Beep Boop
[] Politely refuse.
- [] "Greetings, Unit #139. Unit #294 requests that Synchonization is postponed until current area is secure. Unit #294 requests assistance in terminating threats designated by white uniforms and Servant Archer."

You could feel her prana starting to flood your entire body. You had to make a stand here and keep her off your case. She was going to try and synchronize but she could do it later, you had to come up with an excuse or something.

For now you need to refuse her. You looked at her eyes and spoke, "Greetings, Unit #139. Unit #294 requests that Synchronization is postponed until current area is secured. Unit #294 requests assistance in terminating threats designated by white uniforms and Servant Archer."

Your Double stared at you for a moment before tilting her head, "Request acknowledged. However this Unit is prohibited from providing combat assistance to Unit #294 under the direct orders of the 105th Founder."

"But didn't you just help me earlier?" You blinked in surprise.

"Affirmative. Previous actions were performed under the pretense of information gathering and did not account for the presence of Unit #294. This action has been logged and reported. Unit #139 will be awaiting necessary punishment for past errors," your Double replied as she nodded.

You couldn't help but be baffled by this before you raised your shields at the same time to cover for one another as riflemen walked out of the alleys. They fired at you before Rider sliced off their arms and left them bleeding on the pavement.

Rider looked at you and said, "Brie, we can't stay here!"

"Query: This unit questions the presence of Unit #294 in the area," your Double said as she stared at you.

"I'm looking for a friend," you replied with a breathless tone, "We're under attack and i have reason to believe that every single Master is being targeted."

"Acknowledged. Sending report to other Units. Feedback received. Units #301, #771, and #840 have suppressed hostiles within the greater New Rimeland area. Hostiles have been neutralized," Your Double reported as her eyes glowed for a moment. Closing her eyes a soft sigh left her lips before meeting your gaze, "Unit Minerva wishes to meet with Unit #294."


That's not an ID number. It's a designation...

You both turned to see a van come your way. Your Double reacted and her katana changed to that of a longsword in her grasp. Her arms were reinforced as she cut through the van while Rider pulled you back.

She sliced through having coated her weapon with prana, unleashing a streak of green light as she let the van crash behind her.

"Is Unit #294 amenable to this arrangement?" Your Double finished her words as Rider supported you.

"Brie... Who is this?" Rider asked as she gave the girl before you two a narrowed look.

You grimaced as you held her for support, "She's just like me. A Sculpture. Still, Minerva... Can you give me the details regarding this Unit?"

"Acknowledged. Unit Minerva had been designated as the Master of Berserker for duration of this War," your Double explained with the same emotionless tone, "She was tasked with monitoring your mission progress in Assassinating the Blood Traitor: Hand Derrinsmith and retrieve our Base Blueprints. Contact with you had been prohibited for a time but such restrictions had been lifted."

"Why?" You asked with a narrowed look.

"Unknown. However the action had been performed by the Founder. This Unit postulates that it is to have both Units, Minerva and #294, analyze one another and exchange information," Your Double answered dutifully before raising her hand and offering it to you, "Unit #139 requests that Unit #294 does not resist. Please follow this Unit to the designated rendezvous point."

Beep Boop
[] "Rider, kill her."
[] Refuse. You're not interested in Family business. Tell her that the Founder can go fuck himself.
[] Go with her. It would be a way for you to gather data on Berserker's Master... Maybe even figure out something too.
[] Ask what Rider thinks about this. You're not going anywhere without her inp- Oh she's excited to see Cu Chulainn. She was breathing heavily and her eyes had turned to hearts.
[] Write in...
A Look Inside
[] Go with her. It would be a way for you to gather data on Berserker's Master... Maybe even figure out something too.

You might not be able to get data like this again. This could be a prime opportunity for you to make your own move. Not only that but while you're with them, Archer won't be too eager angering Berserker's faction like this especially after they had suppressed his own group from causing chaos.

You'll have to play this carefully if you wanted to make it out alive. It took you a few moments to think it over before you met her gaze.

"Acknowledged. I'll go with you," you replied as you clenched your fist.

Your Double stared at you before nodding, "Understood. Allied units have been notified. Please follow me."

