FusionVerse - Combining All The Stories

"We also can't forget Kaylee, who I feel should be something interesting, but I'm open to ideas."

Maybe she's part timrlord? The Doctor had a granddaughter, maybe a different time Lord is the parent or grandparent to her?

Maybe Priest Brook is the Master (villain from Doctor Who) who regenerated but lost their memories. Or seeks redemption?

Oh geez, let's file Doctor Who under "I am not remotely prepared to enter into the weirdness that show is." Are you a Whovian? A really knowledgeable one? Because Time Lords are hella complicated.
Well alright here's what I got. You know where the original benders in Avatar got their power?

They made bonds with spiritual elemental animals who gave them power over the elements which they passed on to their children. So I'm thinking, these spirit animals reflected the real world and as the world became more complex, different elemental animals were formed in the spirit world.

This...is effing brilliant! Seriously. But it gets kinda complicated. Like, a Bug-bender, a Dragon-bender, a Poison-bender...

Then holes appeared between the spirit realm and the modern one. Some blamed it on the 18th century Avatar, while others claimed it was due to dark rituals of cultists trying to contact twisted Elder Gods gone wrong. Through these holes, these spiritual elemental creatures escaped into our world.

I like it! Explains why we can just stuff them in tiny balls of light, or download them from computers.

Over the years ways were made to contain, defeat or vanish these creatures but the most effective method was discovered by a Smith in Azalea Town in Jhoto, Japan. He crafted Apricons into special portable containment devices that could store different spirit animals.

Aaaand there it is.

Now for some of my talking points. Let's see how you deal with the first one: what happens if technology crosses over? Can a PokeBall capture Sulley from Monsters, Inc? Or a Creature of Grimm from RWBY? Or Majin Buu? Can the Omnitrix let Ben turn into a Pokemon?
This...is effing brilliant! Seriously. But it gets kinda complicated. Like, a Bug-bender, a Dragon-bender, a Poison-bender...
It's not that complicated. Think of all the metahumans with poison powers or bug based powers. Perhaps Naruto style ninja clans with Kekkai Genkai are descended from those who were 'bug benders' or 'Darkness benders' or the like. Maybe the Spider who bit Peter Parker was a bug type spirit animal trying to share it's power but died from exposure to radiation?

Edit: maybe Iron fist got his powers from a fighting element spirit or a metal element spirit.
I'm a bit worried by the way you said that.

Now for some of my talking points. Let's see how you deal with the first one: what happens if technology crosses over? Can a PokeBall capture Sulley from Monsters, Inc? Or a Creature of Grimm from RWBY? Or Majin Buu? Can the Omnitrix let Ben turn into a Pokemon?
Well they were originally designed to capture spirit animals, probably inspired by some Shinto style spirit containment, mixed with natural ingredients but modernised.

Sully is not a spirit creature as far as I can tell so I say no.

Majin Buu, I'm not 100% sure what he is. He was made by a genie/warlock I think, and could be a spirit thing. Perhaps like a really powerful Legendary aka Mewtwo. So I say yes a pokeball might be able to, but it would either have to be one built to contain him, like a masterball or specialised Ultra Ball made by a legendary crafter such as Kurt. And you'd still have to get it to hold still long enough to strike it with the ball, or weaken it enough.

Grimm are interesting as they are beings made by an evil presence, either out of the souls of tortured animals or from animals possesed by evil spirits in the show. So let's change it up and say Grimm are Pokemon which have been corrupted. Aka Shadow Pokemon from Pokemon Colloseum. For a long time people had to put them down (the RWBY squad) because they were far too destructive and more powerful than normal Pokemon, and would not obey a trainer who captured them. However, a rare trainer can purify these creatures with both love and by going to a special shrine to the Legendary pokemon Celebi.

So yes Grimm can be captured, but they are very difficult to capture, and even harder to control once you do. Some evil forces find it easier to take normal pokemon and corrupt them into becoming Shadow Pokemon, then release them onto unsuspecting populaces as acts of terror.

Grimms are found in the wild but it's not clear what dark force or spirit is causing them to be created.

Regarding Ben 10, sure I guess. Pokemon have DNA of some kind, which is how Mewtwo was created from Mew. And he's copied a Ghost before. So why not?

Oh geez, let's file Doctor Who under "I am not remotely prepared to enter into the weirdness that show is." Are you a Whovian? A really knowledgeable one? Because Time Lords are hella complicated.
I know a bit and a half.
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It's not that complicated. Think of all the metahumans with poison powers or bug based powers. Perhaps Naruto style ninja clans with Kekkai Genkai are descended from those who were 'bug benders' or 'Darkness benders' or the like. Maybe the Spider who bit Peter Parker was a bug type spirit animal trying to share it's power but died from exposure to radiation?

