FusionVerse - Combining All The Stories

Okay, first things first, I don't know Fantastic Beasts. I haven't seen the movies or read the...book? Books? See, that's how little I know. But I have heard of Obscurials from Potter-related Youtube videos, and I am so psyched you thought of this! I totally didn't realize the ramifications of attempting to suppress Rowling's wizards. It's like she thought of this or something, and planned ahead. In addition to the horrors of being hunted by a suddenly oppressive state, the Wizarding community would collectively soil themselves over the surge in Obscurial population. Not only in the Isles, but mainland Europe as well, with the downfall of Durmstrang. Without thinking, I created a nightmare!

i love it

This would only agitate the Civil War, though, because some heroes would switch sides when they realized the Obscurials had such destructive potential, and others would just stick to their guns and say "This is why you shouldn't oppress these people! Their system was there for a reason!" All in all, I see the number of supernaturals who side with the Rowling wizards slowly diminishing. Especially when propaganda starts crossing the Muggle world that wizards are either doing this on purpose, or can't be trusted because they're walking nukes.

Regarding what you've said of the different types of magic, you're absolutely right on all counts. Also, DBZ magic is poorly defined, aside from chi being a separate issue. I've done my best to explain it in earlier posts. We absolutely will bring in FMA alchemy and Alkahestry as soon as we get an "expert" on that canon. I'll have to trust you and/or Mrbrown on the Bartimaeus Trilogy for now, since I have no knowledge of it whatsoever. I will follow the link you posted, though.

Harry Potter is a natural fit for Red Ranger in all the ways you described. Luna is a bit of an odd choice for blue, but being the brains would certainly give that support. You also covered your bases by having Hermione play the advisory role. Neville makes a fine yellow ranger. Ginny was an unexpected choice, but your description ideally moves us away from the canon future where they're married and have kids. And I've already voiced my exuberant support for Draco not only being on the team, but the Green Ranger of all things. Personally, I'm thinking Harry Potter should have either a Hippogriff or Dragon Zord, Luna should have a Thestral Zord (weirdly creepy for a Blue Ranger, but perfectly suited to her), Neville should have a Badger Zord (as he is the only representative of Hufflepuff on the team), Ginny should have a Unicorn Zord, and Draco...hm...I'll take suggestions on all of these, but especially Draco. Also, your inclusion of a Ranger team means we don't have to figure out who the current Power Rangers of our setting are! Good on you!
Wow, CoreBrute You came up with an amazing Idea.

I started thinking about other difficulties we need to overcome in this project. One I spotted is how to integrate The Incredibles with the other superhero settings of DC and Marvel. The Incredibles has the whole all the superheros stop being super because of lawyers thing. I thought maybe we could have the restrictions of the incredible apply exclusively to the US. We could also have take place before a lot of the later avengers events such as Infinity War and such stuff. However, there is the issue of how SHEILD interacts with the events of The Incredibles. We could have their government contact be a SHEILD agent.

On a more comical note I imagined the possibility of Scrooge McDuck Collaborating with NASA to start asteroid mining for gold earlier. So he can have even more gold. Several estimates I have seen state that the amount of gold in his money pit is more than all the known gold on the planet. Another Idea is that when the UK destroyed diagon Alley that they looted the goblins too. But, the Goblins had an enourmous amount of Gold which Scrouge MCDuck bought from them. Also there was an episode I remember about them having Genie for a while. Maybe Scrooge could have access to Outer Plane Summoning?

Another idea, What if Dr. Frankenstein was one of the earliest Sparks from Girl Genius?

Girl Genius has quite a few interesting ideas that might be neat to look at. However getting the time right for it might be difficult. They have trains and Blimps but no airplanes so it is before WWI. I am unsure if we should have Sparks in the present 2000's. (If the present is twelve years after deathly hallows then it should start at 2011.) There are also the issue of the Slaver wasps to deal with. How should we handle the impact of large amounts of mind-control wasps? There also would be mechs all over Europe by WW1.
Regarding what you've said of the different types of magic, you're absolutely right on all counts. Also, DBZ magic is poorly defined, aside from chi being a separate issue. I've done my best to explain it in earlier posts. We absolutely will bring in FMA alchemy and Alkahestry as soon as we get an "expert" on that canon. I'll have to trust you and/or Mrbrown on the Bartimaeus Trilogy for now, since I have no knowledge of it whatsoever. I will follow the link you posted, though.

Harry Potter is a natural fit for Red Ranger in all the ways you described. Luna is a bit of an odd choice for blue, but being the brains would certainly give that support. You also covered your bases by having Hermione play the advisory role. Neville makes a fine yellow ranger. Ginny was an unexpected choice, but your description ideally moves us away from the canon future where they're married and have kids. And I've already voiced my exuberant support for Draco not only being on the team, but the Green Ranger of all things. Personally, I'm thinking Harry Potter should have either a Hippogriff or Dragon Zord, Luna should have a Thestral Zord (weirdly creepy for a Blue Ranger, but perfectly suited to her), Neville should have a Badger Zord (as he is the only representative of Hufflepuff on the team), Ginny should have a Unicorn Zord, and Draco...hm...I'll take suggestions on all of these, but especially Draco. Also, your inclusion of a Ranger team means we don't have to figure out who the current Power Rangers of our setting are! Good on you!
I can handle most FMA Alchemy stuff and Alhahestry stuff until an expert comes along, as I've seen FMA Brotherhood.

I tried to chose representitives for the four houses, since it so happened Mystic Force included those colors. There weren't many remarkable Hufflepuffs in HP besides Cedric (whose dead) so I went with Neville who really proved himself in the battle. As for zords, surprised you don't want a Lion for Harry, Raven for Luna and a Snake for Drago, given that's their house animals. But entirely up to you.

Wow, CoreBrute You came up with an amazing Idea.

I started thinking about other difficulties we need to overcome in this project. One I spotted is how to integrate The Incredibles with the other superhero settings of DC and Marvel. The Incredibles has the whole all the superheros stop being super because of lawyers thing. I thought maybe we could have the restrictions of the incredible apply exclusively to the US. We could also have take place before a lot of the later avengers events such as Infinity War and such stuff. However, there is the issue of how SHEILD interacts with the events of The Incredibles. We could have their government contact be a SHEILD agent.

Well with Incredibles we could do what the movies did and set it in the 60s. The main events of Incredibles 1 & 2 where they become legal again is in 1962, and they were made illegal in 1947. So let's explore who the Incredibles would be.

In the 1940s during WW2, America created super soldiers to fight Nazi forces. When the war ended, they became government sponsored superheroes (because using them in war may have ignited the Cold War). However, due to several law suits, the US government had to shut down it's superhero division and illegalise superheroes. The agent hid them could have come from the organisation that would one day be called SHIELD.