The girl turned around and started walking away. You brought your cloak around you a bit tighter before Medb walked by your side.

"Are you sure about this?" She wondered with a narrowed look.

"Yeah," you replied with a nod before switching to your thoughts, "If things go south, we run like we never ran before."

"Hmph, got it. Still, that one's quite cute. Almost like you do when you're asleep,"
Rider giggled as she went ahead before you followed her.

This was going to be a long night.


You were led through the city towards the harbor which housed the shipment that came by the sea. You had walked for a good could of hours and you could feel the sun coming up soon according to your body clock. The city was left in an uproar and you were hearing sirens coming from the roads as disaster response teams were sent to the affected areas.

It wasn't going to be a good Christmas for a lot of people. Tonight was the night you felt Archer's power and how much of a reach he had whether through sheer manpower or range of fire. It seemed that after your initial escape, he didn't come after you anymore. Was this his way of sending a message that he can snipe anyone and anything?

What's his endgame?

Thinking was a little hard while you were following someone who was wearing your face. You felt like you were walking through a bounded field but that may have been your imagination. Given the situation, you shouldn't casually dismiss it as such when there's some mad shit about to go down in front of you.

Medb stayed close by your side with a calm look but you could feel her guard raised higher than it ever was. You could see her internal thoughts battling between seeing Cu Chulainn and keeping you protected. She's not going to let this opportunity slip by, huh?

You walked and walked until you came to a half before the building where the shipyard's office should be. You frowned before the Double of yours turned the doorknob and opened it, gesturing you to go in.

Suddenly you were struck with the desire to turn back. But your legs drew you in as you stepped into the building and were met with a small cramped office space and a staircase leading to the second floor. There wasn't anyone here so you and Medb turned to the stairs.

Behind you, the door shut and your Double was right behind you.

"Please proceed," the Double requested so you did.

You walked to the stairs and climbed until you reached the second floor. It was a normal office but there were people in it already. You recognized them as varying versions of you. They stood in silence with their weapons in hand before they turned their gaze towards you.

They looked identical save for the weapons they held in their grasp. They held the same emotionless and soulless gaze as they stared at you, only to be drawn by Rider's presence as she crossed her arms. They looked at her an tightened their grip on their weapons, ready to pounce at a moment's notice.

However a light tap made them all stand down.

"Combat is prohibited until you are cleared. Stand down," a voice commanded.

You blinked and touched your throat. You weren't the one who spoke. You frowned and faced the main office as a girl stepped out of it holding an iron staff, her robes dragging on the floor as she faced you.

She was you... Only younger. You realize just who she was models after. Compared to you and the other Doppelgangers you had, she was the closest to actually looking like Celine Derrinsmith Luctworth. A young girl of no more than 12 stood before you with her iron staff, forcing her lookalikes to stand down all at once.

The two of you stared at one another before she tilted her head, "So it is you."

"I was called here. What do you want?" You replied with a narrowed look.

"There's no need to be so tense. Our battle will not be until every other Master are beaten. Rest assured you are safe... Assuming you had been acting according to your Code and Objectives still," the girl said as she let go of her staff and let it float around her, "Still, I must greet you. I am Unit #003 of the Athena Series. Designation: Minerva. Hand crafted by the current Founder."

"Minerva. I'm Brie," you replied in turn with a nod.

"So you are. I take it that you named yourself? Lady Aozaki must have performed Sorcery to grant you your personality," Minerva noted as she studied your expression, "Everything about you seems so human."


You blinked as you felt your mind blank out as it tried to find anything related to that name. What...

"I don't... Understand," you replied as you shook your head.

"I see. It seems that's where the difference ends..." Minerva said as she tapped her cheek.

Rider stood by your side and scoffed, "Well, why don't we ask the questions this time? Who are you people?"

Minerva glanced at Rider and gave her a disdainful look, "We are the stepping stones in realizing the Luctworth family dream. In order to realize Hope, we were created in the form of the Magus with the parameters closest to being able to achieve our goal. All of us here were created in the image of a girl named Celine and given her parameters and specifications, her circuits, her memories, her appearance and all... Only to secure a path to the Root in the manner the Family has struggled to achieve."

