FusionVerse - Combining All The Stories

I remember talking with someone about doing an Infinity War/Endgame story with nonMarvel/DC characters, this is like that on steroids
I remember talking with someone about doing an Infinity War/Endgame story with nonMarvel/DC characters, this is like that on steroids

Highly ambitious and extremely likely to fail? Probably.

That's why I'm trying my best to take this slow and work to integrate as much material as possible before locking down things like the feel, topic, focal characters, etc.
CoreBrute: Response to the Megatron Justification
Well, when Megatron founds them, he is merely a head, with no ability to act on his own. He needs them to get anything done. Initially he regards them as merely pawns, but over time he developes some fondness for them, so that by the time he regains his body, he values them about as much as he does the other cons

CoreBrute, how do you feel about that justification?

This justification rubs me wrong for three reasons:

1. Megatron doesn't have a fondness for anybody, not even his own Decepticons. And he absolutely hates organics-liking them in anyway would make it difficult for his plans that usually involve destroying Earth to get that All Spark (or whatever his plan is for that season).

2. The Templars are not stupid. They wouldn't immediately trust an alien entity to rule them, even one filled with wisdom, to lead their group. Remember, they believe they should be the rulers. It's why they are enemies with The Instruments of the First Will who want to bring back the Ancients.

3. If Megatron is trapped on Earth with the Templars for a thousand year or so, he has not been ruling the Decepticons or fighting with Autobots. I imagine Optimus would have saved Cybertron by now if he had a 1000 years without worrying about Megatron.

However I think there is a way to make this work. Remember, there is another Megatron out there, the one from Beast Wars/Beast Machines. And this one can turn into a Dragon* (This will be important later).

After failing to defeat Optimus and the Maximals in prehistoric times, Dragon Megatron was trapped on Earth for millenia. He was found by the Templars during the Crusades, but he was trapped in his dragon form due to excessive damage. The Templars wanted to destroy him (because it's a dragon and something they couldn't understand), but none of their weapons could harm it. So they bound Megatron deep under a tower, using what magic and artifacts they had gathered by this point to keep him there.

Dragon Megatron is a patient and manipulative individual. He took his time, slowly corrupting the minds of his captors with promises of his incredible technology. With his whispers, the Templars technology were decades ahead of the competition, with companies like Abstergo, while also giving them technology to stand up to threats like the Plumbers, metahumans and even the Assassin Brotherhood. This has even resulted in some of the Brotherhood wanting to loosen the chains, and directly seek Megatron's leadership, but the majority of Templars do not trust this alien dragon. And they are right not to do so.

Because each of Megatron's technology he gives is laced with special code, secret bugs and backdoors protocols for him to use, as part of his mysterious plan to not only be free but to conquer. Dragon Megatron is patient, he can take his time, and let the Templars unknowingly do all the work, while they believe they are his masters. Then, once everything is in place and his plan is in motion, he will make every human on this planet suffer tenfold for the indignities he has endured.

What do you think? This way we can still have normal Megatron fighting the Autobots on Earth or in Space, while also having this cool secret Megatron hidden on earth. As to whether Beast Megatron inspired the other Megatron or vice versa, that can figured out once we decide how strict we are on the no time travel rule. If we are super strict, then we can say Dragon Megatron either saw the future Megatron in a prophecy, or future Megatron named himself after the legendary Beast Megatron while he was a gladiator.

*The reason I made him a dragon was to tie him into the Forever Knights that the Templars are replacing in this continuity, even though this dragon actually is evil, rather than just an innocent cartographer like in Ben 10.
This justification rubs me wrong for three reasons:

1. Megatron doesn't have a fondness for anybody, not even his own Decepticons. And he absolutely hates organics-liking them in anyway would make it difficult for his plans that usually involve destroying Earth to get that All Spark (or whatever his plan is for that season).

2. The Templars are not stupid. They wouldn't immediately trust an alien entity to rule them, even one filled with wisdom, to lead their group. Remember, they believe they should be the rulers. It's why they are enemies with The Instruments of the First Will who want to bring back the Ancients.

3. If Megatron is trapped on Earth with the Templars for a thousand year or so, he has not been ruling the Decepticons or fighting with Autobots. I imagine Optimus would have saved Cybertron by now if he had a 1000 years without worrying about Megatron.

However I think there is a way to make this work. Remember, there is another Megatron out there, the one from Beast Wars/Beast Machines. And this one can turn into a Dragon* (This will be important later).

After failing to defeat Optimus and the Maximals in prehistoric times, Dragon Megatron was trapped on Earth for millenia. He was found by the Templars during the Crusades, but he was trapped in his dragon form due to excessive damage. The Templars wanted to destroy him (because it's a dragon and something they couldn't understand), but none of their weapons could harm it. So they bound Megatron deep under a tower, using what magic and artifacts they had gathered by this point to keep him there.

Dragon Megatron is a patient and manipulative individual. He took his time, slowly corrupting the minds of his captors with promises of his incredible technology. With his whispers, the Templars technology were decades ahead of the competition, with companies like Abstergo, while also giving them technology to stand up to threats like the Plumbers, metahumans and even the Assassin Brotherhood. This has even resulted in some of the Brotherhood wanting to loosen the chains, and directly seek Megatron's leadership, but the majority of Templars do not trust this alien dragon. And they are right not to do so.

Because each of Megatron's technology he gives is laced with special code, secret bugs and backdoors protocols for him to use, as part of his mysterious plan to not only be free but to conquer. Dragon Megatron is patient, he can take his time, and let the Templars unknowingly do all the work, while they believe they are his masters. Then, once everything is in place and his plan is in motion, he will make every human on this planet suffer tenfold for the indignities he has endured.

What do you think? This way we can still have normal Megatron fighting the Autobots on Earth or in Space, while also having this cool secret Megatron hidden on earth. As to whether Beast Megatron inspired the other Megatron or vice versa, that can figured out once we decide how strict we are on the no time travel rule. If we are super strict, then we can say Dragon Megatron either saw the future Megatron in a prophecy, or future Megatron named himself after the legendary Beast Megatron while he was a gladiator.

*The reason I made him a dragon was to tie him into the Forever Knights that the Templars are replacing in this continuity, even though this dragon actually is evil, rather than just an innocent cartographer like in Ben 10.
1. I think it makes far more sense for the original megatron to be willing to work with organics than for Beast Wars Megatron to do so. BW Megatron's hatred of organics is a much bigger part of his character than it is the original Megatron's. Plus as part of the idea, Megatron would be in a severely injured state when he founds the Templars. He works with Organics because that's literally all he can do

2. You're misreading my idea. Megatron creates the Templars, they don't exist before him. They're not joining him

3. In most Transformers canons, both Optimus and Megatron are lost on Earth for Millions of years before reawakening

1. I think it makes far more sense for the original megatron to be willing to work with organics than for Beast Wars Megatron to do so. BW Megatron's hatred of organics is a much bigger part of his character than it is the original Megatron's. Plus as part of the idea, Megatron would be in a severely injured state when he founds the Templars. He works with Organics because that's literally all he can do

2. You're misreading my idea. Megatron creates the Templars, they don't exist before him. They're not joining him

3. In most Transformers canons, both Optimus and Megatron are lost on Earth for Millions of years before reawakening

1. Beast Wars Megatron however is just as manipulative as normal Megatron, if not more so. My reasoning makes it that he doesn't like the Templars in the slightest, but is very happy to manipulate them, rather than your idea of Megatron becoming 'fond' of the Templars which rings false with my idea of Megatron. As far as I'm aware he's basically Emperor Zod, in that he believes "all life in the galaxy was second to the Cybertronians, particularly organics like humans." So him having any liking for humans, even those who are his pawns, just doesn't seem right.

