18:37 rookaway Now then.
18:38 rookaway Keris is the ow until the world stops being so loud
18:38 Aleph

18:38 rookaway "THE FUCK WAS THAT" how eloquent of you
18:38 Aleph

18:39 rookaway Dulmea doesn't know what the fuck's going on
18:39 rookaway Good
18:39 rookaway I don't either
18:39 Aleph She's never been to Creation before~
18:39 Aleph Unlike Marisalon.
18:39 Aleph The perils of only buying Coadjutor 4.
18:39 Aleph

18:39 rookaway hee Keris blushing
18:39 rookaway Dulmea is best daemonmum
18:40 rookaway ... interesting.
18:40 rookaway And onward we go!
18:41 rookaway "Deeper than the ocean off the coast of An Teng." oh wow
18:41 rookaway "Keris allows herself the indulgence of a flip, shooting out of the water and arcing a body-length and a half into the air; a brief scarlet flicker in the gathering dusk that falls back down and plunges into the water with barely a ripple, her ears tracking echoes and sounds through the water to build a map of the lakebed." OK so
18:41 rookaway This just gives me flashbacks to Majora's Mask
18:41 rookaway Did you ever play that?
18:42 rookaway There's one area where Link gets the Zora Mask (which lets him turn into a zora, a fish-person!) and you can swim really fast relatively far.
18:42 rookaway It was always my favorite : D
18:42 rookaway >800 m
18:42 rookaway aaaaaaaaaAAAAAA THAT'S DEEP
18:43 rookaway ... oh /hello/
18:43 rookaway What's this?
18:43 rookaway An... not an engine
18:43 rookaway What on earth is that at the bottom.
18:43 rookaway Curious.
18:44 rookaway and she texts waifu~
18:44 rookaway well, the closest thing to it an Infernal has :U
18:45 rookaway Someone really doesn't want people down there indeed

18:46 rookaway ... that is a remarkably cool way to do things
18:46 Aleph

18:47 rookaway aaaaaand bad tasting death
18:47 Aleph Hang on
18:47 Aleph Because I love this, and I made a post about it
18:47 rookaway Contagion huh

18:47 rookaway and sure
18:47 Aleph
Tabletop - General Exalted Thread | Page 319
18:48 rookaway "A layer of death and rot from the Great Contagion still lingering in the geological record, just below a second layer from when the Pole of Wood reconnected with Creation after being knocked loose during the Balorian Crusade, sending out a wave of Wood Essence so potent that it lingers in the fossil record on the other side of Creation more than seven hundre
18:48 rookaway forget the cut-off but
18:48 rookaway Holy shit
18:48 Aleph ikr
18:48 Aleph so cool
18:49 rookaway Holy *shit* yes /it/ /is/
18:49 rookaway O_O
18:49 rookaway *ahem*
18:49 Aleph

18:49 rookaway but yes contuing on
18:49 Aleph Indeed
18:49 rookaway continuing
18:49 rookaway herglebergle spelling
18:49 Aleph lol
18:49 Aleph Oh yes. Remember how Keris averages 18 successes for taste rolls?
18:49 rookaway wellington mcskellingtons
18:50 Aleph Keris averages 18 successes for taste rolls.
18:50 rookaway old realm-ish and
18:50 rookaway wha
18:50 rookaway I'm surprised that I'm surprised
18:50 rookaway At this point Keris shouldn't really be able to make me go 'wat'
18:50 Aleph Her taste is as acute as her hearing.
18:50 Aleph There is a reason she shrieked upon tasting that death layer.
18:50 rookaway I forgot that actually
18:50 Aleph ...
18:50 rookaway Ye gods
18:50 Aleph which was not wise
18:50 Aleph because it involved opening her mouth
18:50 rookaway lol
18:50 Aleph and letting more water in
18:50 rookaway sucks to be keris then

18:50 Aleph ooooh yes
18:52 rookaway leeeeemuuuuur
18:52 rookaway eeeee-
18:52 rookaway ... D:
18:52 rookaway rip lemur : (
18:52 Aleph lemurs should not have hooted near kerisears
18:52 Aleph loud lemurs become dead lemurs
18:53 rookaway Sasi responds : D
18:54 rookaway ooo
18:54 Aleph Ah, now.
18:54 rookaway Catalyst of the Red Sunrise
18:54 Aleph Heheheh
18:54 rookaway that's a pretty name
18:54 Aleph yyyyyeeaaaaah
18:54 Aleph or, as it turns out
18:54 Aleph not
18:55 rookaway and Keris returns to the lake
18:55 rookaway Echo!
18:56 Aleph Ah!
18:56 Aleph Yes
18:56 Aleph Now
18:56 Aleph This is pretty much exactly when Echo started to show signs of real intelligence - and indeed, began her journey into the annoying genius she is today.
18:56 Aleph Watch this waif.
18:56 Aleph

