[] Discuss your current allies and plans on how to defeat Berserker. You both have to be on the same page if you're going anywhere with this.
-[] Place a hand on Rider's shoulder, this talk is not one to have within earshot of this woman but you want to give her some sign you're here for her.

You were worried about what Kiara was implying your servant has been doing. But that was thing you will tackle later. For now you needed to focus on the matter at hand even if it's just the broad strokes of what you knew. You're not going to let yourself be baited like this.

With Rider standing beside your chair, you reached out held her hand. She was surprised but relaxed a moment after as you kept your gaze on the woman before you. Her smile curled some more as you held your servant's hand.

"On the subject of what I have, I'm currently allied with Saber who's on the mission of recruiting Assassin's Master to our cause," you began with a serious look, "But seeing as Olga's already here, I don't think that will be an issue?"

"We've seen you defeat her not once but twice. The first time, you left her in a dire situation and we helped her rise once more. We tend to her wounds and granted her strength yet even then, you felled her a second time," Kiara murmured as she observed you, "You don't look like the type but you're quite violent, hm? I will speak with Olga and get her cooperation. She's recovering well from both physical and mental trauma."

"Right. Our current plan once revolved on disabling Berserker's Noble Phantasms and prevent him from utilizing his full strength," you continued as you crossed your arms, "With your help and Assassin's, we would be able to either defeat Berserker or assassinating his Master."

It was then that Archer spoke for what seemed to be the first time that evening, "His name. Do you know it?"

"Cu Chulainn. Ireland's Child of Light in his frenzied form," You replied towards Archer, "His strength is not one Servant could face alone. Not without burying the city in rubble."

"Riastrad. Warp Spasm. It's what you were researching in that library, were you not?" Kiara wondered as she tapped her cheek.

You blinked before tilting your head, "I... You were there?"

"She was. She spoke to me while you were busy," Medb chimed in as she looked to the side.

"I was just making conversation," Kiara giggled as she leaned on her seat.

"In any case, cooling him off was our first plan. So we plan on fighting him on the frozen lake where he could fall and have his fire quenched should he be in his frenzied state. Afterwards it's simply a matter of trapping him within Rider's Noble Phantasm until he's defeated," you listed off before meeting the other woman's gaze, "With more Servants, we have a higher rate of success. If we can force him down at once, not even he will stand a chance."

"So you already have plan. Then this is merely to elevate the success rate and lower the risks," Archer observed with a narrowed look, "I see. If you fail, the same trickery would not happen twice."

"Berserker is a monster but he still has his cunning. The only one to go toe to toe with him so far was Lancer and even then the knight of Spears was only able to push him back," you nodded as you glanced at Archer, "But with your support, we can make this happen."

"A much better outcome than the alternative of being taken one by one," Kiara said as she glanced at Rider, "Ah, but... Would Rider's Noble Phantasm be enough to quell his rage? You seem to be basing this on the steps taken to calm him down."

"If Rider's power isn't enough then we have a few Servant's waiting in line to pummel him," you continued with a nod, "It's why you're here."

"I see. I can understand. No man can resist her charm after all. She will take them to such high pleasures that what they experience could be akin to the Nirvana I seek," Kiara said as she looked at your servant with a dangerous light in her eyes, "If someone could do it, it's the Queen of Connacht."

"Master. You need to stop antagonizing them," Archer said as he glanced at the woman beside him.

Kiara jumped in her seat before giving you an apologetic look, "Ah. Forgive me."

You simply stared at her at her for that while Medb said nothing. The woman relaxed and said as she held her hand up.

"We will aid you. A message will be sent to you through one of my patients. You can tell them when you plan on attacking and Archer will help you. I'll also talk to Olga but for the sake of her cooperation, I'll hide your involvement so she doesn't suffer another panic attack," Kiara summed up as she stood up, "It's a pleasure to be working with you, Miss Brie."

"Right," you replied as you got up too, "I'll see you then."

"Brie let's leave," Rider said as she pulled you along.

She didn't even spare a glance at Kiara Sessyoin as she simply wanted to leave. You didn't resist as she dragged you with her. The most you had was Kiara's word. She shouldn't attack you now that the alliance was up. You needed to call Ruler.

However just as the two of you were going for the door, it suddenly opened. A girl was gingerly pushing it open wearing a white gown. Her arm was bandaged up while a strip went around her head. Her right eye had a white patch on it as she ended up standing before you.

"Miss Kiara, did you call-" Olga froze as she saw you within five feet of her.

"Huh?" You breathed as Rider stopped just as Olga's eyes widened before her face was filled with terror.

The girl jumped back and hit the ground, her crutches clattering beside her as she looked at you. She tried crawling backwards as her entire body trembled upon looking at you.

"No. No. Why. Why are you here?" Olga whispered as she tried dragging her body away, "Why. Why? You came to kill me. You've come to kill me, haven't you?"

You stared at her and you could feel bile threatening to rise up in your throat.

"Get away. Get away! Assassin! ASSASSIN! CARMILLA HELP! CARMILLA!" Olga cried out as she curled into a frightened ball and help her head, "HELP! HELP ME! CARMILLA!"

A dead weight dropped at the pit of your stomach as you watched this poor shell of a girl scream for her Servant. It was like she was looking at the Devil itself when she saw you.

"Brie, we have to go!" Rider snapped you out as she pulled you.

Kiara stepped out of her office go kneel beside the sobbing girl while Rider led you out. Olga continued to scream and you weren't sure if you're going to forget that wail. It was ringing in your ears as you ran.

You could only run away as fast as your legs could take you.


You and Rider ran.

You both ran on foot to get away from Kiara's territory. You both didn't stop for anything as you soon found yourself out of strength and breath. You had been unconsciously using reinforcement on your legs to keep up with Ride and prevent her from ripping your arm off.

You were both as white as sheets once the two of you stopped by a snowy park. Despite the cold, you were sweating. You fell down your knees as you looked at the ground.

Rider leaned on the street lamp as she tried to gather her thoughts. You could still hear her screams... She looked at you with those eyes.

That place was fucking with your head. It was driving you crazy.

"Brie..." Rider said as she held her arm.

You felt sick.

[] Find the nearest trash bin and vomit. You can't do it. You need this out of your system. You can't take this anymore.
[] "Why did she look at me like that? Why was she looking at me like I wasn't a person?! I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it! I never meant to go that far! I didn't want it to go that far! It wasn't even me! It wasn't me... I didn't do that to her... I..."
[] "Rider. Is it true? What she said? What were those accidents. What did she mean, Rider? What else has been happening while you're collecting Mana, Rider? Rider what's going on? These accidents isn't you killing people, right? You'd never go that far!"
[] Write in...
[] Find the nearest trash bin and vomit. You can't do it. You need this out of your system. You can't take this anymore.

