FusionVerse - Combining All The Stories

Cracking the Disney Egg: aka where's Neverland?

Since we are discussing locations I thought this might be a chance to discuss Disney movie properties (and the fairy tales they come from to an extent), and how to integrate them. There are a few ways we can deal with them, and we can use different options for different specific properties.

First idea: My Storybook is a History Book with a few tweaks

This is sort of what we've done with Frozen, where the Disney stories are basically telling events that happened in the past, but with the idea that some of it may have been exaggerated.

Stories like Mulan and Pocahahuntus are great examples, because they are for the most part stories that are based in history. But we could easily do this with things like Tarzan and the hunchback of Notre Damme or more magical stories like Tangled and Moana if we want. If their magic doesn't work the way our magic system does, we can just say the truth was lost to history and story tellers got confused. It's not precise but neither is history. It also means we can have stories of the descendents of heroes like Mulan and Tarzan meeting up for adventures, while Captain Hook's great grandson might wonder if the real treasure is friendship.

It also works well for Fate/Stay Night, as they take heroes from history/mythology. Or at least, how they are remembered. The true figures can be very different from how they are remembered (Looking at you King Arthur/Sabre).

2nd idea: Separate Dimensions (Kingdom Hearts Model)

In this set up, every Disney movie takes place in their own dimension (or realm as I will call from now), separated from each other by space/time. You can only visit them with either powerful teleportation magic, a special vessel like a Gummi Ship, or some other item of power like a magic bean (Once Upon time). Each realm has their own rules that affect those who visit.

For example, those who visit the Pride Rock realm (Lion King) or the Monsters Inc realm get turned into animals/monsters respectively. These rules might not be so strict depending on the method of travel. Going through a door to Monster Inc doesn't change your species because those doors are designed not to do that.

Those who travel through realms are encouraged not to reveal to the inhabitants of those realms they are from other realms, or that there are other realms.

In this version, if people have heard of the stories of these realms, it's because dreamers may have had visions of them in the past, or visitors from those realms wrote stories/movies in the Fusionverse Earth of their lives which were sold as fiction.

Or it might be that they, like Tamriel (Elder Scrolls), only exist because those who've heard the stories or watched the movies believe in them. As long as children believe in the Disney worlds, they exist as other realms.

3rd: It's a small world after all (The Once Upon a Time/Fables model)

In this model all the Disney stories (and/or fairy tails) happened in the same dimension. The Evil queen in one story was probably the same evil queen as in another story, or at least was friends with her.

All the Disney characters have a chance to interact with each other, and probably do (maybe they hang at the House of Mouse).

Perhaps, due to a curse or an invasion of their homes all these Disney/fairytale characters escaped their home dimension to come live in Fusionverse. Those who weren't human but sentient like the three little pigs or the mice from Cinderella, may use magic to turn/disguise themselves as human. Or they may have run off to Zootopia, pretending to be like one of the animals there, rather than a refugee from another dimension.

Also because they are from another dimension, their magic probably works very different from normal magic. Their brand of magic might even be in short supply and they have to hoard the limited amount they have/can produce, and what magical items they have.

However, it's definitely possible and likely that the stories we hear about these characters are very different from what actually happened to these Disney/Fairy tale characters. Whether that's because the fairy tails are only similar by chance to reality, or because someone is "whitewashing" their stories for their own purpose. There is more nuance than just black and white, and who are the real villains and heroes may not match to the story you may know.

So those are the options I can imagine to handle Disney/Fairy tails. I'm sure we can mix and match, but I think we should consider if we want fairy tale versions of the Disney charactwes as well, or is it a case of one or the other. Cause some fairy tail or Fable versions are very different from Disney versions.

Do people have suggestions of which method they like, improvements, or even just which movies work for which method?
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I'm down with these animal and robot cities, as long as we make it clear that this is not segregation. The animals/robots built these habitats as a sanctuary from a diverse and often unforgiving world, themselves, to have a place where their populations do not meet as much oppression from humans/non-animals/organics. These are NOT places where humans or another race stuck the animals or robots to control them.

"My Storybook is a History Book with a few tweaks" sounds the best to me. Kingdom Hearts' approach is controversial because many people think it is too confusing and poorly defined. We could improve on it, but can't use it as-is. I don't object to the 3rd idea, and would be fine using it, but the 1st works better for me. Mainly because Disney magic being separate and working differently is needlessly complicated. If they're from another dimension, they file under Dimensional Magic. Simple. Off the top of my head, I don't see an example in Disney where my breakdown of Mantle/Sympathy/Iconic and White/Chaos/Black can't apply. Especially given how flexible my categories are supposed to be.
Of course robots and animals aren't forced to live in those cities. But it was made with them in mind by their own kind.

