Red Mead
[] Reprioritize. Target disabled. Provide assistance to Ally Defense.

With your gun fixed on the enemy Master beneath you, there was little stopping you from doing the deed. One bullet would be sufficient to blow a hole through her skull and you could fire it in a manner in which it would spin within her skull before exiting. A quick and pitiful death, the most she truly deserved.

But you didn't. Rider's call had forced you to stop before you assessed the situation. She was no longer a threat and while it would be efficient to kill her to disable Assassin, you decided that it was enough. In that split second you came to decide to spare her life given the damage she sustained both physically and mentally had become acceptable in your parameters.

In other words, she was no longer worth your time.

It seemed that the pseudo personality had changed too much of your system... No, it was more like you were infected by some manner of virus or curse. You were becoming more positively predisposed to Rider's words due to the pseudo personality's interference. A system reset would be ideal but... Not now.

You moved your hand and aimed past Rider's head, pulling the trigger and shooting Assassin. The bullet struck her between the eyes before she was sent staggering back.

Rider's eyes widened before you moved to face her, giving her your orders, "Defeat her."

Your Servant hesitated before turning to swing Caladbolg at Assassin. Carmilla hissed and parried the blow before unleashing her power to create blades from blood to rise up from the ground.

Rider dodged and cut through the blades, shattering them.

"A...assassin..." Olga rasped on the ground.

You looked down on her as she slowly bled out before you kicked her head. She went out a like a light before you approached Rider and Assassin as they were locked in battle. Assassin never let Rider score a hit while the latter servant dodged and weaved through the Blood spikes.

Iron Maidens appeared to try and swallow your Servant. You held out your hand and began chanting, your magic circuits flaring as prana coursed through your body. Golden lightning turned silver as you kept your gaze on your foe.

"Goddess, Moonlight, Huntress. Patron of the Hunt, become the Light that seeks my foes. Grant me charity and may this Prey be worthy of your Divine Wrath," you declared as silver arrows lined up behind you all at once, "Silver Arrows."

Streaks of silver shot through the air, darting around before homing towards Assassin. She saw your projectiles coming before sinking into the ground to evade. The arrows struck the ground and nothing else.

"Rider, to me," you ordered as your Servant dashed to your side and caught Carmilla's scepter.

You held one silver Arrow in your hand before you launched it at point blank. Assassin barely managed to avoid it as she weaved past Medb's swing. You summoned your shield before you and Assassin clashed with a devastating impact.

"You've gone too far, girl," Carmilla growled as you stared right back into her eyes.

"Words are pointless," you declared as the two of you broke apart. You summoned another Arrow as Carmilla's clawed hand reached for you.

Rider was there to intercept the blow as you raised your hand.

"I demand that you die," you continued as the arrows struck the servant right in her forehead.

Except that you saw that she used the smoke and dust to hide her presence as she pulled away. Rider grabbed your clothes and pushed you back while keeping herself between you and the other servant. The two of you watched as Carmilla kneel beside Olga and grab her shoulder.

"We lost again..." Assassin said as she held her Master's shoulder, "You stupid girl... Give up already."

Olga slowly raised her remaining hand and held on to Assassin. The two of them sunk into the ground until they vanished from sight. They're gone again...

This causes the meteor shower to stop entirely once Olga and Assassin had vanished. It was the type of magecraft that would be connected to the mage after all and with her gone, it no longer functioned properly. Rider stood before you before turning around and grabbing your clothes.

She had a furious expression before she snarled at you, "Don't ever go that far."

You didn't understand.

"Why not? I was merely systematically going through the most optimal course of action in eliminating a threa-" you began before Medb hissed.

"You're not my Brie. Give her back. I won't allow it. Fighting or no, the killing will remain my job. I will not allow you to stain her hands with blood. Not while I'm around!" Rider yelled at you as she grabbed you harder, "Do you understand, you piece of junk!"

"Your thoughts bear no importance. I am your Master. You will follow my orders-" you began.

"Brie is my Master! Not you! And that's it! You won't use her body to kill anyone! I won't leave that burden on her when you're the one to do it!" Rider roared as she lifted you up, "Got it?!"

You simply stared down at her before narrowing your gaze, "It is my purpose. It is our purpose. To kill. Every Athena Unit was manufactured with this purpose in mind."

"A... Athena..?" Medb murmured in surprise as she slowly let go of you.

"This unit is designated as the latest model of the Athena series in the attempt to recreate the parameters of Celine Derrinsmith Luctworth. ID number: 294," you replied as you had finished scanning the area for hostiles. Your core may be newly installed but it was still inadvisable to overheat it.

Servant Rider stared at you with a stunned look until you relaxed. Emergency Mode Shut down...


You opened your eyes to find Rider staring at you with a speechless expression. You felt hot all over, your body felt like you had a fireplace ignited within your body. It was hot, you felt like burning up as you staggered.

"Ri...der..?" You murmured as you fell forward.

Medb caught you with her slender arms before holding you tight. She let out a shaky breath before pulling you close and hugging you.

"You're okay... You're okay now..." Medb said as she embraced you.

You felt weak. You closed your eyes and succumbed to the darkness.


Waking up, you weren't in that parking lot anymore. Memories of that night felt like a distant dream as you stared at the ceiling. You only knew that you were lying on your bed but you didn't recognize the ceiling above you.

It was morning and you felt like you were just run over by Medb's bulls.


And then it all came rushing back to you. You shot straight up as images flashed into your mind.

What you did to those bodies.

What you did to Olga.

What you said to Olga.

What you said about Servants.

You remembered, you remembered it all and you felt like screaming. It was bloody. You created that sea of blood. You alone and you hurt a girl who didn't deserve all you did to her. You should have just beaten her, you could have just left it at that but you dug and dug and dug into her darkest thoughts only to pull them out.

You couldn't breathe. You... You were going to kill her and feel nothing about it.


A pair of slender arms hugged you from behind as you began to shake.

"Oh god... Rider... Rider I'm sorry," you began to say as you turned towards her but she simply hugged you tight.

"Shhh... It's over. It's over now," Rider whispered into your ear as she held you tight, "It's okay. You won't do it again."

"I... I hurt her so much. I overdid it. I... She didn't deserve that much hurt. I... Rider I did that. I..." You rasped as you held her hands.

Rider slowly pulled away as you faced her. She held your hand with a worried look on her face before offering you a cup of golden honey. You looked down on it before meeting her gaze.

"I... I never used this Noble Phantasm like this but it should help. Just calm down and listen to me, okay?" Medb said as she held it towards you, "Please drink, it'll make you feel better."

Red Mead
[] Drink it. You knew what this is but... You trusted Rider not to take advantage of you. You need it now.
[] No. You'll be fine. You just need to hug her for awhile. If only you could calm down, you just need her by your side.
[] You want to know what happened afterwards. You can force yourself to stay calm. You're just... Overwhelmed. It should be fine now.
[] Write in...
[] Drink it. You knew what this is but... You trusted Rider not to take advantage of you. You need it now.

You stared at the cup in her hand before you took it. You held the cup up and took a few sips before your eyes widened at the taste. You expected to taste alcohol but were met with the distinct flavor of lemon honey tea. Warmth immediately filled your body and coursed through your chest and limbs.

A shaky breath left your lips as the anxiety and fear of your memories slowly dulled as you lowered the cup. Rider sat by your side as she moved some strands of hair away from your eyes. You were in shock, really... But you felt like you were winding down. You could breathe again and the warmth certainly helped.

