse Anima Charm Share
8. Show it to people for critiques.
9. Listen to people.
10. Practice.​

C. Is the information you possess missing, incomplete, and or wrong?
1. RTFM.
2. Read the Errata.
3. Explain your problem, then ask where you can find said information.
4. RTFM.​

3. Online Help
B. Take at least 5 minutes to think about what your going to post.
I. If it's a general question, do the following.
a. RTFM beforehand.
b. If it can be answered by RTFM, then don't post, and RTFM.
c. If it cannot be answered by RTFM, take the time to think of a solution and an answer.
d. If you still cannot answer, then ask.
II. If it's a question on charm systems and mechanics...
a. RTFM beforehand.
b. Check the table of contents and or index for the location of rules needed, then RTFM.
c. Read the text on the charm.
d. Apply logic, reason, and critical thinking towards system mechanics.
e. Check the errata.
f. If homebrewing, check above.
III. If it's a question on Sorcery, lore and or mechanics...
a. RTFM.
b. Closely read the text.
c. Apply logic, reasong and critical thinking.
d. If homebrewing, check above.
IV. If it's not a question...
a. Make sure to actually read the discussion you intend to join.
b. Make sure it contributes something to the current discussion.
c. If it's a new topic, then make sure it has substance worth talking about.​

Now, in order to answer that stupid question of yours, I would recommend that you do the following.

1. Open the Corebook
2. Carefully read the section on Sorcerous Workings, multiple times if you have to.
3. Once you have found the relevant section, use logic, reasoning, and critical thinking.
4. By this point, you should already have an idea of how you can answer your own damn question. If you can't, well... sucks to be you.​

The answer to your question can easily be found. All you have to do is READ THE FUCKING MANUAL!
Ok then, sorry. I'l look, then write it on my own.
And SV borked the formatting. Spending more time to fix so it's readable.

I have no problems with people asking "What level working is this?", as long as they have read the pertinent sections on the book and provide acceptable reasons on why and why not such working should be on such a level. Then, we can have a proper discussion which can segue on to the why's and how's.
Its almost as though when you write an "this explicitly does every possible thing under a certain kind of interpretation, make shit up I guess" subsystem with very little by way of limitations and the broadest justifications, people will try to endlessly debate various methods to actually use it for every possible thing.

Because the one thing Exalted was missing by now was its own Consensual Reality.
I'd honestly prefer if the Exalted Sorcery system was a copy paste of WoD Magic. Using Changeling the Lost for the Raksha and Geist the Sin Eaters for the Underworld has already happened. :p
And SV borked the formatting. Spending more time to fix so it's readable.

I have no problems with people asking "What level working is this?", as long as they have read the pertinent sections on the book and provide acceptable reasons on why and why not such working should be on such a level. Then, we can have a proper discussion which can segue on to the why's and how's.
Well, i suppose....

I'm not sure.

Should it be terrestrial?

Revlid's mutation system has mutations that enable you to cut down on food intake, down to 10%. Should it be a terrestrial, ambition 3 working?

But think about it. No food. No air. No defecation. You no longer need to partake of mortal sustenance. In some small way, you are like a spirit. No need for earthly desires nor wants. So should this be a low level celestial?
Multiple people have, at multiple times, told you to stop doing this shit. People are fucking fed up at being a broken record, spoon feeding you answers to questions which you should have the capability to answer if you have at the very least, access to the books and possession of a smidgen of intelligence. The fact almost everyone in this thread either acts as a condescending prick towards you and or refuses to engage with your stupid ass questions should tell you where you stand. Each and every time I see you ask some inane question, a part of me dies. I don't know whether or not this is idoicy, denseness, or malice on your part, but that I'm stupefied that someone can be comparable to Greg fucking Veder.
sit down. we need to have a talk We've got a problem. A recurring problem.

This thread.

