This was everything I wanted and more. Thank you for participating, everyone.
Thank you, Rabbit, for providing this wonderful update.
This was everything I wanted and more. Thank you for participating, everyone.
Thank you, Rabbit, for providing this wonderful update.
Yeah, until I get my brain into a situation where I can out-Kitirsugu Kiritsugu, mainly because I'm a bit stuck on how I'm supposed to get industrial amounts of Tannerite in this town, Raiseth is probably the scariest user around here.
Also update may be late due to the outside exploding. It's like people are throwing hand grenades out here. I'll try updating next year.
12 months later, Raum poked Abigail to ask the thread if WWIII is over yet. :V
In lieu of an update, you might get Santa Abigail shoving a box of horrors into Brie's hands before popping out a gate. Roll for sanity check.
Right then, SV dice roller it is. What's Brie's current sanity score and what dice would I be rolling for a fail? Or is this going straight to the d100 vs. Intelligence check for Significant Emotional Event?
In lieu of an update, you might get Santa Abigail shoving a box of horrors into Brie's hands before popping out a gate. Roll for sanity check.

Also yeah, the fire crackers are so loud, you might think they're IEDs. Some explosions sounds like gunshots out here.

Ah, I thought it was a Russian thing, people indulging their nostalgia for the nineties. Good to know it isn't.
Votes closed

Happy new year!
Adhoc vote count started by AnonymousRabbit on Dec 31, 2019 at 1:07 PM, finished with 30 posts and 17 votes.
Above the Table
[] Accept the invitation but it'll just be you an Medb. It was extended to only the two of you and deviations could be seen as hostile actions.

The following day

You stared at the invitation in your hand before you looked up at the venue of the party. It was being filled by what looked like politicians and big shots from every industry. It was the following day since you left Scathach's little cottage and you've come to this party with only Medb by your side.

It's supposed to be a Christmas get together by some rich folks but it seemed like Hans roped into it somehow and was given an extra invitation.

At least that's the official story Scathach gave you but it seemed like he was looking to invite you anyway and asked for a spare invitation should you seek him out. You didn't try and look into the details but here you were dressed in your winter clothes still. You'll stand out in that sort of thing but you didn't care. You've seen ladies look like overgrown peacocks in their ball gowns.

You walked forward to enter the venue hall. It was a grand mansion of the host you didn't care for knowing. The security were quick to respond to your approach given you weren't dressed for the occassion.

"Excuse me, miss. We can allow you to enter without an invite," a burly looking man in a dark suit told you.

You pulled out your invitation and handed it to him, "I'm expected. I'll be out in no time though."

The guard motioned to his colleague as they inspected your invitation before looking at you. You weren't at all happy being here anyway so you didn't care if you looked sour. They didn't make a fuss and let you in but this caused some onlookers to whisper to one another.

You hated this place already. It's all posh and decadent.

"Though if you ask me, it's certain my kind of place. If you're looking to be my retainer, you'll have to get used to this," Medb whispered into your ear as you walked. She was in her spirit form to avoid unwanted attention.

Of course if you let her show herself, she'll catch the eye of every man in the room and it would be a mess. You didn't want that sort of stress at the moment.

"You'll get your pick of rich guys once we're done. But only if you behave yourself," you told her as you walked on the lobby where you stood out in your street clothes.

"Fine, fine. Though even then you're getting some looks, Master. Maybe you should have taken Scathach and Emiya's advice?"

"I'm only putting a gown on when it's either my funeral or if I look in it. Hell I'd settle for a maid outfit," you replied as you shook your head.

"That aside, was it really wise to not let Emiya cover for us outside?"

"We can't risk Hans citing it as me doubting him. While it's smart on paper, I don't want Hans to give me shit for it. So if we get jumped, it's all on you," you said as you walked past the lobby towards the main hall where the people have been gathered.

Walking in, you found the people seated in round tables drinking wine and having their meals. It was the sort of scene you'd find in the movies but the air of the bourgeoisie was just thick. While the streets were littered with addicts and the homeless by the old parts of town, these people could stand to eat and be merry like this.

It's Christmas for sure but there were people freezing out there. It made your stomach turn...

Women in fancy dresses passed you by as men discussed future partnerships on the side. Money and contacts were exchanged as small talk was made while you wandered about. You passed by some children playing together while others enjoyed the calming Christmas music played by the band. It was a pretty big party all in all.