What I meant by complicated is that ATLA put a ton of complexity into FOUR bending styles. Firebending extends into heat manipulation, combustion, lightning redirection/bending, jet propulsion, and energy reading. Earthbending extends into magnetization, lavabending, metalbending, mudbending, sandbending, and seismic sense. Waterbending extends into freezing, bloodbending, healing, plantbending, spiritbending, and steam manipulation. Airbending extends into suction, propulsion, asphyxiation, hypersensitivity, flight, and spiritual projection. Beyond that, they have spiritual aspects, cultural aspects, and modernizations in LoK. It's a lot more than just "the power to control [element]."

My proposed solution is one that is already covered in Legend of Korra: instead of a style of bending for each, the other styles are all connected to spirit possession. In Wan's story, a guy gets possessed by a tree spirit, and it leaves him part wooden. Another guy is possessed by a lemur spirit, and it leaves him part lemur. So that's how Pokemon got the way they are. Most of the originals were regular animals, but had interaction of some kind with a spirit that left them and their descendants changed. For those not covered by that, we could go with possessed humans, possessed aliens, or even spiritually manipulated objects. This would work quite nicely with what you've created.

...like a masterball or specialised Ultra Ball made by a legendary crafter such as Kurt. And you'd still have to get it to hold still long enough to strike it with the ball, or weaken it enough.

Omg. If Kurt could make a PokeBall capable of capturing Majin Buu, that would be godlike. I wouldn't be nearly as impressed if Silph Co., creators of the Master Ball, did it. After all, their creation can capture GODS. I'd venture you could catch most things with it. Probably lacks the ability to capture humans, but maybe because Silph Co. designed it with that drawback. An illegally modified one would be a different story. But one has to ask: if Silph Co. could make a PokeBall that can instantly and automatically contain the likes of Entei, Rayquaza, Darkrai, Giratina, or ARCEUS THE CREATOR OF THE WORLD, what in god's name did they make it out of? What IS the Master Ball?

Grimm are interesting as they are beings made by an evil presence...

I condensed this for the quote, but I approve of everything you wrote. I've isolated one part below because reasons.

Grimms are found in the wild but it's not clear what dark force or spirit is causing them to be created.

This idea is genius. Replacing Remnant's God of Darkness with Vaatu is so concise and beautiful, I love it. It also means we don't have to deal with him directly, because the next Harmonic Convergence is set for the year 10,1975 (ten thousand years after Korra's time).

I know a bit and a half.

I welcome whatever you have to add from Doctor Who, but I'll want whoever joins next to weigh in on it, providing they have a comparable level of Doctor Who knowledge. For my purposes, I'll need brief explanations and healthy hyperlinks I can use to peek at what you're talking about.
My proposed solution is one that is already covered in Legend of Korra: instead of a style of bending for each, the other styles are all connected to spirit possession. In Wan's story, a guy gets possessed by a tree spirit, and it leaves him part wooden. Another guy is possessed by a lemur spirit, and it leaves him part lemur. So that's how Pokemon got the way they are. Most of the originals were regular animals, but had interaction of some kind with a spirit that left them and their descendants changed. For those not covered by that, we could go with possessed humans, possessed aliens, or even spiritually manipulated objects. This would work quite nicely with what you've created.
Sounds fair.

Omg. If Kurt could make a PokeBall capable of capturing Majin Buu, that would be godlike. I wouldn't be nearly as impressed if Silph Co., creators of the Master Ball, did it. After all, their creation can capture GODS. I'd venture you could catch most things with it. Probably lacks the ability to capture humans, but maybe because Silph Co. designed it with that drawback. An illegally modified one would be a different story. But one has to ask: if Silph Co. could make a PokeBall that can instantly and automatically contain the likes of Entei, Rayquaza, Darkrai, Giratina, or ARCEUS THE CREATOR OF THE WORLD, what in god's name did they make it out of? What IS the Master Ball?
I don't think there is or should be anyway to put a human or non-pokemon into a master ball. Humans are not spirit animals. Even Majin Buu is a fringe case because I don't quite understand what it is.

They can hold Pokemon gods but only if you are able to find and summon them. Just because something is a god in Pokemon doesn't mean it's a god in your setting.
I welcome whatever you have to add from Doctor Who, but I'll want whoever joins next to weigh in on it, providing they have a comparable level of Doctor Who knowledge. For my purposes, I'll need brief explanations and healthy hyperlinks I can use to peek at what you're talking about.