This thread has a repeated problem with people flipping their lids and going nuts when a newbie wanders in, looks at 1750 pages of backlog, and just asks a question rather than read that all and hope their answer is in there. When someone asks a basic question in the Exalted General Thread, there's no call to start swearing at him and calling them an idiot. This is the Exalted General Thread. Asking questions from people who know the system better than the newbies is the point of the thread. So @Kiriel, have 25 points and three days away to reconsider how you'll react the next time someone asks a question.

Now, let's talk about things in here more generally. Exalted has problems. It has Edition Wars that make D&D look tame. It has Rules As Written that produce sillinesses like 'The most deadly thing in Creation is four mortals with sledgehammers and one with a knife'. It also has serious partisans in here. And that boils over too often. We've got users in here that get so steamed up that a full 1/8th of all posting they have ever made has been reported.

The arguments in here get heated. And that needs to change. So this is the warning: Arguments in here will be kept civil, or a very strict standard for such will be applied, with lengthy threadbans liberally handed out to make sure. Some of the more 'frequent flyers' have been spoken to directly. So if you've been infracted in here before, or involved in the big, frequent drama-storms, take heed and cool down.

It's a game. A game for wild adventures in a universe that runs very much on Rule of Cool and Awesome Esthetics. Don't let RAW stand in the way of that, and don't jump down someone's throat for questioning the Holy Writ. Exalted pretty much needs plenty of patching to make it work. So remember it's about having fun, and treat everyone here with respect.

Play nice. Thread reopened.

Breach of Rule 5. If you wish to challenge a staff action, please do it in Ask a Private Question rather than in-thread.
Real mature Strypgia. Deleting my post? Really? It doesn't change the fact that Accelerator has been doing this for a long time, and that this fact invalidates your claim of and I quote:
This thread has a repeated problem with people flipping their lids and going nuts when a newbie wanders in, looks at 1750 pages of backlog, and just asks a question rather than read that all and hope their answer is in there. When someone asks a basic question in the Exalted General Thread, there's no call to start swearing at him and calling them an idiot. This is the Exalted General Thread. Asking questions from people who know the system better than the newbies is the point of the thread. So @Kiriel, have 25 points and three days away to reconsider how you'll react the next time someone asks a question.
He hasn't just walked in. He isn't a newbie. This has happened over and over again, he has been asked by others over and over to stop, but he doesn't. He has access to the same materials as all of us. Kiriel has every right to get pissed off. Hell, there isn't 1750 pages of backlog any more! There's threadmarks now that make it far easier to find the answers you need!

EDIT: And he isn't questioning 'Holy Writ'! Fuck, have you even the slightest idea of the situation?! He's asking other people to homebrew for him instead of doing the legwork himself!
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Stop: Cease.
cease. @Gamerlord, it is against our rules to argue with moderator decisions in the thread they were issued in to prevent thread derails such as the one currently taking place. When someone deletes your post as a courtsey to spare you the infraction, the strategy to pursue should not be doubling down on it.

As for everyone else, please keep this in mind, and have a nice day.
I, for one, am tired of the seeming overwhelming use the exalted white room fandom makes use of sorcerous workings. I get it, the workings are the new hotness and they were desperately needed to give sorcery the flexibility needed to match how it was always meant to depicted as, but it is only one aspect of the game. Don't let them overshadow the whole rest of the game.

Also, idk about anyone else, but that xp cost (even if it gets refunded eventually) is something that will always make me wary of overusing workings.
Tapestry Harp

A curious device that was developed independently in both Heaven and Hell, a Tapestry Harp is a musical instrument that transforms music into workable fabric. The quality of the weave produced is related to both the quality of the performance and the passion of the artist at the strings. An unskilled but heartfelt attempt is as useful as the most technically perfect, aloof rendition.

Further, the sounds are rendered visually in the weave, not unlike that of a tappestry. Special training or experience can enable the player to design patterns and embroidery with each note.