You felt your body shudder as you got up your feet. You felt your legs tremble as you let out a shaky breath. You held your side as you felt your insides rumble violently while your mind wandered back to Olga's face. You were struck by the same horrid feeling in your stomach.

Bile slowly climbed up your throat as you made a mad dash for the nearest trash bin. You vomited your lunch and let it all out. You felt stomach acid burn your throat as the taste of your insides tainted your mouth. You vomited and vomited into the trash can while Rider hung back.

You need this out of your system. You need to calm down...

"I can't take this anymore," you murmured as you wiped your lips and fell down on your rear, "Fuck... I hate it."

Rider stood a few feet away from you as you slowly got back up. You spat into the bin before facing her.

"What was that about?" You asked with a heavy breath, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't know. I just thought she was just some woman but she wasn't. Brie, about what she said," Rider began to say before you held up your hand.

You met her gaze as you walked up to her, "Just tell me this. Was it true?"

"Yes," Rider replied filled with a guilt.

"How many? How many did you accidentally..." You couldn't finish the sentence as she straightened up and looked at you.

"Dozens. I don't know. It's not all the time but some couldn't take it. I get lost sometimes that I overdo it. Some couldn't even called accidents," Rider said as she lowered her gaze and stared at the ground, "I have no excuse. Are you mad? Do you hate me now? This is just how I am. Some people simply can't handle the Love I give them."

You stared at her before you tried saying something but your words died in your throat. She didn't say it but you knew there was something left unspoken in that no matter how much she acted around you, she was afraid of truly embracing you.

She always handled you as if you were a piece of glass that could break with the slightest touch. She was afraid that you wouldn't be able to handle her Love. She said it didn't happen all the time but the fear was there.

"When you say that some couldn't even be called accidents, you mean that you're..." You began as you clenched your fist.

"I end up killing people at times too. I never said anything because I knew you'd be upset. You would never allow it... And that's what makes you so beautiful," Rider said as she reached out to touch your face, "You're trying to be good. Despite everything, you're not one to bend to my wishes like all the others. But at the same time, you're the only one to accept me despite my flaws. I love that. Few others had managed that. So I have two competing feelings for you. One is my desire to corrupt your light and the second is my genuine love for your acceptance... And if both come crashing down on you, you wouldn't be able to handle it. You'll break. So I love others in your place... I... I couldn't explain it."

You stared at her as Snow fell from the skies above. You looked at her golden eyes and felt your body urge you to step away. But she was baring her feelings she herself was confused by for you.

Despite her flaws, despite her nature, despite everything she was asking you to look past all that.

And you-


You both looked to the side and found a biker in black skid to a half before you two. Rider tensed up and narrowed her gaze as she put herself between you and the newcomer. The bike's lights shut off as the person took off their helmet, letting dark violet hair fall down.

Red eyes met your gaze as Scathach shut her bike's engine off.

"Was I interrupting something?" She asked as she tucked her helmet beneath her arm, "I was moving about when I saw two lovebirds standing in the snow. You're both going to get sick at this rate."


Hans hit the floor.

In terms of actual combat experience the man before him had him beat. He rolled to recover before using his cane to catch a white shirt sword from disabling his limbs. He held his hand up and called down a blaze but the man he fought simply cut through the fire he had conjured.

Shirou Emiya was relentless in his attacks. Whatever time Hans drew or whatever attack he set up, the older man was able to draw a sword and shatter his defenses. Despite the inferiority of Emiya's magecraft, he was able to utilize them without making any mistakes.

His depth of combat experience outstripped Hans by leagues. This was the difference between the two of them as he sought to skewer the red haired man.

"Lancer. Time to retreat," Hans growled as he was pushed back into a wall.

Emiya narrowed his gaze and dashed forward to drive his blades into Hans' shields.

"You should have run before," Emiya declared with a low snarl.

"Well I am now..." Hans hissed before a burst of power pushed Emiya back. Hans then drew a rune on the ground and forced flames to dance around Emiya, "But not without a parting gift."

The flames turned to molten steel to which Emiya held up his hand and chanted, "I am the Bone of my Sword."

The steel clashed with one another before turning into Lances which spiral towards the red haired man. Emiya held his ground as his circuits flared.

"The Seven Rings that Covers the Fiery Heavens!(RHO AIAS!)"

A shield bloomed into existence as it caught the molten Lance. Fiery orange exploded within the subway tunnel as Emiya narrowed his gaze. The Lance exploded but the shield was left untouched. Debris struck the tunnel and took out chunks of the concrete walls.

Hans was sent sliding back as his vision was filled with smoke. Through the curtain of gray, Emiya shot out of it and slammed a fist right into Hans' face, sending him flying.

The Magus flew to the stairs and crashed into it. Hans' grit his teeth as he slowly got up while Emiya looked down on him.

"Leave," Emiya ordered before Hans' slowly got up.

"Noted," Hans' breathed as Lancer appeared behind his back pulled him as they ran out of the tunnel.

Emiya let out a sigh of relief as he looked at where Saber was kneeling. The knight has sustained injuries from his duel with Lancer but they were superficial at most.

"Master. Assassin is safe," Saber reported as he got up.

"Take it easy. I'll handle this," Emiya said to his servant before facing Assassin.

"Shirou Emiya. Master of Saber... Why?" Assassin narrowed her gaze as she studied the man before her with distrust.

"Couple of things. You looked like you needed help... And for another, I need your help," Emiya said as he offered her a hand, "Berserker needs to go. I believe your strength is required."


You sat outside of a gas station with a styro cup of coffee in your hands. You took a gingerly sip and let it warm your insides as you let out a breath. Scathach was seated on her bike with her arms crossed while studying you and your servant.

Rider for her part was seated a few feet away from you. She was keeping to herself as she held a chocolate bar in her hand.

"So what's this about?" Scathach wondered as her red eyes fell on you.

"Which part of it do you want to hear?" You asked her with a dry tone.

"You must have a lot of freetime, Old Hag," Rider griped as she bit into her chocolate.

Scathach ignored Rider's bait and shook her head, "Any part. It might be interesting."