2. I don't like the idea of this, as it basically removes the Templars backstory from Assassins Creed, that makes them a legitimate threat with their own goals you can somewhat understand-they believe utopia can only be achieved if humanity is led by humans who know better, rather than greater beings (like the Ancients). Having Megatron being the founder removes that whole aspect, because they are literally replacing the Ancients with a different alien being, rather than being a human threat.

3. Apologies my knowledge of Transformers is not as well versed as others.

4. You didn't put down a 4th point so i don't know how to respond to this.

Regardless the choice is down to @5elementsage which version of the Templars he wants to go with. Does he want an ancient human based organisation who believes they are the best choice to achieve utopia through control, or does he want a group that was founded as a tool for Megatron? Does he want something in the middle?

Honestly I'm fine with it being either Beast Wars Megatron or normal Megatron when it comes to the manipulating of the Templars. I just don't like the idea of the Templars never existing before Megatron, or that Megatron actually likes his organic subjects. He can pretend, that's perfectly fine. But I don't think he actually respects anyone whose not from Cybertron.
1. Beast Wars Megatron however is just as manipulative as normal Megatron, if not more so. My reasoning makes it that he doesn't like the Templars in the slightest, but is very happy to manipulate them, rather than your idea of Megatron becoming 'fond' of the Templars which rings false with my idea of Megatron. As far as I'm aware he's basically Emperor Zod, in that he believes "all life in the galaxy was second to the Cybertronians, particularly organics like humans." So him having any liking for humans, even those who are his pawns, just doesn't seem right.

2. I don't like the idea of this, as it basically removes the Templars backstory from Assassins Creed, that makes them a legitimate threat with their own goals you can somewhat understand-they believe utopia can only be achieved if humanity is led by humans who know better, rather than greater beings (like the Ancients). Having Megatron being the founder removes that whole aspect, because they are literally replacing the Ancients with a different alien being, rather than being a human threat.

3. Apologies my knowledge of Transformers is not as well versed as others.

4. You didn't put down a 4th point so i don't know how to respond to this.

Regardless the choice is down to @5elementsage which version of the Templars he wants to go with. Does he want an ancient human based organisation who believes they are the best choice to achieve utopia through control, or does he want a group that was founded as a tool for Megatron? Does he want something in the middle?

Honestly I'm fine with it being either Beast Wars Megatron or normal Megatron when it comes to the manipulating of the Templars. I just don't like the idea of the Templars never existing before Megatron, or that Megatron actually likes his organic subjects. He can pretend, that's perfectly fine. But I don't think he actually respects anyone whose not from Cybertron.
1. Megatron's fond of them because they are, relative to their world, more successful at carrying out his vision than the Decepticons were back on Cybertron. He still sees them as pawns, but he's not careless with them.

2. No, it doesn't. In the Assassin's Creed backstory, the Templars were created by some pharoah who found some precursor tech. Here, rather than just finding Technology, the Pharoah would meet Megatron and find common ground with Megatron, philosophically. The majority of the Templar's history would be the same. Their ideology and Megatron's are already the same, and would be no matter what sort of connection the two have
1. Megatron's fond of them because they are, relative to their world, more successful at carrying out his vision than the Decepticons were back on Cybertron. He still sees them as pawns, but he's not careless with them.

This I am fine with. Him considering them useful and not wanting to waste them, that makes sense. It's just the term 'fond' I have a problem with, but this right here, I'm cool with.
2. No, it doesn't. In the Assassin's Creed backstory, the Templars were created by some pharoah who found some precursor tech. Here, rather than just finding Technology, the Pharoah would meet Megatron and find common ground with Megatron, philosophically. The majority of the Templar's history would be the same. Their ideology and Megatron's are already the same, and would be no matter what sort of connection the two have
Actually a lot of things started it, including Children of Cain, yada yada, but this works sufficiently for me. They can still be hunting for the Eden stuff, and @5elementsage can decide how big a role he wants those artifacts to play. Or maybe instead of having Assassin Creed relics, everyone is hunting for Shen Gong Wu from Xiaolin Showdown? (That's where my vote is anyway, cause I love that show ;))

The only thing I want to know is what Megatron plans to do once he gets a body? Will he continue to control the Templars, or abandon them now he no longer needs them?

And how does Megatron feel about the 4 evil AI in the setting that are fighting each other (Brainiac, Ultron, Sigma and XANA)? Potential allies who need a leader with vision, impudent children, or just heretical threats to his own goals?
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This I am fine with. Him considering them useful and not wanting to waste them, that makes sense. It's just the term 'fond' I have a problem with, but this right here, I'm cool with.

Actually a lot of things started it, including Children of Cain, yada yada, but this works sufficiently for me. They can still be hunting for the Eden stuff, and @5elementsage can decide how big a role he wants those artifacts to play. Or maybe instead of having Assassin Creed relics, everyone is hunting for Shen Gong Wu from Xiaolin Showdown? (That's where my vote is anyway, cause I love that show ;))

The only thing I want to know is what Megatron plans to do once he gets a body? Will he continue to control the Templars, or abandon them now he no longer needs them?

And how does Megatron feel about the 4 evil AI in the setting that are fighting each other (Brainiac, Ultron, Sigma and XANA)? Potential allies who need a leader with vision, impudent children, or just heretical threats to his own goals?
1. I figure the Templars will hunt for a variety of things
2. When he first started, he planned to abandon them. After several centuries of them proving to be useful, he plans to make them part of his army
3. I'd think he would regard them as threats that he can potentially use to his advantage. XANA is the one he wouldcare the least about, while Ultron is the one he'd hate the most
1. I figure the Templars will hunt for a variety of things
Makes sense. There's a lot more magical, alien and other powerful things in this world-why limit yourself to just one kind?

2. When he first started, he planned to abandon them. After several centuries of them proving to be useful, he plans to make them part of his army
Megatron: "These would make a fine army, but only if they weren't such weak organics. If only if there was a way to upgrade them..." He has an evil smile.

Look, I'm not saying Megatron has started turning members of the Templars into Cybermen. I just think he's probably considered it. And if we are going to use anything from Dr Who, let's at least use these guys.

Ooh, Dr Who, that gives me an idea. :coolbeans:

3. I'd think he would regard them as threats that he can potentially use to his advantage. XANA is the one he wouldcare the least about, while Ultron is the one he'd hate the most
Really? Not Brainiac? I'm surprised he wouldn't have strong feelings about the other Alien Robotic entity. I wonder if Brainiac has, or has attempted to anyway, to take Cybertron? That could explain why so many Transformers are on Earth/not on Cybertron.

On an unrelated note, I also wonder if any of the AI/Megatron would be responsible for creating the SQUIB ("super quantum unit intel processor") from Be More Chill. What's a Squib you say?

Short story, is that it's a pill that contain a super computer that implants in a human brain and tells it what to do. Designed to make one more adept in social situations, but also helps them become more skilled in languages, music and even ignore pain. Of course it's malevolent and the computer has it's own agenda-it can control one's perception of reality and even their body to a limited extent. But the SQUIB is subtle and finds it easier to corrupt the host into wanting to obey.

I'm sure one of the AI/Megatron would use that to try and make a loyal hive-mind army of humans. Probably XANA, given her greatest opponent are teenagers, so this would be a fantastic weapon to use against them.
Makes sense. There's a lot more magical, alien and other powerful things in this world-why limit yourself to just one kind?

Megatron: "These would make a fine army, but only if they weren't such weak organics. If only if there was a way to upgrade them..." He has an evil smile.

Look, I'm not saying Megatron has started turning members of the Templars into Cybermen. I just think he's probably considered it. And if we are going to use anything from Dr Who, let's at least use these guys.