"So usual Magus bullshit," you replied with a sour expression.

"Perhaps. The remaining five of us were created and crafted by the Founder... While you were modified from a mass produced unit by a Magus of Great standing. This war is but a way to gather data on which model would emerge victorious and to realize the fruits of numerous iterations in our creation," Minerva said as she held her staff, "The data we'll generate will be used in the creation of the next line of sculptures until a specimen is perfected."

A test?

Your eyes widened as you stared at her before frowning, "And you're telling me this because?"

"You forgot. I've been observing you when I can but you have this uncanny ability to vanish from my sight. But the times that I have seen you, you have not been functioning at your full potential," Minerva said as she crossed her arms, "If we fought for the final test, it would end in my victory but it would render the test moot."

"So what do you want? We're just going to kill each other," you told her with a low tone.

"Well... The Founder wishes to have you provide information for us that you have gathered. The next would be to make sure you are not compromised and stay true to your mission of assassinating the Traitor. And finally... To return you to your full capacity as Lady Aozaki intended," Minerva replied as she met your gaze.

You held your ground as Rider remained silent by your side. They don't want to have too many wild variables occurring in their test. You looked around and so no sign of Berserker in the vicinity.

Where was he?

You held your breath as you tried to think.

"No. If I'm going to give you information, I'll give it verbally," you decided as you looked down on her, "If you plan on making sure I'm not compromised then be my guest. You're free to interpret what you find but I want to give my reasonings for whatever you do find... And as for the last... It's not necessary. Because I have confidence I can beat you when it's time."

Minerva stared at you as did the other Athena Units surrounding you. They all had their weapons ready to be drawn while you and Minerva stood in place. The little girl closed her eyes and slowly opened them.

"Very well. Now allow me to Synchronize," Minerva said as she walked towards you.

You let her grab your hand and-

{Unit #294 has detected several anomalous signals.}
{Signals recognized. Welcome Admin Minerva.}
{Accessing... Memory Data}
{Running internal diagnosis for Unit #294}
{Unable to Access Memory Data}
{Internal Diagnosis Complete}
{Unauthorized Core detected.}
{Scan complete.}
{Accessing Back Up Memory Data}
{History Log viewed.}
{Unauthorized Objective Edit 12/21/19}
{Objective Edited: Do not Harm Hans Derrinsmith}
{Edit marked for deletion.}
{New Objective Detected}
{Logged Objective 12/22/19}
{Objective: Let Rider Win}
{Marked for deletion}
{Scanning Back Memory Data}
{Uploading to Unit Minerva.}
{Upload complete.}
{Accessing Mainframe Code.}
{Pseudo Personality... viewed.}

You opened your eyes and let go. Pulling back, you staggered into Rider's arms. You were breathing heavily and your body felt hot. Your circuits were on fire as you looked up. Minerva stood in place, her body lined with glowing lights as we caught her own breath.

Blinking, she turned to you and narrowed her gaze, "An Alliance and edited Code... You have been growing, Unit #294. You said you can explain. I will allow it. Give me a reason why I shouldn't destroy you for this betrayal?"

A Look Inside
[] "Rider, run now!"
[] "Rider, kill her!"
[] "It's all... A part of my plan. Trust me."
[] "What... What were you doing to me back there? You marked... What?"
[] Write in...
White Lies
You stared at her as she regarded you with a cold judgemental gaze. One wrong move and things will go to hell quickly. You had to act, she's seen everything and it was up to you to help her rationalize how she saw this. You tried to think fast as she slowly narrowed her gaze towards you.

Keep calm. You won't make it through this if you panic. Swallowing the growing lump in your throat, you mustered the courage to speak up. It might as well the last thing you would say at this rate but you had to try.

"I needed... a new Core. The old one was... so much scrap. Thanks... for showing the objective not to harm Hans," you told her in a measured tone while holding on to Rider for support.

"So you promised to help him against us in exchange for repairs and maintenance... Yet you failed to even notice that he slipped an objective which builds up the core of your very being," Minerva said as she summed it up with a raised eyebrow.

"I was careless. But I can explain in detail why I did that. I was required to promise something in turn for his assistance," you replied with a nod, "However it was not my intention of fully betraying the mission."

