White Karma
[] "I forget just how evil you can be. Nice try, dummy." Flick her forehead.
-[] "Its a fine plan, but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along we we straight out told her we need her help?"

You stared at her as she gave you that serene and beautiful smile. It was the sort of smile you had no doubt she had used on others before. A smile that sent kings, heroes and generals down their knees before her. With a beautiful voice, dazzling smile and a gorgeous appearance it would have normally worked on others.

You were affected too to an extent but you felt her try and charm you then and there. But you were more aware than she thought so you reached out towards her as she kept that beautiful smile on her lips... And flicked her forehead.

"Ow!" Medb cried out with a hiss.

"I forget just how evil you can be," you said with a dry tone and an unfazed look.

"You didn't have to flick me that hard! Besides, you did ask!" Medb growled as she rubbed her forehead, "That finger was reinforced!"

"No it wasn't. You just have thin skin," you replied as you crossed your arms, "Anyway, it's a fine plan but we need to take out the bits about backstabbing allies. Think Ruler would play along if we straight out told her we need her help?"

"Okay, first of all stabbing people in the back is fun!" Medb said as she huffed before placing a hand on her hip, "Secondly, Ruler may be a Holy Woman and a Virgin at that but she has a stick lodged into her ass so deep you'd think it's a Divine Miracle she can even walk! Of course she wouldn't, you stupid!"

"Rider, I know you don't like her but we do not say lewd things about Ruler," You told her as you pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Brie, have you seen her blessed tracts of land!" Medb squawked as she raised her hands, "That Catholic God is up to something!"

"But that's beside the point. We don't do that, only villains do that," You told her as you sank back into your seat, "So that's that."

"Yeah right," Rider scoffed as she crossed her arms.

"In any case, she won't help us because she's a neutral party that's more likely to get you Command Sealed into not setting people as bargaining chips," you said as you met her gaze. A sigh left your lips before you added, "And also... It's the sort of plan that won't fly without me discarding my moral standards."

"You're just so stupid sometimes. I swear. I give you a solution and you ignore it!" Medb huffed as she glared at you.

"I did ask your opinion but now I elect to ignore it. Thanks for your input," you said as you glanced her way but she was still quite unhappy.

"Right. Well how do you plan on going about this now, genius?" Medb asked as she met your gaze.

"I don't dislike the idea but it's just that I was hoping we can substitute Ruler for someone else Archer may want. It'll take some investigating and there's no telling if we can do it even if we find something," you replied with a grim tone.

"Huh... So you had nothing then. Figures... Brie, I know you don't like it but sometimes you have to get your hands dirty and this is me talking without the intent of corrupting you," Medb pointed out as she looked at the flames in the fireplace, "Would you rather play along Hans' game?"

"I'd rather not. But there's something here... If only I can figure Archer out," you said as you sighed.

"You're too nice, you know?" Rider said as she shook her head.

"It's called not being an asshole, Medb," you told her with a low chuckle.

"Funny how that works when you are one," Rider retorted as she cracked a mocking smile of her own.

The two of you stared each other down before the door opened and Hans stepped in. He slowed to a halt before raising and eyebrow.

"Did I miss anything?" He asked with a confused look between you and Rider.

"A whole lot of nothing. But we've talked about your proposal... We'll play along," you decided with a sigh.

"Oh. Great! Well I suppose I could give you some information we have on Archer's faction to start things off... Are you two okay?" Hans asked as he glanced between you and Rider.

"Just get on with it," Medb hissed as the man raised his hands.

"Alright. Still, it's good to have you here then," Hans said as he tapped the floor with his cane, "I don't have a dossier to give you but I could give you some key points. What we know about Archer's faction at the moment is their odd interest in taking Ruler out either by incapacitating her or killing her entirely. Attacks have been staged for her numerous times and we have no clear reason why."

"Perhaps her presence restricts them from achieving whatever endgame they have. Most likely the involvement of city-wide destruction and the like," you guessed as you crossed your arms.

"While that may be the case, they've only shown themselves to be attacking her. The only other time this wasn't the case was the fight instigated by Archer a few days ago," Hans pointed out as he met your gaze, "He was targeting Caster there."

"And Caster had enough zombies back then to start a massacre. What are you getting at?" Medb huffed from her seat on the arm of your chair.

"They want to disable Ruler, this much is obvious but therein lies their other movements on the city," Hans said as he took out something from his pocket. It was a syringe.

You took a look at it before Rider hummed under her breath, "It's a drug."

"You're familiar with it?" Hans asked Rider.

"I've been into shady places in this city to hunt game and I've seen it but I wrote it off as just another psychedelic," Medb shrugged as she crossed her arms.

"Well this is a new drug called White Karma. It's not necessarily scientifically made but it was constructed using a little bit of Alchemy. It contains some exotic ingredients available only to those residing in the moonlit world," Hans said as he set the syringe down, "It acts as a stimulant with a side effect being a strong aphrodisiac which arouses the user to the point it numbs them to everything except pleasure. Injuries during intercourse have been reported as caused by this drug in particular and the addicts in the slums are prone to using these things."

"Okay, that's no good. So you're saying Archer's faction is distributing these because...?" You frowned.

"Once you take this drug, you'll be susceptible to suggestion. It doesn't matter if it wears off or you get it out of your system, unless you're cleansed, it will remain in you and leave you vulnerable to let's say Rider's ability to charm," Hans explained as he glanced at your Servant.

"Ooooh that could be useful!" Medb giggled before you elbowed her stomach.

"So where did these things come from?" You asked with a narrowed look.

"The Cult of the Serene Lotus. Our sources say it originated from there and we have a suspect for a potential Master. A man only known as the Guru," Hans answered as he held out his hand, "The drug was said to be used for the purpose of worship to their God but soon came to realize the potential for acquiring sums of cash by selling it. Of course, the effects it could have on the populace could lead the moonlit world to be exposed... And Ruler will be an obstacle to them."

"Ruler's going to be so mad..." You murmured under your breath.

"They're located on northwest of the town by the port. We don't know if they have multiple Mages on hand but it's better to be careful," Hans said as he finished.

"Right. I'll figure something out but these guys are singlehandedly raising the amount of homeless and addicts in the street. Why not go crackdown yourselves?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Unfortunately we don't have the firepower to do so," Hans said as he shook his head, "With Rider's arsenal, you can perhaps stand a chance against Archer."

"Even with Ruler by our side, we almost lost against him. You drive a hard job at us," Rider scoffed from the side.

"It is what it is... Anymore questions?" Hans asked with a raised eyebrow.

White Karma

[] "I'm not the first person you asked to take on this job, didn't you? You had some people of yours during my fight at Caster's castle."
[] "Yes. One more question. Can I meet Lancer? You already know what Rider looks like and you probably figured out who she is... It's only fair I got to see your Servant."
[] "I fucking hate cults. They better not be summoning Cthulhu."
[] Write in...
[] "I fucking hate cults. They better not be summoning Cthulhu."
-[] "But, I do have one more question. Can I meet Lancer? You probably know who Rider is, so it's only fair.

Just hearing about this faction tickled you the wrong way. If thought about it, the whole Magus Society was just one big cult where people would discard morality and common sense in search for an impossible dream of reaching the Root. You're not sure where these feelings came from but you felt that they were instilled on you somehow.

