[] Have Medb send her Warriors out to harrass Caster and wait for an opening.

You and Hinako stared each other down before you moved.

"Rider, play to your strengths!" You ordered as Rider cut her hand and spilled her blood.

"Caster, keep your distance and pick off her goons one by one!" Hinako ordered as Caster crackled with electricity.

The battle restarted and the two Servants fought one another. Celtic Warriors rushed Caster and blocked her strikes and lightning bolts with their shields. However upon trying again, Caster was able to bypass their defenses and push them back.

The Warriors were scattered but some bowmen fired their arrows to keep Caster in check. More arrows flew but Hinako drew hef own magecraft to shoot them down, covering for Caster as she recovered. The Druids began to support the Warriors as they assaulted Caster, only to have lightning erupt and obliterate the approaching Warriors.

Rider used this time to intercept Caster from the side. The two Servants saw one another before they clashed. The air rippled as they broke off, Caster threw vials into the ground to summon rotting hands to reach for Rider, only for your Servant to blow the apart with one rotation from Caladbolg.

Using her god speed, she rushed down Caster with vicious strikes that pushed the latter back. She got to the ground and swept it with her leg, nearly knocking down Caster. Victor used this chance to bring down a hammer of lightning down on Rider, only for her foe to roll away.

"You cut her off," Hinako ordered as she fired a volley of red magic into the air.

Caster unleashed a stream of electricity that isolated Rider in place. This gave Caster the chance to step on but Rider stabbed her sword on the ground.

"You won't win!" She declared as Caladbolg spun twice and sent shockwaves along the ground, destabilizing the tower and breaking Caster's footing.

Rider ducked as an arrow flew past her and struck Caster's right shoulder. Blood flew through the air as the other Servant jerked back.

"Damn you!" Caster snarled in response before firing a stream of lightning.

Warriors came to Medb's protection and took the shot for her. They grunted in pain before Medb used this chance to run forward.

"Rider! Attack on two angles," you ordered as she grinned in response, "Use feints!"

"Caster, cover your blindspots!" Hinako ordered as well as your Servants moved.

Rider dashed in as Caster stabbed her sword into the ground. Her eyes shined as her black and white hair danced around her. Static grew in the area before you felt a tremendous surge of energy that Rider had to weave through.

"You won't kill me... You won't! I won't let you!" Caster screamed as she unleashed a ring of power which forced Medb to jump.

Rider held her sword and dived down while Caster sneered.

"Wide open! You've got no place to dod-" Caster laughed before she tensed.

"Caster! Move!" Hinako warned her before the Servant dodged an arrow and beam of light from a Bowman and Druid.

Her sword crackled before sending lightning upwards, "Die!"

Medb smirked as she clashed with the stream of electricity using her spiral sword, "Gotcha!"

A rift opened behind Caster which caught even Hinako by surprise. A bull erupted from it and charged at Caster, goring her with one of its horns from the back and sending her upwards...

Straight into Rider's blade.

The Servant turned in mid-air to cross weapons with Rider. That saved her life but allowed Rider to send her flying downwards into the dirt. The ground split and tore itself apart before dust shot upwards.

Rider landed on her feet and steadied herself while her Druids refreshed her with their spells as her men gathered before her. She used her sword as support as she kept her eyes on the enemy.

"Get up, Caster," Hinako ordered as she held out her hand while a scarlet most floated towards where Caster was.

The Servant got up and grit her teeth, her wounds being soothed by Hinako's magecraft. She was being run ragged and she could barely keep up as she caught her breath. However a moment later, she seemed to regain her energy but still had a strained look on her face.

She was being replenished with energy but not healed. This was an odd punishment... Still, if that's the case you can't let this go for long. Caster might just be able to pick up on your moves but Hinako was for sure going to pick apart your strategy here.

"If only... You'd help me this much before, we wouldn't be in this situation!" Caster spat as she glared at Hinako.

"Eyes forward," Hinako said in disdain.

You directed your thoughts to Rider, "Are you okay?"

"We're not going to last a battle of attrition... But I'm already losing a whole lot of power here. The prana I stocked up is almost gone,"
Rider replied with her own concerns surfacing.

Caster was connected to the Dragon Vein through her Castle, so long as she had that, then she'll just get up again and again either until Medb loses or Hinako gets tired of seeing Caster suffer.

Then... Couldn't you just destroy this castle?

"Rider. Catch me," you told her as you ran. Medb jerked towards you with a look of disbelief.

"WHAT?!" Rider cried out as she gave chase.

Hinako stared at you before gritting her teeth as she went after you, "Caster! Chase them!"

Caster moved to intercept you before you jumped. You jumped off the golden tower followed by Rider behind you. You fell and watched as the ground came towards you fast.


Rider caught you a moment later before she screamed, "Are you insane!?"

"Pierce! Right through the foundation!" You told her as her eyes widened. She shut her eyes and cried out before light erupted from Caladbolg once more.

She drove the sword through the castle's floor before drilling through. A shockwave was sent through the entire structure before blasting straight through the underbelly of the castle. The impact surged with rainbow light as Medb roared as she used her last reserves of energy.

"Fergus, My Love!(My Rainbow Spiral Sword) Caladbolg!" Rider cried out before breaking apart the foundations of which the castle used to stand on the side of the mountain.

Caster and Hinako landed nearby before Rider ripped her sword out.

"You took us off the mountainside," Hinako breathed in surprise, "That mean..."

"You fools! Do you realize what you've done?!" Caster roared as she looked at her hands to see her spark be less vibrant.

"It means we can kick your ass and you won't get up," you said as you glared at her, "Rider!"

"Clever," Hinako said as she held out her hand, "Caster!"

"Defeat Rider!"
"Defeat Caster!"

Medb smiled bright as she and Caster met at the middle and clashed all while the Castle began to collapse around you all. It was sliding down the mountainside into the pits of the valley. The bounded field couldn't hold it anymore and broke but the battle raged on.

Caster and Rider clashed and clashed as Hinako supported her Servant through magecraft while you ordered new tactics for Medb to use. It was a true fight now with no more tricks.

You need to corner Caster but Hinako was providing too much interference. Medb can't land a solid hit despite your best efforts. Caster was still powerful but she was on her last legs. You can't afford to fall now.

"Rider, use your speed. Don't let her tag you!" You said as your footing broke and you fell down your knees.

"Caster, pick up the slack! Corner her!" Hinako hissed as her red eyes surveyed the battle. Your world quaked as the end drew near but you still fought.

You were doing your best. You wanted to win. You didn't just want to survive all the time, you didn't want to just be helpless, you wanted to surpass this challenge. You were afraid yes, you were terrified but seeing Rider fight you knew it won't be easy.

It was all coming down. The towers, the walls, the pillars, everything. Yet you still fought. Hinako wasn't going to back down or let you leave without fighting. That's why you're going to win... You're not done yet!

The castle was going to crash. You had to decide... You felt your command seals burn. But should you use it? Was it the time?


The Box appeared beside you once more. You hadn't used the last thing inside it. Or should you just rely on yourself, not by Command Spells or the Box...

How... What were your options?

"Not bad. Not bad at all, Brie," Hinako said as she smiled at you, "You're really fighting your hardest here, huh? Guess I'll need to get serious too..."