After the heroic actions of the Incredibles in 1962 fighting the Spark known as Syndrome and the Screenslaver, heroes were legalised in the US once again. Now in 2019, 47 years later, Mr and Mrs Incredible are long retired if not deceased, and their children probably teaching superheroes at this point rather than on active duty (except Jack Jack whose still not 50). They are well respected among superhero community, and even attended the exclusive wedding of Reed Richard and Susan Storm years later.
On a more comical note I imagined the possibility of Scrooge McDuck Collaborating with NASA to start asteroid mining for gold earlier. So he can have even more gold. Several estimates I have seen state that the amount of gold in his money pit is more than all the known gold on the planet. Another Idea is that when the UK destroyed diagon Alley that they looted the goblins too. But, the Goblins had an enourmous amount of Gold which Scrouge MCDuck bought from them. Also there was an episode I remember about them having Genie for a while. Maybe Scrooge could have access to Outer Plane Summoning?

I can dig it. It's possible Scrouge has connections with the Rowlings, given he has a magic artifact 'The Number One Dime' (which may or may not be magical, unclear). Perhaps Scrooge made a deal that he would store the Galleons from Gringotts Wizarding Bank to allow wizards to have access to some. No one is going to notice a few galleons in his pool of gold coins.

I don't think the UK Government, even with all their tech + Djinn, would be able to break into Gringotts. They have doors that don't open to non-goblins, and dragons and Sphinxes guarding the lower levels, along with all manner of traps and enchantment cancelling waterfalls. While I'm certain the Government could make it impossible for any wizard to get their funds or hidden artifacts from the bank, I really doubt they could actually retrieve a great deal by themselves. After all, neither of their traitors is a Goblin or works for the bank, so wouldn't be able to tell them much.

As for a djinn for Scrooge, I don't see why not. Djinn can also be bound to magic artifacts like the Genie from Aladdin so it doesn't mean Scrooge is a caster to have one. He and Gladstone are both artifact searchers.
Another idea, What if Dr. Frankenstein was one of the earliest Sparks from Girl Genius?

Girl Genius has quite a few interesting ideas that might be neat to look at. However getting the time right for it might be difficult. They have trains and Blimps but no airplanes so it is before WWI. I am unsure if we should have Sparks in the present 2000's. (If the present is twelve years after deathly hallows then it should start at 2011.) There are also the issue of the Slaver wasps to deal with. How should we handle the impact of large amounts of mind-control wasps? There also would be mechs all over Europe by WW1.
I don't know much about Sparks, only read a bit of the comic. I know they get random spurts of genius, so perhaps they appear sporadically around the world across history? It's why there are so many mad superhero scientists who create technology that isn't used to help the world-it's too insane to be replicated.

Perhaps there was a large number of Sparks in Germany for WW2, which is why America needed to make superheroes to combat their Panzer Mechs etc. But again, not an expert.
Origins of Powered Heroes
At this point, I feel like we should start examining the origins of powered heroes (excluding people like Batman and Iron Man, who don't have powers), to get a sense of how they affect our setting. Many DC heroes either have a mystic/high science item like a Green Lantern ring, or are born non-human (such as Kryptonians, Thanagarians, etc.). But look at who didn't. Barry Allen's Flash got his powers when a bolt of Speed Force lightning struck his chemicals, electrifying them and covering him. To understand Wonder Woman, we have to introduce the Godwave, a cosmic force that emerged when the Second World (home of the Old Gods) was shattered in a divine war, resulting in the Third World and Fourth World (its two halves). The first Godwave caused gods to appear on many worlds throughout the cosmos, then it rebounded off the edge of infinity as a Second Wave, which caused lesser mortals to begin developing superpowers (in other words, causing the meta-gene to exist). Since we're incorporating Celestials from Marvel as well, they must have learned to master this Second Wave's energy and used it in their own experiments. Anyway, the Godwave created the immortals of Olympus among others, Hera birthed the Amazons of Themyscara, and Zeus bedded their tenth queen, Hippolyta, to produce Diana Prince/Wonder Woman. I welcome you to look up more DC heroes, but this is a start.

As for Marvel, we have a Super Soldier serum (Captain America/Red Skull/Black Widow), a radioactive arachnid (Spiderman/Scorpion), and gamma radiation (Hulk/Abomination), though the meta/X gene or the tampering of Celestials (Godwave) may have caused some or all of these people to be receptive to these effects. Note how Abomination and Scorpion are both mad, while Banner and Parker retain their humanity.

1. Electrified (possibly mystical) chemicals.
2. Given power by the first Godwave, its rebound the Second Wave, or being born to parents who emerged from the first or second.
3. Super Soldier Serum
4. Radioactive animal
5. Gamma Radiation

So, are these things reliable causes of superpowers, sometimes viable, or flukes? For example, could anyone who gets bit by a radioactive animal get the attributes of that animal?
As for Marvel, we have a Super Soldier serum (Captain America/Red Skull/Black Widow), a radioactive arachnid (Spiderman/Scorpion), and gamma radiation (Hulk/Abomination), though the meta/X gene or the tampering of Celestials (Godwave) may have caused some or all of these people to be receptive to these effects. Note how Abomination and Scorpion are both mad, while Banner and Parker retain their humanity.

1. Electrified (possibly mystical) chemicals.
2. Given power by the first Godwave, its rebound the Second Wave, or being born to parents who emerged from the first or second.
3. Super Soldier Serum
4. Radioactive animal
5. Gamma Radiation

So, are these things reliable causes of superpowers, sometimes viable, or flukes? For example, could anyone who gets bit by a radioactive animal get the attributes of that animal?

1. seems like it should be fluke to me but it could also be sometimes viable.
I don't know enough about 2. to make a choice. My instinct leans toward reliable though
I think 3. should be sometimes viable. Because otherwise the government would make an enormous amount of superheros.
I think 4. could be any of them. There also is the Pokemon/avatar explanation for spiderman making it a radioactive spider spirit that wanted to give him powers.
I think it makes sense for 5. to be reliable for giving powers but not guarantee they stay sane.

What do we want the role and level of AI to be in this universe? In DC AI seems to be fairly common. However, marvel has much less of it.

How do we handle X-com? When should we place it in the timeline? I think it might be nice to place it before Young Justice League starts but after a decent amount of the DC plot has been kicked off.

I also thought of another setting that might be hard to integrate. The UR-Quan Masters. Mainly, because the entire plot revolves around the whole earth having been conquered by aliens in the past and the planet surrounded by a force field to prevent anyone from leaving the planet.

There is also the Symbiote Web Novels. They have America turn into a surveillance with Military-only Internet that hates symbiotes. The series is about nanomachine mased robots that are symbiotic with humans and make them into to super humans. But, they are affected by a mimetic disease which can turn them into monsters.

There is also the SCP Foundation wiki. Do we want to include stuff from it? We might be able to exclude under the religion restriction though. It does have an SCP which claims to be God and has seeming limitless power.

I noticed that Hunter x Hunter and RWBY have similar magic systems. They are both based upon Aura. We could probably find a way to synergize or combine them. However, Hunter x Hunter does not have Grim though. Are we planning to keep semblances from RWBY?

Do we want to add Worm to our superhero scene? Worm has Leviathan. It also has the Protectorate and the wards. How do they interact with SHEILD? How do they interact with the justice league? Where do we place it in the timeline?
How do we handle Wall-E? How about Cars?

