17:36 Rook So begins Rook Reads Downtime (coming to AMC never.)
17:36 Aleph As a foreword; remember that I had almost nothing to do with developing Keris's backstory.
17:36 Aleph Apart from the very basics; it's ES-created.
17:36 Rook Yeah, you just gave ES the cliff notes and he did the r-yeah.
17:36 Rook Yeah you told me! It's p impressive.
17:36 Aleph Much like I left "what happened to Rat" open. ¬_¬
17:36 Aleph (grrr)
17:36 Rook that was your fault and you know it
17:36 Rook *patpat*
17:36 Aleph GRRR
17:36 Rook ^_^
17:37 Rook sasi+mind-probing
17:37 Rook ooooohh
17:37 Aleph paaaiiiin
17:37 Aleph heh
17:37 Rook ohhhhhh deeaar
17:37 Rook not the fun kind either
17:37 Aleph she did that to kasseni when they caught her
17:37 Rook
17:37 Rook "you could have avoided this" SOMEONE CALL MJ12 I FEEL THE SPEC OPS JOKES
17:37 Rook I FEEL THEM
17:38 Aleph What do you think of the flashbacks?
17:38 Rook apples and chalcanth waiting oh sure that makes EVERYTHING OKAY
17:38 Rook well I'm not there yet
17:38 Aleph Because, uh
17:38 Rook
17:38 Aleph ... I keep getting caught out by your reading speed.
17:38 Aleph
17:38 Rook "ding" goes the mind needling
17:38 Rook and I read *very* fast, just not this because I'm taking it deliberately slow
17:38 Aleph "shit" goes Keris, "that hurts"
17:39 Rook oh hello flashback
17:39 Rook papa was a smith!
17:39 Rook mama was pretty! other people
17:39 Rook 'Uh. Fail.'
17:40 Aleph So yeah, Keris's dad was Persian/Iranian, and her mother was... like, /far/ southern. Nigerian, maybe.
17:40 Rook "whoops there goes some hair" bruh I feel you
17:40 Aleph I am... kind of interested in how the fuck they met, tbh
17:40 Aleph like
17:40 Aleph there is a story there
17:40 Aleph Possibly a good one.
17:40 Rook well if her papa was a smith perhaps she traveled and came to him for business!
17:40 Rook Which begs the question what she was doing up there.
17:40 Rook But I digress.
17:40 Rook Keris is in [HEAVY BREATHING] mode
17:41 Rook awww Keris...
17:41 Aleph and not the good kind
17:41 Rook lel
17:41 Rook sasi pls
17:41 Rook keris pls
17:42 Aleph Hmm?
17:42 Aleph they are truly awful
17:42 Rook these two my heart ;_;
17:42 Aleph Keris /does not like SWLIHN Charms/.
17:42 Rook and then keris ate ALL THE APPLES
17:42 Rook *omnomnomnomnom*
17:42 Rook well that was a quick week
17:43 Rook riverrrrrr
17:44 Rook and it was blood ape leather too!
17:44 Aleph chibi!Keris
17:44 Rook welp
17:44 Rook oh god
17:44 Rook that's an image
17:44 Aleph throwin' flowers in the river
17:44 Rook Imagine chibi!Keris with the hair
17:44 Rook going full BLENDERMODE
17:44 Aleph sadly no
17:44 Aleph her hair was normal and brown back then
17:44 Rook just comically high pitched squealing as she rips bloody mayhem
17:44 Aleph she was very cute
17:44 Rook yes but imagine a chibi!Keris that is in the style of present her
17:44 Rook just like
17:44 Rook murdering everything
17:44 Aleph but rook
17:44 Rook the mental image is amazing
17:44 Aleph why would we need to imagine chibi!Keris
17:45 Aleph when her children will have her hair
17:45 Rook ooohhhhhh
17:45 Rook good point!
17:45 Aleph also all of her souls
17:45 Aleph ...
17:45 Aleph seriously keris
17:45 Rook lord have mercy
17:45 Rook nobody is ready for that
17:45 Aleph why is your hair so fundamental a part of your self image
17:45 Rook *nobody*
17:45 Rook Especially not Keris lmao
17:45 Aleph that literally all of your souls have it
17:45 Rook Dulmea.
17:45 Rook ...
17:45 Rook Dulmeadokh, is her name
17:45 Rook yes?
17:45 Aleph Yes.
17:45 Aleph dokht
17:45 Rook Aha~
17:45 Rook -dokht, yes.
17:46 Rook What was done here.
17:46 Rook I see it.
17:46 Rook :3
17:46 Aleph Keris is very sweet.
17:46 Aleph She started out Keris of Firewander, but sort of... latched onto Dulmea.
