Tie Breaker
[] Throw her as hard as you could straight back into the entrance. Put yourself between her and the Grail. You will not allow this.

It's now or never.

You grabbed Brie by her arm and used your enhanced strength to lift her up in one motion. Before anyone could react, before anything could happen, you threw her as hard as you could straight back into the entrance where her back smashed through the doors.

You knew her enough to survive that. You got between her direction and the Grail. Ruler looked aghast beside you as she parted her lips.

"What... What is the meaning of this!?" Ruler asked in shock.

You kept your eyes on where Brie landed as you summoned Caladbolg, "Brie wants to continue with her wish. In exchange for Incarnating me she's going to let the Association burn this city."

"What?! But she didn't... She said she'd save it!" Ruler said as the two of you watched Brie use Gae Bolg to get up.

"You lied, didn't you, Brie?" You guessed as you gripped your sword upon seeing her look at you in confusion. Her eyes were filled with surprise and shock as she grunted to her feet.

"Rider... What?" Brie mewled as she held her side and steadied herself on her feet, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Stopping you from making a mistake," you coldly replied as you faced her.

"A mistake..." Brie murmured as she held on to her spear, "Is that how you see it? You waited at the last possible moment to do this and... Betray me?"

"I'm not betraying you, Brie. I'm turning you the right way. I can't let you turn into me. That's something I can't allow,"

"I was going to wish for your happiness, you idiot. We'd be finally together. We'd be free of this war! Don't you want that?!" Brie shouted as she grit her teeth, "I trusted you!"

"I don't want it. You'd be no better than I am. You'd be making an enemy out of the Magi," you replied back.

"I don't care about them! You gave me purpose! You gave me something to live for! To fight for! To kill for!" Brie screamed as she looked at you with her circuits slowly beginning to glow, "You're all that matters, you stupid bitch!"

"That's true. But condemning the Innocents not involved in the war... Leaving that sin on your shoulders, I can't let you bear it!" You snapped hotly, "Give it up!"

"I don't care about the town! I don't care if I have to kill every single Magi in the world! I'll burn this city to the ground myself if I have to!" Brie sobbed as she gripped her spear, "You're all that mattered to me. Being with you, laughing with you, fighting with you, bantering... I'd give the world just so we can be both happy. If I can keep the time with you in stasis, I don't care what I have to do."

"You should Brie. Because your ability to care is what separates you from the real monsters. If you keep going, you won't be able to live peacefully... Do you really want every waking moment of our life being one chased by Magi?" You questioned her as you narrowed your gaze, "I don't want that kind of happiness!"

"But it's what I want! It's something I decided on! It's something I will make it work. Just... Just trust me on this, okay? Look. We can still stop the Purge. Just let me get my Wish. Step aside and we can do something about this instead of fighting!" Brie said as she spread her hands, "Please... Please don't fight me."

You stared at her and grimaced. You shook your head as you said, "I don't trust your words. Not as it is right now."

"Medb," Brie breathed as she clenched her fist.

"Even if we do take out the Clocktower together they'll just send more people to finish the job. They'll keep trying and what then? Do you plan on staying here to defend the city?" You asked her as you stepped down the altar and knocked aside the pews within the church, sending them flying, "You just said it yourself, you don't care so why should I believe you now?!"

"Don't... Don't make me do this. What do the lives of others compare to you?" She asked as she held her spear, "If I make a wish, you'd be gone. I can fight again in another war but it wouldn't be you anymore. I want to make you happy, not some other girl that looks like you."

"I'm sorry, Brie. I can't let you do this to yourself," you told her as you felt your heart crumple, "I'll save you."

Brie let her circuits flare as she looked at you, "The Grail is mine, Rider."

"I won't let you have it. You want it? You'll have to go through me!" You snapped as you raised Caladbolg.

Brie held up her left hand as a Command Seal burned deep crimson, "By the power of this Command Seal, I order Servant Rider to relinquish the Grail!"

Red magic wracked your body as a familiar pain Lance through your body. Pain filled your entire being as you were compelled to follow her command. You fell down your knees as you gasped for air, you were being forced to step aside.

Brie held her shining red hand up as she grit her teeth, "Move."

