FusionVerse - Combining All The Stories

That they were, I do like your latter idea better. Speaking of Kingdom Hearts I feel like we should make the plot of Kingdom Hearts separate from the Disney universe because they have serve no plot purpose for Kingdom Hearts except for market merchandising. Heck I heard in Kingdom Hearts 3 that they basically retold Frozen with just Sora sitting there in the background.
We don't have to use all the Disney worlds for Kingdom Hearts. We've already put Frozen in our setting's past, Toy Story and Monsters INC are in our setting, and I think Big Hero Six has been used somewhere? My idea is we can use Kingdom Hearts basic structure to deal with Disney/Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network etc worlds we can't find a fit for this setting.

Oh I agree with you, after seeing this video summary on Kingdom Hearts it is quite a beast to wrangle. Now regarding the Fusions being Heartless that is a neat idea I admit but I'm wondering if we want to drop the 'The body turning into a Nobody due to losing the heart' part of Heartless creation in order to make this work. Honestly I prefer the original creation of fusions over this.

Sure that was my intention. That's why I didn't mention Nobodies. I say stick to Kingdom Hearts 1 stuff, and don't go into Nobodies etc. My idea was not that the evil versions of Samurai Jack and the Powerpuff girls were Nobodies, I just meant the Heartless could imitate their forms/powers. Which may or may not mean they've been captured, that's upto @5elementsage .

I'm kinda on the fence on this as in the Kingdom Hearts universe it is said if someone who loses a heart is strong willed enough they can turn into a special kind of Nobody that looks like their regular selves. Members of Organization XIII like Axel are examples of a special Nobody. My point being is that quite a few characters can be considered strong-willed enough to not turn into evil monsters. Jack I know has darkness inside of him but the PPG? I can't see it happening.
Maybe Buttercup does, but that's pushing it. Besides, Axel and Saix became Nobody and they were just kids who wanted to help a friend. Besides, Sora has a Nobody and he's the embodiment of light.

Anyway, I think you misunderstand how Heartless work. Everyone has some darkness in them, even a smidgen. When Sora becomes Heartless he becomes the tiny basic enemy mook because he has so little darkness in his innocent heart. The Nobody is just what's left behind and you can be one good or bad, as long as you have strong will.

Anyway I just put in the Kingdom Hearts thing as a simple, "this is all being sorted out in other dimensions, we don't need to worry about it for the story because Sora is dealing with it off screen". We can check up on him from time to time, but we can just assume he's just following the plot of Kingdom Hearts until the worlds are freed from darkness and the cartoons can go back home.

Does that make sense?
So I was browsing around on Tvtropes and came across the Nicktoons Unite! page. One nostalgia trip latter I thought that Nicktoons Unite! could also serve as a way to group cartoon characters together in one package. I...admit I vaguely remember the game so I'll have to go watch it on YouTube.

Only barely heard of Nicktoons Unite! but I'm familiar enough with some of their properties.

Is it possible for this setting that Homestuck exists but as a program or gameworld being run by malicious AI? Perhaps it's an experiment done on captured humans to see their responses to certain situations. Or maybe it's a world run by Weapon Plus or SCP, like The World Program an artificial world where the scientists can actually speed up and slow down time while enhancing the individuals, to see the effects.

We could do it that way, but before you said that an alternate dimension or the future would go against what we're trying to do here. I think this is a good opportunity to incorporate some aspects of Homestuck, rather than bringing it in as a whole canon. I've been saying from the beginning that this is something we'll have to start doing, and this is a good place to start. I'm in favor of bringing forward Trolls, Cherubim, and the classes and aspects (in some form). Does anyone object, or feel something more should be added?

EDIT: This actually works out strangely well because Fantomex is an escapee from The World and apparently had the title 'Stealth-Fighter'. Sounds like a classpect to me!

I just finished reading Fantomex's page on Wikipedia, and I did not expect him to be so weird.