[] "You really do have a lot of free time."
[] "Rider shared a lot with me today. I'm not sure how to take it."
[] "Well... For one I'm learning the consequences of my actions. In the worst way possible."
[] "I'm trying to make an alliance to fight your Students. And somehow I blame you a little bit for making them too damn strong."
[] Write in...
Turning Point
[] "Well... For one I'm learning the consequences of my actions. In the worst way possible."

She was just going to sit there, isn't she? Medb wasn't going to make her go away given what you've both been through. You could only sit there and let her question echo in your mind. You set aside your coffee can and sighed as your smoke left your lips. Your first Christmas in the world and you're spending it like this. Who'd expect this, huh?

You rubbed your hands and thought about what you were going to say. Well there was a lot of things to be said but you were looking for the right things. You wanted to give her something to help you in...

"Well... For one I'm learning the consequences of my actions," you told her with a patient tone, "In the worst way possible."

Snow continued to fall. You wondered how things could have gone if you chose differently in all of your decisions.

It was cold.

Maybe finding a place to stay wouldn't be the worst idea.

"I see. Experience is a far greater teacher than I could ever be," Scathach finally said as she looked at you, "Then the only thing left to ask you would be... Did you learn from it?"

It reminded you of what Jeanne said before. It was much easier said than done. It was difficult. You would have tried better had you had a clear head but it just blindsided you without warning.


No, that's just you making an excuse. You had to give an answer.

"No. Not yet at least," you replied as you let out a shaky breath.

"Then it will happen again, and again, and again until you learn. You have what it takes to get through this," Scathach said as she crossed her arms, "You're simply lost on how to proceed."

"Then tell me how. What do I have to do exactly?" You asked her with a sharp voice, "I broke a person, I made her suffer more than she should have and I feel awful for it! Rider did some things I didn't approve of and it's eating me inside. Everything that I ignored has come to shove itself on my face! It's too much! I can't handle all of it!"

"Then take it one by one, girl," Scathach cut you off with a steely tone, "You don't have to take them all at once. Start with what's important to you and work from there."

"That's easy for you to say when you've done jack shit but hide behind Hans' back!" You snarled right back.

"Brie!" Rider snapped from the side and you froze.

Scathach remained unfazed as she looked down on you then. You felt your blood freeze as you went limp and sighed as you closed your eyes. You let the moment pass as you turned your gaze on the ground while everyone was just quiet.

The Christmas jingle from nearby buildings had echoed to where you three were at the moment. You grimaced as you rubbed your forehead.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that," you managed to say with great difficulty.

Scathach chose to ignore it altogether and say, "Tell me what's important to you now? That girl sitting near you or your own inner turmoil?"

"Of course it's Rider!" You were quick to reply with a sharp tone, "She's more important!"

"Then your first step would be to reconcile. Because if this goes on, your relationship as Master and Servant will deteriorate. It's your greatest strength among all the Masters," Scathach said as she leaned on her bike, "Greater than anyone's, it's obvious that people would seek to break you apart. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

"Of course not!"

"Of course not!"

You and Rider spoke at the same time and that in itself managed to get the Witch of Dun Scaith to smile lightly.

"I will not pretend I know the full story but this child did something she shouldn't have, yes?" Scathach asked you with a raised eyebrow while jabbing a thumb at Medb, "And from my impression, she kept it a secret?"

"Yeah," you admitted with a grim look.

"Then talk about it. If she's truly important to you, you will try and understand her. Why she did it, for what reason, and if you could come in terms with it..." Scathach suggested as she crossed glanced at Rider, "And you, respond to your Master. You're the only who could help her."

"You think I don't know that already?" Medb grumbled as she looked to the side.

"And also, you need to stop being afraid. This girl you're partnered with, she's stronger than you believe. You underestimate her spirit... I couldn't believe how blind you are even when you both defeated Caster together," Scathach said with a hard tone while lecturing Medb, "That moment should have been the part where you acknowledged her strength."

You and Medb were silent as the Legendary Teacher took you both apart. She was right. Both sides were at fault here but that was just one thing. This wedge between you and Rider seemed to grow smaller and smaller the more Scathach talked.

If only you had the chance then maybe you can fix this. You wouldn't have been able to get through this by yourself. Not without damaging your bond with Rider with trial and error. You were lucky this time. There was still so much you didn't know...

"Got it... We'll talk it out," you sighed as you lowered your head.

"And that's only the most important thing to you. What of your inner turmoil?" Scathach asked as she looked at you with a curious look.

"That... You're right. I do know the answer to it. Just being reminded in such a manner caught me off guard," you replied as you let out a shaky breath, "Ruler's given me the talk on that end."

"And you think the Saint's words weigh more than mine?" Scathach asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You're probably not the best person to talk about it," Rider chimed in from the side.

Scathach shook her head as she looked at you, "So what do you plan on doing going forward?"

"Try and survive. I don't know if I can make it up to the people I've wronged but second guessing myself isn't going to do anything," you murmured as you raised your head, "I'll live with what I did. I'm probably not going to be forgiven but going forward, I could be better."

"Easier said than done," Scathach said as she leaned on her bike, "But perhaps you could leave the dreary thoughts out of your mind for now. Tis the season to be jolly... Seeing you two fools so downtrodden is not something for me to take amusement in."

You managed a small smile as you rubbed your knees, "I really can't let this keep me down."

You raised your head and turned to Rider as she winced in surprise upon your gaze, "W-What?"

"I won't let that woman break my trust in you. What you did was wrong and it can't be denied for what it was, but we can be better, right?" You asked her with a serious tone.

Medb stared at you before lowering her head, "But still..."

"Raise your head. Aren't you a Queen?" Scathach barked from the side as she crossed her arms.

Rider glared at the other woman before you moved to her and grabbed her hand, "Hey. You still with me?"

"Even after all that, you'll still latch on to me?" Medb asked you with a shaky voice.

"Sucks to say but the old Lady's not wrong. One thing you can do is making things right by winning this war as fast as we could. This can't continue, Medb. More people are only going to get hurt," you told her as you stood up and pulled her up, "We're finishing this together."

Medb's eyes watered up before she chuckled, "You really got it bad for me, huh?"

"Good. I wouldn't want you fighting Hans with your spirit broken," Scathach said as she put on her helmet and mounted her bike.

You looked at her and asked, "Leaving already?"

"Yes. As you've set I have done... 'jackshit'. I'm going to change that. I have one last battle to fight," Scathach said as she kicked started the engine, "Merry Christmas."

