Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

[X] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
I assume the fact that you're even considering letting it happen means there would be some pretty heavy downsides associated with it as well, right?

Because otherwise I couldn't see something like an eidetic memory being available, much less 350 xp.

Being able to remember every little bit of pain, sadness and regret with perfect clarity is a pretty big downside. Just look how well that ended for the uchiha.
[X] You know what? They can settle it themselves. They're big girls. You'll just redouble your efforts to ignore them.

It feels like just yesterday you walked into the Academy for the very first time and now you're three months from graduation.

"Perhaps you should branch out?" you suggest. "There are other ninjutsu that you could use to broaden your combat style after all."

Yui's eyes flash with anger at the idea. "And perhaps you could learn any jutsu that doesn't revolve around your dummies. We could both stand to branch out I suppose."

Ouch. You must have hit a nerve suggesting that Yui move on from her favorite technique.

Then again, she's not wrong. You've been so busy focusing on your sword and your Taijutsu that aside from the basic techniques you learned in class, you've got a lack of offensive ninjutsu at your disposal. Could that be why you're behind Sasuke and Shino in the rankings?

I think we've got the social aspects covered and I feel like we should use these last three months to raise and focus our effort towards graduation.

Bunshin no Jutsu (Ninjutsu): Basic (310/500)
Kawarimi no Jutsu (Ninjutsu): Intermediate (580/750)
Henge no Jutsu (Ninjutsu): Basic (350/500)

It should be priority to push the academy three above the next threshold, maybe even to the point where we can use the Bunshin for example seamlessly in our fighting style.
Would be even more useful for the time when we get corporal clones. Dance of the Crescent Moon

Genjutsu: Adept (400/800) (Reward XP Invested: 300)
Kenjutsu: Journeyman (950/1600) (Reward XP Invested: 429)
Ninjutsu: Adept (420/800) (Reward XP Invested: 300)
Shurikenjutsu: Adept (450/800) (Reward XP Invested: 300)
Taijutsu: Journeyman (1230/1600) (Reward XP Invested: 50)

Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique D-rank / Ask Ino if her father can teach her something
Body Flicker Technique D-rank / Ask Gai
It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds
We have super high constitution and should be primed to deal with the strain. Even more so with our high level of chakra control. Gai should think so, too.

Two easy jutsu, that should be in our reach and complementary to our style, we could even learn them together with Ino.
[X] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.

Okay. I'm convinced.
[X] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
[X] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
Not the Best Choice for a Gift by Pittauro
"What is this?" Jabari stared uncomprehending at the small purple card in his hand, decorated with small drawings of flowers surrounding the text in the center of it.

Ino looked at him like he was stupid "Can't you read? It's an invitation. To my birthday." she dropped the mean look for an happy smile "I already invited Daisuke, Yui and Sakura. You're the only one left."

Eyes to Ino. Then to the paper. Then back to Ino. It still didn't make any sense. "But...are you sure your parents are ok with it?" he honestly doubted it. He saw the mean looks some people gave him in the streets. He wasn't that naive. Nobody ever actually gave him any real problem, but he could see that most people seemed to dislike him on sight.

Ino looked at him confused "Of course they're ok with it. Why wouldn't they?" She didn't give him any time to answer that "now, the party is this Sunday, 8 pm. Don't be late!" she turned and then ran back to her seat.

Well, it seems like he had no choice. Only one problem with this though.

What the hell could he bring her as a present?

Hiruma Jabari was pretty pleased with himself. He had found the perfect gift.

He knew Ino, as a clan kid, would probably be pretty rich, and he didn't have much money himself anyway. So any kind of expensive gift was out.

But every girl likes flowers!

And it was like this that Jabari presented itself to the Yamanaka's house with a small pot in his hand, and in it a few small purple flowers he had found close to one of the training fields around the village.

They were a little banged up (he probably could have done a better job of picking and planting them) and he didn't even know how they were called, but they were still pretty. Ino would like them, right?


His friends would never let him live it down!

another small omake. We do need the exp after all :p

I really want to write something with Gai and his team, but I'm waiting for them to appear after the timeskip.

Wouldn't it be fun if Tenten had a crush on us for example?

Or if Lee chose us as a rival instead of (or added to) Neji?
[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
[X] You know what? They can settle it themselves. They're big girls. You'll just redouble your efforts to ignore them.
-[X] But make sure that they know your position on the stupidity of the rivalry .
[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.

Let's give our friends a little bit of help, eh?
[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.

I'm pretty intrigued with the idea for an Eidetic Memory trait. Despite the possible downsides, it promises some pretty amazing benefits.

Disciplines like Fuinjutsu and Healing might be much easier to learn for one. Hell, it's possible that all the mental skills and attributes would get some benefit from it.

Despite the likely downsides, it seems like an interesting addition both for the narrative and for the mechanics.
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Despite the possible downsides, it promises some pretty amazing benefits.