Yeah that's fair. It's probably why I haven't tried to include the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (the new Netflix Show) into this, because the show take strong inspiration from Satanism, to the extent that it offends actual Satanists. Even though I do like the show.

Yeah, we're not touching that or the original. Besides, all it could add would be witches/magic, and we've got that in spades.

So what's the next franchise of focus boss? What should we focus on next?

I'll give that some thought while I'm away from internet. Should be able to get on again tomorrow evening.
We could do it that way, but before you said that an alternate dimension or the future would go against what we're trying to do here. I think this is a good opportunity to incorporate some aspects of Homestuck, rather than bringing it in as a whole canon. I've been saying from the beginning that this is something we'll have to start doing, and this is a good place to start. I'm in favor of bringing forward Trolls, Cherubim, and the classes and aspects (in some form). Does anyone object, or feel something more should be added?
It's not another dimension, so much as either a VR simulation, a special area of land, or a pocket dimension. I haven't read the comic and it's not easily explained. All I know is it's an area of land Weapon X controls, that lets them speed up time, to generate centuries of evolution, to create super soldiers.
It's not another dimension, so much as either a VR simulation, a special area of land, or a pocket dimension. I haven't read the comic and it's not easily explained. All I know is it's an area of land Weapon X controls, that lets them speed up time, to generate centuries of evolution, to create super soldiers.

Wouldn't even begin to know how that works. Haven't read the comics about The World at this point.
Second, which Spider-man origin you want to use? ...

As for the Flash...

So I say...

I am not touching the Godwave stuff. Sounds way to confusing for me. I prefer the Marvel way of explaining Gods-they are just far more advanced Aliens, who know how to combine science and magic. Isn't that what you wanted to do by including the Gou'ald from Stargate?

I think genetically altered is the dumbest thing to ever happen to Spider-Man. How does combining several species of spider make one that can give you powers? That makes no more sense than radioactivity, and 616 canon still has radioactive being a thing, so I'm prone to stick to that. I think something we should do is reduce middle man in this situation. The spider that bit Parker was a Pokemon. Any Pokemon that bites or scratches a human has a very small chance to couple incorrectly with their genes as a humanoid-shape Pokemon. Instead of producing an egg and a baby Pokemon, this instead causes the human to transform. Perhaps they just get Pokemon powers, perhaps they get some secondary or tertiary characteristics too. Or they even pull a Bill and turn completely into a Pokemon. In the case of Peter Parker, he got bitten by an Ariados that escaped from a lab studying its properties, and its bite gave him agility, reaction time, strength, and so on. But not organic webbing, because we're sticking with web shooters as devices.

Particle Accelerator helps a little, but is ultimately just a vehicle to bring the Speed Force into the story anyway. It's revealed later in the show that the Particle Accelerator acted as a sort of beacon to draw the Speed Force to Barry. At least, if I remember correctly. And isn't half the plot of that show that incidents like the accelerator explosion happen with some odd frequency? I know the Bus is an example, at least.

I'm good with gene manipulation causing insanity. And I'm even good with it not being "usually." What if the transformation caused Parker to develop those heroic tendencies and antisocial compulsion to snark at very dangerous, serious situations? He could be a regular, cowardly egghead before he became a webhead, and the Spidey demeanor comes as a result of the genetic mutation of a Pokemon bite. Thoughts?

I'm open to gods being more than just aliens, but the Goa'uld System Lords do definitely exist. Or at least did, given what we said before. The Godwave stuff can definitely go. Researching it gave me a headache.
I think genetically altered is the dumbest thing to ever happen to Spider-Man. How does combining several species of spider make one that can give you powers? That makes no more sense than radioactivity, and 616 canon still has radioactive being a thing, so I'm prone to stick to that.
Let's be fair, it makes as much sense as radioactivity. Also the genetically modified Spider in Ultimate Spider-man had been modified with the OZ formula, a type of super soldier serum Norman Osborn made that turned him into the Green Goblin. So it was more like the spider traits changed the Oz Formula and passed it onto Peter through venom.