Turning Point
[] "Good luck... And thanks for your advice, Scathach. For everything."
[] "You need some help? I mean, it'll just be an excuse for me to see you in action."
[] "Hey. Don't be a bad example and do anything stupid. You're a teacher after all."
[] Write in...
Unfinished Business
[] "You need some help? I mean, it'll just be an excuse for me to see you in action."

Blinking at her words, you couldn't help but frown, "You need some help? I mean, it'll just be an excuse for me to see you in action."

Scathach smirked and replied, "Well I wouldn't want to keep you from your Servant. She likes you a lot, you see."

"Cut it out. You're up to something," Medb said as she narrowed her gaze, "We'll go with you."

"Seems like you decided already. Don't blame me if you die," Scathach replied as she revved her engine, "I have a meeting with an old student of mine."

Your eyes widened at the same time as Medb did. She wasn't kidding, was she? No, this crazy woman wasn't the type to kid around that sort of thing. That only made you a lot more worried than you expected yourself to be.

She was going after Berserker, alone, does she have-

"Of course... Of course you would have a death wish," you murmured as you scowled at her.

"Maybe this is why I'm here. Perhaps this is my chance. If he's in that form, perhaps he can grant my wish," Scathach said as she rested her hand on the handlebars, "I won't know until I try."

"Wait, you're going now? Hold on. Why not just wait until we've all banded together!" Medb said as she walked forward, "Cu-chan's going to rip you to shreds! And he has back up! Even if we do come with you, you'll die!"

"That's the idea, you child," Scathach smirked as she flicked Rider on her forehead. She smiled and said, "He's been summoned once in his prime. But that form wouldn't have been enough, I would have crushed him. But Setanta in his frenzied form? I might just die. I've lived far too long. This could be my only chance."

"There's no telling if it would even work. If you lose and you get captured, there's no telling what's going to happen," you told her with a serious tone, "At least reconsider..."

"Well then..." Scathach murmured as she glanced at you and Rider, "Are you going to try and stop me?"

Unfinished Business
[] "I... No. We can't. The least we could do is talk you out of it. Please, don't do it. At least not now."
[] "Yes. If that's what it'll take we will. You're too strong to allow to die. We might need you."
[] Write in...
Lesson 1
[] "Yes. If that's what it'll take we will. You're too strong to allow to die. We might need you."

You already stepped on her toes once this evening, you were going to do it again. Scathach, the Witch of Dun Scaith, was above all else tired of it all. She's fought so hard for so long that she wished for her own death. Through her many battles she killed Shades, Ghosts, and even Gods until her mortal body was no more, becoming one that was unable to die through her battles.

A body no longer fit to be human, but one to be used as a weapon in the battlefield. Everything she did, she used to hone her skills and strengths further into the realm beyond Divine. She was the great Teacher of Ireland's Child of Light, the greatest Hero that country ever had.

And here you were, getting in her way as the growling of her Bike's engine rumbled through the air. You met her gaze as you gave her your reply.

"Yes. If that's what it'll take, we will," you told her with a steely tone, "You're too strong to allow to die. We might need you."

"It's not the Teacher's job to fight the battles of her students. Have confidence in yourself-" Scathach began but you cut her off.

"I'm not saying this as someone who's concerned. I'm looking at it from a strategic point," you continued as you looked into her red eyes, "Your strength will help us raise the odds of winning and your interference will only make the enemy guarded. You can't do this on the time we're going to attack."

Scathach raised an eyebrow at that before considering it. A small smile curled upon her lips.

"I see. A sound reason," Scathach replied before she sat up her bike.

You breathed a sigh of relief. However Scathach slid her helmet's visor down and leaned on her bike. Revving the engine and making the rear wheel spin hard. Rider pulled you aside before the bike shot past you and drifted to the side.

You watched Scathach's hair flow behind her as she tore through the convenience store parking lot and out into open road. She was gunning it as fast as she could.

"Rider!" You cried out before Medb summoned her bull and picked you up.

The two of you got on the phantasmal Beast and took to the skies as the Witch drove into the freeway, breaking numerous traffic laws. It was evening and way past rush hour at this point but there were still some cars on the road. You took care to make sure that Medb was high enough to not be spotted by people below.

Scathach's engine roared beneath you as the bull sped up to gain some speed. She's fast!

"She put runes in that thing!" Rider hissed as she held the reins of her steed.

"She actually wants to kill herself, holy shit!" You cried out as the bull caught up with Scathach on a highway.

The Witch looked up at you as you and Rider hovered above her. You saw her lean forward before Rider pulled up to avoid a bridge. You held on to your Servant's waist as she navigated past the bridge and got back to chasing Scathach.

"This woman's got a rebellious streak for someone with a stick up her ass!" Rider snarled as she landed her bull to keep up with Scathach's bike.

The Witch didn't give her any clearance to go level with her on the road. Lights blurred as the bull huffed and charged forward. You held on as you saw that you were coming up close to the mountainside.

"Rider, speed up!" You roared.

Rider urged her bull forward and moved past Scathach. Scathach hit the brakes and pulled back before Medb shot forward. However you weren't about to let this go.

You jumped off the bull at the same time Scathach braked. Rider called out for you before your body hit Scathach off her bike. The two of you flew for miles an hour before you hit the floor. Asphalt struck your body and tore skin beneath your clothes. You rolled and rolled until the bike crashed into a blazing fireball.

It hurt. Everything hurt...

You reinforced your body at the last second to mitigate the damage but it was still painful. Your vision saw the shadows coming from the fire that was coming from Scathach's bike. The woman slowly got up the ground as she took off her cracked helmet.

Blood dropped down your head before you held her side.

"Stubborn," Scathach murmured as she dropped her helmet.

She wasn't even hurt the slightest from taking that fall.

"Fine," Scathach decided as she held out her hands and watched as two familiar red spears fill her grasp, "You want my strength? Come and get it."

The woman tossed you one of her spear, your eyes falling upon the cursed weapon bathed in crimson light. Gae Bolg radiated a sinister energy before you looked up to see Scathach take her stance.

She was... Right. You did say you'll stop her.

"I haven't fought since I arrived. Lancer always rejected my requests to spar. So do your best, Brie," Scathach said as she got ready.

Red light came from her Demon Spear as raw power sizzled through the empty road. She was going to get you. She looked like she's really pissed now.


Queen of the Land of Shadows

Lesson 1
[] Pick up the Spear and Fight! She's pissed now!
[] Run. Run and buy time for Rider to assist!
[] Chant and get your shield out. You can't get blown up in the first second!
[] Write in...
Lesson 2
[] Pick up the Spear and Fight! She's pissed now!
-[] Fight defensively and call Rider for some speedy assistance. Scathach did say that your bond with her was your greatest advantage afterall.

