Rabbit Faced
[] Have Medb send her Warriors out to harrass Caster and wait for an opening.
You and Hinako stared each other down before you moved.
"Rider, play to your strengths!" You ordered as Rider cut her hand and spilled her blood.
"Caster, keep your distance and pick off her goons one by one!" Hinako ordered as Caster crackled with electricity.
The battle restarted and the two Servants fought one another. Celtic Warriors rushed Caster and blocked her strikes and lightning bolts with their shields. However upon trying again, Caster was able to bypass their defenses and push them back.
The Warriors were scattered but some bowmen fired their arrows to keep Caster in check. More arrows flew but Hinako drew hef own magecraft to shoot them down, covering for Caster as she recovered. The Druids began to support the Warriors as they assaulted Caster, only to have lightning erupt and obliterate the approaching Warriors.
Rider used this time to intercept Caster from the side. The two Servants saw one another before they clashed. The air rippled as they broke off, Caster threw vials into the ground to summon rotting hands to reach for Rider, only for your Servant to blow the apart with one rotation from Caladbolg.
Using her god speed, she rushed down Caster with vicious strikes that pushed the latter back. She got to the ground and swept it with her leg, nearly knocking down Caster. Victor used this chance to bring down a hammer of lightning down on Rider, only for her foe to roll away.
"You cut her off," Hinako ordered as she fired a volley of red magic into the air.
Caster unleashed a stream of electricity that isolated Rider in place. This gave Caster the chance to step on but Rider stabbed her sword on the ground.
"You won't win!" She declared as Caladbolg spun twice and sent shockwaves along the ground, destabilizing the tower and breaking Caster's footing.
Rider ducked as an arrow flew past her and struck Caster's right shoulder. Blood flew through the air as the other Servant jerked back.
"Damn you!" Caster snarled in response before firing a stream of lightning.
Warriors came to Medb's protection and took the shot for her. They grunted in pain before Medb used this chance to run forward.
"Rider! Attack on two angles," you ordered as she grinned in response, "Use feints!"
"Caster, cover your blindspots!" Hinako ordered as well as your Servants moved.
Rider dashed in as Caster stabbed her sword into the ground. Her eyes shined as her black and white hair danced around her. Static grew in the area before you felt a tremendous surge of energy that Rider had to weave through.
"You won't kill me... You won't! I won't let you!" Caster screamed as she unleashed a ring of power which forced Medb to jump.
Rider held her sword and dived down while Caster sneered.
"Wide open! You've got no place to dod-" Caster laughed before she tensed.
"Caster! Move!" Hinako warned her before the Servant dodged an arrow and beam of light from a Bowman and Druid.
Her sword crackled before sending lightning upwards, "Die!"
Medb smirked as she clashed with the stream of electricity using her spiral sword, "Gotcha!"
A rift opened behind Caster which caught even Hinako by surprise. A bull erupted from it and charged at Caster, goring her with one of its horns from the back and sending her upwards...
Straight into Rider's blade.
The Servant turned in mid-air to cross weapons with Rider. That saved her life but allowed Rider to send her flying downwards into the dirt. The ground split and tore itself apart before dust shot upwards.
Rider landed on her feet and steadied herself while her Druids refreshed her with their spells as her men gathered before her. She used her sword as support as she kept her eyes on the enemy.
"Get up, Caster," Hinako ordered as she held out her hand while a scarlet most floated towards where Caster was.
The Servant got up and grit her teeth, her wounds being soothed by Hinako's magecraft. She was being run ragged and she could barely keep up as she caught her breath. However a moment later, she seemed to regain her energy but still had a strained look on her face.
She was being replenished with energy but not healed. This was an odd punishment... Still, if that's the case you can't let this go for long. Caster might just be able to pick up on your moves but Hinako was for sure going to pick apart your strategy here.
"If only... You'd help me this much before, we wouldn't be in this situation!" Caster spat as she glared at Hinako.
