FusionVerse - Combining All The Stories

All the cosmology and stuff from TES is too much unique and weird to be tied with normal universe like this is supposed to be, and at most would be relegated to one or two cameos, that would make it irrelevant

I would imagine something like Dunsay's Manood-Sushai would be ore suitable to Elder Scrolls on account everything in that is the result of his waking dreams?
I just see zero point in making all those organizations be officially part of the Assassin's Brotherhood. Killing people isn't a sufficient connection. If they don't follow the Assassin's Creed, they shouldn't be considered part of the Assassins at all

Rick Deckard as a Power Ranger doesn't really fit, nor does Kara Thrace since she's from the distant past, not the future.

Those organisations are not part of the Brotherhood. They are part of the Assassin Order. The Brotherhood are the Assassins who have not lost their way, who infiltrate the League of Shadows etc, trying to reform it from the inside, because the Assassin Order is far too powerful, especially with Ra's Al Ghul leading them.

Also why doesn't Rick Deckard fit? He hunts down Androids (Replicants) for a living, he would be perfect for trying to stop infiltration Terminators who've got that human skin. Not to mention he's got some combat ability.

Also Kara Thrace is from the past? Isn't Battlestar Galactica set in the future? They've got space ships and stuff? Anyway we can always cryogenically freeze her or have her travel at near light speed before crashing on Earth to explain how she ended up in the future from the past but has no way to return.

2. My thinking on Godzilla is this: Most of the Kaiju are Titans, a la the New American films, but Godzilla is not. Godzilla is a mutated dinosaur, with a backstory connected to World War 2 a la his Heisei Origins, the only difference being that he defended Americans from the Japanese instead of the other way around. After being Mutants, he became a scourage to humanity. Eventually, he and Superman battled eachother in this universe's version of the Death of Superman event. After recovering from it, Godzilla began to develope into a more anti-heroic direction. Mechagodzilla would be a Jaeger
So instead of Doomsday we got Godzilla? I can dig it!

Everything else sounds cool to me.

Because you asked for things that wouldn't fit
I should have asked for settings you wanted to have in the setting. Because the only way I can think to get Elder Scrolls to fit in Fusionfall that keeps you happy is to do a Once upon a Time thing where the Elder Scroll characters are from another realm but due to a curse or some other act of reality shattering (like, the sleeping being who dreams Elder Scrolls wakes up) are brought to the Fusionverse. Then the Fusionverse changes as the Elder Scrolls elements slowly start altering the 'real world'.

I don't know, it's tricky. A lot of these settings in this world are going to be cameos regardless. There's just too many otherwise.
And when you try to give advice and people stick their fingers in their ears and go la la la la even after that then that pisses me off.
You're not giving us any advice, you're just insulting us.
Those organisations are not part of the Brotherhood. They are part of the Assassin Order. The Brotherhood are the Assassins who have not lost their way, who infiltrate the League of Shadows etc, trying to reform it from the inside, because the Assassin Order is far too powerful, especially with Ra's Al Ghul leading them.

Also why doesn't Rick Deckard fit? He hunts down Androids (Replicants) for a living, he would be perfect for trying to stop infiltration Terminators who've got that human skin. Not to mention he's got some combat ability.

Also Kara Thrace is from the past? Isn't Battlestar Galactica set in the future? They've got space ships and stuff? Anyway we can always cryogenically freeze her or have her travel at near light speed before crashing on Earth to explain how she ended up in the future from the past but has no way to return.

So instead of Doomsday we got Godzilla? I can dig it!

Everything else sounds cool to me.

I should have asked for settings you wanted to have in the setting. Because the only way I can think to get Elder Scrolls to fit in Fusionfall that keeps you happy is to do a Once upon a Time thing where the Elder Scroll characters are from another realm but due to a curse or some other act of reality shattering (like, the sleeping being who dreams Elder Scrolls wakes up) are brought to the Fusionverse. Then the Fusionverse changes as the Elder Scrolls elements slowly start altering the 'real world'.