Dread filled your body.

However at the same time you grit your teeth and stood your ground, stamping out the fear bubbling deep inside you. You let out a breath and kicked up the red spear before you before grasping it. Your mind quickly felt like it was being unlocked. Red prana surged through the air as you held it and filled the surrounding area with a warm scarlet glow.

It was like a monster. A sleeping monster was in your grasp as you found yourself holding the demonic spear. You were filled with knowledge as you firmly planted your feet on the ground, your body tensing up as you fixed your gaze towards your foe. The difference in both skill and experience was like Heaven and Earth, you weren't going to win this but at the very least, you'll fight!

You held Gae Bolg just as Scathach moved. She was fast and she escaped your vision without warning. A blur was the only warning you got as she struck with a lazy thrust. Wind spiraled past your head and you were pushed back.

She could have ki-

Left. You blocked just barely as her blow broke your posture.


You spun the spear and caught her downward swing and fell down your knees.


You looked to see her knee rise up and nearly smash into your face. You ducked to the side and rolled away while holding the spear. You moved and struck with your own thrust.

The woman merely smiled and parried it, scarlet wind filling your vision before you ended up hitting the ground. You turned to see her with her weapon raised before thrusting it down. You clawed the ground and avoided it before you threw dirt in the air.

Scathach raised an eyebrow before Runes protected her face. You thrust but she caught your spear and drew you in, her hand resting upon your stomach before a burst of power sent you flying backwards. Hitting the ground, you rolled and stopped as you fell down your knees.

"Fight with your own strength. Face me with your own power," Scathach challenged you as she held her spear, "Stop relying on that autopilot. I told you before, didn't I?"

You got up and held the red spear in your grasp. Noble Phantasm or no, without proper training or even instructions it was just a big red pointy stick. It was sturdy enough to withstand Scathach's blows, a feat not even your Aegis could do.

You need your strength. What strength? On your own you were useless. But if you...

Let yourself go and relinquished control-

No! Never again.

"Don't get distracted!" Scathach snapped as she darted towards you.

You moved and blocked, her blow aiming for your weapon instead of your opening. Your arms went numb. The ground cracked beneath your feet before you shoved her back and sliced for her neck. Scathach slammed the blunt end of her spear on your boot before striking you across your chin.

Parrying her low swing, you caught her weapon as it went swinging for your head. Scathach then moved faster as she knocked Gae Bolg out of your hands and went for the kill.

"Ignition!" You roared as a weak barrier of light appeared before you.

It shattered as if it was made out of paper but it was enough to make the woman before you hesitate.

That was all you needed.

"SAVE ME, RIDER!" You screamed before something fell from the sky.


Your eyes widened as white and pink filled your vision as Gae Bolg was stopped by a familiar spiral sword. Scathach bounced off from her next blow just as Medb slid back to protect you.

Your own spear struck the ground beside you and remained there. Your Servant held her sword and riding crop on both hands as she kept her eyes on the Witch of Dun Scaith. Scathach didn't seem fazed by the appearance of your Servant and merely righted her stance.

Frenzied red light came from Gae Bolg while shimmering rainbow power rushed through Caladbolg's form. You stood behind Rider as she faced off against Scathach. She kicked off the ground and lunged forward.

The Witch simply blocked her blow and deflected her riding crop. Medb turned in place to deliver a kick but Scathach leaned back and sent Rider flying through the air with a rune.

You dodged out of the way as Rider hit the ground. You watched as Scathach become a blur of red and darkness before you took the red spear beside you and intercepted her, slamming your own weapon past her and making her hesitate. Rider moved and thrust her sword, before Scathach knocked it aside.

You both moved in tandem as you hailed a series of blows upon Scathach as she was able to keep up with ease. Red light clashed with rainbow as Scathach tested out Medb's skills and found it lacking but you covered for her by running distractions.

Cutting through the two of them, you supported Medb as she dealt the heavy hits while you kept Scathach at bay. The other woman smirked at this as she finally started dodging more than she was blocking.

You reinforced your arm and stabbed the spear into the ground before ripping it straight up. Debris struck Scathach's runes before Medb had Caladbolg spin once and released a violent burst of rainbow power that cracked the road.

"Over here!" You snapped as you became a red blur with the Demon Spear in your hands.

You clashed with Scathach before she lifted you up in the air and threw you into the air. You went up a few feet just as Medb charged forward with her rainbow sword.

You turned as you fell as you both drove your weapons towards Scathach.


You thrust your red spear as Medb lunged with her rainbow sword. Two colors burst in power as Scathach smiled and-


You and Medb slammed into them while Scathach weathered your blows. Your spear wasn't enough to break through it but you were only using it as a weapon, never invoking it's true name. Medb would have broken through but she never expected this!

The runes vanished and Scathach caught you both with her bare hands. She slammed you into the ground while holding the tip of your weapon. Likewise she had stopped Caladbolg from fully spinning with her left, leaving Medb pale as her clothes.

You fell down your knees as you kept your grip on your spear.

Scathach had a bloodthirsty smile as she spoke, "My turn."

Lesson 2
[] Use your Mystic Code to boost Medb's attacks.
[] Switch out your Mystic Code while you can. You need a better line of support spells!
[] Get some distance get your shield out. You need to keep up the momentum!
[] Write in...
Lesson 3
[] Switch out your Mystic Code while you can. You need a better line of support spells!

You and Medb were swung around and sent flying. You hit the ground while Medb slid back a few feet while Scathach held out her hands and grasped two Gae Bolgs at once. Fucking show off. You used your own to stand back up as she smiled brightly. Rider palmed the ground and smeared her blood on it, summoning her Legion of warriors.

They rushed towards the Witch and you watched them get absolutely shredded. Men and soldiers boosted by Medb's charisma were taken down one by one with broad, scarlet strokes. Scathach tore through their ranks like hot knife through butter before dancing through their bodies along the road.

It was a macabre sight which you could only find yourself watching. You blinked as you saw more warriors come out by the second, all rushing to that crimson death. Medb was shining with her own magical energy as she enhanced and reinforced her warriors, quickly replacing them as they fell.

"Go my Warriors! Show her what it means to challenge Connacht!" Rider yelled as the soldiers glowed with power as they charged Scathach.

The other woman simply smiled in glee, a complete contrast to the cool and collected Teacher you were familiar with. Ripping through flesh and armor, she welcomed the challenge as she slowly approached where Rider was standing.