"Eyes forward," Hinako said in disdain.
You directed your thoughts to Rider, "Are you okay?"
"We're not going to last a battle of attrition... But I'm already losing a whole lot of power here. The prana I stocked up is almost gone," Rider replied with her own concerns surfacing.
Caster was connected to the Dragon Vein through her Castle, so long as she had that, then she'll just get up again and again either until Medb loses or Hinako gets tired of seeing Caster suffer.
Then... Couldn't you just destroy this castle?
"Rider. Catch me," you told her as you ran. Medb jerked towards you with a look of disbelief.
"WHAT?!" Rider cried out as she gave chase.
Hinako stared at you before gritting her teeth as she went after you, "Caster! Chase them!"
Caster moved to intercept you before you jumped. You jumped off the golden tower followed by Rider behind you. You fell and watched as the ground came towards you fast.
Rider caught you a moment later before she screamed, "Are you insane!?"
"Pierce! Right through the foundation!" You told her as her eyes widened. She shut her eyes and cried out before light erupted from Caladbolg once more.
She drove the sword through the castle's floor before drilling through. A shockwave was sent through the entire structure before blasting straight through the underbelly of the castle. The impact surged with rainbow light as Medb roared as she used her last reserves of energy.
"Fergus, My Love! Caladbolg!" Rider cried out before breaking apart the foundations of which the castle used to stand on the side of the mountain.
Caster and Hinako landed nearby before Rider ripped her sword out.
"You took us off the mountainside," Hinako breathed in surprise, "That mean..."
"You fools! Do you realize what you've done?!" Caster roared as she looked at her hands to see her spark be less vibrant.
"It means we can kick your ass and you won't get up," you said as you glared at her, "Rider!"
"Clever," Hinako said as she held out her hand, "Caster!"
"Defeat Rider!"
"Defeat Caster!"
Medb smiled bright as she and Caster met at the middle and clashed all while the Castle began to collapse around you all. It was sliding down the mountainside into the pits of the valley. The bounded field couldn't hold it anymore and broke but the battle raged on.
Caster and Rider clashed and clashed as Hinako supported her Servant through magecraft while you ordered new tactics for Medb to use. It was a true fight now with no more tricks.
You need to corner Caster but Hinako was providing too much interference. Medb can't land a solid hit despite your best efforts. Caster was still powerful but she was on her last legs. You can't afford to fall now.
"Rider, use your speed. Don't let her tag you!" You said as your footing broke and you fell down your knees.
"Caster, pick up the slack! Corner her!" Hinako hissed as her red eyes surveyed the battle. Your world quaked as the end drew near but you still fought.
You were doing your best. You wanted to win. You didn't just want to survive all the time, you didn't want to just be helpless, you wanted to surpass this challenge. You were afraid yes, you were terrified but seeing Rider fight you knew it won't be easy.
It was all coming down. The towers, the walls, the pillars, everything. Yet you still fought. Hinako wasn't going to back down or let you leave without fighting. That's why you're going to win... You're not done yet!
The castle was going to crash. You had to decide... You felt your command seals burn. But should you use it? Was it the time?
The Box appeared beside you once more. You hadn't used the last thing inside it. Or should you just rely on yourself, not by Command Spells or the Box...
How... What were your options?
"Not bad. Not bad at all, Brie," Hinako said as she smiled at you, "You're really fighting your hardest here, huh? Guess I'll need to get serious too..."
Caster turned and hissed, "What are you doing?!"
"Ending this with fireworks. Use that chance, Caster!" Hinako snarled as her eyes glowed red and red liquid pooled beneath her feet.
[] Intercept Caster's next blow and give Medb an opening. You'll douse Caster with curses and use the final secret.
[] Use your Mystic Code and Apply evade on Rider. That should buy her time and land a solid hit on Caster!
[] Write in...