Ok. So what next?
Well, the remaining items you are prepared to help with are all Disney. Would you like to crack into the world of Disney, or look into something you're a little less prepared for? I'd welcome your input and opinions on anything.
Well, the remaining items you are prepared to help with are all Disney. Would you like to crack into the world of Disney, or look into something you're a little less prepared for? I'd welcome your input and opinions on anything.
You mean the items from the list "Things I welcome help with"? Ok, let's do Disney.

In the year 1839 it was discovered that Elsa, queen of Arrendale a country in the Netherlands, had developed ice powers. Most Para-historians believe she had been 'gifted' this power by an Ice Elemental spirit when she was a young child. She and a group of other 'spirit blessed' individuals were taught how to truly control their powers by the New Avatar of the period (Guessing plot of Frozen 2).

The modern Arrendale is one of the few nations with a metahuman monarchy, and serves as a safe haven for metahumans escaping places of persecution such as Markovia.

Pirates of the Caribbean:
Hundreds of years ago there was the most dastardly pirate, whose deeds are considered mythological by Para-historians. Breaker of curses, fought Davy Jones and escaped his locker, while outrunning fate itself on his Black Pearl. Eventually he was hanged by the Navy but he made a final proclamation.

"You want my treasure? You can have it! Search for it! I left everything gathered together in one place! In One Piece!"

Toy Story:
Already covered my point earlier about the Lantern Corps and Monsters Inc.
While I appreciate that you're using the spirits element to tie everything in, the setting is starting to lean a little heavily on it. I don't want this to be "World of Avatar, with everything else added on." Elsa's powers also seem quite viable for the X-Gene Mutation, not that I'm recommending that either. I think we should look at our options a little more before deciding where she gets her powers.

That being said, I love what you've done with modern Arendale, I'm not too familiar with One Piece but like working it into Pirates, and I do remember what you've contributed about Toy Story before. When I have the space of mind, I'll start posting more about the other sections and how they interplay. Hopefully we get a few more people working on this with us.
While I appreciate that you're using the spirits element to tie everything in, the setting is starting to lean a little heavily on it. I don't want this to be "World of Avatar, with everything else added on." Elsa's powers also seem quite viable for the X-Gene Mutation, not that I'm recommending that either. I think we should look at our options a little more before deciding where she gets her powers.
Are you sure? Her powers feel more magic than mutant. She created life twice and her powers can be dispelled by "true love" which sounds like magic. Also she was taught to control it by magical trolls (probably could the that to the Trollhunters Netflix show if we wanted to)

Regardless, we could definitely tie Elsa as an ancestor to Ice from DC comics as she is a Norwegian ice conroller who has to stay calm to maintain her powers. Maybe she's the new modern queen of Arrendale? Or maybe also the hero Icemaiden which was an attempt by the Norweigan government to replicate the legendary powers of Elsa hundred of years later.
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Bear in mind that Scarlet Witch is also supposed to be a mutant. Somehow, the gene gave her access to chaos magic.

The connection to Ice is a good idea.
RWBY, Star Fox, Star Wars
Back to my OP contributions, we've got the Rooster Teeth series RWBY. While I feel confident leaving Remnant, and the Kingdoms of Vale, Vacuo, Atlas, and Mistral out, there are several things that do need to be implemented. As discussed with CoreBrute above, the God of Darkness will be replaced as source of the evil Creatures of Grimm. Vaatu from Legend of Korra will be taking his place. As of yet, I don't know if I will be letting the God of Light stay. The Grimm have also been retconned to dark spirit creatures similar to those seen in LoK, and comparable to Shadow Pokemon. For purposes of combat, they will be considered 2x effective against Psychic and Dark, half effective against Ghost, Fairy, and Fighting, resistant against Ghost-type and Psychic-type moves, weak to Fire, Fairy, and Fighting moves, and Immune to Psychic moves. They will also share the Dark type's immunity to opposing Pokemon moves that gain priority due to the ability Prankster. In addition to Grimm, the RWBY concepts of Aura, Dust, and Huntsmen/Huntresses/Academies will be included (to be elaborated on in future posts). The four Relics may not be included, but I haven't decided on that yet. It could be years before we get to see all four in the show.

Star Fox I am familiar with, but I lack a good sense of what concepts should be included. If someone who also knows Star Fox would like to weigh in on that, I'd appreciate it. And yes, the idea is for "everything" to be in, but right now I'm focusing specifically on what each setting brings that is special to that setting. Anthropomorphic animals, space fighters, and blasters aren't exactly original, nor are the kinds in Star Fox especially different from other sources. I stand to be corrected on that if anyone feels like it.

