FusionVerse - Combining All The Stories

Edit: As a scary addendum, there's something that the Internet has done, which I'm not sure Lovecraft ever accomplished. Slender Man. There were actually children who lured a friend into the woods to sacrifice them to Slender Man. Even if he doesn't exist in our world, he managed to influence two real people to attempt the murder of another real person. How does Cthulhu compare?

Eh, tbf, that's not really something he accomplished

If those very likely mentally ill girls had become obsessed with Lovecraft (which I very much doubt since Lovecraft isn't really reading material people that age are normally interested) then they would have tried to kill someone in the name of Cthulhu.

But this isn't a nice topic of conversation, so let's move on.

Anyways, for Gaster, I agree with you.

Heck, in the comic I shared, Gaster just talks about "A power greater than both of us. Greater than anyone here" or "Whatever is up there" (AKA the Player)

So, to leave things somewhat clear (at least from my POV, you can dispute anything you want)

- Gaster is aware the Fusionverse is not natural, and remembers things prior to the fusion
- Gaster is 4th wall aware, and knows that we exist, althought he has a very limited understanding of what we are (althought he probs knows some of the, if not the, most things a character can understand)
- He's also somewhat informed on how the Sage of 5 elements or whatever we choose as avatars are just that, Avatars we use to directly interact with the World
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I read a funny story where it was suggested in the comments that the most the characters could do was something so vile that it would perhaps get the author lynched/executed for writing it.

Depending on your country of origin, yeah.

Eh, tbf, that's not really something he accomplished

So, to leave things somewhat clear (at least from my POV, you can dispute anything you want)

- Gaster is aware the Fusionverse is not natural, and remembers things prior to the fusion
- Gaster is 4th wall aware, and knows that we exist, althought he has a very limited understanding of what we are (althought he probs knows some of the, if not the, most things a character can understand)
- He's also somewhat informed on how the Sage of 5 elements or whatever we choose as avatars are just that, Avatars we use to directly interact with the World

I'm aware Slender Man didn't do anything himself, he's a fictional character. My point is that, for a character with such memetic ability to influence people's actions and generally be creepy, it's astonishing that terrible stuff like that hasn't really hit the news until now. Someone created this character, even before Marble Hornets was a thing, and it has had a profoundly negative influence on the world. The real world. Since we were talking about characters able to break the 4th wall with that kind of potency, I figured it was worth a mention.

Gaster definitely remembers a time when Undertale was just Undertale, and not connected to Fusionverse. Internet forums do exist in Undertale, so Gaster is probably aware of how that works, but thinks we are just very clever people on the internet in his universe, with some kind of ability to manifest changes in the world. He is frustrated that he can't find where those internet posters live. He has likely slain or confronted our avatars countless times in alternate timelines, and so understands all too well that he can't get rid of us.
Gaster definitely remembers a time when Undertale was just Undertale, and not connected to Fusionverse. Internet forums do exist in Undertale, so Gaster is probably aware of how that works, but thinks we are just very clever people on the internet in his universe, with some kind of ability to manifest changes in the world. He is frustrated that he can't find where those internet posters live. He has likely slain or confronted our avatars countless times in alternate timelines, and so understands all too well that he can't get rid of us.

Eh, I feel that's too on the nose

Just keep what he said, with him refering vaguely to us, and being aware that our imagination is the one shaping the world, but not knowing it's throught a computer on the Internet in our reality
Hey remember the Elder Scrolls stuff where if someone is aware theire world is a dream, they achieve a state of CHIM, either destroying themselves or becoming almost all powerful? I don't know Gastor, but I feel something like that probably happened to him, when he realised* he was in a dream (maybe not in a dream, a collaborative fiction perhaps) he became incredibly powerful. Or because he was so powerful he realised he was in a fiction, it's really a chicken before the egg thing.

Ok so does that mean Undertale is basically sorted out? Do we want to say the monster world actually exists beneath the surface of the earth, or perhaps the whole the male character fell down was a portal to another close dimension like Wonderland, Monsters Inc dimension, or the Fae realm?

And if we are done with Undertale, what do we want to focus on next?

EDIT:* Suspects he's in a dream
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Hey remember the Elder Scrolls stuff where if someone is aware theire world is a dream, they achieve a state of CHIM, either destroying themselves or becoming almost all powerful? I don't know Gastor, but I feel something like that probably happened to him, when he realised* he was in a dream (maybe not in a dream, a collaborative fiction perhaps) he became incredibly powerful. Or because he was so powerful he realised he was in a fiction, it's really a chicken before the egg thing.

Ok so does that mean Undertale is basically sorted out? Do we want to say the monster world actually exists beneath the surface of the earth, or perhaps the whole the male character fell down was a portal to another close dimension like Wonderland, Monsters Inc dimension, or the Fae realm?

