New question. When I was rereading Sworn Brother's Oath, it says that when they aren't within the range to automatically know where each other is, they can roll Essence as a Diceless Action to find out. The definition of a Diceless Action is something that doesn't need a roll, but does take enough concentration to count as your action for the turn. ...But this one says to roll Essence as a Diceless Action. How does that work?
New question. When I was rereading Sworn Brother's Oath, it says that when they aren't within the range to automatically know where each other is, they can roll Essence as a Diceless Action to find out. The definition of a Diceless Action is something that doesn't need a roll, but does take enough concentration to count as your action for the turn. ...But this one says to roll Essence as a Diceless Action. How does that work?
It's probably a typo that no one cared enough to fix or errata. I'd change it to be a Reflexive Action.
Re: Solar dying in the Usurpation

I imagine most of the damage actually came from the Solar's contingencies and dead man's switches from wicked old monsters that would rather the world die than continue without them.

I don't think the actual fights were as one-sided as @Imrix suggests; the kill-teams probably had staggering casulties by any normal standards. But on the other hand, I think those kill-teams were actually extraordinarily efficient in terms of lives traded to neutralise an elder Solar. Much Dragon's blood (heh) was spilled but it's a drop in the ocean that is the First Age and the Sidereals would have lost only a handful of their fellowship. Certainly none of this "singlehandedly killed a dozen of Sidereals" stuff.
What I wonder is if the Solar Exaltations that didn't get stuffed in the Jade Prison belonged to Solars who aided the Usurpation.

On a different subject, if I had to come up with an excuse for the whole "Lunars didn't accomplish anything between the Usurpation and now" issue, I'd go with the Sidereals scattering the Lunar Exaltations across the various other realms of existence. Some tossed into the Labyrinth, some into Malfeas, some into Pure Chaos, some into the Beyond, some into Elsewhere, etc. During most of the Shogunate, there would only have been a handful of Lunar Exaltations left within Creation.

Then the Contagion and Balorian Crusade hit. Have that be the work of the Lunar Exalted instead of raksha and Deathlords, because neither of those groups matter. In the aftermath, the Lunar Exaltations were once again free in Creation, explaining the necessity of the Wyld Hunt.
What I wonder is if the Solar Exaltations that didn't get stuffed in the Jade Prison belonged to Solars who aided the Usurpation.

On a different subject, if I had to come up with an excuse for the whole "Lunars didn't accomplish anything between the Usurpation and now" issue, I'd go with the Sidereals scattering the Lunar Exaltations across the various other realms of existence. Some tossed into the Labyrinth, some into Malfeas, some into Pure Chaos, some into the Beyond, some into Elsewhere, etc. During most of the Shogunate, there would only have been a handful of Lunar Exaltations left within Creation.

Then the Contagion and Balorian Crusade hit. Have that be the work of the Lunar Exalted instead of raksha and Deathlords, because neither of those groups matter. In the aftermath, the Lunar Exaltations were once again free in Creation, explaining the necessity of the Wyld Hunt.
It works much better than having 300 celestial exalts in creation and having them do jack shit.
I am a fool, for I actually spend my time threadmarking and going through this thread.

It has been done.

As someone who semi - regularly looks things up with them for games that're likely never going to be run, I also appreciate the work done on maintaining it.

On the homebrew topic, the urge to try running 2e's cropping up again and I've been working on a backgrounds hack that would give players some direct narrative control via spending 'thing that has yet to be named' that comes from backgrounds.

Think twists from Sufficiently Advanced, serendipity from GURPS, or... almost everything (?) from Fate for the basis.

Would anyone be interested in a system hack of that scale or has someone else done one?
As someone who semi - regularly looks things up with them for games that're likely never going to be run, I also appreciate the work done on maintaining it.

On the homebrew topic, the urge to try running 2e's cropping up again and I've been working on a backgrounds hack that would give players some direct narrative control via spending 'thing that has yet to be named' that comes from backgrounds.

