What would readers prefer?

  • Pure narrative quest: no dice will be used, the author will have free reign to decide what happens.

    Votes: 25 59.5%
  • New dice system: the author will design a new, better dice system to add some randomness and risk.

    Votes: 17 40.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 23 hours
Changing Systems
Before the next chapter comes out, there's something I'm going to ask you all about.

I was able to tell which option was going to win pretty early on, so I started doing some outlining and writing. I anticipated Ryza and company would win pretty quickly, since you had some ridiculous bonuses now that she wasn't holding back, and so I focused mostly on what happened afterwards.

Then I started rolling.

I don't know if my dice app has just forgotten that d6s can go above 3, or if RNGesus just really doesn't want you all to win, but holy crap were your rolls bad. Like, everybody dies bad. With rerolls.

To be clear, this was not meant to be a hard fight. The hardest part about this was supposed to be getting through it without giving Artemis more clues about Ryza's true nature. After those rolls, however, I'm starting at my notes, staring at the numbers, and realizing that I just really don't like this dice system since it's so swingy and random-feeling. So I decide I can either start fudging rolls (which defeats the whole purpose of having them,) or just fire the system. I decided to fire the system.

The next chapter will not take any rolls into account: I'm just going to write what I feel is realistic, but the question I'm going to make a poll about is as follows: would you all prefer it if I just threw out the idea of dice entirely, making this purely a narrative quest, or if I should put in the time to come up with a better dice system and then actually use it.

Thank you all for sticking with me as I try to figure this mess out.
Questions Answered
@TaliesinSkye Some interesting questions.

1: Probably between a day and a half to two days, maybe a little more if they're particularly careful. Meanwhile, it would be pushing six to seven days forced march to get to Agrithe, more when they inevitably have to rest because they just can't keep that pace.

2: Since they're going to be passing near the Icewall Mountains, it'll be pretty hilly. There aren't any major forests, but there are some wooded areas that would provide cover but also would slow travel. No serious obstacles either, though there's the smattering of minor ones like creeks, rock deposits and the like.

There are some small roads and trails, but everyone would agree that it would be best to avoid those as much as possible; there's far less cover there and someone could spot them from a longer distance. There also wouldn't be any villages: most of the population of Legerius is focused further north near the border with the Empire. Maybe a few tiny hamlets not worth marking on the map.

3: A small one like she's used before? Functionally indefinitely. The hardest thing would be not getting distracted and letting it get away from her, since it can hurt other people. However, by its nature as lighting, its light isn't the best for traveling. If she made it a bit bigger or more stable, she could hold it for the night, though it would start to wear on her.

4: They have a few candles, though unfortunately no lantern or torches.

5: Ryza wouldn't really have tested this: she mostly flew for fun, and so would stop when she started getting tired or hungry. She figures she could go for a two-three hours before she'd need to stop, though if she was traveling alone she could easily alternate between flying and walking to really increase her long-distance movement speed.

As for speed, I never really thought about it, but she'd probably be about as fast as a horse.

5.1: She would be much faster and farther in dragon form: every physical and magical trait she has is massively enhanced by her dragon form. However, dragons are deeply tied to emotions, so maintaining her dragon form for long enough to matter without something to keep her emotions hightened would be extremely hard.
5.2: Physically, she could carry someone, though they'd have some trouble staying on, since she has spines. And she'd probably be twisting in flight.

6: Unfortunately, Ryza never needed to know that since she's never been off the mountain before: she can tell by the sun, but she was more interested in learning about magic than the stars. She would know that she's in the southern hemisphere: what humans call the Icewall Mountains are pretty much the boundary between where people can comfortably live and where it gets too cold to really support civilization.
Combat Mechanics 2.0


Before combat begins, players will have a chance to vote on how they intend to use the resources at their disposal. This comes in two parts: Objectives and Strategy. All combat votes will be Plan Votes.

-Objectives: I will usually state the primary objective of the combat; most often the defeat of an enemy boss but occasionally something more complicated.