I don't know, it's tricky. A lot of these settings in this world are going to be cameos regardless. There's just too many otherwise.
1. There is no Assassin's order. It's just the Brotherhood, The Brotherhood is not part of some larger group

2. Being a Ranger just doesn't fit his personality. He's too grumpy and Cynical

3. The Finale of Battlestar Galactica reveals that it takes place in the distant past. The characters are the ancestors of humanity
1. There is no Assassin's order. It's just the Brotherhood, The Brotherhood is not part of some larger group

Yeah, that's the twist and change I made for this setting. I know it's not canon, I changed it for this setting.

2. Being a Ranger just doesn't fit his personality. He's too grumpy and Cynical

3. The Finale of Battlestar Galactica reveals that it takes place in the distant past. The characters are the ancestors of humanity
You don't watch a lot of Power Rangers do you? RPM, the show I took the suits from, has a grumpy and cynical black ranger named Dillon. Besides at the end of the day, power is a weapon against the robots, and I don't think Deckard would reject a weapon just because it looks odd.

3. Man sci-fi is weird. Alright, well my point stands, they can be cryogenically frozen and found in the future, or the speed of light thing. Or they're secretly a Terminator Infiltration model with the memories and appearance of Kara, who broke from her program or was reformed by the resistance to fight Skynet. Either works and it doesn't really matter.
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I should have asked for settings you wanted to have in the setting. Because the only way I can think to get Elder Scrolls to fit in Fusionfall that keeps you happy is to do a Once upon a Time thing where the Elder Scroll characters are from another realm but due to a curse or some other act of reality shattering (like, the sleeping being who dreams Elder Scrolls wakes up) are brought to the Fusionverse. Then the Fusionverse changes as the Elder Scrolls elements slowly start altering the 'real world'.

Maybe it can be done something

In TES, exists the concept of CHIM, which I will not explain on detail because it's long af and one the hardest parts to get, but in a nice nutshell

CHIM is the state you get when you realize that you're just a dream of the Amaranth, when you realize that everything and everyone you've known, everything and everyone that has existed isn't real, that you aren't real, you accept it...and yet you're able to say ''No, I AM''

When you're able to do that, you achieve CHIM, a state where you basically break off from the Dream, and become a nigh-omnipotent entity that can accomphis virtaully anything

And it's implied you can become a new Dreamer, that can dream it's own creation

And so, the Fusionverse and maybe even the Cthulhu Mythos verse are the product of CHIM users that are dreaming their own creations
Maybe it can be done something

In TES, exists the concept of CHIM, which I will not explain on detail because it's long af and one the hardest parts to get, but in a nice nutshell

CHIM is the state you get when you realize that you're just a dream of the Amaranth, when you realize that everything and everyone you've known, everything and everyone that has existed isn't real, that you aren't real, you accept it...and yet you're able to say ''No, I AM''

When you're able to do that, you achieve CHIM, a state where you basically break off from the Dream, and become a nigh-omnipotent entity that can accomphis virtaully anything

And it's implied you can become a new Dreamer, that can dream it's own creation

And so, the Fusionverse and maybe even the Cthulhu Mythos verse are the product of CHIM users that are dreaming their own creations
I mean, you maybe could do that, but at the end of the day for the average story this changes nothing. Elder Scrolls is still just a cameo. It's like in Terry Pratchet's Discworld-how often is it relevant that the world is supported by 4 elephants on top of a turtle?

You've basically done the St Elsewhere thing but instead of everything happening in a snowglobe, it happens in a dream. And it doesn't really change anything in the story, except maybe make it feel less impactful cause 'it's all a dream anyway'.

I don't know, if you're happy with it, I'm not bothered in the slightest because it doesn't change anything.
Yeah, that's the twist and change I made for this setting. I know it's not canon, I changed it for this setting.

You don't watch a lot of Power Rangers do you? RPM, the show I took the suits from, has a grumpy and cynical black ranger named Dillon. Besides at the end of the day, power is a weapon against the robots, and I don't think Deckard would reject a weapon just because it looks odd.