Think twists from Sufficiently Advanced, serendipity from GURPS, or... almost everything (?) from Fate for the basis.

Would anyone be interested in a system hack of that scale or has someone else done one?
Would you mind providing more detail? I haven't played GURPS.
What I wonder is if the Solar Exaltations that didn't get stuffed in the Jade Prison belonged to Solars who aided the Usurpation.

On a different subject, if I had to come up with an excuse for the whole "Lunars didn't accomplish anything between the Usurpation and now" issue, I'd go with the Sidereals scattering the Lunar Exaltations across the various other realms of existence. Some tossed into the Labyrinth, some into Malfeas, some into Pure Chaos, some into the Beyond, some into Elsewhere, etc. During most of the Shogunate, there would only have been a handful of Lunar Exaltations left within Creation.

Then the Contagion and Balorian Crusade hit. Have that be the work of the Lunar Exalted instead of raksha and Deathlords, because neither of those groups matter. In the aftermath, the Lunar Exaltations were once again free in Creation, explaining the necessity of the Wyld Hunt.
Whilst i agree at not leaving all the Lunars in Creations (I would mostly send some of them to the Wyld, explanation of why below), i would at least put some Lunar interference during the Shogunate. It isn't like the Shogunate is extremely explored, so putting Lunars as the main antagonists wouldn't private the Dragonblooded of that much space in the setting. (Especially with the Scarlet conquering things in the second age.) Mostly in the role of saboteurs and social agitators, worsening the situation both socially and infrastructurally.(And also stealing artifacts when they could.) Not that Dragonblooded cannot worsen things by themselves, (And they probably worsened things by themselves a lot.) but an helping hand of part of an host of celestial makes things go much worse in less time!

Maybe the number can be decreased not by sealing them away, but by enforcing the opposite of the usual rules for exaltation? Usually the less mutated the original gal is, the better chances the exaltation choses her; maybe the Sidereals found a sorcerous way to invert the thing, making peoples living Wyld tainted zones (And potentially peoples living in shadowlands/strong desmene) the most likely target? I mean, the Lunars are very likely to have such a thing already present somewhat in their powerset, given that Luna was meant to be a alluring beatstick for the wyld: we could assume that if too much wyld is going around, more Lunars would exalt in critical zones, so Luna can do less work.

The Sidereal could have found out about the thing during one of the "Programmed Wyld Invasions" of the High First Age, and then some of them laboured to replicate it artifically with an artifact/spell/with some artifacts/spells. Then some of the results got a bit too strong, and , whoops! Now the seeds of Chimerism (For Lunar Exaltations that Exalt peoples way too mutated to start with) and the Balorian Crusade (For the few very confused Lunars Exaltations that decide that Raksha are totally a fine target to try to exalt. This creates the Ishivara, after a lot of exploded raksha thanks to the incompatibility of the two things. And probably also makes some Raksha into Human Lunar Exalted, because Raksha being transformed into humans are something that if i remember well can happen.) are sown.

Add the fact that at least some Solars and probably lots of Lunars figured out things themselves, and you have a very probable intentional Wyldzoning of Creation following the Usurpation, with the few Free solars that didn't die immediately and the betraied Lunar exalted damaging things to make thing easier for Lunar respawn.(Mostly the Betrayed Lunars) Say, there is a big place that got hit a lot. You know the west, with the destroyed contintent and stuff... (Warning: i don't know that much about the West, might get things wrong.)

I could continue, but stuff get even more rambley from now on. And also repetitive. (Stuff about how the West would make for an interesting HERE lies lunars zone for the dragonblooded, how the various bits of lunar lore we obtained from the 3rd edition could be salvaged [mostly by making the lunar made loom span most of the west, and by making the island with the Dragonblooded shrines lost at the beginning of the shogunate instead of being implied to have been lost recenlty.], and some Sunless Sea references about an ever changing Sea.)