Caster turned and hissed, "What are you doing?!"

"Ending this with fireworks. Use that chance, Caster!" Hinako snarled as her eyes glowed red and red liquid pooled beneath her feet.

[] Use a Command Spell. End it now, Rider! (Cost 1 Command Seal.)
[] Intercept Caster's next blow and give Medb an opening. You'll douse Caster with curses and use the final secret.
[] Use your Mystic Code and Apply evade on Rider. That should buy her time and land a solid hit on Caster!
[] Write in...
Warning: Severe Prana Loss. Rider can no longer use her Noble Phantasms unless Brie suffers heavy costs.
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[] Intercept Caster's next blow and give Medb an opening. You'll douse Caster with curses and use the final secret.

You had no other way to it. You had to act fast before Hinako could unleash her own attack. You held out your hand and grabbed the Box as it drifted to your side. You moved as Rider took notice of you from her position. Her eyes widened before you met her gaze.

You started chanting your circuits burning once more as you watched Caster move towards Rider, "Cliffs at the Shores of World's End. I stand against Eternity. I am the Rock unmoved by Time's waves! Strike me and feel retribution. Strike me and be destroyed! Manifest oh shield of Wisdom! Shelter me from my enemies! AEGIS!"

Your circuits burned in response as the shield manifested once more to your left side. You intercepted Caster and smashed your shield against the idea of her sword before she could strike Medb. You held the box in your free hand as she had her eyes widened on your sudden charge.

Her sword slammed into the ground as tendrils of lightning burned your side before she had her arm shoot out to grab you by your neck. Hinako cried out behind Caster to let you go but Caster refused to listen. You choked as Rider tried saving you, only for electricity to surge through the collapsing surroundings.

You felt her fingers burn your flesh as you grit your teeth.

"Time to die, Doll!" Victor Frankenstein declared with a hiss.

You held the box in your hand and felt it open, "Now... Let Calamity Dance... Let loose the Depths of Despair..."

Caster's eyes widened as you held up the Box before her.

"Black Box of Calamity(Faux Pandora)," you whispered as the box opened fully and the curses struck her face first. A miasma of darkness and evil surged through her visage and forced her to let you go.

You fell down on your knees as you hissed as Caster staggered back. The man curses held by the box ravaged her body as she writhed in pain and agony, screaming as she accidentally let go of her sword.

Grabbing the box once more, you lunged at her as Rider dashed to your side. Hinako had completed her own spell too as she held out her hands on either side. Her eyes shined scarlet as she held her arms to the sky.

"The Cursed Blooded Immortal's Song of Grief,(Eternal Lament)" Hinako declared as the heavens turned red and spears of blood fell down from the heavens as Hinako's body cracked.

It rained down with the force of artillery strikes on the collapsing castle but you and Medb endured it. You held out your Box as it shined brilliant white.

"It ends now!" Rider roared as you both rushed Caster down.

"Let the Light shine through the Dark. Cut through Resentment and Karma!" You roared as the Box opened one last time as brilliant light erupted from it. The light burst before taking the shape of a sword, a spear, an axe, a dagger, it was myriad of weapons that changed with every heartbeat.

Caster held out her hand as she shrieked in response. Hinako released her power and unleashed a ring of power through the air, crimson light filling your vision as you got close. Your eyes widened as Hinako's body shattered as she released the energy gathered in her body, watching her form break apart nearly made you stop.

But you fought back your emotions as you cut through the curses with your light.

"White Box of Miracles!(Faux Pandora)," You roared as you swung your weapon and cut through Caster's form as her body was wracked with curses.

The final Curse/Miracle of the Luctworth Box was one that cut the cursed and vanquished them. As the afflicted was the host of more and more curses, the more the final Miracle would be potent against them. The strength of the curse matters not but the quantity of them did.

A liberating curse but also a final Miracle for the one in agony of the many others. It was the grand failure of the Family in replicating Pandora's Box into a crude and unwieldy weapon.

But as your white weapon fell you not only cut through Caster's cursed form but also the scarlet light which erupted from Hinako's body. The final Miracle attacked it as well, splitting apart her grief, rending her lament useless as her curse against humanity was cut.

It severed her power before it could kill you with its blows. Light danced around you as you slid to a halt and lowered your weapon, only to have it return to its form as a Box in your grasp.

You turned to see Rider run Caster through with Caladbolg before sending the other Servant flying. Caster crashed to the side as she took two mortal blows at once in the span of a few seconds. Her spirit origin has already been damaged to a severe extent.

"Why... Damn. Damn you! You stupid Mud Doll!" Caster screamed as she tried dragging herself up but her body was already breaking apart, "I'll kill you. I'll come back and kill you! I won't take this lying down! I have so much to do! I was supposed to usher humanity to a new age! I AM THE MODERN PROMETHEUS! I AM A GOD!"

"It's over Caster... It truly is," Hinako said as she walked out of the shadows. Your eyes widened as you watched her body reform.

"Useless to the end! You were worthless as a Master! I could have given it to you! Your dream! Isn't it your dream to be reunited with your Love?!" Caster screamed as her body began to fade.

"I lost the moment I summoned you. But I gave you the chance. Though I am a cursed creature, I have lost too much of my power to do extended battles. Face it, we're done," Hinako said with a sorrowful tone.

"No... No! It's not over yet!" Caster screamed as she held her hand up and electricity began to form.

You and Rider tensed up but something burst from the rubble. You saw the Creature rush towards Caster with her mace and redirected the lightning bolt aimed at you. You were never hit but the Creature absorbed part of the lightning inside her.

The Creature glared down at Caster as she raised her mace, "Goodnight... Mother."

"Fra-" Caster wasn't able to speak as she was crushed by the mace.

You winced as Caster was forced to expire. The remnants of her body faded away leaving you four remaining in the castle. Hinako took this chance to speak.

"We need to leave. We're almost at the bottom," She pointed out as she turned to the Creature, "Will you follow us?"

The Creature grunted with a nod. From behind you, Rider swept you off your feet and carried you in her arms.

"Going up?" She smiled at you before she jumped.


The castle crashed down into the bottom of the valley. You watched it break apart and fade away without Caster to anchor it into this world. You stood by Medb's side while the two of you looked at it with grim looks.

Morning was coming soon.

"Congratulations," Hinako said as she stood behind you.

You perked up and faced her. The vampire had her arms crossed as she looked at you with a curious look. She shut her eyes and let out a sigh before continuing.

"That makes you the Master with the highest wins in this war. You should be proud for a coward," Hinako said with a smirk.

You stared at her before looking down, "Sorry. For taking away your chance."

"Are you pitying me?" Hinako asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No. I just feel bad. What are you going to do now? I sure hope you won't stir trouble," you said as you met her gaze.

Hinako turned away and said, "I'll lay low. Move to another country and seek another way to realize my wish. Same as it always been. Only this time I won't be alone."

Hinako walked over to the Creature and rapped her knuckle on the artificial being's skull. The Creature grunted in response.

"If there's one thing Caster did right, is make this girl. She should keep me busy for a few centuries to come," Hinako murmured as she continued poking the Creature.

"There will be Executors hunting you down. Be sure to keep alert," you warned her with a nod.

"I appreciate your concern. Don't die, Stray Master," Hinako said with a smile your way.