Two key notes need to be included here, where it comes to the Star Wars Canon continuity (yes, I now realize Legends IS the EU). First of all, the Force. Also known as the Ashla or the Third Sight, the Living Force represents the energies of all lifeforms fed into the Cosmic Force, which binds the galaxy together and communicates to individuals through micro-organisms called midi-chlorians. The Force resides in all living things, but only those with a high enough midi-chlorian count become Force-sensitive. It is not that these organisms are the Force, or create it, but that they indicate the strength of a person's connection to the greater Force existing between all life, their potential ability to manipulate it and interface with the Cosmic Force. The general range of Force abilities allows the user to sense what is about to happen, manipulate physical objects, influence minds sufficiently weaker than one's own, to cause anesthesia, and even glimpse the future or extend beyond physical death (becoming one with the Force). Powerful Force-sensitives can even manipulate energy, such as conjuring lightning from their hands. The second key note is the existence, creation, and use of lightsabers. They consist of a plasma blade emitted from a metal hilt, powered by a kyber crystal not easily found on most planets if at all. The use of these swords requires skill and training, a gyroscopic effect making them very difficult to use, especially since the blade does not contain any solid matter (the "weight" being largely subjective to the crystal's power and the speed at which it is being swung, rather than truly "weightless"), so many Jedi support the claim that only Force-sensitives can wield them. This is not exactly true, though often the case, as non-sensitives skilled in Lightsaber combat are very rare. The lightsaber can cut through virtually anything, though this can take time and there are materials that are naturally repellant to lightsaber blades, interfere with emission, or even damage the lightsaber itself. Even without these materials, electrostaves and Z6 riot control batons can be engineered to defend against them somewhat effectively.

To be added in a future post:
Super Mario/Super Smash Bros. (listed together as related)
Ouch, midichlorians. You sure you want to go down that route?

Anyway in regards to lightsabers you should check out this vid on how it compares to the Halo Energy sword. It looks like the bad guys in Halo designed their weapons specifically to fight off Jedi. Could be some fun lore.

Clarification: Midichlorians were canon to original trilogy
Ouch, midichlorians. You sure you want to go down that route?

If you check the Star Wars wiki, specifically the article on midichlorians, it says that George Lucas had midichlorians in the plan since 1977. He just didn't feel like there was a good time to discuss them in the original trilogy. Trust me, if it turned out he just invented them in Episode I, then I would want them gone just like everyone else. One advantage to midichlorians is that they provide a contrast between the meta-gene, mutant X-Gene, inherited bending arts, ki, and chakra. Most of those have very little to distinguish them. I.e. can a character have chakra (Naruto) and ki (Dragon Ball)? If a chakra blocker (Avatar), tries to block the chakras of Naruto and Goku, does it affect the abilities from their respective shows the way it affects bending?

Midichlorians illustrate that this is something existing separately from the rest, but not necessarily so. For example, a Naruto character could have midi-chlorians in their blood, and so possess both chakra and a sensitivity to the Force. If that character was born from one chakra user and one Firebender, they could also have hereditary access to bending. That character could then meet a Grand Elder of the Namekians and get their hidden potential unlocked, allowing them to train with their ki more easily.
Hey, CoreBrute and anyone else reading, I could use your opinions on something.

We've introduced a lot of concepts thus far that could be held by one person. Aside from having to acquire them from different sources, should we incorporate a stronger division between them? For example, should someone who has the meta-gene not be able to have the mutant X-Gene? Are they the same gene? Does having chakra (a feature unique to people of Naruto's world because they were given it by Kaguya), mean that you can't also have the meta-gene? If this sort of thing is generally the case, can there be exceptions? Like a rare person who has the meta-gene, the X-gene, chakra, and bending?
Look mate you can make all the exceptions you like to have what ever Ki Wiedling Sharigan having Phoenix Force blessed Avatar of the four nations Mary Sue you want for your story. I personally think that just mixing them all together devalues the individual power source and instead makes it about collecting them all to become powerful for powers sake.

In regards to your specific examples, metagene and mutant gene are so similar I would say they are the same thing with different names.

Chakra and the metagene basically exists in the Kekkai Genkai certain clans have. Like how mutants usually have similar mutations in the family, a family of ninja mutants would have specific Justus that work with their unique mutations.

Bending is more rare because it requires an ancestor having been blessed by a spirit. I don't know who Kaguya is, but it sounds like the ninja ancestors already got a blessing so they wouldn't get two. Like how Bolin and Mako have a firebending parent and an earth bending parent but they didn't get both kinds of bending-they get 1 each.

