Hmm, I could see him as a headmaster of Heptagram. He would be perfect as someone who teach Sorcery to both Terrestials and young Sids. It fallows that he would be highly-regarded, but his teaching and distance from Heaven would make him less politically powerful. He probably have a tea with Chejop Kejak and his inner circle once a year and symbolic position in Convention of Blassed Isle. But lots of Sidreals are his former students and he probably could ask a lot of favours if he needed something done.
He is obviously a Secret. The foremost living experts on Time and various Time-related snarls in Loom of Fate.
That definitely suits him, but I'm not sure if Chejop Kejak would allow him to have that much influence over young Terrestrial and Sidereal minds. Because while Kejak and Ozpin would probably greatly respect each other, and would probably even be good friends, I don't think they'd see eye to eye on some very important things, and Kejak does not hand power to his rivals lightly. In fact, I think Ozpin would hold some ideas that neither the Gold nor Bronze Factions could agree with him on.
What do I mean by that? Well, when you get right down to it, the Gold and Bronze Factions agree on all but one thing. Both of them believe that they, the Viziers of Fate, are the ones who know better than everyone and should be the ones deciding how things get done in Creation. Both of them believe that, since they aren't suited for doing so directly (and for various other reasons), this is best accomplished by playing "Man Behind the Man" to other Exalts. Both of them play puppet master to facilitate this ultimate goal of ensuring that the Sidereals are the ones who are
really calling all the shots. The only thing they
really differ on, once you get past the ideology that's developed around this essential point, is over their choice of tools. This was the case both before and after the Usurpation, really.
Basically, when the Great Prophecy was made, the fundamental choice every Sidereal had to make was a choice about gambling. "Long odds for the jackpot, or moderate payoff for the sure thing?" Strip away all the flowery language, and that's really what the Gold/Bronze divide is. The Gold Faction wants the Solars to be the "rulers" of Creation because their Charms and Sorcery allows them to create wonders impossible for any other Exalt. The Bronze Faction wants the Dragon-Blooded to be the "rulers" of Creation because they're more stable and (relative to Solars) easier to manipulate.
The jackpot, or the sure thing? That's it. That's the dividing line. In fact, it's right there in the names; do you go for the Gold and hope you can pull it off? Or do you settle for Bronze because it's better than the
nothing you'd get if you tried for Gold and failed?
Ozpin differs from both Chejak Kejop and Ayesha Ura in a much more fundamental way: if he had his way, at some point in the future (likely the distant future), Ozpin would want to
relinquish power. Not all of it, but at some point, Ozpin would want to invest some actual trust in other Exalts. I think that something that's at the heart of Ozpin's character in RWBY is that he is, in fact, a
What do I mean by that? I mean that Ozpin, like a
good teacher, doesn't think students are there to be lectured at and to believe whatever he tells them is truth because he is the teacher and they are the student and they will never know better than him. Ozpin believes his job is to instill the skills his students will need to learn and grow themselves, and that means they need the freedom to question him and even disagree with him. What's more, he believes that at some point his "students" will be ready to "graduate." He simply prizes the power of people to grow and learn too much to think otherwise, really.
Chejop Kejak doesn't believe that. Ayesha Ura doesn't believe that, though she might pretend to. I imagine very few, if any, Sidereal Elders believe that. Ozpin can never
fully support either the Gold or Bronze Faction, because ultimately, both of them want to keep the other Exalted in a state of permanent studenthood and permanent childhood; both of them inculcate dogma and misinformation to ensure it. Both the Immaculate Philosophy and the Cult of the Illuminated are sustained campaigns of social engineering and religious dogmatism meant to ensure that kind of eternal, unquestioning "you are here to be lectured at" dysfunctional student/teacher relationship; one the students in question aren't even aware of, at that.
So while he might accept such methods as an unfortunate necessity in Creation as it currently is, Ozpin would ultimately want the Sidereals to work toward giving the Exalted and Creation at large the skills and tools to move
past the need for such misinformation. Ozpin, I think, is the only Sidereal Elder who will remember that the Sidereals are supposed to be the
advisers to the Exalted, not the
Then again, Great Curse and all that. But I think that should manifest at least
subtly different in Ozpin than in guys like Kejak.