Just be aware, when an orphaned street rat from a Middle Eastern background shows up to murder you so they can save their waifu-princess after they previously entered the town pretending to be fabulously wealthy and scammed the ruler of the city, sometimes you're not lucky enough that they're Aladdin.

Sometimes the individual seeking to save/steal the princess is Keris. :V
Keris goddammit stop being twisted Disney characters. That's three now! You were already Murderpunzel from your hair and a redheaded kleptomaniac who spends a lot of time underwater collecting shiny things from the lands above (eg Murdariel). Now you're adding Murderladdin to the list. plz stahp
Keris goddammit stop being twisted Disney characters. That's three now! You were already Murderpunzel from your hair and a redheaded kleptomaniac who spends a lot of time underwater collecting shiny things from the lands above (eg Murdariel). Now you're adding Murderladdin to the list. plz stahp

*next session, ES lets Keris find a ACS spell for freezing a land into eternal winter*
Keris: "Let it go..."

Sasi: "...Keris, stop. You have never 'bottled it up inside'. You stabbed people with 'it', Repeatedly might I add.
Yeah, let's be fair here; Keris is more Anna than Elsa. Sasi is the Elsa who keeps it bottled up inside.
Yeah, let's be fair here; Keris is more Anna than Elsa. Sasi is the Elsa who keeps it bottled up inside.

Keris: "She just snapped! She used her powers on people at the party and they were calling her an Anathema and then she ran out!"

Testolagh: "And then what?"

Keris: "Well, obviously I chased her down in, like, thirty seconds tops. She's not very fast, especially in deep snow, and I don't really care about that. But I did kill the Daimyo of Weaselton 'cause he was totes going to report her to the Immaculate Order."

The most fun I've ever had, was playing a lawyer in the Realm.

Flaring your Anima to get the Court's attention is the best stunt I have ever made.


"Overruled. You set your papers on fire too, idiot."
Also, i be needing some kind of devil advocates: can someone give me reasons to keep grapples and middle weight weapons in an hypotetical rewriting of the Combat system?

I am a practicing Karateka (Black belt, first dan), and the second hour of training is usually dedicated to a course of self defense. (mostly escaping from untrained ?Grappling? [Google translate isn't helping me, expect stange terms], parrying things in ways to not hurt yourself and limiting the options of the aggressor, and simple but effective grapping to completely stop cold the aggressor [Things like "You are now on the ground, i am on my feet, and i have one of your arms firmly grasped: if you move, then your arm is going to be twisted in a most umpleasant manner."])

As the part between parenthesis shows, my limited experience tell me that someone properly grappled is fucked and at completely mercy of the opponent. If the grappled have allies that know what to do, then it could potentially escape, but it is generally doomed.

Why should someone keep something that requires outright magic (And thus this magic would become the new Perfect defences) to realistically escape when lacking allies, and otherwise puts the opponent at complete mercy? (I don't know anything but the basics, so peoples with experiences in other martial arts can and will probably prove me wrong. Karate isn't exactly a grappling Martial Art...)

Taekwondo third dan here. My experiences are the same as yours.

But I'm pretty sure that's entirely because TKD and karate are terrible for grappling defense. MMA fights don't just end as soon as someone gets grappled, after all. You can defend against grappling if you learn how.

Also, many of the quick-easy-effective grapples are really unwise against someone with a knife.

So it's not as unstoppable as it might seem. Especially against armed opponents, which are standard in Exalted.

As for why it should be in the game...if you care enough about realism to make being grappled that miserable, you're obliged to include it because not doing so would be unrealistic. And you don't (you shouldn't) you can just make it less brutal.

3e grappling seems pretty fair until Charms get involved, but I'm not really speaking from experience there. None of the fights in my game have gone to the ground yet.
If someone grapples me, my immediate response would be to put them in a lock of some kind, depending on how the grapple was conducted. Karate and Tae Kwon Do are kind of terrible at grappling defense, while Phoenix Form baguazhang is rather effective (admittedly i'm shit at phoenix form so this isnt saying much coming from me).

Freeing youself from a grapple the dirty way usually means "punch/kick 'em in the dick" if you are still standing, while being grappled on the ground is much worse, don't get grappled on the ground.