Also they've changed it in the comics, so now it's not radiation, it's the spirit of the Spider that gave him powers.

I think something we should do is reduce middle man in this situation. The spider that bit Parker was a Pokemon. Any Pokemon that bites or scratches a human has a very small chance to couple incorrectly with their genes as a humanoid-shape Pokemon. Instead of producing an egg and a baby Pokemon, this instead causes the human to transform. Perhaps they just get Pokemon powers, perhaps they get some secondary or tertiary characteristics too. Or they even pull a Bill and turn completely into a Pokemon. In the case of Peter Parker, he got bitten by an Ariados that escaped from a lab studying its properties, and its bite gave him agility, reaction time, strength, and so on. But not organic webbing, because we're sticking with web shooters as devices.

An Ariados snuck out? Those are over a metre tall (3.5 feet), that's like the size of a big dog. Maybe a Spinarak instead? Ooh, or, maybe a Gensect. Here me out!

Anyway I thought we already discussed this. It's not that it bit him, it's like the elemental spirits in Legend of Korra-they passed on elemental abilities. I don't think it should be random, there should be some sentience involved here, some choice of being worthy.

Here's my idea: Team Rocket/Oscorp/Plasma were experimenting on the Legendary Bug Pokemon they discovered and captured, trying to use see the effects of radiation to try and other methods to get the creature to pass on it's powers but it refused. The creature managed to just escape and pass on the bugtype abilities to Peter, just before it died due to radiation exposure.

Team Rocket/Oscorp/Plasma used the DNA from the legendary Bug Pokemon and used it to make an army of Robotic Bug pokemon we now call Genesect. They can't pass on powers to people, but they make great weapons of war.

I'm fine with him building his own web shooters. You know in some versions, Peter was actually building web shooters before he was bitten, as some kind of thesis project or something.
Particle Accelerator helps a little, but is ultimately just a vehicle to bring the Speed Force into the story anyway. It's revealed later in the show that the Particle Accelerator acted as a sort of beacon to draw the Speed Force to Barry. At least, if I remember correctly. And isn't half the plot of that show that incidents like the accelerator explosion happen with some odd frequency? I know the Bus is an example, at least.

I don't know I stopped watching around start of season 3. I know the explosion gave Barry access to the Speed Force, but he's not the only one. Jay Garrick got it in Earth 2 and 3, not to mention all the little Flashes who got exposed to the Speed Force.

We can say the Speed Force is a dimensional energy source like the Morphing Grid, with it's own science rules. The Particle Explosion basically broke the laws of science temporarily.

I'm good with gene manipulation causing insanity. And I'm even good with it not being "usually." What if the transformation caused Parker to develop those heroic tendencies and antisocial compulsion to snark at very dangerous, serious situations? He could be a regular, cowardly egghead before he became a webhead, and the Spidey demeanor comes as a result of the genetic mutation of a Pokemon bite. Thoughts?

Snarking is considered an antisocial compulsion? I don't know, it looks like you are just trying to find an excuse to make Peter Parker diagnosed as crazy. And I don't like you calling him a cowardly egghead. He was aware of his physical weaknesses and got bullied, that doesn't make him a coward. Yeah he developed bravado when he got powers (turning into a wrestler) but he's not crazy.
I'm open to gods being more than just aliens, but the Goa'uld System Lords do definitely exist. Or at least did, given what we said before. The Godwave stuff can definitely go. Researching it gave me a headache.
It's tough fitting all these into one system. At some point you need to decide what the tone of your world is going to be. Cynical, where everyone whose a hero is on the verge of insanity and wizards are hunted down? Or more upbeat and silly-yeah we've got cartoons and talking animals, but at the end of the day we know Superman/Captain Marvel are there to keep us safe.