Her voice echoed within your skull before you fought it. You fought it just as hard as you did when Minerva commanded you. Ruler knelt by your side and held your shoulder.

"Brie stop! You're hurting her!" Ruler said as Brie ignored her.

You held your hand and pushed her away, "This... Is fine. It'll be even now."

The lingering effects of the Command Seal wracked your body with excruciating pain. You refused her command as you let out a shaky breath. It was like having hot iron stabbing into your bones. The pain almost made you pass out but you endured. You managed worse just the previous night.

You held on as you faced her.

Brie looked at you with pain and uncertainty in her face as you held on to your sword.

"You're really doing this for me, huh?" Brie said as she smiled your way.

You gasped as you simply kept your eyes on her.

"I was doing this for you too. I will make us happy. No matter what it takes. I'm going to win the Grail," Brie declared as she looked at you.

You grit your teeth as you chuckled, "You haven't won yet. Come on."

"You're not going to stop me, Medb. I will finish this no matter how much you complain. We're going together... I won't leave you!" Brie said as she readied her spear.

"Then... Allow me to be the one to test you,!" You breathed. Your lungs felt like they were on fire, like needles were being jammed into them.

You both moved and closed in on one another before Caladbolg and Gae Bolg clashed in the air. The Demonic Spear responded for the first time within the Doll's hands and burned red with energy.

However in response, your rainbow sword surged with power, letting light dance upon its spiral form.



You both broke apart as the force of your strike was enough to make her stagger while you fell down your knees. The pain... It was getting intense.

You and Brie got up as you both held your weapons.

"I just want you to be happy," Brie murmured as she got ready, "So give it up. Give up and grant me the Grail. After that we can just run away... Run far away where the Clocktower can't reach us. Forget about the town, forget about the people... They don't matter. None of them do."

"Stop lying! Just stop it because I know you're full of it!" You roared as you dragged your sword and the two of you clashed before she pushed you back to thrust at your shoulder.

You parried her strike before you both ground your weapons against one another.

"Don't pretend they don't matter! Don't pretend that it's fine! Because I know that deep inside of you there will be a voice crying out because of what you will do!" Told her with a shout, "That's the part of you I want to drag out! The part of you that I love!"

"You don't get it at all!" Brie roared as she knocked you aside and you both exchanged blows, "I'm doing this for us and I'll pay any price it takes! No matter the cost! I'll strike a deal with the World itself if I have to!"

Tie Breaker
[] Write in...
Last Dance
[] "My greatest Treasure... do you know what lesson I learned from my life? Lives matter. People matter."
-[] "Do you remember how I died the first time? The ones you ruin have families, friends and comrades. They will come for you to avenge them, and I refuse your Light to be Extinguished like that."
--[] "If you want to save me, you have to save the town too. Show me the mind I fell in love with Brie... Show me an answer!"

The two of you broke apart, sparks flying in the air before you slid back. You moved as the command seal wracked your body in agony before you both clashed and struck one another in blinding speeds before you knocked her into a wall.

Brie flipped over and kicked off the wall to shoot towards you. She turned and had you parry her strike before you deflected her spear aside. You weaved through her swing and grabbed her by her collar and threw her into one of the church's pillars!

Her back hit it first before she coughed out blood upon hitting the ground. Brie grit her teeth as she slowly got up and reinforced her legs to rush you down. Scarlet and rainbow clashed upon one another before a whirl of combat erupted at the center of the church.

You fought her off as she relentlessly fought with as much strength as her tiny body could offer. A whirl of crimson fury which you dispelled with rainbow cleaves one after the other. You both swung your weapons as you met each other's gazes.

"My greatest Treasure... Do you know what lesson I learned in my life?" You asked her as you both pushed against one another, "Lives matter. People matter."

You broke contact and smashed Caladbolg against her spear to knock it down. You followed up with a kick but she caught your leg and used the momentum to throw you into a pillar. She dragged her spear through the air as you ducked and blasted her back with rainbow light.

She hit the opposite pillar as you got up.

"Do you remember how I died the first time? The ones you ruin have families, friends, and comrades," you growled as you both met each other's gaze, "They will come for you to avenge them, and I refuse your Light to be Extinguished like that!"