You took a few more sips before you calmed down. Rider took the half full cup and put it back on the nearby desk before turning her gaze back to you. She held your hands as you leaned forward and rested your hand on her shoulder.

"There, there... Just listen to my voice," Medb whispered in your ear, her voice being so much sweeter than before. You felt like you could listen to it forever... "You're fine now. You're going to be fine."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I said those things. I didn't mean to," you said as you squeezed her hand.

Rider smiled and stroked your hair, "It's okay. That wasn't you. This drink will last for a few hours so don't wander around too much."

"Okay," you replied in a weak voice.

Medb smiled as she wiped your tears, "It's over now. The nightmare's over. You're here with me, okay?"

"Yes. Thanks, Rider," you nodded as you lowered your head. A thought then struck you through the deep haze made by her mead, "Where are we?"

"A new place. I had to make sure we wouldn't be tracked down. Archer's attack wasn't enough to fully tear down Hans' base but they did provide some good support to let us escape," Rider explained as she lifted your face by your chin, "You're safe now, okay?"

"Yeah. I wish I could have helped more," you admitted as you held the hand she had touching your cheek.

"No. No... You did enough. You've helped me enough. It was good that you held out on your own. I just got beaten up by Assassin just throwing cheese at me... It's embarassing," Medb said as she looked into your eyes.

"Huh. It's okay. As long as you're safe, I don't care about anything else," you told her as you cracked a weak smile, "Cheese is bad for you, you know?"

"I know," Rider said as she leaned forward to whisper into your ear, "Then I guess you're pretty bad for me too."

Your fingers intertwined with your own as you felt her breath on your neck. You felt calm and warm, it must be because of that drink. Medb gently caressed your back as she pressed her lips on your neck.

It stung.


You woke up a few hours later feeling better. You looked up at the ceiling before slowly rising up your bed, feeling your head as you tried to see if it was aching. You blinked before you noticed that you were still holding tightly to someone's hand.

Rider was sleeping beside you with a peaceful look on her face as exhaustion seemed to have caught up with her. You looked down to find yourself fortunately still in your pajamas. You appreciated that she changed you, you didn't want to wake up covered in dry blood.

Rising up from your bed, you let go of Rider and walked to the bathroom. You felt like freshening up first. You turned the tap on and started washing the crusts on your eyes. Were you crying? You must have. Your eyes felt exhausted somehow.

You wiped yourself off with the towel before you looked back at the mirror. Your froze.

"What," you whispered as you looked at the mirror. You lifted your chin to expose your neck to find a faint bruise.

And it's not just one. It was all over your neck! That's... That's a lot of hickeys.

[] "RIDER!!!!!!"
[] You want to melt on the spot. What did she do now?! How- This is too much! You're blushing furiously. You're not something to gnaw on!
[] Ah. Oh no. There's a lot. It's going be hard hiding these. You can't go out now, you'll live you'd life as a hermit from now on.
[] Well it could be worse. It could be scratch marks. Very, very questionable scratch marks. You're not sure how you'll retaliate for this one.
[] Write in...
Pranks, Pillows and Oblivious Saints
[] Well it could be worse. It could be scratch marks. Very, very questionable scratch marks. You're not sure how you'll retaliate for this one.
-[] Perhaps you could find some permanent marker...she's asleep after all.

You let out a long, deep hiss from the very core of your being. You could only pray that this didn't show up too much when you walk outside. You're in a new safehouse, you're not sure if there will be clothes here you can use aside from your old ones and... Well... You might end up in something that will expose these hickeys.

Rider didn't hold back at all, you're wondering if there were some on your shoulders. You inspected it a bit more and clicked your tongue. Someone had to teach that girl some semblance of restraint when it came to you, you're not one of her boy toys! You're very delicate!

You might be a mass produced doll made to kill people but your very peculiar about these things. You touched one of them and winced as you looked at the mirror on how much you're becoming redder and redder. Goddamn it... You can't remember her making these at all. All because of that stupid drink of hers. She must have enjoyed herself.

She actually marked you not once but a whole lot more than you'd normally let her.

Stupid Medb.

Well it could be worse. She could have clawed your back or something. She could have left scratch marks on your body. Some very, very questionable scratch marks. You're not sure how to counter her doing this though, she was snoozing away with a peaceful look on her face.


"Maybe I can find a permanent marker or something," you murmured as you walked quietly out of the bathroom.

You didn't recognize the room you were in so it must have been really a new condominium. You stepped out of the bedroom and found the living room to be empty. It seemed to be the usual bachelor pad Medb managed to procure.

If you were right, there should be some writing implements lying around. You started searching for some while keeping quiet. One was lying around the kitchen countertop so you couldn't help but crack a smirk. This should teach her not to mess with you.

Wandering back to the room, you found Rider still fast asleep on the bed. She was in that dumb nightgown she always wore. Wasn't she cold in that? At least you got a nice pair of warm pajamas to make you comfy.

Walking up to her, you moved by her side of the bed where she was sleeping soundly. The more you stared at her, the more you realized just how beautiful she was when she wasn't talking or being all smug. Well, now you've come to improve upon that beauty with your artistic skills.

Popping off the cap, you were going to start drawing on her face. However before you could do so, a hand shot up and grabbed your wrist. You blinked to see Rider with her eyes open and a smirk on her lips. Squeezing your wrist, you dropped your marker before she pulled you down.

You ended up on top of her before she rolled over and pinned you down. You sank into the bed before she sat on your stomach with that stupid grin on her lips.

"Dammit!" You hissed before she leaned down on you.

"Trying to get one over your Queen, huh?" Medb snickered as she placed her forehead over your own.

"You bitch, you gave me these spots!" You hissed as you tried to break free. Stupid E Rank strength!

"And that annoyed you, huh? Well too bad. You're not going to get me that easily," Rider giggled as she tapped your cheek, "Try better next time."

"Well I guess I don't have to worry us being ambushed by invaders," you grumbled as you looked to the side.

Medb's smile widened as she leaned down on you, "Well... I wouldn't mind if you did this more often. I might play along if it's something better than... Writing on my face."

"Yeah? Like what?" You asked as you raised an eyebrow.

Rider got close and brushed her lips against yours. She held your face in place before pressing against it as your brain flared in alarm but only to have your strength leave you. Her kiss lasted for what seemed to be an eternity before she pulled away with a satisfied look.

"A morning kiss?" Rider teased with a wink.

You were redder than your hair was before you looked to the side, "Idiot. At least brush your teeth before you stick anything in my mouth."

"Noted you arrogant prick," Rider chuckled as she tapped your nose, "Just admit that you like it."

"I can't," you groaned as you shut your eyes.

"Oh? Why not?" Rider hummed before falling to your side and freeing your stomach.

"It's... It's embarassing," you murmured as your ears flushed crimson. Now it just felt like blood was rushing to your head.

Rider's eyes widened before she pulled you close and embraced you, squeezing you tightly, "Hyaaaah! You're so adorable! Do it again! Say it again!"

"Fuck off, you pervert!" You hissed as you tried to shove her away but she was too strong.

She rolled over until you ended up on top of her. She giggled before bringing you close as she pulled you down with her slender arms.

"That's one order I can't do. Compared to others I shared beds with, you're the cutest and most adorable one I've had the pleasure of being with," Rider said as she whispered into your ear.

