... that's sort of a thing with Primordials. There`s nothing two Essence dots higher than Cecelyne. SWLiHN has dissected and categorised everything in existence. Adorjan never stops moving. Kimbery literally is a Sea. All of them satisfy their imperfections and are chained by them; that's why you fight them by killing their Third Circles instead of trying to kung-fu duel the Ebon Dragon himself.
I suppose the obvious answer here would be the Neverborn. There's a way to actually kill them, you just need to figure out what the hell it is, and how the hell you're going to put it into effect, like killing everything else inside of Malfeas so he counts as a ruin instead of a city. Probably the majority of a campaign would be devoted to it, because I don't see any short cuts to slaying the very foundations of reality.

Prior to the Primordial War, the Unconquered Sun was not in charge and thus Holiness was not a thing.
Pretty sure that Holy was a thing back before the Primordial War, it just couldn't be used by anyone free to attack the Dragon's Shadow because of the Geas the Primordials placed on basically everyone. Mostly used against threats to Creation, like the unshaped or the Dark Kin, until access was given to un-geassed Exalts.

Random thought: The only Yozi who would be readily vulnerable would be the Ebon Dragon, thanks to his definition as the opposition of all that is virtuous and holy. Knowing that, that the Unconquered Sun really hates him, and that Solars are all about proving their badassitude to their patron, does that mean that TED might have some Hero-Killer charms stashed some where?
Generally speaking when someone throws a vial of acid at people, people's faces start burning.

So I would expect that magical hate radiation acid can make a spirit's face start burning.
I mean yes, that is probably true, but vitriol is fundamentally a transformative material, that has simply been twisted by the immense hatred and bitterness of the Yozi. It does still transform things that it encounters.
I mean yes, that is probably true, but vitriol is fundamentally a transformative material, that has simply been twisted by the immense hatred and bitterness of the Yozi. It does still transform things that it encounters.

Yes, but first and foremost the transformation it enacts is changing you from "you" to "you, but with horrific acid burns".
Okay, let me make it clear that I am fully aware that Vitriol is an acid. It is used to coat weapons and Yozi Venom can be extracted from it. On the other hand, we know that demons can survive being dissolved in vitriol and reshaped into Tattoos. Comparatively, we know it is used in the creation of Green Sun Tattoos (The Infernal Lunar Tattoos), so there is potentially one example of processed form in which it is non-harmful. Thus I was raising the idea of Elementals being reshaped by vitriolic dissolution and recreation, as a subtopic to discussing converting elementals into hell-friendly lifeforms.
There is one narrow situation where I can see capbreakers being 'balanced' in the sense that they don't turn everything to shit, and that's where the capbreaker lets you match the other guy's dice cap (i.e. you use their Attribute + Ability or whatever if you're fighting them) but such a charm would probably:

1. Have to be very finely tuned;
2. Probably become a guaranteed must-have for any enterprising Exalt.

I think a generally better approach would be to cut off the Essence scale so elder dicepools don't exist, as opposed to charging an XP tax to be able to fight them. This is one of the reasons behind the Enlightenment hack.
I guess the vast, formless evil or the black murder-forest would be the Yozi, while Aku himself would be one of its Third Circle Demons? But "black, amorphous and made of pure evil" kinda sounds close to the Ebon Dragon's aesthetic... Would Aku work as a Third Circle Demon of the Ebon Dragon?
I mean, I'd buy a Primordial that essentially represented raw, boiling, malevolent misanthropy and a boundless hunger to make other things not just die, but suffer and die in the worst way possible. Malfean hate without a scrap of nobility, the Dragon's Shadow unfettered by pettiness or a need to define itself by others. Nothing but the earnest, heartfelt desire to destroy and defile and obliterate all other things, leaving nothing but bitter memories to fester & rot forever deep within its acrid soul.[1]​

Of course, such a Primordial would probably have been killed by the rest well before Creation was ever even conceived...

[1]​ You could argue that I've just described certain aspects of the Neverborn, and I don't quite agree with that, but I'm working on a post that compiles some of my ideas about how to handle them and it's better addressed in there.
Ok, I've been searching and I can't find it, so I'm gonna ask here.