You can still find them in other cities as usual. I'm not saying there aren't parts of the world's where robots or anthros might be persecuted (I imagine Latveria doesn't like autonomous robots that don't obey Doom), but I'm sure you can find them in a lot of cities.
(I imagine Latveria doesn't like autonomous robots that don't obey Doom), but I'm sure you can find them in a lot of cities.

Sounds like a good source of Doombots, if you ask me. Find a robot wandering around doing its own thing? Reformat it to fend off all those pesky superheroes, wizards, magical ponies, ki-blasting aliens, and so on. Geez, Doom really has his work cut out for him this time.
Locations That Need Definition
Cars - Is there a location on Earth with sentient cars? Is the Cars setting in our world's distant future?
Donkey Kong - Kong Island has to be somewhere. Is it related to Zootopia? Is it a separate location?
Dragon Ball - Their world has anthro animals and humans living in the same society as equals. There's even a dog as President, ffs. So this would not be Zootopia, but would also not be a place where anthro animals are oppressed. Where does this diverse setting take place in our world?
Disney - I know Arendelle, but I'm not familiar with very many places aside from that. I'd imagine Disneyworld/Disneyland is probably not a thing, same goes for the company Disney itself, though Walt Disney may have lived at one point. In some form.
Last Airbender - Where were the Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, Water Tribes, and Air Nomad Temples? They were in the past, but where geographically? What occupies that space now?
RWBY - I'm thinking that Remnant is NOT Earth. One way we can tell this is that the Moon was shattered by the God of Darkness. Did the people of Remnant come here from somewhere else, bringing the Grimm and Dust with them? Or did Dust, Auras, Grimm, etc. emerge here natively? Do Atlas, Mistral, Vacuo, and Vale exist in some form?
Spy Kids - Romero's Island is out there somewhere, still occupied by Romero and hybrid creatures. Sounds related to the events of Impossible Creatures, too.
Super Mario - Where is the Mushroom Kingdom? Sarasaland? Other locations?
Locations That Need Definition
Cars - Is there a location on Earth with sentient cars? Is the Cars setting in our world's distant future?

I already offered an answer to the Cars thing. TLDR, the first sentient car was Herbie, and they gain sentience same way Toys do, through love. So sentient cars (and maybe other vehicles like planes) exist around the world, and may even have their own racing league.

Donkey Kong - Kong Island has to be somewhere. Is it related to Zootopia? Is it a separate location?
I think Kong Island is probably where Gorilla City (DC comics) is located, and may serve as a protector of his primate bretheren. Either willingly, or because Gorilla Grodd uses psionic powers to force obedience.
Dragon Ball - Their world has anthro animals and humans living in the same society as equals. There's even a dog as President, ffs. So this would not be Zootopia, but would also not be a place where anthro animals are oppressed. Where does this diverse setting take place in our world?
I mean the setting could basically be Freedomverse. They've got aliens, androids, magic, basically you could just take the characters and put them anywhere really. As for where the Z-fighters hang out when they aren't flying all over the world, I'm imagining somewhere either in Japan (source origin) or America near the rockies (all those canyons to fight in). Personally I'd say we put them in the same city as Phoenix Wright, because I imagine Chi-chi has the poor guy on retainer to help whenever Goku accidentally causes damages in a fight.
Disney - I know Arendelle, but I'm not familiar with very many places aside from that. I'd imagine Disneyworld/Disneyland is probably not a thing, same goes for the company Disney itself, though Walt Disney may have lived at one point. In some form.
Most Disney places are based on Earth cultures throughout history, so it's easy to look at the influence to figure out where to put it. Frozen is set somewhere in Netherlands, Aladdin is set in Agrabah which is somewhere in the Middle East, Moana is set in the Polynesian Islands, etc. Just type in the movie and ask where it's set in google and you'll have enough fan theories with evidence to figure it out.
Last Airbender - Where were the Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, Water Tribes, and Air Nomad Temples? They were in the past, but where geographically? What occupies that space now?
I imagine Avatar was set in Asia, like across all of Asia, as that was the influence for the setting. Maybe at some point there was a united Asia which founded Republic City, but that fell to the wayside due to various historical events. Republic City, I'm not sure if it will still exist. It may have fallen apart due to strife, or spirit invasions, since it was formed in the 17th century, but it could still be there if you want it too.
RWBY - I'm thinking that Remnant is NOT Earth. One way we can tell this is that the Moon was shattered by the God of Darkness. Did the people of Remnant come here from somewhere else, bringing the Grimm and Dust with them? Or did Dust, Auras, Grimm, etc. emerge here natively? Do Atlas, Mistral, Vacuo, and Vale exist in some form?
I thought we agreed no using products that weren't finished, and RWBY is still ongoing?
Spy Kids - Romero's Island is out there somewhere, still occupied by Romero and hybrid creatures. Sounds related to the events of Impossible Creatures, too.
The video game impossible creatures? There's a cool thought.