3. Man sci-fi is weird. Alright, well my point stands, they can be cryogenically frozen and found in the future, or the speed of light thing. Or they're secretly a Terminator Infiltration model with the memories and appearance of Kara, who broke from her program or was reformed by the resistance to fight Skynet. Either works and it doesn't really matter.
1. I don't think it's a good twist. I think it's disrespectful to the source material.
2. I've seen RPM, and Dillon doesn't have much in common behavior wise with Deckard. There's also the matter of Deckard living on Mars in a place where humans are dominant, not on a Post Apocalyptic Earth. I think just having the actual RPM rangers here would be better
1. I don't think it's a good twist. I think it's disrespectful to the source material.
2. I've seen RPM, and Dillon doesn't have much in common behavior wise with Deckard. There's also the matter of Deckard living on Mars in a place where humans are dominant, not on a Post Apocalyptic Earth. I think just having the actual RPM rangers here would be better
I respect your opinions even if I disagree with them. Would you feel satisfied if we changed the name of Ra's Al Ghul's organisation from The Assassin Order to The League of Shadows/the Demon? That way the Brotherhood exists independently of the evil assassins.

I'm not changing the RPM thing because:
1. This is a non-canon story so it doesn't really matter
2. I like the idea of assembling a team of badassess skilled in defeating robots and giving them ranger powers. Even if they have to travel all the way from Mars.
3. They don't need to be exact copies of the personalities of the rangers. Look at my example with Mystic Force and Harry Potter.
I respect your opinions even if I disagree with them. Would you feel satisfied if we changed the name of Ra's Al Ghul's organisation from The Assassin Order to The League of Shadows/the Demon? That way the Brotherhood exists independently of the evil assassins.

I'm not changing the RPM thing because:
1. This is a non-canon story so it doesn't really matter
2. I like the idea of assembling a team of badassess skilled in defeating robots and giving them ranger powers. Even if they have to travel all the way from Mars.
3. They don't need to be exact copies of the personalities of the rangers. Look at my example with Mystic Force and Harry Potter.
1. Just make it so the other groups are split off from the Brotherhood, and that fixes the issue. Though the name change would help cut down on confusion
2. Deckard's not really much of a badass. Only reason he even lived is because the final Robot saved his life
1. Just make it so the other groups are split off from the Brotherhood, and that fixes the issue. Though the name change would help cut down on confusion
2. Deckard's not really much of a badass. Only reason he even lived is because the final Robot saved his life
1. Ok changed it. Doesn't really affect things who splinters from who, but I did it because it bothered you.

The Order of the Assassins The Demon Assassins

Under his leadership, Ra's Al Ghul took his devotees and split off from the Order of Assassins, and expanded his new group across the globe, with their new goal of reforming decadent civilizations, first with a subtle touch or knife in the right places, then purging those which cannot be saved with fire.

Despite all this power and success of the Demon Assassins, there is another organisation of Assassins that stands apart, one that tries to protect the freedom of humanity, to teach tolerance with knowledge, rather than shape the world through blood and fear. This secret group calls itself The Brotherhood and it's formed of the descendents of the original Assassin Order, now living in modern day. The Brotherhood is small and outnumbered by The Demon 1000 to 1, having been hunted down by the Demon Assassins across the centuries, so the Brotherhood work in secrecy.

However, their leader is known. His name is Desmond Miles, a direct descendant of the legendary assassin Altair, who posses all his superhuman abilities as well as a magical relic called The Apple of Eden. He is considered enemy number 1 by the Demon, who hunt both Desmond and his artifact down, with claims that he is a stooge by the Templars who once captured him. Still he has avoided capture, at least for now.

2. He's played by Harrison Ford. By definition he's a badass. I'm sorry, it's simple maths I can't explain it any other way. :p
I think that a lot of things from elder scrolls and other settings would work better if we had infighting kill most of em off. Jyggalag could have easily killed a few daedric princes. Another thing could be that the dreaming god is a diety in the fusion verse, and if you manage to interest him he could send people from tamriel into the fusion verse.
No to them being outnumbered too. The league of shadows should not be anywhere near that much bigger than the Brotherhood

Absolutely not. The Demon is composed of multiple different assassin groups and ninja clans, they have strong recruitment practices, and more importantly their members can be resurrected from death.

More to the point, the Brotherhood was decimated in numbers following the Great Purge by Daniel Cross, where he killed the then leader and then revealed multiple Brotherhood locations. There has not been time to bring numbers up, especially because they usually train family members from childhood, and it's less common for them to recruit adult outsiders.

I've been very willing to compromise so far, but I need a little give and take here from you. I can bring it down to being outnumbered 100 to 1 but that's my hard limit.
I think that a lot of things from elder scrolls and other settings would work better if we had infighting kill most of em off. Jyggalag could have easily killed a few daedric princes. Another thing could be that the dreaming god is a diety in the fusion verse, and if you manage to interest him he could send people from tamriel into the fusion verse.