Brie moved as you called upon your warriors to restrain her. She pierced through their ranks in a blast of red light. She stopped short in front of you as you dodged out of the way. She smashed the pillar as you knocked down her spear before she swung it to catch your side and toss you aside.

You slid back as you stabbed Caladbolg into the ground.

"If you want to save me, you have to save the town too! Show me the mind I fell in love with Brie... Show me an answer!" You roared as she darted from the air and shot downwards.

You pulled your sword out of the floor and met the tip of her spear with your sword. Her body flew and smashed through the pews bunched up on the side of the church. Dust and smoke filled the air before you fell down your knees as pain arced through your body.

You gasped as you held your beating heart and looked up to see Brie dragging herself out of the rubble.

"You... Want an answer fine. I do care. You're right! You're actually right I do care and I'll feel horrible damning people to their deaths!" Brie yelled as she leaned on her staff and grit her teeth, "But my feelings are real too! I don't want to lose you! I meant everything I said to a degree but you're right. You're absolutely right."

You struggled to get up on your feet as you met her gaze, "You realize how stupid this is, huh? I'm not your security blanket, Brie. You can act tough if you want but I can read you like an open book. Because we're partners, aren't we?"

"Shut up..." Brie snapped as she dragged her spear with her.

"Be angry if you want but I need to know if you have a plan. Where do we go from here?" You asked her with a growl.

"Plan? I don't have a plan. I never had any plans. What semblance of a plan I had went up to smoke when you threw me!" Brie snapped hotly as she started running towards you, "That's my answer, you happy?!"

Your eyes widened as you blocked her strike, "Brie?!"

"Is that what you really want, Medb?" Brie snarled as she looked into your eyes, "I gave you my answer. Only a complete moron would fall in love with this sort of girl. You always had a bad taste in men or women."

"Guess I really am stupid, huh?" You hissed as you pushed her back, "We both have bad taste in people."

"That I can fucking agree with," Brie snapped as you both bounced off and exchanged blows. Sparks ravaged the air before you grabbed her jacket and threw her upwards.

Her body struck the ceiling and went through it. You kicked off the ground to chase her before you broke through the roof as well. Brie was already there with Gae Bolg going for your heart.

You deflected her strike as her fist dug into your stomach before you kicked her right in her side. Rooftiles flew as you both slid back from one another before the Command Seal wracked your body once more.

"Are you sure about it, Rider? How much do you want that Wish?" Brie asked as she held her side.

The moon shined down on the two of you as you both got up.

"Is this what you really want?" She asked you with a serious tone.

"Indeed. If it means to spare you from a crueler fate if you damn this city, then fine," you told her as you had Caladbolg spin.

Brie was silent as she stared at you before shaking her head, "You're an absolute idiot, I can't believe it."

"I'm not good with these arguments," you huffed.

"I know. It's charming," Brie replied as she held her spear.

You eyed her suspiciously, "So you're not going to damn the town in exchange for me?"

"Maybe. Do you have a better idea?" Brie asked with a chuckle.

"No. No, I don't. And you don't really have a plan outside human sacrifice?" You asked right back.

"Nope. Right now I just want to kick your ass," Brie replied as her spear burned crimson, "Thanks, Rider... I was getting a little crazy back there."

You saw that tears were sliding down her cheeks and her hands trembled as she held Gae Bolg.

"Alright... Show me me what you got," Brie replied as she met your gaze, "Maybe next time I'll figure out how to burn the world for your sake after this."

Last Dance
[] "Now you're just being creepy. You're doing it on purpose, aren't you?"
[] "Anytime. Let's kill each other first before we think up of solutions."
[] "You really do care, you small softie. No need to act tough anymore. We can cry about it later."
[] Write in...
[] "You really do care, you small softie. No need to act tough anymore. We can cry about it later."

You couldn't help but smile at her words. You allowed yourself a small sigh before you raised your gaze, "You really do care, you small softie."

"Don't call me small," Brie quipped as she narrowed her gaze.

"Still... No need to act tough anymore," you told her as you let Caladbolg spin, "We can cry about it later."

"No... You're going to be the only one crying," Brie said with a smile as she met your gaze.

She moved, turning into a streak of red as you slammed your sword into her path. She bounced right off before darting to the side and trying again. You parried her blow as she grew faster and faster...