You watched as Scathach become a blur of crimson and forced Rider to get away from a fast thrust. Medb dashed away as Runes supported her body, only for Scathach to be supported by the same runes. Medb was being enhanced by her Druids but the runes Scathach had upon her limbs were of far greater quality.

She was barely keeping up.

The two women fought within the army as bowmen let loose their arrows. Each arrow was charged with Medb's power and fell towards Scathach.

"Not bad, little girl!" Scathach mused as she stopped her chase and summoned red spears around her.

They launched themselves upwards and clashed with each arrow that fell. You blinked and were torn out of your reverie when Gae Bolg and Caladbolg clashed with a resounding clang.

Medb was sent staggering as her warriors rushed to cover her, but Scathach simply ripped the apart, each thrust she unleashed blowing chunks out of her challengers' body. You were noticing that there were several openings Scathach wasn't using. She could end this any time she wanted.

You had to move. You took off your necklace and reached for your pocket. Pulling out your second Mystic Code, you poured your prana into it.

"Gandr!" You barked and forced Scathach to stop. She weaved away from your curse before Medb had a hammer soldier strike the Earth.

You dashed in with your body reinforced with your power. Dragging your own red spear with you, you got close and were met with Scathach's swing. You weaved beneath it and had her hit a soldier beside you as you thrust for her body.

She called another spear down on you and forced you to sidestep into her range. You pulled your spear up and blocked her weapon leaving you both glaring at one another.

You drew your gun and fired at her knee, only for her flesh to be protected by a rune. She smacked you across your face before tripping you over with her spear. You hit the ground just as you pumped magical energy on your Mystic Code.

Scathach hesitated before turning to be sent flying by a buffed up Medb, sending the Witch back with a baseball swing from Caladbolg. You grunted before a Warrior helped you up to your feet while Scathach landed in a crouch. Her body was etched with runes as she darted towards you. She blazed through the lines of warriors coming for her before she reached you and Medb.

You only noticed that she didn't have her spears given she had tossed them into the air. Her hands wrapped around you and Rider's neck before she slammed you both into the ground.

"It begs to ask, how did you two survive this long?" Scathach wondered with a raised eyebrow.

"Fuck if I know!" You barked as you tried to free yourself.

Medb only whimpered as she was pinned down. Scathach lifted you both up before throwing you across the road where Rider turned in the air to catch you. You grunted in pain before you stopped and had your spear kicked to you.

You watched the red spear hit your side as Scathach stood in a road of impaled bodies. Medb's warriors had been skewered by numerous red spears, giving the twisted sight of bodies blooming from the top of those spears.

"She's too strong. She's not even a servant!" Rider breathed as she stood by your side.

"But you hit her, didn't you?" You grunted as you leaned on your spear.

"That was a fluke," Medb murmured as Scathach got ready.

Scathach spun her red spear before dashing towards you. You pulled your assault rifle and started shooting the entire clip unto the approaching woman.

Rider got between you both and blocked the red spear with her spiral sword.

The impact cracked through the air as you held on Rider's hand. You had dropped your gun as you twisted your body to strike with your spear. Another blast tore through the air just as you smashed against Scathach's second spear.

The air burst and sang with prana churning and sizzling.

"This is war," Scathach declared as she overpowered you and Medb, "It's a wonder how you two made it this far. It's exactly this strength that was the cause of it."

You and Medb held your grounds as Scathach stepped forward as crimson and rainbow danced in the air. You gasped for breath, your entire body heating up as you fought against one of the greatest Hero makers in history.

"Come on! Show me the strength of your bond that goes beyond Master and Servant!" Scathach roared as primeval runes started to form.

You felt your legs falter but Medb held you with her free hand to keep you from falling. Red and rainbow flared around the three of you.

"Rider! Get ready!" You snarled as her eyes widened.

"What?!" Rider cried out in surprise.

You looked at her and replied, "You trust me?"

"I..." She hesitated before whining, "Fine! Do whatever! Let's teach this stupid Hag a lesson!"

Lesson 3
[] Push Rider out of the way and take the hit. She can have her opening then! You'll be her shield!
[] Detonate a Gandr right on Scathach's face. You don't have a grenade but it's the next best thing!
[] Write in...
Christmas Eve
[] Push Rider out of the way and take the hit. She can have her opening then! You'll be her shield.

That was all you had to hear. Scathach must be expecting you to do something and was ready to pull away or defend. What you did was not one of those things. You knocked Rider out of the way and took the brunt of the hit on your own. Scathach's strength bore down on you with the might of an avalanche and it made your muscles scream.

You knew you couldn't take it but the move itself was successful. Scathach saw this and quickly diverted her strike just as she broke your guard. Rider looked up just in time for a large gash rip through your side as Scathach blew threw you.

A split second. That was all you could manage.

You could taste your own blood as you saw Scathach's red eyes widen in surprise. She was too focused on you and your wound to noticed anything else. Even in her bloodthirsty state, she didn't truly mean to hurt you. It was all just another lesson to be made at the end of the day.

But now, you're going to use that.

"This is War after all," you gasped as you looked her in the eye.

Scathach's gaze turned to the side and saw Medb's spiral sword spinning wildly, rainbow light swirling in the air as the Queen stepped forth. Too late! You held your ground as your body bled while Scathach was left raising her hand to form a defense.

Only that Medb was one step ahead of her. Evading or defending, she can't do much on either choices. Evading wouldn't work since Caladbolg was already one foot away from her body, no matter how fast her runes enhanced her limbs, she wouldn't be able to get out unscathed.

Defending was all she could do but in the face of that Noble Phantasm...

"That stupid Fergus!" Scathach snarled as she was forced to defend but Caladbolg shattered her runes as it drew closer.

" CALADBOLG!(FERGUS MY LOVE)" Rider roared as she shattered Scathach's defenses all at once, blowing past a rainbow swirl of light past Scathach's head as she purposely missed.

Golden light thundered into the country side, striking the earth before becoming a pillar of Vermillion rising into the Heavens, piercing the clouds. The moon shined down as you fell before you hit the ground.

Your body collapsed just as your Servant held Scathach by sword point.

"I yield," Scathach quickly declared as she held her hands up.

Medb's adrenaline was still pumping so she wasn't able to recognize those words. She blinked and took a moment to notice it before she dropped her sword as she fell on her knees.

You laid bleeding on the ground groaning, "Fuck yes. What do I win?"

"My cooperation for the near future. Besting me even at that stage was more than what Hans has done. I'll need to re-educate you on more proper responses that using your body as a shield," Scathach replied as she slowly got up.

