No, Martial Arts in 3E is a merit and a series of Charms. (The Merit being nothing but a speedbump which allows you to buy a new Ability.)
This also means that you could have Martial Arts but not Martial Arts or Martial Arts, or Martial Arts and Martial Arts but not Martial Arts, or (in some weird theoreticals) Martial Arts and Martial Arts but not Martial Arts, or Martial Arts and Martial Arts and Martial Arts, and you can use Martial Arts without using Martial Arts or use Martial Arts without using Martial Arts.
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So I was at work and couldn't answer this right away-

I do generally like the 'story setpiece' Spells that are sprinkled liberally through the books, but liking them and thinking them a good design approach is a different thing entirely. Specific implementations aside, I agree with ES a fair amount regarding the 'vision' of sorcery, but I shall unpack further...

A great deal of canon/2e sorcery has always come off as a view of 'someone else's story'. These are the beats and moments that made other characters legendary... and you can appropriate that. That is why a fair smattering of spells evoke explicit biblical miracles like parting the Red Sea, calling down plagues, or marching around a city and blowing a horn to knock down the walls. The advantage of say, a 3e-style Working system is that you can make setpiece beats for yourself without having to a- pay XP, b- deal with fussy one-off rules.

Like, as ES mentioned, one of the greater problems of sorcery is how each spell is a separated resolution blob. Used in moderation that'd be fine... but we have too many exceptions already. Hmm. Point is meandering.

You'll notice that in 3e, they doubled down hard on that 'narrative moment' approach- to which I will point at 3e's Food Gathering Exercise as my usecase example. The 2e version is 'Spend 5 minutes, feed [Essence] Magnitude people. Use 5 times for one day's worth of rations. The 3e version is this rambling treatise on how to hunt without tools, and it guarantees that after 3-4 uses, you WILL run into some suitably big game (and are implicitly encouraged to roleplay it live on camera, eating up screentime). Or the whole swath of socialize charms that let you become a single canon NPC/use his same toolset.

So digging down- evocative descriptions and 'quirks' to make the spell stand out in our minds is good. Invocation of the Invincible Army imo is a fun spell because it makes me want to optimize for it- get a swole sorcerer with huge endurance, have him hold up his arms for 12 hours, get awesome benefits.

Generally what ES proposes and I agree with for the most part is the descriptions should not bleed into the resolution mechanics too much- enough to be evocative in their own right, but not requiring an exception-per-spell. It's why he's pushing down onto Anchors and channeling specific flavors of Essence. Remember though that I adore borgstromancy, so applying it artfully is also worth doing in my mind.
The problem with that there aren't enough descriptions. I would adore a book of descriptions of magical effects, no mechanics except saying what Circle and what Initiation/Means they use.
This also means that you could have Martial Arts but not Martial Arts or Martial Arts, or Martial Arts and Martial Arts but not Martial Arts, or (in some weird theoreticals) Martial Arts and Martial Arts but not Martial Arts, or Martial Arts and Martial Arts and Martial Arts, and you can use Martial Arts without using Martial Arts or use Martial Arts without using Martial Arts.
Yo dawg
This also means that you could have Martial Arts but not Martial Arts or Martial Arts, or Martial Arts and Martial Arts but not Martial Arts, or (in some weird theoreticals) Martial Arts and Martial Arts but not Martial Arts, or Martial Arts and Martial Arts and Martial Arts, and you can use Martial Arts without using Martial Arts or use Martial Arts without using Martial Arts.

Exalted's system is confusing me again.....

Exalted's system is confusing me again.....

To briefly summarize, the Martial Arts Merit merely permits one to purchase dots in the Martial Arts ability. Those dots of Martial Arts then allows you to buy Martial Arts Charms that you meet the prereqs for.

Additionally, you have to buy the Martial Arts ability independently for each different Martial Art. So, for example, if you have White Reaper style at 5 dots, if you want to pick up Snake Style, you'd have to buy dots of Snake style along with the relevant Charms.

There is, of course, no discount to be had for having multiple Martial Arts.

If this seems like a needless waste of time and xp, congratulations, you have a functioning brain.

I try to avoid shitting on Ex3, but I find Martial Arts and Craft to be completely indefensible and wonder why anyone thought this was the way to go.
To briefly summarize, the Martial Arts Merit merely permits one to purchase dots in the Martial Arts ability. Those dots of Martial Arts then allows you to buy Martial Arts Charms that you meet the prereqs for.

Additionally, you have to buy the Martial Arts ability independently for each different Martial Art. So, for example, if you have White Reaper style at 5 dots, if you want to pick up Snake Style, you'd have to buy dots of Snake style along with the relevant Charms.

There is, of course, no discount to be had for having multiple Martial Arts.

If this seems like a needless waste of time and xp, congratulations, you have a functioning brain.

