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Isn't it malfeas that's in love with UCS?
Isn't it malfeas that's in love with UCS?
Hahaha, fuck no.
IIRC, the existence of the Street of Golden Lanterns (more specifically, the fact that it's a red light district where all the lights shine the color of TUS and their chosen human form looks like a sexified gender-bent young TUS) implies that there's something fucky going on with Malfeas' sexuality vis a vis TUS.
My headcanon now is that Theion views UCS as the most beautiful thing in all creation, as he views the unconquered sun as the most perfect thing he had made or done.IIRC, the existence of the Street of Golden Lanterns (more specifically, the fact that it's a red light district where all the lights shine the color of TUS and their chosen human form looks like a sexified gender-bent young TUS) implies that there's something fucky going on with Malfeas' sexuality vis a vis TUS.
This sounds pretty garbage, to be honest. It's Adorjan in a trenchcoat & fedora, especially with the "freedom is all" nonsense and being an unstoppable, largely intangible force; there's nothing there that addresses or inverts the themes of what Adrian became, and what little is changed from The Silent Wind's description just makes "her" sound like a stereotypical bratty kid.
What sort of thematic does Adrian represent? She enjoys violence upon others and herself, she's always moving, she's incredibly destructive just by being there. She's an explorer, and can become incomprehensibly attached to a thing for no apparent reason.My issue with that is that I don't see any real hooks to give the charmset a properly Infernal "archetype".
My original suggestion, which was just a half-thought and needs actual work done, was to create some form of Attachment (through an Intimacy, Motivation or similarly important character trait) and have bonuses applied to actions which further or serve that attachment while all other actions receive penalties. So it could definitely be useful to someone chasing their heart's desire, but someone who's just following orders would be in a rough spot.If you can just scoop up all your bonuses and plop them down as you please with no drawbacks, then the charmset doesn't have any teeth.
"Sending away your wounds" sounds interesting. Maybe you could package them up into a temporary creature with stats based on the number of wounds you pack into it, send it out, and as it does damage it becomes weaker until it dies, restoring your health? It encourages players to get hurt, which is something I think is very thematic for Adrian based on the bits of fluff she has.I actually had entirely different ideas on how to do the external charmset, though; I'll try to write something more extensive tomorrow, but it was built on the idea of forcing enemies to come to you instead of you coming to them. It'd use a lot of metaphors about boats being drawn helplessly into whitewater rapids, the idea of "sending away" your wounds on the currents of Adrian to heal while in combat (almost certainly with some sort of complicating factor), fucking up the landscape to better accommodate you and funnel enemies into your kill zone (like how rivers carve channels into the land), and just generally being this advancing force that drags in and crushes everything it doesn't like. Reaching out a hand toward distant enemies and shouting "Kurozu!" as the tides of Adrian pull them into range of your daiklaive might also be on the table.
Risk a spiteful Primordial nuking huge swaths of Creation on her way out, or stick it in the crazy?
As far as I can tell Malfeas is mainly in love with himself from before his mutilation, and UCS was after all created in that theme?IIRC, the existence of the Street of Golden Lanterns (more specifically, the fact that it's a red light district where all the lights shine the color of TUS and their chosen human form looks like a sexified gender-bent young TUS) implies that there's something fucky going on with Malfeas' sexuality vis a vis TUS.
Risk a spiteful Primordial nuking huge swaths of Creation on her way out, or stick it in the crazy?
UCS: I take the nuke.
What sort of thematic does Adrian represent? She enjoys violence upon others and herself, she's always moving, she's incredibly destructive just by being there. She's an explorer, and can become incomprehensibly attached to a thing for no apparent reason.
Wandering sadomasochist? A hedonist like Isidoros, but with a different set of vices?
Honestly more than Ahab or Hannibal, I'm seeing her as a Cenobite from Hellraiser. "Explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some, angels to others." *cue raksha tears*
My original suggestion, which was just a half-thought and needs actual work done, was to create some form of Attachment (through an Intimacy, Motivation or similarly important character trait) and have bonuses applied to actions which further or serve that attachment while all other actions receive penalties. So it could definitely be useful to someone chasing their heart's desire, but someone who's just following orders would be in a rough spot.
The Ebon Dragon loves everyone in their imperfections. He is always with you. He is a strong proponent of free will because it enables the greatest gift of all, hope. Something like that, I'd say.While we are on the topic, how would you interpret the Ebon Dragon in a more positive manner? (Yes, I know it probably involves using info from GoD over 2e stuff.)
UCS, five seconds after mistakenly being sent nudes by SWLiHN, who is desperately enjoying Luna-as UCS: *Screams externally with perfection*Take the third option, have Luna disguise himself as the UCS.
There is no way this could go wrong.
While we are on the topic, how would you interpret the Ebon Dragon in a more positive manner? (Yes, I know it probably involves using info from GoD over 2e stuff.)
...So, basically: "Bring me your tired, your poor, your weary. I have coke to sell."I know him being pro-free will gets some play but honestly that's mostly because he thrives on chaos and disorder. He doesn't want free will because he thinks it'll make men better or because he even thinks that mankind deserves to be unshackled, he wants people to be free so that they'll fuck up horrendously and perpetrate incredibly fucked-up stuff upon themselves and others. And at this point that's basically the only way he can get hard. In that regard honestly I think of him as a bit along the lines of Dishonored 1's Outsider. He corrupts systems and turns them against themselves simply by giving people the opportunity and the ability to Do Shit they wouldn't normally be able to do and then oh my look at that. Down it comes, all in flames.
If anything I'd say that the most positive aspect of the Ebon Dragon is...I'unno if affection is the right word? But it's something like that. He's the shadow of all things and he loves the tragic, doomed, broken and aching and wretched things that nobody else does. That right thinking people would turn their backs on in disgust. The tortured, the lamed, the unclean. If y'know Fate shit he's along the lines of Angra Mainyu. He's seen the very worst of all mankind but can't honestly bring himself to despise them. It doesn't really matter if you're the lowest of the low, the absolute bottom of the social ladder, and you go to bed starving most nights on a dirt floor. You have a shadow don't you? And that shadow is him and he knows you, the things you want, your hidden sins, and he doesn't hate you for them, he doesn't even pass judgement really.
In terms of virtue Compassion is really his strength.
To answer this question, first ask "what job would a Second Circle demon of SWILHN want done, that isn't done by an existing demon?".Hmm.... just what would a first circle demon of she who lives in her name look like?
Hmm.... just what would a first circle demon of she who lives in her name look like?
She is the principal of Hierarchy, which she means she wants the greater to become greater, and the weak to become weaker. She is the one that crushes rebels, the one that destroys those who would try to overthrow the system. She is the one that gives powers to kings and rulers.To answer this question, first ask "what job would a Second Circle demon of SWILHN want done, that isn't done by an existing demon?".
UCS, five seconds after mistakenly being sent nudes by SWLiHN, who is desperately enjoying Luna-as UCS: *Screams externally with perfection*
Why do you think his current portrayal is very negative? I found his 2e portrayal lolz, though obviously not very protagonising. The Ebon Dragon is fun. He represents that heretical impulse that lies in the hearts of men, the devil whispering to Eve in the garden. He is interesting in his ability to transgress against the prevailing order. The constant betrayal part is funny and the memes it has spawned are part of what drew me into Exalted.While we are on the topic, how would you interpret the Ebon Dragon in a more positive manner? (Yes, I know it probably involves using info from GoD over 2e stuff.)
I don't think it actually says they can't.
However it doesn't give any initiation charm that allows them to do so either.