"I absolutely fucking hate your guts... Just to put that on record," Medb groaned as she was trembling from rage to worry at the sight of you.

Scathach took her words in stride, "Noted."

"Can you ladies please help me. Before my Emergency Mode kicks in?" You grunted as you tried stopping the bleeding, "I don't wanna deal with that. Not now."

"Well, well, well... Consider this your Christmas present. Though I believe naughty children like you two don't deserve it," Scathach said as she knelt down to patch you up while Rider whistled to call her bull.

"Just... Take me to Ruler," you groaned as you held your side as Scathach healed you.


It was Christmas Eve and Jeanne D'arc's first present was you bleeding all over her church. Rider kicked the door opened and brought you to a confused Ruler alongside Scathach who had done her best with the damage she had done to you.

After an hour of lectures amidst some executioners with medical knowledge to hasten your healing, you were transferred into one of the vacant rooms where you were going to stay. You explained everything to Ruler and she wasn't happy...

"You... You did what?!" Ruler blanched as she stared at you.

"I promise I thought about it. It's worked out well so far," you admitted as you held your wrapped wound beneath your sports bra. You sipped your hot chocolate, "I feel great!"

"She's both smart and dumb. No wonder you like her," Scathach chuckled with her arms crossed on the side.

Medb grumbled as she crossed her arms, "Sometimes she worries me."

"It's inexcusable! What if things went awry! You would have been injured or worse, died! Masters let their servants fight their battles for a reason, and Lady Scathach is on par with many Servants! Had she not been careful, you would have chopped!" Ruler barked as she placed her hands on her hips, "And that's not taking to account to your alliance with Archer's Master! Going there alone at the heart of his territory, from both a strategic and logical standpoint, is the height of foolishness!"

"I needed his help to beat Berserker," you tried arguing but Ruler tapped her Flag on the ground.

"While true, you must have at least made the necessary preparations! You're lucky you got out of there at all without being touched!" Ruler continued as she narrowed her gaze on you, "It's Christmas! I'm putting all of the War's activities on hold. I will not have you fools kill each other on the Lord's Day!"

"Technically the Messiah wasn't born on December 25th-" you started before Ruler slammed her flag into the ground.

"You will rest! And you!" Ruler barked at Rider as she stomped towards Medb, "I have words with you on account of reports I have been getting! Come with me!"

Ruler dragged Rider by her ear and pulled her out of the room. This left you and Scathach alone in the room as Medb struggled to get away from the Saint's hold. Ruler's got a lot on her plate from finding those afflicted from Kiara's drugs to the White Uniformed's movements in the city.

There were more people being treated here by the Church staff than the hospitals. The duty to oversee the war and save the afflicted had led her to missing out on some things but she was still doing her best. She can't catch everything but she was doing what she can.

You're not sure whether to feel sorry for her or to be jealous.

"Sorry," you began as you glanced at Scathach while you put on the shirt folded on your side, "For getting in the way of your suicide."

"Well I must admit, that fight did me good in realizing my strength. Had I fought Berserker in that state then things would have have gone awry," Scathach admitted as she walked away from the wall and sat down on the chair Rider was at.

You stared at her and grimaced, "I don't understand it. Wanting to die. Things must be dire for you to consider that. To step out of your domain..."

Scathach smiled and said, "You're but a newborn. Of course you wouldn't understand. You're... what? A few weeks old? Terribly young and yet you seem to have lived for years."

You turned your gaze to your hands and clenched them, "Yeah. It's only been a couple of weeks."

"Tell me, Brie. You seem to know my curse. Why do you think wanting to die is bad?" Scathach asked you with a raised eyebrow, "I've lived for hundreds of years within my realm. I've done everything there is in this world. I'm tired."

You raised your head and said, "I... I'm sorry. It must be tiring for you. But I won't understand it. I don't think it's wrong but something about it doesn't sit well with me... As someone who's just existed for a short while."

Scathach stared at you without saying anything, keeping her red eyes on your amber ones. You continued speaking...

"Living moment to moment, has been a gift. I became my own person in a Grail War. A War where I could die any moment. So... Hearing that someone wants to die and wishes for it deliberately when I've been struggling to do my utmost to live and survive is..." You murmured as you clenched your hands into fists.

Christmas Eve
[] "It makes me feel angry."
[] "It makes me feel sad."
[] "It makes me feel confused."
[] "It makes me feel disheartened."
[] Write in...
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[] "It makes me feel angry."

Hearing an immortal that she wanted to die made you frustrated. To you who was struggling to survive day by day, planning for tomorrow, you want to die was just the height of arrogance. You knew where she was coming from but you didn't understand.

So you parted your lips and spoke, "It makes me feel angry."

Scathach stared at you for a few seconds before closing her eyes, "I see. It was inconsiderate of me. I apologize."

"I know where you're coming from. Living for that long is tiring but to me, it would be the greatest thing," you told her as you let out a shaky breath.

"Even if it means to live in solitude?" Scathach questioned you with a raised eyebrow.

"Even then, I'm just grateful that I get to live at all," you replied with a firm tone.

Scathach blinked at that before chuckling, "You are young. Your view of the world may be colored and you don't act as if you were born yesterday, but there's that light in you."

"Light? Medb said the same thing," you murmured with a frown.

Scathach walked over to you and stopped just in front of you. She tapped your forehead and said, "Indeed. It's a Light children would have. Hope."

You stared at her as you felt a slow burn of magical energy fill your body. You looked down on yourself and watched as runes fill the surface of your flesh like tattoos. You didn't recognize them but they were some high quality ones.

"Whoever made you was an adept Runic Mage. Even I find such craftsmanship impressive," Scathach said as she stepped back, "Hans explained to me your purpose and creation, now that I have a closer look, it's a wonder on how magecraft and science could create a specimen as you."

"What are you getting at?" You frowned as she tapped your head.

"What I'm saying is that Light of yours may be because of the soul your entire being was based upon. The soul of a girl who never lost hope. I understand why you feel the way you do but death comes for all. I simply seek it to hasten the end of my time," Scathach said as she crossed her arms, "But... It's one thing I do not wish for you to emulate. As a teacher, failure to impart knowledge is a failure to my role... But I'll gladly take this one. Live, Brie. Live happily, love earnestly and hope strongly... That's all this tired Queen could tell you."

You met her gaze before you narrowed your gaze, "You should be telling that to yourself."

