Sanceline, the Iterative Choir
Demon of The Third Circle
Second Soul of She Who Lives In Her Name
If one does venture into the cosmos-body of the Pyre In Which Thoughts Are Burned, one would find 99,997 perfect spheres of pyrian crystal, immaculately polished and tended to by millions of Serfs, enthralled by the music of Her name. Some of these spheres extend to the size of nations or even larger than the sun itself, some would humble Ligier with their size and some could fit in the palm of a hand. Yet those one must truly fear are the ones who sing, for they are vessels of the Iterative Choir, and all who hear them are made into better versions of themselves.
Sanceline takes the form of a disembodied choir of voices, perfectly singing in unison with each other, covering all mortal tones and nuances of song to perfection. The song they sing, is a million chants and choirs in the tongue of the Old Realm, and they sing of perfection and improvement. When Sanceline deigns to take a visible form, they use the metal and glass and tools in vicinity to reflect the pure, white light of their soul into a single form, vaguely feminine and masculine at once, composed of individual fragments of hardened light. This figure possesses no joints, and it's limbs instead float freely, still connected by invisible bones in a field of soothing white.
All who hear the song of Sanceline are driven to improve themselves and their immediate area. Beggars are driven to become wealthy merchants who spend their wealth to improve the land, kings unite countries and establish elaborate infrastructure, the Exalted master great magics and use them to aid their fellows. As this desire strengthens, mortals and serfs will seek out great repositories of crystal, preferably pyrian crystal or Adamant, which they will carve beautiful prosthetic limbs from. Then they will seek to replace their own limbs with these, for the magic of Sanceline's choir will not only make them fully functional, but better than any mortal limb. As they cut away their flesh and bone, they likewise cut away their emotion and desire. They carve more limbs, and those of strong will who yet fall under her sway, may eventually drive themselves to cut out their heart and brain, and replace them with the fires of She Who Lives In Her Name, woven with the songs the Iterative Choir. Eventually, these luminous bodhisattvas will create more limbs, and add them to their bodies instead of simply replacing existing limbs, and some of them go so far as to have up to six limbs, and beautiful halos of pyrian crystal that float in the air behind them. They will shine with an inner light, and their movements will hum with Purpose.
They do not lose their wills, for unlike their greater self, Sanceline finds use in the wills of mortals. She knows that a creature with the capacity for self-determination will be able to act independently of orders and hierarchies, in which a tremendous power is found. Yet she believes that the power of the free will must be tempered with the wisdom of the twin virtues of Purpose and Order. Thus, she asks that her bodhisattvas wander the realms of both Malfeas, Creation and even a few in the hallowed halls of heaven, for the Sidereals are fond of the philosophy of self-improvement and sacrifice for the greater good of Creation. Where they walk, they bring Sanceline's songs of Purpose and Order with them, as the hum in their bones of imperishable crystal, which compels both mortals and lesser gods to improve what they possess. Blacksmiths will disregard their current requests and create better tools that they may use to create even better tools, painters will work greater and greater works of their art and scholars will make headway deeper and deeper into more and more esoteric research.
As such, Sanceline was often summoned during the First Age of Man, almost as often as the Manse of Echoes Ascending, and those two were often summoned together. Therefore they will never go to war with each other, and all summonings of the Iterative Choir will bring with it, a shrine to the Manse of Echoes Ascending just as all manses designed by Amalion will possess a hidden shrine to Sanceline.
The Iterative Choir fears the souls of Oramus and fears especially the Seven-Tailed Comet, for the prospect of all their great works and improvements being for naught and falling apart is one that terrifies her truly and deeply. As such she seeks for a way to prove the predictions of Sima wrong, and when they argue and debate and Sima makes superior arguments, the song of Sanceline will briefly become a cacophony of disharmony in chronophobic panic.
Notes and Abilities: Sorcerers most often call to Sanceline in an effort to perfect their servants or to learn their songs, of which they have ten for every sphere of their greater self. For the songs and tones of Sanceline can perform many feats of supernal power, such as shatter stone or bind the minds of men, and it is said that She Who Surmounted the Omphalos performs the songs of the Iterative Choir through their dances, though neither of them has spoken of this.
Others summon Sanceline in order to learn how to call their luminous bodhisattvas, for they are not demons and cannot be bound by the workings of the Surrender Oaths. Sanceline is not a leader however, for they do not direct their servants to work change on the world, they command them to wander and act, but she does not know the ways of a leader, better than any mortal king or queen. Some call them to gain the wondrous tools that those who hear fragments of their song are compelled to make, and these are many in their blessings, such as a hammer that can work in sound or a brush that can paint intentions. Sometimes, when a masterful teacher or leader abandons his charges to die, due to disappointment in their skills, Sanceline may appear in their dreams and start them on the way to iterative self-improvement through Purpose and Order.
Sanceline and the All-Thing: Sanceline will want for the spreading of their philsophy and the teachings of Purpose and Order. They will desire for mortals to hear their songs and become luminous bodhisattvas themselves. They will demand actions against the Dead, for they consider them unnatural and twisted and demands they be put into the ground where they belong. Unlike many of their peers, they do not despise the Exalted, but instead seeks subversion of them, and believes that teaching them of Purpose and Order will help. Lastly, they will want large parts of Creation to be replaced with crystals, and they hold great love for the Far Northern reaches of Creation, for they find ice beautiful.