"You're a special kind of stupid to say that now. Whatever," you sighed as you met her gaze, "No wonder a single guy doesn't want to stay with you."

"But you will?" Rider smirked with an air of triumph.

"We're stuck together so I might as well get used to it, Queen," you grumbled before she pulled you down to kiss you again.

You didn't resist as she tasted you once more, only pulling away to gather her breath. Your body gave up and dropped beside her, she's too good you can't even begin to describe it. Dammit. This is annoying.

You can't win against her.


"And that's what happened that night. So what do you think?" You asked Kotomine as you sat across him.

Rider was standing behind you typing into her phone as you crossed your arms. You had just finished explaining the events that transpired by Hans' territory and gave the Church the full report after you were told that no one was saying anything about it.

Ruler had started to get annoyed in the initial phases of her investigation since none of the Masters were willing to talk to her. So she decided to turn to you for help and here you were. Of course it was just as you were going to give the report yourself, you figured that you should keep improving your relationship with the church while this shit storm was going on.

Kotomine for his part was left sighing after you finished explaining to him how one Magus nearly recreated the fall of the dinosaurs. Ruler was stressed out as well trying to keep civilians away from the warzone.

She had half in mind banning the use of widescale magecraft of that level. You could only wish her good luck if she can find Olga.

"So Assassin withdrew shortly afterwards then? I see. This is certainly a difficult one. Ruler, what's your Judgement?" Kotomine asked the Administrative Servant.

"It's clear that Olga Marie Animusphere had violated the rules of the war by endangering the lives of thousands with her magecraft. Controlled or not, such a thing on a large scale would be disastrous and could risk exposure of the moonlit world. Now it would have been productive of me to go mete out proper punishment had someone here not held my person back," Ruler started before giving the priest beside her a narrowed look.

"Look, your Noble Phantasm was the only thing between people dying and not. While I appreciate your enthusiasm in capturing Assassin's Master and judging her, we sort of needed meteors to not reach the city," Kotomine replied as he glared at the Saint.

You blinked before raising a hand, "You guys have certainly been busy."

"Indeed! Our jobs are not jokes! We provide protection and healing to the populace given it's our duty as part of the Holy Church," Ruler said as she looked at you, "Though I could see that you're still bruised and hurt. Would you like to come down to heal those?"

Ruler gave you a worried look as she leaned forward. Kotomine blinked and knew what she was on about. Ruler wasn't looking at him so he openly mouthed I silence.


"It's fine! I'm fine! It's nothing to be worried about!" You told her as you pulled your clothes.

Ruler frowned and walked over to you, "Now, now. There's no need to be ashamed, let me see."

She tried looking some more and you yelped when she overpowered you. Rider smirked on the side as Ruler's widened. Kotomine cleaned his glasses and uttered a silent prayer.

"Oh no! That's a lot of bruises! That's... We need to heal you quickly. Dear me, do be more careful. Just what sort of fight did you get into?" Ruler huffed as she frowned at you.

Rider had this look that she was going to say something stupid as she eyed the Saint.

Pranks, Pillows and Oblivious Saints
[] "A pervert attacked me."
[] "A cat did it. It's going to get kicked later."
[] "It's... Not from a fight. Rider did it..."
[] Elbow Rider as hard as you can.
[] Let Rider dig her own grave and see where it gets her.
[] Write in...
Last edited:
Lending an Ear
[] Let Rider dig her own grave and see where it gets her.

You glanced at Rider and noted how she was about to say something. She just can't help herself whenever she's around Ruler, huh? It's like her sense of self preservation was at its lowest whenever she was within grabbing range of the one with absolute authority in this war. Still, her hedonistic tendencies blowing up in her face aside, you wanted to see what sort of disaster she was going to make.

The two of you ended up making out for an hour before coming here and you had to use reinforcement to get her off. It was then you realized that she had been leeching off your prana leaving you with a low reserve which made using magecraft a pain. But you did it. You got her off and you're exhausted. You felt the pain of two consecutive defeats with nothing to show for it.

But now she was going to step on this particular landmine.

Kotomine had ducked for cover.

You on the other hand just let it all happen.

"Actually, that's a funny story," Rider began as she raised her hand.

Ruler frowned her way and asked, "Why?"

"It's not necessarily a fight. It's more on... Intimate loving," Rider hummed as she waved her finger in the air, "The passionate kind, Holy Maidens know little about."

Ruler seemed confused before her face slowly began to turn red, "Huh?"

"The warm touch of flesh against flesh and the smooth surface of Brie's skin on my lips was certainly an experience and it's exclusivity for me made me a little eager," Medb said as she watched in delight on how the Saint tense up, "You should hear the noises she makes when I bite her ear."

"Oh so that's why my left ear hurts! That was you too?!" You hissed as you rubbed your ear.

"You have a dozen of weak spots just on top," Rider snickered as Ruler started to shake.

"You what," Ruler coughed.

A moment later her flag manifested and fell on top of Rider's head.


"Such vulgarities! Even if this office is dingy, it's still a part of the Lord's House!" Ruler said as she held her flag pole.

Rider was out cold, holy shit. Ruler walked over to Ride and picked her up by the ear, immediately waking the pinkette up. Medb groaned in pain before hissing loudly as she held her ear. She dragged Rider out of the room and punted her out the door. Slamming the door shut, Ruler was still red on her face as she tried to maintain some semblance of composure.

Kotomine rose up from his hiding place and said, "For your information, my office isn't dingy."

"Whatever, Mr. Fake Priest! Go make sure she doesn't seduce the executioners!" Ruler ordered as Kotomine scurried to the door while leaving you and the Servant alone.

Ruler walked over to you and had a look at your bruises with a worried look, "Honestly, I should seriously giving that girl her lectures if it'll make her better."

"Would you do this for other Master's too?" You asked as she had a look at your neck.

"Well yes if they would give me the chance. This treatment is not exclusive to you, it's simply you're the only one availing it at all," Ruler said as she shook her head, "There should be some ointments Kotomine is hiding here. Just stay put."

"I don't really blame Rider. She's just like that," you tried defending your servant as you rubbed your skin.

"But it's still something people will be concerned about. I do hope you're keeping things level with her," Ruler said as she brought a box of medical supplies with her.

"I am. I'm not her thrall yet," you shrugged as you looked to the side, "She's cute like that."

"Keep that up and you might start thinking otherwise. Remember! She's a Heroic Spirit from the past. Who knows what's going on in that head hers," Ruler warned you as she found the medicine she was looking for.

"I trust her, Miss Jeanne," you replied with a calm tone.

Ruler turned to look at you before applying the ointment on your neck. It stung and you winced a bit at her touch.

"I'm not saying you shouldn't but know your limits and boundaries. It's something you must know in every relationship. While I'm not one to talk given my own inexperience but I have heard stories from others of their romance. When you lead an army, you hear a lot of things, many the Lord would find problematic," Ruler sighed as she shook her head before she met your gaze, "Don't be swept by the pleasure of the flesh and connect with her as a person."

"Do I look like the type to get caught up in that mess?" You asked with a frown.

"It's merely the sort of thing you must watch for when you're in a relationship with Queen Medb of Connacht," Ruler said before she stepped back to put the ointment away.

You stared at her and sighed, "Yeah. I guess you're right, Sis."

"Well that's certainly a first to be called in that manner. I'll allow it..." Ruler said before smiling at you.