Or perhaps you were the one getting slower? The command seal messed with your perception and awareness but it wasn't enough to hamper your superhuman senses. You caught her blows one by one, sparks flew into the air before you deflected her perfectly.

This caused Brie to stagger and deflect your own swing before using the spear as leverage to kick your stomach. She whipped the blunt end of her spear across your face before thrusting the tip for your throat.

You moved and avoided it before tackling her into the ground.

"Gotcha!" You snapped as she held out her hand.

"Aegis!" Brie roared as her shield expanded big enough to knock you off her.

She rolled to her feet as you shattered her shield with a single swing. Brie thrust her spear while you moved it aside before you grabbed her by her jacket and smashed her into the Church's cross.

Kicking you off, she cut your face with Gae Bolg before smashing Aegis on your legs. You fell down one knew before she kicked you across your face and you rolled to the side. You aimed Caladbolg at her and had it spin, unleashing a blast of rainbow through the air straight into her chest.

She stabbed Gae Bolg into the ground and carved open the roof as the two of you rushed one another. You swung your sword as she thrust her spear, the two of you exchanged blows.

You were pushed back by the ferocity of her blows before she broke your guard. You gasped before she knocked you down on your back and raised her spear. You palmed it to the side and cut the back of your hand. The spear jammed itself to the side of your face.

"Damn it!" Brie snarled as she plunged the spear once. Her foot fell on your neck as she grit her teeth.

"Get... Off!" You snarled as she pushed down harder.

"Going down!" She roared as the roof cracked and gave way. You both fell from the ceiling and crashed into the the church's interior.

Brie groaned as she got up on top of you before you punched her across her face. She flew to the side and hit the floor before rolling. A black Box hung on the side of her shoulder as she held her hand out.

You threw a pew her way but she rolled to dodge. The Box floated before you grabbed hold of Caladbolg once Brie began to chant.

"Let Calamity Dance! Crack open!" Brie chanted as the Box opened, "Unleash your Curses! Black Box of Despair!"(FAUX PANDORA)

"You bitch, this isn't funny!" You snarled as you held up your sword as the Swarm of Curses glided towards you, "See how you like this! CALADBOLG!"

Rainbow light erupted from your spiral sword before thundering forward with a violent surge. Brie's eyes widened before she held up her hand.

"Aegis!" She cried out as the pillar of light missed her by a hair's breadth.

The Swarm of Curses were purged from the world by the complete brute force of Caladbolg, forcing them to dissipate alongside their effects. You swung the sword upwards and let the pillar of light erupted to the sky, shattering the ceiling of the church.

The rainbow light vanished before Brie picked up Gae Bolg and swung at you. You parried and deflected her strike. Your body was slowly breaking being worn down the combined sequential battles as well as the Command Seal pressuring you.

"You fucking suck Medb!" Brie spat as she pushed you back.

"Fuck you too!" You snapped as you knocked her spear and elbowed her face.

She swept her spear and cut your calf, forcing you down before you grinded your sword against her spear to knock it aside. You punched her gut before she coughed out blood and stumbled back.

"I fucking hate you," Brie growled as she held her stomach.

You wiped your bleeding hand on your dress, staining it red, "Same. You stubborn little brat."

"Spoiled horny Bimbo," Brie spat as she looked at you.

"Mental problem gremlin," you growled right back.

"Rich Man's Semen Rag," Brie hissed in reply.

"Sociopathic Killer Doll Reject!" You snapped in turn.

"Stupid High Class Whore!" Brie roared as she held her spear.

"Walking Rotten Coward!" You yelled back as you gripped your spiral sword.

"Man Eater!"

"You fucking Cheese!"

You both had your weapons shine bright as you both stepped towards one another.



You swung your sword as her spear turned into scarlet light.

Rainbow light erupted from your sword as you cut through the air. Likewise you felt something red-hot Lance through your chest. The two of you went past one another with that final blow being the last of what your bodies were able to unleash.

Blood dripped on the ground.

You let out a breath as you felt Caladbolg vanish from your hands. Your legs gave out before you held your side, right where your heart was...

It hurt. It hurt so much. But you endured it. You can't appear weak. Not in front of her... Not now.