But enough of the why questions. You had some information on Archer's group and they didn't look good at all. They were an armed group that deals in distributing drugs suspected to be made by Magi in order to gain cash. At least that's how it looked like on the surface but you think that's just a way to cover up for their true intention.

If the Guru was just looking to find a way to make a quick buck, they wouldn't go this far for the Grail. There were other avenues for it. But they still chose to participate in the Grail War, which could only mean that they have their sights on the Grail.

For money or perhaps something more? You can't help but be uncomfortable by the addition of this new mystery. You had the Main Family willing to send Berserker rampaging through the city, Hans and his secrets on how to take out said Main Family and now these Cultists...

"I fucking hate cults. They better not be summoning Cthulhu," you hissed as you bit your thumb.

"Well they probably won't be doing that but there may be the chance they could be summoning something..." Hans said as he had a thoughtful look, "I have reason to believe that considering their movements but it's not concrete. That aside, I'll be leaving their eradication to you."

"Right. I think I can do that but under my own discretion. I'm not the type to just kill masses of people if I can't help it," you replied with a dry tone.

"Your choice. So long as you maintain your cover. Once the fighting starts, you need to act fast," Hans said as he met your gaze. He then leaned back on his seat and asked, "Anything else?"

"I do have one more question. Can I meet Lancer? You probably know who Rider is, so it's only fair," you said with a firm tone.

Rider perked up at that and smiled mischievously knowing that you put Hans on the spot. The most you knew about Lancer would be that they were fighting Emiya and Saber back at Caster's castle, impeding their progress to help you. You're not sure what to make of that but it shouldn't hurt knowing more about possible enemies, especially at a setting like this.

Hans studied your expression before closing his eyes with a sigh. He leaned forward and said, "Well I suppose you have been forthcoming putting your trust in me by this much, and that's saying a lot considering you're made to kill me. Very well."

The man tapped his cane on the ground before a rune opened the nearby window. You saw a shadow dart inside the room before stopping behind Hans. He kept his hands on his cane as he felt the presence of his servant behind him.

You and Medb stared at the tall and imposing figure of a man in armor. An armor as dark as charcoal with silver markings etched across its surface. However if there was something you could describe it with, it was simple.

It was an armor of thorns.

Jagged and bent like the teeth of a dark beast, the thorns were protruding outwards to harm those that would be close. You could feel the oppressive gaze you were being sent before Medb held your shoulder tightly.

She was on guard.

The man's helmet concealed his face but you could notice a faint light green glow coming from underneath his visor. He held no weapon and had nothing on him but he was without a doubt a Servant. He stood silently behind Hans as he stared at you... Only to turn his gaze towards Medb.

The Queen visibly flinched at that.

"Did they harm you, Master?" Lancer asked with an accusing tone.

"Nothing of the sort. They simply wanted to see you. Perhaps you can introduce yourself," Hans offered as he glanced at his servant.

"I believe you had no intention of revealing my existence. Perhaps the situation has truly turned dire," Lancer replied with no small disdain. He then stood firmly and spoke, "I am Servant Lancer, contracted to one Hans Derrinsmith. That is all you are to know."

"I see. Well since you're here, do you have anything to report?" Hans asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Indeed. He's coming. It's just as you predicted," Lancer said as he glanced at his Master.

"Wait... Who's coming..?" You asked as you stood up.

"Berserker," Hans replied as he fixed his suit, "The Family must have been worried I would spin you to my side. Take no action that would make them think that not unless you wish Berserker's Wrath upon you," Hans advised as he limped to the door with his cane and Lancer, "Run, Brie. I'll meet you soon. A familiar will find you later."

You watched as he and Lancer left the room soon after. Lancer glanced at Medb through his helmet before leaving with Hans. You and Rider stayed there for a few moments before you started breathing.

Medb looked like she had just seen a ghost. With a stiff expression, she then said, "We have to go. Can't get caught in this now."

[] "He said try and make it unlikely that we're working together. Leave some warriors to trash the place and burn it up."
[] "Right. We need to get the fuck out. I don't want to see Berserker. Not now at least. Let's fly, Rider!"
[] "This might be a good chance to look at Berserker. Let's give it a try. We'll stay out of the approaching chaos."
[] "Rider... Are you hiding something?"
[] Write in...
Under the Moon
[] "He said try and make it unlikely that we're working together. Leave some warriors to trash the place and burn it up."

Time to run then. But first!

"He said to try and make it unlikely that we're working together," you told Rider as you stood by her side, "Leave some warriors to trash the place and burn it up!"

"Got it!" Medb replied as she cut her finger and splashed blood on the ground where Warriors began to emerge.

The two of you went for the window and jumped from there. Medb carried you in her arms before you both hit the ground. You could hear the sounds of the Warriors breaking apart walls and furniture before a fire started.

Pieces of the objects inside the room flew out of the window as fire burst through the walls and it exploded. Orange flames burst through the window you jumped out of and sprayed shards of wood and glass into the air. Medb covered you from the hail of debris.

It's not your house anyway! Medb broke into a sprint before you both saw something fall from the sky. A blue meteor fell from the heaven as a red trail followed it from behind. It struck the hall before you hear a scream. It was a horrifying scream straight out of your nightmares before you heard it pierce your ears.

Terror filled your entire body and Medb nearly stumbled too.


It was a haunting cry before Rider summoned her bull through a rift and left behind Warriors to add on to the carnage. You held on to her as she shot through the sky and left behind the cries of Berserker. You're not sure if Hans can survive that thing but he did say he'd meet you soon.

You never saw Berserker but that scream was more than enough to tell you that an opponent like that was beyond you. You can't hope to kill that sort of monster. It was just impossible. You held on to Rider as you listened to the sounds of prana being thrown around so hard that the building itself exploded behind you.

Sirens echoed through the night and were left in your wake.


Sitting in your new safehouse, you dropped your boots on the ground with a sigh. This was just exhausting and you don't know if it's your body or just the things you have been doing was wearing you down more than usual.

You glanced at the room you were in and noticed just how fancy it was. Medb never failed to con another guy into handing over his apartment keys to her, huh? You looked down your phone and noticed that Chief Edmund had given you information that the station was once more secure and ready for your use.

They sure worked fast. You sent a message in acknowledgement before you set it aside. Rider had gone straight to the bathroom to take a shower after that silent ride through the skies. You're pretty sure she an inkling on who Lancer was and it was bothering her quite a bit.

Probably a King or General she managed to swindle and make into her slave? Or perhaps someone she wronged in the past. You're not sure but the face she was making on the way back had been scary. You're not sure what to make of it or how to cheer her up.

Being out of character like this, Rider was really starting to worry you. You fell down on your bed and sighed as you closed your eyes. The door to the bathroom opened and Medb wandered out in her bathrobes and fluffy slippers.

Her head was wrapped in a towel as she looked absolutely miserable with a thoughtful expression creeping in on her face. She had a lot in her mind, huh?

"Penny for your thoughts?" You asked as you turned towards her.

"I'm not a thot," Medb griped back as she took off the towel off her head an let her hair down. She started combing it with a distracted look.

"Could have fooled me," you said with a raised eyebrow before you sat up straight, "Are you all right?"

"I am now. I think you should take the day off tomorrow and get yourself reoriented. It was only yesterday that you got out of that old Hag's hair after all," Medb said as she combed her hair.

