The elements are an aesthetic, not an archetype.

Dragon-Blooded are Teamwork Heroes who are flavored by their association with the elements.

The reason they have stuff like Ramparts of Obedient Earth is because the Dragon-Blooded are also the Officer Corps of The Exalted, and therefore of course get to make a fortress and ramparts by commanding the earth beneath them.
Which, the point I was intending by that reference, was the beginning of "this is all your fault, you the fans, driving us to make these kinds of executive decisions. We are the lofty council who must take up the arduous task of establishing the proper dialogue around this game."

But they've always been pretty clear and adamant that the Solars will be the strongest Exalt type, and the Dragonblooded will be the weakest. They're not abolishing the power tiers. Just that the gap between the two of them will become more blurred. That's what they've been saying for years, and the very quote you posted says they aren't really abolishing the power tiers so much as just blurring them up more.

And then you posted that they wanted to make sidekick exalts and were planning to abolish the power tiers, in the most hyperbolic way possible.

Which is, and remains, patronizing as all hell.

It's a fortunate thing that this never, ever happens here.

Anyway, I wouldn't put too much stock in what the devs have said. I remember when they were complaining about the lack of a Bureaucracy system.

Dude, no. I remember bitching about a lack of plans for a codified bureaucracy system during the kickstarter for 3E.
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So, ignoring the latest 3e argument gearing up, I've got an idea I'm pondering.

In Shards, we've got Heaven's Reach(and Gunstar, sort of) as a space opera type of setting. Now, Shards pretty much said "Don't play above E5", if not in so many words. And that's reasonable considering Elder Bullshit. But something that got mentioned in this thread was the idea of Alchemicals turning into spaceships and colony ships at high Essence instead of colossi and cities.

And I've been wondering about that idea again.

Leaving aside how it gets done(either traditional Essence increasing or maybe some kind of Alchemical fusion dance), I've been wondering how you might treat that sort of thing. Not as a PC concept, although playing a magitech spaceship demigod is a cool idea, but rather how you would use something like that. I can sort of see treating a colony ship scale Alchemical as something of a setting piece, although one that would probably be a fair bit more active than a regular Alchemical city.
So, ignoring the latest 3e argument gearing up, I've got an idea I'm pondering.

In Shards, we've got Heaven's Reach(and Gunstar, sort of) as a space opera type of setting. Now, Shards pretty much said "Don't play above E5", if not in so many words. And that's reasonable considering Elder Bullshit. But something that got mentioned in this thread was the idea of Alchemicals turning into spaceships and colony ships at high Essence instead of colossi and cities.

And I've been wondering about that idea again.

Leaving aside how it gets done(either traditional Essence increasing or maybe some kind of Alchemical fusion dance), I've been wondering how you might treat that sort of thing. Not as a PC concept, although playing a magitech spaceship demigod is a cool idea, but rather how you would use something like that. I can sort of see treating a colony ship scale Alchemical as something of a setting piece, although one that would probably be a fair bit more active than a regular Alchemical city.

Honestly, if you wanted to delve into that, I'd use a variant of @EarthScorpion and @Aleph's Enlightenment Hack- Alchemical Exalted can go all the way up to Elightenment 10, but they have to go Colossi and then Metropolis/Patropolis to do so.

Or just do similar with Essence, let them ignore that 'rule'.
Honestly, if you wanted to delve into that, I'd use a variant of @EarthScorpion and @Aleph's Enlightenment Hack- Alchemical Exalted can go all the way up to Enlightenment 10, but they have to go Colossi and then Metropolis/Patropolis to do so.

Or just do similar with Essence, let them ignore that 'rule'.

No, that breaks things if you have them have ACS and stuff like that.

Since people are not going to be doing such things except by plot in normal play, just declare that Alchemicals can make a permanent sacrifice and be retrofitted into being colonies/space stations/vessels when they're at max Enlightenment with no way of undoing it. An Alchemical-spaceship is basically no different from a spaceship with an Exalted pilot, and they get to make avatar-bodies for when you want to be a shipgirl, etc. They don't get a power-up from it, because most of the power increase comes from being a capital-scale structure rather than a humanoid.

I'm not addressing colussesses here, because I've honestly never really seen the point of them.

(I always encourage more things making use of Heaven's Reach, because I consider it the best setting in Shards by a loooooooooong way)
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Leaving aside how it gets done(either traditional Essence increasing or maybe some kind of Alchemical fusion dance), I've been wondering how you might treat that sort of thing. Not as a PC concept, although playing a magitech spaceship demigod is a cool idea, but rather how you would use something like that. I can sort of see treating a colony ship scale Alchemical as something of a setting piece, although one that would probably be a fair bit more active than a regular Alchemical city.

What I would do is treat them as vessels that are overall parts of the flotilla. The Battlestar Galactica remake, for example, had a lot of ships that were part of the refugee fleet, for example.

I would, however, consider treating them as exceedingly hardcore battleships that can dock and refit at the Gunstar though.
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No, that breaks things if you have them have ACS and stuff like that.

Since people are not going to be doing such things except by plot in normal play, just declare that Alchemicals can make a permanent sacrifice and be retrofitted into being colonies/space stations/vessels when they're at max Enlightenment with no way of undoing it. An Alchemical-spaceship is basically no different from a spaceship with an Exalted pilot, and they get to make avatar-bodies for when you want to be a shipgirl, etc. They don't get a power-up from it, because most of the power increase comes from being a capital-scale structure rather than a humanoid.

I'm not addressing colussesses here, because I've honestly never really seen the point of them.