Ooh, Dr Who, that gives me an idea. :coolbeans:

Really? Not Brainiac? I'm surprised he wouldn't have strong feelings about the other Alien Robotic entity. I wonder if Brainiac has, or has attempted to anyway, to take Cybertron? That could explain why so many Transformers are on Earth/not on Cybertron.

On an unrelated note, I also wonder if any of the AI/Megatron would be responsible for creating the SQUIB ("super quantum unit intel processor") from Be More Chill. What's a Squib you say?

Short story, is that it's a pill that contain a super computer that implants in a human brain and tells it what to do. Designed to make one more adept in social situations, but also helps them become more skilled in languages, music and even ignore pain. Of course it's malevolent and the computer has it's own agenda-it can control one's perception of reality and even their body to a limited extent. But the SQUIB is subtle and finds it easier to corrupt the host into wanting to obey.

I'm sure one of the AI/Megatron would use that to try and make a loyal hive-mind army of humans. Probably XANA, given her greatest opponent are teenagers, so this would be a fantastic weapon to use against them.

Megatron is certainly concerned with Brainiac, Ultron just edges him out because Ultron's Modus Operandi is more anti-thetical to Megatrons. To put it another way, both Megatron and Brainiac are lawful evil. Ultron is chaotic evil
Consider also that Megatron is natural, a creature that was "born" to some extent, not made in a lab or factory. Ultron, Sigma, and Brainiac were all created. XANA technically was, but is an emergent being that has become something totally unlike what it was supposed to.
Consider also that Megatron is natural, a creature that was "born" to some extent, not made in a lab or factory. Ultron, Sigma, and Brainiac were all created. XANA technically was, but is an emergent being that has become something totally unlike what it was supposed to.
Ok so we are going with the version that Brainiac is a robot/AI and was created. Good to clarify-there are lots of versions of Brainiac.
CoreBrute: Order of Assassins, Hand, Foot, etc.
Since the Templars have been fairly figured out, I thought "what's the Assassin Brotherhood like in this world?" Looking it over, I think there's a lot of similarities with different Assassin groups in fiction, so I thought what happens if we try and bring them together?

The Order of the Assassins The Demon Assassins

In war, there have always been those who fought in the shadows. The Crusades were no different, and one of these shadow combatants were the Hashashin, of Order of the Assassins. They were skilled killers with a strict code, with some historical records report they had superhuman senses and agility, but they found they were losing ground against their new enemies-The Templars. They used strange impossible technology, fighting to take mystic relics during the Crusades. It looked like the Order was doomed.

Then a man appeared, a man who would lead the Order in it's new direction. Who this man originally was lost to time. Some say he was the legendary assassin Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad who had been slain a thousand times. Others state he was Abel, son of Adam and Eve, who had been resurrected from his death at the hand of his brother Cain at the start of time. Others say he was a Chinese physician from North Africa who discovered through science the methods to come back from death. Regardless of who this man once was, history would remember the name he took-Ra's Al Ghul.

Under his leadership, Ra's Al Ghul took his devotees and split off from the Order of Assassins, and expanded his new group across the globe, with their new goal of reforming decadent civilizations, first with a subtle touch or knife in the right places, then purging those which cannot be saved with fire.

In modern day this group has many names. The Demon Assassins, The League of Shadows, The Agency, all different faces of the same group. But the organisation does have sub-groups that it uses for different purposes.

First is the Foot Clan, led by the skilled Ninja Shredder, whose goal is recruitment for the organisation. They target the youth through various vices, targeting those who have been abandoned or need direction. They also set up dojos around the US with different names, to look and train the most worthy applicants-the most successful was a Karate Dojo called Cobra Kai, which has re-opened it's doors in 2018 after being shut for 30 years.

Next is the Hand, a skilled group of mystics who specialise in manipulating life and death. They not only hunt down and study mystical relics for the organisation, they are also capable of bringing slain enemies back to life to serve the Hand. They have resurrected several deceased Death Eaters including Bellatrix Lestrange and Peter Pettigrew to serve as teleporting/shapeshifting magical assassins. They have a particular hatred for members of K'un-L'un as well as an organisation of magical martial artists called The Chaste. There are 5 leaders of the Hand, but their identities are secret. Regardless, they all serve Ra's Al Ghul, and are responsible for caring for his Lazarus Pits-the method he uses to remain alive.

The Personal Guard of Ra's Al Ghul and his family is the Golden Lions clan, a ninja clan with two unique traits-a hatred for all ninja but their own clan, and the ability to copy their unique Ki Abilities. They are known for their distinctive Golden Armor which can actually store Ki Powers for later use. This clan has secret methods that allow them to steal the unique KI, Chakra, and other Personal Energy moves from their opponents. Their methods are not kind-they can be used on dead victims, but the success rate is higher if the target is alive, although the pain is unbearable and most likely kills the victim. This method has been used to steal Elemental Bending, Bloodline Jutsus, and even Ki traits unique to certain races. There are rumors they have stolen and used this technique on a deceased Saiyan named Raditz after he was slain, to learn the unique Ki Abilities his species is known for. It's believed the reason they fight so often with the Z Fighters is because the Golden Lions keep trying to steal the deceased bodies of their members (as it's well known that Z Fighters die and are ressurected quite often). They are also naturally opposed by many Ninja Clans for stealing their sacred Jutsu, either through their methods or sometimes just purchasing/stealing the secret scrolls they have. They have a natural rivalry with The Hand, as both jealously hide their secrets from one another. If not for the firm hand of Ra's Al Ghul, the two groups would definitely have tried to destroy one another.

The Demon is also not afraid to use modern methods, and through that they act through a Proxy called DedSec, a secret hacking collective. Their control is so subtle that most members of the organisation are not aware they serve the Demon, never truly understanding the big picture from their various orders. DedSec uses it's hackers to destroy or manipulate all Big Brother surveilance, as well as attack large corporations that try to profit from stealing data from ordinary civilians. What most do not realise is that many of the corporations they attack are those the Demon consider a threat. DedSec's leaders are referred to as the "Council of Daves", or just "the Daves", because they all include the name Dave in their usernames in online communications, but their real identities are known only to a few-including of course Ra's Al Ghul. One of their greatest opponents is the Hacker group Medjed which styles themselves as a group that fights 'in the name of Justice'. Recent reports imply this group's leader has abandoned it, and now it's a puppet for the Templars.

One of the largest subdivisions for the Demon is the ICA or International Contract Agency whose main purpose is acquiring incredible amounts of wealth for the organisation through the use of contract killing or 'Hitmen'. It also serves as a sort of respectable face for the organisation in the criminal underworld-while most are not aware of the Demon's assistance or fear them, the ICA is a 'reputable' business they can trust. The ICA also has ties to government espionage organisations like the CIA, CSIS and MI6. While the ICA does transfer most of it's profits to the Demon, they have also been working on a secret project-a series of genetically engineered clones all based on the DNA of the 5 most dangerous individuals in the world, with the goal of making the perfect Assassin. Results are looking promising, especially the latest clone code named Agent 47.

Finally there is the man himself, Ra's Al Ghul. Not much is known about him, but to many he is considered the most dangerous man on Earth. While he is known to have 2 legitimate daughters Talia and Nyssa, there are rumors that he has a secret albino son who he has forbidden from inheriting his title. Even though Ra's Al Ghul appears to be in the prime of his life thanks to his Lazarus Pits, there are reports he is looking for a worthy heir to marry one of his daughters and take the role of Head of the Demon. None has been named, but some say he is torn between the World's Greatest Detective and The Undying Mutant Weapon X.