You stared at her before pulling your legs close to your chest, "I guess... I'll order some food. Do you want anything?"

"I don't really have an appetite right now," Medb replied as she set down her comb, "Order whatever, I'll grab a bite later."

"You going somewhere?" You asked with a curious look.

"I'm stocking up in magical energy. Why? You plan on accompanying me?" Medb smirked as she glanced at you.

You blinked at that before shaking your head, "I mean, I'd prefer it if you stayed here for the night."

"Well that's odd, huh? Why? You're usually happy when I'm out of your hair," Medb asked with a surprised look.

"I mean, you have a lot on your mind and I'd hate to think what'll happen to you when you're distracted like this," you said as you scratched your cheek. Well that was awkward...

You glanced at Medb and saw how she froze and was looking at you through the mirror. She cleared her throat before chuckling.

"Well if that's what you want, I'll stay with you. You're pretty much a big baby," Medb said with her sky smile.

"If you're not feeling bad then you order food," you said as you threw your phone at her.

But she didn't catch it. Medb dodged and the phone smashed into the wall.





Fortunately the phone was fine but the screen was cracked. You both ordered Thai food for the night...


You stirred in your sleep before opening your eyes to the darkness of your room. Crawling out of your bed, you staggered your way across your room while rubbing your eyes.

"Toilet..." You grumbled under your breath.

Walking out into the living room, you were greeted by the darkness before you wandered to the comfort room. You noticed the Main Bedroom's door being open which made you raise an eyebrow. You normally took the guest rooms whenever you and Medb crashed in the place citing that she deserved the Master Bedroom because she was royalty or something.

You ignored it before you went to the toilet to do your business. Walking out, you were a bit more clear headed so you made your way to her room. Opening it, you noticed a lump underneath the covers...

Did she leave the door open? Idiot.

However just as you were about to close the door you noticed a foot at the bottom of the bed. It was a metal boot...

You frowned before you opened the door and turned on the lights. Walking forward, you took the blanket off the bed to find a grown man lying down on Medb's bed in full armor. The Celtic Warrior showed no reaction upon being discovered before you hissed.

"Where is she?" You whispered and looked around.

Rider was missing.


She found him standing on top of a building. It was almost he was asking to be found now that she knew of his existence. Rider dropped down from her Bull and landed behind the man clad in the armor of thorns. Her bull vanished on the air as she held onto her furred coat as the chilly December winds blew by.

The armored man had his back turned to her before he glanced her way. The green glow behind Lancer's visor lit up before he faced her entirely.

"In a twist of fate, we meet again. Queen," Lancer all but snarled under his breath.

"I never would have expected you to be here, Warrior," Medb replied in a cold tone.

"You dare show your face here after what you've done. You have the gall to show yourself before my presence," Lancer hissed as he walked towards her.

"I didn't know. But I have no wish for us to come to blows. Our Masters are in alliance after all," Medb said as the man loomed over her as the thorns on his armor sharpened like that of a hostile beast.

"That may be but know this. As soon as this alliance is over I will not kill you," Lancer threatened but Rider wasn't fazed. He lowered himself down to her face, "I will break that new toy of yours right in front of you. So you could suffer just as I did when I fought him."

Rider stood her ground and didn't let her emotion surface. But she did give him her reply, "It's for this reason that you were so easily coaxed. So emotional, so easy to sway, so easy to regret... You were so happy to have a chance to do him battle."

"But only under the effects of your cursed Mead!" Lancer snarled from behind his helmet, "I never wanted it! None of it! Not your gold, silvers or riches! Not even your daughter! You drew upon the darkest thoughts in my mind and preyed upon it akin to a ravenous vulture. You, vile Queen, who would ruin kingdoms and heroes for your own selfishness. Tell me, how many were slain due to your ego? Thousands dead for a beast. I've seen him, I've fought him, yet I think back to all your works and I still see you as the monster that you are."

The Warrior of Thorns stepped back from her and crafted a spear made from the thorns of his armor and rested it before Rider's throat.

"I have been fooled by you once, blinded by your wealth and bound by your words but let it be known I will have vengeance. As soon as I put him to rest from his agony, you will suffer," Lancer growled as he struck the ground with his spear.

Rider had a heavy expression before she sighed, "So it truly is him then?"

"Riastrad," Lancer hissed as he met Medb's gaze, "Summoned in his worst form. He's nothing more than a snarling beast. A shell of who he was with no respite from his frenzy."

Medb's eyes widened at that before she stepped back. She had guesses that the Child of Light would be in his Berserker form but to be in that state... No wonder he was only let out seldomly, he could render the entire city flattened with his frenzy.

Her eyes turned to Lancer and calls out to him, "Can you beat him?"

"As fate would find it humourous, I must fight him once more. But unlike before, he does not have the skill or cunning to defeat me," Lancer said as he clenched his fist, "I will defeat him... That is why you prepare yourself an army, Queen... Though even they would not be enough against me."

Lancer jumped off the building they were both on leaving Rider alone. He let her live for she would be saved for last. That man...


You perked up when the door opened. Rider walked in and found you with your arms crossed before her. She looked tired, more so than usual.

Bah... You didn't care.

"Where the hell have you been? There's a beefcake warrior on your bed!" You began saying before Rider walked up to you and hugged you.

You blinked in surprise before she wrapped her arms around you and brought you close. Breathing deeply, she buried her face on your shoulder as the two of you stood before one another.

She smelled of the outside... Where'd she go?

"Rider?" You asked her with a worried tone. She didn't respond and only tightened her hold on you.

Under the Moon
[] Ask her what happened. She's really in distress now. You're not sure what to make of it.
[] Hug her back. Whatever happened, she's not about to let you go. Might as well.
[] She must be tired. Bring her to bed. She might need some sleep. Hopefully she'll be better in the morning.
[] Write in...
Last edited:
Melting Snow
[] Hug her back. Whatever happened, she's not about to let you go. Might as well.

You got over your surprise fast as you wrapped your own arms around her and hugged her back. You're not sure what got her this shaken but you feel like you should look out for her for now. She's not about to let you go so you might as well return the hug.

She was starting to warm up as her temperature rose. She must have been out there for awhile. You're not sure for how long but it was more than enough to could still feel the coolness on her clothes.

You kept up the hug for a few more moments before you spoke, "Feeling better?"

"I thought you'd never let go, dummy," Rider replied as she stepped back.

"You look tired. Maybe you should take a break for now?" You told her as you rubbed her head.

"I just want to sit down on the couch," Rider sighed before she walked towards it before pulling you along.

You didn't resist before she plopped down while you sat beside her. Medb then leaned on your shoulder and sighed as if she was taking off a great weight off her shoulder. You kept quiet and simply waited for her as she seemed to be gathering her thoughts.

Well isn't this a rare sight, huh? Still, you'd feel better about it if she didn't make such a sad face. Something happened and you can't help but think about it. The only thing that made her react this strongly recently was her encounter with Lancer.

You blinked before you sighed.

"You went out to meet Lancer, didn't you?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

Rider bristled beside you before clinging to your arm, "Yeah."

"And it upset you because you knew him from your past," you continued guessing with a curious look.

"Yeah," Medb murmured as she pressed her face into your arm.

"Well, you didn't exactly have the most stellar behavior in your Legend. Was he the guy who smashed your skull with a Parmesan?" You asked with raised eyebrows.

