Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

Sadly not, I misread acrobatics as appearance. I shall swiftly commit sudoku in shame.
Your honoru has beenu restored!
His honoru is restored with solving sudoku puzzles?

Quick! Find me a mathematician! We must confirm this finding! For HONORU!!!!


Anyways, I wonder if the Academy has their kids put on plays and skits when they're younger, as a means of teaching cultural lore and stuff. Or as a means to demonstrate what kids research in a fun manner. Like, fables and myths and legends. Folktales and stories that teach valuable lessons and stuff.

And if so... what would the play be about, and who would play what roles?
His honoru is restored with solving sudoku puzzles?

Must admit I'm hoping tree walking wins, not only will it give us a leg up in combat by allowing us better footing but it'll help push our Chakra control even further. I'm thinking if we reach pinnacle control we probably want to take Iryojutsu as well, be nice to be able to have a way to fix our team mates in the field if something goes wrong.
I have a memo on my phone open to track all of this, going to be fin once I get home to put it all in. Though at least most of the xp is being spent right away so I need to type less. But wow almost hitting pinnacle in an attribute.
Must admit I'm hoping tree walking wins, not only will it give us a leg up in combat by allowing us better footing but it'll help push our Chakra control even further.

I only like tree walking because it allows us to fight on walls or the ceiling, if we want we can even dance up there...

Someone got my reference judging by the funny rating! :D
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[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.

[X] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.

[X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!

[X] [HISTORY] There're a lot of thoughts about the Land of Iron floating around in your head, and most of them aren't flattering. But what do you really know about them? You'll do a project on their history and culture. It'll be interesting, it'll give Iruka-sensei something different to chew over, and it'll give you some background on your heritage. Three birds, one stone!

[X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.

[X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
I have a memo on my phone open to track all of this, going to be fin once I get home to put it all in. Though at least most of the xp is being spent right away so I need to type less. But wow almost hitting pinnacle in an attribute.
I wonder if Pinnacle in a Social attribute is what is required to initiate the infamous Sunset Jutsu...

I mean, by the time we hit Pinnacle Appearance, our smile could be categorized as an S-Rank technique, ya'nno? :p

Though, well probably be able to make our teeth sparkle on command or something.

[X] [GENJUTSU] You don't have any offensive Genjutsu, and that's a problem. You'll experiment and try to come up with something that accentuates your favorite mode of attack: kenjutsu. By creating a technique that conceals the top two or three inches from the tip of your sword, opponents will misjudge the maximum range of your swings.

[X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.

The only choices that truly matter. Swording is All!
Hmm. @Vesvius can this work?

[] [GENJUTSU] The worst part about being a close-ranged combatant is that your enemies (obviously) try to stay out of your range, until you developed this technique. Relying on touch, instead of other more finicky senses, it delays the pain that would be normally inflicted by Daisuke's blows.

The idea is a low-level genjutsu that can be upgraded later, allowing Daisuke more opportunities to get in close, since the effects would slam into the foe all at once later. Not limited to any particular fighting style, but compliments the current one very well.
Sooo, @Vesvius i wrote another small thing though it's small and kinda kracky.

"Oh my god they're relentless!" Daisuke cried as the two youths slowly came out of hiding as the last of the stampede seemed to have run off.

"Hnnn." Came the black haired one's reply.

"Right? How come the don't have that kind of stamina and perseverance in a fight?"


"That's how many years you've been doing this for?"


"How do you even have any clothes left?"


"Really, one of you have a deal with one of the fan girls whose parents are tailors…?"

A nod.

"… What does it cost you?"


"Wait, so those photo shoot pictures aren't doctored?!?!?"

"Hnn!" Wow! Daisuke even got a wild gesture with that one.

"Sheesh, no need to threaten me I promise I won't tell, 's not like anyone would believe me anyway."


"Really it was that big?"


"And she just went up and pulled it out!?"


"Can't believe she just flashed you like that."


"Man, cameras are weird."


"So, what do we do now? I suspect that the horde will be searching for at least another hour"

"Hmmm, hn!"

"Henge into civilians and walk straight out?

I mean, it could work but are you good enough with the henge to hold it that long?"

Another nod.

"Alright, that settles it. Henge no jutsu!"

Sometimes all that is needed is a common enemy and rudimentary communication.
Yeah, I like the Kracky version of Sasuke who only communicates via grunts and gestures. Mute!Sasuke is Best!Sasuke. granted that might just be me enjoying it when he isn't talking...
hey @Vesvius i think you missed it.
Sooo, @Vesvius i wrote another small thing though it's small and kinda kracky.

"Oh my god they're relentless!" Daisuke cried as the two youths slowly came out of hiding as the last of the stampede seemed to have run off.

"Hnnn." Came the black haired one's reply.

"Right? How come the don't have that kind of stamina and perseverance in a fight?"


"That's how many years you've been doing this for?"


"How do you even have any clothes left?"


"Really, one of you have a deal with one of the fan girls whose parents are tailors…?"

A nod.

"… What does it cost you?"


"Wait, so those photo shoot pictures aren't doctored?!?!?"

"Hnn!" Wow! Daisuke even got a wild gesture with that one.

"Sheesh, no need to threaten me I promise I won't tell, 's not like anyone would believe me anyway."


"Really it was that big?"


"And she just went up and pulled it out!?"


"Can't believe she just flashed you like that."


"Man, cameras are weird."