Edit: and also stuff how the failed Balorian crusade chimerized more lunars, but also stopped the Exaltations from trying to exalt raksha. Thus making the Second age lunars something less dangerous for everyone.

Untill the return of the Solars, and the corruption of the Solars, which are presumibly assumed to be somewhat linked to the Lunars. Wyld Stuff doesn't play nice when linked to Primordial or Dead essence... Or: how to accidentally purify a lot of exalted.

As someone who semi - regularly looks things up with them for games that're likely never going to be run, I also appreciate the work done on maintaining it.

On the homebrew topic, the urge to try running 2e's cropping up again and I've been working on a backgrounds hack that would give players some direct narrative control via spending 'thing that has yet to be named' that comes from backgrounds.

Think twists from Sufficiently Advanced, serendipity from GURPS, or... almost everything (?) from Fate for the basis.

Would anyone be interested in a system hack of that scale or has someone else done one?
I was rambling about something similiar some time ago: i mostly went the way of getting inspiration both from Exalted and Reign, and give to all the backgrounds Temporary Dots in addition to the non-temporary ones. I also was rambling about giving a structure to Backgrounds, mostly by making a scale of how much reliable are the background on a cost/reward scale.

I can probably help you if you seek help.
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Would you mind providing more detail? I haven't played GURPS.

I'm on my phone so I can't be super detailed, but the advantage in GURPS allows the player to have plausible coincidences occur, and if they have higher levels of it then they can spend more to make more implausible ones.

Two examples that immediately come to mind for Exalted:

A Solar circle has taken important territory and has a legion matching on them. They're busy building fortifications and weapons for their armies, but don't have enough time to finish before the legion arrives.

One of the Solars decides to use her once per story twist from her Lunar ally to say that he harasses the legion's supply train, giving them enough time to finish preparations before the battle. This isn't something that gets rolled, instead is automatically resolved because the resource is spent and a Lunar ally would have some mechanics (which I'm currently ruminating over) that says doing this is within scope.

A second example would be a Wyld Hunt looking for an Anathema sorcerer hidden in a small city. The players decided they didn't want to play out a heavy investigating scene right now, so one of them uses his merchant connections twist to find the locations where the Anathema could be hiding based on where exotic components are being delivered.

I was rambling about something similiar some time ago: i mostly went the way of getting inspiration both from Exalted and Reign, and give to all the backgrounds Temporary Dots in addition to the non-temporary ones. I also was rambling about giving a structure to Backgrounds, mostly by making a scale of how much reliable are the background on a cost/reward scale.

I can probably help you if you seek help.

I'm not familiar with Reign, but each having temporary uses per story, maybe one per chapter for particular ones, along with a passive is part of the plan.

The main exceptions right now would be Artifact and Manse. Other backgrounds would be scaled, in part, based on their strategic scale value when compared to where those two are currently.
I'm on my phone so I can't be super detailed, but the advantage in GURPS allows the player to have plausible coincidences occur, and if they have higher levels of it then they can spend more to make more implausible ones.

Two examples that immediately come to mind for Exalted:

A Solar circle has taken important territory and has a legion matching on them. They're busy building fortifications and weapons for their armies, but don't have enough time to finish before the legion arrives.

One of the Solars decides to use her once per story twist from her Lunar ally to say that he harasses the legion's supply train, giving them enough time to finish preparations before the battle. This isn't something that gets rolled, instead is automatically resolved because the resource is spent and a Lunar ally would have some mechanics (which I'm currently ruminating over) that says doing this is within scope.

A second example would be a Wyld Hunt looking for an Anathema sorcerer hidden in a small city. The players decided they didn't want to play out a heavy investigating scene right now, so one of them uses his merchant connections twist to find the locations where the Anathema could be hiding based on where exotic components are being delivered.

I'm not familiar with Reign, but each having temporary uses per story, maybe one per chapter for particular ones, along with a passive is part of the plan.