Once you have that tone, it can help you decide how you want to represent each setting that's being added in.
Laying Down the Law on Toons and Jumping the Gun
Let's be fair, it makes as much sense as radioactivity. Also the genetically modified Spider in Ultimate Spider-man had been modified with the OZ formula, a type of super soldier serum Norman Osborn made that turned him into the Green Goblin. So it was more like the spider traits changed the Oz Formula and passed it onto Peter through venom.

That's what I said. They're about the same in terms of logic. Except that radioactivity came first, and that makes genetics looks like the modern and sensible alternative, or at least an attempt to be. Which failed. Rooting it in super soldier serum works for our purposes, though, so I like that.

Also they've changed it in the comics, so now it's not radiation, it's the spirit of the Spider that gave him powers.

I strangely like that less than radioactivity, but not quite as much as the genetic approach (sans serum). Not sure why, but it's more useful for our purposes.

An Ariados snuck out? Those are over a metre tall (3.5 feet), that's like the size of a big dog. Maybe a Spinarak instead? Ooh, or, maybe a Gensect. Here me out!

Fair, but how big are Spinaraks? Are there other spider-like Pokemon?

Anyway I thought we already discussed this. It's not that it bit him, it's like the elemental spirits in Legend of Korra-they passed on elemental abilities. I don't think it should be random, there should be some sentience involved here, some choice of being worthy.

I've been rather wiggly about over-using the spirits to explain all canons. They're not that perfect a solution. But if the spirit of the Spider is already canon, then it's not that bad in this case.

It's a little complex, and we need things as simple as possible. Is there anything you can do to pare it down a little?

I'm fine with him building his own web shooters. You know in some versions, Peter was actually building web shooters before he was bitten, as some kind of thesis project or something.

I didn't know about this, and I love it so much. Pete is definitely the type who began his hero's journey before it actually, y'know, began.

We can say the Speed Force is a dimensional energy source like the Morphing Grid, with it's own science rules. The Particle Explosion basically broke the laws of science temporarily.

This I like. Let's do that.

Snarking is considered an antisocial compulsion? I don't know, it looks like you are just trying to find an excuse to make Peter Parker diagnosed as crazy. And I don't like you calling him a cowardly egghead. He was aware of his physical weaknesses and got bullied, that doesn't make him a coward. Yeah he developed bravado when he got powers (turning into a wrestler) but he's not crazy.

Snarking itself, no. But flipping around pulling jokes when a betentacled scientist is robbing a bank and threatening lives, including your own, strikes me as not properly valuing humanity or society. I'm not trying to call him "crazy," but bear in mind that everyone is on some spectrum of dysfunctional cognitive function, even if only slightly. Undergoing hard times or traumatic injury has a way of bringing it out more strongly. Doesn't need an excuse; more characters should be psychologically diverse. Goes a long way to show that antisocial people, the reclusive, and paranoid schizophrenics aren't monsters or crap like that. As to the slur, I'll admit to that, but my impression of Peter was that he was very conflict-averse and overly-focused on his studies in comparison to any form of social life, hobbies, building a career or a relationship, anything.

It's tough fitting all these into one system. At some point you need to decide what the tone of your world is going to be. Cynical, where everyone whose a hero is on the verge of insanity and wizards are hunted down? Or more upbeat and silly-yeah we've got cartoons and talking animals, but at the end of the day we know Superman/Captain Marvel are there to keep us safe.

Here I will actually draw a hard line of disagreement. The sooner I decide the tone, the more friction I will encounter from contributors who feel (INSERT CANON HERE) doesn't fit with the tone we're going for. Yes, I can absolutely adapt Gumball or Spongebob or My Little Pony into whatever grimdark or melodramatic context I want (and yes I very much can, don't doubt me), but other people do not know how competent I am in that regard. I literally established no tone at all yet, the very thing you're saying I should fix, and there were already people complaining about how X didn't fit the tone of Y.