Medb got up and hit your arm, "Parmesans didn't even exist back then!"

"Ow! Okay. Geez," you winced as you rubbed your shoulder before she rested her head on it once more.

She became quiet for a few moments before she growled, "It's like my past is coming back to haunt me."

"With all these Irish Legends, I'd say Fate has come to fuck with you and not in the good way too," you said as you shrugged, "You're shit out of luck, Your Majesty."

"Grrr! I swear! I'll figure a way out of this and that loser isn't going to push me around for it! Damn him, that Lancer! How dare he!" Rider hissed as she swung her legs in the air.

"So it is Lancer. Well he's not going to try anything until our alliance is over," you shrugged as you leaned back on your seat, "We just have to look out for him."

"If... It only were that simple. Hans is not going to give up on the Grail and Lancer is out to get me... And making me hurt," Rider said as she rubbed her shoulders, "They're the most dangerous enemies we could have in this war. It would be fine if they just fought me. It would be fine if they only targeted me. I'm used to it anyway, being hated... But you. Because of my actions in the past, you're going to bear the brunt of their hostility too. Lancer said as much and..."

"And?" You blinked as you stared at her. Her hand pressed on your shoulder before she pressed you down on the couch.

Her pink hair tickled your face as she loomed over you, catching you by surprise.

"I don't know if I can protect you," Rider admitted as her voice began to crack, "Hey... Brie. Is this how those Heroes felt? To be scared for those they want to protect? Because... I might start to understand them a little bit."

You couldn't move as she pinned you down but you didn't mind it. You didn't resist as you saw just how tearful her eyes were as she looked at you. This was really eating her up, huh?

Melting Snow
[] "Those Heroes? Aren't you one too? At least you saved me enough times to be my Hero. At least that's what I think."
[] "Hey. I'm tough. I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me, you know? Or is this Queen growing more attached than normal?"
[] "What's there to be scared of? You saw how we did against Caster. We were pretty unstoppable. I got your back after all."
[] Write in...
Saint at Risk
[] "Those Heroes? Aren't you one too? At least you saved me enough times to be my Hero. At least that's what I think."

You listened to her words as she wore the same tearful look on her face. She was looking for an answer, hoping you'd be able to give it to her. It was funny how she was looking at a Doll like you, not even human, probably not even a few months old for answers. You're not sure if there were any right and wrong answers but what you did know was what you'll tell her.

She just seemed so vulnerable, so defenseless now and not even in a way you were happy to poke fun at with. She was actually lost, faced with someone she wronged and fearful that they would come to retaliate and hurt you. She had already tasted losing you when Caster took you away and it was a miracle that you even lived.

For the first time, she was afraid of losing someone. Even if that person was you, she was afraid of losing you.

You could feel her tears fall on your cheeks but you didn't move away as you held her face. She was beautiful... Crying didn't suit her at all but you couldn't blame her. She was totally different from the Legend you knew, from the Dreams you've seen, from the facade she tried to show you. She was just a girl...

"Those Heroes?" You murmured with a small smile, "Aren't you one too?"

"I did so many wrongs. Broke so many. I don't regret any of them but you can't call someone like that a Hero, Brie," Rider replied as she tried to compose herself as her tears fell.

"Well... At least you saved me enough times to be my Hero. At least that's what I think," you said as you brought her close to you and let her forehead rest against yours, "I think that's all that matters. Whether you're good or evil, a Saint or a Harlot, a Goddess or a Demoness, I know for sure that you're Rider, my Servant... My Queen."

Your faces were inches from one another as you lovingly brought her down and hugged her. Rider blinked at your words before holding on to you tightly. She was starting to shake again. She was a foolish girl, she made her mistakes, she killed many in the past for her own selfishness... But what mattered to you was the here and now.

You lived in the present and looked to the future. Rider clutched on to you tight as her entire body shook. You accepted her because she's all you had. You're just a Doll after all, not even human... And if it's for her you'll grab that Grail and grant her wish.

"You're a fool to accept me. Knowing who I am..." Rider said as she got up and looked down at you.

"Well I'm probably the best one considering I have nothing to lose... Except maybe I'll probably sob and weep while you drag me around," you chuckled as you scratched your cheek.

"You're a coward through and through but I don't hate that. You're not one to bow too easily to my will and I don't hate that either," Rider said as she pulled you up by your collar, "I guess this is all right."

Rider wrapped her arms around you before leaning down to press her lips against yours. It was a quick one but it was intense enough to make your head swim before she pulled away with a giggle. She had this goofy smile on her face as she looked down on you.

You could taste her on your lips had an embarassed look. Cherries... She tasted like cherries, "I won't ever get used to that. And don't make it a habit."

Rider simply smiled at you as she slowly returned to her normal cheery self. She then leaned down against you and sighed in satisfaction. You can't breathe... She was lying on top of you in full now.

The couch wasn't made for two people it felt cramped. But you simply suffered in silence as you leaned back. Ugh... She's so heavy, you can't breathe. If you died somehow, you knew who to blame.


"So you two are an item now?" Kotomine asked as he adjusted his glasses while giving you a strange look.

"I don't know... Maybe?" You shrugged as you sat within the confession booth while you looked at Rider harassing Ruler in the distance, "It's sort of this weird thing."

"She's a Ghost, Brie. No matter how pretty she is, she'll go poof at the end of the War," Kotomine replied as he rubbed his forehead.

"I'm a sculpture given life by the memories of a dead girl's personality. What's your excuse?" You hissed as you glanced through the holes to where the Priest was.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry and I've listened to weirder confessions. Just try not to bring it up around Ruler, you know how she is," Kotomine sighed as he shook his head.

"WHAT?! BUT... THAT'S..!"

"Oh joy," Kotomine Kinzo, representative of the Catholic Church within New Rimeland City groaned as La Pucelle herself grew redder than an apple.

You and Kotomine watched as Medb whispered some more into Ruler's ear before the Saint went limp. She slumped in one of the pews while steam rose up her head.

"Congratulations. Your Girlfriend just made Jeanne D'arc pass out from embarassment," Kotomine said in dry, soulless tone, "I hope you're happy."

"This wouldn't be a problem if Jeanne was summoned as a Saber. She was in an army of guys, no way she wouldn't pick up a thing or too," You hissed right back at the Priest.

"Yes but this form is more of her Saint side rather than that fierce military commander that nearly led her country through battles," Kotomine said as he crossed his arms, "Trust me, I wish she was Saber but she would just be a normal servant then!"

You looked out see Rider giggling darkly while Ruler tried to recover.

Saint at Risk
[] Rider's having too much fun bullying Ruler. You should go and stop her.
[] Ruler will snap and when she does Rider's going to regret it. You should see how that goes.
[] Cut straight to the point and ignore shenanigans. Report what you know about Archer's faction and how it could affect the war.
[] Write in...
[] Rider's having too much fun bullying Ruler. You should go and stop her.

You sighed as you got out of the confessional booth. You and Kotomine walked at a brisk pace while you watched Ruler slowly overload from Medb's whispering. Yeah this had to stop somehow. It was fortunate that the church was empty today save for the executioners wandering around to guard the area.

After the Dead Apostle incidents, they were incharge of clean up. Kotomine had a pretty busy few days now. He did say that he would be pursuing Hinako Akuta and her new companion but he won't be doing it earnestly. His group was stretched thin as they were after most of them were called back.