I came up with a couple dozen more franchises to add. I added them to one of my earlier posts.
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CoreBrute: The Moreau Solution
I know it's completely unrelated to what you guys were discussing but I had an idea on how to deal with all the anthropormorphic/talking animals out there, like Donald Duck, Sonic the Hedgehog and potentially Animal Crossing (if we want to make it they aren't spirits but instead talking animals).

It all started on the Island of Dr Moreau, a Spark who specialised on uplifting animals to sentience. His goal was to fully transform animals into humans, however before he could complete his experiments, he was slain by his own creations. This was about the 1800s (although we can make it earlier if we want) and since then, descendents of his creations have either left the island or made their own home there.

One of his creations, a Chimpanzee by the name of Ceasar, made a raft and went to Africa where he made a secret city for primates which would become known as Gorilla City. Others left to integrate with humankind, some even joining the US military such as Donald Duck or helped them raise funds among the general population through burgeoning media like Bugs Bunny. Others hid among human land like Yogi Bear who hid in Yellowstone Park, hiding his intelligence except when convenient to steal from humans. Others chose to stay on the island, and made their home there, and these would be the ancestors of Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends. (You can figure out what to do with the chaos emeralds etc at a later time).

It's up to you if Bugs Bunny and Donald are also cartoons, or if they became cartoons, or if there were cartoons made in the image of these two legends.
Dawn of the AI Wars
What do we want the role and level of AI to be in this universe? In DC AI seems to be fairly common. However, marvel has much less of it.

There is also the Symbiote Web Novels. They have America turn into a surveillance with Military-only Internet that hates symbiotes. The series is about nanomachine mased robots that are symbiotic with humans and make them into to super humans. But, they are affected by a mimetic disease which can turn them into monsters.

I think we can answer all of those together. I imagine AI research has slowed down considerably ever since the creation of Ultron, the robotic supervillain. People are afraid of what one AI could do, imagine another? While some argue Vision and other positive AI proves the good AI can acomplish, most are still afraid of a second Ultron.

That's why I think Ultron made his new plot. He's released special nanomachine robots to turn humans into superhumans, let them get a taste for it, make people think they are just normal superheroes. Then he will release/activate his mimetic disease and have them turn into monsters (he may or may not have done that already). He plans to use them to either destroy the world, or more likely, get the world to turn against their superheroes, like how they turned against the Rowlings. And then once the superheroes are imprisoned, retired, or killed fighting their own government, Ultron will strike and destroy the Organics! Bwahahaha!

@5elementsage can decide how far along Ultron is in his stage of the plan. I'm not saying he's gonna succeed, I'm saying this is his plan.
How do we handle X-com? When should we place it in the timeline? I think it might be nice to place it before Young Justice League starts but after a decent amount of the DC plot has been kicked off.
As for Xcom, you can incorporate their aliens all over the place, wherever we have other aliens. We already have SWORD existing as a branch of SHIELD that deals with extraterrestrials. Perhaps they have special 'XCOM' protocols in place ready to activate when an alien invasion occurs. And given this is a world where superheroes exist, I'm sure aliens invade like every couple of years, so they see a lot of action.

Although if you are looking for the big massive Alien Invasion led by the Ethereals, remember that they use mind control and genetic manipulation. So they are probably going to include aliens beyond the Xcom games, things that can hurt Saiyans and Kryptonians. Any alien from any of the franchises we've included are fair game. I think you could make an entire XCOM story about how people fought against this invasion of aliens from the entire Fusionverse.

I also thought of another setting that might be hard to integrate. The UR-Quan Masters. Mainly, because the entire plot revolves around the whole earth having been conquered by aliens in the past and the planet surrounded by a force field to prevent anyone from leaving the planet.

Well like we said with Firefly, maybe it's not Earth that's been conquered by Aliens, but instead one of those human colonies created by the Celestials or Stargate Gou'ld.

There is also the SCP Foundation wiki. Do we want to include stuff from it? We might be able to exclude under the religion restriction though. It does have an SCP which claims to be God and has seeming limitless power.

SCP is so much fun to have. They've got all kinds of weird and wonderful artifacts and creatures, that could just burst out randomly or be used by a villain. Combine them with Warehouse 13 and just keep their history mysterious-are they run by a specific government? Are they private companies? Are they even founded by humans, or just run by an entity like the G-Man from Half-Life with their own mysterious goals? I think it's better to just say it exists, but never elaborate. Everyone has their own suspicions. I think settings should have some mysteries.

SCP could serve as the 'Top Men' like in Indiana Jones, where you've got something that needs to be preserved but is incredibly dangerous, the SCP makes it disappear.

Whether you want to say SCP perhaps uses outside contractors like Black Mesa or Aperture Science for some of their science equipment is up to you.

I noticed that Hunter x Hunter and RWBY have similar magic systems. They are both based upon Aura. We could probably find a way to synergize or combine them. However, Hunter x Hunter does not have Grim though. Are we planning to keep semblances from RWBY?

Do we want to add Worm to our superhero scene? Worm has Leviathan. It also has the Protectorate and the wards. How do they interact with SHEILD? How do they interact with the justice league? Where do we place it in the timeline?
How do we handle Wall-E? How about Cars?

I came up with a couple dozen more franchises to add. I added them to one of my earlier posts.

Nope, not touching Worm or Hunter X Hunter. I find Worm confusing, and Hunter X Hunter I am way behind on. I think to be safe, we just say this is a parallel world to Worm, so we can have some characters if we like, but otherwise we don't mess with their stuff. Unless some expert appears.
Tython Arrives: Clarification on the Church and Magic
Man this project appeal to a lot of my interests. Reminds me of Fusionfall way back when, the idea of converging worlds has a lot of potential that I wish more people would try to experiment on. So you got my attention here, don't know how much I can help out though as my watch list is fairly small. I have great understanding of Nasuverse lore but I'm not confident of integrating that complex beast into here. That and it has mythology so it's banned anyways. Say question, I looked through the rules again and wouldn't A Certain Magical Index, A Certain Scientific Railgun be also banned for having Religious Texts/Mythology?

Both of them have very strong ties to Catholicism. Christianity in general tends to be very anti-witchcraft, and the more traditional they are, the worse that gets. I don't know how Christians would handle mutants and so forth, but Reverend Stryker is a noted example of a preacher against mutants. Few Western countries have strong ties to magic or spirituality in a public sphere. It's usually a pretty deviant thing. I'd say (other than India and Japan) that some other magic-public countries would be Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria (just going off a brief survey of pagan practice). Unfortunately, most Western countries are too anti-magic and spiritually suppressed.

Wanted to toss in my two cents here, the Church can actually be very tolerant towards anything paranormal if they know it's not from an outside source. Long ago the Church did not automatically condemn magic, but this is because it didn't automatically associate magic with devilry (the cries of 'witchcraft' didn't really become all that common until the reformation and then only really in Germany and England), this is because the definition of 'magic' was nebulous at best. The Church simply did not 'know' enough about the topic to rule one way or the other because nobody did. During the middle ages there were largely two 'kinds' of magic, natural magic and necromancy.