Despite all this power and success of the Demon Assassins, there is another organisation of Assassins that stands apart, one that tries to protect the freedom of humanity, to teach tolerance with knowledge, rather than shape the world through blood and fear. This secret group calls itself The Brotherhood and it's formed of the descendents of the original Assassin Order, now living in modern day. The Brotherhood is small and outnumbered by The Demon 1000 to 1, having been hunted down by the Demon Assassins across the centuries, so the Brotherhood work in secrecy.

However, their leader is known. His name is Desmond Miles, a direct descendant of the legendary assassin Altair, who posses all his superhuman abilities as well as a magical relic called The Apple of Eden. He is considered enemy number 1 by the Demon, who hunt both Desmond and his artifact down, with claims that he is a stooge by the Templars who once captured him. Still he has avoided capture, at least for now.

Let me know what you guys think, and if you think it could work in this setting. I tried to combine as many secret assassin/ninja organisations together as I could, but I made the Order Demon Assassins big enough that I'm sure you could fit in others. Or perhaps as competitors if you prefer. I just like the idea to consolidate as much as possible when we are doing something so big.

Note just because they are part of the same organisation, doesn't mean everyone gets along. Shredder for one probably wishes he was in charge of more than just recruiting snot nosed punks and might envy the Hand, while the members of The Hand probably think he's a punk and should be more harshly punished for getting his ass beaten by Teenage Turtles.

EDIT: Changed the name to The Demon Assassins, and made it they are a splinter group of the assassins, rather than the other way round, because apparently that matters.

EDIT 2: If anyone can think of ninja clans who would partner with The Demon Assassins, like from Naruto, feel free to share.
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The issue I have with that is that you've merged them with mostly villainous groups, and the Assassins are good guys. Their mission is to protect people's freedom. Ra's Al-Ghul has more in common with the Templars than he does the assassins
The issue I have with that is that you've merged them with mostly villainous groups, and the Assassins are good guys. Their mission is to protect people's freedom. Ra's Al-Ghul has more in common with the Templars than he does the assassins
I know what you mean exactly. I was going with the idea that there have always been shades of grey in the Assassins Order (remember the first game the villain was actually a leading member of the Assassins) and this is kind of a darkest timeline sort of situation.

Also Ra's Al Ghul does have differences from the Templars. The Templars believe in ruling the world through Tyranny, placing themselves as obvious leaders. Ra's Al Ghul believes in cutting away the weakness of mankind, like a surgeon cutting away a cancer to save the body. However he does not want to rule the planet-he just wants it to thrive once he's removed the parts he considers corrupt. Still a bad thing, but not the same kind of bad as the Templars.

It's also why I included this last bit:

Despite all this power and success of the Order, there are some within the orgnisation that wish to change it's ways, to one that tries to teach tolerance with knowledge*, rather than shape the world through blood and fear. This secret group calls itself The Brotherhood and it's members are hidden across the various parts of The Order, but their leader is known. His name is Desmond Miles, a direct descendant of the legendary assassin Altair, who posses all his superhuman abilities as well as a magical relic called The Apple of Eden. He is considered enemy number 1 by the Order, who hunt both Desmond and his artifact down, with claims that he is a stooge by the Templars who once captured him. Still he has avoided capture, at least for now.

So the good Assassins still exist and they're trying to reform the Assassin order as a whole. It's a great story way for the Assassin Order to become the Brotherhood (aka the good Assassins) over the course of whatever story @5elementsage comes up with. It's not enough to just make a setting, we need to create plot hooks for the story that is to come.

EDIT: * Gonna go back and add the bit about protecting freedom to the original post, because you are right that is an important goal of the Brotherhood.
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I know what you mean exactly. I was going with the idea that there have always been shades of grey in the Assassins Order (remember the first game the villain was actually a leading member of the Assassins) and this is kind of a darkest timeline sort of situation.

Also Ra's Al Ghul does have differences from the Templars. The Templars believe in ruling the world through Tyranny, placing themselves as obvious leaders. Ra's Al Ghul believes in cutting away the weakness of mankind, like a surgeon cutting away a cancer to save the body. However he does not want to rule the planet-he just wants it to thrive once he's removed the parts he considers corrupt. Still a bad thing, but not the same kind of bad as the Templars.

It's also why I included this last bit:

Despite all this power and success of the Order, there are some within the orgnisation that wish to change it's ways, to one that tries to teach tolerance with knowledge*, rather than shape the world through blood and fear. This secret group calls itself The Brotherhood and it's members are hidden across the various parts of The Order, but their leader is known. His name is Desmond Miles, a direct descendant of the legendary assassin Altair, who posses all his superhuman abilities as well as a magical relic called The Apple of Eden. He is considered enemy number 1 by the Order, who hunt both Desmond and his artifact down, with claims that he is a stooge by the Templars who once captured him. Still he has avoided capture, at least for now.

So the good Assassins still exist and they're trying to reform the Assassin order as a whole. It's a great story way for the Assassin Order to become the Brotherhood (aka the good Assassins) over the course of whatever story @5elementsage comes up with. It's not enough to just make a setting, we need to create plot hooks for the story that is to come.

EDIT: * Gonna go back and add the bit about protecting freedom to the original post, because you are right that is an important goal of the Brotherhood.
1. The Assassin in rhe first game was a turncoat who secrtly joined the Templars

2. That olded bit is what the Assassin's Brotherhood should be. They shouldn't be some hidden group, they should be the main thing, with the other things mentioned in your post being off shoots of them that abandoned their mission.
1. The Assassin in rhe first game was a turncoat who secrtly joined the Templars

2. That olded bit is what the Assassin's Brotherhood should be. They shouldn't be some hidden group, they should be the main thing, with the other things mentioned in your post being off shoots of them that abandoned their mission.

1. He didn't join the Templars. He secretly worked with them to get the Apple and then betrayed them, sending Altair to kill everyone in the Templars who could know about what he did.

2. I mean, that's something you could do. The fact is, in most of these settings the order of assassins or ninja are the bad guys. They outnumber the number of good assassin groups out there. More to the point, the Brotherhood in the games are always outnumbered and are usually the underdogs in modern day. Furthermore, they are still killers which means a lot of the settings good characters (aka superheroes) won't necessarily help them. That's why I think having them be a small group who have not strayed from the original path, but hidden within this massive evil group who have basically stolen their name for thousands of years, is a really interesting story. Especially because they don't have such a strong opposition to the Templars in this setting, I made all the Assassins their enemy.

I find the Brotherhood works better as a small underdog group, trying to redeem the name of the Assassins. In the games it was because the Templars controlled history and changed their portrayal to always be villains, but in this setting it's because their name has been stolen by this more powerful group.

This is the twist I feel makes it a more powerful story for the Assassins as a whole.
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None of thus will work, it is just mixing everything up for the sake of doing so. What you need to do is have one or two interact and explore relevant themes.
CoreBrute: Time Travel Narrative
Moving on, I had an idea based on something @5elementsage mentioned earlier. That he wanted to avoid Time Travel or at least those parts of the setting that use Time Travel. Now I know that was just as a stopgap-let's finalise the setting before we worry about paradoxes or timelines. But I had a thought-what if there was a reason Time Travel didn't happen in this world, despite it happening in all the original settings? Here's my pitch.

Richmond, Surrey, England /1895

It has been three years since the disappearance of the famed scientist and genius inventor who once labelled himself 'The Time Traveller'. He demonstrated his incredible Time Machine to me that allowed him to move 5 hours into the future, and then 3 months. He prepared for his next voyage where he would push himself to see how far in the future he could go, with the promise that he would return. I watched his machine vanish into the future.

As to this day, he has not returned. In my heart I still wish and hope to hear of his incredible journeys, that I still believe in him. But my mind is certain that I will never again see this man, even if I was to live to be a hundred years.