Warning: Severe Prana Loss. Rider can no longer use her Noble Phantasms unless Brie suffers heavy costs.
You and Hinako stared each other down before you moved.
"Rider, play to your strengths!" You ordered as Rider cut her hand and spilled her blood.
"Caster, keep your distance and pick off her goons one by one!" Hinako ordered as Caster crackled with electricity.
The battle restarted and the two Servants fought one another. Celtic Warriors rushed Caster and blocked her strikes and lightning bolts with their shields. However upon trying again, Caster was able to bypass their defenses and push them back.
The Warriors were scattered but some bowmen fired their arrows to keep Caster in check. More arrows flew but Hinako drew hef own magecraft to shoot them down, covering for Caster as she recovered. The Druids began to support the Warriors as they assaulted Caster, only to have lightning erupt and obliterate the approaching Warriors.
Rider used this time to intercept Caster from the side. The two Servants saw one another before they clashed. The air rippled as they broke off, Caster threw vials into the ground to summon rotting hands to reach for Rider, only for your Servant to blow the apart with one rotation from Caladbolg.
Using her god speed, she rushed down Caster with vicious strikes that pushed the latter back. She got to the ground and swept it with her leg, nearly knocking down Caster. Victor used this chance to bring down a hammer of lightning down on Rider, only for her foe to roll away.
"You cut her off," Hinako ordered as she fired a volley of red magic into the air.
Caster unleashed a stream of electricity that isolated Rider in place. This gave Caster the chance to step on but Rider stabbed her sword on the ground.
"You won't win!" She declared as Caladbolg spun twice and sent shockwaves along the ground, destabilizing the tower and breaking Caster's footing.
Rider ducked as an arrow flew past her and struck Caster's right shoulder. Blood flew through the air as the other Servant jerked back.
"Damn you!" Caster snarled in response before firing a stream of lightning.
Warriors came to Medb's protection and took the shot for her. They grunted in pain before Medb used this chance to run forward.
"Rider! Attack on two angles," you ordered as she grinned in response, "Use feints!"
"Caster, cover your blindspots!" Hinako ordered as well as your Servants moved.
Rider dashed in as Caster stabbed her sword into the ground. Her eyes shined as her black and white hair danced around her. Static grew in the area before you felt a tremendous surge of energy that Rider had to weave through.
"You won't kill me... You won't! I won't let you!" Caster screamed as she unleashed a ring of power which forced Medb to jump.
Rider held her sword and dived down while Caster sneered.
"Wide open! You've got no place to dod-" Caster laughed before she tensed.
"Caster! Move!" Hinako warned her before the Servant dodged an arrow and beam of light from a Bowman and Druid.
Her sword crackled before sending lightning upwards, "Die!"
Medb smirked as she clashed with the stream of electricity using her spiral sword, "Gotcha!"
A rift opened behind Caster which caught even Hinako by surprise. A bull erupted from it and charged at Caster, goring her with one of its horns from the back and sending her upwards...
Straight into Rider's blade.
The Servant turned in mid-air to cross weapons with Rider. That saved her life but allowed Rider to send her flying downwards into the dirt. The ground split and tore itself apart before dust shot upwards.
Rider landed on her feet and steadied herself while her Druids refreshed her with their spells as her men gathered before her. She used her sword as support as she kept her eyes on the enemy.
"Get up, Caster," Hinako ordered as she held out her hand while a scarlet most floated towards where Caster was.
The Servant got up and grit her teeth, her wounds being soothed by Hinako's magecraft. She was being run ragged and she could barely keep up as she caught her breath. However a moment later, she seemed to regain her energy but still had a strained look on her face.
She was being replenished with energy but not healed. This was an odd punishment... Still, if that's the case you can't let this go for long. Caster might just be able to pick up on your moves but Hinako was for sure going to pick apart your strategy here.
"If only... You'd help me this much before, we wouldn't be in this situation!" Caster spat as she glared at Hinako.