And for the last time, I'm NOT okay with a cornball Toon World juxtaposed in with the rest. If we're going to integrate characters like Bugs Bunny and the Animaniacs, then they're going to have to fit in like everyone else. Are they anthromorphs like we've already handled? Are they aliens from another planet? Are they extra-dimensional beings like the Contemiglia from Ben 10? I'm particularly fond of the Fifth Dimension from DC, homeworld of Mr. Myxzptlyk. He's cartoony in practically any canon other than Smallville, even where it doesn't make sense. Especially where it doesn't make sense. So the Animaniacs and their toony kin would work great as 5D imps. Let's use that as a fallback if we can't support them another way. Perhaps these toon characters get their strange reality-bending properties from the same source as Wanda Maximoff's chaos magic.
That's what I said. They're about the same in terms of logic. Except that radioactivity came first, and that makes genetics looks like the modern and sensible alternative, or at least an attempt to be. Which failed. Rooting it in super soldier serum works for our purposes, though, so I like that.

I strangely like that less than radioactivity, but not quite as much as the genetic approach (sans serum). Not sure why, but it's more useful for our purposes.

Fair, but how big are Spinaraks? Are there other spider-like Pokemon?

Spinaraks are about a foot tall. Here's a list of Spider Pokemon.

I've been rather wiggly about over-using the spirits to explain all canons. They're not that perfect a solution. But if the spirit of the Spider is already canon, then it's not that bad in this case.

It's a little complex, and we need things as simple as possible. Is there anything you can do to pare it down a little?

Sure I can do that. Let's remove the Genesect and spirit stuff. Just make it Oz Formula and Pokemon.

OZCorp was working on a contract from the government/AEGIS to make a new super soldier serum, especially since Captain America's serum couldn't be replicated. So they experimented on a new formula and instead of using animal testing, they used pokemon testing. They attempted to try and see if incubating the serum in Pokemon, their powers could pass onto the serum.

The Spinarak experiment managed to escape and bit Peter Parker (sensing he was worthy), passing on the serum through it's venom, before it died. The serum, enhanced by the Bug Type Pokemon DNA, turned Peter Parker into Spider-man.

There that's it. We don't even need to make it pokemon if we don't want to. We can just say it's a normal spider.
Snarking itself, no. But flipping around pulling jokes when a betentacled scientist is robbing a bank and threatening lives, including your own, strikes me as not properly valuing humanity or society. I'm not trying to call him "crazy," but bear in mind that everyone is on some spectrum of dysfunctional cognitive function, even if only slightly. Undergoing hard times or traumatic injury has a way of bringing it out more strongly. Doesn't need an excuse; more characters should be psychologically diverse. Goes a long way to show that antisocial people, the reclusive, and paranoid schizophrenics aren't monsters or crap like that. As to the slur, I'll admit to that, but my impression of Peter was that he was very conflict-averse and overly-focused on his studies in comparison to any form of social life, hobbies, building a career or a relationship, anything.

Peter does have friends. Depending on the history, he was friends with Harry Osborn, Gwen and/or Mary Jane Watson. Snarking in combat has always been stated to be a way for him to hide his fears/insecurities.

Besides I feel slapping a psychological condition on Peter is quite a leap. I can say a lot of his 'difficulties' can be attributed to PTSD and Survivors Guilt, not only from the death of Uncle Ben, but also Gwen Stacy and even his parents.

While showcasing non-neurotypical people is admirable, I'm not sure it's a good idea to state characters who have complex emotional problems, can just have traits attributed to psychological disorders.

And antisocial or being reclusive is not a psychological disorder.
Here I will actually draw a hard line of disagreement. The sooner I decide the tone, the more friction I will encounter from contributors who feel (INSERT CANON HERE) doesn't fit with the tone we're going for. Yes, I can absolutely adapt Gumball or Spongebob or My Little Pony into whatever grimdark or melodramatic context I want (and yes I very much can, don't doubt me), but other people do not know how competent I am in that regard. I literally established no tone at all yet, the very thing you're saying I should fix, and there were already people complaining about how X didn't fit the tone of Y.