I wouldn't say possible so much as inevitable, really. We're a ninja, we're going to see horrific shit, and I'd like the ability to eventually let the memory fade, rather than being completely unable to unsee the unpleasant or traumatic things we go through.

Would it have advantages? Sure. Its downsides, however, will only mount as time goes on and things get worse. Eidetic memory is not something you want when you're going to be subject to a bunch of high-stress, likely traumatic events. Sometimes it is better to simply let things fade, and forget.
I've been wandering for awhile now. Jabari has darker skin is tall and really muscular, is he related to the third raikage?

It's not like dark-skinned and muscular people are rare or anything, though you usually find them in Kumo. Still, we're a kid from the Land of Iron who came to Konoha - nothing says people from the Land of Lightning couldn't have migrated here as well.
I wouldn't say possible so much as inevitable, really. We're a ninja, we're going to see horrific shit, and I'd like the ability to eventually let the memory fade, rather than being completely unable to unsee the unpleasant or traumatic things we go through.

Would it have advantages? Sure. Its downsides, however, will only mount as time goes on and things get worse. Eidetic memory is not something you want when you're going to be subject to a bunch of high-stress, likely traumatic events. Sometimes it is better to simply let things fade, and forget.

Yeah, I don't really disagree with any of that. There certainly are a lot of things that are better off forgoten.

I'm not sure how applicable that is to traumatic events, though.

I'd rather not get into this topic, but I will say that everyone has or will experience such things at some point in their lives (death of a relative) and you don't really ever forget them.

Even without an eidetic memory people often remember such events with startling clarity decades later (depending on how traumatic we're talking about). Or they reinvent a new but equally painful memory. An eidetic memory doesn't help with that, but I'm not sure a mediocre one is much of an improvement.

You mostly need to cope with the event on a emotional level. The memory keeps popping up in your mind, but you need to learn how to brush off the effects (at least somewhat) and move on to other this in your life.

That's how I see things, at least.

More importantly though, I'm not a psychologist and this is a game. So I'm not sure how appropriate it is for me delve any deeper in such a topic. I'll have to get some feedback for that.

I do think I undertand you're position, though. I certainly don't disagree with anything you're said so far. There is a big chance for this backfire, particularly since we're playing on hard mode.

And I can't say for sure whether the benefits would outweigh the negatives or vice versa. I suspect that would in large part depend on how well we play the quest.

Mostly, I'm looking at this scenario from a somewhat detached point of view. We're playing a game, with more then 1 lives, this trait seems interesting and I'm curious to see its effects.

I won't be cut up if we don't get it, but I don't thinks it's so bad that I'd take an issue with Katsuragi, if he decides to go for it.
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[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
How would buying Eidetic Memory now even work? Would we pull a Naruto-with-Shadow-Clones and suddenly realise we've had this power the entire time without noticing or gaining any benefits from it?
[X] You know what? They can settle it themselves. They're big girls. You'll just redouble your efforts to ignore them.
How would buying Eidetic Memory now even work? Would we pull a Naruto-with-Shadow-Clones and suddenly realise we've had this power the entire time without noticing or gaining any benefits from it?

Maybe the game just randomly gives him the perk with no explanation?

I imagine that would be a horrible experience. Suddenly being able to remember everything perfectly. Every insult, slight, barb etc. Not to mention everytime Gai blinded him with his bright smile and unfortunate stretching in his green tights.

Changing vote due to pushing sense motive, diplomacy and manipulation closer to adept.

[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
I won't be cut up if we don't get it, but I don't thinks it's so bad that I'd take an issue with Katsuragi, if he desides to go for it.

I disagree with you. I would be very much displeased if someone managed to purchase something with downsides that no one else had a say on. It removes agency from the rest of the thread, even if it was well-intentioned. I agree that work should lead to rewards, but being able to buy a perk that can and likely will hurt us in the future outside of the consent of the rest of the group seems like a good way to foster bad feelings.

Also protags gaining a perfect memory of everything, usually in gamer fics, is a shitty meme that should die (this is more personal preference than my narrative related initial complaints).
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[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.

Most likely, the problem is that Sakura wants to get out of Ino's shadow, she wants to shine on her own as well, thus the desire to beat Ino in the rankings, the best way to deal with this would be for her to find something, perhaps a specialization, that is entirely her own to excel in, this could be becoming a Iryo-nin like in canon or maybe something else.

If I may suggest where to spend XP it would probably be a good idea to up Sense Motive, not just for this but because in general it's probably the most fundamental Social skill. Manipulation,diplomacy,bluff and intimidate are all good to affect different kinds of people but knowing exactly what makes them tick it will boost all of them, the greatest Ninja isn't the strongest, it's the one who is able to get all the information he needs to make the right decisions.

Sense Motive will also most likely get US more information when this kind of thing happens which will let us make more informed decisions.
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