"You just sort of have that air about you," you said with a shrug.

"While that may be, I do have one more thing to talk to you about..." Ruler said as she crossed her arms.

You raised an eyebrow at that and frowned, "About what?"

"About what else you're hiding. Your encounter with Olga Marie. You didn't into detail at the time but it felt like there's more to it," Ruler guessed as she looked at you.

Ah. So she noticed. Lying to a Saint wasn't exactly the best move. Well, you didn't lie but it was still omission. You figured the Priest might have noticed too.

You closed your eyes and held your hands together, "Well I... Broke her."

"Broke her? Who?" Ruler raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms.

You grimaced before sighing, "I'm not human and there are times that... I'm not myself. I'm not me as you me now. I... Change and I end up doing things I'm not usually able to."

Ruler remained silent as she simply watched you. She was listening and you appreciated that.

"I did it to gain an edge. To help me fight and I survived because of it. But I overdid it. I... I watched myself break her down. I dragged everything that was eating her inside, everything she was suffering from, everything she was afraid of into the light and used it as a weapon to harm her. That wasn't a fight. That was me... Pushing her to the edge," you continued as you swallowed hard.

Meeting Ruler's gaze she continued to stare at you with a focused expression. You sighed.

"All of it was to kill her. I wasn't fighting to live, I wasn't defending myself... I was going to murder her... And I was going to feel nothing about about it," you admitted as you lowered your head.

"So... How do you feel now? About what you did?" Ruler asked as she crossed her arms.

"Well..." You began as you rubbed your hands together. What did you feel about it now that you had time to stew in your thoughts?

Lending an Ear
[] You felt terrified. You were terrified of what you're capable of and what you can do. Just remembering Rider's face back then and how hesitant she was to be with you was frightening.
[] You felt justified. Olga needed to be stopped and your other self simply did what she had to in order to eliminate Olga. Medb's wrong in thinking that you didn't need to stain your hands. You're going to end up killing someone soon enough.
[] You felt good. The feeling of dominating an enemy Master and defeating them was something you never imagined. You were just overwhelmed at first but now... You felt good about it. And it was worrying... You might have a positive disposition to violence, more than you could admit.
[] Write in...
Walking Through Snow
[] You felt conflicted. Did you have the right to torture her just to make her an easier target? Wasn't killing her and stopping her Servant's serial killer spree the right thing? What would you have done, had you been in control at the time? Who are you and who is the one that takes the reins once you enter the Emergency Mode? You are a bit of a mess, honestly.

How did you feel about it really? Well that was a complicated thought now, wasn't it? At first it was a storm of emotions you weren't ready to deal with. You didn't know how to handle what you did but it all boiled down to one thing if you could be perfectly honest. You were conflicted. Your feelings were mixed. There was no other way for you to describe it but it was a strange feeling that you couldn't make heads or tails of no matter how much you thought about it.

You felt conflicted. Did you have the right to torture her just to make her an easier target? Wasn't killing her and stopping her Servant's serial killer spree the right thing? What would you have done, had you been in control at the time? Who are you and who is the one that takes the reins once you enter the Emergency Mode? You are a bit of a mess, honestly.

"I feel strange. I feel conflicted," you admitted as you brought your hands together, "Was I right in what I did? To make her suffer to the extent and break her spirit as hard as I did? Killing her and stopping her killing spree was supposed to be the right thing, wasn't it? Yet why do I still feel this way about it? If it was me and not that emotionless simulacrum of me, would I have done the same?"

You raised your head to look towards Ruler with a confused and lost expression. You didn't know who to turn or confide to. You were just... You felt like you were going to fall apart, really. Medb was the only one keeping you afloat, being distracted and keeping yourself on the move, it was maintaining your sanity.

It was all a blurred mess in your mind. Equal parts of self loathing and justification filled your chest.

"I see," Ruler murmured as she stepped away from Kotomine's desk, "You've been through a busy night, haven't you?"

"I'm a mess," you told her with a grim look.

"It's never right to hurt others," Ruler said as she placed a gentle hand on your head, "But this is war. It can't be helped that you'll have to hurt someone. However that doesn't make it fine. It doesn't make it all right. These feelings you have, you're being confused by them, right?"

You nodded and let out a shaky breath, "Yeah. I'm..."

"You don't truly believe what's right matters. You're simply afraid of yourself, of what you're capable of and you wonder if you'll ever be forgiven for what you've done... And possibly what you're capable of doing," Ruler said before she knelt before you and met your gaze, "Brie, it was out of your hands yes, but don't be afraid of it... Of yourself. Because I know, you can be better. To improve upon themselves despite their flaws and nature, that's a mark of humanity."

"But I'm not human!" You told her in a hard tone, "I... I'm something else! I'm a glitch, an anomaly, this... This me that you're talking to isn't truly who I am! So how can I be human? What you're asking is impossible! I'm a machine!"

"It's because you feel how you do now, made me see that you have your own humanity in you. You feel remorse, guilt, and fear... These things aren't felt by a machine," Ruler continued with a reassuring squeeze of your hand, "You're not what you think you are. Just doubting your actions this much speaks volumes of you as a person. A machine or automata couldn't possibly cry like you do, unfeeling constructs couldn't possibly feel guilt like you do..."

"But a part of me does. I..." You lowered your gaze and said, "I..."

"Whatever you feel about what you've done is up to you. It's how you grow from that experience that people will try and see," Ruler said with a determined look, "I don't think it was the right thing. But that's just me. What about you, Brie? How will you grow from that experience?"

"What do you want me to say? I needed to stop her. But I didn't want to do it like that," you admitted as you met her gaze, "I could have done better but... How?"

"I don't know," Ruler admitted as she placed a hand on your shoulder, "But that's something you need to find out for yourself."

"Way to dodge the question," you scoffed as you crossed your arms.

Ruler chuckled as she stood up, "Well, I'm not exactly the best speaker. But I wanted to help if only a little bit."

You blinked before sighing, "If only there's a physical representation of my other side, I can beat her up for landing me in this mess... I wasn't right in doing what I did. I could have done better, I should have."

"Don't ever say you're not human," Ruler said as she had her hands behind her back, "You'd be surprised to find humanity in the most unexpected places. Even here in a bloody Grail War fought for the wishes of Selfish people, you'll find some. You are you, and only you could do something about yourself."

You stared at her and frowned, "Strange for the Maiden of Orleans to go this far. Do you have experience talking to blank, Inhuman people like this?"

Ruler seemed surprised before she giggled, "Perhaps. Once upon a time."

"Thanks, Jeanne," you murmured as you leaned on your seat.

Jeanne nodded and said, "She may be a bad influence but Rider cares about you enough to support you through all your challenges. Cherish her."

"I would even if you didn't tell me," you grumbled as you crossed your arms.


You were walking down the street alongside Rider. The two of you had left the church behind you both as Rider was rubbing her head.

"That stupid Saint, if I have my chance I'd prop her up and burn her to a crisp!" Rider hissed as she rubbed her forehead, "What if she ruined my face?! Who'd be out here to hit on me?!"

"Even if she rearranged your face, I'd still keep you around," you told her as your breath smoked.

"But the hot guys won't fawn over me anymore then! What good is my smoking hot body if my face is paste?!" Rider groaned as she complained for complaining's sake.

God this girl's just annoying.

You walked by her side as she huffed and pouted.