Hmm, there's a thought. What other settings besides Elder Scrolls do you think could work with infighting killing them off? Mortal Kombat?

@5elementsage I've added a point about the Golden Lions to the Demon. I was considering adding Team Rocket/The Iron Breakers to the organisation, to show how they are interested in capturing spirits/pokemon for their uses, but if you would rather I didn't involve the Demon with that sort of thing I am happy to leave it alone.
Absolutely not. The Demon is composed of multiple different assassin groups and ninja clans, they have strong recruitment practices, and more importantly their members can be resurrected from death.

More to the point, the Brotherhood was decimated in numbers following the Great Purge by Daniel Cross, where he killed the then leader and then revealed multiple Brotherhood locations. There has not been time to bring numbers up, especially because they usually train family members from childhood, and it's less common for them to recruit adult outsiders.

I've been very willing to compromise so far, but I need a little give and take here from you. I can bring it down to being outnumbered 100 to 1 but that's my hard limit.

Hmm, there's a thought. What other settings besides Elder Scrolls do you think could work with infighting killing them off? Mortal Kombat?

@5elementsage I've added a point about the Golden Lions to the Demon. I was considering adding Team Rocket/The Iron Breakers to the organisation, to show how they are interested in capturing spirits/pokemon for their uses, but if you would rather I didn't involve the Demon with that sort of thing I am happy to leave it alone.
1. The Assassin's Brotherhood is also composed of multiple cells of people and strong recruitment. And the League of Assassins is usually depicted with far more exclusive standards than the Assassin's Brotherhood. The Brotherhood should logically be bigger
2. The Great Purge is a modern event, which likely wouldn't happen until decades after Ra's is taken down by Batman
3. What is your obsession with giving the Assassin's Brotherhood an enemy beyond the Templars? Whay can't their chief foe be the archenemies they've been fighting for thousands of years?
4. Team Rocket is just a mafia/Yakuza. It doesn't make sense for them to be associated with Ra's
1. The Assassin's Brotherhood is also composed of multiple cells of people and strong recruitment. And the League of Assassins is usually depicted with far more exclusive standards than the Assassin's Brotherhood. The Brotherhood should logically be bigger
2. The Great Purge is a modern event, which likely wouldn't happen until decades after Ra's is taken down by Batman
3. What is your obsession with giving the Assassin's Brotherhood an enemy beyond the Templars? Whay can't their chief foe be the archenemies they've been fighting for thousands of years?
4. Team Rocket is just a mafia/Yakuza. It doesn't make sense for them to be associated with Ra's

Wait what are you talking about? Batman taking down Ra's Al Ghul? Batman hasn't done that. DC comics are set in the modern day, so Batman hasn't been around for decades. I don't think 5elements has said the DC heroes only popped up in the 30s or whenever, so both Assassin groups still exist.

Because the Brotherhood are in the Fusionverse setting. In the games, they only had 2 enemies the Brotherhood and the Instruments of the First Will because those are the only legitimate threats to their goals. But in Fusionverse there are multiple threats in various forms, so the Brotherhood would naturally have many opponents-it doesn't make sense to only focus on their private war and not engage in the wider setting. It's like how you turned the Templars into a tool for Megatron-that's a massive change to the Templars, and it also means their enemies also probably include the Autobots and their allies. Why can't I do that as well for the Brotherhood?

Fair point about Team Rocket. I'll leave that alone.
Wait what are you talking about? Batman taking down Ra's Al Ghul? Batman hasn't done that. DC comics are set in the modern day, so Batman hasn't been around for decades. I don't think 5elements has said the DC heroes only popped up in the 30s or whenever, so both Assassin groups still exist.

Because the Brotherhood are in the Fusionverse setting. In the games, they only had 2 enemies the Brotherhood and the Instruments of the First Will because those are the only legitimate threats to their goals. But in Fusionverse there are multiple threats in various forms, so the Brotherhood would naturally have many opponents-it doesn't make sense to only focus on their private war and not engage in the wider setting. It's like how you turned the Templars into a tool for Megatron-that's a massive change to the Templars, and it also means their enemies also probably include the Autobots and their allies. Why can't I do that as well for the Brotherhood?