Maybe he's trying to create a new Monroe's island, but with animals subservient to him? Maybe after his plan was thwarted by Spy Kids, he was recruited by a private think tank to use his DNA hybridization skill to form their new project, Jurassic World.
Super Mario - Where is the Mushroom Kingdom? Sarasaland? Other locations?
Well I think Mario is from New York, and he went to the Mushroom Kingdom through a pipe he found while being a plumber. So either Mushroom Kingdom is another dimension, or it's in the centre of the earth (Space Jam style) or the pipe works like a stargate and they're on another planet.

As for why there's a baby Mario in Mushroom kingdom, maybe he was born there with his brother, and then for some reason his parents (or maybe Yoshi) took him to the human world. Probably because Mushroom Kingdom has giant Koopas kidnapping royalty among other threats.

I prefer the idea Mushroom Kingdom is at the centre of the Earth than another dimension, because that explains how they have been recognised as a nation and are invited to compete in the Olympics since 2008.
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Actually I had a thought about Kong. You know how in the Black Panther movie the M'bari tribe worshiped a gorilla deity called Hanuman? Well since we aren't using real religions (Hanuman is Hindu), what if the deity they worshiped was King Kong or an ancestor of his? Maybe that means Wakanda and Kong Island are close to one another, or the M'bari tribe emigrated from Kong Island Skull Island to Wakanda around the time the vibranium meteorite fell. Maybe Kong Skull Island is off the east coast of Africa.
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Actually I had a thought about Kong. You know how in the Black Panther movie the M'bari tribe worshiped a gorilla deity called Hanuman? Well since we aren't using real religions (Hanuman is Hindu), what if the deity they worshiped was King Kong or an ancestor of his? Maybe that means Wakanda and Kong Island are close to one another, or the M'bari tribe emigrated from Kong Island to Wakanda around the time the vibranium meteorite fell. Maybe Kong Island is off the east coast of Africa.
King Kong doesn't live on Kong Island, he lives on Skull Island. Donkey Kong lives on Kong Island
RWBY - I'm thinking that Remnant is NOT Earth. One way we can tell this is that the Moon was shattered by the God of Darkness.

Why not? Let's have the moon be shattered. Or damaged in someway. I can think of at least three other settings where the moon has been damaged: Aldnoah. Zero because of the earth/Martian war, Dragon ball where both Master Roshi and Picolo destroyed the moon to stop Saiyan ape transformations, and Assassination Classroom due to the process that made Kurosensei.

Perhaps the damaging of the moon affected the tide, which is why lost cities are appearing from under water. It could also be why the Atlanteans and their ilk are getting more active in land affairs, given the loss of a moon affects their watery kingdoms. Perhaps that's encouraging people to find a way to transport off earth, or use magic/science together in a way to keep earth stable. Maybe they are trying to make a new moon.

EDIT: I know it's probably not relevant, but have you guys heard of CABUM or The Citizen Association to Blow Up the Moon? How is that a thing? It's amazing. Hopefully a joke, but you never know. They want to blow up the moon to stop werewolves from existing.

King Kong doesn't live on Kong Island, he lives on Skull Island. Donkey Kong lives on Kong Island
Well don't I have egg on my face. Yup, Skull Island is correct. As for the Donkey Kong family, maybe they either live on Skull Island too, or perhaps their island is the one that's been turned to Zootopia (so their descendants are inhabitants of Zootopia). Or maybe they live on an island nearby-it explains why there's a monarchy (King K. Rool). Could be like an animal archipelago, one island has Zootopia, another has Kong Island, and another has whatever island Sonic and Friends takes place on.
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I already offered an answer to the Cars thing. TLDR, the first sentient car was Herbie, and they gain sentience same way Toys do, through love. So sentient cars (and maybe other vehicles like planes) exist around the world, and may even have their own racing league.

Oh sorry, I totally forgot! It's a great idea, but it raises an odd question. If toys (including robots) are sentient because of love/the Blue Light of Hope, and cars are sentient for the same reason, what does that say about Cybertronians? They are robots AND cars! I know, stupid, but hear me out. They're always fighting over this mythical power source of theirs, the AllSpark. What if the AllSpark is a Blue Lantern Power Battery? I'm not saying we change what the AllSpark canonically is, but what if it has the same purpose and properties? Just as the Blue Lantern Corps draws on their battery to power their Hope-based rings, Cybertronians, the distant ancestors of toys and cars, draw on a massive and powerful Blue Battery for THEIR power!

I hate and loathe that I even thought about this part, but this really gives us a chance to use the Michael Bay movies. In their canon, humans reverse-engineered Megatron to come up with a bunch of modern tech. That could explain why our toys and our cars are so intimately related to Cybertron. Huh? Huh? Huh?