And if we are done with Undertale, what do we want to focus on next?

EDIT:* Suspects he's in a dream

Same as Wonderland/Monster's Inc/etc., but remember that Oz is on a continent on Earth, albeit one very difficult to get to for magical reasons. I'd go as far as saying that modern technology like satellites are fooled or at least disrupted, but any sentient being (even a technological one) that is powerful enough by magical or non-magical means can overcome the interference.
Same as Wonderland/Monster's Inc/etc., but remember that Oz is on a continent on Earth, albeit one very difficult to get to for magical reasons. I'd go as far as saying that modern technology like satellites are fooled or at least disrupted, but any sentient being (even a technological one) that is powerful enough by magical or non-magical means can overcome the interference.
Remember that? How was I supposed to remember that, I don't think you ever brought that up. Or are you just saying that because someone got there via cyclone in the original movie, because that could have just as easily been a dream while unconscious.

But I'm fine with that, although continent might be a bit much. I mean how many hidden continents can there really be on Planet Earth?

EDIT: I'm not being facetious, I genuinely want to know.
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Remember that? How was I supposed to remember that, I don't think you ever brought that up. Or are you just saying that because someone got there via cyclone in the original movie, because that could have just as easily been a dream while unconscious.

But I'm fine with that, although continent might be a bit much. I mean how many hidden continents can there really be on Planet Earth?

EDIT: I'm not being facetious, I genuinely want to know.

I'm not thinking full ban, but you do have a few good points. Consider this though: Doctor Strange's magic is primarily dimensional in nature. He's not the only example where we've made use of other dimensions. It's just not a wise strategy to rely heavily on settings in other dimensions entirely, and travel between them. Makes the story hard to follow. Any Isekai that uses VRMMO, we'll just write off as being in the future, and thus they haven't happened yet in our setting. Those that don't, we can handle independently. The Wizard of Oz is part of a magical realm within normal Earth, speculated to be in the Northern hemisphere, since a character gets there once by flying toward the North Star. So it doesn't count. Perhaps we can even work things so that the realms surrounding Oz are part of altered Tamriel?

Here ya go, it was on page 10 I think. I did some light research on Frank Baum's work, and learned that some books constructed this narrative of Oz being on a continent that is on Earth.
Well that was 6 pages ago and not threadmarked, so please don't blame me for not remembering that. Seriously though, we're gonna need like a World Anvil wiki or something to keep this straight. ;)

I like to think people ending up in other worlds, magical realms, or dimensions, is so frightfully common (especially in the last couple of decades) that there are service announcements like these:

Anyway so Oz is sorted I guess. What else you want to work on next?
Well that was 6 pages ago and not threadmarked, so please don't blame me for not remembering that. Seriously though, we're gonna need like a World Anvil wiki or something to keep this straight. ;)

I like to think people ending up in other worlds, magical realms, or dimensions, is so frightfully common (especially in the last couple of decades) that there are service announcements like these:

Anyway so Oz is sorted I guess. What else you want to work on next?

Would you like to volunteer for that project? I don't have time to keep adding things to my schedule.

What's next? Hmm...well, there's one big question that needs answering. Politics and the balance of power. In a world where there are tech-giant 12th level intellects like Tony Stark and Lex Luthor, magical beings like Madoka and Doctor Strange, fifty different varieties of superheroes...how is there any balance?

Who is in charge, and are they checked and balanced by anyone?

If a mage or mutant can teleport into a bank, or create a million dollars, what security is there in finance?

Is it enough to have a league of superheroes like in BNHA?

Is there some higher-dimensional oversight like angels or gods keeping track of everything?

In short, how does this universe work from day to day?
Hey remember the Elder Scrolls stuff where if someone is aware theire world is a dream, they achieve a state of CHIM, either destroying themselves or becoming almost all powerful? I don't know Gastor, but I feel something like that probably happened to him, when he realised* he was in a dream (maybe not in a dream, a collaborative fiction perhaps) he became incredibly powerful. Or because he was so powerful he realised he was in a fiction, it's really a chicken before the egg thing.

This was originally mi idea with him.

But since he was originally a scientist, such knowledge would have come from his research
Would you like to volunteer for that project? I don't have time to keep adding things to my schedule.
What project? Isekais? I'm not sure what you're asking

What's next? Hmm...well, there's one big question that needs answering. Politics and the balance of power. In a world where there are tech-giant 12th level intellects like Tony Stark and Lex Luthor, magical beings like Madoka and Doctor Strange, fifty different varieties of superheroes...how is there any balance?

Who is in charge, and are they checked and balanced by anyone?

If a mage or mutant can teleport into a bank, or create a million dollars, what security is there in finance?

Is it enough to have a league of superheroes like in BNHA?

Is there some higher-dimensional oversight like angels or gods keeping track of everything?

