From what I've read in Kerisgame, it seems like 3CDs just assume that Infernals will instantly leap to do their bidding, but I would've thought the Primordial war beat a lot of that hubris out of them when it comes to Exalted. I mean, they're probably pretty used to being literally Unquestionable, but one Enlightenment comparison would show that Keris is equal or better than every one of them that isn't a Fetich. There's more to it than that, but it's strong evidence that by the core tenet of the laws of Cecelyne, high end Infernals don't have to take orders form 3CDs any more than other 3CDs do. What's the incentive for such Infernals to go along with following orders? Is the pay just the hookers and blow? VIP level access to all the wonders of Malfeas? Gifts of stuff worth Background Dots? Infamy?
Well, look at it from Keris' point of view. She was a street rat living off thefts and occasional temporary side jobs. Then she went to Hell, and got her own land nicer than the nicest houses in Nexus, got taught to read with demonic lore, has servants by the dozens and fabulous wealth - and a lot of very persuasive and attractive people explained to her how the Yozis used to rule Creation and they're its rightful lords.
Yes, she's loyal to the Unquestionable. She's loyal to them because they've given her
everything she has.
And what do they ask of her? They want her to ruin the Dragonblooded trade with An Teng. They want her to kill people. They want to rule over areas of Creation.
... well, it's not like she actually has moral problems with any of that. Ruining Dragonblooded trade is a broad directive that gives her lots of room to do it her way, which includes a lot of piracy and personally enriching herself. Killing people... well, she doesn't fundamentally have any problem with violence. She killed people when she was on the streets. And she's been convinced that the Unquestionable used to rule over Creation and Keris certainly has no real respect for most of the gods while demons have helped her a lot.
You ask what Infernals get from the Unquestionable? What about status as a duke of Hell, and wealth and power beyond that of most Dragonblooded? Going rogue from that means taking a substantial downgrade in living standards.
And yes, Keris may be equal in
spiritual power to Ululaya, but so what? A peasant might be stronger than a king and have the same spiritual power, but the king has armies, lands, and lots of loyal lords. The Unquestionable have the assets and the temporal power in the relationship. And the Unquestionable know they need to have the GSPs get to Enlightenment 10 so they can learn to summon 3CDs.
Because when they can do that, there's now a way for the Unquestionable to
get out of this fucking place without being fucking bound by some fucking Solar. The Third Circles hate being trapped in Hell. The Reclamation in Kerisgame isn't run by the Yozis. It's run by the 3CDs - and they're doing it for their
own benefits, not that of their greater selves.
I'm also curious how missions are decided and assigned, as well as how that works with Urges. How does an Infernal's Urge change and is that something the Althing does? Does the Urge match their official mission?
Changing Urges is something specifically that Lilunu can do, but only when invested with power by at least 5 other Third Circles. That's one of the big reasons for the "get all the Infernals together to party over Calibration" thing - it's a time to assign new Urges and the like.
The Unquestionable have their own way of hashing out their conflicts and their arguments about the Urges Infernals should be given. It involves a lot of horse trading, feuding, warring and bribery - and making sure no one finds any Urge unacceptable enough to try to filibuster it.
Missions, on the other hand, are much shorter term than Urges, and don't have to be related. An Infernal might have an Urge to convert An Teng to the worship of the Yozis, as Sasi has, but that doesn't stop her from being giving unrelated missions in the area by the All-Thing, or taking on side jobs from Unquestionable.
It's much easier for an individual Third Circle to give a mission to an Infernal. They can either "cheat" and pay the Infernal off on the side - as Keris is being paid by Ligier and the Shashalme - or they can do it the proper way and bid for the Infernal's time from the All-Thing, essentially "renting" their labour.
Keris, in particular, is likely to start more and more being given missions all across the South West once they realise just how fast her strategic scale movement is and how she doesn't complain when having to travel for a few days (because when she runs, she dreams, so that means travel for her is basically downtime which she spends in her soul with her family).
What would the Althing in your Creation make of rogue Infernals? Outright traitors get kill squads I assume and it would be an easy sell to the GSPs that would most likely be sent to do it, but what about Infernals who just leave? Given how the Unquestionable seem to act less mature than Keris' literal demon children souls, I expect some sort of temper tantrum.
That entirely depends on the circumstances and the way the Infernal leaves. If an Infernal just... vanishes, the Unquestionable don't have a thing they can do. The Infernal goes AWOL, stops answering Infallible Messengers, and... how exactly are they going to follow someone who has no Fate and probably has Loom Snarling Deception. They'll probably send cultists or maybe a GSP or an escaped 2CD to investigate the last area they were in, but if they can't find the Infernal in question, they're sort of out of options. And probably sort of annoyed about it, but not actually able to do anything.
By contrast, it's entirely possible for an Infernal to go quasi-rogue and still be able to go to Hell, as long as they're politically savvy enough to play the Unquestionable power politics game properly. Consider what would happen, for example, if Keris stopped showing up to the All-Thing but kept on doing jobs for the Shashalme and Ligier. Those two would be happy with that arrangement as long as she kept on getting results for them, and that would mean they'd cover for her in councils.
And on the third hand, an Infernal who doesn't play it smart and just publicly quits and starts ruling over a Southern city or something while insulting the Third Circles may well find that there are quite significant bounties on their head and someone so tactless who doesn't work on keeping the Unquestionable happy probably annoyed a bunch of Infernals too.
Consider Deveh, for example. If he went rogue and Keris was told that someone had put a 5 dot manse on his head as a bounty, she'd be
super tempted. Killing Deveh isn't something she's necessarily morally opposed to (because he's an asshole). Honestly, she'd probably do it for a 3 dot manse.
Basically, by design Infernals are much more a spectrum of loyalty under this model compare to the black-white line of Loyalist/Renegade of Abyssals - and a socially adept Infernal can crawl quite a lot longer way down the line than someone who doesn't know how to depict their actions in ways that help them.