"Good luck to you too, Miss Hinako," you nodded.

"It's Yu," Hinako corrected you as she held up her hand, "Yu is my real name. Or rather it's my favorite one."

You blinked before you watched her and the Creature disappear among the woods, leaving you and Medb alone. She's gone now... You won't be seeing her again.

"So... We might want to check on Saber and Emiya. I could only assume they were with you," you said as you faced Rider.

Her hands grabbed your face and made you look at her. She had an angry look on her face as she glared holes into your eyes.

"From now on you're mine," Medb declared in an firm voice as she held your face.

"What?" You blinked.

"So don't think about anyone else. Don't think about anyone else. Right now you're mine," Medb hissed as she squeezed your cheeks.

"Alright, alright, alright! Cool it, you stupid girl!" You cried out as she began to squeeze too hard.

Oh god she's going to tear your face off! She's going to rip it off-

Rider then brought her face close and pressed her lips against your own. Your brain sizzled as your limbs stiffened up. Wait what was going- Is she actually se-OH GOD SHE'S DOING MAGIC WITH HER TONGUE.

You lost your strength as sunlight rose in the distance. Medb parted from you as you stood before her in a daze.

Your breaths both smoked as the two of you stood before one another. Contrary to her normally mischievous expression, she was blushing furiously right now. Whoa.

[] "That was... An experience. Warn me next time."
[] "Not bad. Not bad at all... Oh god I can't feel my legs."
[] "Well... I guess you do deserve that reward."
[] "I-I didn't hate it, b-baka."
[] Write in...
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[] "Well... I guess you do deserve that reward."
-[] kiss her back

Your mind was racing to comprehend what was happening. You could identify her taste on your lips as the two of you stared at one another. Your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your ribcage as you felt her warmth in the way she held you. You had to say something at least, right? You can't just stay quiet.

The cold morning air began to set in as you blinked, your eyes stinging as you noticed that you had tears. Ah, what the hell was this? You'll look lame now. Rider's face became one of panic before you held her shoulder with your right hand for support.

"Well... I guess you do deserve that reward," you chuckled as you wiped your tears, "Thanks for coming for me, Rider. You did a good job."

"I did? I-I did, didn't I? Of course! It's only right I'm rewarded for my work s-so don't cry!" Rider said as she met your gaze.

You smiled at her before drawing close. This time it was her turn to be surprised as you returned her previous kiss with your own. Compared to hers, it was more demure and restrained as you felt her warmth against your lips. It made you feel... Safe.

You couldn't help but smile before pulling back. Your ears felt hot as you held her face. Your Queen, your Servant, your Partner, you treasured her because in this world she was the only one you had. Ah this was gonna get super awkward later! You're overloading here!

But she had that dumb smile on her face. She was a promiscuous and lewd woman but she can still make these sorts of faces. Only you knew this side of her and you were grateful for that. You may be overstepping your bounds as a Master but you want to make her feel cherished the only way she would understand.

Though you two may fight, argue or just laugh and cry together, it can't be denied that you two had a bond.

"Brie? Brie are you okay?" Medb asked as you swayed on your feet.

"Rider... Thanks again," you murmured as you leaned on her chest.

She smelled so good... You felt like you were sinking into clouds.

"Brie! Brie wake up! Brie what's wrong?! Brie!" Medb cried out as your senses began to fade. You closed your eyes and... Never opened them again.

{Core shutdown.}


{Systems online.}
{Prana connection detected. The connection is being used to power the main power source.}
{Core online.}
{Unit diagnostics initiated. This may take several minutes to complete.}


{Diagnostics complete. Core has been detected with severe overuse. It is recommended that it must be replace.}
{Warning. Mishandling of Core transference may lead to further data corruption.}
{Core overhaul may also lead to memory banks being formatted. Please be advised to only consult trained Magi when overhauling Cores.}

{Booting system.}


You woke up staring at a wooden ceiling. You felt like you've been sleeping for a long time. The pillow behind your head was so soft... You blinked once before turning your head to the side and found someone sitting on your bedside.

A silver haired man leaned over to see if you were awake. He leaned back with a look of surprise before smiling brightly.

"Saber?" You blinked as you stared at him.

"So you're finally awake! The others will be relieved," Saber said as he leaned back, "Are you well? Does anywhere hurt?"

"No. No, I'm fine," you managed to say as you looked down at your hands, "I feel like I've slept for awhile."

"It's only been a few hours. Though I must admit, it did feel longer than it did. It was great fortune that Lady Rider met with us. I must say that Lancer has had us delayed from providing much help," Saber murmured with a sad look. He shook his head and said, "Still, I'm glad you're okay. Perhaps Lady Rider would finally stop being so agitated."

[] "Lancer? You fought Lancer? What do you know about them?"
[] "Right. Where am I? Where are we? This isn't your apartment that's for sure."
[] "Rider. Where's Rider? Is she all right? I just sort of blacked out back there..."
[] "Rider. Where's Rider? Is she all right? I just sort of blacked out back there..."

You raised your head and faced the Knight, "Rider. Where's Rider? Is she all right? I just sort of blacked out back there."

"Well you were dangerously low on prana. Not only that but there's been signs that you were overusing your Circuits. Lady Rider is away to replenish her stores of prana at the behest of Lady Sarah," Saber answered with an awkward look while looking at the door, "It seems that Rider and that woman have a bit of history."

"I see. So Rider's out then? Good. I don't want her to leech off me for now," you said as you shook your head. You should still apologize for scaring her like that.

You felt like you were going to get an earful when she returns. Still... Sarah, huh? So she brought you to Scathach's place despite her grievances with the Witch of Dun Scaith. You then felt a great weight press on you as you realized it.

"Miss Brie? You're losing your color," Saber observed with a concerned look.

"I kissed her," you murmured as you felt your lips.

"Eh?" Saber blinked in confusion.

"I kissed Queen Medb of Connacht," you blurted out as you stared at him. You ran your hands into your orange hair, "Oh god."

"Well now, there's nothing wrong with that! I mean, love in itself has no boundaries. Why, my Liege herself is also in a relationship with Master's wi-" Saber said as he tried to console you.

"No, no, no. I don't wanna hear that but it's Rider, she's the problem and I don't know how to deal with it! I mean, I was tired and out of my mind back then and-and-and," you started to stutter as you held your head.

Saber held up his hand with an understanding look, "Miss Brie, is there truly a problem?"

"W-Well I never really expected a Heroic Spirit to feel this way for... Me. And vice versa... I mean, sh-she's a Queen and I'm just... Just a Mud Doll," You whimpered as you lowered your head.

"Oh dear. You feel inadequate?" Saber said as he blinked in surprise.

"You didn't have to spell it out," you whined.

"Ah. Forgive me," Saber said with an apologetic look, "I mean... Surely Lady Rider doesn't feel that way. She was more than willing to wage war for you."

"I mean. Yes. But... I'm a Doll. I-I don't know how romance works! I mean, I know she's pretty and strong and clever and really obnoxious but that's it! I don't know what to do Saber!" You said as you held your blanket and brought your legs up, "Ahhh... Queen Medb... I kissed the goddamned Eternal Lady and I don't know what to feel."

"Well... Do you feel happy about it?" Saber asked you with a gentle smile.

