Still, your ideas are interesting, and you seem to have reached further than me in your mechanical applications.
I'm still running numbers on how much to give each background, but here's where the initial system is.
Narrative Backgrounds:
It's always better to have people backing you up, no matter what it is you're doing, and within Creation there exist a large number of individuals and organizations that a character could call on for aid. These individual and groups are represented by the Backgrounds on a character sheet. They're time honored allies that can be called on time and time again because the character is someone who they trust and are willing to help when the chips are down.
This system is designed to increase the usefulness of the many different social backgrounds. The main point of comparison is the Artifact, an item that will always be around and likely will be used to great effect every story, if not every chapter. It's also meant to be used alongside the regular rules for backgrounds whenever possible because many of them still have important, passive uses. Though, some have been combined due to redundancy.
The main component of the narrative to be used is the twist. It's the unexpected swerve in the plot, resolving some problems and creating new ones, and now will be in the hands of the players themselves.
Twists can be sorted into five different types: mortal, enlightened, terrestrial, celestial, and adamant.
They're named for the primary character scales because with each step the scale of the twist increases and allows the player calling for it a more decisive change. A twist should allow a player to defeat or bypass a threat of its own scale and negatively impact one that's a tier higher.
For instance, calling on the Mortal Twist of your army would allow a character to defeat another army of mortals, but against a demonic horde they would only be able to delay them. An Enlightened Twist would be required to fight back the forces of hell.
Mortal - find out where the last merchant caravan to pass through is headed, delay an army from the underworld, arrange a meeting with local smugglers, carry the circle to an enemy island through stormy seas
Enlightened - prepare a sleeping draught that can knock out any mortal, negotiate a favorable ransom of captives from a minor Fae nobel, find the identity of a Second Circle demon
Terrestrial - repair a damaged city's walls within a week's time, oust a local god from the court, putting down a rampaging elemental, lend a minor Artifact, impress Dynastic guests with a feast, deliver important cargo through a divine storm
Celestial - sabotage a Wyld Hunt's airship in the middle of a major battle, insert a kill team into a Great House, cure a magical plague, open a gate to Yu-Shan
Adamant - discover the location of a peach of immortality, cleans a shadowland, cause a rival kingdom to fall into anarchy in an afternoon, force a confrontation with the elder Sidereal spying on the circle
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a general purpose twist. Each background can only provide twists for certain domains of narrative effects. You wouldn't call upon a band of diplomats to build an airship.
These domains are combinations of the different Abilities into task based groupings.
- Combat: skill at personal combat, associated with Archery, Melee, Martial Arts, and Thrown.
- Warfare: skill at completing military objectives, associated with War, Survival, and Bureaucracy.
- Logistics: moving people or items, associated with Survival, Ride, and Sail.
- Artistry: creating great works of art, associated with Performance, Craft, and Linguistics.
- Artifice: the design and construction of artifacts, associated with Craft and Occult.
- Infrastructure: the design of large projects, associated with Craft, Lore, and Bureaucracy.
- Philosophy: academic study and knowledge, associated with Lore, Medicine, and Occult.
- Sorcery: the ability to cast thaunmaturgy or sorcery of the appropriate tier, associated with Occult
- Infiltration: entering protected areas and retrieving something, Athletics, Stealth, and Larceny.
- Intelligence: gathering information about the actions/motives of others: Investigation, Awareness, Socialize.
- Ceremony: interacting with spirits: Performance, Occult, Bureaucracy.
- Wayfaring: tracking in or investigating remote areas: Survival, Resistance, Awareness.
- Intrigue: social maneuvering or manipulation: Investigation, Integrity, Socialize.
- Diplomacy: making a deal with to another individual: Bureaucracy, Socialize, Linguistics.
- Strategic: operations on the scale of a city or more.
- Foreign(specialization): this tag allows operation in other realms than the background's native one(Creation, Yu-Shan, Malfeas, the Wyld, the Underworld)
Each of a background's domains matter when describing the person or group.
- Artifice+Infrastructure+Strategic could be a manse building company or a Solar craftsman.
- Combat+Warfare+Sorcery would be a combat-sorcerer who could turn the tide of a battle by themselves.
- Combat+Warfare+Strategic would be a warlord whose army can not only turn the tide, but also hold territory that's too large for an individual to control.
- Infiltration+Intelligence+Intrigue could describe a spy or courtier.
- Infiltration+Intelligence+Combat could describe an assassin.
- Logistics+Intelligence could be the captain of a ship.
- Logistics+Intelligence+Strategic would be a fleet of ships.
- Diplomacy+Ceremony+Foreign(Underworld) could be the head of a powerful ancestor cult who has connections within the Underworld itself, as well as Creation
The big questions I'm running into right now are.
Is this too many domains? And if so, which ones should be merged? I also know that several should be renamed to avoid confusion.
How many chapters per story does a normal game have? I'm used to four through seven and have rough numbers based on that, but might be way off.