"It's not fair. Don't you act tough now, Medb," Brie said as Gae Bolg shattered in her hands, "Remember? If you need a shoulder to cry on or someone who can listen to your complaints, I'll be listening."

You held your hand on your chest and sighed.

No wound.

Your heart kept beating but it hurt still.

Brie fell on her rear at the same time as you did. You both sat within the church you both utterly trashed with exhausted bodies, breathing hard as you both gathered your thoughts.

Your wounds were sealing up upon Gae Bolg's destruction but you were still tired. The beating you gave her was no joke. Brie was no doubt hurt both inside and out.

You leaned on her back as she did the same to yours.

"I'm listening now, Rider," Brie murmured as she held your hand.

"Are you?" You smiled as the two of you looked up the sky as dawn fast approached.

"What kind of insult was that last one? Did you really call me a Cheese?" Brie giggled as she glanced at you.

"I'm not good at insults, dummy. Pet names maybe. Guys love it during pillow talk," you nodded as you held your hand up.

"Still... Cheese can't be good for your health," Brie said as she smiled.

You squeezed her hand and said, "Well, we did just try to kill each other. I don't think you're being healthy to my health at all."

"Fuck you," Brie hissed.

"Bite me..." You coughed as the two of you looked at the altar.


"One wish. We get one wish," Brie said as she looked back at the ground.


"Hey Rider. Did you have fun?"


"You know Rider, Disneyland seems like a nice place. I bet you that it's gonna be cool there."


"I also want to show you how the world is today. Away from this town, you know? Maybe take a twelve month Cruise."


"We'll visit a lot of places, Rider. I want to take you tons of them. And we'll make a lot of memories."


"It's only been a few weeks but these days have been the best and worst of my life. Granted I just lived as a person for a short while. But I wouldn't have had as much fun if it weren't for you, Rider."




"This is good, right, Rider?"


"You didn't answer me, Medb. Are you even listening?"


You smiled and leaned on her back, "I was just... Savoring the sound of your voice. Just so I could remember it."

"Creep," Brie chuckled.

"You're ruining the moment," you playfully elbowed her.

"Ow. My ribs," Brie groaned as she sighed.


"You ready?"



The two girls stood up and supported one another. They were battered and bruised as they approached the chalice which held the power to grant wishes. Taking it one step at a time, they slowly made their way to the altar.

Holding their hands with one another, they looked up at the Holy Grail as the sun rose and light entered from the windows.

Rider and Brie both smiled before the latter reached for the Grail.

The Doll that grew a Heart whispered in silent prayer... But before she could begin, a warm body hugged her from behind. It was very nice. A warm hug distracted Brie as a pair of arms wrapped around her body.

They were gentle.

They were warm.

They were the safest things she could ever imagine.

Brie realized that it was Rider and slowly placed her hand over her Servant's own. Hot tears began to form in her eyes and fall down upon Rider's skin.

She was so warm. She never felt more alive. Brie hesitated as tears ran down her face.

"Hey... What do people say when taking pictures?" Medb asked with a soft tone.

"Cheese..." Brie managed a small smile as she gathered her courage. She held out her hand to the Grail.

[] "I wish upon the Grail... I pray that the Fates of those whom brushed with this war be remedied. Let the sadness, the suffering, and the pain vanish from their minds. Let the glimpses of miracles and nightmares escape their thoughts... So that they may return to their fragile, fleeting, yet happy lives." (Fate End)
[] Write in...
[] "Let this war be a secret held only by those who fought in it, and none other! Let us hold the truth of this war close, never to be taken: not by time, not by magecraft, not even by the Throne of Heroes. And let it be out secret alone. Let the innocents, the onlookers, the watchful eyes of the Clocktower, forget, the miracles and nightmares of this war slipping from their thoughts like mist at dawn!"

The Doll had a wish. It would be simple to declare it at once. She could save the city and give up everything for the lives of others. She didn't really care about them that much but just enough to make this decision. It's not an easy decision but it was one she had to make.

Only her.

So Brie held her hands together and prayed to the Grail, baring her heart for her wish to be heard. It wasn't a wish for the sake of the town or the people in it, but a wish for her and her Servant. A selfish wish that would save many.

It was the other option which she took aside from what was laid before her.