The food were lined up in one side as people were scattered about with drinks in their hands. You were fortunate to have some food before you came here so you didn't seem all too distracted by the sight of them. Emiya was a godsend in that respect. Still you felt the need to focus this time...

You tried to recall Scathach's words back at the cabin. There were most likely Hans' security forces lurking in the background and you did feel the presence of a boundary field but it could have been easily shrugged off as a bad feeling. You were managed to catch it though but just barely.

Emiya warned you of fighting in enclosed spaces since it probably will hinder Rider's ability to move and react. You had to be ready to use everything in your surroundings to overcome whatever foes you may face. Even when he wasn't going with you, he at least tried giving you some pointers on what to do in an emergency.

You didn't have your weapons after all and it took a few seconds to manifest Aegis, if your foe was quick you could get blindsided. You had to rely on Rider especially given your current state. You felt more squishy than you normally were. You walked by some media people before you took a glass of water offered by a nearby waiter.

Scanning the room, you still didn't find Hans and you were left a bit disappointed by this. Some people glanced at you for your clothes but you slipped away before they could point it out.

You ended up outside of the mansion by the wide open garden area. It was devoid of people and you were impressed by the size of it. Seeing it be covered in a blanket of snow made you widen your eyes as you took it all in.

"We've got company."

You turned and noticed a man wander towards you, his figure casting a shadow on you. You were greeted by the sight of a young man in a crisp blue and white suit. His dark hair had been smoothened as he gave you a small smile.

His blue eyes were on you, meeting your amber ones before he stood a few feet away. He had his cane with him, held firmly before his body as he studied your expression.

"I take it you don't like parties. I was looking forward to what sort of dress you'd wear," Hans said before he glanced at the mansion, "Though I understand. They could be a bit stuffy. I hope you enjoyed the beverages at least?"

"I had some water. I'm not the party type girl, sorry. I just needed to see you is why I came here," you replied as you crossed your arms.

"I see. Well then, I have a private room here. We can discuss our agendas there. That includes you too, Lady Rider," Hans said as he turned away.

Medb whistled by your side, "He's hot."

You tried not to react to that as you followed Hans back into the mansion.


Evening fell once you reached the room however as Hans was greeted left and right by older politicians looking to see where his career would take him. A bunch of ass kissers was what they were...

But in the end you were finally alone with Hans as he sat before you. Rider was behind you though, sitting on the back of your armchair as she hummed a soft tune to herself. Hans had taken out some pills from a small case and swallowed it dry before he sighed.

You turned to the door and felt the presence of two guards standing alert there.

"So you've come to see me. Though I did hear you've defeated Caster. For that, I extend my congratulations," Hans said as he held his cane.

"My visit is related to that," you replied with a firm tone.

"That it is... Still, how have you been acclimating to your nature? Are you being struck with the compulsion to kill me?" Hans asked with a raised eyebrow.

Yes. It wasn't as strong as before but it was there. The feeling of just jumping at him at full speed and crushing his head remained... The desire to order Rider to smash his head open... It was there but it was faint...

"It's here. But it's not as strong," you replied as you clenched your fist.

"It's muted then. Then that must mean that you're under some severe damage. I can only imagine that this was of your battle with Caster," Hans said as he rubbed his chin, "Well... Scathach implied as much. Would you be needing my services?"

"She said you were the only one who could fix me. So here I am," you said as you grimaced, "It's strange, I know, to repair a Doll made for the sole purpose of killing you. But I supposed that you could do something about that."

"You would be willing to put your life in my hands then just so you could be repaired?" Hans asked with a raised eyebrow, "My, I don't know what they made you with but that's stupid as hell. You do realize I could just crush your core should I desire it, right? Or just permanently leave you shut down..."

"Yes. There's the chance you'll do that... But what I want hasn't changed. I want to survive this war," you said as you met his gaze, "And I have a wish to fulfill."

"I could just save myself the trouble and end this encounter right here. Is this truly wise?" Hans asked with with a frown.

"Are you going to do it or not?" You growled as you narrowed your gaze.

Hans raised his hands then, "Right. You're not one to be tested... But a wish, was it? You already told me what you want and it's something achievable... Is it her wish that you're fighting for?"

He glanced at Rider then, your Servant huffing at the move.

"People are fighting for their own reasons, Brie. For their own wishes. It's what gives this War weight," Hans said as he leaned back on his chair, "Before I agree to helping you, tell me, is her wish truly worth trampling the wishes of others?"

