Open questions:
What is your headcanon for why the priests of Cecelyne and the Celestial judges are the same sort of spirit?

Has anything funny ever happened involving them in your games?

My theory was always that some of those Judges defected after the Primordial War, and some did not. Given that both Heavenly Law and the Laws of Cecylene center around the idea that Might Makes Right or Higher Essence Means Better Positions, most Celestial Judges don't see much difference in their jobs when it comes to the old regime and new regime.


As always, Bureaucracy is Hell.
I like the theory that they were part of the War reparations - seven of the eldest Priests; the most powerful and the most experienced of all their kind, which the victorious Incarnae demanded from Cecelyne as a trophy. Lost in despair by that point, she paid up, because what was one more humiliation on top of all else that had been done to her?
Failed Princelings
Lesser Dead
Dead by Their Own Hand

There is a pernicious rumour that goes around certain secondary schools in the Realm, despite the best efforts of all authority figures to stamp it out. The whispers claim that if an unexalted Dynast cuts their own throat on the stroke of midnight on their twenty-first birthday, while praying to the Immaculate Dragons, then they'll be reborn as someone who is guaranteed to Exalt. Someone desperate enough to try this ritual will not pass on, however, and the ghosts that rise from such tragedy are intensely malevolent. They haunt places the young frequent, killing their former peers and the next generation.

In truth, the rumoured method for such a suicide is a thaumaturgical ritual laden with the spiritual pollution of the Neverborn, and the death is a prayer to rotting murdered titans. The ghosts this produces are tainted and impure by their deeds, soaked in the filth of the Neverborn. Their passions become twisted towards hatred and revenge - which they inevitably turn on the Dynastic society that mocked them for their inability to Exalt. Most of all, they loathe those with strong breeding who bear the marks of foretold Exaltation.

For all their youth, the corrupt power of the Neverborn strengthens these ghosts and fortifies them. The ritual grants their wish in a perverse manner, and clads them in filthy power, derived from Primordial races slaughtered by the Terrestrial Exalted. They become nightmare figures, bloody handed weapons of vengeance of the murdered. Some reanimate their own corpses and hunt down teenage Dynasts, seeking to reap a bloody harvest. Others gain the power to pull an entire building into a Cyst of the Underworld, trapping everyone within inside a horrific nightmare realm to be picked off one by one. Others still forcefully claim the body of a single person, and lead them down the path of spiritual debasement and self-mutilation, making sure that the hated Dragonblooded see what their children are made to do by their own hand.

Necromancers must take care when binding failed princelings, for they are powerful out of proportion to their age, sadistic and cruel. They are fortunately rare, thanks to the relatively few Dynasts who try this rumoured ritual and the hard work of Immaculate exorcists who seek to eliminate them all. Still, despite all this pages containing details of the ritual are found in old books in Dynastic schools and tales are passed from child to child, seemingly cropping up from nowhere.
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Failed Princelings
Lesser Dead
Dead by Their Own Hand

There is a pernicious rumour that goes around certain secondary schools in the Realm, despite the best efforts of all authority figures to stamp it out. The whispers claim that if an unexalted Dynast cuts their own throat on the stroke of midnight on their twenty-first birthday, while praying to the Immaculate Dragons, then they'll be reborn as someone who is guaranteed to Exalt. Someone desperate enough to try this ritual will not pass on, however, and the ghosts that rise from such tragedy are intensely malevolent. They haunt places the young frequent, killing those who show marks of strong breeding in malicious ways.

In truth, the rumoured method for such a suicide is a thaumaturgical ritual laden with the spiritual pollution of the Neverborn, and the death is a prayer to rotting murdered titans. The ghosts this produces are tainted and impure by their deeds, soaked in the filth of the Neverborn. Their passions become twisted towards hatred and revenge - which they inevitably turn on the Dynastic society that mocked them for their inability to Exalt. Most of all, they loathe those with strong breeding who bear the marks of foretold Exaltation.

For all their youth, the corrupt power of the Neverborn strengthens these ghosts and fortifies them. The ritual grants their wish in a perverse manner, and clads them in filthy power, derived from Primordial races slaughtered by the Terrestrial Exalted. They become nightmare figures, bloody handed weapons of vengeance of the murdered. Some reanimate their own corpses and hunt down teenage Dynasts, seeking to reap a bloody harvest. Others gain the power to pull an entire building into a Cyst of the Underworld, trapping everyone within inside a horrific nightmare realm to be picked off one by one. Others still forcefully claim the body of a single person, and lead them down the path of spiritual debasement and self-mutilation, making sure that the hated Dragonblooded see what their children are made to do by their own hand.

Necromancers must take care when binding failed princelings, for they are powerful out of proportion to their age and intensely malevolent. They are fortunately rare, thanks to the relatively few Dynasts who try this rumoured ritual and the hard work of Immaculate exorcists who seek to eliminate them all. Still, despite all this pages containing details of the ritual are found in old books in Dynastic schools and tales are passed from child to child, seemingly cropping up from nowhere.

Corpse Party? Though I guess the scenario is actually pretty common in tons of media, now that I think about it. The combination of 'student' (or at least young) and nightmare realm made me think of it.
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Corpse Party? Though I guess the scenario is actually pretty common, now that I think about it. The combination of 'student' (or at least young) and nightmare realm made me think of it.

Not just that. They're also slasher movie slashers, and able to be the demon from the Exorcist.