But if you do get grappled on the ground and are good at leveraging weight, rolling usually leads to lulzy results about the time you scrape the skin on their hands off with the asphalt. :V
Taekwondo third dan here.
I should have quoted all the post, but thanks for sharing your experience. Especially about the weapon wielding part. (Which you made me remember that effectively is covered in what we do as "Be very very careful, and try to avoid/surrender/not get stabbed.")

LIttle clarification: the course of self defense is not Karate, but something else entirely different. It should be (Google translate has failed me here, expect strange translations) a codified mix and match of tecniques known as MGA( Metodo Globale di Autodifesa, meaning Global Method of Self Defence) officially recognized by the FIJLKAM. (Federazione Italiana Judo Lotta Karate Arti Marziali, essentially the official italian federation of martial arts.)

Also, yes, you also made me remember that i should avoid doing things from scratch and start with already established systems. I dunno why i had chosen to doubt the utility of already exising systems Wait, just remembered: a grappling system too unlike reality seemed to me too unlike reailty to accept. Also i wanted to simplify things.

Given that i am willing to accept things even if they aren't like reality, i think i won't listen to that part. I may drop it if not simple enough, but not because not realistic enough.

If someone grapples me, my immediate response would be to put them in a lock of some kind
My english experience fail me, but your post as whole seem to be confirming my experiences too.

We doesn't do exactly grapples in MGA: It is more about defending themselves against peoples without Martial Art training. So about peoples grabbing parts of your body with a single hand/two hand, trying to punch/slap you/headlocks when both standing, and how react to not hurt yourself and escape/make sure they are in no position to attack you. (Usually by making sure they are with their belly to the ground, with an arm painfully twisted while you are standing/putting your knees on their back to stop them from rising.)

The whole punch them in a place they are going to be hurt for us is more hit them in a place in they will be distracted. (Generally slapping the face/eyes/nose, elbow blow/punch the ribs, and hitting other sensible parts)

I have also some experience watching peoples doing Ju Jitsu/doing a bit of it myself, but i am limited to doing some White Belt stuff and watching occasionally more experienced peoples do stuff. Nothing that i can discussi, given that it is half remembered in the first place.
Keris: "She just snapped! She used her powers on people at the party and they were calling her an Anathema and then she ran out!"

Testolagh: "And then what?"

Keris: "Well, obviously I chased her down in, like, thirty seconds tops. She's not very fast, especially in deep snow, and I don't really care about that. But I did kill the Daimyo of Weaselton 'cause he was totes going to report her to the Immaculate Order."
Keris, most people are "not very fast" by your standards.
I am strongly, strongly in favour of the optimal path of play for a sorcerer - if followed to its logical conclusion - making you look like a decadent sorcerer-king laden down with the wealth of nations, carrying a magical weapon, and surrounded by demons and elementals and spirits who call you their monarch. Systems should be constructed so optimising encourages you to act like the system wants you to do, so you can't tell the difference between a cold-blooded optimiser and someone who's really in to playing a depraved sorcerer-king.
I really love the image here, but a part of me honestly loves the image of the Exalted Sorcerer who can turn around and tell reality to 'sit down, shut up, and pay attention while I re-write the world through sheer force of will, knowledge and power' and reality replies with 'shutting up now'.

If you do finish this part of your homebrew, I'd probably house-rule[1] an idea from Legend of the Five Rings in. Standard spells operate like in your system, but a sorcerer can spend extra time and effort to 'internalise' a spell. The cost of this is along the lines of double training times and XP costs (at least), increased Essence costs when casting, and a hard cap on the number of spells you can 'internalise' so it's limited to a very small bag of tricks that you expect to use regularly instead of being players first instinct when buying new spells.

...and I just had a brainwave for how the Immaculate Order would use this. Think powerful exorcists who initiated via the Salinian Working and internalised Emerald Countermagic and Emerald Banishment to be the Order's 'fuck you brigade' when pointed at Anathema sorcerers and demons.
The Anathema will complain that it's cheating, but it's not like unholy demons have any real say in this matter.:V

[1] House-ruling a house-rule. It's house-rules all the way down.
Come to think of it, what would have happened to creation if the Salinan working for Adamant circle sorcery had happened?

