Hm. Anyone got a particularly favourite Emerald/Terrestrial Circle Spell?
Honestly, while I've never used sorcery so far in Exalted (which I hope to quickly rectify in my current game), Cirrus Skiff seems the most fun simply for it's iconic imagery and being able to pull off this look:

Jack's Dad vs Aku is still my go to mental picture for an Exalt (any kind, but he fits best as an Air-Aspect) taking on a TCD (helps that he has an effectively level N/A Daiklave that performs the equivalent of causing Holy Damage and GET, of course).
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I'm trying to write up a 3rd circle for an Infernal I'm making, and I'm using EarthScorpion's excellent post as a guide. Specifically, I want this 3rd circle to cover the statement "Technology shapes us as much as we shape it". Anyone have any ideas on which Charms/Charmtrees would fall under this statement?
I'm trying to write up a 3rd circle for an Infernal I'm making, and I'm using EarthScorpion's excellent post as a guide. Specifically, I want this 3rd circle to cover the statement "Technology shapes us as much as we shape it". Anyone have any ideas on which Charms/Charmtrees would fall under this statement?

Mm, one of the things that come to mind immediately with that statement is the idea of interdependence. Technology naturally requires expertise and specialised labour to work and develop and so many things in the modern world are dependent on complex interlocking systems, systems that require the technology they produce to continue functioning. If any one of them got disrupted, the effects would ripple outwards to affect the entire edifice.

From there, I guess it depends on which Yozi the demon descends from? I could see a Malfeas interpretation relying on his nature as the Demon City, a comment on the city as an organism in its own right. Pyrian or Metagaon would work too. I can't see it for the rest though.

EDIT: I see that I've misunderstood. I thought you were making a Third Circle as a patron for an Infernal, not as the Infernal's soul. My bad.
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I'm trying to write up a 3rd circle for an Infernal I'm making, and I'm using EarthScorpion's excellent post as a guide. Specifically, I want this 3rd circle to cover the statement "Technology shapes us as much as we shape it". Anyone have any ideas on which Charms/Charmtrees would fall under this statement?

If you're making the demon for an Infernal, you're going about it the wrong way by going for the statement first.

First and foremost, the core of an Infernal's demon soul is the Intimacy they're built off. They're the bit which is mechanically central to them, and they're the bit that is the core of them. The charms provide aesthetics and flavour, and the statement is sort of an organic thesis woven into the product, but it's the Intimacy which serves as the foundations. So, what's the Intimacy you're building this demon around?
Hm. Anyone got a particularly favourite Emerald/Terrestrial Circle Spell?
Raising the Earth's Bones. It is very fun to cast and having weird sorcerous walls sprout out of nowhere is very useful.

Honestly, while I've never used sorcery so far in Exalted (which I hope to quickly rectify in my current game), Cirrus Skiff seems the most fun simply for it's iconic imagery and being able to pull off this look:
Yes, I can confirm it is awesome. It's the control (and only) spell my Solar knows and it models Goku flying on his cloud very well. I'm almost sad it'll get sidelined once I reach Ess 3 and take INSTANT TRANSMISSION Travel without Distance.
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Boo on utility spells, boo I say! Spells that you can cast on people who inconvenience you so they forevermore vomit up maggots when they try to talk about chicken because you're a petty-ass-sorcerer ftw
Hm. Anyone got a particularly favourite Emerald/Terrestrial Circle Spell?
Though arguably the result of Exalted's Crafting/Repair rules being three editions worth of dogshit, Incantation of Effective Restoration is bar-none among the most useful spell in the game for the simple purpose of being a 15 mote multitool. If you have a spare minute of time and more than half the pieces, you can restore anything small enough to lift by one person to perfect, pristine working condition. Flat-out. The quality of the pieces does not matter, the amount of dice in your pool does not matter, the external circumstances for casting the spell, the composition or working shelf-life of the object in question, all of these are secondary details when IoER exists to say "here is the thing back now." It even works on magical items and the magical materials, only having qualm if its not a single-piece affair and requires being disassembled first, in which case you can still simply use it on each broken/worn-out part individually and have them reassembled normally.

An incriminating love letter gets rebuilt from a pile of fireplace ashes, an ancient sword from a preserved broken hilt found inside the tomb and the rusted blade from outside it, a chipped necklace made from impossible-to-recreate dreamstone, three of the five pieces of the Macguffin Device scattered to the four corners of Creation, a yellow-jade knife, you name it. If you can spend 15m 1w, the world is essentially your oyster for slapping shit back together, leading to some D&D-level creative problem solving like hiding a wedding ring inside a chicken egg, or smashing a window and replacing the glass as though you'd never been there.
If you're making the demon for an Infernal, you're going about it the wrong way by going for the statement first.