"Perhaps... But it's too late, child," Scathach said as she walked back to her chair, "I'm tired. I'm old. What else is there for me?"

"Well... Have you ever tried figuring it out?" You wondered with a slight tilt of your head.

The woman chuckled at that and raised a hand, "Mm, I had centuries to think it over and figure things out. Mankind has walked their path to the future, a person like me would only stand out in their trying times."

"Then perhaps you're exactly what people need in trying times... A teacher to guide them," you told her with a firm tone, "Have you ever asked if Humanity still needed a Teacher like you?"

The woman's smile faded as she had a solemn look, "Humanity does not need me to grasp their future. They can walk towards it with little to no help from me."

"What humanity needs isn't help but guidance. And who's better for that role than someone who's watched them for years," you insisted as you leaned forward, "No one's decided that they don't need you, Scathach. You may be tired, yes, but there are others that need people like you. People who are lost, people who are hurt, people who have who need guidance. If you die, one of the good things in this world would be forever lost. So don't go dying by yourself."

Scathach stared at you with surprise in her eyes before her lips curled into a smile, "I see. Such bold words from a child. Then, would you happen to be one such soul that needs my guidance?"

[] "I may have knowledge in me but there's some things I don't know. If I'm going to learn, I better learn from the best teacher I can find."
[] "I always did want to tour the Land of Shadows. I'm sure Medb would love the scenery. It'll be fun."
[] "Well you have to start somewhere. Maybe you'll have fun meeting new people again. Plus Rider's going to be miserable if we're leeching off you, so it's a win-win."
[] Write in...
Holy Night
[] "Well you have to start somewhere. Maybe you'll have fun meeting new people again. Plus Rider's going to be miserable if we're leeching off you, so it's a win-win."

You returned her smile and raised your hands, "Well you have to start somewhere. Maybe you'll have fun meeting new people again. Plus Rider's going to be miserable if we're leeching off you, so it's a win-win."

Scathach shook her head and said, "Well... It would seem that your first lesson will be fixing your attitude."

"Is that all you have to say?" You frowned as you crossed your arms.

Scathach sighed as she shook her head, "Win this war and I'll consider it. How does that sound?"

"Perfect," you smiled as you nodded.

It seemed that you had a deal.


"So you confess to these on your own volition?" Ruler asked as she had her arms crossed with a narrowed look.

Rider grimaced as she looked to the side, "I can't exactly lie now you put it that way."

The two Servants were standing just outside the church as the snow fell from the sky. Rider rubbed her hands together and blew into them while Ruler looked down on her. The two women had been engaged in conversation for a while now.

Rider had confessed what had happened so far in greater detail than what Brie had shared. She knew that Brie didn't want to worry Ruler but the other Servant wouldn't let her be. Medb was weak to these sorts of people and found herself spilling everything. If there's someone she could speak to it's the Administrator of the War.

"I already told you everything. From Berserker's faction, Kiara and everyone's state of affairs. I wouldn't lie about my own mistakes now," Rider sighed as she glanced at the other woman.

Ruler gave her a look before shaking her head, "Truly, it's a bit too much. I'm simply processing it all. Normally, I would be giving you a harsh punishment but these new developments has only had me lose my footing. Honestly..."

"Well it's better you know it from me than anyone else," Rider said as she looked at the street.

"And do you regret it?" Ruler asked with a frown.

"Do I look like someone who would regret the act?" Rider said right back. She shook her head and said, "Brie's my problem. And that's what's eating me inside. The fact that I hurt her."

Ruler closed her eyes and shook her head, "I have no love for this war, honestly."

"You should have expected this," Rider said with a firm tone.

"Yes but it doesn't mean I can accept it. I feel so useless and there's actually little I could do. Bound by the Grail's rules, bound by my duty, all while I'm bound people are making mistakes and dying..." Ruler hissed as she crossed her arms, "I want to punish you but the most I could do is rebuke your actions. But as you said you don't regret it so I might as well be yelling at a wall... But know this, Queen of Connacht..."

Rider glanced at the Saint with a raised eyebrow then.

"That girl... All she has is you. So these mistakes, you can't do them again. If you don't want to hurt her, you will have to take steps to remedy this... Habit," Ruler said as she leaned on the wall, "I want to help Brie. But I can only do so given my duty as Ruler. As the person by her side, you have responsibility for how she'll live through this. You have more influence on her. So try and direct her to be a good person..."

Medb's eyes met Jeanne's as she spoke, "I already am. I'm evil enough for the both of us. But she can be herself. That's more than enough for me... I won't be killing anymore, I can promise that at least. Or if you're uncertain you can use a Command Seal on me."

"I'd rather not. I'll believe your words so long as Brie believes you," Ruler sighed as she crossed her arms.

Medb managed a small smile, "You have it rough too, huh? Miss Peasant."

Ruler shook her head before turning to see someone walk out from the street. Rider straightened up to see what the person looked like. It was Brie.

Or at least a girl that looked like Brie.

Rider's eyes widened as she saw what was in the Sculpture's hand, it was a grenade. The girl dropped it right before Ruler's fee-



You heard a loud explosion, making you look up. Scathach narrowed her gaze before rising from her seat while you did the same. Your wound stung before Scathach held you by your shoulder.

"Stay," Scathach ordered as you met her gaze.

"Rider's up there. I can't just leave her," you quickly said as you held your side.

"Who knows who could be attacking," Scathach warned you with a grim tone.

"I'll take my chances," you growled as you grabbed your gun and ammunition.

Scathach closed her eyes and sighed. She opened the door and let you out despite the pain in your side. You were at the lower level of the church. The sounds of fighting thundered overhead before finally quieting.

You and Scathach ran upwards until you came upon the ruined interior of the church. Some of the bodies of Executioners were splattered across the wall while a few of them had been knocked out indefinitely. You saw Rider standing in the middle of the church with a stunned look on her face before she turned to you.

"Rider!" You called as she said towards you.

Medb grabbed you by your shoulders as Scathach surveyed the area. Rider was breathing heavily as she said, "Brie... He's here. He took her."

"Took her? Who's here? Is it Lancer?" You asked in a panic.

"No... It's Cu. Cu's going to kill Ruler," Rider said as she looked at the destruction left behind Berserker's wake.

Scathach had her jaw tighten as she held out her hand and summoned her spear, "Setanta."

Holy Night
[] Order Rider to go after them with Scathach. You're too injured to move. You're going to help the Executioners.
[] Chase after Ruler and bring Scathach with you. You weren't going to rest tonight. You're saving Ruler now.
[] Write in...
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