In short, how does this universe work from day to day?
Oh that sounds fun. Yeah there's definitely gonna be differences depending on the different countries out there, and how they deal with things with their own forces. We touched a bit with how aliens are dealt with around the world with SWORD, MiB protocols and Ultraman, as well as a little bit about magic in the UK specifically, but I think there's room for expanding there.

Gonna give that some thought, but regarding angels/gods I don't like the idea of them having oversight. I'm cool with the idea of them trying to keep track of everything, like how the Sidereals do it in Exalted, where they try and manipulate humanity into certain directions but find themselves stymied by other groups (including other Sidereals). Or how the Watcher from Marvel doesn't interfere, just observes.
As for more Undertale stuff?:

- The Underground is literally underground

- How would Sans's karmic retribution work here?

- After the Monsters leave, I could see plans to make the Underground a possible post-apocalyptic bunker

- Maybe even the CORE is used as a possible solution for energy problmes
What project? Isekais? I'm not sure what you're asking

The World Anvil project you recommended. I don't have time to do that, but any one of you is welcome to go for it, and I'll assist where I can.

Oh that sounds fun. Yeah there's definitely gonna be differences depending on the different countries out there, and how they deal with things with their own forces. We touched a bit with how aliens are dealt with around the world with SWORD, MiB protocols and Ultraman, as well as a little bit about magic in the UK specifically, but I think there's room for expanding there.

Gonna give that some thought, but regarding angels/gods I don't like the idea of them having oversight. I'm cool with the idea of them trying to keep track of everything, like how the Sidereals do it in Exalted, where they try and manipulate humanity into certain directions but find themselves stymied by other groups (including other Sidereals). Or how the Watcher from Marvel doesn't interfere, just observes.

Alright, so it sounds like aliens are just a firm "outsider" situation. They're not allowed on Earth except in diplomatic conditions, their level of power or armament is taken into consideration, and organizations like SHIELD work to keep naturalized citizens like Goku or Superman in check, letting them have a certain amount of freedom as long as they don't try to overturn world politics or destroy the planet.

Magic is probably self-governing. Powerful mages keep tabs on each other, and on powerful magic items, but there are also beings like Nabu and the Vishanti who influence much of how these mages act. Dormammu exists as a natural defense against people abusing the unique properties of the Dark Dimension to overturn Earth's physics entirely, even though that's just because he rules the Dark Dimension and anyone who wants to use it has to go through him (and he himself is interested in overturning Earth's physics). Better that there be one person in charge than thousands of mages fighting over use of Dark Dimensional magic.

Technology is probably overseen by people like Stark and Luthor, and true superhumans keep the tech giants in balance.

For things like Chi, Nen, and Reiatsu, I'm thinking that World Martial Arts tournaments are the balancing agent. They keep such powerful people from getting BORED (which is the last thing anyone wants), directing their talents toward preparing for the next fight. They also keep the existence of such powerful beings in the public eye, and provide them a Champion with some influence over how the less-public figures act.

What have I missed?
As for more Undertale stuff?:

- The Underground is literally underground

- How would Sans's karmic retribution work here?

- After the Monsters leave, I could see plans to make the Underground a possible post-apocalyptic bunker

- Maybe even the CORE is used as a possible solution for energy problmes

Yeah, that much (about the Underground) makes sense, but I have an an idea. It plays off what we know of Deltarune thus far. What if there are places underground (like the Underdark in D&D, but a little different for reasons you'll soon see), that are normal physical locations, but they're only experienced or accessed in the right conditions? Maybe only children can fall into the Underground, or into Wonderland. Maybe only Adventurers can enter the Underdark. And if you don't meet the right conditions, then trying to go there is rather boring and uneventful. No matter how deep a mining operation goes, it will never find Alphys' lab or Asgore's castle, because children aren't running the operation.

You'll have to elaborate on Sans' karmic retribution. I'm a little rusty on my Undertale knowledge.

I'd say the Monsters haven't left the Underground yet, in the timeline we're working with.

The mechanics of the CORE are, at least to me, unclear.
Alright, so it sounds like aliens are just a firm "outsider" situation. They're not allowed on Earth except in diplomatic conditions, their level of power or armament is taken into consideration, and organizations like SHIELD work to keep naturalized citizens like Goku or Superman in check, letting them have a certain amount of freedom as long as they don't try to overturn world politics or destroy the planet.
Yeah probably with some connection to he Plumbers in cases of extradition.
Magic is probably self-governing.
It definitely is not-or at least, not anymore. If ordinary people let magic be self-governing, we wouldn't have Rowlings getting arrested and gunned down in the UK, or being forced to join black ops groups in other countries. I imagine magic is in a sense of turmoil right now, as modern politics try and get control over magic users, and thousands of years of magical political conventions are being thrown out the window, especially after what happened to the White Council of Wizards (possible spoilers for Dresden Files). And there are always those trying to take advantage of the chaos...
Yeah, that much (about the Underground) makes sense, but I have an an idea. It plays off what we know of Deltarune thus far. What if there are places underground (like the Underdark in D&D, but a little different for reasons you'll soon see), that are normal physical locations, but they're only experienced or accessed in the right conditions? Maybe only children can fall into the Underground, or into Wonderland. Maybe only Adventurers can enter the Underdark. And if you don't meet the right conditions, then trying to go there is rather boring and uneventful. No matter how deep a mining operation goes, it will never find Alphys' lab or Asgore's castle, because children aren't running the operation.

