Not actually true. The Primordials are stated to have imposed linear time on the Wyld when making Creation.
The Wyld is infinite in scale, and the Loom, the thing that made linear time a thing, already has issues with forcing fate on the edges of Creation proper. The farther you go, the less effect that the Loom has. Once that effect hits zero, anything goes.

Sure, an Exalt would probably never be able to get that far, but that boundary exists. Perhaps with such a large space defined by the Shinma between Creation and it that there are no Raksha from outside the area where objective reality is a thing who have gotten to Creation proper.

E: Also, there exist Charms that circumvent the Primordials' restrictions. Like true teleportation, which works by bypassing the fact the Primordials made objective distance a thing.
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On the topic of Shinma, what if the Ebon Dragon became the Shinma of Sin? It's stated that the Ebon Dragon wants to become a Shinma, but Shinma define things by embodying their opposite, so if the Ebon Dragon goofed and went for Sin instead of Virtue, what kind of thing would it become?
Dharma already defines sin and decay by being perfection. A shinma of 'sin' is redundant at the most charitable.
The past is only unchangeable because of the Loom of Fate. In the Wyld, you can kill a raksha and five minutes later meet the same Raksha from last year, kill them again, and then run into them a third time from shortly before you were born and have a calm conversation.

The past is unchangeable because Creation is built with linear time so that it can go "haha fuck you Raksha".
The Wyld is infinite in scale, and the Loom, the thing that made linear time a thing, already has issues with forcing fate on the edges of Creation proper. The farther you go, the less effect that the Loom has. Once that effect hits zero, anything goes.

Sure, an Exalt would probably never be able to get that far, but that boundary exists. Perhaps with such a large space defined by the Shinma between Creation and it that there are no Raksha from outside the area where objective reality is a thing who have gotten to Creation proper.

:Citation Needed:
From a Doylist perspective, Creation has linear time so that actions mean something.

If you can fuck around with the past (and thus, by extension, some other fucker in the future can fuck around with the present), it gets vastly harder to make your actions actually mean anything.
On the topic of Shinma, what if the Ebon Dragon became the Shinma of Sin? It's stated that the Ebon Dragon wants to become a Shinma, but Shinma define things by embodying their opposite, so if the Ebon Dragon goofed and went for Sin instead of Virtue, what kind of thing would it become?

Dharma would frownyface at TED and point out that he cannot become a shinma because Dharma is incorruptible, all-loving and good - and since TED is not Dharma, he can fuck right off.

The past is only unchangeable because of the Loom of Fate. In the Wyld, you can kill a raksha and five minutes later meet the same Raksha from last year, kill them again, and then run into them a third time from shortly before you were born and have a calm conversation.

That's not true. If a Creation-born kills a Raksha, the Raksha is dead no matter where it happens.

And what happens in the Wyld is not true time travel. It's time travel in the sense that events in a novel can jump around - the story continues onwards through the pages, even if the characters in the story go back in time. The narrative may flash back to a previous scene, but from the point of view of an outside observer that event had not happened prior to the flashback - it's new information.

If someone sets fire to the book, for example, the events in the "future" stay the same even if the "past" now never happened.

From a "meta-time" point of view, there is no time travel in the Wyld. Events still advance from past to future - it's just some of the events which chronologically happen after earlier ones have a "The Castle of Cold Flame, Twenty years ago" message appear on the screen when the scene transition occurs.
Ahh, Samsara, that thing that makes free will a joke.

Hey, Morfic Tide saying something that makes sense for once....

It's one of the things I hate most about Exalted's lore, because it makes it so that the past is unchangeable without time travel.

Or not.

(But really, the whole thing about Samsara and that is possible to make perfect, impossible to avoid profecies is idiotic).
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On the topic of Shinma, what if the Ebon Dragon became the Shinma of Sin? It's stated that the Ebon Dragon wants to become a Shinma, but Shinma define things by embodying their opposite, so if the Ebon Dragon goofed and went for Sin instead of Virtue, what kind of thing would it become?
Shinma do not define things by embodying their opposition.

Shinma are ideas used by the raksha to explain the limits of reality, by giving names to those things which are beyond it.

The Mask is "things which have no form". The Mask is not part of reality. Therefore, things in reality must have forms. If they did not, they would join the Mask.
The Cup is "things which are perfect". The Cup is not part of reality. Therefore, things in reality must be imperfect. If they were not, they would be the Cup.
The Staff is "things which are in isolation". The Staff is not part of reality. Therefore, things in reality must interact. If they do not, they would be part of the Staff.

And so on. Most fundamental is the Heart, which symbolizes "things which do not exist". The Heart is not part of reality. Therefore, things in reality must exist.
If you can fuck around with the past (and thus, by extension, some other fucker in the future can fuck around with the present), it gets vastly harder to make your actions actually mean anything.
Unless the game is about time travel in the first place, but that runs into separate issues. (You can fit a CoNTINUUM character sheet on a large index card, but still need five pages for the time sheets.)
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So, here's one of the changes that I'm implementing in my 3.5 homebrew.

Range bands are replaced with zones. This is a relatively simple change. Characters within a zone are all considered to be within short range of each other. Characters that are engaged in melee combat are considered to be in Close range. Characters in adjacent zones are within medium range, characters within the next zone over are long range, and so on. With your reflexive move action you can either move into or out of close range with someone within the same zone as you, or you can move to an adjacent zone.

Ah, yes, time travel. No, it should never be a thing in base exalted. Now, an AU or campaign revolving around it? That's fine, time travel is an amazing plot tool if used well. Crono Trigger, Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean 1 are all great.

Just make sure to go full Sanderson in plotting out the rules to be used for it.
So, here's one of the changes that I'm implementing in my 3.5 homebrew.

Range bands are replaced with zones. This is a relatively simple change. Characters within a zone are all considered to be within short range of each other. Characters that are engaged in melee combat are considered to be in Close range. Characters in adjacent zones are within medium range, characters within the next zone over are long range, and so on. With your reflexive move action you can either move into or out of close range with someone within the same zone as you, or you can move to an adjacent zone.


Should work fine, as long as you have a system for handling rushes and disengages.
Ah, yes, time travel. No, it should never be a thing in base exalted. Now, an AU or campaign revolving around it? That's fine, time travel is an amazing plot tool if used well. Crono Trigger, Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean 1 are all great.

Just make sure to go full Sanderson in plotting out the rules to be used for it.
And prepare for the mother of all bookkeeping headaches trying to keep track of what's happened in game.
So, somebody proposed an idea for coming up with ideas for different shards by choosing different Primordials to donate their world-bodies as the foundation for Creation.

What about different shards where the Primordials lost different souls during the First Usurpation? What does Theion become if Ligier was the fetich soul that died, or if Cecelyne was fetich'd while Adrian remained the River of All Torments?

@EarthScorpion, what happens to SWLIHN if the Arbitrator of Doctrine was a casualty of the initial war?
The past is only unchangeable because of the Loom of Fate. In the Wyld, you can kill a raksha and five minutes later meet the same Raksha from last year, kill them again, and then run into them a third time from shortly before you were born and have a calm conversation.

No. If you kill that guy, he is dead, permanently and forever. You can meet some other fairy pretending to be the same fairy you just permanently killed, but surely only a particularly retarded fairy would do that when permakilling Exalts are in the vicinity. They only get to go "Great scene, you killed me and that was so stylish!" when they do it to each other, because they are playacting when they do it to each other.