18:56 rookaway hee
18:57 rookaway >Echo waves her hands around, in an excited 'taa-daa' gesture.
18:57 rookaway eeeeee
18:57 rookaway "remarkably evocative gesture" lmao
18:57 Aleph
18:58 rookaway I for one welcome the new craze of silt-sock eel-skins
18:58 Aleph It is also where she got her mime-language, yes.
18:58 rookaway Iszangol, eh
18:59 Aleph Keris's first, whee
18:59 rookaway hee
18:59 rookaway And that is part the six!
18:59 Aleph But not the first from Keris.
18:59 Aleph And now Part the Seventh!
18:59 rookaway Onward!
19:00 rookaway hee Keris
19:00 rookaway she really likes creating life
19:00 Aleph ^_^
19:00 rookaway "flesh-alchemy vats"
19:00 Aleph lol dulmea
19:01 Aleph she has a very... demonic view of reproduction
19:01 rookaway oh, Echo
19:01 rookaway >She gets a lot more smugness back, and the impression of someone sticking their tongue out.
19:01 rookaway s a s s
19:02 Aleph so much sass
19:02 Aleph ¬_¬
19:02 Aleph and again, we see that Echo is in fact going to end up smarter than Keris.
19:02 rookaway and Keris is not used to people being asleep at night
19:02 rookaway le gasp
19:02 Aleph Because she beat her to working out how to make serfs.
19:03 Aleph Look, Nexus is the equivalent of, like, New York or London. And she can hear /everything/ you're up to behind closed curtains.
19:03 rookaway Heh.
19:03 Aleph Yes, even that.
19:03 rookaway I can see how it'd--: p--be a change
19:03 rookaway also oh wow KERIS SKY
19:03 Aleph

19:03 rookaway Dulmea is best mum
19:04 Aleph "Echo is just a minor irritation. She steals things, she kills things when she's bored, and she's started making these... wind-children whenever she dances. Which is often."
19:04 Aleph you have no idea how many szelkeruby there are in the Domain right now
19:04 rookaway lol
19:05 Aleph at some point she got bored and stopped, but they can dance each other into existence as well, so the damage by then was done
19:05 rookaway >A year ago, she would never have thought she'd be swimming up a vertical waterfall to try to comfort her son. Who is not a sun, but instead a moon.
19:05 rookaway #infernals
19:05 Aleph Now it seems perfectly logical.

19:05 Aleph Remind me to show you the sequence where he got born
19:05 Aleph Now that was trippy
19:05 rookaway hee, sure
19:05 rookaway aww Rathan
19:05 rookaway no cry
19:06 Aleph

19:06 rookaway welcome to childcare Keris
19:06 Aleph i felt really bad this session
19:07 Aleph "Moving forward with a calming, soothing touch ready to gently reassure her son, Keris is immediately clocked in the eye by a flailing elbow"
19:07 rookaway lmao
19:07 Aleph truly, he is his mother's child
19:07 rookaway bounce the babby : D
19:07 rookaway ... huh.
19:07 rookaway It's literally heart-shaped.
19:08 Aleph Yyyyup
19:09 rookaway Dulmea is best nan too it seems
19:10 rookaway and Keris is back to Creation!
19:12 rookaway >Situations where everyone wins are the best, Keris thinks. Especially when they involve her not getting squashed by terrifyingly powerful demon gods.
19:12 rookaway oh, Keris
19:12 rookaway You so
19:12 rookaway so
19:12 rookaway so...
19:12 rookaway You so Keris.
19:13 Aleph

19:13 Aleph It's notable, actually
19:13 Aleph that Keris tends to think that love and loyalty are far better ways to rule than fear or coercion.
19:13 rookaway It's a very /her/ approach.
19:13 Aleph She mostly controls people in ways she herself would respond well to.
19:13 rookaway Yep.
19:13 Aleph Part of that, it must be said
19:14 Aleph is that she doesn't really understand the mindset of a person who, when threatened into compliance, doesn't start entertaining thoughts of flipping the board and stabbing the threat in the kidney.
19:14 rookaway Girl after my own heart.
19:15 rookaway "I see you had fun" lol NO REALLY
19:15 Aleph And she's a romantic, not a cynic, so she believes very strongly that emotional reasoning will override rational reasoning - which is why she's so paranoid of prejudice against Anathema and devotion to the Immaculate Faith.
19:15 Aleph Like, she probably massively overassigns how important those are to people, because she assumes they are to others as family is to her.
19:15 Aleph Or Revenge.
19:16 rookaway Yeeeep.
19:16 Aleph That is, she assumes everyone's walking around with 4-dot principles.

19:16 rookaway AKA "is crazy"
19:16 rookaway

19:16 Aleph

19:16 Aleph And yes, she had fun.
19:16 Aleph /lots/ of fun
19:17 rookaway >"Made. Him," Sasi says flatly.
19:17 rookaway aaand here we go
19:17 Aleph Keris has a consistent trait of making Sasi go "wtf"
19:17 Aleph It's one of the things Sasi loves about her.
19:17 Aleph She's a constant puzzle.
19:18 Aleph "So you learned to summon at last, but..." she trails off.
19:18 Aleph Keris bites her lip. "That... is a thing that might have happened, yes," she agrees. "Summoning is one thing I could have done. But, uh. I also sort of... didn't." She squirms slightly under Sasi's steady stare. "I may have... sort of... made him?" she says. It's as much question as statement.
19:18 rookaway the talking will wait indeed \*waggles eyebrows*
19:18 rookaway and lol
19:18 rookaway yeah
19:18 rookaway Keris is at the dinner-time now
19:18 Aleph Sasi massages her brow. "I'm not even surprised," she says, mostly to herself.
19:18 Aleph LIES
19:19 rookaway ... Shogunate secret locations eh
19:20 rookaway ... stored... there... ?
19:20 Aleph

19:20 rookaway D:
19:20 Aleph also :S
19:20 Aleph I'm pretty sure what it is at this point
19:22 rookaway Huh.
19:22 rookaway I am spooked that much is certain D:
19:22 rookaway And that is part the seven!