17:46 Rook hopefully servantbro finds it
17:46 Aleph alas, they did not
17:46 Rook ;;
17:46 Rook welp
17:47 Aleph and then VACATION
17:47 Rook VACATION
17:47 Rook lol Sasi
17:47 Aleph
17:47 Aleph Look
17:47 Aleph "we did it on purpose"
17:47 Aleph sounds a lot better than "we accidentally a whole nexus"
17:48 Rook indeed!
17:48 Rook it's also like 20x more psychotic but hey
17:48 Rook bad Keris no tapping the Unquestionable
17:48 Rook baaaaaaaaaad Keris
17:48 Rook bad!
17:48 Aleph look
17:48 Aleph he just
17:48 Aleph he feels /so much/ like Her
17:48 Rook <Keris> "pls gib sorcerery lessons thank"
17:48 Aleph ... and also won't kill her with his touch, which is convenient
17:49 Rook that's a word
17:49 Rook
17:49 Aleph
17:49 Rook oh, Keris
17:49 Aleph Lilunu is aware that Keris has been dabbling in Pantheon heresy.
17:49 Aleph ... Keris is in fact at the /cutting edge/ of Pantheon heresy.
17:49 Rook Keris got the whole damn crew up with her and Sasi
17:49 Aleph Like, she may literally be the most soul-developed Infernal in the Reclamation.
17:50 Rook Pantheon heresy?
17:50 Rook I have an idea of what you mean by that
17:50 Aleph The way she's growing souls and making an inner world and becoming a mini-Primordial.
17:50 Rook Do you mean she has too many souls and they're too powerful? or
17:50 Rook Aha.
17:50 Rook Yays!
17:50 Aleph Well, at the moment she thinks she's a mini-Unquestionable
17:50 Rook I was mostly right ^_^
17:50 Aleph because, like, they have seven souls, right?
17:50 Aleph And they're also geography as well as people
17:50 Aleph Right?
17:50 Rook lol
17:50 Aleph Calesco, Keris's eighth soul: "Hi."
17:50 Rook "also geography as well as people"
17:51 Rook #Exalted
17:51 Aleph Ligier is the Green Sun.
17:51 Aleph
17:51 Aleph Why can't Keris be the, uh
17:51 Rook in that case it's astronomy as well as people!
17:51 Aleph pocket realm of Krisity?
17:51 Rook Linthaaaa
17:51 Aleph Shashalme is their gardens, etc
17:51 Rook and then ISLAND TIEM
17:52 Rook Humility, eh
17:52 Aleph The five trials.
17:52 Aleph And yeah. Keris's life has certainly taught her that one.
17:52 Aleph Extensively, and at length.
17:53 Rook To her left, Malfeas.
17:53 Rook To her right, Nexus.
17:53 Rook "Keris-level introduction"
17:54 Rook and we go from touching to lololololol just like that
17:54 Aleph So yeah, her Sacrifice was her identity as a street rat. She self-identifies as a Green Sun Princess now - she's no longer the pauper.
17:54 Aleph She might be, you know
17:54 Aleph still a bit feral
17:54 Rook just a little bit
17:54 Rook a wee tad
17:54 Rook now and again it pops up
17:54 Rook nobody ever notices
17:54 Aleph but she's fundamentally comfortable as someone who Owns Things and Orders People Around and Has A Title.
17:54 Rook (usually, I hazard, because they are dead)
17:54 Aleph
17:55 Aleph Incidentally, that Keris-level introduction was her learning Social Saboteur Style.
17:55 Rook lol
17:55 Rook eye_of_the_tiger.mp4
17:55 Aleph Which is basically "this is how politics and bureaucracies work and how to make them /stop/ working."
17:55 Rook "and then they left a cult behind"
17:55 Rook >Naan
17:55 Rook I read as "Nyan"
17:55 Aleph Sasi tends to do that.
17:55 Aleph Naan is cool.
17:56 Aleph He is Keris's bro.
17:56 Aleph And a hulking slab of muscle who is smarter than he looks.
17:56 Aleph And about as combat-focused as she is.
17:56 Rook More piercings!
17:56 Aleph
17:56 Aleph razor wire hair!
17:56 Aleph ^_^
17:56 Rook omg yessss
17:57 Rook Show YouTube video (
17:57 Rook
17:57 Aleph Keris's hair has an impressive kill-count all on its own.
17:57 Aleph That's what killed Rat, you know.
17:57 Rook lol
17:57 Rook somehow, I'm not surprised
17:57 Rook
17:57 Aleph He was blocking her first few shots, but decided to Perfect her weapon and tank the hair whip.
17:57 Rook aaaand then Sasi
17:57 Aleph Which turned out to a) have the stats of a tiger claw and b) be poisoned.
17:58 Rook and then Kasseni!
17:58 Aleph things went downhill for him from there
17:58 Aleph Ah yes.
17:58 Aleph Kasseni
17:58 Rook ...
17:58 Rook Kasseni
17:58 Aleph Don't feel too sorry for her.