Above the Table
[] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."
[] "It's why we're in this war, right? To have wishes we can fight and die for. Whatever Rider's wish is, it's one she answered my call for in hopes of being granted. And that's enough reason for me to fight for it."
[] Write in...
[X] "It's why we're in this war, right? To have wishes we can fight and die for. Whatever Rider's wish is, it's one she answered my call for in hopes of being granted. And that's enough reason for me to fight for it."
[X] "It's why we're in this war, right? To have wishes we can fight and die for. Whatever Rider's wish is, it's one she answered my call for in hopes of being granted. And that's enough reason for me to fight for it."
[x] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."
[X] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."

I like this vote. Every wish has the right to be granted or to be denied, equally. What matters is what one would do to achieve it. Equality of all Wishes.

If it gets chosen, this might make for a good core ideal for Brie as well because she's been kind of blank as a character.
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I like this vote. Every wish has the right to be granted or to be denied, equally. What matters is what one would do to achieve it. Equality of all Wishes.
I disagree, or are you saying that people like Kirei or Gilgamesh deserve to get their wish when it would kill thousands of people? Or that a wish to have a hot coffee every morning is worth the same as a wish to end world hunger? Wishes totally aren't created equal.
[X] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."
I disagree, or are you saying that people like Kirei or Gilgamesh deserve to get their wish when it would kill thousands of people? Or that a wish to have a hot coffee every morning is worth the same as a wish to end world hunger? Wishes totally aren't created equal.
Eh, kind of.

Wishes that cost thousands of lives are terrible and whoever wanted it should definitely go to Hell, but even in real life thousands dying because of a single man's dream is something that still happens anyway. Conquerors like Napoleon and Iskander and goddamned Hitler killed a hell of a lot of people for their dreams and they made for mainstream historical figure. So all in all it's not a matter of deserving, really. People rarely get what they deserve. If it is, the world would make for a very different place.

Besides do you have any idea how much the price of coffee is in Africa? I drove for Doctors without Borders there once and I'm telling you, it's a lot. Any man in Congo that can drink coffee every morning for the rest of his life is probably going to be a very happy man.

Saying that wishes aren't equal are like saying all men are not born equal. They're technically true but it's not really a nice thing to say.

Edit: Also, Happy New Year to everyone in the thread! Here's hoping that 2020 sucks a bit less than 2019!
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[X] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."

This is pretty much the whole conceit of the Grail War. Doesn't matter if your wish is as important as the lofty ones of the larger-than-life historical figures that make up the war, you still have the right to pursue it.
[X] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."
[X] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."
[x] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."
[X] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."
[X] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."

This entire war is just people trampling over each other's wishes. Doesnt matter what the wish is, just how hard somebody is willing to fight for it.
Votes closed
Adhoc vote count started by AnonymousRabbit on Dec 31, 2019 at 11:33 PM, finished with 14 posts and 11 votes.

  • [x] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."
    [X] "It's why we're in this war, right? To have wishes we can fight and die for. Whatever Rider's wish is, it's one she answered my call for in hopes of being granted. And that's enough reason for me to fight for it."
[] "It's a selfish wish. Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it has the right to be granted just as any other wish."

Even Medb seemed to hesitate at Hans' words. It was a self centered wish that would benefit no one but herself. It was trivial, almost insignificant and shallow, and those descriptions were facts that cannot be denied. Even she knew it given how quiet she became behind you.

Even now, Hans was trying to make you doubt your position in the war. It seemed like he really didn't want to fight you by employing these sorts of tactics. But if you were in his position, you could understand him. You would have done the same thing had you met someone as unsure as you were.

But even then you had an answer...

"It's a selfish wish," you began as you met his gaze, "Perhaps even a stupid one, but it's a wish all the same. If it's trivial or grand, it had the right to be granted just as any other wish."

Hans stared at you for that as his grip on his cane tightened, "I see. Then it's truly a wish you're willing to fight for and not just some half-assed desire. Well then, rejoice, Lady Rider for your wish is about to come true."

"What's that supposed to mean?' Rider asked with a narrowed look.

"She has drive. To be an effective Master, she has the will to fight until the end," Hans said before he turned to you, "Now I can see just how serious you are."

"I've always been serious and what I want hasn't changed. There only two things I want and that's to survive this war and to grant Rider her wish," you said with a firm look.