"I mean... Yeah. I guess but... Her Legend-" you murmured before Saber clicked his tongue.

"Perhaps you're basing your knowledge on the past too much. Written history is not truly accurate when in regards to a person's personality... But I believe that your bond with her is the true measure for your feelings, not history," Saber advised you with a sagely tone, "Besides, Lady Rider, for all her mischief and promiscuity is also at a loss on how to approach this. No doubt that this situation is also new for her. It's good that the two of you have come to terms on your bonds but I believe you need the time to understand one another rather than thrusting yourself into the next stage of your relationship."

You started to feel a little better as you digested Saber's words. Maybe he was right... You were overthinking this and you were making a mountain out of mole hills. This was... Strange for even you and you didn't know how to go about it.

Well, it did happen so suddenly so maybe you should just feel things out. Maybe confirm your feelings so as to determine they're true. Medb would understand, right? There was no need to rush so... So you can just wait a bit and figure things out.

"Thanks Saber... I-I'm not that panicky anymore," you admitted with a sigh.

"It's no trouble. That and this conversation will be between us only, I assure you that. Why I've played my role as an advisor to my Liege should she require it. Though not in the matters of the heart, but I believe I have ample experience in this field," Saber said with a nod. He then relaxed and added, "You're still young, Miss Brie. Your relationship with Lady Rider will become beautiful if you cultivate it. Heroic Spirit or no, that should not get in the way of your romance with her."

"Thanks Saber. I needed that," you sighed as you relaxed your shoulders.

"Well now, I should be informing Lady Sarah and Master of your condition. They should be contacting Lady Rider that you're awake. Please wait here," Saber requested before getting up and walking out the door.

Once he shut it, you fell down on your bed.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," you squealed into your pillow as your ears felt hot.

This is going to be so awkward... You felt like you were going to shut down again just thinking about it. Medb's in a fritz too but that doesn't make it any better. Oh god... You don't know what you'll tell her. Can you even look at her?!

You rolled in your bed while hugging your pillow. Whoever made you want a sadistic Bastard for letting you feel these things.

You're going to shove Faux Pandora into their asses once you found them. Why did have to be Rider of all people?! Was it imprinting?! Were you some sort of animal?! GRAGH!

You squeezed your pillow as you buried yourself under your blanket. You want to laugh, you wanted to cry, you wanted to just hide away and maybe bury yourself underground so Rider won't find you. Fuck. It's going to be awkward but...

You'll get to that bridge soon enough.

"Ahem," a voice echoed before you perked up.

You found the Witch of Dun Scaith herself and Mr. Emiya by the door. You blinked in surprise before fixing your blanket.

"Are you quite done?" Scathach asked with a raised eyebrow, her red eyes staring you down.

"Sort of..." You replied with a cough.

Emiya walked by and sat on Saber's spot, "How are you feeling?"

"Could be better. What's the damage?" You asked with a meek tone.

"Overused Circuits and a nearly depleted Prana reserve. Had you forced either you or Medb to use your powers, you would have died and she would have disappeared in one swoop," Scathach replied with her arm crossed. She was wearing a tasteful cream colored sweater.

Emiya had taken off his suit jacket, leaving him in his white shirt and red tie, "You were in a pretty bad way. But you won. All you need now is a few days to recover."

"You should have seen that Brat's face... Demanding that I fixed you. Well, I agreed in the end. Consider yourself lucky," Scathach said as she met your gaze.

"So... I'm fixed?" You asked before looking down at yourself.

"No. I'm merely restoring your lost prana using the leylines near the cabin. The damage done to your body needs to be looked at by a professional and there's only one person in town for that," Scathach answered you with a serious look.

"That aside, you won against Caster. That in itself deserves praise," Emiya said with a relieved look.

"I disagree. She has potential to do better. Further training is required provided she isn't in her death bed," Scathach said as she cracked a smirk.

Emiya glanced at the older women, "Miss Sarah..."

"Alas, a cranky child would soon raise hell if I pushed it... Congratulations, Brie. You're currently the Master with the most kills. You should be proud," Scathach praised as she crossed her arms.

"Caster needed to be stopped. That's all I think of that battle," you replied as you lowered your gaze, "This isn't over yet so I shouldn't be complacent. Because of it, I have a target on my head."

"It's wise of you to realize that. Take that to heart and you won't die," Scathach said as she leaned on the wall.

"It pays to be prepared. Don't worry, we'll cover for you while you recover," Emiya said with a nod.


[] What's Emiya going to do now? His targets are gone so he shouldn't have any reason to stay in this war. He has his family waiting after all.
[] Talk to Scathach about getting into contact with Hans. He's the only one who could fix you. If it meant keeping yourself alive, you'll talk to him.
[] You need a situation report of the current state of the war. If you have a target on your head by virtue of being the most active fighter, you need to know what kind of foes you have left.
[] Write in...
Teacher's House
[] Talk to Scathach about getting into contact with Hans. He's the only one who could fix you. If it meant keeping yourself alive, you'll talk to him.

You met Emiya's gaze and smiled his way, "Thanks, Mr. Emiya. Sorry about this."

"Don't be. Besides by job isn't quite done yet," Emiya said as he shook his head, "I need to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands."

Scathach stared at the man's back for that statement but otherwise said nothing. You decided to turn her way and address her.

"You said that only one person can fix me. I'm all ears. You have a way to communicate with him?" You asked her with a serious tone.

Scathach nodded and said, "Indeed. I can relay your message. He would be willing to accommodate you, I'm sure."

"I bet he will," you sighed before leaning on your pillow.

"Him?" Emiya frowned as he crossed his arms.

"Hans Derrinsmith. The politician running for Mayor this election. Young guy, baby faced, probably evil?" You shrugged as you grimaced.

"Evil perhaps. Still, no doubt he would be grateful for you taking out two competitors in this farce of a war," Scathach said as she met your gaze, "Consider this as a once in a lifetime chance."

"Hans Derrinsmith... I see. Luvia warned me about him. So, is he Master too?" Emiya asked you with a raised eyebrow.

"Probably just a Magus being opportunistic but... I won't bank on it. Miss Sarah here is affiliated with him but she won't tell us anything," you said as you shot the older woman a look.

She simply gave you a smile fully knowing what you meant. You're starting to get why Medb doesn't like her. She's cool but really unhelpful at times.

"I see... Still, would this be wise? Getting help from a potential foe?" Emiya frowned as he looked at you.

"Brie has little choice. She and Hans are connected by a twist of Fate," Scathach chimed in as she studied you, "I'm sure that Medb mentioned this girl's true nature?"

"A homonculus and automata hybrid. If you ask me, it's like the Magus equivalent for Android," Emiya said with a thoughtful look.

"I'd be happier with the distinction if my ass was bigger," you grumbled as you sulked.

"Hans happens to be related to the family which constructed this girl's body and given her the records to generate a pseudo Personality you see now," Scathach explained as she walked over to you and tapped your head, "Though that may be, it's like she's replicating her personality from a baseline and had it develop into this one you see now. Most likely due to that childish Queen's influence."

"Then that would make it sound like she's an Artificial Intelligence that evolved under unique circumstances from a base personality," Emiya said with widened eyes.

"I'm right here you know! You can't just talk about me like that!" You griped as you swatted Scathach's hand away.