Can artifacts count as components?

I've been looking at 2E Oadenol's codex, and they said that a N/A artifact may be made of several artifacts. So what about 5 and below?

And are the crafting rules for magitech the same as artifacts?
Okay, let me make it clear that I am fully aware that Vitriol is an acid. It is used to coat weapons and Yozi Venom can be extracted from it. On the other hand, we know that demons can survive being dissolved in vitriol and reshaped into Tattoos. Comparatively, we know it is used in the creation of Green Sun Tattoos (The Infernal Lunar Tattoos), so there is potentially one example of processed form in which it is non-harmful. Thus I was raising the idea of Elementals being reshaped by vitriolic dissolution and recreation, as a subtopic to discussing converting elementals into hell-friendly lifeforms.
Um. No. They can't. A demon rendered down into chalcanth is dead. You cannot get a demon back out of it - certainly not the same demon. You can make it into an Urge or a voice in someone's head or the Sapience rating of an artifact, but it is easy to lose bits of demon/sanity and pick up derangements or psychic tumours along the way. Being dissolved in vitriol is not a nice safe painless alteration of form, it is literally being dissolved in acid that happens to be magical enough to hold an imprint of your mind and essence if properly prepared. There's a reason Keris uses volunteers or demons she hates and considers acceptable targets, and why does her best to make the former physically numb before dunking them in a vat. She's Compassion 4, and it hurts. A lot.

This is not to say that you can't make hellish lifeforms out of elementals using the stuff if you happen to be a genesis alchemist with a very loose grasp of morals, of course. What you're describing is certainly possible. But I want to be very clear that vitriol is never "non-harmful" even under the best of conditions, and that being dissolved fully in the stuff is definitely not "survivable". It is metaphysically equivalent to death - and that matters, at a mechanical and conceptual level, because it means there's no undo button or way to reverse it. What vitriol taints and corrupts; vitriol keeps.
It's what ES uses for Kerisgame in place of the normal Essence scale.

Where Essence goes from 1-10 on an individual basis and an E10 Solar, God, and Deathlord are all at entirely different levels of power, Enlightenment has everything on the same 1-10 scale, where Solar Essence 5 is Enlightenment 10, and from there standardizing the levels of power so that at any point on the scale things are mostly equal.

Essence becomes an objective, global scale of metaphysical potency as opposed to a subjective one which works differently per splat. Two Essence X entities, for example, have roughly the same tier of magical weight to throw around, no matter what colour their anima banner is.

With this established, we set Primordials as N/A, Celestial Incarna and fetich demons as 10, third circle demons as 8-9, second circle demons as 6-7. Solar Exalted start at 7 and can reach 10. Sidereals and Lunars start at 6 and can reach 9. Dragon-Blooded start at 3 and can reach 6. Sorcerous circle access is at 4-7-10.

Having Enlightenment above 5 does not allow you to get huge stats and break the dice curve, as the old Essence 2 is the new Essence 7 as far as charm prerequisites go, and the effective maximum cap is Essence 5.

This also solves several amusing bugs in the system, like how an Essence 2 Infernal is considerably more powerful than an Essence 4 first circle demon, but that dude's Cecelyne perfect defense doesn't think so.
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With this established, we set Primordials as N/A, Celestial Incarna and fetich demons as 10, third circle demons as 8-9, second circle demons as 6-7. Solar Exalted start at 7 and can reach 10. Sidereals and Lunars start at 6 and can reach 9. Dragon-Blooded start at 3 and can reach 6. Sorcerous circle access is at 4-7-10.
Dragon-Blooded start at E2, but consider E3 their equivalent of the normal Essence 2; I should know, as Chiming Minaretgame uses exactly that houserule. :V
Dragon-Blooded start at E2, but consider E3 their equivalent of the normal Essence 2; I should know, as Chiming Minaretgame uses exactly that houserule. :V

My intent here was to establish that a Dragon-Blooded at full power has the same 'weight' to their magic as a) a newbie Celestial Exalt and b) similarly, to the lower end of Yozi sub-soul. It also puts them one notch under Celestial Circle Sorcery, the same way Celestials top out at one notch under Solar Circle Sorcery. X-blooded and other forms of variant mortal top out at 3, following the same pattern. Just beyond reach, ha ha ha.