Players, meanwhile, will be able to vote for various secondary objectives. I will give ideas, but I encourage write-ins based on the post.

Starting from 1 (the most important secondary) and going down, players will decide how important they deem each secondary objectives. I will then use this when I am deciding the outcomes of various dice rolls.

-Strategy: This is where players decide how they are going to succeed in their objectives. Players will allocate their characters into groups and lay out what order they intend to do things it. This strategy may take several posts to execute, giving players a chance to modify if something unexpected happens, but in generally I will stick to it.

Once votes are made, I'll roll dice and determine the outcomes until the next major decision point.


When in combat, D10s are used to determine combat outcomes, with the threshold for success dependent on who's rolling.

-Standard dice: A standard dice naturally succeeds on a roll of 9 or 10. These dice are typically used for minions and green units.

-Strong dice (s.) A strong dice naturally succeeds on a roll of 7, 8, 9 or 10. These dice are typically used for player units and bosses.

-Dragon dice (d.) A dragon dice is more rare, and naturally succeed on 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. They are used when tapping directly into draconic power in some way, be it a manakete's dragon form or certain weapons that are more deeply tied to dragons.

Dice Numbers: Heroes and bosses will typically roll (1+(Level)) dice, while minions and green units will typically roll (Level) dice.

Additional dice can then be added based on tactics, circumstances, and Supports.

For example: in the recent bandit fight, there would be 2 groups, you, Kelton and the militia fighting outside of the camp and Artemis's group infiltration. Both groups would only be rolling against parts of the enemy force, making two smaller combats rather than one big one. You, Kelton and the green units would roll against the bandit boss and however many minions he was able to get to follow him, while Artemis, Axton, Lancel and Arden would face some of the others.

Supports: Although characters can have many supports, they can only benefit from one Support at a time in combat. When a pair of units with Support are in the same combat, they will each give each other 1 dice for C rank, 2 dice for B rank, and 3 dice for A rank (for a total of 2, 4 and 6 extra dice).


Enemies, rather than all being counted together, will start split up into groups, though as the battle goes on these groups can change.

Combat goes by rounds: in each round your groups will roll against any enemy groups they have been matched with. Whenever combat happens, I will roll the dice pools against each other 3 times, checking which side got more successes in each round. Which of these 3 sets get used depends on whether Ryza and company have Advantage, Parity or Disadvantage.

-Advantage: You're currently winning, or at least doing well. Whichever of the 3 rolls is better for you will be used.

-Parity: Both sides are roughly even. Most combats will start this way, unless clever tactics are employed. The middle result will be used.

-Disadvantage: You're on the back foot, and the result that is worst for you will be chosen.

Before rolling, I will have decided what the potential results of the combat, with outcomes becoming progressively better/worse the more you win/lose by. The typical results table will look like this (though I won't post it):

Win by more than 6: ???
Win by 5-6: ???
Win by 3-4: ???
Win by 1-2: ???
Tie : ???
Lose by 1-2: ???
Lose by 3-4: ???
Lose by 5-6: ???
Lose by more than 6: ???

After all combats in a round have been resolved, I will look at any unengaged enemy groups and determine what they would do in response to the events of the round. This could be moving to reinforce a nearby ally group, attempt to complete some objective, or perhaps even running away if they think things are going badly. I will then move onto the next round.

Should there be a radical change in circumstances, players will have a chance to vote for new/modified Strategy/Objectives, but otherwise I will keep rolling.


There are several ways dice can be modified.

Battalions: Sometimes, a strong leader can push their troops to greater heights. This will be done through forming a Battalion. Weaker units can give their dice to a leader, upgrading them. This will typically cause their Standard dice to become Strong dice, though it could go all the way to Dragon if that's what the leader is using.