There were other Holy Grail Wars happening and needed overseeing so he could understand but still... Ruler was going to be in a pinch if Archer attacked her again. That aside, it seemed like Rider did Archer's job for him.

"What are you doing?" You asked Medb as you chopped her on the head.

"Ow! I was just having a little girl talk!" Rider pouted as Ruler recovered slightly.

"A little girl talk wouldn't do this much to Ruler," you said as you placed your hand on your hip, "What did you tell her?"

Rider raised her eyebrows at you before smiling, "Stuff... About how much of an inexperienced kisser you are."

Kotomine coughed by your side, "Wow, under the bus you go."

Ruler straightened herself up and tried to regain some semblance of dignity, "W-Well... While I cannot condone the lifestyle you should pursue, I can simply pray that you find guidance back into the right path... K-Kissing and hugging before marriage... Surely the Lord will forgive you if you do penance."

You leaned close to the priest and whispered, "She's not going to make a fuss about us being girls?"

"She's too flustered. She's a strong and smart girl, she just doesn't have the resistance for this sort of thing,"
Kotomine whispered back as the Saint went off tangent listing the prayers you should do.

She finished fast though, not meeting Medb's gaze while raising her head, "Am I clear? B-Besides, that's forbidden love!"

"Hey can I corrupt her?" Rider asked as she licked her lips only for you to chop her head, making her wince.

"No. Don't bully the Saint or she'll smack you with a flag," you griped as you crossed your arms.

"Fine, fine... Are you two done talking?" Medb asked as she glanced at you.

"No. I haven't gotten to the bad part yet but I think Ruler should hear this too," you decided as you glanced at the Saint snapping back into a more serious expression.

"You two have certainly been busy. Let's take this elsewhere," Ruler decided as she stood up and turned to you, "Let's see what trouble you found yourselves in."


You were in Kotomine's office with Medb and Ruler. Kotomine himself was seated behind his desk while Ruler stood behind him. Medb leaned on your seat with a relaxed look on her face, a contrast to your two hosts' faces.

"And you said you acquired this information from Lancer's Master. Well the ledger agrees with the identity of Archer at least. The Guru, no formal name whatsoever but certainly affiliated with the cult you brought up," Kotomine began as he tried to make sense of this. He adjusted his glasses while continuing, "The suspect at least matches Archer's faction."

"Still, the distribution of these drug related paraphernalia is highly illegal both in the eyes of normal law and the moonlit world. It could affect the war in the long run with how much chaos it could bring... I can see why they want to get rid of me... They would have free reign of the city if that were the case," Ruler said with grim expression, "To cloud the minds of normal people to overturn the order which is in this city, they are certainly playing the long game here."

"Does this meet your criteria for intervening?" You asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"It calls for an investigation normally... But with Archer's hostilities I doubt that there's little room for thinking that they're not involved," Ruler said with a sigh. She crossed her arms and shook her head, "It would take some planning... And muscle."

"The executioners remaining here are at your disposal, Ruler as am I. However against Archer's people it would be a difficult fight. Archer you could disable with a command seal but there's no telling what that faction has hiding," Kotomine replied as he glanced at the servant behind him.

"We can help. We're tasked with taking Archer out anyway so we'll go with you," you volunteered with a nod.

"That would be reassuring. Though I would also appreciate the participation of Saber's Master if you could get ahold of them. News say that you have worked together more than once now," Ruler said with a smile.

"Better than Lancer or his Master," Rider grumbled behind you.

"When will we be pursuing them?" You asked with a curious look.

"We'll contact you. But it should be before Christmas," Kotomine said as he leaned back on his chair, "I need to report this to the church and Clocktower... Just in case."

"For now, you two should be careful. Berserker has been more active than before... It took three Command Seals to force him back last time," Ruler warned you with a heavy tone.

"He almost killed you too," Kotomine added with a sagely nod.

"That only amplifies my point. Do not engage with Berserker unless you want to die. This is my warning to you two," Ruler said as she crossed her arms.


You and Medb left the church with your jobs done. You should have back up when taking on Archer now so that was good.

Rider blew her hot breath into her hands before rubbing them together, "So... What do we do now?"

"I don't know. We could wait for Hans or do some investigating on our own. Frankly, I just want to go home and sleep some more," you sighed as you rubbed your forehead.

Medb had a cat-like smile from beside you.

"Without you on my side. You were so heavy I couldn't breathe," you griped as you dodged a jab.

"I am not heavy! How dare you!" Rider snapped with a pout.

"So she says," you chuckled as the two of you walked down the street.

Rider stayed by your side while you looked down your phone. This was the midpoint of the war and some things were coming to a head. These next few days are going to be crucial if you don't want to get killed.

You felt a hand grab your own, making you look down to see Rider's fingers interlocking with your own. She had her attention elsewhere so she must have done it unconsciously. Her hand was quite warm so you firmly grasped it in your own. You didn't let go however while you turned your attention back to your phone.

Where should you go now?

[] Meet up with Emiya and tell him of the plan.
[] Visit Scathach. You haven't thanked the lady properly for caring for you.
[] Swing by the Cult's territory and send out some scouts.
[] Walk to the police station and grab some guns. Lots and lots of guns.
[] Go home and swear off the war for the day. You want to go to sleep. You're feeling more tired than usual.
[] Write in...
Rumors and Hearsay
[] Meet up with Emiya and tell him of the plan.

Making an effort to this gathering of allies of yours would be a better use of your time. After all, there were a lot of unknowns when it came to Archer's faction. They've mostly sticked to harassing Ruler and keeping out of the way of other battles. The Cult was more focused on creating chaos rather than fighting through the war themselves.

Texting Emiya, you messaged him if you could meet sometime today. A reply came quick, making you raise your eyebrow in surprise. He said that he can meet you this afternoon at the coffee shop in front of his safehouse. He mention that you already knew the way.

Well you did and you had some time to kill. It'll be just you wandering the city until you get there later. It was still a little early after all.

"We're being observed," Medb yawned as she tightened her grip on your hand.

"Wait, we are?" You blinked in surprise.

"Don't show signs that you noticed. Damn, if we had a Druid we could disrupt their vision," Medb said as she looked ahead.

"Well we're in daytime. The unspoken rule of the war was that combat should only happen at night," you pointed out to her as you stopped by a store to browse at the items for sale, "We'll be safe for now."

"If they want to peep then they could at least be direct about it," Rider fumed with an unhappy tone.

"That's what you're mad about?" You asked with an incredulous tone.

"Hehe. I just know the place they won't follow us in," Rider snickered as she pulled you along. You were curious as to where she was dragging you before you noticed she was making a beeline for the Adult Shop.

You hit the brakes on your feet and resisted, "No. No! Goddammit, no! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"


Fortunately the observers didn't follow you then. It was also fortunate that Rider didn't buy anything and that's only because you would have died first before she wrenched the wallet you both shared from your cold dead hands. While she promised that it was only for her thralls' use you didn't trust her, you wouldn't trust her with shit.

You liked her yes, she was pretty and you were her retainer but that's a no. You're okay for cuddling but she'd have to play a complicated Mind Game before you let her reign free in this relationship. Maybe this was why Scathach warned you during that time if only to prepare for this madness.

You owed that lady a lot now.