And for the last time, I'm NOT okay with a cornball Toon World juxtaposed in with the rest. If we're going to integrate characters like Bugs Bunny and the Animaniacs, then they're going to have to fit in like everyone else. Are they anthromorphs like we've already handled? Are they aliens from another planet? Are they extra-dimensional beings like the Contemiglia from Ben 10? I'm particularly fond of the Fifth Dimension from DC, homeworld of Mr. Myxzptlyk. He's cartoony in practically any canon other than Smallville, even where it doesn't make sense. Especially where it doesn't make sense. So the Animaniacs and their toony kin would work great as 5D imps. Let's use that as a fallback if we can't support them another way. Perhaps these toon characters get their strange reality-bending properties from the same source as Wanda Maximoff's chaos magic.
I have already shared my idea for why cartoons exist in my kingdom hearts post, and I never heard back from you. Can you let me know what you think?

Also, would you be OK if I write a short story or two set in this world, demonstrating my ideas for elements like the Refugee Toons and the hunting of Rowlings in the UK?
I have already shared my idea for why cartoons exist in my kingdom hearts post, and I never heard back from you. Can you let me know what you think?

Also, would you be OK if I write a short story or two set in this world, demonstrating my ideas for elements like the Refugee Toons and the hunting of Rowlings in the UK?

Go for it, and I'll use that in my overall analysis.
You thought, before you theadmarked seven pages you dumb bi-
I love projects like this, though I don't know why you've banned mythological characters. Active religions I get but not stuff like Hercules and Thor

You'e also a bit behind on Threadmarks.

I'm not actively threadmarking this because we haven't really gotten into the meat of the project. As for mythology, Hellenistic Pagans are making a resurgence, as are Norse Pagan faiths. I know a few people from both. They're not the item of the past that some people tend to think.
I'm not actively threadmarking this because we haven't really gotten into the meat of the project. As for mythology, Hellenistic Pagans are making a resurgence, as are Norse Pagan faiths. I know a few people from both. They're not the item of the past that some people tend to think.
I think that the Power Rangers idea that would posted a while back at least deserves a threadmark.

Anyway, Here's a non comprehensive list of Series that I can contribute for

Tremors, My Name is Earl, Transformers, My Little Pony, DC Stuff, Marvel Stuff, Godzilla, King Kong, Power Rangers, Darkwing Duck, Ducktales, Looney Tunes, Popeye, One Piece, Naruto, Dragonball, Bleach, Yu Gi Oh, Pokemon, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Lupin III, Alien, Friday the 13th, Halloween, The Terminator, Indianna Jones, Steven Universe, and Samurai Jack
I think that the Power Rangers idea that would posted a while back at least deserves a threadmark.

Anyway, Here's a non comprehensive list of Series that I can contribute for

Tremors, My Name is Earl, Transformers, My Little Pony, DC Stuff, Marvel Stuff, Godzilla, King Kong, Power Rangers, Darkwing Duck, Ducktales, Looney Tunes, Popeye, One Piece, Naruto, Dragonball, Bleach, Yu Gi Oh, Pokemon, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Lupin III, Alien, Friday the 13th, Halloween, The Terminator, Indianna Jones, Steven Universe, and Samurai Jack

I'll integrate them into the list soon, and we can start talking ideas. I'm a little distracted at the moment finishing up work adjustment program.
It's cool. I can wait

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you! I would be very interested to hear your input on Tremors, Transformers, MLP, Godzilla, Darkwing Duck/tales, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Yu Gi Oh, Jojo, Lupin III, the general slasherverse like F13 or Halloween, and Steven Universe. Anything, in general, but those especially.

Also, what does My Name Is Earl present that is different from the real world? I'm not familiar with the series.
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you! I would be very interested to hear your input on Tremors, Transformers, MLP, Godzilla, Darkwing Duck/tales, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Yu Gi Oh, Jojo, Lupin III, the general slasherverse like F13 or Halloween, and Steven Universe. Anything, in general, but those especially.