The main exceptions right now would be Artifact and Manse. Other backgrounds would be scaled, in part, based on their strategic scale value when compared to where those two are currently.
I'm actually in favor of something like this for general use, but for those who aren't - I could totally see Sidereals being able to file requests with the Bureau for temporary access to these sorts of powers as a way of representing manipulation of the Loom of Fate, briefly pushing "plausible" into "possible" for the good of Creation.
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I'm not familiar with Reign, but each having temporary uses per story, maybe one per chapter for particular ones, along with a passive is part of the plan.

The main exceptions right now would be Artifact and Manse. Other backgrounds would be scaled, in part, based on their strategic scale value when compared to where those two are currently.
Reign isn't that important in my idea, is that it opened my eyes on what Exalted already had. To make a long story short: if you find a treasure/you buy something nice in Reign you don't get automatically an increase in your equivalent of the Resources background. (Except if the thing has a value greater than what you already have: in that case you simply get an increase to your background) Instead you get a separate Wealth temporary background, that disappear when the treasure is used.

But Exalted already has something simliar: the temporary Willpower Dots. Thus my mind spun and spun and spun and ding! Idea gained: i will give Temporary Backgrounds dots to all the background! And also put rules to make/balance existing backgrounds, because otherwise only half of the problem with Backgrounds is solved.

Essentially my temporary dots would act as a combination of Life bar and Uses of the background. (In some backgrounds only one of the two functions would be present: for example, normal Artifacts/Manses would have the Dots be only a life bar/manteinance bar. Of course, when you use the thing the life bar/manteinance bar would decrease, so it is still something like an use limitation.) Meanwhile i was putting some rules up to determinate what makes a background different from the other of the same kind. My ideas were mostly combining the usual "Stronger is more dots" with a caveat: the less is something affidable/the more resources it uses to do something (Which are often the same), the less the dots.

For example: lets assume Familiar is the most affidable background in the subcategory of "Allies" backgrounds, and Mentor the less affidable. This could mean that hypotetically a Familiar 5 and a Mentor 1 have roughly the same level of power, except the Familiar only requires interaction and susteance and not being treated too badly, whilst the mentor will help you only if sufficently motivated by various means. The Dots of a Familiar would thus replenish themselves quite easily, whilst the dots of the Mentor (And thus when you can use the background) would be a bitch and half to get up, and would require the Mentor sending you on errands/asking you resources before you can ask him things.

My idea of a system would also help with acquiring different background, simply by spending the temporary Dots of an appropriate Background to gain another one. For example: you have Resources 5 with full dots, and you would really like to buy that snazzy Artifact five. Exchanging a Background with full dots with a Background with the same level would decrease the level of your original Background by one, and require Dots to be spent. Now you are Resources 4 and have lost also some/all temporary dots in resources, but you also now have an Artifact 5 background!

Are you interested? Is someone else interested? Or i may simply help doing your thing, and then take over your body and force you to do my thing!

... Maybe i shouldn't have revealed my plans...

Second Edit: a few grammatical corrections.
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Are you interested? Is someone insterested? Or i may simply help doing your thing, and then take over your body and force you to do my thing!

So, the idea sounds similar to what I was thinking and I personally would like it, but there's one big issue I have, needing to recharge it or preform the maintenance directly.

While I like dealing with maintenance and logistics, I've found that the vast majority of players, and other gms, don't.

Right now I'm comparing the other backgrounds to Artifact which always provides useful things and is always available. A player would rightfully be angry if their artifact got stolen for a long period of time and the other backgrounds should be treated the same way.

With that in mind, recharging uses per story by doing something appropriate to the background is an interesting thought.

Right now my idea is to differentiate the other backgrounds in the following ways.

Applicability: When the background is purchased, fields that it can be used within are decided on. I'm thinking of bundling 2-4 abilities together to describe the types of tasks they can help with here and a given background would have at most 4 tags.