First and foremost, the core of an Infernal's demon soul is the Intimacy they're built off. They're the bit which is mechanically central to them, and they're the bit that is the core of them. The charms provide aesthetics and flavour, and the statement is sort of an organic thesis woven into the product, but it's the Intimacy which serves as the foundations. So, what's the Intimacy you're building this demon around?
Would you mind elaborating on This? My understanding was that the intimacy was it's personality and the statement it's charms/aesthetics. I'd like to understand where the disconnect was.
An idea for a Cecelyne first circle demon. A demon that is kinda like the Hrud. It creates entropy and rot. Places infested by the demon tend to become places of desolation.
if there was a 1st circle demon based upon healing hot springs, how would it be like?

A wide-open mouth?

A turtle?
if there was a 1st circle demon based upon healing hot springs, how would it be like?

A wide-open mouth?

A turtle?
Look, you need to stop asking open-ended questions, especially ones that have no one true answer. You might as well ask "if there was an expensive bath, what would it be like?" It depends entirely on the context - on who's making it, on why, on what conditions it's intended to operate. You could write a hundred different variations on the concept. Instead of mining the thread for this sort of thing on an infinite loop of questions that contribute nothing of their own to the thread; come up with your own answer.

Explore ideas. Ignore the role of the Yozi in First Circles - hell, ignore the role of the demon prince. Keep in mind the difference between Malfeas and Berengiere, or between She Who Lives In Her Name and Octavian - sure, you can look at parts of the latter and go "oh, right, he's a Pyrian demon", but he's not just a clone of the Whispering Flame and his wants and desires are a personal pursuit of power.

Concentrate on the progenitor of your demon species, and ask yourself what their own goals and aesthetics and methods are, instead of treating them like mindless automaton extensions of their ultimate Greater Self. Then work from there.
I mean, they pee on everything, they're impossible to house train. But sick people are cured.

Demons collect the urine for bath houses. Some sorcerers collect jars of it to use as needed. These golden wizzards attribute the weirdness inherent to a mangy dog that you can not train and who pees on everything to Adorjan.
I mean, they pee on everything, they're impossible to house train. But sick people are cured.

Demons collect the urine for bath houses. Some sorcerers collect jars of it to use as needed. These golden wizzards attribute the weirdness inherent to a mangy dog that you can not train and who pees on everything to Adorjan.
Protip: Do not enter Adorjan's magical realm.
Look, you need to stop asking open-ended questions, especially ones that have no one true answer. You might as well ask "if there was an expensive bath, what would it be like?" It depends entirely on the context - on who's making it, on why, on what conditions it's intended to operate. You could write a hundred different variations on the concept. Instead of mining the thread for this sort of thing on an infinite loop of questions that contribute nothing of their own to the thread; come up with your own answer.

Explore ideas. Ignore the role of the Yozi in First Circles - hell, ignore the role of the demon prince. Keep in mind the difference between Malfeas and Berengiere, or between She Who Lives In Her Name and Octavian - sure, you can look at parts of the latter and go "oh, right, he's a Pyrian demon", but he's not just a clone of the Whispering Flame and his wants and desires are a personal pursuit of power.

Concentrate on the progenitor of your demon species, and ask yourself what their own goals and aesthetics and methods are, instead of treating them like mindless automaton extensions of their ultimate Greater Self. Then work from there.
I'm bookmarking this so that I can quote it next time Accelerator asks a question of this sort.
I'm currently trying to think up a 1CD version of the butter-passing robot.
I made a demon crocodile for a game descended from Metagaos that eats things it finds beautiful to keep them safe that demons use as vaults and sorcerers summon to carry their luggage around. No reason you couldn't make it swallow and then cough up butter on demand, though it prefers clockwork devices.
I made a demon crocodile for a game descended from Metagaos that eats things it finds beautiful to keep them safe that demons use as vaults and sorcerers summon to carry their luggage around. No reason you couldn't make it swallow and then cough up butter on demand, though it prefers clockwork devices.
Does it have a lot of legs?
Is there a given format for making first circle demons? I'm working on converting the Beldam into a babysitting demon. It seems like a failed escapee for that purpose.
Hm. Anyone got a particularly favourite Emerald/Terrestrial Circle Spell?
Death of Obsidian Butterflies has always been dear to my heart because of how much it says about the role of the sorcerer on the geopolitical and military theater; that sorcerers are artillery onto themselves and can break an army with a single spell, but also that sorcerers do not do conventional combat, and act on a grand and epic scale rather than slinging magic missiles or doing combat teleportation.