Hmm. How to put this?
Basically my goal with Exalted is I don't want to tell a story about Saving The Serfs of Malfeas or Curing the Great Curse or Resurrecting the High First Age or Reforming Yu Shan.
I don't want to "save the world". My goal when I run a game of Exalted is to tell a very personal story. Go look at the map of Creation and look at those blocks that are five hundred miles to a side. I want my entire story to occur
in there. The Iliad. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. A story about a nation in peril, great cities being threatened, a rise of god-kings... and that's it.
But according to
@Broken25 I can't tell that story. There are probably something like 150 Million People in the East. What does my kingdom of 1 million souls in the far South
matter compared to that enormity? Why should I be content to tell a story about the lives and loves of these people and the struggle between those who would control or destroy them when I should be focusing on those people who outnumber my pititful little corner of Creation by two orders of magnitude?
This is
the exact same problem @Broken25 has between Creation and Malfeas. I don't
care about Creation, I care about Paragon or Whitewall or Nexus. I want to be free to tell a story about the meaning of this city-state or this nation or these people. I don't want to have to constantly think "There is a much more important story that needs to be told."
Perversely, the existence of Malfeas and its teeming hordes
frees me to tell these tiny stories about small nations. Malfeas is huge. The Underworld is huge. The Wyld is
literally infinite. No matter what I do I can not 'save the world', because Creation is a tiny, tiny fraction of the actual world. I can not, in a normal sized chronicle or even one that lasts hundreds of in setting years, possibly make a dent on saving all the demons of Malfeas and all the ghosts of the Underworld and all the numberless hordes of Chaos.
If 'saving Creation' can be important within the scale of this literally astronomically large expanded world than 'saving Gem' can be important within the scale of Creation. The only thing that matters is the story I want to tell, about the group I want to tell it about. Whether that story is six billion demons or eight strangers taking shelter in a Guild caravan layover in the Far North.