"I... I wish upon the Holy Grail," she began again as her soft voice reached the chalice, "Let this war be a secret held only by those who fought in it, and none other."

The Grail shimmered before you saw the abundance of magical energy respond to her words. Brie clenched her fists and looked at it head on.

"Let us hold the truth of this war close, never to be taken: not by time, not by magecraft, not even by the Throne of Heroes," Brie continued as she stared down the chalice as it surged with power, "And let it be our secret alone. Let the Innocents, the onlookers, the watchful eye of the Clocktower, forget, the miracles and nightmares of this war slipping from their thoughts like mist at dawn."

Magic circles began to carve themselves into the sky above as the Grail heard her wish. Brie placed her hand upon her lips as she smiled

"This secret is ours alone," the girl whispered as the Grail shined brighter and brighter before a pulse of blue power erupted from where it was seated.

Brie was washed over by this pulse and felt the cool sensation of being swept in a gentle river. She staggered and fell back until a pair of hands caught her from her fall. She looked up the sky to see the essence of the Grail shoot straight for the sky and dispelling the bounded field which caged this town.

A miracle happened. A miracle that would touch the lives of many others. This was a miracle for her and her alone. The memories burned in your mind, the pain, the pleasure, the joy, the sadness, the anger, and the relief. The Grail was inferior to the Machine which had been first created in Fuyuki but it was enough.

It was just enough to touch the hearts of those around the world. While they may be confused at the state of affairs, the miracle would keep this war a secret. Only a miracle of the same or grander scale would be able to undo it. But for now, the girl's wish was heard and the Grail had done its job. It had freed her from this terrible war and unlocked the cage for her.

This war, this life, she would remember it even through death. The bonds that had been forced between the Doll and the Queen would remain until the last world within the Kaleidoscope vanished. The memories would remain with them no matter where they found themselves.

"Clever," Rider noted as she stroked Brie's hair.

The girl stared at the morning sky before she got up and turned to her servant. Medb looked like a mess, beaten, cut up and bruised but she still remained beautiful despite all this. Without the Grail to anchor her to this world, she was slowly fading. Her body was breaking apart, her light fading, but even then her smile remained.

Medb held Brie's face and ran her thumb upon the Master's cheek. The Queen looked into the girl's eyes and smiled as she placed her forehead upon Brie's.

"So warm... The memories I had, I'll be bringing them with me. No matter the time or place, I'll be thinking of you," Medb said as she pulled back, "My adorable, stubborn, cowardly Master."

Brie held her hand and shut her eyes, "Rider..."

"Smile... You'll look even prettier," Medb said as she stroked the girl's head.

"What will I do now, Rider? What do I do?" Brie asked as she held the Servant's hand, "What am I gonna do now?"

"Well... You find your allies and grow up, Brie. I can't keep you all to myself. You won't grow that way," Medb said as she looked into the girl's eyes, "Go out, see the world, find your place in it... When you do, call me again."

Medb took off her crown and allowed Brie to wear it on her head. The Queen smiled as she tapped the tiara and nodded in satisfaction.

"I can't wait to see what happens next. Whatever it is, I will always remember you and our time together," Medb smiled as tears also began to well up in her eyes, "It's been a long month..."

"It... It has," Brie murmured as Rider's body began to slowly fade away.

Medb pecked the girl on her cheek and smiled, "Don't let Scathach bully you, okay? I'll see you next time. Don't go burning the world down, okay?"

Brie held her hand tight and felt her shoulders tremble, "Yeah. I love you."

"I love you too," Medb said as she squeezed the girl's hand back.

The world forgot about the war but the memories of her would be engraved in the Doll's heart.

The Queen of Connacht vanished and with that signaled the end of the Holy Grail War. The only thing which remained of her was the tiara Brie held in her small, gentle hands.


Brie stepped out of the ruined church to find Ruler waiting for her. Jeanne had a difficult expression on her face as the girl stopped before her. The Servant's body has also begun to fade as her flag swayed in the air.

"You did it," Ruler said as she met Brie's gaze, "The wish is made."

"The Clocktower won't be bothering this town anymore," Brie replied as she held the silver tiara, "No one will remember except for us. Are you unsatisfied?"