"Hans has the ability to fix the damage she sustained. He's more versed in it but there's one problem," Scathach said before she swatted your hand away and forced her own to ruffle your orange hair.

Emiya ignored your groans and frowned, "What kind?"

"Hans said I was designed to kill him. I may not have full access to my abilities but they're there for the sole purpose of killing him. I think whoever sent me here had the intention of me being an assassin," you breathed as you stopped resisting Scathach's headpats.

Emiya stared at you then before giving you a long hard look, "You? An Assassin?"

"Unfortunately her manufacturers didn't account for her brain damage," Scathach added as she pulled away.

"I'm... I'm sorry but I just can't see you being of the sort I mean... You seem like a nice girl that couldn't hurt a fly," Emiya blinked as he tried to process the notion.

"I'm sorry," you apologized as you gave the guy brain work out, "Don't worry, it's very telling. I'm not the type to slip knives into people's ribs with a smile. That's probably more Rider's thing."

"I highly doubt that," Scathach pointed out from the side while shaking her head.

"Right. I'll contact Luvia for now and update her on our situation," Emiya said as he got up, "You rest up now. Miss Sarah, if you don't mind me using your kitchen for a bit, I want to make her some soup."

"Porridge would be better in my opinion. Still, you've made some passable meals. I'll allow it once more," Scathach said as she nodded.

Emiya smiled before he ruffled your hair with a proud look in his eyes. He then walked off, leaving you alone with the Witch of Dun Scaith. The door shut and clicked as you ended up looking at your hands.

"So... How does it feel?" Scathach asked as you glanced her way, "To have a heart?"

"I don't know. It's a new sensation for me. Knowing my origins and what I am, it makes me wonder why such a feature was installed," you said as you pressed your hand over your chest, "But... I don't hate it."

"It's ironic... In this day and age where man forsakes his heart, Dolls like you could grow them. It's disappointing to think about how this Age is progressing," Scathach murmured as she leaned on the wall.

"Any advice you can give me?" You wondered with a raised eyebrow.

"Whatever Medb does, don't always go along with it. Otherwise you'll just be another puppet under her control. She has a thing for people that resist her charms... Setanta was like that too but he never held true interest in anything other than martial prowess," Scathach replied as she gave it some thought, "Be on your guard and prepare for your meeting with Hans. I'll let you recover here for a bit more."

"Got it," you sighed as you slumped down.

"You're a diamond in the rough, little Doll," Scathach said as she watched over you.

Teacher's House
[] "Have you found anything about that Dog you're looking for?"
[] "You... During our fight with Caster. You were there, weren't you? Gae Bolg's light was unmistakable."
[] "I'm not going to incur any debts for being in your hospitality for longer, am I?"
[] Write in...
God Save the Queen
[] "You... During our fight with Caster. You were there, weren't you? Gae Bolg's light was unmistakable."

There was something lurking at the back of your mind. Something that you should be telling her. And then it clicked. You recalled that light during your fight with Caster. A spiral red light that pierced through the Dead and stopped Caster dead on her tracks from killing you. That couldn't have been Saber or Emiya but there was one person lurking around these mountains.

"You... During our fight with Caster," you began as you glanced up at her, "You were there, weren't you? Gae Bolg's light was unmistakable."

Scathach stared at you before closing her eyes and shrugging, "I have no reason to lie so yes. That was me. What of it?"

"Thank you. Because if you didn't do that we wouldn't have been able to beat Caster by ourselves," you told her with a grateful tone, "You saved us."

"No. You saved yourselves," Scathach said as she crossed her arms, "You used what you learned through experience and it all culminated to your victory. I merely made your test suitable for your level... But the important thing is, did you learn from your victory?"

"Caster could have overwhelmed us then. I shouldn't have let things spiral that way," you admitted with a sigh.

"Good. You and Medb are two sides of the same coin. It helps that you summoned her through compatibility, giving you the foresight of knowing how to best utilize her," Scathach said as she met your gaze, "But that won't work for long. Not when you have Archer, Lancer and Berserker left to contend with. And though you may not actively seek them out, they might come to you."

"I know that. But there's no avoiding a fight forever. Especially with what I've done," you replied in a calm tone, "I'll keep your words in mind. You won't always be there to save me."

"That's true... After all, there may come a time I may fight you and Medb. So you two would best prepare," Scathach warned you as she stood up straight.

"I'd rather not," you sighed as you shook your head.

"If you beat me, then perhaps I'll take you two on that tour to my Land of Shadows," Scathach smirked as she moved to the door.

"Don't even joke about that, lady!" You yelled as she escaped your voice by exiting. Geez... Some mythical figure she was...


When Medb came back, she was brimming with prana. She was like a bonfire, one that you wanted hosed that with a pressurized stream of water. Alas, that won't work so you had to contend with her presence as she stared at you.

You had a lot of thoughts and feelings about meeting her again. You were scared, nervous and embarassed all at the same time. She must have thought that too if Saber could be believed. But when it came for you to see her she had the most brilliant opening remarks.

"Wow you look shit," Medb noted as she stared at you from the doorframe.

And then it hit you. What were you so afraid of before? It's just Medb. You didn't have to be embarassed or anything... Now for her part, she was brimming with prana as stated before but there's also something else.

She reeked of booze. You stared at her as she was red faced and her clothes were disheveled. You didn't see any weird substances on her, by the grace of Lord Almighty, even as she staggered in. You didn't know how much alcohol she took in but it was hitting her hard.

If you looked like a gaunt corpse that didn't shower for a day, she was absolutely wasted.

And then she started puking on the floor.

You stared at her as she had obviously gone to a party... Probably to find eligible bachelors to replenish her prana. Unfortunately she seemed to had too much fun partaking in the alcohol.

"BLEEEEGGGGGHHH," Medb belched as her drinks exited her insides rather violently.

Ah... Her splatter was getting on your blanket. That's no good. You just hoped that what she's puking was just alcohol and not anything more exotic. And just like that, the cool, confident and brave Rider you admired was sprayed with cold harsh reality.

You forgot she was also a total moron.

God Save the Queen
[] "You're dead. You're so fucking dead. I can't even describe it. Scathach is going to stuff you in a body bag. She's not going to stop at breaking your legs."
[] "Beautiful," you said in your driest and most disdainful tone you could muster. Yep. That's the Rider you knew.
[] "I missed you too, Rider. All your flaws and imperfections... Yeah. I'm just gonna hide now."
[] Write in...
Last edited:
[] Smile pleasantly
-[] More pleasantly
--[] MOR-
---[] Rin Tohsaka Scary Smile N.1
[] "Upsie-daisy, my Queen. Your faithful subjects Toilet-chan and Shower-kun eagerly await your tender attentions."
-[] Drag Medb to the bathroom for cleanup, rehydration, aftercare, and a hot shower.
--[] On your way there: "Did you have fun, while I was lying here with a damaged Core, Medb-chan?"

You stayed where you are and smiled at her. You were feeling fine, pleasant even as you watched your Servant disgrace herself to the nth degree by vomiting in front of you. She slurred in her words and looked just about ready to fall into her own puke but surprisingly held on by some force of nature.

You kept smiling as you only felt inner peace as you subtly relished in the idea that she was suffering. You also nursed that little thought behind your head that Scathach wasn't going to be forgiving of her should the Witch of Dun Scaith find the mess. You watched Medb fall to her knees and projectile vomit some more into the lacquered wood.