Potency: Not all being are created equal. A Dawn will have much higher combat potency than an enlightened mortal and this should determine if a task is in scope. I'm thinking of using the following scale: mortal, enlightened, terrestrial, celestial, adamant.

Frequency: A familiar or retainer can be called on much more often than an ally, but will be weaker at the same dot total because an ally is a peer and a retainer or familiar is a subordinate. Almost all of them would be measured in uses per story that auto regenerate at the start of the next story arc.

Flexibility: Some backgrounds will be able to act in non-applicable situations, but at a cost. You could call on your army to repair the walls of your city, but it'll cost them more twists. Meanwhile, your Dragon-Blooded academic ally can join in a fight, but she'll only provide an enlightened twist because it's out of her scope.
Maybe the number can be decreased not by sealing them away, but by enforcing the opposite of the usual rules for exaltation?
The flaw here is that this whole idea gives the Sidereals way too much personal power over the other Exalted, because even the Jade Prison is considered a one-off event with a deliberately chosen target. Making them the masterminds behind two such events simultaneously stretches the premise of the Usurpation dangerously thin.

If you really want to displace the Lunars from the setting temporarily, you want to explore two facets: 1) Lunars were not technically made by a Celestial Incarna, in many cases Luna is classically attributed as being an honorary member among their number who defies similar origins, 2) Lunars spent the post-Usurpation rebuilding themselves and their Exaltations by hand, which makes things necessary to break it further to make it more of an arduous climb. So let us imagine, fundamentally, that Lunars did not work nearly as close to how they do now, due to a combination of the changes made to the world resulting from the fall of the Primordial Host, and the idea that Luna's strange nature is reflected in them.

It could be Lunars were never intended to Exalt in Creation at all, but because there wasn't anything but Creation at the time, this never became an issue. Humanity bore Exaltation, this was all anyone ever understood because there was never a need to define what humanity Was. The Underworld was born with the first casualty of the War, breaking the wheel of reincarnation, and also explicitly marked its ending. If any Lunars had disappeared in the last of the fighting, it was assumed they had simply abandoned the long-fought battle in the pursuit of their own individualistic goals, as-is their wont.

But the truth of the matter was Lunar Exaltations discovered the newer and darker world below incidentally, by following their dead foes like hunting hounds, Exalting the remnants of the first ghosts to wander the barren wastes, a new and unexpected sub-group of the human condition never before seen. As these Lunars crawled their way out of Lethe and set about conquering the then-masterless Underworld, their living kin aided the Exalted host in retaking and rebuilding Creation, more aging and dying Lunars filtering away into ghosts over time unbeknownst to any until the two growing kingdoms finally met across the barriers of the first shadowland. This was when the First Realm was technically born, as a united compact between the Solar and Lunar Deliberatives, the living and dead Exalted and humanity.

So for a time, there was a measure of peace, and Solars and Lunars exchanged notes over different rulership policies between the living and the dead, some choosing to reside in Creation and enjoy the Mandate of Heaven, as others sought to plumb the depths of the Underworld for new adventures and exploit the changed nature of their old enemies. Then the Usurpation came, and with it the destruction of both the resident Lunar host alongside their Solar spouses, and the infrastructure of the First Age which allowed free passage from beyond the veil of death without tearing a wound in the world. The Lunars who died again were now marooned alongside the Underworld Solars who had never taken part in the feast, and the Lunars who fled were now on a time limit, scattered and disorganized by the fighting.

As the Shogunate advanced, more Lunars sank back to the Underworld as their Solar partners died and reawoke in Creation at the spear-tips of the Wyld Hunt, only able to reenter Creation at the fringes where networks of artificial shadowlands still held chaos at bay. This is where the Lunar Exaltation began to break down and untwist itself, before finally developing the Moonsilver tattoos to paradoxically ground themselves to reality and the living where chaos and death warred with eachother. But while successful, the practice still placed them far-afield from their seats of power on the Stygian Isle, and from footslogging across the world to meet their enemies at the foot of the Imperial mountain. Only where Shogunate pogroms decimated the servant races of the old Realm did the Lunars find their footholds, battling the Dragonblooded through unclosable gaps they had torn attempting to cement their victory.