Wait. Or would it still be out of reach for mortals.
The wandering asshole out of nowhere who looks like a vaguely ominous vagrant until he curses your kingdom is too strong an archetype for me to be a fan of EarthScorpion's Sorcery.

Well, he just needs Backgrounds as far as I'm aware, so he could have a bunch of Backgrounds like Artifact, Whispers, Coadjutor, Breeding, Savant, Past Lives and others like those.

But I can see where you're coming from, and I won't try and start an argument about it. :smile:
The wandering asshole out of nowhere who looks like a vaguely ominous vagrant until he curses your kingdom is too strong an archetype for me to be a fan of EarthScorpion's Sorcery.

Oh, I actually already covered that.

No one says the things have to look like conventional wealth. Vaguely ominous vagrants tend to have staves made from sacred trees (Artefact), guard holy places in the land or forgotten ruins (Demesne and Manse), speak to the birds and animals (Spies), and have a wise and cunning animal familiar (Familiar). Take Belgarath the Sorcerer, for example - yes, he might in-universe run off the Will and the Word as he wandered around being an old drunk, but he's still got his sorcerer's tower (Manse), his position as the First Disciple of the God Aldur (Status, Allies), and his Contacts and Fame. Those are all things that Twilight Belgarath can call upon when he throws down with the more classically sorcerous Ctuchik, Disciple of Torak, as he fights over possession of the Orb of Aldur (Artefact N/A, OMG such power for the sorcerer who controls it, also can be attached to the pommel of a starmetal grand daiklaive).
The Ominous Vagrant generally doesn't care about what an earthly monarch has to offer.
And yet they always seem quite offended when aforementioned monarch doesn't invite them to their child's birthday party or whatever.

fucking posers

No one says the things have to look like conventional wealth. Vaguely ominous vagrants tend to have staves made from sacred trees (Artefact), guard holy places in the land or forgotten ruins (Demesne and Manse), speak to the birds and animals (Spies), and have a wise and cunning animal familiar (Familiar).
Hm. How do you attack those things, though? A demense or manse can be captured or destroyed, assuming the sorcerer doesn't just squat there 24/7 (which comes with its own downsides), and an animal familiar can be slain unless he keeps it at his side all the time (again, wasting a background, also hi Nagini). Artifacts, though, are almost never meant to be away from your side anyway, and are usually considered immune to breaking because Exalted is very protective of shinies.

I'd thought of "Background-based Sorcery" as meaning you had to diegetically occupy or expend the Backgrounds in question – send your familiar off to deliver your curse, focus all the energies from your ley line, sacrifice a brace of slaves on a stone altar – but how does that work with the Status/Fame you mentioned? Presumably Belgarath doesn't become less famous as he performs great and terrible workings, nor can I see any way his fame would become "suspended". Status would work by calling in assistance from the Heavenly Bureaucracy (a more mundane Status might have more trouble, but I guess you can call in reagants or assistants), I suppose...
Yeah but make sure you don't piss off the orb or it will melt your face and create a giant rent in the continent.
Oh, I actually already covered that.

No one says the things have to look like conventional wealth. Vaguely ominous vagrants tend to have staves made from sacred trees (Artefact), guard holy places in the land or forgotten ruins (Demesne and Manse), speak to the birds and animals (Spies), and have a wise and cunning animal familiar (Familiar). Take Belgarath the Sorcerer, for example - yes, he might in-universe run off the Will and the Word as he wandered around being an old drunk, but he's still got his sorcerer's tower (Manse), his position as the First Disciple of the God Aldur (Status, Allies), and his Contacts and Fame. Those are all things that Twilight Belgarath can call upon when he throws down with the more classically sorcerous Ctuchik, Disciple of Torak, as he fights over possession of the Orb of Aldur (Artefact N/A, OMG such power for the sorcerer who controls it, also can be attached to the pommel of a starmetal grand daiklaive).
Okay, that's more interesting. I'm not a huge fan of this approach but it works well enough.

But also come on. A mystical orb of power that is slotted into the hero's giant sword, and your first thought is "Artifact"? :V