Walking Through Snow
[] "Even if the world thought you're ugly, I'd still love you. Man, do I have a shitty taste."
[] "Then that just means I get to have you all to myself. Isn't that nice, My Queen?"
[] "It's fine. I'm pretty enough for the both of us anyway. Don't you say so?"
[] Write in...
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Winter Affection
[] "Then that just means I get to have you all to myself. Isn't that nice, My Queen?"

A sigh left your lips as you walked past her and got in her way. Medb blinked in surprised and came to a halt just in front of you.

"Then that just means I get to have you all to myself," you chuckled with a smug smile. You placed your finger on her lips and did you best Medb impression, "Isn't that nice, My Queen?"

Rider froze at that as you turned away and left her behind. She should be reacting in a around about 3...2...1...

"HEY! WHAT WAS THAT. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Rider squawked in alarm as she ran after you.

"Dunno what you're talking about," you hummed as you kept your hands behind your back as the distant sounds of Christmas music played somewhere far away.

"That was my technique! You bitch, have you started learning or something?!" Rider snapped as she acted like an angry cat beside you.

"How does your own medicine taste?" You asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"It was hot! I want you to talk to me like that when we cuddle!" Rider replied with a bright tone.

You flicked her forehead and she winced as you said, "Please don't say anything creepy when we're out in public."

"Hehe... Gotcha. Shame is something of a weakness others have. If you're truly my retainer then you'd need to cast it off to keep up with me!" Rider said as she giggled in a dark tone.

"I'm going to call the cops on you," you threatened with a serious tone.

"You foolish girl. I am the Police," Rider huffed as she proudly smiled about how she subjugated the entire law enforcement.

"Right. We did that huh... Hey Medb, are we the baddies?" You wondered as you rubbed your chin.

"Does it matter?" Rider asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," you nodded as you met her gaze.

She gave you a cat-like smile before latching on to your arm, "Well... Maybe."

She didn't care if you were the bad guys or not. That's just how she was. Somehow, growing some conscience was actually going to wear you out when you're dealing with Medb. Ruler, was this really the right thing?

You're starting to dislike being human of it's just going to make you navel gaze this much.

"Oh! It's almost Christmas. Just a couple days away," Rider said as she let go of you to have a look at a store nearby.

"Yeah. Time sure flies when you're suffering," you replied as you stopped by her side to look at the store.

Medb looked bright eyed at the white dress glittering on display by the store window. She would look good in that. You looked at your Servant and wondered had you taken things differently, had you acted in the opposite of what you did now, would she still turn out to be the sort of girl you were with now?

There was the capacity for evil inside her. You've seen it surface by never truly manifest during your time together. Even when she was the Queen whom waged a senseless war for her greed, she still turned out this way when she was with you.

Just as much she was this dumb, bright eyed and selfish girl you care for, she can also be a wrathful and ruthless queen that wouldn't hesitate drowning a country in blood and war. And then you slowly realized it...

"Hey. How can you do it?" You asked her, making Medb look up at you, "How can you live like this?"

Rider got up and smiled at you, "Like what, Master?"

"How can you live being evil, having done evil, have the capacity for evil... And still smile and laugh like that?" You asked her with a confused tone, "Don't you think about it sometimes?"

Rider stared at you before placing her gloved hands on your cheeks, warming them up, "It's because I'm not just evil. I'm Medb. I'm Evil, sure, I can turn this city into a wasteland and I'd only laugh... But that was before we got stuck together. I can be evil but I'm also other things now. I'm also a tease, a Servant, a Rider, a klutz, someone who can't talk well, a person that can't deal with most people, and a spoiled brat. I'm not just so simple that I could labeled as one thing, put in a box and shelved in a neat package. People aren't like that, Brie."

"What about me then? Am I...?" You began before Medb made you meet her gaze.

"You're a coward, you're scum, you're not some strong hot guy I'd usually go for, you're just a weak and vulnerable girl," Rider said as she kept talking, "And I like those things about you. Even when I saw what you did to Assassin's Master, I also like that part of you. Why? Because that was still you. I won't hate you because of that. I'll Accept you because even when I'm this bad, you still stuck with me... I like every part of you, even the bad ones. Even the one that called me irrelevant."

"But you're not," you told her as you pulled away.

Medb grabbed you hand and winked, "I know. Because even if you say that, I know you're head over heels over me. What'd those eastern people call it? Tsundere?"

Did she just call that emotionless, ruthless and merciless part of you a tsundere?

"Is this your way of cheering me up?" You asked her with a sigh.

"Well... I do have some other ways... But I felt this was the most appropriate," Rider said as she pulled you along, "So! It's going to be Christmas! So since you've been such a good Master to me, I'll reward you."

"What?" You blinked.

"You can ask anything of me on Christmas Eve! Why, I'm a generous Queen after all. I take care of my retainers and keep them happy!" Rider said proudly.

"You do know that's when we're fighting Archer, right?" You reminded her with a grimace.

Rider winced before looking back at you, "Ah... I guess? Well, maybe we can reschedule to tonight!"

"It's only the 23rd, dumbass," you elbowed her as the two of you walked together.

Rider twiddled her thumbs and stuttered, "W-Well... Is there anything you want anyway? How about a nice dinner or movie? We can even go around town, you know? Or maybe we can blow up Scathach's house. Anything, really!"

Well that certainly didn't sound suspicious at all. Still... Something you'd want.

How would you spend this evening?

Winter Affection
[] "I want to eat Emiya's cooking. Let's go bother him."
[] "Yeah. Let's go blow up Scathach's house. That'll go well."
[] "There's this thing I want you to wear. Let's go buy it. I know the store."
[] Write in...
An Evening Together
[] "There's this thing I want you to wear. Let's go buy it. I know the store."

You considered it for a moment though.

"There's this thing I want you to wear," you said as you hit your fist on your palm, "Let's go buy it. I know the store."

"What? You want me to wear something?" Rider seemed surprised by this as you held her hand. You cracked a sly smile before placing a finger before your lips.

Medb suddenly paled at the sight of your grin. It reminded her of looking at a mirror.


"Why this?"

"It's perfect," you told her as you tried holding it together.

"This isn't funny you, horrible piece of junk!" Rider said as she stamped her foot.

You had successfully conned her into doing it. Medb had been in a daze since you told her you wanted her to wear something. You didn't know what she was expecting but it merely added up this reaction when the two of you got to the store.

It was a costume shop you found while walking around with Medb. They had an assortment of different costumes for parties and even concerts. The owner was once a costume designer in Hollywood and the two of you chatted a bit while Medb got changed. It was such a refreshing conversation as he taught you the works of his business.

It was a pretty compelling discussion.

The two of you simply heard a shriek indicating that Medb was both done changing and had only realized what she got into. Which led to the present situation as you tried to control your expression as best you could.

The Queen of Connacht was wearing a fluffy white cat designed onesie. A Kigurumi so to speak which looked absolutely ridiculous on Rider as she glared at you. The effect would have been terrifying if she didn't look fucking stupid right now.

"Why this?!" Medb roared as she grabbed you with her hands stuffed in white paws as her hood fell back, "Are you really seriously trying to embarass me to death?!"

"Well it's not that you haven't experienced an embarassing death before," you shrugged with a smirk.

"Look, you got what you wanted! Let's just get out of here before someone sees," Rider hissed as she tried pushing you out.

"Hold it. I need a picture," you snickered as you took out your phone.