The Balorian Crusade and Great Contagion became an unexpected windfall in this regard, spreading intertwined chaos and death across Creation the likes of which had not been seen since the War properly. The Lunars took the initiative in the fighting, and... began to Exalt in living people once more, now faced with a world-ending cataclysm to endure. Not always, but sometimes, and that sometimes was enough to hold back the tide before the Realm Defense Grid rocked the foundations of Creation and drove back the Fair Folk into the wyld again. The dead flooded into the Underworld, staunching it with idle souls, and the Lunar host found itself off-footing once more as they were pushed out and into a Creation which lay equally barren and in need of heroes.

And THAT is where the story of the Second Age begins, with the reborn Lunars on leveled footing against the Scarlet Empire, still coming to grips with reforging themselves through adversity into Creation-based Exalted and existing wholly as the other Celestials do, watching Solars reemerge into the world. The Underworld is in flux, the long-dead Lunar Elders remaining as the last of the old-guard in recluse, holding sizable but unworkable powerbases in the Underworld and falling back against the threat of unforeseen population growth in destitute ghosts and the self-styled Deathlords and their Abyssal Exalted taking advantage of that sea-change. The old barrier infrastructure has broken down but the fringes of the wyld still hold sanctuary for the Lunars, as it helps mask their activities in ways the Underworld and its shadowlands had previously done. With the Scarlet Empire weakened, if there was a time to act, that time is now.

Because like the Solar Exalted, they are Alive, they are Willing, and they have Returned.
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So, the idea sounds similar to what I was thinking and I personally would like it, but there's one big issue I have, needing to recharge it or preform the maintenance directly.

While I like dealing with maintenance and logistics, I've found that the vast majority of players, and other gms, don't.

Right now I'm comparing the other backgrounds to Artifact which always provides useful things and is always available. A player would rightfully be angry if their artifact got stolen for a long period of time and the other backgrounds should be treated the same way.

With that in mind, recharging uses per story by doing something appropriate to the background is an interesting thought.
A little clarification: what is needed to increase the Temporary Dots varies by the affidability of the Background. If the background is affidable(Usually by being bonded tightly to you or simple to take care for, like a familiar or an uncomplicated artifact), then recharging the dots is easy peasy, and only becomes a problem if you made it become a problem; For example, if you have been stranded in a desert and you lack charms to feed your familiar [And probably yourself], or you have been fighting for days without rest and your Artifact Armor/Weapon is feeling the wear and tear, then recharging your Affidable Background is a problem. Otherwise it is a nearly standard thing, made automatically with some stunt opportunities. (For example, giving food and bonding with your familiar after an hard day, or blessing a stone into a whet stone with your powers, and then honing your sword before eating.)

Meanwhile, if you are dealing with an Innaffidable/Resource heavy Background (Like the canonical Mentor background, or the canonical Crucible of Tarim) then getting the dots up will be a far more complicate manner. You will have to get the right ingredients to create the spells with the Crucible of Tarim (Which can be easily played as having to have an appropriate other Background, and then making the right actions to "Convert" the Dots from types. For example: if you have the Crucible, and a Resource background you can ask around, and buy the right herbs. Someone with a Familiar background could probably get help from the familiar when searching the herbs, even if it is a bit of a strech. And other examples), and to ask help at your Mentor you will have to first help him a lot. (By roleplaying errands, buying stuff with your Resources, and other things.)