17:59 Aleph She was not a nice woman.
17:59 Aleph But yes, Keris is... scary, around people she hates
17:59 Aleph in fact, hang on
17:59 Rook ... for a second I thought she was someone else
17:59 Rook Isn't this--yeah this bitch
17:59 Rook Nevermind lmao
17:59 Aleph Let me just grab a bit from the Nexus arc
17:59 Aleph to show you /how/ scary
17:59 Aleph She snuck into Kasseni's place first thing, but decided to drag it out and ruin the woman instead of just killing her quick and clean
17:59 Aleph and, uh
18:00 Rook >The dead old woman, her chest torn open, is thrown to the kennels later. The hunting dogs tear the corpse apart with relish. They haven't had human before.
18:00 Rook welp
18:00 Rook and oh man
18:00 Rook aaaand stopped at Lady Sareh's Mistress!
18:00 Aleph So just to remind you, Kasseni was in charge of the Guild slavery trade in Nexus
18:00 Aleph And... hang on...
18:00 Rook mhm!
18:01 Aleph She picked Keris up for one of the places she owned. There's a reason Keris knows who she is - Kasseni (well, probably one of Kasseni's senior servants, tbh) picked her and a few others out of the group she reached Nexus in, to fill out a few vacancies. And because yeah, getting slaves young means that they're well-trained and obedient by the time they grow up.
18:01 Aleph Keris barely remembers how horrible it was coming off the drugs they gave the children - and added the cost of the drugs to their indenture, costing more than one day's labour per day's doses.
18:01 Aleph So she was eager to see her again.
18:02 Aleph Fair warning: textdump coming
18:02 Rook hit me
18:02 Aleph The probably-a-study opens without fuss, but sadly there are no shiny things in it. Keris closes and relocks the door - Sasi will be able to get in regardless - and moves on. Towards the bedroom, where she can hear the sound of the woman breathing. Opening the door with a lock of hair, her knives slip instinctively into her hands as she takes in the face woman nestled under warm, beautifully...
18:02 Aleph ...embroidered blankets.
18:02 Aleph She knows this face. Oh, does she know this face. It's in some of her earliest memories; always from a distance, always accompanied by lectures on what to do, how to act, how to sit and stand and kneel and bow. Little children are good for... little things. Cleaning hard-to-reach spaces. Polishing. And of course, if you get them young enough, they grow up never knowing any other life. It...
18:02 Aleph ...cuts down on... rebelliousness.
18:02 Aleph It hadn't worked with Keris. There's pain in those early memories, too. And shouting. A lot of shouting. For a small child, an angry adult's yell can be as scary as a physical blow. They'd managed to install meek compliance on the outside, but she'd never stopped looking for a way to escape the hard work and cramped conditions and constant, ever-present fear of punishment. A way to get back...
18:02 Aleph ...to a home that wasn't there anymore.
18:02 Aleph All because of this woman.
18:02 Aleph 'Patience, child,' Dulmea intervenes, possibly a little concerned at where this thought process is going. 'You wish to hurt her first, do you not? And you promised Sasi you would not act rashly.'
18:02 Aleph Keris nods once, dismissing one of the knives. The other stays conspicuously present. She ghosts over to the bed, deep pink and rich red whorls and swirls appearing across her palm. Gently - very, very gently - the ex-slave-turned-street-rat-turned-Exalt traces a line across Makoa Kasseni's brow. The passionate colours stain her brow for a moment, then sink into the skin and are gone.
18:02 Aleph Keris doesn't straighten up, though. "I could kill you now," she murmurs, almost in the tone of a lover. "I could kill you right now, right here. Nobody would even hear you screaming. I could take my time. Use poisons and my knives. Mutate you, make you last longer. I could make it go on for /hours/ and /hours/ and /hours/." She smiles dreamily. "I could. But I won't. Not yet. I'm going to...
18:02 Aleph ...drag this out first. I'm going to do to you what you did to me. I'm going to take /everything/ from you." She brushes a feather-light kiss across a sleeping cheek, lips blushing pink for a moment as she does so. "And until then - until the very end - I'm not going to hurt you. And neither is anyone else. You don't get to die before I'm through with you."
18:02 Aleph One more dose, a finger trailing down Kasseni's neck. The woman shivers in her sleep, perhaps sensing the hatred being focused on her.
18:02 Aleph "I'll be back," Keris whispers, and is gone.
18:02 Aleph Aleph: ((... okay, I did not mean for that to be as creepy-terrifying as it came out.))
18:03 Aleph ... Keris is /very scary/ around people she hates.
18:03 Rook I see.
18:04 Rook That's some p nasty stuff there
18:04 Aleph This is what happens when you have "Get Revenge" as a 4-dot Principle.
18:05 Aleph ... well, this and also "whoops i accidentally a whole nexus"
18:05 Rook lol.
18:05 Aleph ¬_¬