"For your wish, no. You did what you could in your own way in the end. For the war? Perhaps I could have done better," Ruler replied as she looked up at the church, "You both rough housed quite a bit. Someone had to keep your collateral damage down."

"I don't blame you, Jeanne. And I'm sorry for what I was about to do. If Rider didn't stop me everyone here would be on a timer," Brie said as she looked at the buildings around her, "It wasn't easy, trading her for this place... But she didn't do it for them... She just didn't want me to throw my life away before it could even start."

Ruler met your gaze before sighing, "I see. But what's important is that Rider managed to stop you. I apologize regardless."

"It's fine. Do you plan on staying here some more?" The Doll asked with a curious look.

"Indeed. I am going to miss this place," Ruler said as she looked at the broken down church, "I'll be staying here for a bit more."

"Right. Jeanne one more thing," Brie smiled as she turned towards the other woman.

"Yes?" The Saint blinked in surprise.

"Happy New Year," Brie greeted as she waved her hand.


The world was confused. No one had the memory of the events within the month of December. Well not in reality... There bits and pieces but those were indistinguishable from fading dreams. Brie walked past the people running about and continued her way to her destination.

She had no money or transportation.

So she walked.

She walked and walked through the city wrapped in confusion.

She walked through the empty roads past the collapsed temple.

She walked through the snowy paths leading to the mountains.

She walked and walked until it was the afternoon when she reached her destination. A woman was waiting for her.

Brie held the tiara in her hand as she made her approach. The woman was tall, stern, and judging in appearance all while holding a menacing crimson spear. The woman's equally crimson gaze fell upon the Doll and studied her expression.

"I hope you're prepared for this. I won't be going easy on you," Scathach declared as she stared at the girl before her.

"I don't expect you to," Brie replied as she sighed before shaking her head.

The red spear snapped up and pointed itself towards the Doll's heart.

"Firstly before we go, we're going to fix your body," Scathach said as she prodded your jacket with Gae Bolg, "I can't have you drop dead while training after all."

Brie smiled at that and nodded, "Got it, Teacher."


The New Year came and went. The world was peaceful. The Doll was spirited away to the Land of Shadows to grow and be nurtured. Only those that fought in that terrible war would remember the events which transpired there. The survivors went their separate ways carrying the memories with them to their graves.

The Hero returned to his family on haste, just in time to carry his daughter in his hands. The touch of new life filling his iron soul with warmth.

The Wandering Immortal traveled the world with her curious companion, seeking new challenges and channels for her wish. The memories of the war burning within her chest.

The Brother continued his struggle and emerged from the ashes. Patching his wounds and climbing the mountain of trials he sought to overcome.

The escaped Doll completed her mission with glee and blended into the darkness until the time she faced her sister once more.

And finally, the Doll with a Heart studied and learned. Until the day she met with her Queen once more, she would continue on living...



Sometime in the future

There was light.

Medb opened her eyes and curled her lips into a bewitching smile.

"Finally out again. Now, let's see what we're working with," she sighed as she walked forward.

And then she saw a young woman sitting on a throne of crimson spears. Her unruly orange hair was tied into a side ponytail as she crossed her arms beneath her chest. The girl was smiling brightly upon her chair of spears.

"Rider, wasn't it?" The girl said as she spun the tiara she had in her finger, "Glad to have you. I'm in a bit of a bind with this War and all but I hope you can help me out?"

Medb's smile faltered for a moment before she sighed. She looked around and shook her head, "What a horrible place to summon a Queen. A rotting cabin, really?"

"Don't complain, I didn't have enough money for a palace, idiot," the girl griped as she grimaced.

Medb smirked as she walked up to the young woman and held her chin. The Queen leaned close before seating herself upon the girl's leg, "To call a Queen an idiot, you're pretty brave, huh?"

"I say it like it is," the girl shrugged.

"I guess I should ask the question now," the Queen smiled as she wrapped her arms around the other girl, "Tell me..."


"Are you my Master~<3"
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Sequel Starts here

Fate/Blackened Sugar Fantasy - Modern

You are a disgraced loser of the previous War but you aim to overcome the trials of this Liar's Grail War. With your Ninja sidekick (Servant) by your side, embark on a journey of murder, murder and more murder! This is Fate/Blackened Sugar

It's that sequel you wanted. I hope you guys can drop by.