But yes, to a large extent they're totally there to be the antagonist for a Dragonblooded school prequel session. Or for your Immaculate monk character to show up in the middle of a teen slasher movie and punch Jason in the face with Fire Dragon Style.
I have to say, I much prefer the idea that being a priest of Cece is a position rather a being. It serves the metaphor of Malfeas as prison and prison society better to have all the myriad prisoners be co-opted by the system of oppression then it does to have a single race of would-be guards.

As a matter of fact, it also serves the story of Cecelyne better. The Priesthood and Church of Cecylene should not be an imperious monolithic bloc, though it should certainly be trying to appear so. Cecelyne herself already fills that role perfectly well. The Priesthood of Cecelyne should be riven with politics, graft, corruption, abuse, betrayal, ambition, backstabbing, falls from grace, and plots galore. In short, it should be more like an actual church, and there is no better way of doing this than by making it an attainment.

The fact that this turns the Priesthood of Cecelyne from a bunch of metaphorical prison guards to a collection of metaphorical trusties and prison snitches is...well, I would be lying if I told you it wasn't exactly what I was aiming for.
In "Compass of Celestial Directions: the Wyld" we are told about a forest made of cats. There is a goddess who lives there and gives people gifts if they impress her.
One time she gave someone a daiklave made out of cats.

Given it is a sword made out of cats, this gave me a few questions.

Was it forged from cats? Was it a cat shaped like a Daiklave? Was it a bunch of cats that hold on to each other and try to maintain a general daiklaive-esque shape?
The last one is my personal guess.

How does it cut people? Do the cat extend their mouth or claws? Do you just have to hit the person hard enough with it to cut them?

Do you have to feed the cats or are they sustained by commited essence? Will they poop on your hand? If they get bored will some of them wander off? What happens if a lunar tries to perform a sacred hunt on your Cat-sword? Is it animal abuse to use this as a weapon?

These are all very important questions. :V
Ok, why is it bad?

Fluff or crunch?

Wouldn't that second bit require changing the background of it?

The crunch was bad, of course, but it also suffered a lot of problems like 'what the fuck do you even do besides feeding.'

Which is similar to Beast the Primordial, but at least no one claimed the raksha were heroes for being parasites.

The fluff was also confusing, convoluted, etc.
The problem with a Daiklave made of cats is that its really embarrassing in the middle of combat when your epic sword of awesomeness starts soiling your armour. Not to mention the embarrassment of trying to hold yourself up as a dignified, powerful Prince of the Earth when your sword is dribbling cat piss onto the rich carpets of the various mighty lords of creation.
Well, to say nothing of the problem:

"Wretched Abyssal, prepare to taste my blade! SUMMON THE LOYAL STEEL!"
*sword looks at you*
*pushes vase off shelf*
*walks in the exact opposite direction*

(The cat forest is pretty great, though.)
Now that KSBD has come up, I have to say that Mottom / Mother Om's back story is even more Exalted, thematically at least, than the rest of the comic already is.
At 14, she was unfortunate enough to catch the eye of a divinely-empowered king, and was taken to be his bride - without being given any say in the matter. She was loved and celebrated by the people for her beauty - but unlike her husband, she grew old. And when her beauty faded, her husband took many more wives, who he treated with ever-growing sadism and cruelty. Even by the standards of a world rather similar to Malfeas, he was monstrous.

So she killed him. She plunged a knife through his eye while he slept, stole the divinity from his brow, and buried his corpse beneath his garden. But three days later, he rose as a hungry Dead thing, placated only by the flesh and blood of ever-more wives.

So now she has a power that all of creation would kill for, a kingdom to take care of, and cannibalistic flesh-tree husband to appease, none of she wanted. But to deal with that nonetheless, so she converts her court into a big "don't fuck with me" flying castle, and begins an eternal raiding campaign to obtain MOAR WIVES and MOAR LOOT for an ever-more decadent court. But she's totally just doing it as a necessary display of conspicuous consumption, not because she thinks she deserves it for her suffering or anything like that.

Flash forwards a few thousand years. Politics has calcified, with seven rulers each controlling a seventh of the universe, and she's one of them. Now, she can't even abandon her power is she wanted to, because any disruption risks plunging the universe into eternal war, and the most powerful ruler of them all wants to unmake reality. Even with all her power, she's near-dead with age, surviving by eating the stolen-life fruit of her dead husband, which is growing less and less effective. And then a girl arrives, young and clueless, but bearing divinity on her brow. And Mottom sees her chance. Another ruler getting the girl's power would spell the end of their fragile truce, and begin universal war. But if the girl will take her kingdom, all the wealth and responsibility, then there will still be seven rulers, and Mother Om can just walk away, vanish and abandon the chains of power and duty within which she is trapped.

And then the girl perma-kills her husband, denounces Mottom as evil, and survives the ensuring fight long enough to escape. Because fuckin' Solars, am I right?

So yeah, you could literally port her as an elder Solar of the late first age with only minimal changes. And she's even usable in a game thanks to her desperation, overall goals and not-being-a-dedicated-combat-monster-ness[/SPOILER]
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So yeah, you could literally port her as an elder Solar of the late first age with only minimal changes. And she's even usable in a game thanks to her desperation, overall goals and not-being-a-dedicated-combat-monster-ness
Likewise, Allison is so fucking Solar it hurts, with the Conquering King being her past incarnation.

She obviously has Resistance Charms given she beat a Third Circle Demon (tbh KSBD demons are closer to Raksha) in a drinking contest. :V