You understood that she needed Prana and she somehow got it despite everything, but to have this as the effect of her hedonism was just beyond you. You wanted to tell at her for coming back so wrecked but you found the effort useless since retribution will be done for you. Yes. You simply smiled at her while emitting cold death as you looked down on her.

She was an idiot.

You felt your presence physically lower the temperature before Medb groaned in response. You stayed where you are as she had trouble staying on her feet.

"Bwee. Bwee halp," Medb said as she started to sniffle.

"Now you're just pressing all my fun buttons," You whispered under your breath as you got off your bed. You tried making sure you can stand well before moving past her puke and kneeling by her side.

Thank god she didn't spew all over herself. You would be laughing so hard now with the amount of blackmail you have. Maybe you should record this. Grabbing her arm, you picked her up by her arm and supported her. You, in your half dead state, had to give support to the illustrious Eternal Lady in the middle of her drunken stupor.

You're never going to let her live it down.

"Upsie-daisy, my Queen. Your faithful subjects Toilet-chan and Shower-kun eagerly await your tender attentions," you said as you pulled her along towards the conjoined toilet and shower.

"Ugghhh.... Bwee, no toilet. Bad. Urp!" Medb's eyes bugged out before you tossed her straight into the bathroom where she stumbled straight into the toilet bowl, "BLEEEEEEEGGGHHHH...."

"That's it. Our porcelain goddess forgives you, my child," you said as you rubbed her back.

"No. Not your gods. Fuck them," Medb whined as she raised her head.

"I know you will. You're very good at that, Rider," you said with the same dry smile of disappointment.

"I hate your smug face," Medb said before she hurled into the glorious toilet bowl once more.

"And I love it when you suffer due to your own hedonism. It brings joy to my mechanical heart," you admitted as your eye twitched.

"Ugh... Bwee, stop bullying me," Medb whined as she shook her head.

"Did you have fun, while I was lying here with a Damaged Core, Medb-chan," you stressed the last one as you ran a cold finger down her back, making her yelp and hurling again.

"Sorry. I'm sorry," Medb sobbed as she shook her head, "I was losing prana and you can't provide me so-so-so... Bwee...."

This is fun.

You were actually having fun with this. You pet her head and flushed the toilet. Oh how the tables have turned.


Emiya sat in the living room while listening to the muffled sobs coming from Brie's room followed by ungodly vomiting. Scathach was reading the newspaper trying to calm herself down while Saber was listening to the proceedings with aghast horror.

Finally the redhead spoke up, "Should we do something about that?"

"I already provided clothes for the drunk brat. Brie's awakened to her nature as a true Master. I will be punishing the pink haired buffoon after her mess is mopped up," Scathach replied as she patiently crossed her legs.

Emiya blinked before sighing, "I'll go make some food for hangovers."

Saber simply sat there listening to cries of pleas followed by violent vomiting. The toilet flushed again somehow but the suffering continued. He had a lot to write to his King about.


Somehow you managed to get Medb to take a shower and dress herself in the pajamas Scathach provided. She was still a little woozy but being a Heroic Spirit helped her recover from that ordeal fast. This was coupled by Emiya providing some drinks for hangovers you subtly enjoyed forcing into your Servant's gullet.

In the end, Medb was lying on your bed while you watched Emiya mop up the mess. There's going to be a murder later on... Once Emiya was done, he left the two of you alone to which you sat by your Servant as she dozed off. You decided to let her sleep some more while she got all of the bad stuff out of her system.

You sat by her side and stared at her as she snored. Great, now she's taken over your bed you're supposed to be recovering in. She should be up later... You stared at her some more before you reached out and poked her cheek.

No reaction.

Maybe you should get up-

A hand grabbed your wrist before pulling you down with surprising strength. You ended up beside Rider as she wrapped her arms around you as if you were a teddy bear. You flushed as you came face to face with Rider's sleeping face as she slept, feeling your temperature rise up as your heartbeat began to quicken.

She really did look pretty when she shuts her mouth and stops acting all smug. You were starting to lose your mind by being this close before Medb parted her lips.

And then you smelled her breath.

You started shrieking.


You were dressed in proper clothes Emiya brought you as Scathach slid you a piece of card. You opened it and raised an eyebrow to see that it was an invitation of some sort for a Christmas Party on the 16th of December. That was tomorrow...

"Hans agreed but his schedule is already packed. He would like you to meet him in this event if you could," Scathach said as she sipped her coffee.

"A party, huh? That makes what? The second I heard this month?" You blinked with a curious look.

"Well from the past, there was that ceremony between the Police Department and Derrinsmith. I believe that was the night we first saw each other," Emiya said as he crossed his arms, "Will you go, Brie?"

"Given it's Hans I can't suggest not being cautious. Especially at this stage of the war," Scathach said as she turned her gaze to you, "It's up to you on how you'll approach this. He may not meet with you afterwards."


You all ignored her while Saber only felt sorry for the Queen of Connacht.

[] Accept the invitation but you'll need a plan. Emiya can cover for you in case anything happens, you feel more secure that way.
[] Accept the invitation but it'll just be you an Medb. It was extended to only the two of you and deviations could be seen as hostile actions.
[] Decline the invitation. Everything about this felt shady. It's like he's trying to drag you out into the open. You won't agree to it.
[] Decline the invitation. You won't meet him in a place he decides but you'll meet him somewhere to your preference. That'll lower the risk of him ambushing you...
[] Write in...
Above the Table
[] Accept the invitation but it'll just be you an Medb. It was extended to only the two of you and deviations could be seen as hostile actions.

The following day

You stared at the invitation in your hand before you looked up at the venue of the party. It was being filled by what looked like politicians and big shots from every industry. It was the following day since you left Scathach's little cottage and you've come to this party with only Medb by your side.

It's supposed to be a Christmas get together by some rich folks but it seemed like Hans roped into it somehow and was given an extra invitation.

At least that's the official story Scathach gave you but it seemed like he was looking to invite you anyway and asked for a spare invitation should you seek him out. You didn't try and look into the details but here you were dressed in your winter clothes still. You'll stand out in that sort of thing but you didn't care. You've seen ladies look like overgrown peacocks in their ball gowns.

You walked forward to enter the venue hall. It was a grand mansion of the host you didn't care for knowing. The security were quick to respond to your approach given you weren't dressed for the occassion.

"Excuse me, miss. We can allow you to enter without an invite," a burly looking man in a dark suit told you.

You pulled out your invitation and handed it to him, "I'm expected. I'll be out in no time though."

The guard motioned to his colleague as they inspected your invitation before looking at you. You weren't at all happy being here anyway so you didn't care if you looked sour. They didn't make a fuss and let you in but this caused some onlookers to whisper to one another.

You hated this place already. It's all posh and decadent.

"Though if you ask me, it's certain my kind of place. If you're looking to be my retainer, you'll have to get used to this," Medb whispered into your ear as you walked. She was in her spirit form to avoid unwanted attention.

Of course if you let her show herself, she'll catch the eye of every man in the room and it would be a mess. You didn't want that sort of stress at the moment.