I think Kong Island is probably where Gorilla City (DC comics) is located, and may serve as a protector of his primate bretheren. Either willingly, or because Gorilla Grodd uses psionic powers to force obedience.

I mean the setting could basically be Freedomverse. They've got aliens, androids, magic, basically you could just take the characters and put them anywhere really. As for where the Z-fighters hang out when they aren't flying all over the world, I'm imagining somewhere either in Japan (source origin) or America near the rockies (all those canyons to fight in). Personally I'd say we put them in the same city as Phoenix Wright, because I imagine Chi-chi has the poor guy on retainer to help whenever Goku accidentally causes damages in a fight.

Not terribly familiar with Freedomverse. But I like the direction you're going with this.

Most Disney places are based on Earth cultures throughout history, so it's easy to look at the influence to figure out where to put it. Frozen is set somewhere in Netherlands, Aladdin is set in Agrabah which is somewhere in the Middle East, Moana is set in the Polynesian Islands, etc. Just type in the movie and ask where it's set in google and you'll have enough fan theories with evidence to figure it out.

All solid points. Good on you! Maybe what's going on with Disney is something Doctor Strange related/Doctor Fate related, a sort of mystical side world akin to Diagon Alley and magical Britain, but everywhere. The Disney movies portray real locations like America, China, and so on, but unknown parts of them that dip into the mystical world.

I imagine Avatar was set in Asia, like across all of Asia, as that was the influence for the setting. Maybe at some point there was a united Asia which founded Republic City, but that fell to the wayside due to various historical events. Republic City, I'm not sure if it will still exist. It may have fallen apart due to strife, or spirit invasions, since it was formed in the 17th century, but it could still be there if you want it too.

Works for me!

I thought we agreed no using products that weren't finished, and RWBY is still ongoing?

If you read my original statement, it's not that products like GenLock and the Dragon Prince aren't finished, it's that they're barely started by comparison to larger fictional canons like Stargate and Dragon Ball. One or two small seasons, on RoosterTeeth or Netflix, is not a lot. RWBY, on the other hand, is going into its seventh season. If you recompile it to be more normal length, that's like its third or fourth. It's getting up there, has a huge fan following, and is very big on this site and QQ in particular. We'd be remiss not to incorporate some aspects of it, but I am being careful. Notice how I'm not using their magic system at all? It's because they barely have one to speak of, even though magic is so important. Dust and Semblances? We can use those. Grimm? We can use those. But not the sort of magic that Salem and Ozpin wield. This is why, if we do go with a shattered moon, it's not going to be for the reason shown in RWBY.

The video game impossible creatures? There's a cool thought.

YES! I love that game, and it never got enough attention. It also fits perfectly with the influence Spy Kids 2 will have on the Fusionverse.

Well I think Mario is from New York, and he went to the Mushroom Kingdom through a pipe he found while being a plumber. So either Mushroom Kingdom is another dimension, or it's in the centre of the earth (Space Jam style) or the pipe works like a stargate and they're on another planet.

As for why there's a baby Mario in Mushroom kingdom, maybe he was born there with his brother, and then for some reason his parents (or maybe Yoshi) took him to the human world. Probably because Mushroom Kingdom has giant Koopas kidnapping royalty among other threats.

I prefer the idea Mushroom Kingdom is at the centre of the Earth than another dimension, because that explains how they have been recognised as a nation and are invited to compete in the Olympics since 2008.

Forgot he was from Brooklyn. That makes a lot of sense, actually.

Actually I had a thought about Kong. You know how in the Black Panther movie the M'bari tribe worshiped a gorilla deity called Hanuman? Well since we aren't using real religions (Hanuman is Hindu), what if the deity they worshiped was King Kong or an ancestor of his? Maybe that means Wakanda and Kong Island are close to one another, or the M'bari tribe emigrated from Kong Island Skull Island to Wakanda around the time the vibranium meteorite fell. Maybe Kong Skull Island is off the east coast of Africa.

This is good stuff. We can't use Hanuman, it's true, but a name-changed variant like King Kong would work just fine.

Why not? Let's have the moon be shattered. Or damaged in someway. I can think of at least three other settings where the moon has been damaged: Aldnoah. Zero because of the earth/Martian war, Dragon ball where both Master Roshi and Picolo destroyed the moon to stop Saiyan ape transformations, and Assassination Classroom due to the process that made Kurosensei.

Perhaps the damaging of the moon affected the tide, which is why lost cities are appearing from under water. It could also be why the Atlanteans and their ilk are getting more active in land affairs, given the loss of a moon affects their watery kingdoms. Perhaps that's encouraging people to find a way to transport off earth, or use magic/science together in a way to keep earth stable. Maybe they are trying to make a new moon.