Also, what does My Name Is Earl present that is different from the real world? I'm not familiar with the series.
My name is Earl doesn't offer much, but I like it so I listed it XD

Now, as far as Godzilla goes, what sort of Origin are we giving him? Classic, or one of the newer ones?
My name is Earl doesn't offer much, but I like it so I listed it XD

Now, as far as Godzilla goes, what sort of Origin are we giving him? Classic, or one of the newer ones?
I'm fine either way, but if you want him to be Japanese origin rather than say from America like the US movie version/TV Show, you might want to think about tying him in to the Ultraman/SSSP stuff from my earlier post. I imagine Ultraman and/or the SSSP would have either fought Godzilla or perhaps helped Godzilla, depending which version of the big reptile you are going with.

Do you have a favorite version of Godzilla you'd prefer to use? Do you want to tie him to King Kong in someway? For example, in the tv show Godzilla and Kong: The Animated Series, the protagonists are actually connected with their respective giant monsters, who are descendents/clones of the original big monsters. Godzilla is a newborn who imprints on the protagonist, while Kong is genetically bonded with his protagonist. If you want to use that, perhaps there's a team of monsters controlled by humans, used to fight evil giant monsters.

If not, maybe King Kong is an almost divine protector of Gorilla City/a genetically engineered created one. Or go with whatever you want-I'm not a Godzilla expert or a King Kong one.
Jcogginsa: Godzilla
I'm fine either way, but if you want him to be Japanese origin rather than say from America like the US movie version/TV Show, you might want to think about tying him in to the Ultraman/SSSP stuff from my earlier post. I imagine Ultraman and/or the SSSP would have either fought Godzilla or perhaps helped Godzilla, depending which version of the big reptile you are going with.

Do you have a favorite version of Godzilla you'd prefer to use? Do you want to tie him to King Kong in someway? For example, in the tv show Godzilla and Kong: The Animated Series, the protagonists are actually connected with their respective giant monsters, who are descendents/clones of the original big monsters. Godzilla is a newborn who imprints on the protagonist, while Kong is genetically bonded with his protagonist. If you want to use that, perhaps there's a team of monsters controlled by humans, used to fight evil giant monsters.

If not, maybe King Kong is an almost divine protector of Gorilla City/a genetically engineered created one. Or go with whatever you want-I'm not a Godzilla expert or a King Kong one.
I'm fine either way, but if you want him to be Japanese origin rather than say from America like the US movie version/TV Show, you might want to think about tying him in to the Ultraman/SSSP stuff from my earlier post. I imagine Ultraman and/or the SSSP would have either fought Godzilla or perhaps helped Godzilla, depending which version of the big reptile you are going with.

Do you have a favorite version of Godzilla you'd prefer to use? Do you want to tie him to King Kong in someway? For example, in the tv show Godzilla and Kong: The Animated Series, the protagonists are actually connected with their respective giant monsters, who are descendents/clones of the original big monsters. Godzilla is a newborn who imprints on the protagonist, while Kong is genetically bonded with his protagonist. If you want to use that, perhaps there's a team of monsters controlled by humans, used to fight evil giant monsters.

If not, maybe King Kong is an almost divine protector of Gorilla City/a genetically engineered created one. Or go with whatever you want-I'm not a Godzilla expert or a King Kong one.
I prefer the Japanese origin, as it allows Godzilla to be a thematic rival to Superman. Superman is the product of Humanities best values, whereas Godzilla is the product of it's worst.

As the the animated series, I'd like to incorporate them, but the Godzilla used would be Godzilla Jr., who would be based on the one from the animted series.

Ultraman would likely fight along side Mothra against Ghidorah.

BTW, our ultraman post mentions the Templars. I have an idea to connect them to the Transformers
I prefer the Japanese origin, as it allows Godzilla to be a thematic rival to Superman. Superman is the product of Humanities best values, whereas Godzilla is the product of it's worst.