This was also deliberately done to cut off balance problems, because "hey is this spell balanced if I mass-produce juiced up mortal/demon-blooded/fae-blooded/whatever-blooded sorcerers to spam it all day every day" is a question I do not want to have to deal with at all, so now I don't.
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What would be an appropriately thematic sacrifice for an individual character to make in order to push that one level farther with their Enlightenment?

Because it does seem like "person who achieved power beyond what they should be metaphysically capable of, at hideous personal cost" is valid design space for a PC or a particularly important NPC.
What would be an appropriately thematic sacrifice for an individual character to make in order to push that one level farther with their Enlightenment?

Because it does seem like "person who achieved power beyond what they should be metaphysically capable of, at hideous personal cost" is valid design space for a PC or a particularly important NPC.

You can't do that as intended, any more than your Solar PC could go to Essence 11 in the unaltered game or your Dragon-Blooded PC could suddenly decide to learn Celestial Circle Sorcery. Your GM could specifically make a Rule Zero exception for you for the needs of his game, but that's explicitly outside the rules.

You could always become something other than what you are, of course, in which case your new splat's limits apply instead of your old one's (eg, play a mortal, die, become a ghost), but no template stacking, charmsharing, etc.
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Um. No. They can't. A demon rendered down into chalcanth is dead. You cannot get a demon back out of it - certainly not the same demon.
In the version of Creation that you play in? Sure.
But not everybody uses that.
-Should the demon ever regain its original form, it suffers aggravated damage proportional to the loss. If so little remains that the demon would have no health levels remaining, the tattered scraps of demon flesh that reform are not viable. What's left of the demon reforms only to die painfully.
Methods exist to restore a liquefied demon. Specifically, Wyld-Shaping Technique can congeal chalcanth back into its original demon form by allocating five successes. This task can be performed in Creation as if it were the Bordermarches.
Other Shaping effects capable of giving form and life to inchoate Essence may also afford a means of recovery, at the Storyteller's discretion. Most demons of the Third Circle remotely associated with crafting know Charms that can restore chalcanth into demons, as do all of the Yozis.-
The process of creating chalcanth even specifically mentions that if the demon dies during the creation process then the chalcanth is ruined;
The alchemist uses his instruments to gently disentangle the demon's life force from its dissolving tissues, then evaporates the vitriol over five days' time until only the living Essence remains. He sings to the demon all the while, coaxing it to cling to life as its flesh melts away. (Due to the importance of song in this process, the alchemist's dice pool uses the lower of Occult and Performance.)
Success results in enough vivid chalcanth to fill a palm-sized vial.
On a failure, the demon dies during the process, rendering its Essence useless.
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Enali, the Chariot From Outside
Demon of the Third Circle
Seventeenth Soul of the Principle of Hierarchy

Strange lights are seen in the sky. The weather turns hot and humid, and insects grow to unheard-of sizes. Ivy, kuzda and mistletoe envelop trees. Then from the heavens descends Enali, a demon prince who takes the form of a titanic seven-winged beetle whose hide shimmers with iridescent light. He wears a silver crown the size of a house, and his twenty eyes burn like stars From his innards spill out many demons, who snatch up mortals and their animals and drag them back to Enali, who departs when his belly is full. Once he has done this, he wraps himself up in his wings and conceals himself from the eyes of man and god.

Within Hell, Enali trails in the wake of Sima, the fetich of Oramus. In the wake of the catastrophes she brings, he descends on domains and snatches up demons who have lost everything. Within his bowels the parasites and symbiotic demons he spawns infest them, transforming them into new orders of being. Of all the Unquestionable, he is infamous for the wide array of First Circles that he makes - for he is a fleshcrafter and surgeon who puts the neomah to shame. Those subject to his ministrations enjoy it much less, though.