"Come on, I'm sure you would have liked the one I picked for you. It's made in Germany too!" Medb said as she pouted while sipping her latte.

You raised your head and gave her the stare of a dead woman walking.

"Honestly for all your bluster, you're just as adorable as Ruler," Rider huffed as she set down her cup, "It was just 9 inches on both si-"

"Keep talking and I will stab you with this fork," you cut her off as you held the fork in a rather menacing grip, "Also you're banned from going to clubs until we deal with Archer."

"What?!" Medb cried out in surprise, her eyes widening in alarm.

"I need to wash my eyes..." You groaned as you covered them with your hands.

"Oh you're no fun at all, aren't you?" Rider huffed as she crossed her legs.

"I... I don't think I'm ready for that stuff yet. I want to get to know you better and maybe spend time with you like this before we... Take higher," you admitted as you rubbed your thumbs together.

Rider stared at you for a second before an evil smile curled upon her lips, "Oh... Oooh. Oh this is gonna be good."

"Oh I hate your fucking guts sometimes," you hissed as you flushed red.

"You're just so adorable when you're not resisting. I just want to spoil you rotten," Medb purred as she leaned on her palm.

The cafe door opened and a man walked in. You recognized him by his tall stature and red hair, his suit crisp and clean and his aura. Emiya turned to see you and Rider sitting on the booth before you got up to meet him.

"Sorry. I was just managing my plans... I also have some stuff you might want to see," Emiya said as he shook your hand.

You sat by Rider's side as Emiya took his place on your opposite side. He brought his briefcase up before you nudged Rider to move a bit.

"Making plans already?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. I looked into Hans Derrinsmith and Luvia's connections helped. I have some information on him if you want to see that first," Emiya said as he looked through some documents.

"We're interested," you nodded.

"Well he's from born in Britain. London to be exact, the place where the Clocktower is located. Of course, this is because he's a part of two known families within the organization, which is to say the Derrinsmith and the Luctworth," Emiya reported as he read through the list of things you were already aware.

"That's the first thing I found out about him... He also had a sister. A girl that has my face and appearance," you pointed out as you leaned back.

"Yes. Celine... She must have been used as your base for your appearance. Most likely the Luctworth's work. I have my suspicions that they're the last Master we haven't seen yet," Emiya said as he glanced at the documents, "Anyway, at 25 he popped up here, running as council member... Afterwards he's balanced a life of dealing with mage affairs and his political career for two years."

"Were there any information about conflicts with his family?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"There is. A year ago at age 27, he was accused of stealing confidential materials from the Luctworth workshop. However when brought to trial, they couldn't find anything on him and was left off. No doubt the old family was left angered by that," Emiya said as he set down the piece of paper.

"I see. Then I could see why those people would create a Killer Doll like me to assassinate him. And what better event to do that than this Holy Grail War," you murmured as you crossed your arms.

"Indeed. Plus there's the fact that there's three Heroes from Irish myths here. He probably stole Lancer's catalyst as well," Medb said as she drank her coffee.

"I take it that your meeting with him didn't end well?" Emiya said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh it went well enough. He'll fix me... And given his background, I wouldn't be surprised that he could. He has a plan to take out Berseker but it involves not being associated with him for now, otherwise Berserker will rampage," You answered as you thought back to the other day.

"I see. Don't trust him too much. He's a Magus through and through and I've seen enough of them that I can get how they think. So did he ask anything of you?" Emiya asked you with a look of concern.

"Take out Archer to throw off the Luctworth from our alliance... After that, we'll give support while he and Lancer duel Berserker. It'll hopefully end in one day," you said with a grim tone.

Emiya's eyes widened before he rubbed his chin and looked to the side, "I see... When is it happening? I'll need to prepare."

"Can you help us at least deal with Archer? The Church has already agreed on taking him down and Ruler's coming too. It would be to our advantage if we worked together," you said with a nod.

Emiya cracked a smile and said, "Well... If you put it that way, sure. I'll be happy to fight alongside you. Saber would too."

"That's a relief to be honest," you sighed as you held your chest, "I'll be counting on you."

The man before you nodded before placing his documents in his briefcase, "One more thing, Brie."

"What is it?" You wondered as you noticed his thoughtful look.

"Have you ever seen a girl with white hair wandering the city at night?" Emiya asked with an uncertain tone.

You stared at him before you and Rider glanced at one another. Only one other girl you've met had that description...

"Yes. That's Assassin's Master," you replied with a frown, "Wait... Don't tell me she's still alive. Rider and I blew her up!"

"Did she expend all her command seals during the fight?" Emiya asked with a worried tone.

Rumors and Hearsay
[] Yes.
[] No.
[] You're not sure.
[] You killed her. She was blown apart by Rider's Noble Phantasm. Her surviving that would be a miracle!
[] Write in...
Last edited:
Opposite Side of the Coin
[] Veekie

You never saw her use a single Command Seal or perform any feats which would require a Command Seal to achieve for an Assassin. You didn't see any corpse of the Master either, and since you fell unconscious afterwards you didn't have the time to check for any remains, you just thought that a direct hit from Caladbolg would obliterate any mortal in the target area.

The Master, Olga Marie, was entranced by the light of the Noble Phantasm, so you didn't think she was in the right state of mind to use a Command Seal to have Assassin get her out of the blast, but now that you think of it, you HAD seen Assassin passing through the ground in shadow form once. Its not impossible for her to carry her Master below and use the ground as cover.

Knowing this, the probability of Assassin's Master being alive was not zero. Which means that there were still a grand total of six servants active in this war. Saber was a non-issue but this posed a great risk in your future plans. Should Assassin try and get you, there would be no warning of her coming for you.

Fighting her that time was your only chance and this time you're going to be stuck on the defensive. Great. Just great, you felt better about this the more you thought about it. You didn't see her use her command seals but that didn't necessarily mean she needed them to survive Caladbolg.

You didn't have the ability to check back then. You passed out as soon as you thought it was all over. Did Assassin's Master recover only recently? You wouldn't be surprised it's been a couple of weeks. But this was assuming she's still alive.

Not until you have concrete evidence, she could be alive or dead. Emiya was just confirming with you... There's no need to panic.

"She didn't use a command seal during the fight but I don't think she had enough time back then..." You managed to say as you pinched the bridge of your nose, "I wasn't able to check back then, I just assumed she died but her Servant may have had one last trick that would have let her survive..."

"I saw it myself. The area where Caladbolg ran through was left devastated. There were no bodies to confirm their death. All I knew was that Assassin's presence was there and then it wasn't anymore," Rider said with an equally frustrated tone.

Emiya held up his hands and said, "I'm just trying to make sure. But still, it might be nothing. I'll look into this for you two so just ease up, okay?"

"Can't really ease up when there's an Assassin Servant around just waiting to kill me in my sleep," you replied with a grimace.

"We worked so hard to kill them too," Rider groaned as she complained alongside you.

Emiya stared at the two of you and sighed, "You two are horrible people."

"You must have quite the eye if it took you this long to notice, old man," you snickered as you glanced at him.

"Well we haven't actually killed people yet en masse," Medb chuckled with you with a raise of her hand.

Emiya massaged his forehead, "If that happens, I'll be the first to stop you. I'm sure Saber would help me then. Still... Even if you two say that, I trust that you two are good people."