Natural magic is that magic which merely affects the natural world, say casting a spell that turns a boulder into a carved statue would be natural magic. Or an alchemist transmuting base materials into gold. The Church saw nothing wrong with this so long as the source of one's magic did not come from the aid of the devil or wicked spirits. Necromancy is not what you think, it was magic that had spiritual effects. This could mean making pacts with spirits to obtain magic or affecting another person with magic 'spiritually'. A witch's hex or a curse for example would be considered necromancy and thus sinful. At this juncture, the sinfulness of magic would be akin to the sinfulness of any other tool; what is it being used for? What is its purpose? What are its effects? Why is it being used? Etc, etc.). For a ironic example, Potterverse humans are naturally born with the ability to use magic as a trait inherent to their species and do not rely on spirits or anything else for their powers, therefore their ability to use magic would, rightfully, be interpreted as God's will.

Now to clarify, this is the Church view back in medieval times so I'm uncertain if Modern Christianity still holds the same perspective so I may be wrong here.
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Man this project appeal to a lot of my interests. Reminds me of Fusionfall way back when, the idea of converging worlds has a lot of potential that I wish more people would try to experiment on. So you got my attention here, don't know how much I can help out though as my watch list is fairly small. I have great understanding of Nasuverse lore but I'm not confident of integrating that complex beast into here. That and it has mythology so it's banned anyways. Say question, I looked through the rules again and wouldn't A Certain Magical Index, A Certain Scientific Railgun, Shin Megami Tensei/Persona, Devil May Cry, and Naruto (Uncertain as mythology is not too apparent, I recall the Shinigami appearing only once ) be also banned for having Religious Texts/Mythology?

Wanted to toss in my two cents here, the Church can actually be very tolerant towards anything paranormal if they know it's not from an outside source. Long ago the Church did not automatically condemn magic, but this is because it didn't automatically associate magic with devilry (the cries of 'witchcraft' didn't really become all that common until the reformation and then only really in Germany and England), this is because the definition of 'magic' was nebulous at best. The Church simply did not 'know' enough about the topic to rule one way or the other because nobody did. During the middle ages there were largely two 'kinds' of magic, natural magic and necromancy.

Natural magic is that magic which merely affects the natural world, say casting a spell that turns a boulder into a carved statue would be natural magic. Or an alchemist transmuting base materials into gold. The Church saw nothing wrong with this so long as the source of one's magic did not come from the aid of the devil or wicked spirits. Necromancy is not what you think, it was magic that had spiritual effects. This could mean making pacts with spirits to obtain magic or affecting another person with magic 'spiritually'. A witch's hex or a curse for example would be considered necromancy and thus sinful. At this juncture, the sinfulness of magic would be akin to the sinfulness of any other tool; what is it being used for? What is its purpose? What are its effects? Why is it being used? Etc, etc.). For a ironic example, Potterverse humans are naturally born with the ability to use magic as a trait inherent to their species and do not rely on spirits or anything else for their powers, therefore their ability to use magic would, rightfully, be interpreted as God's will.

Now to clarify, this is the Church view back in medieval times so I'm uncertain if Modern Christianity still holds the same perspective so I may be wrong here.

Nasuverse is only restricted right now because some of it's implications are difficult enough to handle that we wanted to delay adding it until we have a better grip. The Mythology restiriction is mostly about not adding religous texts directly. Or adding series which completely fall apart if a religious text is not true. For example, Percy Jackson and the olympions would probably be banned because it explicitly has active and existent Greek Gods. I am unsure about Shinigami though since they are supposed to be death gods. We probably could remove those series with them if we wanted to. Although since naruto only has it appear once we probably could just remove that part and keep most everything else.

In short, if you want to contribute the influence of the Nasuverse you can, but try to contribute with other franchises first.

We also have a time travel restriction that will be repealed as soon as someone comes up with way fore time travel to work in setting. Then, any time travel stories which don't fit that model would be excluded.

-On Christianity and magic. I know a few Christians who have a similar view towards magic as you described. Anecdotally, I have found it more prevalent among Catholics. I find it plausible that in a world where superpowers are around and magic is revealed that a decently large chunk of Christians would be fine with natural magic. They would still probably be opposed to the society of Rowling's wizards though. Obliviation could probably be classified as necromancy. influencing a person spiritually. As well as the previously mentioned curses or hexes. There also would be less attachment to the preservation of it However, any Christians that ascribe to this position would be opposed to the UK government. The UK specifically uses summoning or pacts in this universe to give magic to those not born with it so they can take down Rowling's wizards. So I would expect people with a no magic at all position to oppose Rowling's wizards and UK govt. mages. I am unsure how the Anglican church would react though.
I think 3. should be sometimes viable. Because otherwise the government would make an enormous amount of superheros.

Could also go with "only a limited number of super soldiers were made before the only source of the perfect serum was killed and his work destroyed." The MCU did well enough with that.

What do we want the role and level of AI to be in this universe? In DC AI seems to be fairly common. However, marvel has much less of it.

AI and time travel are both tricky. With time travel, you run into problems of paradoxes, changing the past, the ability of people from any possible future to travel back into the present, alternate universes, etc. With AI, you've got a few major problems. The first is the ability of the AI to access the Internet. Once it does, it can infect the world and become very difficult to repair or remove. It also becomes overburdened with too much info in too short a time. The second problem is that AI can be vastly more intelligent than humans and/or think millions of times faster. Not only is that dangerous to toy with in a story, but it's very hard for our limited brains to write effectively. The third problem is the question of intent. A benevolent AI might take over all aspects of human life because it's trying to help. A malevolent AI could undo everything we've created in a night, because we can't move or think fast enough to counter its work.

All that being said, I'm fine with artificial intelligence being in the story. We just need to be careful.

How do we handle X-com? When should we place it in the timeline? I think it might be nice to place it before Young Justice League starts but after a decent amount of the DC plot has been kicked off.

I love the original X-COM back from like 1992, but I have so little understanding of anything from the other games, especially the really new ones.

I also thought of another setting that might be hard to integrate. The UR-Quan Masters. Mainly, because the entire plot revolves around the whole earth having been conquered by aliens in the past and the planet surrounded by a force field to prevent anyone from leaving the planet.

THIS game I absolutely love, and have played it through several times. The way they characterize some of their aliens, like the VUX and the Orz, is beautiful. But you have adequately summed up a problem with including it. We'll have to work past that if we want to use UQM.

There is also the Symbiote Web Novels.

Haven't heard of this at all. Will leave it up to those who know it better, as per my normal ruling.

There is also the SCP Foundation wiki. Do we want to include stuff from it? We might be able to exclude under the religion restriction though. It does have an SCP which claims to be God and has seeming limitless power.

The main reason I want to be careful about things using existing mythology or current religions is that I don't want to trod all over someone's way of life just to throw one more canon in a story. If we put in Disney's Hercules, or God of War, the Hellenistic Pagans might not like how we're treating their gods. Just as an example. However, beings claiming to be a god, or even God, are quite common in literature. It doesn't matter if it actually claims to be the God of Christianity, but I would shy away from using Left Behind -- a setting where the Christian God and Jesus are confirmed to exist and have an active role. That being said, SCP-001 is the angel guarding Eden, which basically confirms what I've been saying. I'm okay implementing the general idea of the SCP Organization, and even a few of the non-religious entities, but let's avoid trying to integrate most or all of it wholesale.