Umbral Lens

These devices take many shapes and sizes, but they share the same basic characteristic of isolating light from specific sources. They're usually fit into occuluses and specific orreys that are otherwise sealed from outside lights. Their name comes from the fact that the lenses intended to block out the Sun makes the interior of their illuminated space dark like a Solar Eclipse.

The exact use of these devices varies, able to concentrate or reduce influences of certain Celestial Essences. Some advanced models have great levered irises that can focus the light to a hair's breadth. Complicated mirror arrays on hinged armatures can in turn let the wielder pump the light down into a stylus-tip, allowing the wielder to draw with the focused glow of the Maidens, the Sun's own awesome light, or Luna's fickle silver shine.

Autochthon Calendar

Despite sharing it's name with the Great Maker, this item is only distantly connected to the Primordial, largely as an inconsequential gesture of respect to the absent titan. In the modern day, it's something like Dragon Milestone Scheme or Forward-Thinking Completionist Plan by Immaculate or Heavenly ariticifers.

Rgardless, an Autochthon Calendar is a series of timetables and aupsicious dates known to Creation- astrological convergences, tideflows of Essence or geological upwellings of new material from ancient Earth Demenses. Many Elemental Courts of Earth maintain control over specific locations relevant to the calendar's use, neccessating extensive barganing or a sufficiently strong position to force the issue.

That aside, the calendar has two main uses- it has almost every common project schedule authored in the First Age, from planting and harvest, architectural logistics, and auspicious work hours to compose great arts or to cook meals. It is also useful in determing magiaclly resonant or potent locales for workshops with rare or singularly unique qualities, such as a particular demense that make all growing things symetrical, or the once-every-four year migration of a particular bird species with feathers that collect starmetal dust from the sky.
Also, idk about anyone else, but that xp cost (even if it gets refunded eventually) is something that will always make me wary of overusing workings.
Oh, you poor soul, still trapped in your limited little box where workings cost XP. Allow me to enlighten you unto the Miracles of Shadow and Chaos (Merit ••••). Come, dance with me in the whimsical Wyld, where we will weave wonders without end.
Oh, you poor soul, still trapped in your limited little box where workings cost XP. Allow me to enlighten you unto the Miracles of Shadow and Chaos (Merit ••••). Come, dance with me in the whimsical Wyld, where we will weave wonders without end.
the wyld is boring. All the cool stuff is in Creation, the Underworld or Hell (there's a reason all the fair folk want to crawl into creation, it's because their existences are meaningless without it) .
To be fair, you are online help. and step 2 is still better backed up by also doing step 3 for more diverse opinions/interpretations and making sure you're not tunnel-visioning to overlook some obvious problem.
now tip for you: A much much simpler way with dealing with the "horrific annoyance omgwtfgaaahjsadkjlasgfkjlasdfkjlafsd" of a single post is to just scroll past it:rolleyes:
edit- mod already showed up.

in that case...let me instead misinterpret something you said so this post has meaning as a reply, even though I know you were actually saying you shouldn't use it as precedent to add it to things:

d. Eclipse Anima Charm Share
This one actually should be messed with. 3e's restriction to a vetted list of spirit charms is much less terrible and broken and also doesn't break all the other splats (like 2e lunars' author feeling the need to quarantine all their shapeshifting into knacks rather than have it spread throughout their charms which turned them into just watered down solars.) because they have to fit the solar charm scheme as "what if an eclipse got their charms?"

It was terrible. I honestly don't even know why they even have it at all, the oathbinding and diplomatic immunity were plenty for an anima power anyway, if anything I'd have thought that studying out of splat charms was more the twilight's thing. Makes eclipses read as more a warlock than a diplomancer; traveling the world, making mystically binding pacts with strange beings in exchange for strange powers.
Not to mention that it made eclipse best at any one niche just because they could reach out of splat for options, everybody kept trying to shoehorn their way into being an eclipse.
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the wyld is boring. All the cool stuff is in Creation, the Underworld or Hell (there's a reason all the fair folk want to crawl into creation, it's because their existences are meaningless without it) .