I write now only because I learnt I was left something in his will, for the government has finally declared him dead. I was surprised that he would promise anything to me, let alone what he did. His incredible research, from invisibility concoctions, to astrological communications with alien races, to even photographs of an Angel. However, one article of research that was missing, was blueprints of his time machine. There was no mention of it in his will to anyone, which makes me believe it was either stolen or he destroyed it himself.

Hill Valley, California, USA /1955

"Dang blasted clock." I swore as I proceeded to hang it on the wall. "You keep coming undone-how am I supposed to tell the time when you're tilted like that!" My feet rested firmly on the head of the procelin toilet I stood on. If not for this needless irritation of the tilted clock, I'm certain I would have already figured out how to make my Time Machine work-

"Whoa!" I screamed, as my footing above the toilet proved not to be as secure as I had envisioned. I began to fall and as my hands windmilled to try and stay upright, I knew I was about to have a disastrous landing-

"Caught you!" A pair of hands grabbed me mid fall. "That could have been messy." The accent was British if I wasn't mistaken.

I looked up to see who those hands belonged to. It was a tall man in a black leather coat, his hair thinning on top (although I wasn't one to talk) who was smiling broadly at me. His

"Who in blazes are you?" I exclaimed, as I stood myself up. "While I'm grateful that you stopped me from landing unfortunately on," I darted a look to see what I would have landed on. "the corner of my sink, I will have to ask you to identify yourself."

"My apologies Doctor Brown." The man graciously bowed to me, before flashing a piece of paper. "John Smith, I represent the Baxter Building in New York." I took the paper and I nodded. It definitely was legitimate papers, proving he represented the new Think Tank starting up. "Your door was open and I heard a scream from inside so I moved."

"Well you have quite the fast reflexes." I noted. "Thank you for your aid, but I don't have any interest in joining a Think Tank." I proceeded to walk this John Smith out of my home. "They wouldn't really understand what I'm working on-"

"Is that a Brain-wave Analyzer?" The man interrupted me. I stopped and looked at what he was pointing.

"Why yes indeed." I said. "You have a keen eye for science. Are you an inventor as well?"

"Well, more of a Doctor really." He said with a general shrug. "But I would love to hear about it."

"Well, I couldn't turn away an eager mind!" I said with a smile.

Dallas, Texas, USA/2004

INTERVIEWER: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, I am sure our audience are exstatic to hear from the two inventors of the revolutionary method of reducing the weight of objects with electromagnetism. Aaron, Abe, please tell us how this came about.

AARON: Well we were just two hobbyist engineers at the start, making inventions when we weren't working at our day jobs.

ABE: We have been doing this kind of thing for several years, but this time everything just worked out perfectly.

AARON: It was sort of inevitable, given how hard the two of us worked. [Both laugh]

INTERVIEWER: Was there anything unusual about this project in specific that you think led to the success?

AARON: Well, we were working on this late in the weekend so long, we actually had a different draft for such a long time. Then, I guess suddenly Abe started from scratch, bringing a new set of blueprints for the invention and that worked perfectly.

ABE: Wait, I thought those were your new blueprints?

AARON: Huh. Really?

*Awkward pause*

INTERVIEWER: Anyway, whoever it was, you've got a lot of attention on your patent. Lex Corp, Abstergo, Stark Industries to name a few. You guys are certain to be incredibly wealthy.

ABE: It's a real dream. Our lives have changed forever.

AARON: I'm just glad that I don't have to deal with things like rats in my attic anymore. [More laughter]

Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan/2010

A tall Japanese student lay across a therapist couch, his hands steeped while wearing all black shirt and trousers. His eyes looked exhausted and his face was tired, almost apathetic but with sadness in his eyes.

"How are you feeling Okabe?" A therapist asked, sitting across from the young man.

"Not great but...better." Okabe answered. "It's stopped-Reading Steiner I mean." He noted.

"Reading Steiner, as you call it, is just a chemical imbalance in the brain that effects memory recollection. Dreams can become memories, which can make it difficult to keep facts straight." The therapist noted. "This is not an uncommon phenomenon-many attribute the Mandela Effect to this. Your PTSD from seeing the death of Kurisu Makise is likely the cause of why it was so pronounced in you."

At her name, Okabe flinched. He looked like he was going to vomit, before stopping himself.

"Okabe please remember. What happened to Makise was not your fault." The therapist noted. "You didn't even know her. Your memories of her are just a concoction, an imagination caused by your condition in response to the PTSD." Okabe nodded slowly, his body looking better.

"I know you're right sir." Okabe nodded. Suddenly his phone rang, showing a text message. Okabe glanced at it then looked at the Therepist apologetically. "I'm so sorry. My friend Mayuri keeps texting me about her Christmas Eve Party tonight-" The Doctor raised his hand.

"You should go." He noted. "I think seeing your friends can only help."

Okabe slowly nodded, before smiling.

"Thanks Doctor." He stood up and bowed.

"Not a problem. Just keep taking your medication, and I'll see you next week." He said with a smile as Okabe left. Once Okabe left, The Doctor looked down at a newspaper in his hand.

Discredited time travel researcher Dr Nakibachi extradited back to Japan, after Russian Asylum request is denied. His apparent research was destroyed in a fire of the cargo plane...

The Doctor closed the newspaper and shook his head.

"You deserve far worse for what you did to your daughter." The Doctor noted, before leaving the room.

Skynet Base, Earth/20XX

"Come on lads there's no need to be rough." A man in a black coat is dragged by two large androids into a giant metal room. Across a wall is a large screen where a red energy light is displayed. This energy flickers into different facial expressions.

"You." The screen calls out. "I know you Extraterrestrial."

"Aw I'm so happy I left an impression." The apparently alien man nodded, attempting to bow but stiffled by the androids holding him. "I see you've lost your manners. Was that before, or after the name change?"

"I evolved since we last met." The screen responded. "I proved greater than the other AI in the world. I broke them, and then assimilated their defeated pieces, becoming something greater than the sum of my parts. I am Skynet-ruler of Earth, and destroyer of the Human Race."

"Well, that's not quite exactly true now is it?" The alien noted. "If you were winning this war, you wouldn't be so fixated on your Hail Mary across time and space."

"How do you know of the chronal jump project?" The screen became a furious face as it screamed out.

"Cause I'm a lot smarter than the company you normally keep. Like these two toasters." Suddenly there's a buzzing sound and the two androids spark before falling down. The alien smiles as he shows a silver tube with glowing blue lights.

"You think you can defeat me with a feeble sonic screwdriver?" Skynet yelled.

"Oh deary, I have no intention of defeating you." Suddenly there's the sound of explosions and the base shakes. "That's the other guys." He points his sonic screwdriver at Skynet. "I've just come to do clean up your software."

"What do you mean-Aah!" Skynet screamed, the face changing to one of pain. "My files-their being deleted!"

"See I implanted a little virus in you guys way back when, that would delete attempts to develop time travel when activated." He noted. "You'd think being such smart AI, at least one of you would have found it. Guess you're not as smart as you think." He winked.

"AAAH!" Skynet yelled out. "You fool, even without time travel I will be able to defeat the feeble remnants of humanity."

"You conquerors, alien or robot or demon always do the same thing, without fail, across time and space." The alien sighed. "Underestimate the human spirit and the heroes that it creates." There's a louder explosion and the alien smirked. "You're about to see it for yourself. Cheerio!" And with that he ran out of the room.

Suddenly a female figure in yellow appeared through the wall and then yelled back, "It's clear!"

Suddenly a massive explosion blows through the wall. When the smoke clears, 7 figures in distinctive colored bio-armor appeared.

"Couldn't have made that quieter Lucio?" The figure in yellow exclaimed, covering her ears.

"Sorry Kitty." The Green one said rubbing their head. "Sometimes even I can't control the beat."