Also, Backgrounds will have different ways of reacting once Temporary Dots reach 0. Some will downgrade (Resources, and probably something else i cannot visualize right now), some will simply stop working (Mentor, the canonical Ally background, probably most of the other Ally like backgrounds), and other will work badly. (Artifact Weapons and Armors will probably lose most of their special powers, but retain their swordiness and armoriness. Probably your Familiar won't die either, but don't expect it to help in any useful way.)

Still, your ideas are interesting, and you seem to have reached further than me in your mechanical applications.

Lunars of the Underworld
Oh myyyyy. This is quite simply glorious! I still want to figure out a way to make Lunars important to creation, but your idea is quite delicious. Should someone decide to make it onto something more than an idea, i am willing to help. I don't know how, but i am still willing.

Besides, mhh. Your idea gives me an idea on how to fix my idea: you said that Luna was only tecnically an Incarnae, and thus her exaltations should be unfettered by the bounds of Creations, right? In your idea, only the presence postwar of the Underworld caused the Lunars to sink down, whilst i feel normally Luna is more of a creature of the Wyld. But Luna was created to be a mirror to the UCS, right? So why don't play the angle with their exaltation too: instead of the canonical Solar/Lunar bond, the bond between the two kind of exaltation was purely here because otherwise the Lunar Exaltations would have gone in the Wyld/Wyld tainted zones, and made their own things.

In fact, why not add 100 more lunar Exaltation, and bind them to the Sidereals? So my idea can be developed even better: the Solar bondend Lunars that died with the Solars in the attack of the Calibration Feast were lost to the Wyld, and then this caused the Balorian Crusade later. (By making Ishivara A.K.A. supercharged Lunar Exaltation powered Raksha and Maddened Wyld Princes A.K.A Raksha that were forced badly to humanity by the Exaltation. Potentially the Ishivara would be in this idea Raksha managing to kill enough MWP to learn how to empower themselves with the Exaltation. Hey, throw enough Raksha as a problem and eventually something will stick!) The Solar bounded Lunars that died later were only partially unbound, and thus ended in Wyld tainted zones rather than the wyld proper. (And some would have become Chimerae by exalting stuff way too much mutated) The ones that were bonded to the Sidereals and to the Unimprisoned Solars simply kept respawning in Creation proper. (With a little bias to exalting in Wyld zones/tainted land, because losing that much teetering would fuck up even the other still bound.)

This could be even a nice idea on how to fit the Non-Canonical-But-Highly-Entertaining Nocturnals in a normal creation without Nox: the "Binding" would have been a bit more "Deep" (The kind of "Deepness" can be deduced by the presence of Luna and Venus in the "Binding") and thus the 100 exaltation bound to the Sidereals were changed unpredictably, still mantaining the Attribute and Nightly focus, but acquiring a paradoxical fate warping and fate solidifying one. If one wants Nox, he can simply be the result of the "Binding".

Still, Underworld Lunars are a fantastic idea, and i am willing to help. I can also seek help for my idea: if anybody sees something else wrong, tell me!
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I am a fool, for I actually spend my time threadmarking and going through this thread.

It has been done.

Thank you, I appreciate this.

As someone who semi - regularly looks things up with them for games that're likely never going to be run, I also appreciate the work done on maintaining it.

Thirded. In fact, my last session was chiefly enabled by the threadmarks! I used @Aaron Peori's Anesidora Jars along with @EarthScorpion's Whisper Well to give a kind of breather episode to my campaign. My players were coming off a fairly grueling battle against a behemoth that capped off the end of our last arc, and ahead of them they've got what I hope ends up as a deep dive into a particular NPC's background and traumas as they raid a fair folk freehold, so while they're traveling southwards towards the Rakhsa, I thought it'd be good to lighten things up a bit.