Rider stood in place with a pout on her dumb Kigurumi before snapped a photo. She looked looked like she was going to slap your phone out of your hands. You dodged out of the way before she shoved you out of the changing room.

She huffed and went back to changing out of the outfit. You snickered as you waited for her to finish up changing back. Once she was done, she stepped out with the costume in her arms before you held something up.

"I bought mine too," you told her as she looked at it, "Now we get to match."

"It's not like we can bring this every time we change safe houses," Rider said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, but they're comfy," you replied with a small smile.

Rider narrowed her gaze before slumping in defeat.


You looked down your phone with the picture of you and Medb together in your stupid costumes. You were pretty happy with your haul as you carried the bags while Rider was torn between yelling at you and being happy.

She also had something she bought too but she said she wasn't in the mood for it now that you bullied her too much. She did lighten up when you held her hand though and she was blushing up real good.

Though you did too a little bit.

"It's really cold tonight, huh?" You said as you both stood out of your safehouse.

"Yes. But at least we can warm up here," Rider said as the two of you stepped in. The lights turned on to have you be greeted by the empty apartment.

You dropped the bags on the table before you stretched your arms. You felt like you walked quite a bit today. You dropped on the sofa and sighed before Rider fell down beside you as well.

The two of you stayed like that for a few moments before you dragged yourself out. You wanted to take a bath and Medb was busy with her phone. You still need to cook dinner for the night. You stepped in your room and got ready to take a well deserved shower after the running around you had to do.

You got in the bathroom and showered before stepping back out again. Now unlike Medb, you only needed a dozen of minutes to finish up but she took an ungodly long time in the shower for some reason whenever she went in. It's gotten so bad that you had to schedule things according to her bath time.

She's a servant, can't she just magic the dirt away? Geez. You got changed into your casual clothes and wiped your ear as you got out.

Stepping out of your room, you found Medb still on the sofa. You blinked and noticed that she was in her Kigurumi while typing in her phone. You walked behind her and noticed that she was on her Instagram posting pictures of herself in the thing.

Rider tensed up and looked at you, "W-What?"

"You wore it," you chuckled as you leaned on the sofa.

"Yeah. I did. So what? You picked it so I must look good in it," Rider said as she huffed.

"Well, that's true. But you'll look good in anything, really," you told her as you tossed your towel on the dining table and sat beside her. You leaned in and hummed, "Oooh, you're pretty popular, huh?"

"Well yeah. It's only to be expected," Rider said as you leaned on her shoulder, "Geez, normally when people want me to wear something, it'd be something real hot!"

"Yeah well, Kigurumis are hot in the summer. Or did you mean it the other way?" You asked her as you crossed your legs.

Rider scoffed as she said, "You know what I mean! Still, you've got some weird preferences."

"I prefer maximum comfort when cuddling," you told her with a smirk. You then glanced at her, "By the way, what did you buy that you're mad you didn't to use?"

"A really lewd Santa outfit," Rider replied without missing a beat.


"And that's for... Who exactly?" You started wondering before Medb's eyes met yours.

"You," Rider answered once more.

A beat.

"You're kidding," you coughed as you didn't expect that.

Medb simply smiled knowingly from where she was seated. You turned to look that the bag she brought with her was empty.


She wasn't kidding.

"Your move, Cheese Girl," Rider chuckled as she slowly set down her phone.

"You're bluffing," you declared as you tensed up as her smile grew wider while sitting up. She pulled her hood over her head and she looked ridiculous but the danger lurked within.

"Am I now? Why don't you try and find out," Rider said as she leaned towards you, "No escape, Brie. Got you no-"

You kissed her and her eyes widened in surprise. You pressed the advantage before you wrapped your hand against hers and brought her close. Rider pulled away with a flustered look as you smiled while pressing your forehead against hers.

Her charisma shattered and she was left pouting before grabbing your clothes and shaking you, "Damn you, that was unfair!"
She started yelling at you but you simply let it happen. You felt like you just disarmed a bomb, you nearly got another night of getting hickeys on you. Rider simply went limp and opted to make you suffer her full weight before you knocked her off.

She fell with a thud before you got up. You offered her a hand and said, "Guess I won that one."

"Maybe you did," Rider said as she grabbed your hand and stood with you.

"Still... Did you really?" You started to ask before Medb laughed.

She unzipped her onesie and showed a red T-Shirt with a BUSTER logo on it.

"I got this cool shirt under it," Rider laughed as she winked at you, "Pretty good, huh? Still, I got a good laugh."

"Then it's a draw," you relented with a shrug. You turned to look at the kitchen, "Right, let's make dinner."

Rider grabbed your wrist and whispered, "Buying the outfit, it's true though."

You felt your blood freeze as she hopped off to go to the kitchen. You stared at the girl on the reindeer onesie and tried to gather your thoughts.

She's starting to become unpredictable.


The two of you spent the night sitting on the sofa with hot chocolate in your hands. Snow fell outside your window as a movie played on the television screen before you two. You were both in your onesies and you both looked stupid.

Medb had her white cat onesie while you wore an orange cat onesie. You two did match to an extent while you watched the movie in silence.

Christmas was a day away but you were going to be busy then. Things are going to happen whether you liked it or not. This might be the last time you could be in peace like this. Someone wasn't going to live past Christmas and this war would be over by the New Year.

You could feel it.

You took a sip of your chocolate and set it down on the table.

"Hey Brie. Have you figured it out yet? Anything you want to wish for the Grail?" Rider wondered as she stared at the TV.

"My wish?" You asked her with a curious look.

"I don't like it, to be honest. I don't like how you're fighting for my wish alone. Having lived this much already in one month, you must have a wish," Rider explained as she met your gaze, "Do you have any now?"

A wish...

An Evening Together
[] "Nothing. I don't have anything to wish for. Everything I could want, I have here right now."
[] "Well... I'd wish to live comfortably somewhere peaceful. You know, just be normal. Maybe I'll be able how to move from there."
[] "I want you to stay. To be here with me. You being here has been the best time I've ever had. I want to be with you like this for a longer time."
[] Write in...
Note: No lewds for you. This is as much as my power can handle. SV's bounded field is too strong.

So it's just cuddling now and fluff.
Dark of the Night
[] "I want you to stay. To be here with me. You being here has been the best time I've ever had. I want to be with you like this for a longer time."

A wish of your own. Something you could make on the Grail itself. All this time you simply fought for Medb's wish but now she was asking you to have one for yourself. A wish you were willing to go to war for to see granted.

You didn't give it much thought until now so you were silent for a long bit. You stewed in your thoughts as you thought back. Was it okay to have a wish? So many people were fighting to have their own wishes granted, you didn't feel like anything you would come up with would be worth much. But Medb was asking you of your own wish so it must have some value.

You thought about it for a long time before you raised your head, "I want you to stay. To be here with me. You being here has been the best time I've ever had. I want to be with you like this for a long time."

Rider stared at you as her ears turned red before giggling, "My, my... Isn't that quite the selfish wish."

"I suppose it is but it's something that I want," you told her with a serious look, "It's one I could get behind putting my life on."

Medb smiled before touching your face, "You've got it real bad, huh? Normal people wouldn't think to have such feelings for me. I'm a rotten woman after all."

"I do have shit taste after all," you admitted with a sigh.