"You'll get your pick of rich guys once we're done. But only if you behave yourself," you told her as you walked on the lobby where you stood out in your street clothes.

"Fine, fine. Though even then you're getting some looks, Master. Maybe you should have taken Scathach and Emiya's advice?"

"I'm only putting a gown on when it's either my funeral or if I look in it. Hell I'd settle for a maid outfit," you replied as you shook your head.

"That aside, was it really wise to not let Emiya cover for us outside?"

"We can't risk Hans citing it as me doubting him. While it's smart on paper, I don't want Hans to give me shit for it. So if we get jumped, it's all on you," you said as you walked past the lobby towards the main hall where the people have been gathered.

Walking in, you found the people seated in round tables drinking wine and having their meals. It was the sort of scene you'd find in the movies but the air of the bourgeoisie was just thick. While the streets were littered with addicts and the homeless by the old parts of town, these people could stand to eat and be merry like this.

It's Christmas for sure but there were people freezing out there. It made your stomach turn...

Women in fancy dresses passed you by as men discussed future partnerships on the side. Money and contacts were exchanged as small talk was made while you wandered about. You passed by some children playing together while others enjoyed the calming Christmas music played by the band. It was a pretty big party all in all.

The food were lined up in one side as people were scattered about with drinks in their hands. You were fortunate to have some food before you came here so you didn't seem all too distracted by the sight of them. Emiya was a godsend in that respect. Still you felt the need to focus this time...

You tried to recall Scathach's words back at the cabin. There were most likely Hans' security forces lurking in the background and you did feel the presence of a boundary field but it could have been easily shrugged off as a bad feeling. You were managed to catch it though but just barely.

Emiya warned you of fighting in enclosed spaces since it probably will hinder Rider's ability to move and react. You had to be ready to use everything in your surroundings to overcome whatever foes you may face. Even when he wasn't going with you, he at least tried giving you some pointers on what to do in an emergency.

You didn't have your weapons after all and it took a few seconds to manifest Aegis, if your foe was quick you could get blindsided. You had to rely on Rider especially given your current state. You felt more squishy than you normally were. You walked by some media people before you took a glass of water offered by a nearby waiter.

Scanning the room, you still didn't find Hans and you were left a bit disappointed by this. Some people glanced at you for your clothes but you slipped away before they could point it out.

You ended up outside of the mansion by the wide open garden area. It was devoid of people and you were impressed by the size of it. Seeing it be covered in a blanket of snow made you widen your eyes as you took it all in.

"We've got company."

You turned and noticed a man wander towards you, his figure casting a shadow on you. You were greeted by the sight of a young man in a crisp blue and white suit. His dark hair had been smoothened as he gave you a small smile.

His blue eyes were on you, meeting your amber ones before he stood a few feet away. He had his cane with him, held firmly before his body as he studied your expression.

"I take it you don't like parties. I was looking forward to what sort of dress you'd wear," Hans said before he glanced at the mansion, "Though I understand. They could be a bit stuffy. I hope you enjoyed the beverages at least?"

"I had some water. I'm not the party type girl, sorry. I just needed to see you is why I came here," you replied as you crossed your arms.

"I see. Well then, I have a private room here. We can discuss our agendas there. That includes you too, Lady Rider," Hans said as he turned away.

Medb whistled by your side, "He's hot."

You tried not to react to that as you followed Hans back into the mansion.


Evening fell once you reached the room however as Hans was greeted left and right by older politicians looking to see where his career would take him. A bunch of ass kissers was what they were...

But in the end you were finally alone with Hans as he sat before you. Rider was behind you though, sitting on the back of your armchair as she hummed a soft tune to herself. Hans had taken out some pills from a small case and swallowed it dry before he sighed.

You turned to the door and felt the presence of two guards standing alert there.

"So you've come to see me. Though I did hear you've defeated Caster. For that, I extend my congratulations," Hans said as he held his cane.

"My visit is related to that," you replied with a firm tone.

"That it is... Still, how have you been acclimating to your nature? Are you being struck with the compulsion to kill me?" Hans asked with a raised eyebrow.

Yes. It wasn't as strong as before but it was there. The feeling of just jumping at him at full speed and crushing his head remained... The desire to order Rider to smash his head open... It was there but it was faint...

"It's here. But it's not as strong," you replied as you clenched your fist.

"It's muted then. Then that must mean that you're under some severe damage. I can only imagine that this was of your battle with Caster," Hans said as he rubbed his chin, "Well... Scathach implied as much. Would you be needing my services?"

"She said you were the only one who could fix me. So here I am," you said as you grimaced, "It's strange, I know, to repair a Doll made for the sole purpose of killing you. But I supposed that you could do something about that."

"You would be willing to put your life in my hands then just so you could be repaired?" Hans asked with a raised eyebrow, "My, I don't know what they made you with but that's stupid as hell. You do realize I could just crush your core should I desire it, right? Or just permanently leave you shut down..."

"Yes. There's the chance you'll do that... But what I want hasn't changed. I want to survive this war," you said as you met his gaze, "And I have a wish to fulfill."

"I could just save myself the trouble and end this encounter right here. Is this truly wise?" Hans asked with with a frown.

"Are you going to do it or not?" You growled as you narrowed your gaze.

Hans raised his hands then, "Right. You're not one to be tested... But a wish, was it? You already told me what you want and it's something achievable... Is it her wish that you're fighting for?"

He glanced at Rider then, your Servant huffing at the move.

"People are fighting for their own reasons, Brie. For their own wishes. It's what gives this War weight," Hans said as he leaned back on his chair, "Before I agree to helping you, tell me, is her wish truly worth trampling the wishes of others?"

Above the Table
[] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."
[] "It's why we're in this war, right? To have wishes we can fight and die for. Whatever Rider's wish is, it's one she answered my call for in hopes of being granted. And that's enough reason for me to fight for it."
[] Write in...
[] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."

Even Medb seemed to hesitate at Hans' words. It was a self centered wish that would benefit no one but herself. It was trivial, almost insignificant and shallow, and those descriptions were facts that cannot be denied. Even she knew it given how quiet she became behind you.

Even now, Hans was trying to make you doubt your position in the war. It seemed like he really didn't want to fight you by employing these sorts of tactics. But if you were in his position, you could understand him. You would have done the same thing had you met someone as unsure as you were.

But even then you had an answer...

"It's a selfish wish," you began as you met his gaze, "Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it had the right to be granted just as any other wish."

Hans stared at you for that as his grip on his cane tightened, "I see. Then it's truly a wish you're willing to fight for and not just some half-assed desire. Well then, rejoice, Lady Rider for your wish is about to come true."

"What's that supposed to mean?' Rider asked with a narrowed look.

"She has drive. To be an effective Master, she has the will to fight until the end," Hans said before he turned to you, "Now I can see just how serious you are."

"I've always been serious and what I want hasn't changed. There only two things I want and that's to survive this war and to grant Rider her wish," you said with a firm look.

"Indeed. But that's the same as saying you want to win," Hans said as he met your gaze. He tapped his cane on the ground and added, "Even if it means changing yourself. Fair warning, I may need to reconfigure your core to disable your compulsions to kill me. That's one of my conditions in helping you."

"Right," you replied with a narrowed look.

"But not only that... But if I were to tinker with your body, then that would free you from the Main Family's control and leave you open to attack from their agents," Hans warned you with a serious tone.