"Has your wife ever told you that you're too trusting?" You asked as you gave him a worried look.

"I don't know Brie, I sort of like it," Rider said with a shrug.

"Anyway!" Emiya said as he met your gaze with a serious look, "Just focus on recovering first. That's what you need right now... But even then don't let your guard down. There's no telling what will happen next."

"Understood," you replied with a nod.

Emiya had a relieved look on his face before he got up, "Good. I'll take care of this Assassin business and see what I can do. Give me a message if anything comes up."

"Yeah. See you around, old man," you said as you waved him goodbye.

He chuckled at that and left you in the café with Rider. You watched him go before you took Rider's mug from her hand and downed it in one go. Fuck it's sweet.

"Hey that was mine!" Rider hissed at you from the side.

"I'm so done with this stupid war," you groaned as you held your face with your hands.


You were tired... So tired. It hasn't even been a few hours since you left the church but you're exhausted already. You fell down on your bed and sighed as you relaxed your muscles. Staring at the ceiling, you can't help but slowly sink into your bed as your vision blurred.

"Going to sleep already?" Rider asked with a curious tone as she leaned by the doorframe.

"Yeah. Just gonna take a nap," you replied as you grabbed your blanket, "It's just for an hour."

You felt some weight settle at the foot of your bed. You opened your eyes to see Rider lean over you and place a hand on your forehead.

"I'll wake you in an hour," Rider assured you with a small smile, "I'll be right here..."

You felt comfortable... The fear of Assassin getting here to kill you subsided as Rider sat by your bedside. You slowly drifted off to sleep.

You were so tired.


You dreamed...

And you found yourself standing at a stone plaza as the skies rumbled overhead. Thunder echoed within the heavens as you noticed a grand red spear thrust upon the ground before what looked like the American White House.

You could hear the sounds of battle going on and you turned to see the monstrous form of a man with a Red Spear and a woman in white clash against a girl with a shield and a young man with orange mane.

It was a battle which shook the air and split the ground, you knew what sort of fight this was. You saw standing in the opposite end of you was...


Another girl that wore your face. She was wearing a white uniform and a black skirt. She was giving orders, struggling against the combined might of the woman in white and the monster in black.

She was controlling three Servants as they dueled the duo to the death. A woman in red fired her gun at the Woman in White but it was avoided. This left the woman open to the orange man's sword.

A red spear blocked the blow and threw the man back. You stared at them and raised your hand.

"Rider..." you whispered.

Your eyes widened as you saw the monster in black turn to you. His gaze sharpened before he came to a halt. Does he... Want you to help? However the moment passed and he charged the Shield Bearer and slammed her into the dirt.

"Rama! Support Mash!" Your doppelganger ordered as the Saber blocked the killing blow the monstrous Cu Chulainn was about to deal.

You watched Medb intercept the follow up and kick aside the Saber with her heel. The ground exploded where the Saber hit the ground but Medb was open to being struck by that massive shield.

The two sides were left at an impasse.

However the Lady and her Monster both had grins on their faces. They were enjoying it, this battle despite faced with the odds against them. It was like they were declaring war on the world.

They were going to lose at this rate. Would you really see it? Would you see how that woman will die?

This memory...

Opposite Side of the Coin
[] Interfere. Help them. Help her.
[] Wake up. You just want to wake up now... Not watch this.
[] Write in...
[] Interfere. Help them. Help her.

You reached out for them. Even if it was a dream, even if it was a memory you were just seeing, you want to help her. No matter what she was doing, you were going to fight alongside her. They were going to lose and you were scared of that. You didn't want her to die, you don't want to watch her die.

This was a dream. Just a replay of what memories she had locked away and how things occurred from her perspective. She probably didn't know about this herself and would probably scold you for looking at stuff you weren't supposed to see.

But if it's this dream, maybe you can change it. You can change the course of this already finished battle. If only in this dream, you'll grant this Rider victory.

"Berserker, cover Rider," you ordered and the monstrous man lunged to deflect Rama's swing. You then ordered once more, "Rider, follow up and stick close to one another!"

Medb perked up and glanced your way before she smashed Rama back with a kick before Cu Chulainn guarded her against the red woman's gunfire.

"What? They're suddenly in sync?" Rama breathed as the distorted Child of Light threw his spear.

The Shield Bearer intercepted it and blocked the blow, the impact rattling her frail body.

"Mash!" Your Doppelganger cried out before she ordered, "Nightingale, cover us! Mash, steady yourself and support Rama's charge!"

You stared at the rushing Servants before you gave your orders again, "Rider, use your Warriors to split them. Berserker, hammer down the Shield Bearer."

"Cu, can you hear this?" Medb asked in surprise.

"I don't hear anything," Cu replied with low drawl, "Let's get this over with."

Rider summoned her Warriors as they split apart the Shielder and Saber. Medb darted towards Rama while Cu Chulainn swept his spear through the air and scraped a red hot line across the shield's surface. The Shielder had her guard blown wide open but she was knocked aside by the woman in red just as Cu's arm smashed her towards the nearest tree.

"Mash! Grant her protection!" Your Doppelganger ordered.

"But!" The Shielder cried out.

"Do it!" Your Doppelganger pleaded as the Shielder used her power to manifest a shield over Nightingale's body, forcing the descending spear to bounce off.

You turned to look at Rider and saw her avoiding Rama's blade.

"Berserker, throw your Spear at Rama! Rider, target the Enemy Master," you called and the monsterous Hero's body turned as he threw his weapon.

Rama had been occupied by two Warriors and was struck on his side, blood splattering into the ground. Rider took this chance to dash forward and summon her bull to trample the enemy Master.

However red light burst from the human girl's hand, "Mash!"

The Shield Bearer teleported right in front of her and took the brunt of the blow. The bull smashed its horn against the shield and nearly blew the Shielder's guard open.

"This is the end, Chaldea! It's in this day that you'll fall!" Rider laughed as the Shielder struggled against her.

"After so many lives your people had ruined! We're not going to let you win here!" Your Doppelganger roared behind her Servant.

"Let's see you talk like that when I grind you into paste!" Medb sneered as she managed to break the Shielder's guard and the bull prepared to gore both Servant and Master.

You can't help but sigh quietly, "Right... You're also that sort of girl, weren't you?"

You noticed Rider hesitating for a moment just as-

"Brahmastra!" Rama roared as he threw a shining halo of light even as Celtic Warriors pierced him with their spears.

Medb was struck off her mount. You reached out for her. This was just a memory... But the pain you felt from watching it all was still very real.

Cu Chulainn stood by your side as you both watched her fall.


"Damn it..." You breathed as you opened your eyes.

Rider glanced at you from reading her magazine, "Sup?"

You felt relief seeing her there. It made the lingering emotions sting less. You closed your eyes as you slowly got up. You felt rested... That was the first dream cycle in awhile now, it caught you off guard.

"Brie?" Medb asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Who's responsible for parallel worlds again? I want to punch them in the face," you grumbled as you rubbed your forehead.

"Uh? Why?" Your Servant asked with a curious look.

"I just watched you die while fighting at the Whitehouse's front yard," you grumbled as you took off your blanket and sat beside her.

Rider blinked at the before smirking, "Did you cry?"

"Maybe. You were pretty evil looking," you told her with a shrug.