You'll have to elaborate on Sans' karmic retribution. I'm a little rusty on my Undertale knowledge.

I'd say the Monsters haven't left the Underground yet, in the timeline we're working with.

The mechanics of the CORE are, at least to me, unclear.

Works for me

Sans's karmic retribution is what allows him to kick throughtly your ass even when he's building level and you're multiversal. It's basically the pink thing that rests you HP by a big amount everytime he hits you, and it's supposedly your sins being literally used against you, the pain you inflicted being returned tenfolded.

In Undertale, Sans got that power by being The Judge of the World, althought I dunno how that would translate here

I was saying that after they're freed (following the little dates the game offer, should be anywhere from 2010 to 2019, probs 2015 since IOTL it's when Undertale was released)

From Wiki

The CORE is an area at the end of Hotland, accessible from MTT Resort. It is a technologically advanced facility that provides magical electricity to the Underground.
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It definitely is not-or at least, not anymore. If ordinary people let magic be self-governing, we wouldn't have Rowlings getting arrested and gunned down in the UK, or being forced to join black ops groups in other countries. I imagine magic is in a sense of turmoil right now, as modern politics try and get control over magic users, and thousands of years of magical political conventions are being thrown out the window, especially after what happened to the White Council of Wizards (possible spoilers for Dresden Files). And there are always those trying to take advantage of the chaos...

Weren't the pre-timeskip events of Deathly Hallows about 10 years before now? Like 2009 or something? That would mean that the world would have ten years to figure out this Civil War of magical proportions. Granted, that's probably not enough time, but I'd be surprised if things hadn't changed a little bit. Especially since we've got Doctor Strange now. He would be a lot of help reining in the bungled public emergence of Rowlings. He's probably stepped in as Sorcerer Supreme and assembled a league to properly monitor the treatment of magic users, likely involving the Mystic Force rangers themselves.

Not that I disagree with you at all. I wasn't really thinking about how long it would take for the events I created to resolve.
Works for me

Sans's karmic retribution is what allows him to kick throughtly your ass even when he's building level and you're multiversal. It's basically the pink thing that rests you HP by a big amount everytime he hits you, and it's supposedly your sins being literally used against you, the pain you inflicted being returned tenfolded.

In Undertale, Sans got that power by being The Judge of the World, althought I dunno how that would translate here

I was saying that after they're freed (following the little dates the game offer, should be anywhere from 2010 to 2019, probs 2015 since IOTL it's when Undertale was released)

From Wiki

How did he become the Judge of the World?

I did a quick search and haven't really found anything about it. But I do know the moment you're talking about. Basically, Asriel/Flowey and Frisk/Chara juggle being the first and second most determined beings in the multiverse, and Sans is always third. So he feels the need to stand in judgment of these powerful beings. His powers do manipulate Karma, though, so he's quite strong.
I don't recall Sans really being Determined. Undyne IIRC was the only monster that could hold Determination.

Sans's powers don't really have anything to do with Determination.

Also, any thoughts on the rest of ideas?
Weren't the pre-timeskip events of Deathly Hallows about 10 years before now? Like 2009 or something? That would mean that the world would have ten years to figure out this Civil War of magical proportions. Granted, that's probably not enough time, but I'd be surprised if things hadn't changed a little bit. Especially since we've got Doctor Strange now. He would be a lot of help reining in the bungled public emergence of Rowlings. He's probably stepped in as Sorcerer Supreme and assembled a league to properly monitor the treatment of magic users, likely involving the Mystic Force rangers themselves.

Not that I disagree with you at all. I wasn't really thinking about how long it would take for the events I created to resolve.
You said the governmen attacking Hogwarts was soon after the battle of Hogwarts, which you also said was 12 years ago. So that means the attack was in 2007 in Fusionverse timeline as opposed to 1998 which is when the battle of Hogwarts was set in the books.

I am not sure if Dr Strange is able to help, being so busy (Is Infinity War happening in the 2010s or has it happened in the past?). Remember the Sanctum in London was destroyed in the Dr Strange movie, so there's not really a British representative to help. He might support the Mystic Force rangers, or worry they can't control their new morphing abilities.