Something that strikes me about the thematic direction of this is that it's a
magnification of ultimately heroic (in the classical, large-than-life sense that's common in Exalted) obsession but, again, through the lens of being an Servant of Oblivion, a Knight of Entropy. Which is to say, yes, you may get what you want, but every step is going to be soaked in blood, ruin, screams and general misery. You
can and you
will get what you want... but every step you take is a transgression against the world; it is a disturbed affront, a violation against that which should be.
Basically, it's like the vampire situation, or what
@Revlid just said as I finished typing this lol. If there is
ever any point that you can say "The world isn't an undeniably worse place for having me in it!" then you're already missing the point.
...So what happens when an Abyssal, in this framework,
accomplishes what they wanted? Is the game over?