EDIT: I know it's probably not relevant, but have you guys heard of CABUM or The Citizen Association to Blow Up the Moon? How is that a thing? It's amazing. Hopefully a joke, but you never know. They want to blow up the moon to stop werewolves from existing.

Well don't I have egg on my face. Yup, Skull Island is correct. As for the Donkey Kong family, maybe they either live on Skull Island too, or perhaps their island is the one that's been turned to Zootopia (so their descendants are inhabitants of Zootopia). Or maybe they live on an island nearby-it explains why there's a monarchy (King K. Rool). Could be like an animal archipelago, one island has Zootopia, another has Kong Island, and another has whatever island Sonic and Friends takes place on.

Oh, we could definitely do a damaged moon, and you make a sound argument for why. We just hadn't discussed it yet, so I was operating under the impression the moon was intact. Does any canon we're adapting really REQUIRE an undamaged moon? Like, would the canon be fruitless without one?
Oh sorry, I totally forgot! It's a great idea, but it raises an odd question. If toys (including robots) are sentient because of love/the Blue Light of Hope, and cars are sentient for the same reason, what does that say about Cybertronians? They are robots AND cars! I know, stupid, but hear me out. They're always fighting over this mythical power source of theirs, the AllSpark. What if the AllSpark is a Blue Lantern Power Battery? I'm not saying we change what the AllSpark canonically is, but what if it has the same purpose and properties? Just as the Blue Lantern Corps draws on their battery to power their Hope-based rings, Cybertronians, the distant ancestors of toys and cars, draw on a massive and powerful Blue Battery for THEIR power!

I hate and loathe that I even thought about this part, but this really gives us a chance to use the Michael Bay movies. In their canon, humans reverse-engineered Megatron to come up with a bunch of modern tech. That could explain why our toys and our cars are so intimately related to Cybertron. Huh? Huh? Huh?
Are we really that desperate to use the Micheal Bay Movies?

Besides Toy Story affects objects not made out of metal, like the little green plastic soldiers, Lotso the stuffed bear, and Forky from the new movie (who we see be built in the trailer). So them being made out of Cybertronian tech doesn't work. Also, why use that tech to make toys?

I never said robots are sentient because of love, there are many random reasons a robot can achieve sentience.

Besides Transformers are cars because (from what I understand) they scanned cars when they came to Earth and used that as their disguise. It's just a cover.

Personally I am not a fan of this idea.
Not terribly familiar with Freedomverse. But I like the direction you're going with this.

Typo, I meant fusionverse, not freedomverse.
All solid points. Good on you! Maybe what's going on with Disney is something Doctor Strange related/Doctor Fate related, a sort of mystical side world akin to Diagon Alley and magical Britain, but everywhere. The Disney movies portray real locations like America, China, and so on, but unknown parts of them that dip into the mystical world.
Sure. They are also basically legends retold, so they aren't necessarily 1-1 accurate with what really happened.
If you read my original statement, it's not that products like GenLock and the Dragon Prince aren't finished, it's that they're barely started by comparison to larger fictional canons like Stargate and Dragon Ball. One or two small seasons, on RoosterTeeth or Netflix, is not a lot. RWBY, on the other hand, is going into its seventh season. If you recompile it to be more normal length, that's like its third or fourth. It's getting up there, has a huge fan following, and is very big on this site and QQ in particular. We'd be remiss not to incorporate some aspects of it, but I am being careful. Notice how I'm not using their magic system at all? It's because they barely have one to speak of, even though magic is so important. Dust and Semblances? We can use those. Grimm? We can use those. But not the sort of magic that Salem and Ozpin wield. This is why, if we do go with a shattered moon, it's not going to be for the reason shown in RWBY.
Fine fine. But I don't know the geography to really help here, but maybe there doesn't have to be exact one to one translations with locations in RWBY and Fusionverse?

YES! I love that game, and it never got enough attention. It also fits perfectly with the influence Spy Kids 2 will have on the Fusionverse.
Surprised the see Spy Kids is going to have a significant influence on Fusionverse. As a fan, I'm looking forward to it. Any plans to tie the spy kid agency with the Kids Next Door? Maybe in opposition to one another, because Spy Kids work for adults, while KND refuse to?

Oh, we could definitely do a damaged moon, and you make a sound argument for why. We just hadn't discussed it yet, so I was operating under the impression the moon was intact. Does any canon we're adapting really REQUIRE an undamaged moon? Like, would the canon be fruitless without one?
Inhumans comes to mind because they live on the moon. I imagine they get pissed when their home is damaged, and they might attack Earth and Mars at that point. Basically any setting involving Moon People. Again, the moon could undergoing repairs.
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Are we really that desperate to use the Micheal Bay Movies?

Besides Toy Story affects objects not made out of metal, like the little green plastic soldiers, Lotso the stuffed bear, and Forky from the new movie (who we see be built in the trailer). So them being made out of Cybertronian tech doesn't work. Also, why use that tech to make toys?