"Evil?! Why I would never be evil for any reason! I'm the kindest and fairest Queen that has ever lived! Did I kill a lot of people again?" Rider asked with a curious look.

"Yep," you nodded.

"Oh... Well that happens. I made a lot of mistakes in my past life... I wouldn't be surprised if I made the same mistakes again if I'm left alone," Rider said as she crossed her arms, "But I don't see that happening here. Not unless you let me."

"I'm cramming cheese into your mouth if that happens..." You growled before looking at the floor, "But I wouldn't really mind if you're evil or something. Whether you're good or bad, you're still just Rider. As long as you remain yourself, I don't really care where you're standing."

"Wait... Really?" Medb blinked as she met your gaze.

"As long as you don't burn down an orphanage or actually murder a baby," you said as you scratched your cheek, "But robbing a bank or jaywalking, I can tolerate."

"Brie... Please, I have standards," Medb waved you off with an awkward look.

This is the evil Queen you're loyal to. It could be better but that's just how things are around here.


It was December 21st. There was just four days until Christmas and you were still waiting for Hans' reply. You half wondered if Berserker actually killed him the other day. There was also the matter of Assassin's Master possibly being alive. Emiya hasn't contacted you if he found anything yet.

Staying in your apartment, it was bound to be boring. You didn't want to attract Archer's attention so you didn't want to go out into the city much.

"I want to go on a date," Medb said as she crossed her arms in front of you.

You ignored her and went back to looking down your phone and talking to the police. There's been movements from the armed men in white but there's little evidence of them being linked back to the cult. Chief Edmund had been working hard and even placed his best detectives to investigate.

"Hey. Are you listening?" Rider asked as she tapped her foot.

If you could get the police involved, maybe they can raid the place before you did. That would allow you to test the cult's defenses or if Archer was easily provoked into attacking. That aside, maybe you should contact Hans after all.

Rider plucked your phone out of your hands, leaving you staring at air.

"Heeey," Rider said as she leaned down to your level.

[] "I'm going to kick you."
[] Fine. She wants to go out, then two can play at that game. You'll visit Scathach, that'll make her miserable.
[] "Goddammit. I was working. Don't you have anything better to do?"
[] Give up. Whatever she has in mind, she's paying for it. You'll keep going until you run out of batteries.
[] Write in...
A Quiet Time
[] Give up. Whatever she has in mind, she's paying for it. You'll keep going until you run out of batteries.

You stared at her obnoxious face as she dangled your phone in front of you. She was really trying extra hard today. You haven't heard anything from people that mattered but you would expect some form of message to drop by later. After that things would just go downhill depending on what happens next.

Still, whatever she had cooked up in that head of hers must be eating at what sense she has. It would be better to not go against it and just humor her. Still, a date in the middle of the war or was she just trying to get you killed somehow? Oh right, she's a moron so she might have not thought of that.

"Okay. Let's go," you relented with a sigh before your phone was dropped. You caught it as Rider gave you a dumb smile.

"I knew you'd say yes. Good. Now let's go," Rider said as she pulled you up and dragged you along.

No way you could fight this. Not with how your body currently was, you're sooner to break down than gain any ground in an argument.


Surprisingly enough, Medb didn't bring you to a mall or a clothing store. She didn't even bring you to a restaurant to eat and talk but instead she brought you to a place you didn't expect. You looked at the interior of the public library to find that it was filled with thousands of books from a shelf on one end to the other. It was an entire building reserved for the storage of paperback materials.

Medb walked by your side and wrote down your name on the logbook before guiding you forward. You weren't sure why she brought you here but she might be getting productive after all. You might start being happy with her if she was willing to help out.

Maybe you can even find a way to beat Berserker or Lancer when it came to it. Perhaps you can even look up and find clues regarding Archer here. You still didn't know much about him though and you haven't discerned his identity.

Medb hasn't told you who Lancer was but she should spill the beans. She also had an idea on who Berserker was so that end was covered. She just led you through the shelves though, straight into general history where there were a few people.

"So why the library?" You asked as you picked up a book regarding Irish history and skimmed through it, "I never took you for the bookish type."

"Well I figured you'd be able to rest better with how quiet it is here," Rider said as she crossed her arms looking damned proud of herself. She also gently pinned you against a shelf, "Also, it's a rather isolated place where people could get away with some... Thrilling-GAK!"

You smacked her head with a book, "You've been hanging around some weird websites again, haven't you?"

"You wouldn't believe the things I've seen!" Rider said with a hiss.


You and Medb as you were no doubt shushed by the old lady at the reception desk. You both winced before she rubbed her head while you looked down at your book before putting it back.

"If you want to start a career, you should have asked around. Why me?" You frowned as you tried picking out another book.

"Well, somehow you're the closest person I could grab. But that's besides the point. Anyway, this place is no fun since you won't play nice. Let's beat it," Rider said but you didn't budge as she pulled you.

"Sorry, I'm working right now. How about you help me live through this war, huh?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ugh... Fine. I doubt looking through books would save us now..." Rider said as she crossed her arms.

"Well I can't just sit around doing nothing while you drown in pleasure, you pervert... What do you know about Berserker and Lancer?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Lancer is Ferdiad," Rider pointed out with a distasteful look.

Your eyes widened at that before looking to her, "Oh..."

"What?" Rider frowned at you.

"Fuck, that guy's Cu Chulainn's battle buddy... And you bullied him into fighting his Bro," you recounted as you tapped your cheek, "Damn, Queen. You did him dirty."

"Well I had to throw someone strong! Cu was just too strong and cool!" Medb said as she stamped her foot.


You both winced at that before you blinked. Didn't she have Druids and stuff curse the guy until he went to her camp before she got him drunk on her mead until he agreed to fight for her?

"Is he mad?" You asked.

"He's mad- Stop getting a kick out of my misery. That's my thing," Medb huffed as she crossed her arms.

"I love it when you suffer karmic justice," you chuckled as she looked like she was about to blow a gasket, "I mean, you're an asshole."

"And so are you, asshole," Rider hissed as she turned her nose up.

"And that's why we're stuck together... Good job. Well, if legend's correct, all we have to do is shove something in his ass," you recalled as you rubbed your chin.

"You're disgusting but I approve," Rider replied with a mildly disturbed look.

"So what about Berserker?" You wondered as you looked up the shelf.

"Riastrad... Warp Spasm. Lancer mentioned it when we met. So it's truly him. It's Cu Chulainn," Rider said with a grim expression, "You know what that means?"

"We're sort of fucked. I know the general stuff... It's essentially him hulking out, right?" You asked her.

Rider nodded, "Yes. He turns into a monster capable of flattening the entire city if let loose. I can see why Hans is wary."

"I'll try looking into his weakness... If he has any," you said as you crossed your arms.

"Brie, I didn't take you here to work but don't overdo it, okay? You can read,something else if you want," Rider told you as she placed a hand on her hip.

You smiled at her as she huffed before walking by you. She must be off to find a place to lounge about. You can use this time to try and figure something out about your situation...

A Quiet Time
[] You tried finding a book... (1)
-[] About Cu Chulainn
-[] About Ferdiad
-[] About Medb
-[] About Scathach
-[] About Carmilla
[] You didn't find anything... But you could feel your Command Seals sting.
[] Rider's right, maybe you should find something to help you rest better. Maybe a big book that'll bore you to sleep.
[] Write in...