Enali, the Chariot From Outside
Demon of the Third Circle
Seventeenth Soul of the Principle of Hierarchy
Strange lights are seen in the sky. The weather turns hot and humid, and insects grow to unheard-of sizes. Ivy, kuzda and mistletoe envelop trees. Then from the heavens descends Enali, a demon prince who takes the form of a titanic seven-winged beetle whose hide shimmers with iridescent light. He wears a silver crown the size of a house, and his twenty eyes burn like stars From his innards spill out many demons, who snatch up mortals and their animals and drag them back to Enali, who departs when his belly is full. Once he has done this, he wraps himself up in his wings and conceals himself from the eyes of man and god.
Within Hell, Enali trails in the wake of Sima, the fetich of Oramus. In the wake of the catastrophes she brings, he descends on domains and snatches up demons who have lost everything. Within his bowels the parasites and symbiotic demons he spawns infest them, transforming them into new orders of being. Of all the Unquestionable, he is infamous for the wide array of First Circles that he makes - for he is a fleshcrafter and surgeon who puts the neomah to shame. Those subject to his ministrations enjoy it much less, though.
When he fights, he never does so alone. Enali is a titanic creature, larger than the largest vessels of the Realm navy, and the lesser demons who pick over his shell and dwell in his gut number in the thousands. When he lands and feeds, these slave-creatures jump from him and run amok. They do what he cannot, for he is too vast to interact on the scale of men. Indeed, Enali seldom deigns to talk to any being less potent than another Unquestionable. He views all lesser beings as food and test subjects, depending on his whim. So that he does not profane his thousand mouths, he chooses instead to speak through lesser creations of his, sending them to mouth words he has imparted on them.
The Chariot From Outside strongly disagrees with the plans of his old rival Sima. He has no patience for her intention to let the kingdoms of men and the gods crumble. The false thrones of mankind must be brought crashing down, not left to moulder. For that reason he is particularly pernicious in creating cults and sending his servant demons to corrupt kings and madden priests. He has his sects and his lesser demons build secret temples to him deep in jungles, in remote mountains and the icy expanses of the north, and slowly they sacrifice mortals to his glory and dig holes through Cecelyne that he might squirm out of.
The demon prince has many successes to his name. Since the first Scarlet took the throne, he has ventured into Creation a score and more times. Some incursions have been transitory things, only giving him time to snatch up a remote village. In RY609, however, Enali rampaged across the Far West where the eyes of Fate are weak, lurking in places tainted by chaos and in forgotten manses. Entire island cultures were destroyed by the demon prince, leaving only brainwashed cultists in their wake to build demonic temples to his glory.
In the end, only an ad hoc alliance between the Realm Western Fleet and the Lunar witch-king Koworai Suhal could banish the demon prince back to Hell, and the shame of this pact with an Anathema ended many Dynasts careers. The nun Ragara Ecasa and her sword brotherhood have pursued Enali for a century, seeking out and destroying his hidden temples - but in this Time of Tumult, the funding for the Wyld Hunt has been reduced. Ecasa's devotion has reached the point of obsession, and this once-proud nun would willingly ally with even the Anathema if it would mean spiting Enali.
Sorcerers invoke Enali for his knowledge of surgery and the creation of demon breeds, or to use him as a - warm, humid, sickly organic - transport who can move an entire legion by air. The former flatters him; the latter he views less kindly. He hates the flawed sickness of mortals, and he takes a point of Limit if he is tricked into consuming meat of diseased creatures. Certain arcane symbols, if cut into a field of crops on the night of the new moon, can release Enali until the first bird crows in the morning.
Notes and Abilities: For all his size, Enali is weak for a demon prince. Perhaps that is why he finds it easy to slip out of Hell compared to most of his kind. He has few ways to fight things on the human scale, beyond vomiting town-consuming gouts of many-coloured burning bile. He tries to avoid doing this while his lesser demons are fighting on the ground, because the bile burns without distinction and replacing his creatures takes time. He will therefore not open with this attack, unless faced with such overwhelming force that he does not believe he will be able to take slaves from the fight. A brave hero who managed to avoid his lesser demons could inflict horrific injuries if they managed to cut through his shell and start cutting away at his insides.
Enali and the All-Thing: This demon prince simply wishes to ravage Creation; to take many interesting creatures to conduct his sick experiments on, to feast on creatures across the world, and to inflict suffering on the gods. First and foremost he will favour any Infernal who gives him escape from Hell, but until they can do that he wishes for his demons to be tested against mighty foes, for offerings to be brought to Hell to be given to him, and - almost as much as he wants escape - to be brought the heads of Koworai Suhal and Ragara Ecasa (preferably still living).