"Mmm, if you'll have me, then I'll stay with you until you're satisfied. We'll go see the world and conquer it," Rider said as she sat straight up, "You and me, conquering something grander than Ulster! Pillaging the world for a greater prize than Brown Bull of Cooley!" Rider declared with a haughty laugh as she turned to you and pulled you up, "After that, let's go see where the winds takes us!"

She pulled you close and spun you around. Holding you tight, she caught your back upon finishing spinning you. You looked into her eyes then as she had that beautiful smile. You sprung back up and stood beside her and smiled as well.

The future... That was enough for you. You'll fight through this war in your own way. You'll beat everyone in your path. The time for cowardice has ended, you want to win, you don't just want to survive. You want to live with her because she was the only thing you had. You'll fight because she's given you hope, you'll fight because you want to stay by her side, if it means it'll make her happy you'll fight for her.

She was your Queen.

{Objective Added}
{Let Rider Win}

"Whatever you say, Rider. I'll humor you," you chuckled as you wrapped your arms around her neck.

She rested her forehead against your before giggling as well. Snow fell outside your window as the night wore on.

It was the beginning of the end.


Five shipping containers were blown open.

Metal scraped the shipping yard's floors as the noise alerted the night Watchmen. Flashlights were grabbed as the Watchmen dashed to the containers. The saw the fallen doors on the ground as the figures of five individuals stood before them.

Young woman dressed in black and white robes all gathered with weapons in hand. They all looked the same with their orange hair and golden eyes, blank expressions filling their faces as they turned to the light. The only thing distinguishing them apart were the weapons they had with them.

One wielded a spear, another wielded a bow, another wielded a sword, another wielded an axe, another wielded twin daggers while the last held a metal wheel.

"Freeze! This is private property!" One of the guards barked, only for an arrow to find its way into his mouth.

The second guard yelled in alarm as he was crushed underneath a metallic wheel. His body was turned into crimson paste, staining the floor and the wheel used to crush him.

The five girls looked at one another before turning to one direction. They found a similar individual as them but no doubt the most unique out of all of them. The girl had longer orange hair and carried with her a wooden staff. A dark shadow accompanied her, only to growl at the sight of her doppelgangers.

"Calm down, Berserker," the girl murmured in a soft tone as she placed a hand on the back of her Servant's hand.

Berserker looked down at his master and eyed her with suspicion.

"They're reinforcements. Nothing more," the girl said as the five other girl's all knelt in reverence, "Pick the one you like."

Berserker's gaze turned bloodthirsty as he moved faster than the eye could track, his fist blowing through the a chest of the spear wielding Doppelganger. Blood flew through the air and the Doll tensed before her defensive mechanisms reacted. She held her spear but her body was soon slammed into the dirt.

Berserker laughed a guttural, almost Beast-like laugh as red eyes opened on his cheeks while his teeth sharpened. He tore the Doll limb from limb as the others remained calm in the face of such brutal violence.

Limbs were torn, flesh was ripped, bones were crushed and organs were smash as the Servant finally finished ripping through the Doll's body. He was drenched in red, the crimson color of his kill tainting his blue hair.

The man was bare chested with only a warrior's pants covering his lower regions and legs. He was well-built and muscled, a testament of having waged many battles in countless of battlefields. The burning frenzy in his eyes were so strong it could drive a normal man to madness as well, goading them into throwing their lives to challenge this frenzied being.

An effect that would drive even the calmest warriors to wage in a bloody brawl of beasts.

His Master walked towards him before he cracked a bloody smile, "Reinforcements..? They weren't shit."


You opened your eyes and shot up in your feet. You fell down the side of your bed as your senses opened up. Rider woke up as well before the two of you met each other's gaze. Something was wrong...

It was still dark. You looked at the time and noticed that it was around 3 in the morning. Your blood was pumping as you sensed people coming down the hall. You didn't know who they were but you felt malicious intent.

"Get down!" Rider cried out as she transformed into her battle dress as an arrow flew through the window.

It nearly hit Medb as she tackled you down on the ground. You hissed as glass rained over the two of you. You both heard the front door being hit. You looked at the arrow on the wall and grit your teeth.



You and Medb spoke at the same time as you grabbed you handgun from beneath your pillow and loaded it. The front door was blown open and a smoke grenade was tossed in. You felt something coming as another arrow flew through the window and cut your shoulder.


Dark of the Night
[] Go out the front through the goons. You'll carve out a path through them!
[] Jump out the window and head down! Get a Bull and fly out of here!
[] Write in...
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Night Assault
[] Go out the front through the goons. You'll carve out a path through them!

You held your gun as you considered your options. Holding your shoulder, you let out a shaky breath as footsteps echoed from the hall. Archer wasn't giving you any time to breathe.

"We'll go through," you ordered as you saw the door get kicked open before Rider shot through the door.

She punched the first goon straight through his helmet before you vaulted over the bed and raised your weapon. You fired twice to catch a guy on his shoulder while disabling another by blowing his kneecap.

You heard gunfire within the living room as Rider moved from one man to the next with punches and kicks. She grabbed one by the face before slamming him into the wall. You shot both of your assailants through the head and grimaced as you picked up their rifle's.

You rolled on the ground and open fired on the wall by the front door. You heard cries of pain before they started shooting back. Rider avoided the shots but the men standing around were caught in the hail of lead their comrades fired. Holding your rifle, you picked up some ammunition and reloaded before returning fire.

"Charged!" A voice said.

"Rider!" You called as she dashed to your side, "Down!"

Rider huffed and kicked the floor hard enough it collapsed. The two of you fell into the living room of the people below, surprising them upon your entrance. A moment later the entire room that was your safehouse was blown by a fiery inferno.

Debris showered from above as you and Rider made your way to the door. You got out and found some men in white sneaking about, only for you to shoot them on their backs while Rider cut them open with her riding crop.

Screams erupted as you looked up. They were coming from the second floor. More will be coming from below. Shit. Where do you go? Which way?

"Rider, we're going up again. Stay away from Windows," you said as you held your rifle in your arms.

"I'll send some guys of my own," Rider replied as she cut her finger and tossed her blood into the ground.

Celtic Warriors rose from the droplet of blood and charged forth the stairs. You heard gunshots followed by cries of pain, giving you the signal to advance upwards. You and Rider got up before you felt the building shake twice.

"What the hell?!" You breathed as Rider supported you.

"Down!" Rider yelled as she forced you into the floor.

Blue light pierced through the walls as it streaked above you, cutting through the building with great force. Was he just hitting he building in hopes of taking you out?!

"Goddamn it! There are civilians here!" You barked as you got up.

"We need to get out of here!" Rider said as she pulled you along.

You saw some of the white clad men fight off the Celtic Warriors before you took aim. You fired twice and knocked them down to be speared through their chest. The building was rocked and blown apart before you felt a great tremor from below.


"We've lost the strike Team, sir. The building's foundation has been blown. The C4 had destroyed the structure's support."

Archer stared at the building and replied, "Understood. This will force their retreat. Cover the ground. I will watch the air."

With that he took his hand off his radio and aimed his bow. Another arrow was notched go which he poured his prana into.

"Fly. Gandiva!" He roared and let loose the arrow.

The building blew up from beneath before the arrow smashed into its side.


You heard screams. The building was on fire as you saw people inside their homes burn within the blue light that barred your path. You felt the ground shake as the building collapsed, tipping over from the explosions that assaulted it's base.

