"You've finally managed to secure some vacation time..." seems like a great, if troll-y start to a Sidereal quest.
It really does. That said, how bad could it really be? The Elementals do their jobs as they always have for the most part. The gods jealously protect and grow their purviews, as designed. The world has many old shadowlands that can be healed in canon, but the Sidereals just leave those jobs on the desk. The Lintha are still at large - a huge and known Yozi cult, building ties ever more deeply into An'Teng.
Then I think - you know? Creation is a lot smaller, the Lunars in canon do next to nothing and the Solars were gone. Since the Contagion, 800 years ago, not much has been going on. Compared to the First Age, with the Solars breaking the laws of Creation every first Friday, the job could have only gotten easier. You see this whole good old days - so much less work! Personally, it seems more like the Sidereals (who tell their own story from their perspective) have fabricated this great sob story that they work so hard. A sob story all the louder now that the Solars have returned and they see more work on the horizon. They look around at the gods, beings who largely can watch over their purviews passively with little worry, and yearn for such lazy days. The Sidereals seem like 9-5, 5 days a week kind guys, surrounded by welfare recipients and trust fund babies. They are bitter about having to work
at all. That work call they got last Saturday - work has my ass whipped 25-7. Being on call for emergencies, ya we rotate that out among 25 guys so you're only on call one weekend a month = I work 25-7.
You can't work your tail off like the Sidereals claim, for as long as they claim, and learn something like Sidereal M.A. or sorcery or anything. Rather, the gods don't even like them because they lost friends after the First Age when purviews were destroyed. Creation is a pale imitation of what it was, so most gods purviews suffered and they felt it in the pocketbook. What can the Sidereals do but create this false narrative of selfless overworked civil servants to protect themselves. A grand mask they collectively wear about themselves for protection and pity.
Then, the only reason you can't get a vacation, is cause Steve won't trade patching nights with you and no one will cover your shifts.
If anything, I'd expect a lot of time to be eaten up with Gold Faction Sids preaching automation of their duties - while Bronze Faction Sids fear monger about oversight and Skynet. All this around the watercooler as they screw off and avoid doing any work, then segwaying about how hard they all work and patting each other on the back.
I see that in teaching all the time. Reality is that it is not a 7am-8pm Monday-Saturday job, but that's not the narrative. Did Science Olympiad keep me late for like 15 days out of 186 and a single Saturday? Sure, but that does not mean I'm going to weave a false narrative that I work all the time. I usually (95% of the time) work 7:30-3:30, that's pretty freaking sweet and I'm not going to bs about it. Take a small group, stick them in an isolated setting for long enough, watch the sickness that can set into their minds. Poor Sids, they work so hard, they don't laze around like those 1000 Dragon Kings on welfare over in the run down Panoply of Grunge. Then the Sidereal heads home, picking up his 5 star Heaven food and settles into his manse to watch tivo of the Celestial Games, Luna and that thigh gap, o boy! They have too much entertainment, security and safety to be productive or see the time they waste. They are us (modern society) - I refuse to pity them.