(I always encourage more things making use of Heaven's Reach, because I consider it the best setting in Shards by a loooooooooong way)

I feel the need to point out only Apostate Alchemicals can get Sorcery proper.

But yeah, the way you're suggesting seems fine to me.
I feel the need to point out only Apostate Alchemicals can get Sorcery proper.

But yeah, the way you're suggesting seems fine to me.

Yeah, but likewise, I really don't see the point in keeping Protocols as their own special "totally not relabelled sorcery" thing. Infernal sorcery shows how you can just use the standard sorcery rules and just tweak how a few spells work and theme them appropriately - Alchemical Protocols should just be "Yo, you cast Death of Steel Cogs rather than Death of Obsidian Butterflies".
I've never been quite sure why Protocols are separate from Sorcery either.

Dude, no. I remember bitching about a lack of plans for a codified bureaucracy system during the kickstarter for 3E.

To be honest, I'm not completely clear when they changed their tunes re: Bureaucracy. Wouldn't be shocked if it was before the Kickstarter.

But I read this quote recently, and it refreshed a few memories. Not sure how the John who wrote that became the John we have now.
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Leaving aside how it gets done(either traditional Essence increasing or maybe some kind of Alchemical fusion dance), I've been wondering how you might treat that sort of thing. Not as a PC concept, although playing a magitech spaceship demigod is a cool idea, but rather how you would use something like that. I can sort of see treating a colony ship scale Alchemical as something of a setting piece, although one that would probably be a fair bit more active than a regular Alchemical city.
Generally the idea I've had in regard to Alchemicals hitting the city-equivalent scale is when Charm-effects and "actions" simply become part of the environment and now include a set minimum of people/objects they must target at any one time, because those things have now become mass-scale Systems rather than being focused entirely on the Alchemical and the things she occupies personally. Each of these things is a passive, ongoing element which serves to stake out a series of "waypoints," noting particularly vital pieces of the structure and you kit them the same way you would create anyother elaborate set piece or manse, simply trading Hazards, enchantments and circumstance bonuses for the equivalent die pools and Charm effects taken from the Alchemical properly.

Like, the Elder Alchemical assigns her particular traits/Charms to the underlying basis of a given infrastructure, such as (Perception + Awareness) into security monitoring, because she is physically embodying that industry, and while she certainly has the senors available to cover the whole of her structure, cannot fine-tune the analysis back down to personal-scale when her essence-reactive Charms tell her there is an intruder in the gantry area. Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus is keyed specifically to the rotating shaft which serves as her spine and primary thoroughfare, allowing anyone within range of the bulkheads to walk along them safely as the whole cylinder assembly slowly spins of its own accord. If you try to stop the automatic conveyors within her domain, you have to push against her static value of (Strength + Athletics), which is applied universally across all her "move something" abilities and what is upgraded manually via teams of workmen when she must improve the productivity of transport. That kind of thing.

The idea here being, that the Alchemical becomes a diffused force spread so thinly across her domain that while she informs the majority of its noteworthy fixtures and landmarks, she has to call in external help (usually the PCs and/or a drone body with a much less impressive loadout) to help problem-solve things which are not suitably massively-scaled to match her own scope. Her mechanics become the shorthand you use to define "what is interesting about this location."
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Spoopy death Sorcery.

Har dee har- but what I mean is, ES sets access to different Circles of Sorcery at different Enlightenment levels. So, how does this interact with how Abyssals, say, can access all three Circles of Necromancy but only up to that Sapphire Circle of Sorcery, while for Solars it's the other way around?
Har dee har- but what I mean is, ES sets access to different Circles of Sorcery at different Enlightenment levels. So, how does this interact with how Abyssals, say, can access all three Circles of Necromancy but only up to that Sapphire Circle of Sorcery, while for Solars it's the other way around?

Exactly what I said. :V

Since it's spoopy death sorcery and Abyssals can go up to E10, they can access all Circles, just like Solars and Infernals.

Abyssals would just be heavily incentivized to power it with deathly Essence, presumably because fostering life as an Abyssal is rather hard.
unless the orphan children of your million slain enemies, screaming for their parents to come as they are left in the dust of your army of risen skeletons powered by hate and despair, count as fostering life

in which case u wont have any problems
...actually, that reminds me

@EarthScorpion, how does the Enlightenment hack interact with Necromancy?

If you're using RAW Necromancy, then the Necromancy circles are at the same levels as the Sorcery ones, sometimes shifted up by one level for inappropriate Essence thematics (so a purely theoretical Enlightenment 11 Solar could cast Void Circle Necromancy, but alas Enlightenment only goes up to 10).

(Oh, and of course, Sidereals and Lunars can get Labyrinth Circle Necromancy because of this. They're not forced down to the lowest circle due to the "gotta be worse than Solars" thing - which there really is no legitimate reason for. It's Abyssals who are the best at Necromancy, not Solars - and Solars don't get anything that says they should be better necromancers than Lunars... arguably, really, they should be worse.)

I have a half-built sorcery thing that alas also requires my half-built project thing (since Workings are just a form of Project carried out by a sorcerer), and in that "necromancy" is alternatively "sorcery shaped from necrotic essence" and "sorcery which uses Whispers as an Authority" (most things that use Whispers as an Authority are also fuelled by necrotic essence). So what the Black Nadir Concordat stole was the secret of how to use Whispers as an Authority, which of course involves contaminating yourself with the spiritual impurity of the Neverborn. But that's just scattered notes in documents and things in my head at the moment.

(This is the "sorcery is cast through Backgrounds, sorcery requires appropriate sources of essence for a given spell" thing I've mentioned a few times)
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