I never said robots are sentient because of love, there are many random reasons a robot can achieve sentience.

Besides Transformers are cars because (from what I understand) they scanned cars when they came to Earth and used that as their disguise. It's just a cover.

Personally I am not a fan of this idea.

Not married to the idea at all, but when it comes to this project, I make connections quickly and then weed out the bad ones later. Although, I'm not necessarily saying we take it whole-cloth. Consider though, that there are aliens in Fusionverse that are like giant robots, and can turn into cars. The implications of this could be useful.

Typo, I meant fusionverse, not freedomverse.
Sure. They are also basically legends retold, so they aren't necessarily 1-1 accurate with what really happened.
Fine fine. But I don't know the geography to really help here, but maybe there doesn't have to be exact one to one translations with locations in RWBY and Fusionverse?

Surprised the see Spy Kids is going to have a significant influence on Fusionverse. As a fan, I'm looking forward to it. Any plans to tie the spy kid agency with the Kids Next Door? Maybe in opposition to one another, because Spy Kids work for adults, while KND refuse to?

That's what I was thinking. Remnant is pretty different from our setting in a lot of ways, so we should stick to borrowing materials from RWBY rather than bringing it in all the way. As for Spy Kids, I can't see 1 and 3 having much of an impact overall, and haven't watched 4 or the Netflix series, but 2 could definitely be useful. And yes, the KND would be totally opposed to an organization of adults using kids as agents. Especially seeing as many Spy Kids are approaching the age where KND would wipe their memories, or already have.

Inhumans comes to mind because they live on the moon. I imagine they get pissed when their home is damaged, and they might attack Earth and Mars at that point. Basically any setting involving Moon People. Again, the moon could undergoing repairs.

Yup, but hasn't Black Bolt damaged the moon before?
More Locations!

A Certain Magical Index/A Certain Scientific Railgun - I don't know these at all, is there any special places we need to include?

A Song of Ice And Fire/Game Of Thrones - Don't know this franchise either. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that our setting is not the same world as the one from the books/show, but I need help with that one.

Babylon 5 - This one's in space. Anything about Earth I need to know?

Bayonetta - Any special places from Bayonetta?

Case Closed/Detective Conan - Don't know this one either.

Castlevania - Well, Dracula's Castle is a thing. Pretty sure it canonically only appears during an eclipse?

Dead Space - SPAAAAACE! Anything about Earth I should know?

Devil May Cry - Same question as Bayonetta.

Discworld - Well, for one, the setting of Discworld is extremely different from ours. Is it another dimension? Are we only including some aspects from the setting? I don't know enough about it to say.

Dungeons & Dragons/Pathfinder - There's so much setting material for the Forgotten Realms and Golarion that I don't know what to do with this. I think the best thing to do is have D&D-esque stuff emerge in our world as a result of Tamriel appearing. Not that they're from Tamriel, but that the people and places of our setting change somewhat to deal with Tamriel's arrival in the world. Wizards appear with Vancian spell preparation, there's an increase of Paladins, lots more mythological monsters more openly than in Harry Potter, and so on. Thoughts, anyone?

Dwarf Fortress - While I have played it, I don't know nearly enough about it, and the world in which your game takes place is random generated. Anybody got ideas?

F-Zero - Takes place in the future of Fusionverse. Ignore.

Fallout - Well, our setting didn't get wiped out by nukes...yet.

Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts - I need experts here. All I know is that the FF games don't all take place on the same world. FFX is on Zanarkand, for example. So maybe OUR setting has its own Final Fantasy: its own Big Bad, its own host of heroes, its own Biggs and Wedge and Cid, etc. As for Kingdom Hearts' involvement, Fusionverse would be a single World in their cosmology, to which the Gummi Ship could travel. But in ours, how do we want to handle the influence of that series?

Fire Emblem - We could easily adapt the events of these games so that some version of them took place either in Tamriel, or the past of our setting.

Flintstones/Jetsons - Ancient history/distant future

Geneforge - I don't think I've even heard of Geneforge.

Girl Genius - Why do I get the feeling this one is going to be a doozy?

Godzilla - Monster Island's gotta be in there somewhere.

Gundam - Lotsa work to do here, and I've never watched Gundam.

How To Train Your Dragon - Berk is probably near Arendelle somewhere. Who knows...

Incredibles - Nomanisan Island is still out there, even if Syndrome isn't.

Infamous - Watched Second Son as a let's play, don't know much about the rest. There's some kind of Incident, though. Has it happened in our world? Has it happened YET?

Interstellar - One possible future of our setting.

Jak and Daxter - Different world than ours, so I'm not sure how to make use of it. Eco and Dark Eco could be a thing though. I feel like we don't want to know what happens if the Grimm get a hold of it, or if a Pokemon gets dunked in Dark Eco.