When he fights, he never does so alone. Enali is a titanic creature, larger than the largest vessels of the Realm navy, and the lesser demons who pick over his shell and dwell in his gut number in the thousands. When he lands and feeds, these slave-creatures jump from him and run amok. They do what he cannot, for he is too vast to interact on the scale of men. Indeed, Enali seldom deigns to talk to any being less potent than another Unquestionable. He views all lesser beings as food and test subjects, depending on his whim. So that he does not profane his thousand mouths, he chooses instead to speak through lesser creations of his, sending them to mouth words he has imparted on them.

The Chariot From Outside strongly disagrees with the plans of his old rival Sima. He has no patience for her intention to let the kingdoms of men and the gods crumble. The false thrones of mankind must be brought crashing down, not left to moulder. For that reason he is particularly pernicious in creating cults and sending his servant demons to corrupt kings and madden priests. He has his sects and his lesser demons build secret temples to him deep in jungles, in remote mountains and the icy expanses of the north, and slowly they sacrifice mortals to his glory and dig holes through Cecelyne that he might squirm out of.

The demon prince has many successes to his name. Since the first Scarlet took the throne, he has ventured into Creation a score and more times. Some incursions have been transitory things, only giving him time to snatch up a remote village. In RY609, however, Enali rampaged across the Far West where the eyes of Fate are weak, lurking in places tainted by chaos and in forgotten manses. Entire island cultures were destroyed by the demon prince, leaving only brainwashed cultists in their wake to build demonic temples to his glory.

In the end, only an ad hoc alliance between the Realm Western Fleet and the Lunar witch-king Koworai Suhal could banish the demon prince back to Hell, and the shame of this pact with an Anathema ended many Dynasts careers. The nun Ragara Ecasa and her sword brotherhood have pursued Enali for a century, seeking out and destroying his hidden temples - but in this Time of Tumult, the funding for the Wyld Hunt has been reduced. Ecasa's devotion has reached the point of obsession, and this once-proud nun would willingly ally with even the Anathema if it would mean spiting Enali.

Sorcerers invoke Enali for his knowledge of surgery and the creation of demon breeds, or to use him as a - warm, humid, sickly organic - transport who can move an entire legion by air. The former flatters him; the latter he views less kindly. He hates the flawed sickness of mortals, and he takes a point of Limit if he is tricked into consuming meat of diseased creatures. Certain arcane symbols, if cut into a field of crops on the night of the new moon, can release Enali until the first bird crows in the morning.

Notes and Abilities: For all his size, Enali is weak for a demon prince. Perhaps that is why he finds it easy to slip out of Hell compared to most of his kind. He has few ways to fight things on the human scale, beyond vomiting town-consuming gouts of many-coloured burning bile. He tries to avoid doing this while his lesser demons are fighting on the ground, because the bile burns without distinction and replacing his creatures takes time. He will therefore not open with this attack, unless faced with such overwhelming force that he does not believe he will be able to take slaves from the fight. A brave hero who managed to avoid his lesser demons could inflict horrific injuries if they managed to cut through his shell and start cutting away at his insides.

Enali and the All-Thing: This demon prince simply wishes to ravage Creation; to take many interesting creatures to conduct his sick experiments on, to feast on creatures across the world, and to inflict suffering on the gods. First and foremost he will favour any Infernal who gives him escape from Hell, but until they can do that he wishes for his demons to be tested against mighty foes, for offerings to be brought to Hell to be given to him, and - almost as much as he wants escape - to be brought the heads of Koworai Suhal and Ragara Ecasa (preferably still living).
Me: *slowly dawning suspicion this is an elaborate joke*

Certain arcane symbols, if cut into a field of crops on the night of the new moon, can release Enali until the first bird crows in the morning.

Me: *slowly dawning outrage*

so are his demons weird slender things with grey skin and big heads or are they more the kind of shit that menaces Mel Gibson and M. Night :V

edit: does this mean there's Immaculate x-com
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