I noticed that Hunter x Hunter and RWBY have similar magic systems. They are both based upon Aura. We could probably find a way to synergize or combine them. However, Hunter x Hunter does not have Grim though. Are we planning to keep semblances from RWBY?

I have heard this, but HxH has some very key differences, at least at the moment. We can find ways to integrate them both, but I'd say let's keep them distinct and separate for now, rather than combining them. It would be valuable to add Semblances, but they're rather poorly defined outside of fan theory, so I'll have to have a conversation with anyone else here who's big on RWBY like I am. Same goes for Dust. I have a pretty solid idea of how it works, but not one that's based in canon.

Do we want to add Worm to our superhero scene? Worm has Leviathan. It also has the Protectorate and the wards. How do they interact with SHEILD? How do they interact with the justice league? Where do we place it in the timeline?
How do we handle Wall-E? How about Cars?

I have no clue what Worm is, except that it's apparently very big on here and QQ. I'll leave that up to the others. Wall-E is set in the distant future, so I'd say the Buy-n-Large megacorp exists already, but the events of the movie haven't happened and won't for a long while. Cars is tricky depending on whether you believe the Unified Pixar Theory.

I know it's completely unrelated to what you guys were discussing but I had an idea on how to deal with all the anthropormorphic/talking animals out there, like Donald Duck, Sonic the Hedgehog and potentially Animal Crossing (if we want to make it they aren't spirits but instead talking animals).

This actually fits the tone of Animal Crossing and Archie Sonic a lot better than the Avatar crossover we had planned. We'll restrict Avatar's spirits to having created the Pokemon and some similar entities, and have the anthro animals come from Dr. Moreau's work. Having characters who are "real" and also cartoons is dicey, gets into some headache-inducing meta. Unless the cartoons are also fictional in universe. If there's a Toon World, I'm not real sure how I feel about that at the moment. There is a Comix Zone, though, as that Sega game exists and I'd like to include it at some point in the future. Also, in TMNT canon, there is a comic artist who finds a way to bring his drawings to life, so there's multiple sources supporting Comix Zone. I dunno, we'll workshop it.

That's why I think Ultron made his new plot. He's released special nanomachine robots to turn humans into superhumans, let them get a taste for it, make people think they are just normal superheroes.

That is what Brainiac does in the plot of DC Universe Online. Hmm...this makes me think of something. People love having Ultron and Sigma interact, but they've never touched on Brainiac. Let's throw in XANA from Code Lyoko, and see what happens when the four computer intelligences butt heads!

Although if you are looking for the big massive Alien Invasion led by the Ethereals, remember that they use mind control and genetic manipulation. So they are probably going to include aliens beyond the Xcom games, things that can hurt Saiyans and Kryptonians. Any alien from any of the franchises we've included are fair game. I think you could make an entire XCOM story about how people fought against this invasion of aliens from the entire Fusionverse.

Another fine CoreBrute product! I see no reason why the Ethereals would just let Saiyans and Kryptonians run amok. If they couldn't find a way to control them, they could absolutely make something to fight them. Perhaps with stolen Galvan technology, akin to the Nemetrix from Ben 10 Omniverse? "Oh? Your planet is protected by a Kryptonian? Well, let's see how he fares when the natural evolved predator of the Kryptonian species joins the fight! MWAHAHAHA!"

This also makes me think of Bibidi and Babidi from Dragon Ball Z. Their modus operandi with Majin Buu is basically the same as the Ethereals. Maybe we could do a slight shift of continuity and say that the DBZ wizards ARE Ethereals! After all, they're from another world, and poorly defined in universe.

Man this project appeal to a lot of my interests. Reminds me of Fusionfall way back when, the idea of converging worlds has a lot of potential that I wish more people would try to experiment on.

That is the idea. I sadly never got to play FusionFall, but I read all about it and wished I could. This is my attempt to do something like that on a larger scale, in written media instead of a game.

So you got my attention here, don't know how much I can help out though as my watch list is fairly small. I have great understanding of Nasuverse lore but I'm not confident of integrating that complex beast into here. That and it has mythology so it's banned anyways. Say question, I looked through the rules again and wouldn't A Certain Magical Index, A Certain Scientific Railgun be also banned for having Religious Texts/Mythology?

That is absolutely a point, and a stronger one than the lewd factor of the Nasuverse. If there are any concepts from the Nasuverse you'd like to excise and put in our setting, I'm open to suggestions! I loved Fate/Stay and especially Fate/Zero, thought apocrypha was fun and different but a little odd, and can't really get into the rest. As for the ACSes, I actually haven't watched more than a couple episodes, so I'm not familiar enough to make that call. If you want to provide specific examples, I'll drop the ban hammer on both.

Wanted to toss in my two cents here, the Church can actually be very tolerant towards anything paranormal if they know it's not from an outside source. Long ago the Church did not automatically condemn magic, but this is because it didn't automatically associate magic with devilry (the cries of 'witchcraft' didn't really become all that common until the reformation and then only really in Germany and England), this is because the definition of 'magic' was nebulous at best. The Church simply did not 'know' enough about the topic to rule one way or the other because nobody did. During the middle ages there were largely two 'kinds' of magic, natural magic and necromancy.

The old Church was that way, at least pre-Inquisition, this much is true. But I'm basing my experience off of growing up Southern Baptist and then later watching videos of people like Sye Ten, Comfort, and Ham. The modern Church is definitely not as tolerant of anything supernatural aside from their particular definition of God. My background in particular didn't even like talking about angels, because it was too much of a grey area. Since Harry Potter takes place in the digital age, I was having the traditional, religious community react as they do to the mere existence of fictional books. If those people and spells and monsters really existed, it would get a lot worse.
Welcome to the party @Tython ! I also thought of Fusionfall when I saw this and often I have to be careful not to accidentally type Fusionfall when I'm writing in this thread.

In regards to the Roman Catholic church, we could take a page from how Fate/Zero and the Dresden Files shows Catholics relations with magic. While some individual priests dislike magic users, the Catholic Church may act as a powerful neutral intermediary for many magical groups. They are also willing to work alongside magic users for the greater good, or serve neutral territory or ocassionally as referees when disagreements occur. They themselves do not use magic, but they do not villify it's practice by good individuals, although they do try to gently persuade people to give up magic-much like a priest might try to persuade you to give up drugs or alcohol. I imagine you are asked to leave the church if you use magic that's not exorcism, much like you can't be a priest if you want to get married.

I imagine they have a large supply of religious relics they use. I also like the idea they have forces they can send out to deal with supernatural threats-specifically vampires and their courts, which are for the most part parasitic entities anyway. My favorite would be the Knights of the Sword from Dresden Files, and I hope they could be fit in.

That is what Brainiac does in the plot of DC Universe Online. Hmm...this makes me think of something. People love having Ultron and Sigma interact, but they've never touched on Brainiac. Let's throw in XANA from Code Lyoko, and see what happens when the four computer intelligences butt heads!

Oh sorry I forgot Brainiac was responsible for that. We could swap Ultron for Brainiac and say this symbiote/DC Universe Online thing is his plan. I like the idea that the 4 hostile AIs actually oppose each other, and the only reason one hasn't taken over the internet yet, is the other 3 are actively fighting them, locking them in a stalemate.