Kiki's Delivery Service - Haven't seen it, regrettably. Anything I need to know?

Killzone - This is on a different planet, I think. Helghast, right?

Kirby - I think in the shared canon of Pikmin and Kirby, something terrible has happened to Future Earth. So we might use those two settings in some way, but not directly. Rest assured, Kirby is probably around somewhere.

Legend of Zelda - Is Hyrule on our planet? Is it its own world in our galaxy? Anyone know LoZ well enough to talk about this?

Lord of the Rings - Arda is canonically Earth from days gone by. So we can safely say its events happened in the past.

Lupin III - Don't know. Watched the first few minutes and fell asleep.

(more to come)
A Song of Ice And Fire/Game Of Thrones: I thought Westeros could have taken place in our version of England, taking the place of the War of the Roses in history.

As for Valyria, there are some potential ideas where our dragon riders may have come from. Maybe Tamriel existed on earth in the past in some form, and dragons came from it before it vanished. Or maybe the last of the Berk dragon riders? In some form.

Bayonetta and DMC: takes place basically on Earth aside from the times they go to hell/heaven. Or hell invades earth.

Pathfinder: you know Pathfinder has a sci-fi setting called Starfinder, set thousands of years afterwards. The planet Golarian (where Pathfinder takes place) has been lost after 800 years of history and memory disappeared. So now there's sci-fi races as well as familiar fantasy races like Halflings and Elves in space. Maybe in the modern timeline we have Starfinder stuff interacting with guardians of the galaxy etc.

Zelda: got to be careful with that. There's at least 3 time lines of games so we need to figure which one we want to use, or bits from all of them maybe?
Eh, right now I just have some spread thoughts on it:

- ALL things that exist (and don't exist, as well) have stats. From bacteria to Gods.

- How do we handle the "Monsters are made of magic?

- The power of DETERMINATION comes directly from Creation. After all, creation was willed/done "with Determination". And instead of being a human wide thing, here the number of beings that have DETERMINATION can be counted with one hand. And 3 come from Undertale already

- Also, we'll definitely stick to the Pacifist Route
Disk world is literally on the back of four elephants standing on a turtle that is swimming through space. It could be anywhere in space.

I would love to see the reaction of a vulkan, or vulkan like race to it.
A Song of Ice And Fire/Game Of Thrones: I thought Westeros could have taken place in our version of England, taking the place of the War of the Roses in history.

As for Valyria, there are some potential ideas where our dragon riders may have come from. Maybe Tamriel existed on earth in the past in some form, and dragons came from it before it vanished. Or maybe the last of the Berk dragon riders? In some form.

Bayonetta and DMC: takes place basically on Earth aside from the times they go to hell/heaven. Or hell invades earth.

Pathfinder: you know Pathfinder has a sci-fi setting called Starfinder, set thousands of years afterwards. The planet Golarian (where Pathfinder takes place) has been lost after 800 years of history and memory disappeared. So now there's sci-fi races as well as familiar fantasy races like Halflings and Elves in space. Maybe in the modern timeline we have Starfinder stuff interacting with guardians of the galaxy etc.

Zelda: got to be careful with that. There's at least 3 time lines of games so we need to figure which one we want to use, or bits from all of them maybe?

Your Tamriel/Valyria idea just gave me a great concept. Let me run it by everyone. Incursion's like Tamriel's are not a one-and-done thing. But they are "permanent," in a sense. Causing it to happen creates a "pattern" that ripples backward and forward in time, until it has ALWAYS been part of the timeline as long as anyone can remember, and always will. Every so often (think like the Harmonic Convergence from LoK or Dracula's castle), the dimensional merger happens again. The other realm remains merged into this dimension for a while, then separates again, only for the pattern to repeat later on. Tamriel's arrival near the Viking Age spurred on the events of How To Train Your Dragon. Back in the time of the War of the Roses, Tamriel appeared in the world, and was known as Valyria. Many legends were made about it, some of which lacking in sufficient truth, but history forgot which legends were more true, and which were less true.

We can apply this with any dimensional merger. Sometimes, a planet in Fusionverse will change to incorporate a landmass and subsystem of physics/magic from another plane. For our purposes, all the examples used will typically happen on Earth. But it's totally possible for this to happen on Thanagar, Xandar, Morag, or even Mars. Hell, maybe some of our Mars problems could be solved with an event like this!

Eh, right now I just have some spread thoughts on it:

- ALL things that exist (and don't exist, as well) have stats. From bacteria to Gods.

- How do we handle the "Monsters are made of magic?