"The Luctworth?" You frowned deeply.

"To fulfill my own ends for this war, I stole some of their secrets. You were sent as a primary response unit to assassinate me. But I broke you and you're looking to overwrite their objectives given to you. This would make you a target for their secondary response unit," Hans warned you as he leaned back on his chair, "Haven't you noticed? How Berserker hasn't shown themselves since the war began?"

"You mean that if I go through this, they would deem that I failed and switch to their back up plan," you guessed with a grim tone.

"Berserker's Master will let them loose. The war will end shortly thereafter," Hans said as he held out his hands in a shrug, "The city would most likely turn into rubble. But even knowing that, would you open Pandora's box? Would you still fight for what you want? That peace you so crave?"

"What difference does it make?" You ask with a narrowed look, "I'm still going to end up fighting Berserker."

"Well... It depends on the Family's view," Hans said as he let out a shaky breath, "If they see you turning against them then they'll wipe out the city with Berserker... But if you don't perhaps they'll hold him back until you and I kill each other."

"So what do you want me to do?" You asked him as you somehow felt what he was going for.

"I'll fix you but I'll need you to take down Archer's Master. That should throw off the Family from sending Berserker after us," Hans said as he held up his finger, "During this time, I'll be facing them by myself. And while they're busy with me, you can go around and get them from the back when they least expect it."

"You want to throw them off?" You blinked in surprise before tilting your head, "Then... I guess you're Lancer's Master."

"It's not a hard guess to make," Hans said as he shrugged, "I've been keeping Lancer hidden while Caster and Archer rampaged... It's not an alliance per say, but it has the spirit of it."

"Wouldn't they send Berserker now that we're talking?" You asked him.

"Most likely. They'll probably crash the party," Hans said as he smiled your way.

You stared at him before saying, "So how do you intend to fix me?"

"My tools aren't here. But we did get most of the details down. We'll meet tomorrow with one of my agents providing you with a mystic code to hide you from the Family's eyes," Hans replied with a nod, "The only safe places from the city are select parts of the city including my own building and Scathach's cabin. We should be able to conduct the operation there."

"That's super," you griped as you crossed your arms. You then met his gaze, "So... What secrets did you try and steal?"

"The blueprints that made up my sister's memories. The same blueprints they used as a baseline for your model," Hans said as he had a solemn look on his face, "I want to reach the Root and hopefully find something that'll get me my sister back."

You felt your body stiffened at that before you relaxed. So that's his wish. That's what he's fighting for.

"I see," You murmured as you let out a breath.

Hans got up and leaned on his cane, "I'll leave you here for a bit. Food will be sent to you so you won't get hungry. I have some matters to attend. I'll be back once you thought this over some more."

You and Rider watched him leave before the door shut behind him. This left you alone in the room and you never felt more tired than before.

So getting yourself fixed was essentially painting a red target for Berserker to come and rip you to shreds. So your creators had thought this through should you fail to meet their expectations, they'll even raze the city to the ground.

Hans' plan had merit, you'll throw them off while you take out Archer. They won't use Berserker to nuke the city so long as you and Hans don't openly work together. It's all shaky... You're not even sure if Hans was confident in this plan even.

You're a wrench in both his and the Family's plan.

Music started to come through the walls, a soft and serene melody that calmed your nerves. You wanted to just hide away underground until everything went back to normal.

"So what's your move, Brie?" Rider asked as she crossed her arms.

"I just want to go home," you growled as you held your head.

"But we can't do that... Not without fighting," Rider said as she looked at her nails, "We'll have to fight not only for your peace but also my wish."

You stared at the table before you and sighed, "Si vis pacem, para bellum."

"Eh?" Medb blinked in confusion.

Music continue to echo in your room.

[] "It's nothing. Want to go and get some air?"
[] "I'm scared. I don't know if we'll make it. But we have to try."
[] "The music... It's nice. Do you want to dance?"
[] Write in...
Eternal Lady
[] "The music... It's nice. Do you want to dance?"

You stared at the ground as you heard the music play from afar. Everything was starting to pile up and it didn't show any signs of decreasing in intensity. You wanted to think of a way out of this situation now that you understood the gravity of it. It was a matter of keeping on playing or pulling back entirely.

You were perfectly fine just staying in the background but even in death, Caster continues to find ways to piss you off. You couldn't help but grow tired of this farce. It's either you declare war on your creators or risk yourself being killed without your innate capabilities. You wouldn't have been able to beat Caster if you were normal back then. It was all because you seized the chance to make your body your own.

The music continued to play as you and Rider stewed in your silence. You then decided to stand up, causing Rider to raise an eyebrow at you.

"The music... It's nice," you said before you turned her way, "Do you want to dance?"

"Are you sure you're not just using me as an excuse to hide from this choice?" Rider said as she hopped off your chair.

You grimaced as you turned to stare at the fireplace, "I... To be honest, I don't know what to do. Though what about the you, Rider?"

"Me?" Medb chuckled as she wrapped her slender arms around your neck, your faces inches away from one another. She gave you a cat-like smile as she replied, "I'll just follow with whatever you decide."

"You're useless," you griped as you looked to the side.

She let you go and giggled, "Well! That's sort of rude."

Holding your hands, she raised them up before pulling you along. The two of you ended up standing before the fireplace as the flames' glow lit her face from below. Her eyes twinkled as if she were looking through you.

The two of you danced, moving in simple yet graceful steps in this little room you were both in. It soon became as if the room had become the only thing to exist with the music swelling from a distance.

"Still if it was up to me, I'd do anything to get this over with," you admitted as you met her gaze as you both moved alongside the music coming from the main hall.

"Then the next course of action is simple," Medb said as you two danced before the firelight. You barely avoided her feet as you both swayed back and forth as you made her turn in place. Catching her back, she looked up at you and held your face, pulling you down, her breath hitting your skin.

Her honeyed voice entered your ears as she spoke, "We ruin them."

"Ruin... Them?" You blinked as Medb's eyes had a mischievous twinkle in them.

"We'll play along with Hans' game... At least up to a certain point. Threading the fine line between helping Hans and provoking your creators... But we'll be making our own moves here. We enlist Archer's help," Medb said with a smile before you let her spin before you both stood in front of one another, connected by your outstretched hands, "Hans fights your Creators and set Archer upon them. It'll be a brawl. They'll kill each other until one remains... Then after that, we'll kill them."

"You'll set them up without us getting caught in the middle," you murmured as you both let go of one another.

Medb walked up to you with a small smile and whispered into your ear, "Winning won't be difficult then."

"But... How will you bring Archer to the table?" You asked with a frown.

"Ruler," Medb said as she winked at you. She leaned on the chair with her arms crossed, "Archer's after her, right? We can leverage Ruler's trust and offer her on a silver platter. Simple, right? Ruler won't be the wiser either... The girl for all her authority is stupid."

"Rider," you murmured as you looked at her.

"There's a lot of pawns you could use now if you just try, Brie. You're not lacking in them, you know? You don't have to be constrained in by what you think you can't use," Medb said as she held hands behind her back with a bright smile.

Eternal Lady

[] "I see. Let's work with that. It's better to have a plan than none at all."
[] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
[] "I... I can't answer. Let me think on it."
[] Write in...