As the the animated series, I'd like to incorporate them, but the Godzilla used would be Godzilla Jr., who would be based on the one from the animted series.

Ultraman would likely fight along side Mothra against Ghidorah.

BTW, our ultraman post mentions the Templars. I have an idea to connect them to the Transformers
Yeah Godzilla Jr being the animated version makes sense.

Go nuts with the Templars. The only thing I really had planned for them is for the modern version to basically take the place of the Forever Knights from Ben 10, because they basically do the same stuff.

So I guess your Godzilla is a lot more antagonistic rather than heroic? Works for me. Let me know what you come up with, and if you have any plans to tie it into anything from Pacific Rim (like the Jaeger Program, or those aliens that make Kaiju) or not.
Yeah Godzilla Jr being the animated version makes sense.

Go nuts with the Templars. The only thing I really had planned for them is for the modern version to basically take the place of the Forever Knights from Ben 10, because they basically do the same stuff.

So I guess your Godzilla is a lot more antagonistic rather than heroic? Works for me. Let me know what you come up with, and if you have any plans to tie it into anything from Pacific Rim (like the Jaeger Program, or those aliens that make Kaiju) or not.
Godzilla would still taken an Anti-Heroic turn, as a result of Superman 'winning' the rivalry.

As for the Templars, My idea was to have them be founded in part by Megatron
As for the Templars, My idea was to have them be founded in part by Megatron

Is this something related to that Transformers The Last Knight movie, which involved the Knights of the Round Table? Because I have not seen that, so you are going to have to explain this in great detail to me. But I want to stress, you have my rapt attention.
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Is this something related to that Transformers The Last Knight movie, which involved the Knights of the Round Table? Because I have not seen that, so you are going to have to explain this in great detail to me. But I want to stress, you have my rapt attention.
No, nothing to do with the Last Night, I haven't see that.

The reason I think Megatron should be the founder of the Templars is because they have very similar ideologies, which can be summed up with the sentence "Peace through Tyranny"

They both believe that Free will is too dangerous and that true peace can only come from controlling the populace.

As to how Megatron gets in position to control the Templars, that's based on certain events that happened in the Animated and Live Action universes: Megatron travelled to Earth seeking the All Spark, but sabotage from Starscream wounded him en route, reducing him to just a head. This still living head Founded the Templars as a means of getting himself a new body built.
No, nothing to do with the Last Night, I haven't see that.

The reason I think Megatron should be the founder of the Templars is because they have very similar ideologies, which can be summed up with the sentence "Peace through Tyranny"

They both believe that Free will is too dangerous and that true peace can only come from controlling the populace.

As to how Megatron gets in position to control the Templars, that's based on certain events that happened in the Animated and Live Action universes: Megatron travelled to Earth seeking the All Spark, but sabotage from Starscream wounded him en route, reducing him to just a head. This still living head Founded the Templars as a means of getting himself a new body built.

I hear your reasoning, but Megatron is also a psychopath who regards humans like ants. For him to found and lead a human organization, they would have to defy that...somewhow. Are the Templars/Forever Knights robotic? If so, how are they different than the Autobots and more like the Decepticons? If they're not robotic, are they on some level that makes him respect them? What would that be?
I hear your reasoning, but Megatron is also a psychopath who regards humans like ants. For him to found and lead a human organization, they would have to defy that...somewhow. Are the Templars/Forever Knights robotic? If so, how are they different than the Autobots and more like the Decepticons? If they're not robotic, are they on some level that makes him respect them? What would that be?
Well, when Megatron founds them, he is merely a head, with no ability to act on his own. He needs them to get anything done. Initially he regards them as merely pawns, but over time he developes some fondness for them, so that by the time he regains his body, he values them about as much as he does the other cons
Well, when Megatron founds them, he is merely a head, with no ability to act on his own. He needs them to get anything done. Initially he regards them as merely pawns, but over time he developes some fondness for them, so that by the time he regains his body, he values them about as much as he does the other cons

CoreBrute, how do you feel about that justification?