Perhaps the reason the mimetic virus hasn't been activated yet, is that one of the AI is actively ruining his plan.

Another fine CoreBrute product! I see no reason why the Ethereals would just let Saiyans and Kryptonians run amok. If they couldn't find a way to control them, they could absolutely make something to fight them. Perhaps with stolen Galvan technology, akin to the Nemetrix from Ben 10 Omniverse? "Oh? Your planet is protected by a Kryptonian? Well, let's see how he fares when the natural evolved predator of the Kryptonian species joins the fight! MWAHAHAHA!"

So basically Doomsday? I can dig it!
This also makes me think of Bibidi and Babidi from Dragon Ball Z. Their modus operandi with Majin Buu is basically the same as the Ethereals. Maybe we could do a slight shift of continuity and say that the DBZ wizards ARE Ethereals! After all, they're from another world, and poorly defined in universe.
Sure. Or the Ethereals made allies with them. Whatever works for you.
The old Church was that way, at least pre-Inquisition, this much is true. But I'm basing my experience off of growing up Southern Baptist and then later watching videos of people like Sye Ten, Comfort, and Ham. The modern Church is definitely not as tolerant of anything supernatural aside from their particular definition of God. My background in particular didn't even like talking about angels, because it was too much of a grey area. Since Harry Potter takes place in the digital age, I was having the traditional, religious community react as they do to the mere existence of fictional books. If those people and spells and monsters really existed, it would get a lot worse.
I feel like your experiences may be coloring your opinions of religion in general. The current Pope for example is very tolerant of a lot of things, including homosexuality, and growing up my church in boarding school wasn't so fire and brimstone. Maybe we shouldn't make blanket statements that all religions, or even everyone in a religion, feels a certain way to the supernatural.

I'm sure there have been some religious groups that have sprung up that incorporate spirituality, magic, super powers and religion altogether in this world.
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Well, If there is some fusionfall inspiration. What do you think about crossposting a link to this on the fusion fall retro forums? We probably could get a few more contributers by doing so.

I really like the multiple AI that keep each other in check bit. There is also the level of AI in setting. If we have human-level AI that are not capable of changing their own code they are still very dangerous. Yet, not on such a level that would allow them to quickly take over the whole world. We could make it to where human level and above AI are spark-tech. Then we don't have to wonder why are there not several hundred AI floating around. Human-level AI could likely be extremely manipulative of humans. But, they would probably not be able to hack into systems with military level security any easier than current human hackers can.
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Nasuverse is only restricted right now because some of it's implications are difficult enough to handle that we wanted to delay adding it until we have a better grip. The Mythology restiriction is mostly about not adding religous texts directly. Or adding series which completely fall apart if a religious text is not true. For example, Percy Jackson and the olympions would probably be banned because it explicitly has active and existent Greek Gods. I am unsure about Shinigami though since they are supposed to be death gods. We probably could remove those series with them if we wanted to. Although since naruto only has it appear once we probably could just remove that part and keep most everything else.

I do agree on holding Nasuverse off for now, I would rather help with the more basic franchises first than tackle a complex universe into an already complex setting. Mostly because I don't trust myself enough to deconstruct big universe since this is my first time in contributing to a crossover, especially of this magnitude. As mentioned earlier about power scaling a franchise should not have too much of a presence in a crossover because it will make the setting feel unbalanced at least in my opinion. So yes I will definitely help with other franchises first and to understand the system you guys have so far.

That is absolutely a point, and a stronger one than the lewd factor of the Nasuverse. If there are any concepts from the Nasuverse you'd like to excise and put in our setting, I'm open to suggestions! I loved Fate/Stay and especially Fate/Zero, thought apocrypha was fun and different but a little odd, and can't really get into the rest. As for the ACSes, I actually haven't watched more than a couple episodes, so I'm not familiar enough to make that call. If you want to provide specific examples, I'll drop the ban hammer on both.

The old Church was that way, at least pre-Inquisition, this much is true. But I'm basing my experience off of growing up Southern Baptist and then later watching videos of people like Sye Ten, Comfort, and Ham. The modern Church is definitely not as tolerant of anything supernatural aside from their particular definition of God. My background in particular didn't even like talking about angels, because it was too much of a grey area. Since Harry Potter takes place in the digital age, I was having the traditional, religious community react as they do to the mere existence of fictional books. If those people and spells and monsters really existed, it would get a lot worse.

I'll wait to get a better understanding how the varying magic systems are coming together so far before putting my thoughts into it. I'm still reading all the progress made so far after all. Regarding ACSes, religion is very much a huge part of the universe. That and there is some things that could upset some religious people like how Touma's right hand, Image Breaker, can reject God miracles and at one time had banished a Archangel back to his realm. Beside the appearance of a Archangle there (To my knowldge) was not any other mythical figures that appeared. From what I can remember most of the religion elements is in magic and spiritual items. For instance there is a spiritual item called Divine Mixture where a person can merge with aspects of a god into them. An example of this is when Isis-Demeter fused with Orsola Aquinas.

That what I figured, another thing I realized too is that not a lot of people know about the deeper parts of theology. Like what was said about the Persona franchise a few pages back, the genera religious audience would most likely never hear of the more esoteric parts of bible. Heck not even I heard of Yaldabaoth till now. Speaking of fictional books, that reminds me of Poland a few weeks ago. Yeah I'll concede my point, if real life people are offended enough to burn books I can only imagine how worse it'll get here.
In regards to the Roman Catholic church, we could take a page from how Fate/Zero and the Dresden Files shows Catholics relations with magic.

I like the material you've put together for that. Let's go with it.

I feel like your experiences may be coloring your opinions of religion in general.

I did say that I've also watched videos about outspoken Christian voices in the media, so I'm basing that on what they say and the way they act, in addition to my own experiences. Not like a persona CAN base their perspective on anything but their experiences when working alone. But I'm not anymore, because I have the benefit of each of you being present. So I am quite open to use a view of religion that differs somewhat from what I've seen, but when I'm trying to gauge how Earth's culture will react to something, I start in a basis of reality (as I've observed) and then work in the other details from there. Something we don't really have a platform to do yet is decide how the "normies" interact with EVERYTHING we have in the setting. Which is not something I'm rushing into. I want to establish what exactly is here first, then the public knowledge of it, and only then establish the public opinion based on that knowledge. We shouldn't define how the people act first, and then introduce dragon-riding psychic vampires second.

Well, If there is some fusionfall inspiration. What do you think about crossposting a link to this on the fusion fall retro forums? We probably could get a few more contributers by doing so.

You can definitely do that if you like! I'm not really on those forums myself. Anything to get more visibility.

I really like the multiple AI that keep each other in check bit. There is also the level of AI in setting. If we have human-level AI that are not capable of changing their own code they are still very dangerous. Yet, not on such a level that would allow them to quickly take over the whole world. We could make it to where human level and above AI are spark-tech. Then we don't have to wonder why are there not several hundred AI floating around. Human-level AI could likely be extremely manipulative of humans. But, they would probably not be able to hack into systems with military level security any easier than current human hackers can.