Fair point about Team Rocket. I'll leave that alone.
1. Ra's has been deposed several times
2. The 30s are several decades prior to the Great Purge
3. Because you're not just creating new enemies, you're making the Brotherhood so small that they don't matter. You're taking them out of their own story and making them into a foot note
1. Ra's has been deposed several times
2. The 30s are several decades prior to the Great Purge
3. Because you're not just creating new enemies, you're making the Brotherhood so small that they don't matter. You're taking them out of their own story and making them into a foot note
1. Yeah and he keeps coming back.
2. I just said I don't think in this setting Batman/Bruce Wayne was active in the 30s. I think they went for the modern incarnation, that he's around and active in modern days.
3. Just because they are small it doesn't mean they don't matter. If they didn't matter they wouldn't be Ra's Al Ghul's enemy number 1. Besides it's not the quantity, but the quality. The fellowship of the Ring had only 9 members, and the Justice League started with only 7. Besides, I'm writing the Ra's Al Ghul stuff from the point of view of the Demon. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate, and things can change.

You know I'm not gonna keep fighting you on this. I'm gonna just move on and try and combine some different setting stuff. Later on @5elementsage can decide how big an influence he wants either the Demons or the Brotherhood to play in the setting/story.
1. Yeah and he keeps coming back.
2. I just said I don't think in this setting Batman/Bruce Wayne was active in the 30s. I think they went for the modern incarnation, that he's around and active in modern days.
3. Just because they are small it doesn't mean they don't matter. If they didn't matter they wouldn't be Ra's Al Ghul's enemy number 1. Besides it's not the quantity, but the quality. The fellowship of the Ring had only 9 members, and the Justice League started with only 7. Besides, I'm writing the Ra's Al Ghul stuff from the point of view of the Demon. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate, and things can change.

You know I'm not gonna keep fighting you on this. I'm gonna just move on and try and combine some different setting stuff. Later on @5elementsage can decide how big an influence he wants either the Demons or the Brotherhood to play in the setting/story.
If the Assassins Brotherhood is the Demon's enemy number 1, then the Demons have to be smaller than them. Because the Templars are the only faction that can be the Brotherhood's enemy number one
May It Be Known
I was so pleased to learn that the conversation had taken off in my absence! It's always so difficult getting people talking about this sort of thing when I'm away. And a four-person conversation at that! Delightful.

That being said, I feel it is time for me as the master of this thread to step in. Hopefully no one has been pushed so far they feel like abandoning the project, especially CoreBrute, who's been with it since practically the beginning. Ultimately, this is an environment where I want to foster the creative spirit, and while discourse is to be expected, there should be limits as to how far things are allowed to go before being considered "off track." One thing I will clarify before I continue, is that I prefer they/them pronouns. If you find that too obtrusive, she/her will work, but let's stop calling me "he," please. I know no offense was meant by it, but I want to have that ironed out.

Now, back to the task at hand. One thing that I feel our new contributors have overlooked, perhaps out of a lack of desire to read seven pages of posts, is that not every verse is getting put in wholesale. We're not exactly cherry-picking, but the way I started is by selecting important elements that NEED to be included, because they help define so much of the material from which they're taken. For example, Saiyans and ki from Dragon Ball, or Wizards from Harry Potter, or Chakra from Naruto. If we want to put Sasuke Uchiha in, but we're not using chakra, then what use it is to put him in our story? See what I mean?

(continued in part 2)
May It Be Known 2
By that virtue, we could decide that the Khajiit and Argonians need to get in there. The Daedric princes are critical to the deeper plot, but a lot of people prefer to play a more lackadaiscal, "I do what I want" sort of Skyrim, if you get what I mean. This may not be true for those who have been in it since Arena, but it is true for the newer audience, even some who have started with Oblivion. So people like that would care a lot more that their character's race isn't in our setting, than whether or not Mehrunes Dagon is.

Here's a big reason why no one setting is likely to make it in whole-cloth. Most of the settings use some version of Earth, but not all. Is Tamriel part of Earth? Is Alagaesia the same as Earth? Those kind of questions are bound to come up. Since the bulk of what we're using claims to be set on Earth, we're going with some version of Earth. So anything else that's not set on Earth, we're not using their setting in its entirety. We have not yet decided the larger cosmology of our setting, so at this point it very well COULD be a dream of some elder being. Maybe we the writers are all using CHIM to create it, similar to how the Writer is the most powerful being in DC. I'm not saying this is what we're definitely doing, but right now the possibilities are open.