"So, what do we do now? I suspect that the horde will be searching for at least another hour"

"Hmmm, hn!"

"Henge into civilians and walk straight out?

I mean, it could work but are you good enough with the henge to hold it that long?"

Another nod.

"Alright, that settles it. Henge no jutsu!"

Sometimes all that is needed is a common enemy and rudimentary communication.
Yeah, I like the Kracky version of Sasuke who only communicates via grunts and gestures. Mute!Sasuke is Best!Sasuke. granted that might just be me enjoying it when he isn't talking...
I lol'd. Take 40 XP.
Hmm. @Vesvius can this work?

[] [GENJUTSU] The worst part about being a close-ranged combatant is that your enemies (obviously) try to stay out of your range, until you developed this technique. Relying on touch, instead of other more finicky senses, it delays the pain that would be normally inflicted by Daisuke's blows.

The idea is a low-level genjutsu that can be upgraded later, allowing Daisuke more opportunities to get in close, since the effects would slam into the foe all at once later. Not limited to any particular fighting style, but compliments the current one very well.
Doable, if difficult. Would require Daisuke stepping up his anatomy lessons. Approved.
Doable, if difficult. Would require Daisuke stepping up his anatomy lessons. Approved.

Hmmm, this gives me an idea. Roll with me here, I might be piecing together a vote wholesale.

[] [HENGE] The entire reason Henge exists is for infiltration and exfiltration missions so... use Henge to perform one. Steal the forbidden scroll for Shadow Clone Jutsu while disguised as (and 'revealing') Naruto. Unnecessary? Risky? Petty? Yes. Hilarious? Yes. He shouldn't have stolen our fan.

Yes? Yes? or Yes?
We did it! Good show Ember. Good show.
Thank @Taka i guess, he dropped his 100 after I put my first 40 into acrobatics, after that i couldn't just let you guys carry the torch alone.
Also you might still have your 50 from the omake, I don't know if Ves put it into appearance.

Also, I'd like to point out that I put exp into escape artist for the inevitable kidnapping attempt that is coming our way, as they'd either want to have their way with us, sell us into slavery of some kind, all the above or whatever you'd do in a mercenary world with the most beautiful person in the land.

And now i'm imagining Sasuke talking to the mirror from snow white, "Magic, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" "Famed is thy beauty, Sasuke. But hold, a lovely ninja I see. hideous green training suits cannot hide his gentle grace. Alas, he is more fair than thee."
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[X] Plan Impressive Balance
-[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Everyone still does the Leaf Spinning exercise for training but most only use one leaf. What if you used a dozen? That would look impressive, and be a great workout too!
-[X] [GENJUTSU] You don't have any offensive Genjutsu, and that's a problem. You'll seek out some techniques in the Archives. Sure, the best stuff is restricted, but you should still be able to find something worthwhile in the Cadet sections. And if not… well, if they didn't want people to sneak into a place, they wouldn't restrict it, right?
-[X] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.
-[X] [HISTORY] You know what teachers like? Comprehensive research papers about their leaders! You'll do all the research you can on the Third Hokage- you've always liked the man for some reason- and write a thorough paper on his life and history! It's time consuming, but they'll eat it up.
-[X] [MATH] Budgets are important, even if just thinking the word makes your eyes roll up into the back of your head out of sheer boredom. So what could be a better way to prove your skills than by trying to save the Academy some money? It would involve a lot of research and a lot of estimations, but if you're right, it's a guaranteed way to move up the ranks.
-[X] [NINJUTSU] You vaguely remember that elemental ninjutsu are considered more difficult to learn and master than the ordinary type; that's one of the reasons Sasuke is running away with the Ninjutsu ranking. You should match him and learn your own elemental techniques. Of course for that, you need to know what your element is. There's paper for that, right? You could buy it- or steal it, if it comes down to it.
Also, for any who still have exp (or have been inspired by the latest Omake/art wave) and want to shore up on some of our weak spots
here is the current list of cheap upgrades that cost less that 100 exp.
Escape Artist: Student (185/200) (Reward XP Invested: 55)

Travel: Student (140/200)

Disable Device: Simple (130/200)

Perception: Practiced (320/400) (Reward XP Invested: 20)

Intimidate: Practiced (320/400) (Reward XP Invested: 81)

Heal: Simple (120/200)

Shape Manipulation: Student (100/200) (Reward XP invested: 70)

Appraise: Simple (100/200)

Beastmastery: Untrained (020/100)

Fuinjutsu: Untrained (000/100)
The reactions to Daisuke's new Pinnacle Appearance should be interesting...
Nah, I think he'll grow into it over the course of the next few months as we work at becoming Rookie of the Year.

The XP gain isn't an immediate, magical upgrade. We don't simply get more handsome and attractive over-night - that's be silly. I figure that as we keep working out and training and getting better and better, our striking features will only become more apparent as we strive to be the best.
Thank you, 25 exp into appearance and 15 into escape artist please.
Hmmm, this gives me an idea. Roll with me here, I might be piecing together a vote wholesale.

[] [HENGE] The entire reason Henge exists is for infiltration and exfiltration missions so... use Henge to perform one. Steal the forbidden scroll for Shadow Clone Jutsu while disguised as (and 'revealing') Naruto. Unnecessary? Risky? Petty? Yes. Hilarious? Yes. He shouldn't have stolen our fan.

Yes? Yes? or Yes?
No. All of my no.