Weapons: Fire Emblem games encourage the use of strong weapons to tip the scales. To simulate this, having special weapons will improve dice. For example, in the bandit fight, I mentioned several times that the bandit boss's axe was shiner and sharper: it was a Steel axe rather than Iron. There are several types of weapons you are typically going to see.
-Steel Weapons/Tier 2 spells add an additional dice to the wielder's pool
-Silver Weapons/Tier 3 spells add two additional dice to the wielder's pool
-Rune Weapons/Tier 4 spells are very rare, but when used add two Dragon dice to the wielder's pool
-Killer Weapons: Crits are scary. When a character is wielding a Killer weapon, rolled 10s will count as 3 successes.
-Brave Weapons: The wielder of a Brave weapon can attack twice in a Round.
-Effective Weapons: Half the wielder's natural dice are automatically counted as successes when fighting an enemy their weapon is effective against (Example: Bows vs flyers).

Weapon Triangle: When facing an opponent who has weapon triangle advantage (Sword beats axe, axe beats lance, lance beats spear), a character will lose one dice and their opponent will gain one. For groups of minions and green units, the most common weapon type in the group will be used.

Skills: All player characters, and certain powerful bosses will have skills that allows them to alter dice, re-roll dice, or gain automatic successes in certain circumstances. They will typically have two: a personal skill that is unique to the character, and a class skill based on their class.

Defense/Healing: On occasion, either strong defenses or a healer makes it so that fighters have a hard time wounding their opponents. This will be tracked by having Defense and Healing points, which counteract opposing hits. For example, in the bandit fight, Ardan the healer was with Artemis. This would mean that, should Artemis's group take injuries (enemy dice successes), Ardan would be able to cancel some of the enemy hits out on a 1 to 1 basis.

Other Items: Sometimes, players can use other items they might have to tip the scales in their favor. Items that can have combat effects will be listed in the Inventory post at the beginning of the quest.

I would like to thank Barondoctor and VagueZ for their invaluable help in designing this system, as well as the TreseBrothers (One of the best if not the best Indie game developers around IMHO) for providing the basis of the dice system.
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Ryza's Dragon Size
I will admit, I don't have any exact numbers, but currently Ryza is on the smaller size for a dragon, being a child. I would say that wyverns grow to be 15-20 feet long, so a young dragon like Ryza would be around the same size, maybe even a little smaller. Older, stronger dragons would probably get up to 30 feet, maybe pushing 40 for particularly big ones.

Being a Yellow dragon, Ryza would be about mid-tier for bulk in dragon form. Reds were always the biggest and strongest physically, followed by Whites. Then come Yellows in the middle, with Blacks and Greens being much more slender and nimble.
The Southern Kingdoms
One thing that I realize I haven't made clear, but Ryza would know from her brief discussion of nobility with Axton, is that the Southern Kingdoms are not a truly unified nation: they're a loose alliance of nobles that have all broken away from the Empire. They're closer to the Lycia Alliance than say Crimea.

Agrithe is the most powerful of the Southern Kingdoms, and Artemis's father is thus often looked to as a leader and organizer, but legally he has no direct power over Countess Mantrae. He has plenty of practical power in that his army could beat hers easily, but legally they are two independent states.

Loving the discussion, all :).
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Timing of getting to Agrithe (and another note)
Depends on a LOT of factors. It would be nice if we could get confirmation from the GM on how long it'll take, tbh.
Based on some very rough math on my part, it'll probably take about two and a half "days" of purely nighttime travel to reach Agrithe.

It's spring, so that's about 12 hours per night.

About thirty miles per hour so as not to overly strain Ryza's weakened half-shifted form, especially since Artemis will be riding her.

Assuming she flies for three hours, rests for one, then takes another hour to recast the ritual, you can safely fit two jumps into a night.
(30 mph * 3 hours) * 2 jumps = 180 miles per "day"
450 miles / 180 miles per "day"= 2.5 "days"

The hour or so of then flying around trying to find Castle Agrithe is negligible, so we'll ignore it. (I also got the same answer with three 2 hour jumps in a night.)

Ryza would want to push through, but Artemis would make sure she gets at least 6 hours of sleep, so that's 18 hours of travel time. Alternating between 3 hour flights and 2 hour flights, that would give 4 jumps:
Two of 90 miles (30 mph * 3 hours)
Two of 60 miles (30 mph * 2 hours)
For a total of 300 miles in a day
(90 * 2) + (60 * 2) = 300

Then, after sleeping, 3 more hours of flight time gets the duo over the 450 mark, with plenty left to wander about in the air to try and find Castle Agrithe.