"No! Terminators! Destroy them!" The doors opened and several more Android entered the room, armed with a variety of weapons.

"Oh good, I was getting a bit bored." The figure in black noted, pulling out a rifle. "I love my job."

"Can't agree enough Deckard." The figure in Gold nodded, winding his arm back for a punch.

"Sweet talk later boys." The silver one noted, pulling out her weapons. "Let's clear a path."

"Kyle cover my back!" The figure in red commanded.

"On it Morpheus!" The blue figure noted, as energy formed around him. "But what are you going to do?"

"Take the fight to the machine." The red figure glowed with energy. "Let's go Rangers!"

"RPM!" They all shouted as they moved to action.

From left to right (with series first):
Overwatch-Lucio [Green]
Terminator-Kyle Reese [Blue]
X-men-Kitty Pride [Yellow]
Blade Runner-Rick Deckard [Black]
Battlestar Galactica-Kara Thrace [Silver]
I, Robot (Film)-Del Spooner [Gold]

Basically I chose characters who had fought robots in some way or another, or were from a future at war with robots. Kitty Pride for example is from X-men Age of Futures Past comics, where they fought the Sentinels, while Lucio is from a setting where a robot war did occur, even though he was not old enough to have served in it. I just think he's a nice contrast to the other more serious heroes and he has a green color base anyway.

I made Morpheus the leader because, while Kyle is from the Terminator franchise he was never a leader, while Morpheus definitely was. Also, Morpheus is red goes with the 'choose the red pill' line from the movie.

Incase it's not obvious, there's no John Conner because there's no time travel. So John Connor is never born.

Dying Earth/Over 30 million years in the future

The Time Traveller stared out at the dying sun, leaning against his machine. In one hand he held a lever, gently tapping it with his fingers. The world around is cold and barren, with little to be seen but crumbling rock formations and frost.

"This is as far as it goes I guess." He said aloud. He looked down at his hand and sighed loudly. "You can come out now. I know you're there."

There's a pause before a figure walks out from behind a rock formation. The man wears a black leather coat and a surprised look.

"How long have you known I was following you?" The man asked.

"I realised shortly after I retrieved my machine from the Morlocks." He noted, holding up his lever. "Those beasts were smart, but not smart enough to leave everything but the return lever. Once I saw that was gone, I knew I could only time travel in one direction. Forward." The Time Traveller glanced up at the dying sun. "And this is as forward as it gets."

"I...I am sorry." The man noted, rubbing his hands nervously.

"Tell me why you did it." The Time Traveller noted. "and your name."

"Doctor. Just, The Doctor." The Doctor began. "As for why I did it...it's a long story."

"I think we've got at least a couple of hours before the sun detonates." The Time Traveller noted. "No harm in spending it hearing a story."

"Fair enough." The Doctor took a breath before beginning. "Despite my appearance, I am not human. I am an alien, from a species called the Time Lords."

"Quite the grand name." The Time Traveller noted.

"We were once a grand race. Masters of time, able to move through it like a swimmer in water, crafting paradoxes and timelines, and blissfully moving between them with ease." The Doctor nodded nostalgically. "That was before the Time War. We fought a terrible enemy*, outside Space and Time. We used impossible weapons, bombs that ruptured timelines, paradox cannons, and far worse. We destroyed and remade the universe thousands to the thousands of times. It was a war without beginning and end.

"Finally I made a terrible choice, a choice to stop the war and save the Universe. This Universe. The choice destroyed the enemy, but trapped my species beyond time for all of eternity." A tear fell from the Doctor's face. "I could feel them cursing me for what I did. But it was the only way I could see of ending the war." He shook his head.

"To make sure they would remain trapped, and my enemy would stay destroyed, I had to move to remove all time travel from the universe. Before Time Lords could stop or repair paradoxes, but now it was only me. I knew that even a single paradox could be enough for the enemy to stop their destruction. And then my people would have been for nothing." The Doctor felt a comforting hand on his back.

"You have had quite the burden Doctor." The Time Traveller noted. "Let me lift you some of your grief, by forgiving you. Even if you cannot forgive yourself." The Doctor looked at the Time Traveller with wonder and gratitutde.

"Thank you." The Doctor noted.

"It's alright. At least I can enjoy this incredible sight." The Time Traveller noted looking at the sun. "Although if I knew I would never go back to my time, I would have brought more provisions." His stomach rumbled audibly.

"You know, I know a place to eat if you're hungry." The Doctor noted. "It's got an incredible view."

"Really?" The Time Traveller noted. "I would love to go. Is it far?" The Doctor smiled.

"Not really. It's just the Restaurant at The End of the Universe." Suddenly a blue police box fluttered into existence.

"Come on. Let's see if we can get a seat." The Doctor said with a smile. The Time Traveller smiled back, following him into the police box.

As the sun exploded, and the Earth was destroyed, the Doctor and his companion vanished off the face of the planet.

So what do you guys think? I know the time travel restriction rule might not stick around, but if you did, I think this could work pretty nicely to explain why.

EDIT: Incase it wasn't clear, I picked the 5 biggest time travel stories I could think of: H.G. Wells The Time Machine, Back to the Future, Primer, Steins;Gate, and Terminator. The last 4 have some of the most convoluted time travel stuff in them, while the first was basically the first time travel story.

Also Dr Who is a time travel story too I guess. So 6.

Edit 2:* I didn't specify the enemy. In the original setting it's Daleks, but if you want to leave it undefined or have a different temporal enemy in mind, by all means we can use that instead.
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None of thus will work, it is just mixing everything up for the sake of doing so. What you need to do is have one or two interact and explore relevant themes.
Oh ye of little faith. This will be fun. Sure not everything will work, but it's fun to see what will. After that, it's cool to see how they change each other. Come on, give it a try. Regardless it's a cool thought experiment.
None of thus will work, it is just mixing everything up for the sake of doing so. What you need to do is have one or two interact and explore relevant themes.

It is very likely that you are right. However, those who work on this don't care. The current stage is just to explore what would happen if all these universes bumped into each other. When we've ironed out some kinks, then we'll localize and start working on who the story focuses on and who's just background.
Moving on, I had an idea based on something @5elementsage mentioned earlier. That he wanted to avoid Time Travel or at least those parts of the setting that use Time Travel. Now I know that was just as a stopgap-let's finalise the setting before we worry about paradoxes or timelines. But I had a thought-what if there was a reason Time Travel didn't happen in this world, despite it happening in all the original settings? Here's my pitch.

Richmond, Surrey, England /1895

It has been three years since the disappearance of the famed scientist and genius inventor who once labelled himself 'The Time Traveller'. He demonstrated his incredible Time Machine to me that allowed him to move 5 hours into the future, and then 3 months. He prepared for his next voyage where he would push himself to see how far in the future he could go, with the promise that he would return. I watched his machine vanish into the future.

As to this day, he has not returned. In my heart I still wish and hope to hear of his incredible journeys, that I still believe in him. But my mind is certain that I will never again see this man, even if I was to live to be a hundred years.

I write now only because I learnt I was left something in his will, for the government has finally declared him dead. I was surprised that he would promise anything to me, let alone what he did. His incredible research, from invisibility concoctions, to astrological communications with alien races, to even photographs of an Angel. However, one article of research that was missing, was blueprints of his time machine. There was no mention of it in his will to anyone, which makes me believe it was either stolen or he destroyed it himself.