Besides, using chakra means you can already manipulate the elements most of the time. So you don't also need bending.
So what if a character with chakra has a baby with a Firebender?
I presume it's like Mako and Bolin. You get one or the other-either firebending or chakra. It's possible that, inspired by the martial arts move of the Firebender parents, they create jutsu that resemble firebending.

Or it's entirely possible that firebending is just a type of Chakra/Jutsu. Chakra comes from The Sage of Six Paths who spread chakra to those across the land, much like a spirit would do an elemental bender. So maybe all elemental bending is just limited Ninjutsu. Or maybe, as ninja are known to have elemental types, benders are just those whose chakra is so specialized they cannot do non-elemental jutsu.

Look there are many ways to reflect the relation between bending and chakra, go with what you like. But I say that just because one has parents from both styles, it doesn't mean they will mix. Genetics doesn't always work like that-sometimes it's just dominant/recessive traits.
Then you get Bolin, who was born of a Firebender father, Earthbender mother, had a Firebender brother, was born an Earthbender, and discovered how to Lavabend.

There's definitely precedent for Naruto characters using taijutsu that behaves like element release (such as Might Guy), but I wonder about bending. We've seen people manipulate electricity and magnetism. We've seen people manipulate the blood in someone's veins, and the air in their lungs. We've even seen psychic waterbenders who can manipulate blood without moving physically. What if there's a psychic Firebender who has such control and precision he can manipulate the electrical signals of the brain? He could then use that to do things similar to Genjutsu illusions.
Then you get Bolin, who was born of a Firebender father, Earthbender mother, had a Firebender brother, was born an Earthbender, and discovered how to Lavabend.

There's definitely precedent for Naruto characters using taijutsu that behaves like element release (such as Might Guy), but I wonder about bending. We've seen people manipulate electricity and magnetism. We've seen people manipulate the blood in someone's veins, and the air in their lungs. We've even seen psychic waterbenders who can manipulate blood without moving physically. What if there's a psychic Firebender who has such control and precision he can manipulate the electrical signals of the brain? He could then use that to do things similar to Genjutsu illusions.
Yes he can do similar. But it's not Genjutsu Illusions. Because he's not using charka. That means that this technique would work in places where chakra doesn't affect the opponent, like maybe a special cyborg, but would be ineffective in cases where genjutsu would work like against a demon that doesn't have electric signals in their brain.

Besides Lavabending is not a combination of firebending and earthbending. Lavabending is just a type of Earthbending, like how metal bending is. It's a different style, possibly inspired by firebending. Like how Iroh developed the ability to redirect electric attacks by incorporating waterbending fighting styles.
Clarification: Meta/X are same, cross over with chakra
I absolutely agree about Bolin. I was merely implying what you directly stated, that his Firebender father and brother inspired Bolin to try, in a moment of desperation, to earthbend the magma flow away.

Your point about Genjutsu is also really good. Genjutsu relies on chakra, a point made clear in many fan analysis videos. So Genjutsu wouldn't work on Goku unless a special character can overcome that. Likewise, psychic Firebending to alter neural impulses would not work on a brain that works fundamentally differently, or a being that lacks one at all.

So let me see if I can sum this up right. Metagene and X-gene are synonyms, and meta/X crosses over with chakra in the form of Kekkei Genkai. That going to say, a chakra user can have a mutation because of a special hereditary feature, but that feature is NOT the meta/X. On the other end of the spectrum, we've got the link between chakra and bending, which appear to be very similar. I.e. elemental release is simply a more "magical" form of bending, closer to the original energybending, while bending is closer to taijutsu than ninjutsu is.
@5elementsage you lost me here:

"That going to say, a chakra user can have a mutation because of a special hereditary feature, but that feature is NOT the meta/X."

What are you trying to say? What feature?
@CoreBrute to my knowledge, Kekkei Genkai is not synonymous with Chakra. It's a chakra-based ability limited to a bloodline (i.e. Bloodline Limit). The feature I'm referring to is the Kekkei Genkai.
@CoreBrute to my knowledge, Kekkei Genkai is not synonymous with Chakra. It's a chakra-based ability limited to a bloodline (i.e. Bloodline Limit). The feature I'm referring to is the Kekkei Genkai.
Yeah and I'm saying Kekkai Genkai is just an expression of the X-gene. Metahuman abilities run down bloodlines. The ninja combine their mutant abilities (what rhey call Kekkei Genkai) with their chakra to create special Jutsu.