Ah but the Whimsical Wyld touches all things, including the land of boredom where stories go to die!
So strictly speaking dose The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. VI - Autochthonia give any idea on what a 2e version of the Locust Crusade would look like? I don't have the book, or PDF and was wondering if it would be worth the investment.
So strictly speaking dose The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. VI - Autochthonia give any idea on what a 2e version of the Locust Crusade would look like? I don't have the book, or PDF and was wondering if it would be worth the investment.
No it does not.
It's focused on fleshing out the individual nations and providing Autochtonia-based plothooks.
Also gives a tentative statblock for the Viator, IIRC.

I think it's worth the investment on principle, but if you're looking for Locust Crusade shit, you're better off with the 1E book.
So strictly speaking dose The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. VI - Autochthonia give any idea on what a 2e version of the Locust Crusade would look like? I don't have the book, or PDF and was wondering if it would be worth the investment.
Nah. Nothing much there.

It'll be better if you just go to the alchemicals book.
Does anyone know of some existing Isidoros 2nd or 3rd Circle demons I could reference or make use of? I'm trying to flesh out an Isidorian cult a bit, in such a way that their patron could have directed them to find a fresh Infernal (meaning their patron isn't just Isidoros).
Does anyone know of some existing Isidoros 2nd or 3rd Circle demons I could reference or make use of? I'm trying to flesh out an Isidorian cult a bit, in such a way that their patron could have directed them to find a fresh Infernal (meaning their patron isn't just Isidoros).

The following Isidorosian demons are named in Compass: Malfeas:
  • The Third Circle demon Kashta, 18th soul of Isidoros, stands out as Hell's greatest patron of gladiatorial games.
  • Hrotsvitha, the Spawning Forest, Ninth Soul of Isidoros, is a forest of brass desire. It is the soul that represents the Black Boar's lust and primal instincts.
  • Ferand, the Chariot of Embers, Seventh Soul of Isidoros, appears as horses and chariot and charioteer all merged into one, with leads and reins throbbing like the veins in a warrior's temple, all of charcoal black laced with blazing red and orange, trailing hair and manes like streamers of ashen smoke.
No Second Circle demons or First Circle demons are listed in that book as descending from them.
The following Isidorosian demons are named in Compass: Malfeas:
  • The Third Circle demon Kashta, 18th soul of Isidoros, stands out as Hell's greatest patron of gladiatorial games.
  • Hrotsvitha, the Spawning Forest, Ninth Soul of Isidoros, is a forest of brass desire. It is the soul that represents the Black Boar's lust and primal instincts.
  • Ferand, the Chariot of Embers, Seventh Soul of Isidoros, appears as horses and chariot and charioteer all merged into one, with leads and reins throbbing like the veins in a warrior's temple, all of charcoal black laced with blazing red and orange, trailing hair and manes like streamers of ashen smoke.
No Second Circle demons or First Circle demons are listed in that book as descending from them.
Blurgh. Guess I can't be lazy and just plop some stuff other people wrote in without trying to figure out how a DB and a bunch of mortals are communicating with a Third Circle.
I suppose it's about time I tried writing a demon myself, anyway.
Blurgh. Guess I can't be lazy and just plop some stuff other people wrote in without trying to figure out how a DB and a bunch of mortals are communicating with a Third Circle.
I suppose it's about time I tried writing a demon myself, anyway.
Or you could use Kuara.
That... Actually probably works better than the 2CD I was starting to conceptualize; the cult is primarily Marukani, and this
an elephantine horse with six legs and tusks of blood-stained bronze
seems like exactly the kind of thing that would help lure enough of them away from Hipparkes to form a cult.
Still gonna have to sort out how the communication is happening (probably a herald demon of some sort, because that seems like the kind of thing Kuara would keep around, or a demon specifically made to be part of her chorus-trail).