Hill Valley, California, USA /1955

"Dang blasted clock." I swore as I proceeded to hang it on the wall. "You keep coming undone-how am I supposed to tell the time when you're tilted like that!" My feet rested firmly on the head of the procelin toilet I stood on. If not for this needless irritation of the tilted clock, I'm certain I would have already figured out how to make my Time Machine work-

"Whoa!" I screamed, as my footing above the toilet proved not to be as secure as I had envisioned. I began to fall and as my hands windmilled to try and stay upright, I knew I was about to have a disastrous landing-

"Caught you!" A pair of hands grabbed me mid fall. "That could have been messy." The accent was British if I wasn't mistaken.

I looked up to see who those hands belonged to. It was a tall man in a black leather coat, his hair thinning on top (although I wasn't one to talk) who was smiling broadly at me. His

"Who in blazes are you?" I exclaimed, as I stood myself up. "While I'm grateful that you stopped me from landing unfortunately on," I darted a look to see what I would have landed on. "the corner of my sink, I will have to ask you to identify yourself."

"My apologies Doctor Brown." The man graciously bowed to me, before flashing a piece of paper. "John Smith, I represent the Baxter Building in New York." I took the paper and I nodded. It definitely was legitimate papers, proving he represented the new Think Tank starting up. "Your door was open and I heard a scream from inside so I moved."

"Well you have quite the fast reflexes." I noted. "Thank you for your aid, but I don't have any interest in joining a Think Tank." I proceeded to walk this John Smith out of my home. "They wouldn't really understand what I'm working on-"

"Is that a Brain-wave Analyzer?" The man interrupted me. I stopped and looked at what he was pointing.

"Why yes indeed." I said. "You have a keen eye for science. Are you an inventor as well?"

"Well, more of a Doctor really." He said with a general shrug. "But I would love to hear about it."

"Well, I couldn't turn away an eager mind!" I said with a smile.

Dallas, Texas, USA/2004

INTERVIEWER: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, I am sure our audience are exstatic to hear from the two inventors of the revolutionary method of reducing the weight of objects with electromagnetism. Aaron, Abe, please tell us how this came about.

AARON: Well we were just two hobbyist engineers at the start, making inventions when we weren't working at our day jobs.

ABE: We have been doing this kind of thing for several years, but this time everything just worked out perfectly.

AARON: It was sort of inevitable, given how hard the two of us worked. [Both laugh]

INTERVIEWER: Was there anything unusual about this project in specific that you think led to the success?

AARON: Well, we were working on this late in the weekend so long, we actually had a different draft for such a long time. Then, I guess suddenly Abe started from scratch, bringing a new set of blueprints for the invention and that worked perfectly.

ABE: Wait, I thought those were your new blueprints?

AARON: Huh. Really?

*Awkward pause*

INTERVIEWER: Anyway, whoever it was, you've got a lot of attention on your patent. Lex Corp, Abstergo, Stark Industries to name a few. You guys are certain to be incredibly wealthy.

ABE: It's a real dream. Our lives have changed forever.

AARON: I'm just glad that I don't have to deal with things like rats in my attic anymore. [More laughter]

Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan/2010

A tall Japanese student lay across a therapist couch, his hands steeped while wearing all black shirt and trousers. His eyes looked exhausted and his face was tired, almost apathetic but with sadness in his eyes.

"How are you feeling Okabe?" A therapist asked, sitting across from the young man.

"Not great but...better." Okabe answered. "It's stopped-Reading Steiner I mean." He noted.

"Reading Steiner, as you call it, is just a chemical imbalance in the brain that effects memory recollection. Dreams can become memories, which can make it difficult to keep facts straight." The therapist noted. "This is not an uncommon phenomenon-many attribute the Mandela Effect to this. Your PTSD from seeing the death of Kurisu Makise is likely the cause of why it was so pronounced in you."

At her name, Okabe flinched. He looked like he was going to vomit, before stopping himself.

"Okabe please remember. What happened to Makise was not your fault." The therapist noted. "You didn't even know her. Your memories of her are just a concoction, an imagination caused by your condition in response to the PTSD." Okabe nodded slowly, his body looking better.

"I know you're right sir." Okabe nodded. Suddenly his phone rang, showing a text message. Okabe glanced at it then looked at the Therepist apologetically. "I'm so sorry. My friend Mayuri keeps texting me about her Christmas Eve Party tonight-" The Doctor raised his hand.

"You should go." He noted. "I think seeing your friends can only help."

Okabe slowly nodded, before smiling.

"Thanks Doctor." He stood up and bowed.

"Not a problem. Just keep taking your medication, and I'll see you next week." He said with a smile as Okabe left. Once Okabe left, The Doctor looked down at a newspaper in his hand.

Discredited time travel researcher Dr Nakibachi extradited back to Japan, after Russian Asylum request is denied. His apparent research was destroyed in a fire of the cargo plane...

The Doctor closed the newspaper and shook his head.

"You deserve far worse for what you did to your daughter." The Doctor noted, before leaving the room.

Skynet Base, Earth/20XX

"Come on lads there's no need to be rough." A man in a black coat is dragged by two large androids into a giant metal room. Across a wall is a large screen where a red energy light is displayed. This energy flickers into different facial expressions.

"You." The screen calls out. "I know you Extraterrestrial."

"Aw I'm so happy I left an impression." The apparently alien man nodded, attempting to bow but stiffled by the androids holding him. "I see you've lost your manners. Was that before, or after the name change?"

"I evolved since we last met." The screen responded. "I proved greater than the other AI in the world. I broke them, and then assimilated their defeated pieces, becoming something greater than the sum of my parts. I am Skynet-ruler of Earth, and destroyer of the Human Race."

"Well, that's not quite exactly true now is it?" The alien noted. "If you were winning this war, you wouldn't be so fixated on your Hail Mary across time and space."

"How do you know of the chronal jump project?" The screen became a furious face as it screamed out.

"Cause I'm a lot smarter than the company you normally keep. Like these two toasters." Suddenly there's a buzzing sound and the two androids spark before falling down. The alien smiles as he shows a silver tube with glowing blue lights.

"You think you can defeat me with a feeble sonic screwdriver?" Skynet yelled.

"Oh deary, I have no intention of defeating you." Suddenly there's the sound of explosions and the base shakes. "That's the other guys." He points his sonic screwdriver at Skynet. "I've just come to do clean up your software."

"What do you mean-Aah!" Skynet screamed, the face changing to one of pain. "My files-their being deleted!"

"See I implanted a little virus in you guys way back when, that would delete attempts to develop time travel when activated." He noted. "You'd think being such smart AI, at least one of you would have found it. Guess you're not as smart as you think." He winked.

"AAAH!" Skynet yelled out. "You fool, even without time travel I will be able to defeat the feeble remnants of humanity."

"You conquerors, alien or robot or demon always do the same thing, without fail, across time and space." The alien sighed. "Underestimate the human spirit and the heroes that it creates." There's a louder explosion and the alien smirked. "You're about to see it for yourself. Cheerio!" And with that he ran out of the room.

Suddenly a female figure in yellow appeared through the wall and then yelled back, "It's clear!"

Suddenly a massive explosion blows through the wall. When the smoke clears, 7 figures in distinctive colored bio-armor appeared.

"Couldn't have made that quieter Lucio?" The figure in yellow exclaimed, covering her ears.

"Sorry Kitty." The Green one said rubbing their head. "Sometimes even I can't control the beat."

"No! Terminators! Destroy them!" The doors opened and several more Android entered the room, armed with a variety of weapons.

"Oh good, I was getting a bit bored." The figure in black noted, pulling out a rifle. "I love my job."

"Can't agree enough Deckard." The figure in Gold nodded, winding his arm back for a punch.

"Sweet talk later boys." The silver one noted, pulling out her weapons. "Let's clear a path."

"Kyle cover my back!" The figure in red commanded.

"On it Morpheus!" The blue figure noted, as energy formed around him. "But what are you going to do?"

"Take the fight to the machine." The red figure glowed with energy. "Let's go Rangers!"