You and Rider ran through the halls and past the screaming people. No good! The ground split and you lost your grip on Rider's hand.

However she caught you again and pulled you along. The building wasn't going to last. You both ran where Archer's arrows didn't come from before you both rushed out a veranda and jumped.

Gravity took hold of you before you ended up screaming.

"RIDER SAVE ME!" You shrieked as your Servant called upon her mount and a bull caught you both.

It huffed upon your sudden weight before Rider forced it to fly while using the building as cover. It collapsed behind you, obscuring you in dirt and smoke as you heard the cries of civilians buried in rubble. You felt tension in the air as arrows flew towards you.

"Take the reins!" Rider said as she turned to summon Caladbolg and smack aside the arrows.

You grabbed the reins but the bull wasn't happy about it. Arrows came flying towards you but Rider knocked them aside even as they exploded in sequence behind you. You tried controlling the bull and pulling up.

You soared into the sky before you his behind some buildings, the arrows slamming into them as you streaked through the air. You held on before Rider saw one arrow coming faster than she could react to.

It took a chunk of her side and forced her to hiss.

Just how much of an accurate shot was this guy!? He could shoot you from that far?!

"Rider, hold on!" You barked as you drove the bull out of the air before lowering your altitude. You grabbed her before jumping off the bull, forcing her to dismiss it as the two of you hit a river.


You felt a hand grab your arm before pulling you out. Rider swam to shore as you shivered from the winter temperatures the river was in. You coughed and felt your body freeze to the bone. You dropped your gun and coughed some more before Rider looked around.

"Brie, it's not safe here," Rider said as she knelt by your side.

"He took out the building. There were people in there," you growled as you held her hand to stand up.

"We have to find a safe place. Archer can probably snipe us from this distance, it's not safe to be out in the open," Rider said as she looked down on you.

Right... Where do you go?

Night Assault
[] Get inside a civilian home. Hide there. There's some nearby.
[] Get to Emiya's place. You need to rendezvous with him about this.
[] Get to the Police Station. It's far but it has everything you need. It's your turf so you'll be making your stand there.
[] Get to Scathach's place and hide there. You could only pray the Witch's presence will deter Archer.
[] Write in...
[] Get to Emiya's place. You need to rendezvous with him about this.
-[] Call ahead so that he has time to prep countermeasures and defenses.
--[] If you have time, call Ruler and inform her that Archer is currently blowing up inhabited buildings. Maybe she can do something about it?

You need help. Emiya would be the most obvious choice given the circumstances. You need to calm him first and give him the heads up. Taking out your phone you managed to grab at the last minute, you tried opening it only to find that it's soaking wet.

It won't even turn on. The water got in before you could use it again. You couldn't help but hiss under your breath as you tossed it aside. So much for that plan.

"We need to get to Emiya. It's around these parts, right?" You breathed as you shivered from the cold.

Rider clicked her tongue and took off her fluffy white cloak and wrapped it around you. It was warm and you managed to withstand the cold for a little bit while wearing it. You nodded her way before she took you in her arms and carried you.

"Let's go meet Emiya then," Rider said as she held you in her arms. She moved with a burst of speed as she ran through the city.

You held on feeling the rush of air hit you as the two of you moved. You thought back to the attack and grimaced as you let out a shaky breath. It was a coordinated attack, they were really aiming to kill you back there and Archer wasn't fucking around back then.

So why he didn't pursue you this far? Was he just trying to make you run? No, there's something more to this. You had to find Emiya fast. The only thing you knew Archer wanted was taking out Ruler and keeping her out of the game, completely giving his group free reign in the city.

But how does trying to kill you help? So you wouldn't interfere when he tries again. No... Maybe there was a plan underneath all this and this was just a diversion? You couldn't figure it out but it's best that you thought of this as a simple night attack.

They knew where you were staying and were looking for the right opportunity to get you. You needed to regroup.

"So does this count as a violation of the war?" Rider asked as she sprinted.

"It's still night time and we'll within the unspoken time for battle. Come morning, it'll just be written off as an Earthquake," you replied as you held on to your Servant, "But it's not like Ruler won't do anything about it. She was already going to go deal with Archer alongside us. It's just that he got the first move."

"So he has no reason to hold back. I figured as much," Rider said as she ran, "Archer and Berserker... They're our biggest problems."

"No kidding. We'll need some help if we want to beat them," you growled as Rider jumped over a building and immediately dropped down.

The rooftops were dangerous given Archer could easily snipe you. You need to lose him before you could make bold moves again. You tried thinking about getting to Hand but you doubted he'd associate with you given the Family was watching. You didn't want Berserker on your ass this early.

You could see something glowing in the distance. You blinked as you recognized the glow as flames. You and Rider came upon a scene of a building in flames with fire trucks parked around trying to douse it.

People were being pulled out of the building one by one as water was pumped into the building. That was Emiya's safehouse. Did Archer's group do this too? Were they hitting every single Master they knew about?

"They're not here. Were they chased off?!" Rider gasped as she set you down.

"Shit," you cursed as you saw a sniper perched on a building.

You dived and avoided being shot. Rider narrowly avoided it as the two of you looked up. You saw the white clad men bearing weapons rush out of the nearby alleys. The civilians panicked before running away to be gunned down by the men in white.

You his behind a car while you screamed, "Rider!"

Your Servant sprung into action as she got the first man and slammed him into the dirt. She then used him as a human shield to catch several bullets before throwing him at her assailants.

You had to split their attention.

"Cliffs at the Shores of World's End... I stand against Eternity... I am the Rock unmoved by Time's waves..." You chanted under your breath as your circuits flared. Power coursed through your body as you got up and vaulted over the car you were behind, "Strike me and feel retribution... Strike me and be destroyed! Manifest oh Shield of Wisdom! Shelter me from my enemies! AEGIS!"

Your shield burst on your left arm and caught the bullets of several men. You picked up a handgun and started firing at them while Rider picked them off one by one.

A gunshot went behind you and bounced off your shield as you defended yourself. You raised your weapon and fired five shots into one man's chest before reloading. You dived down and rolled before raising your shield to block a spray of lead.

Rider kicked his gun aside before ripping him in half with her riding crop. Blood flew into the air as she slashed and struck each gunman as if she were wielding an oriental blade.

You took the attention of the vanguard as Rider came like a white bullet and knocked them down. You came up on one man and smacked his gun down before smashing his chin with your shield. You blew his kneecap before whipping your gun across his face.

"Brie!" Rider warned you as you turned and help up your shield.

The sniper's bullet knocked your guard open before you found a gunman with his weapon aimed at you. You tried defending yourself before you saw a dark shadow rush in.

There was the sound of metal clashing followed by the sound of steel sinking into flesh. You opened your eyes to see...


A girl with bright orange hair stood before you wearing black and white robes. She held in her hand a black sword as she looked at you with a cold and emotionless look. It reminded you of that time...

You felt a strange connection take place as you looked at her. You looked at her arm and saw that she had a similar shield of light as yours attached to her arm. She had your face and everything but she lacked the expressive light in her eyes. She felt robotic and cold.

"Unit #294 secured. Performing initial diagnosis," the girl with your face declared as she grabbed your arm.

You felt her prana course through your body as you noticed your circuits meet with hers. S... She was trying to synchronize with you.

{Unit #139 would like to Synchronize to exchange information.}

[] Yes.
[] No.
[] "Rider, kill it!"
[] Write in...