Okay, the forum alerts glitched again and didn't warn me about the many post posted.
And here the 2AM loom closer and closer, and i really want to sleep. Hell, i finally finalyzed a prototype of the mundane crafting rules and i wanted to post it here.
.. You know what? Answering some questions/expressing some options, and then posting a sleep warped version of the mundane crafting rules.
First things first:
The only reason that should be necessary is if they don't really have a database up. If they do, well, I'm not familiar with every system, but any actual database method getting that information is amazingly basic. Even if it's not input in the best possible manner, that's a very, very basic search method, and the information is pretty basic as well.
Hence my rage: i am a very rusty programmer, but even i could take informations from a database.
Hell, i could even take undatabased but full of information plaintext and create a database. It wouldn't even take that much time!
About the Artifacts discussion: *Part missing due too much sleepiness. Would have contained someone talking about the fact that recreating ancient stuff is the part of the setting that the person had liked more. Maybe. The person is too sleepy to remember.*
About the Jadeborn: Earthscorpion, dude. You completely failed to not make me want to play your potential Jadeborn: they sound like Terrestial level Proto Alchemicals. I would love playing Terrestrial Level Proto Alchemicals.
About the other primordial races: good stuff. I would totaly like finding a way to free the trapped Isidoros' race, and the find a way to fix them according to the other one in existence in the desert. I am laughing at the Star Clouds basially killing themselves by making a spietiful and useless attack, and i am laughing too at the eternally tortured Lyntha.
About the history of the Jadeborn: maybe only a little portion of the Exalted of the first age attacked the peoples of Adamant, then the rest of the exalted slapped the teamkilling ones into submission, and they worked for the most of the high first age to fix them? So you can have dimished Peoples of Adamant, but then you can still use the whole Dragonblooded making more damage to them and mountain folks being grateful/vassal like to the Solars.
Anyway, is anyone here interested in helping me write up a bureaucracy system? I'm going to need one for my oMage game anyway. (That does mean it'll have to be somewhat edition-neutral, but honestly the bureaucracy system should be be splat-independent, just with easy hooks for Charms or Spheres.)
First thing first: there is any other system that you think you could use? Even from another RPG?
Because it is infinitely easier to adapt something, than the create it from scrath. (Giygas is pretty sure this is obvious, but he is pretty tired and tired peoples don't give non obvious help.)
About what i would want from exalted: i would write more, but essentially i would like to have a system with less Successes/Dice Creep, and more extrernal/Internal/Whatever Penalities, and charms to smash them into bits.
The avarange Difficulty 5 action shuold be both a legendary action made in optimal circumstances, and an easy one made in very dfficult circumstances: the exalted would be able to do the legendary action in difficult circumstances not by throwing all the dice/Having all the successes, but by smashing with their magical might the penalties making the thing more difficult than what it should have been.
Some thing would aplly to combat, with more abilities that inconveniences combattant without either killing them, or being a glorified Success/Dice Adder/Bipasser. Like Etrian Odyssey(In which hitting with an alterated status effect is a great boon even against a boss), but less lethal for everyone.
I am pretty sure i would have something else to put here, but my brain is kinda leeking from the braincaase, and thus i am becoming kinda inchoerent. (ONe of the things i wanted to write about, was the fact that i realized my "Solution" for the elder power levels (You can only have a limited amount of high essence charms) meshed extremely with other two things i wanted to homebrew (One making artifacts and martial arts the same thing: a modifier/expander of some of the powers of the exalted, only expressed in different manner; the other dividing charms in two categories: charms capable of being used everytime, and charms being capable of being used only in the correct "Stance". Incidentally, both homebrew mesh really well.))
Better wrap it up:
Basically, i wanted to add to the previous craft homebrew a scale from 0 to 5 to define the combined finesse and scale of the thing being created, with every dot increasing the time it takes to complete a "Roll" of the "Project".
Finesse and Scale would sum togheter: trying to create something titanic (Maybe stoneghe as example) but rough would simply max the scale to five(Taking a lot of time), but trying to create something more fine (Like the coliseum/any church) would increase finesse, that would mean that more than one "Project" would be required to finish the strucutre/Item.
Equipment and other things would decrease the amount of rolls/intervals/duration of the intervals to make then things... and here my mind stops.
Hey, i need to ask one only things from you: can someone panic and in my place? I had a rant ready, because i realized that the part of the subsistem i wanted to add would have played fine with my maybe incoming system, but i am too tired to panic and or rant.
Pretty please?
Okay, nnow to bed. Night11!!