Now, @RogerD and @ManuJM1997, I am very glad the two of you decided to give us your input, but more than one of us have gotten the sense you are here to be a disruptive presence. That may not be the case, and if it isn't, you are very welcome to contribute. I know for a fact that CoreBrute and I have crossed swords a few times in this project so far. I can't speak to how my fellow contributor was feeling at the time, but I got pretty heated, and in my little way I apologized. We moved on, and CoreBrute has attested to enjoying this even with that drama. So I'm not afraid of some contentious words about how the project is going. But if your purpose for being here is to stir up trouble just for shiggles, be on your way. The environment I try to support in this thread does not welcome that sort of "this project is stupid/you've got it all wrong" approach.

I have been trying to limit how often I use my big authoritative voice, but anyone who contributes to this project MUST understand, we are absolutely not taking a single world, or three core ones, and using them as the base. That is not how this setting is going to unfold. They all share the world as equally as possible, until we have to start cutting corners. And yes, some settings might not make the cut, but if something from them is usable, it will probably get used. We can creatively work out how that came to exist in other settings, with their rules. Just as an example: I've banned inclusion of the Greek gods, because there are earnest people out there who worship the Pantheon. They are called Hellenistic Pagans, as I've come to understand it. However, the Sword of Olympus could make it in under a different name, as a god-killer blade that works against deities we are including, deities created honestly under the banner of Fiction, who were not intended to be worshiped by real people.

Everyone, please enjoy this project as we continue to make it happen. Together!
Actually regarding the god rules, I assume that means Wonder Woman and Shazam have different origin stories then? Or at least WW wasn' created/fathered by Zeus since he's not in the setting? And Shazam probably means something else, again because of the mythological figures in his name (Hercules, Zeus, mercury etc).

I actually had a thought about the Elder Scrolls thing. Have you guys heard about Shadowrun? Essentially magic comes back to the world, and slowly people start being born as elves, orks, etc and dragons and other mythological creatures start popping up again. Maybe Tamriel magic is coming back slowly after being locked away for some time, and the races and demon princes etc are returning changing reality.

The only issue is I'm not sure how Elder Scrolls magic differs from what we've got so far.

Or maybe Tamriel (the continent Elder Scrolls takes place in) suddenly appears in the world. Maybe it was hidden in the mists like Themiscaria (WW home) only now been found. So we've got this medieval place with seemingly its own rules of reality.

@5elementsage why don't you pick a setting or two you want us to focus on including next? Or a world topic you want us to discuss?
The only issue is I'm not sure how Elder Scrolls magic differs from what we've got so far.

This one's actually fairly easy

Magic from TES is Magicka, energy that comes from Aetherius and that started to pour into Mundus after Magnus and his fledging left Mundus and literally teared holes into reality, that would become the stars (the Sun in TES is a giant hole, go figure)

Or maybe Tamriel (the continent Elder Scrolls takes place in) suddenly appears in the world. Maybe it was hidden in the mists like Themiscaria (WW home) only now been found. So we've got this medieval place with seemingly its own rules of reality.

This could certainly work, althought main problem it runs into certain events that happen in Tamriel are gonna affect the world no matter what, so, keep that in mind

By that virtue, we could decide that the Khajiit and Argonians need to get in there. The Daedric princes are critical to the deeper plot, but a lot of people prefer to play a more lackadaiscal, "I do what I want" sort of Skyrim, if you get what I mean. This may not be true for those who have been in it since Arena, but it is true for the newer audience, even some who have started with Oblivion. So people like that would care a lot more that their character's race isn't in our setting, than whether or not Mehrunes Dagon is.

Which is basically what I explained earlier

TES can only be really worked in if all the metaphysical stuff and myths and whatnot are taken away, which allows for much more freedom

But at the same time, that's taking away what makes TES unique compared to other fantasy settings, and without it it just feels like another Tolkien or DnD expy.

Which I personally I don't like. If you decide to go that route, okay, no problem. And I will still be here for input and the like. But I won't really be ok with it.