Spark tech away! This definitely covers my main issue with including AIs! Nicely done.
You can definitely do that if you like! I'm not really on those forums myself. Anything to get more visibility.

A way to deal with the cartoon thing could be that the cartoons are actually survivors from the FusionFall dimension, who came to survive on this one.

Or not. They are kinda more serious art style in Fusion Fall, so perhaps the characters aren't considered cartoons.
Welcome to the party @Tython ! I also thought of Fusionfall when I saw this and often I have to be careful not to accidentally type Fusionfall when I'm writing in this thread.

In regards to the Roman Catholic church, we could take a page from how Fate/Zero and the Dresden Files shows Catholics relations with magic. While some individual priests dislike magic users, the Catholic Church may act as a powerful neutral intermediary for many magical groups. They are also willing to work alongside magic users for the greater good, or serve neutral territory or ocassionally as referees when disagreements occur. They themselves do not use magic, but they do not villify it's practice by good individuals, although they do try to gently persuade people to give up magic-much like a priest might try to persuade you to give up drugs or alcohol. I imagine you are asked to leave the church if you use magic that's not exorcism, much like you can't be a priest if you want to get married.

I imagine they have a large supply of religious relics they use. I also like the idea they have forces they can send out to deal with supernatural threats-specifically vampires and their courts, which are for the most part parasitic entities anyway. My favorite would be the Knights of the Sword from Dresden Files, and I hope they could be fit in.

I instantly thought of Fusionfall when I saw the thread title and context as well. While I have never played it the universe was cool to look at.

Good to know, thanks for the clarification. Man I should get back to read the rest of Dresden Files, I think I was only on the third installation of the series over eight years ago. The only things I can remember from the series is a talking skull and a fight with a werewolf in a junkyard or something.


A way to deal with the cartoon thing could be that the cartoons are actually survivors from the FusionFall dimension, who came to survive on this one.

Or not. They are kinda more serious art style in Fusion Fall, so perhaps the characters aren't considered cartoons.

I like this idea, it serves as a way to integrate a lot of shows in bulk rather than going through them one at a time. One other reason I like this is that some shows don't continue much to the wider world around them. Shows like Ed, Edd n Eddy, Loud House, Jimmy Neutron, Scooby Doo, Jonny Bravo, Dexter Laboratory, and the like tend to be grounded to 'reality' if that is the right word for it. As in they don't have anything that affects the world stage to a noticeable degree.
Artemis Fowl Joins Smash: The Basis of Homestuck
The basis of homestuck is actually fairly simple. In homestuck a universe is literally a gigantic frog. In order to reproduce the frog starts up as many sessions as possible of sburb/sgrub where several kids are saved from a meteorite apocalypse, and go on to create a new universe/frog for them to live in as gods. They play the game within the medium a sort of pocket universe.

Every kid is assigned a classpect, a combination of class, such as heir or knight, and aspect, such as light or time. The combination of class and aspect determines how they will grow and develop. Each class or aspect has a translation such as seer meaning 'one who understands___ ' and light meaning good fortune, so Rose, the seer of light, is able to see the most fortunate actions for her friends to take, making her very useful in plans.

In homestuck the trolls fail to create a healthy universe and are forced to find another session of sburb (the first one we see) to try and get it done right and receive the ultimate reward, of being gods of a new universe.

I don't know how it would fit in to what you have going but it would be difficult to fit anywhere but it's own planet because it necessitates the destruction of an entire planet to get started.
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The basis of homestuck is actually fairly simple. In homestuck a universe is literally a gigantic frog. In order to reproduce the frog starts up a session of sburb/sgrub where several kids are saved from a meteorite apocalypse and go on to create a new universe for them to live in within the medium a sort of pocket universe made for them to play the game in
...clearly we should also ban Honestuck. For religious reasons. ;)
...clearly we should also ban Honestuck. For religious reasons. ;)

This is pretty clearly a joke, but I want everyone to know that the religion/mythology ban only applies to existing, historic religions, including those currently experiencing a neopagan revival. If you think that is comical or whatever, go right ahead and laugh.

As for why I brought in Christianity when discussing Harry Potter, I deemed it relevant to our creative process. It is not my intention to make it a big, active part of the story, but it did form my basis for why people probably wouldn't receive these things well.

Remember, in most or all cases, this is NOT a world where the source fictions were created and received like they were in ours. There's not a series of popular Harry Potter novels, which would inspire young people to be wizard fans. There's not a saga of Star Wars movies. The games we're pulling from do not exist. INITIALLY. I am leaving it entirely open for there to be comics, movies, and games made in response to these people existing. But it will be after the fact, not before. So maybe there's a JK Rowling in this setting, and she writes fanfiction based on Harry's adventures.

That's one reason it's important not to openly declare real religions as part of this. We don't want to equate any of them with fiction, because these are real social traditions that a lot of people actually believe. Not like gods appearing in SCP, or the gods of Pathfinder, or the two brothers in RWBY, or the God Tiers of Homestuck.

A way to deal with the cartoon thing could be that the cartoons are actually survivors from the FusionFall dimension, who came to survive on this one.

Or not. They are kinda more serious art style in Fusion Fall, so perhaps the characters aren't considered cartoons.

So I was browsing around on Tvtropes and came across the Nicktoons Unite! page. One nostalgia trip latter I thought that Nicktoons Unite! could also serve as a way to group cartoon characters together in one package. I...admit I vaguely remember the game so I'll have to go watch it on YouTube.
The basis of homestuck is actually fairly simple. In homestuck a universe is literally a gigantic frog. In order to reproduce the frog starts up as many sessions as possible of sburb/sgrub where several kids are saved from a meteorite apocalypse, and go on to create a new universe/frog for them to live in as gods. They play the game within the medium a sort of pocket universe.
Is it possible for this setting that Homestuck exists but as a program or gameworld being run by malicious AI? Perhaps it's an experiment done on captured humans to see their responses to certain situations. Or maybe it's a world run by Weapon Plus or SCP, like The World Program an artificial world where the scientists can actually speed up and slow down time while enhancing the individuals, to see the effects.

EDIT: This actually works out strangely well because Fantomex is an escapee from The World and apparently had the title 'Stealth-Fighter'. Sounds like a classpect to me!
So I was browsing around on Tvtropes and came across the Nicktoons Unite! page. One nostalgia trip latter I thought that Nicktoons Unite! could also serve as a way to group cartoon characters together in one package. I...admit I vaguely remember the game so I'll have to go watch it on YouTube.
Pretty sure they were from different dimensions and met up to deal with a problem, much like Fusionfall. Maybe both Cartoon Network and Nicktoons went to the same place to try and fight the bad guys, before retreating to this world.

I'm sure there's someway to include Kingdom Hearts and Disney into this, but I do not have the brainpower for that right now.

That's one reason it's important not to openly declare real religions as part of this. We don't want to equate any of them with fiction, because these are real social traditions that a lot of people actually believe. Not like gods appearing in SCP, or the gods of Pathfinder, or the two brothers in RWBY, or the God Tiers of Homestuck.

Yeah that's fair. It's probably why I haven't tried to include the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (the new Netflix Show) into this, because the show take strong inspiration from Satanism, to the extent that it offends actual Satanists. Even though I do like the show.