The players got to the town where they were supposed to meet the sandship only to notice the locals looking haggard and weary and the ship stalled out due to continued errors and freak accidents during what should have been fairly routine maintenance. The players took the hint and started investigating the area, though I ruled the broad spectrum fate fuckery caused by an open Anesidora Jar wouldn't show up on All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight. Sorcerer's Sight did lead them to the Whisper Well, which I really enjoyed using as just a simple reinforcement of 'yeah, sometimes weird shit just is in Creation' which is easy to lose when running city-destroying boss fights. A local old man filled the party in on the nuances of the Well that the party sorcerer wouldn't have just picked up at a glance (to avoid bogging things down), and since several of my players have invested in Integrity and Lore charms, I would have let them roll to gain some acid trip-fueled insights from the Well's waters had they decided to try some. They didn't take that particular bit of bait, and instead decided to use their Bureaucracy and Investigation ranks to cross reference when the problems started (three weeks prior to the groups' arrival) with any recent arrivals in town. This led them to a family of refugees who fled an uprising which has broken out in An-Teng in this game partially due to the group's actions. The group had just began to interview the suspiciously nervous teen daughter when the town warning bells started to chime!

A sizeable (Size 4, to be exact) group of mounted desert raiders had been spotted on their way to town. They were well-equipped, and led by two young outcaste dragonblooded, but while that'd be an intimidating force most of the time, against four Essence 3 Solars (who they didn't know about) it wasn't ever going to be an actual fight. After the obligatory posturing by both sides1​, the bandits charged and the players unleashed their big hits on the incoming raiders. Naturally, this stopped them cold, and I mentally queued up the Benny Hill Music as I described the bandit's panicked scrambling to get their formation turned around so they could flee. We're talking sprained ankles from trying to remount, other people trying to help the wounded by tossing them onto other people's horses, only to overshoot and throw them over the horses instead, and so on. The players made a point of chasing down the two outcastes on their Stormwind Rider, but let the others mostly disperse back into the desert. In hindsight, I kind of wish I'd made them god-bloods or something because I usually like to maintain the atmosphere of Exalts being a Big Dealtm​, but the players enjoyed it so I'm not going to sweat it too much.

Anyway, that night at the victory celebration the circle got around to tracking down the refugee girl again and social-fu'd her into confessing that she had been the one to open the Anesidora Jar, though she had no idea that's what she'd done. Shortly after her family had arrived in the town, she basically succumbed to one of those dumbass 'I bet you wouldn't go to this totally spooky off-limits places at night' tests of courage in order to fit in better with the local kids. While there, she found an old and clearly labeled hazardous materials silo that had been broken open by a shift in the earth. The problem is that it was 'clearly labeled' in old realm, and so this girl started rummaging through it and undid the stopper on a 5-dot jar. Getting the instinctual heebie-jeebies after doing this, she promptly dropped the jar and ran back to town intending to say nothing more about it, with the exception of confessing to the Whisper Well. With the pieces finally in-hand, the group's sorcerers made use of a house rule of mine which allows what amounts to an inverse of the rule that lets you gain extra Means on a sorcerous working by taking extra time. They took four fewer rolls on the working in order to shorten the interval to 1 day each, and spent two days on a working to gather the remainder of the spilt misfortune and return it to the jar.

With the bad luck cleanup complete, their ship was finally able to finish its repairs and the group set sail across the southern desert to assault the freehold.

1) Which culminated in one of my new favorite quotes to come out of this campaign: "You can either fight us and die, or join us and- (to the circle) what do we do again?"
Are Kerisgame specialties applied all the time as additional dice whenever your performing actions within that style, and then you get an additional success based on the specific action listed in each rank of the style?
Are Kerisgame specialties applied all the time as additional dice whenever your performing actions within that style, and then you get an additional success based on the specific action listed in each rank of the style?
Handly flowchart:

When taking an action, consider the following:
  1. Are you stunting? If yes, add stunt dice.
  2. Are you stunting within the themes of the style to be applied? If yes, add an additional number of dice equal to the rating of your style.
  3. Are you acting within the scope of one of the three listed style bonuses? If yes, add that bonus.