- The power of DETERMINATION comes directly from Creation. After all, creation was willed/done "with Determination". And instead of being a human wide thing, here the number of beings that have DETERMINATION can be counted with one hand. And 3 come from Undertale already

- Also, we'll definitely stick to the Pacifist Route

I would extend your first point to including personality, some amount of intelligence, and some ability to communicate. I mean, an effing rock told MC that it didn't want to be pushed around. I'm not sure what Creation you're referring to. But as for the Pacifist Route, we definitely can't do Genocide, because Chara would probably end up wiping out all life in the universe.

The monsters/magic part is far more interesting. Let me refer back to the working model I've presented. All magic must be Personal, Cosmic, or Dimensional. So the Undertale monsters must be self-created (or emerge from the Personal energy of someone else), originate from greater Cosmic powers in our universe, or be the herald of another dimension created from its energy to exist in our world. Maybe Gaster's experiments were an attempt to mess with Dimensional magic, or tapped into it accidentally.

Second, all magic must be Mantled, Sympathy, or Iconic. We could go with the idea that the real "Monster" is the soul inside, and it creates the dust body by Mantling magic onto itself. The other two are harder to illustrate.

Third, all magic must be White, Chaos, or Black. A White Magic creature would be one that is benevolent and helpful, even if its help is misaligned. A Chaos Magic creature would be one seeking to overturn White and Black Magics by its very existence. One that wants to harm or destroy White Magic, and wants to assist or cure Black Magic, so that only Chaos remains. Finally, a Black Magic creature would not necessarily be evil, but it would be one whose very nature involves spiteful or malicious acts, or "friendly" acts that inadvertently cause harm. Might this part have something to do with the Kingdoms of Light and Dark in Deltarune? Who knows.

In short, I would say that the special brand of Monsters shown in Undertale are spirit creatures, perhaps the kind shown in Avatar, but which have constructed a Mantle of magic to give them some kind of body. The stranger ones, like the talking rock, may involve some kind of Sympathy magic or even full-on Iconic magic. Perhaps the "rock" isn't its real body, just the vessel it uses to connect itself to the literal, tangible world. After all, the rock shown doesn't have any kind of mouth to speak with, or a physical mechanism to scoot itself along.
Disk world is literally on the back of four elephants standing on a turtle that is swimming through space. It could be anywhere in space.

I would love to see the reaction of a vulkan, or vulkan like race to it.

"Captain. It appears that the ship's sensors have detected a most illogical construction in deep space."

"My, God, Spock. What, do you think it, is? Somebody, get this thing, on, the main screen!"

"Captain, it would seem we are dealing with some manner of reptile, of the order Testudines. There are Loxodontic life forms grouped on its back, holding up a highly unusual disc. Scanners indicate there is an entire world on the surface of the disc. A Discworld, if you will."

"Bones what, do you, make, of this?"

"Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Metaphysicist!"

"Highly illogical."
For Gaster, I actually had the idea that he CHIM, as in, he discovered the true reality of the world and ascended to a higher plane of the existence with "scattered across space and time" being the scientific way to say he became one with the Universe.

Also, the Monster thing works for me.

As for DETERMINATION, what I was trying to convey is that Determination, being at his purest able to manipulate and destroy an infinite multiverse in canon, must have some pretty OP origin for it to make sense here. And I thought of Creation (as in the creation in-universe of the Fusionverse) as a good explanation
For Gaster, I actually had the idea that he CHIM, as in, he discovered the true reality of the world and ascended to a higher plane of the existence with "scattered across space and time" being the scientific way to say he became one with the Universe.

Also, the Monster thing works for me.

As for DETERMINATION, what I was trying to convey is that Determination, being at his purest able to manipulate and destroy an infinite multiverse in canon, must have some pretty OP origin for it to make sense here. And I thought of Creation (as in the creation in-universe of the Fusionverse) as a good explanation

Well, that's an excellent point from which I can make a decisive announcement. Fusionverse is NOT creationist. It does not operate off the base assumption that everything that exists was created by an intelligent designer. Now, that being said, are we using some fictional universes that were themselves created? Yes, absolutely. But their inclusion does not guarantee that Fusionverse was itself created. I'm going to subscribe to a model similar to 8 bit Theater. Whether or not the universe was originally the product of some creator is beside the point, as sufficiently powerful beings can go back in time and change things, even "create" Fusionverse by their own actions. Someone could then supersede that person and go even further back in time to create the world first, thus rendering that previous creation moot. Beings that exist outside of time, in the fifth dimension, etc. could do similar things. It is also possible for reality warpers like Scarlet Witch to retcon things, or for nonsensical devices like those seen in Hitchhiker's Guide to simply end the world and create another one ALMOST exactly like it, with some changes.

Basically, what I'm saying is, we don't need to establish a canon for how our setting began, because that could be changed by the characters within the narrative. So how did Fusionverse begin? It did, somehow. And regardless of how it was started, it will still end up more or less as we designed it.
Ok, thanks for the information, althought that leaves what happened with Gaster and the origins of DETERMINATION in the hanging