So what's the next franchise of focus boss? What should we focus on next?
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@Mrbrown1000 I figured out how to do Cars. We start with Herbie from Lovebug, a sentient racing car from the 60s. Apparently, he became sentient because of the love he recieved from his various owners-much like how the Toy Story toys gain their sentience. So we can say over time, some cars have developed sentience because of this love-perhaps they spread this love to other cars themselves. Maybe there are special racing leagues, called the Herbies in honor of the first sentient car, which can only be driven by sentient cars.

EDIT: It would be funny if Bumblebee pretends or thinks he's a sentient car and wins one of these, before other realise he's an Autobot.

As for Kingdom Hearts, alright let me take a swing at it. We've already got the Nicktoons and the Cartoon Network characters come from different dimensions to this one. So maybe the reason they fled was because of the Heartless, shadow creatures born from the darkness in people's hearts, have invaded their worlds. They can not be harmed by ordinary means, which is why super geniuses like Dexter and Jimmy Neutron struggled against them, as well as magic users like the Fairly Odd Parents and the Ice King from Adventure Time. It didn't help that they came in a variety of forms, including evil versions of heroes such as Samurai Jack and the Power Puff Girls.

(OOC: Yes I am saying the Fusions are basically forms of Heartless, look sometimes it's really hard to get all these settings to work OK :cry: )

Once they retreated to our world*, (along with any Disney characters we couldn't fit into our timeline), the forces of our world discovered that, while they can keep the Heartless out of their world and even banish those that do get in, the only force that could destroy them permanently was something called a Keyblade. Apparently there used to be Keyblade Masters who could train people to become Keyblade wielders but they are nowhere to be found.

However, there is a young boy named Sora who has been found with the only known Keyblade. It looks like it's upto him to discover the secrets of the Keyblade Masters, and rescue the multiverse from the Heartless.

What do you guys think?

EDIT*: Just a consideration, if we still don't know about cartoons and how they fit in, maybe the cartoons are all the refugees from other worlds. Some of them obey cartoon logic, and the shelters or parts of town they live in are called 'Toon Towns' kind of like Chinatowns exist where large numbers of the community congregated.

It could also explain why we have cartoon Buzz Lightyear and Toy Buzz lightyear, or cartoon Bugs Bunny and the real Bugs Bunny (possibly deceased by now) who escaped from The Island of Doctor Moreau. They're from another dimension. Kingdom Hearts 3 actually backs that up, with there being toy/cartoons of characters who are real in other dimensions.
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At this point, I feel like we should start examining the origins of powered heroes (excluding people like Batman and Iron Man, who don't have powers), to get a sense of how they affect our setting. Many DC heroes either have a mystic/high science item like a Green Lantern ring, or are born non-human (such as Kryptonians, Thanagarians, etc.). But look at who didn't. Barry Allen's Flash got his powers when a bolt of Speed Force lightning struck his chemicals, electrifying them and covering him. To understand Wonder Woman, we have to introduce the Godwave, a cosmic force that emerged when the Second World (home of the Old Gods) was shattered in a divine war, resulting in the Third World and Fourth World (its two halves). The first Godwave caused gods to appear on many worlds throughout the cosmos, then it rebounded off the edge of infinity as a Second Wave, which caused lesser mortals to begin developing superpowers (in other words, causing the meta-gene to exist). Since we're incorporating Celestials from Marvel as well, they must have learned to master this Second Wave's energy and used it in their own experiments. Anyway, the Godwave created the immortals of Olympus among others, Hera birthed the Amazons of Themyscara, and Zeus bedded their tenth queen, Hippolyta, to produce Diana Prince/Wonder Woman. I welcome you to look up more DC heroes, but this is a start.

As for Marvel, we have a Super Soldier serum (Captain America/Red Skull/Black Widow), a radioactive arachnid (Spiderman/Scorpion), and gamma radiation (Hulk/Abomination), though the meta/X gene or the tampering of Celestials (Godwave) may have caused some or all of these people to be receptive to these effects. Note how Abomination and Scorpion are both mad, while Banner and Parker retain their humanity.

1. Electrified (possibly mystical) chemicals.
2. Given power by the first Godwave, its rebound the Second Wave, or being born to parents who emerged from the first or second.
3. Super Soldier Serum
4. Radioactive animal
5. Gamma Radiation

So, are these things reliable causes of superpowers, sometimes viable, or flukes? For example, could anyone who gets bit by a radioactive animal get the attributes of that animal?
I've finally had a chance to look this over and I have some points.

First of all, Scorpion did not get his powers from a radioactive Scorpion. He got it from getting his genetics spliced with Scorpion DNA.

Second, which Spider-man origin you want to use? Ultimate Spider-man would have the Spider be a genetically altered one rather than radioactive, as Osborn was trying to find a way to replicate the Super Soldier Serum of Captain America. Perhaps the Spider was an insect elemental spirit that they had exposed to radioactivity who escaped.

As for the Flash, we could go with the tv show and have a lot of the Flash's villains and himself gain their powers from a Particle Accelerator Explosion. A one off thing that can't be easily replicated, but it results in physics going weird for a bit. If you want, you can say everyone who gained powers by the explosion had dormant metahuman genes. Hmm, there's a thought...

So I say, genetic manipulation for powers works but usually results in people going insane. Powers involving one-off flukes are kind of more stable but not replicable.

I am not touching the Godwave stuff. Sounds way to confusing for me. I prefer the Marvel way of explaining Gods-they are just far more advanced Aliens, who know how to combine science and magic. Isn't that what you wanted to do by including the Gou'ald from Stargate?
Pretty sure they were from different dimensions and met up to deal with a problem, much like Fusionfall. Maybe both Cartoon Network and Nicktoons went to the same place to try and fight the bad guys, before retreating to this world.

I'm sure there's someway to include Kingdom Hearts and Disney into this, but I do not have the brainpower for that right now.

That they were, I do like your latter idea better. Speaking of Kingdom Hearts I feel like we should make the plot of Kingdom Hearts separate from the Disney universe because they have serve no plot purpose for Kingdom Hearts except for market merchandising. Heck I heard in Kingdom Hearts 3 that they basically retold Frozen with just Sora sitting there in the background.

(OOC: Yes I am saying the Fusions are basically forms of Heartless, look sometimes it's really hard to get all these settings to work OK :cry: )

Oh I agree with you, after seeing this video summary on Kingdom Hearts it is quite a beast to wrangle. Now regarding the Fusions being Heartless that is a neat idea I admit but I'm wondering if we want to drop the 'The body turning into a Nobody due to losing the heart' part of Heartless creation in order to make this work. Honestly I prefer the original creation of fusions over this.

It didn't help that they came in a variety of forms, including evil versions of heroes such as Samurai Jack and the Power Puff Girls.

I'm kinda on the fence on this as in the Kingdom Hearts universe it is said if someone who loses a heart is strong willed enough they can turn into a special kind of Nobody that looks like their regular selves. Members of Organization XIII like Axel are examples of a special Nobody. My point being is that quite a few characters can be considered strong-willed enough to not turn into evil monsters. Jack I know has darkness inside of him but the PPG? I can't see it happening.