Ultimately, however, I will admit I'm less interested in the nitty-gritty math of this and more interested in the story: are you all willing to risk some entanglements to go faster, or will you play it safer and go slower, which does give you some time to do other things but might lead to other consequences?

I mean, I'll play the math game if that's what's really needed to keep things semi-realistic, but it's not my favorite part of story writing. Maybe that's a weakness of mine, maybe it's not, but it's where I'm at right now.

EDIT: @GreatWyrmGold brought up a good point about giving a fair idea of opportunity costs.

Based on the same rough math, if Ryza were to fly during the day, she would hit a point where Artemis would force her to take a longer rest/nap, but that would be after getting most of the way to Agrithe; close enough that one last jump would probably make it. So that would mean it would take a bit over a day to reach Agrithe by that method; a day and a half faster than only night travel.
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Addendum to Unwanted Shifting and Rituals
So if someone were to transform because they got to worked up would that be frown upon in manekete society, like waking up in your dragon form because you had a nightmare be seen in the same light as wetting the bed? Or turning into a dragon because you got really excited when you found out your friends threw together a surprise party for your birthday would mark you as a drama queen?

It would more be a matter of serious concern than shame, as it indicates that something's gone wrong with the barrier between heart and dragon. Ryza wouldn't have read about this much, but that is a thing that has happened in the past: young manakete who's dragons weren't born in torpor like they should have been or barriers that unexpectedly weakened.

By and large, things like that would be treated like serious illnesses that need to be properly cared for, often by an older, more experienced manakete than the parents. While manakete were not a particularly unified culture by human standards, they did keep in contact, and there were experts in dealing with things like that that almost every hold/tribe could go to in better times.

if you don't mind the question, what sorts of things can ritual magic do/not do? Is it fully separate from the colored magical system, working by some other principle? Or is it like a different means of channeling/directing/shaping colored magic?

Essentially, ritual magic is a slower but far more efficient way of casting magic. How exactly manakete go about it depends on their nature: Ryza was taught just to use her stone and very slowly and carefully visualize what she wanted to do, while other Manakete might use a prayer to the Mother to focus their thoughts. Others might use what we consider ritual components (beads, feathers, crystals, etc) not because those objects have any particular power, but because that helps their mind organize what it wants the magic to do and makes things easier.

An example of a fairly common Green manakete ritual formula is to dance out the steps of what they want done, since Green manakete are very motion-based.

In short, it's a mental process where a manakete takes much more time and mental effort to make the magic flow more smoothly and easily. It is still tied to the elements: Ryza remembers her mother using Red magic to shape the stone, as that is the most closely tied to the earth since there are no Earth dragons in this continent/world.
Pegasus Knights
That reminds me, I was wondering if the Duke has any pegasus knights. They'd be the only forces that could really keep up with Ryza. Heck, Ryza riding a pegasus might actually be a good deal more convenient for long distance travel than trying to keep using half-transformations, which are supposed to be an emergency measure, and faster than her flying in heart form.
From what Ryza remembers about what Artemis said, pretty much all pegasus knights are part of the Whitewing Alliance, and they pay their ultimate loyalty to that organization. They hire themselves out as mercenaries, but it's very rare for a pegasus knight to swear themselves to anyone else permanently, and their fees are expensive enough that most people only hire them when they're really needed.

EDIT: That being said, they're usually a few flights (three knights) flying around looking for jobs at any given time, so you don't have to go to them to hire them.

When there was discussion of going and trying to hire some to carry the group to Agrithe, it was know that there was no way the group would have enough money on hand to pay them; you all would have had to hope that Artemis's name would be enough to get them to accept payment after the fact.

So short answer: he wouldn't have any pegasi on hand, but he could probably get a flight or two without too much trouble.
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Voting is open for the next 1 day, 23 hours