"Indeed. But that's the same as saying you want to win," Hans said as he met your gaze. He tapped his cane on the ground and added, "Even if it means changing yourself. Fair warning, I may need to reconfigure your core to disable your compulsions to kill me. That's one of my conditions in helping you."

"Right," you replied with a narrowed look.

"But not only that... But if I were to tinker with your body, then that would free you from the Main Family's control and leave you open to attack from their agents," Hans warned you with a serious tone.

"The Luctworth?" You frowned deeply.

"To fulfill my own ends for this war, I stole some of their secrets. You were sent as a primary response unit to assassinate me. But I broke you and you're looking to overwrite their objectives given to you. This would make you a target for their secondary response unit," Hans warned you as he leaned back on his chair, "Haven't you noticed? How Berserker hasn't shown themselves since the war began?"

"You mean that if I go through this, they would deem that I failed and switch to their back up plan," you guessed with a grim tone.

"Berserker's Master will let them loose. The war will end shortly thereafter," Hans said as he held out his hands in a shrug, "The city would most likely turn into rubble. But even knowing that, would you open Pandora's box? Would you still fight for what you want? That peace you so crave?"

"What difference does it make?" You ask with a narrowed look, "I'm still going to end up fighting Berserker."

"Well... It depends on the Family's view," Hans said as he let out a shaky breath, "If they see you turning against them then they'll wipe out the city with Berserker... But if you don't perhaps they'll hold him back until you and I kill each other."

"So what do you want me to do?" You asked him as you somehow felt what he was going for.

"I'll fix you but I'll need you to take down Archer's Master. That should throw off the Family from sending Berserker after us," Hans said as he held up his finger, "During this time, I'll be facing them by myself. And while they're busy with me, you can go around and get them from the back when they least expect it."

"You want to throw them off?" You blinked in surprise before tilting your head, "Then... I guess you're Lancer's Master."

"It's not a hard guess to make," Hans said as he shrugged, "I've been keeping Lancer hidden while Caster and Archer rampaged... It's not an alliance per say, but it has the spirit of it."

"Wouldn't they send Berserker now that we're talking?" You asked him.

"Most likely. They'll probably crash the party," Hans said as he smiled your way.

You stared at him before saying, "So how do you intend to fix me?"

"My tools aren't here. But we did get most of the details down. We'll meet tomorrow with one of my agents providing you with a mystic code to hide you from the Family's eyes," Hans replied with a nod, "The only safe places from the city are select parts of the city including my own building and Scathach's cabin. We should be able to conduct the operation there."

"That's super," you griped as you crossed your arms. You then met his gaze, "So... What secrets did you try and steal?"

"The blueprints that made up my sister's memories. The same blueprints they used as a baseline for your model," Hans said as he had a solemn look on his face, "I want to reach the Root and hopefully find something that'll get me my sister back."

You felt your body stiffened at that before you relaxed. So that's his wish. That's what he's fighting for.

"I see," You murmured as you let out a breath.

Hans got up and leaned on his cane, "I'll leave you here for a bit. Food will be sent to you so you won't get hungry. I have some matters to attend. I'll be back once you thought this over some more."

You and Rider watched him leave before the door shut behind him. This left you alone in the room and you never felt more tired than before.

So getting yourself fixed was essentially painting a red target for Berserker to come and rip you to shreds. So your creators had thought this through should you fail to meet their expectations, they'll even raze the city to the ground.

Hans' plan had merit, you'll throw them off while you take out Archer. They won't use Berserker to nuke the city so long as you and Hans don't openly work together. It's all shaky... You're not even sure if Hans was confident in this plan even.

You're a wrench in both his and the Family's plan.

Music started to come through the walls, a soft and serene melody that calmed your nerves. You wanted to just hide away underground until everything went back to normal.

"So what's your move, Brie?" Rider asked as she crossed her arms.

"I just want to go home," you growled as you held your head.

"But we can't do that... Not without fighting," Rider said as she looked at her nails, "We'll have to fight not only for your peace but also my wish."

You stared at the table before you and sighed, "Si vis pacem, para bellum."

"Eh?" Medb blinked in confusion.

Music continue to echo in your room.

[] "It's nothing. Want to go and get some air?"
[] "I'm scared. I don't know if we'll make it. But we have to try."
[] "The music... It's nice. Do you want to dance?"
[] Write in...