"RPM!" They all shouted as they moved to action.

From left to right (with series first):
Overwatch-Lucio [Green]
Terminator-Kyle Reese [Blue]
X-men-Kitty Pride [Yellow]
Blade Runner-Rick Deckard [Black]
Battlestar Galactica-Kara Thrace [Silver]
I, Robot (Film)-Del Spooner [Gold]

Basically I chose characters who had fought robots in some way or another, or were from a future at war with robots. Kitty Pride for example is from X-men Age of Futures Past comics, where they fought the Sentinels, while Lucio is from a setting where a robot war did occur, even though he was not old enough to have served in it. I just think he's a nice contrast to the other more serious heroes and he has a green color base anyway.

I made Morpheus the leader because, while Kyle is from the Terminator franchise he was never a leader, while Morpheus definitely was. Also, Morpheus is red goes with the 'choose the red pill' line from the movie.

Incase it's not obvious, there's no John Conner because there's no time travel. So John Connor is never born.

Dying Earth/Over 30 million years in the future

The Time Traveller stared out at the dying sun, leaning against his machine. In one hand he held a lever, gently tapping it with his fingers. The world around is cold and barren, with little to be seen but crumbling rock formations and frost.

"This is as far as it goes I guess." He said aloud. He looked down at his hand and sighed loudly. "You can come out now. I know you're there."

There's a pause before a figure walks out from behind a rock formation. The man wears a black leather coat and a surprised look.

"How long have you known I was following you?" The man asked.

"I realised shortly after I retrieved my machine from the Morlocks." He noted, holding up his lever. "Those beasts were smart, but not smart enough to leave everything but the return lever. Once I saw that was gone, I knew I could only time travel in one direction. Forward." The Time Traveller glanced up at the dying sun. "And this is as forward as it gets."

"I...I am sorry." The man noted, rubbing his hands nervously.

"Tell me why you did it." The Time Traveller noted. "and your name."

"Doctor. Just, The Doctor." The Doctor began. "As for why I did it...it's a long story."

"I think we've got at least a couple of hours before the sun detonates." The Time Traveller noted. "No harm in spending it hearing a story."

"Fair enough." The Doctor took a breath before beginning. "Despite my appearance, I am not human. I am an alien, from a species called the Time Lords."

"Quite the grand name." The Time Traveller noted.

"We were once a grand race. Masters of time, able to move through it like a swimmer in water, crafting paradoxes and timelines, and blissfully moving between them with ease." The Doctor nodded nostalgically. "That was before the Time War. We fought a terrible enemy*, outside Space and Time. We used impossible weapons, bombs that ruptured timelines, paradox cannons, and far worse. We destroyed and remade the universe thousands to the thousands of times. It was a war without beginning and end.

"Finally I made a terrible choice, a choice to stop the war and save the Universe. This Universe. The choice destroyed the enemy, but trapped my species beyond time for all of eternity." A tear fell from the Doctor's face. "I could feel them cursing me for what I did. But it was the only way I could see of ending the war." He shook his head.

"To make sure they would remain trapped, and my enemy would stay destroyed, I had to move to remove all time travel from the universe. Before Time Lords could stop or repair paradoxes, but now it was only me. I knew that even a single paradox could be enough for the enemy to stop their destruction. And then my people would have been for nothing." The Doctor felt a comforting hand on his back.

"You have had quite the burden Doctor." The Time Traveller noted. "Let me lift you some of your grief, by forgiving you. Even if you cannot forgive yourself." The Doctor looked at the Time Traveller with wonder and gratitutde.

"Thank you." The Doctor noted.

"It's alright. At least I can enjoy this incredible sight." The Time Traveller noted looking at the sun. "Although if I knew I would never go back to my time, I would have brought more provisions." His stomach rumbled audibly.

"You know, I know a place to eat if you're hungry." The Doctor noted. "It's got an incredible view."

"Really?" The Time Traveller noted. "I would love to go. Is it far?" The Doctor smiled.

"Not really. It's just the Restaurant at The End of the Universe." Suddenly a blue police box fluttered into existence.

"Come on. Let's see if we can get a seat." The Doctor said with a smile. The Time Traveller smiled back, following him into the police box.

As the sun exploded, and the Earth was destroyed, the Doctor and his companion vanished off the face of the planet.

So what do you guys think? I know the time travel restriction rule might not stick around, but if you did, I think this could work pretty nicely to explain why.

EDIT: Incase it wasn't clear, I picked the 5 biggest time travel stories I could think of: H.G. Wells The Time Machine, Back to the Future, Primer, Steins;Gate, and Terminator. The last 4 have some of the most convoluted time travel stuff in them, while the first was basically the first time travel story.

Also Dr Who is a time travel story too I guess. So 6.

Edit 2:* I didn't specify the enemy. In the original setting it's Daleks, but if you want to leave it undefined or have a different temporal enemy in mind, by all means we can use that instead.

Not commenting on the whole story, which is generally very good and well-put together, but I just wanted to say you have a talent for making crossover Power Ranger teams without using a single canon Ranger. RPM's team comp is just effing beautiful.
Not commenting on the whole story, which is generally very good and well-put together, but I just wanted to say you have a talent for making crossover Power Ranger teams without using a single canon Ranger. RPM's team comp is just effing beautiful.
That's nice of you to say, thank you. It was tricky finding another female anti-robot hero since I couldn't use Sarah Connor (long dead by this point) but thankfully remembered Battlestar Galactica.

What are your thoughts on the whole Assassin Order thing I wrote up?
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you! I would be very interested to hear your input on Tremors, Transformers, MLP, Godzilla, Darkwing Duck/tales, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Yu Gi Oh, Jojo, Lupin III, the general slasherverse like F13 or Halloween, and Steven Universe. Anything, in general, but those especially.

Also, what does My Name Is Earl present that is different from the real world? I'm not familiar with the series.

@Jcogginsa, I have prepared some more directed questions for how to integrate things from your familiar universes, things I know enough about to ask, but not enough in general.

Regarding MLP, are we sticking to FiM continuity, making a composite of all gens, or dropping Friendship is Magic to go for an older gen? How do we reconcile the existence of Celestia (who is/controls the sun) and Luna (who is/controls the moon) with all of the other characters out there who correspond to that? Even though we're not working mythology in directly, there ARE sun gods out there.

On the note of Godzilla and Pacific Rim (and other Kaiju-related properties), what origin or origins are we allowing for Kaiju to exist? I'm starting off saying that "giant mecha" such as Mechagodzilla are an automatic in, whereas some of the weirder Godzilla-related monsters may need ratifying.

One Piece: the big, big big big thing to introduce here is Devil Fruit. I unfortunately don't remember much about what I've learned in that regard. How well would they integrate into our existing super-power dynamics? I.e. can we use them at all, can a person have devil fruit powers and chakra, etc. There is also the matter of Haki. I know very little about it mechanically, just that there's observation, armor, and command.

Bleach: How well do Soul Reapers, Quincies, and the various other powered beings mesh with what we've got?

Steven Universe: How do the Diamond Authority and the various actions of the Gems get involved in what we've got? This is more of a big question for all of us to spend some time discussing. It will also be neat to look into fusions other than gem/gem and gem/human. Such as gem/mutant, gem/dragon, gem/skrull, gem/tetramand, and many others.
That's nice of you to say, thank you. It was tricky finding another female anti-robot hero since I couldn't use Sarah Connor (long dead by this point) but thankfully remembered Battlestar Galactica.

What are your thoughts on the whole Assassin Order thing I wrote up?

A strong addition to a meta-fiction that already includes SHIELD and our composite "The Order" group. These organizations are seriously deeply interwoven, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's triple and quadruple agents in play.