"Eyes forward," Hinako said in disdain.
You directed your thoughts to Rider, "Are you okay?"
"We're not going to last a battle of attrition... But I'm already losing a whole lot of power here. The prana I stocked up is almost gone," Rider replied with her own concerns surfacing.
Caster was connected to the Dragon Vein through her Castle, so long as she had that, then she'll just get up again and again either until Medb loses or Hinako gets tired of seeing Caster suffer.
Then... Couldn't you just destroy this castle?
"Rider. Catch me," you told her as you ran. Medb jerked towards you with a look of disbelief.
"WHAT?!" Rider cried out as she gave chase.
Hinako stared at you before gritting her teeth as she went after you, "Caster! Chase them!"
Caster moved to intercept you before you jumped. You jumped off the golden tower followed by Rider behind you. You fell and watched as the ground came towards you fast.
Rider caught you a moment later before she screamed, "Are you insane!?"
"Pierce! Right through the foundation!" You told her as her eyes widened. She shut her eyes and cried out before light erupted from Caladbolg once more.
She drove the sword through the castle's floor before drilling through. A shockwave was sent through the entire structure before blasting straight through the underbelly of the castle. The impact surged with rainbow light as Medb roared as she used her last reserves of energy.
Caster and Hinako landed nearby before Rider ripped her sword out.
"You took us off the mountainside," Hinako breathed in surprise, "That mean..."
"You fools! Do you realize what you've done?!" Caster roared as she looked at her hands to see her spark be less vibrant.
"It means we can kick your ass and you won't get up," you said as you glared at her, "Rider!"
"Clever," Hinako said as she held out her hand, "Caster!"
"Defeat Rider!"
"Defeat Caster!"
Medb smiled bright as she and Caster met at the middle and clashed all while the Castle began to collapse around you all. It was sliding down the mountainside into the pits of the valley. The bounded field couldn't hold it anymore and broke but the battle raged on.
Caster and Rider clashed and clashed as Hinako supported her Servant through magecraft while you ordered new tactics for Medb to use. It was a true fight now with no more tricks.
You need to corner Caster but Hinako was providing too much interference. Medb can't land a solid hit despite your best efforts. Caster was still powerful but she was on her last legs. You can't afford to fall now.
"Rider, use your speed. Don't let her tag you!" You said as your footing broke and you fell down your knees.
"Caster, pick up the slack! Corner her!" Hinako hissed as her red eyes surveyed the battle. Your world quaked as the end drew near but you still fought.
You were doing your best. You wanted to win. You didn't just want to survive all the time, you didn't want to just be helpless, you wanted to surpass this challenge. You were afraid yes, you were terrified but seeing Rider fight you knew it won't be easy.
It was all coming down. The towers, the walls, the pillars, everything. Yet you still fought. Hinako wasn't going to back down or let you leave without fighting. That's why you're going to win... You're not done yet!
The castle was going to crash. You had to decide... You felt your command seals burn. But should you use it? Was it the time?
The Box appeared beside you once more. You hadn't used the last thing inside it. Or should you just rely on yourself, not by Command Spells or the Box...
How... What were your options?
"Not bad. Not bad at all, Brie," Hinako said as she smiled at you, "You're really fighting your hardest here, huh? Guess I'll need to get serious too..."
Caster turned and hissed, "What are you doing?!"
"Ending this with fireworks. Use that chance, Caster!" Hinako snarled as her eyes glowed red and red liquid pooled beneath her feet.
[] Use a Command Spell. End it now, Rider! (Cost 1 Command Seal.)
[] Intercept Caster's next blow and give Medb an opening. You'll douse Caster with curses and use the final secret.
[] Use your Mystic Code and Apply evade on Rider. That should buy her time and land a solid hit on Caster!
[] Write in...
Warning: Severe Prana Loss. Rider can no longer use her Noble Phantasms unless Brie suffers heavy costs.
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