I try to avoid shitting on Ex3, but I find Martial Arts and Craft to be completely indefensible and wonder why anyone thought this was the way to go.

One day, i'll try to make a system for exalted i can actually understand. Probably be unbalanced as hell, though
I try to avoid shitting on Ex3, but I find Martial Arts and Craft to be completely indefensible and wonder why anyone thought this was the way to go.
The Writers wanted Martial Arts and Craft to be a mostly NPC thing and got really passive-aggressive over it instead of coming right out and saying that?

Or maybe a "Everyone talked about Martial Arts and Craft, that can only mean that everyone used those, that can only mean those were optimal, I/we have to make the playerbase more diverse by de-optimizing those every-character-has-these things" kind of mistaken impression of 2E...
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The Writers wanted Martial Arts and Craft to be a mostly NPC thing and got really passive-aggressive over it instead of coming right out and saying that?

Basically Martial Arts is balanced like Evocations, with each Martial Art being its own Artifact. Thus you need to buy the martial art just like the artifact. Why they decided they needed a Merit and and Ability is beyond me, but that's how the original design was obviously envisioned. Right down to Solars getting beefed up Evocations/Mastery effects and Dragonblooded getting shitty versions of the effects.
Basically Martial Arts is balanced like Evocations, with each Martial Art being its own Artifact. Thus you need to buy the martial art just like the artifact. Why they decided they needed a Merit and and Ability is beyond me, but that's how the original design was obviously envisioned. Right down to Solars getting beefed up Evocations/Mastery effects and Dragonblooded getting shitty versions of the effects.
Have i told you guys i really, really, don't like this?
This also means that you could have Martial Arts but not Martial Arts or Martial Arts, or Martial Arts and Martial Arts but not Martial Arts, or (in some weird theoreticals) Martial Arts and Martial Arts but not Martial Arts, or Martial Arts and Martial Arts and Martial Arts, and you can use Martial Arts without using Martial Arts or use Martial Arts without using Martial Arts.
Well technically, the Merit is called 'Martial Artist', not 'Martial Arts'.
Basically Martial Arts is balanced like Evocations, with each Martial Art being its own Artifact. Thus you need to buy the martial art just like the artifact. Why they decided they needed a Merit and and Ability is beyond me, but that's how the original design was obviously envisioned. Right down to Solars getting beefed up Evocations/Mastery effects and Dragonblooded getting shitty versions of the effects.
I seem to remember that they also wanted to balance the fact that you could spend non-charm xp on these charms. Because just making it so that non charm xp couldn't be spent on any charms is too difficult or something.
With the flattening of the power curve, Solars got a lot worse at regrowing arms, incidentally. There's no Charm in Resistance to regrow arms anymore, and using Medicine to do it takes multiple months. (Admittedly, Resistance can prevent the crippling injury from occurring in the first place, but you need to have the Charm and the motes to use in in that moment or it's too late.) In e3, your best bet to regain your arm is probably a sorcerous working, actually, and even DBs should manage that.
That's true. But Dragon-blooded should have some form of protection against Crippling effects. As with many things in the DB rulebook, it's kinda stupid that they don't.
So what do you think should be changed about the rulebook?

Other than the constant protections celestial exalts have against dragonblooded charms.

Also, is it against the rules to post a horrible, sociopathic idea?
Also, is it against the rules to post a horrible, sociopathic idea?

If it's some variant of "well just cut all of a Solar's limbs off and put them in a box to keep their Exaltation trapped forever", then:
  1. It doesn't work, or at least arguably doesn't work in some editions under some interpretations of the rules, and
  2. Please for the love of god try to come up with more interesting questions about the setting.
If it's some variant of "well just cut all of a Solar's limbs off and put them in a box to keep their Exaltation trapped forever", then:
  1. It doesn't work, or at least arguably doesn't work in some editions under some interpretations of the rules, and
  2. Please for the love of god try to come up with more interesting questions about the setting.

How do you guys deal with wood aspects in a modern setting?

ok, I mean, in normal exalted, they fit. You can use the wood aspect charms to let your arrows go through wooden doors and walls and cover, your arrows, infused with your arrows grow into a bush when they hit the target. You can get any plant nearby to grow into arrows for you and your comrades to use.

But what happens when you use guns?

How do you guys deal with wood aspects in a modern setting?

ok, I mean, in normal exalted, they fit. You can use the wood aspect charms to let your arrows go through wooden doors and walls and cover, your arrows, infused with your arrows grow into a bush when they hit the target. You can get any plant nearby to grow into arrows for you and your comrades to use.

But what happens when you use guns?
You either houserule that the Wood Aspect's Archery charms also work with firearms and run around with weird poisonous bullets that go through wooden doors and growing bullet-trees, or you use the Fire-aspected Firearms Charms from Shards of the Exalted Dream.