"Explain," Minerva ordered you as you straightened yourself.

"This pseudo-personality was installed so that this Unit could believably lie and cheat. So I'm lying and cheating everyone, just as expected of me," you lied handily as she tilted her head. You could use this, "First attempt at assassination ended up with me in a Bounded Field. I understand that those asschaps back at Luctsworth do not value my continued existence just for the sake of it. However, I do. Next time, I'll be trying something subtler."

"You haven't explained, "Minerva pointed out as she narrowed her gaze.

"What I mean is... I have his trust. Through my actions I was able to get close to him as an ally, by posturing an alliance against your faction..." You continued as you clenched your fist, "And what I mean by subtler methods, well, I can stab him in the spine while I'm close to him."

Minerva regarded you for a moment before stating, "You're lying."

You felt the hairs at the back of your neck stand up. You tried not to show it as you asked, "How?"

"Your current personality was not installed. It's a byproduct of an accident. A glitch. An ever evolving code diverging from our base, Celine, becoming it's own existence," Minerva said as she met your gaze, "Don't take me for a fool, while you may be an evolving code, you're not meant to lie and cheat from the start."

"How can you be so sure?" You frowned.

"I looked at how it was constructed inside of you," Minerva replied as she held up her hand and the other Sculptures tensed up, "Why are you lying?"

"I..." You started as you were caught off guard. Words died in your throat as you tried to reorient yourself.

"Don't even think of running. Why are you lying?" Minerva asked as her eyes began to glow and you felt the mana in the air sizzle, "No... Better yet, simply answer this, are you still loyal to your mission?"

The other Sculptures got ready to attack. Rider held her guard up but she'll only be able to fend off a few of them. Some might slip through and there's no cover from Minerva's attack should she decide to sling a spell at you.

"Answer me Unit #294. Do you plan on betraying us, jeopardizing the Test, and allying yourself with the Traitor?" Minerva questioned as she took a step forward.

White Lies
[] "Yes. I'm loyal. I won't get in your way."
[] "Go fuck yourself, you little bitch."
[] Write in...
Stomach Aches
[] "Yes. I'm loyal. I won't get in your way."

Not good. This wasn't good at all. You had to talk. You had to say something. Even as your muscles locked up in fear and your throat seemed to constrict from panic, you had to talk. Say something!

Steeling what nerves you had, you mustered your courage as you spoke, "Yes. I'm loyal. I won't get in your way."

Minerva stopped in her tracks as she stood a few steps away from you. She studied your face before you decided to speak some more.

"I won't betray you or the Test. I'm not planning anything, okay?" You told her as you held your ground while the mana in the air started crackling around Minerva.

You felt a great wave of dread weigh down on your shoulders as you looked outside the window. You and Medb stood frozen on where you both stood as the figure of a man stalked the outside of the building you were in. It didn't take a Magus to know that this man was bad news.

He was just out there walking but you felt like if you made the wrong move he would be on to you in a heartbeat. He was there and he was waiting for the call to summon him. Those red eyes burning with barely restrained frenzy were looking at you now.

"Good," Minerva said with a satisfied look as the other Sculptures stood down, "You will no longer need to worry about the other participants from this point out. Simply hide and bide your time until we're the last ones standing. I'll save you for last."

"You're letting me go?" You asked her with a strained tone.

"Yes. As long as you say you will no longer associate with that traitor, then you're free and there would be no need to destroy you at this instant," Minerva said as she held her staff and leaned on it, "You are going to stay away from him, right?"

"If it gets you off my case. But Hans is the only one you're forbidding me to associate with, right?" You asked her with a frown.

"Mmm, yes. Why?" Minerva wondered with a raised eyebrow.

"Then you don't mind me bringing my other friends to our scrap once you kill him, right?" You questioned as you met her gaze.

The little girl blinked before cracking a smile, "Right. Bring whatever army you can muster. I'll be waiting for you... Just hurry, I might kill them before you get them all together."

You stamped down your fear, your terror and hysteria as boiling anger rumbled within you. You gave her a steely look and nodded, "Understood."

"Okay then. You're free to leave," Minerva said as she nodded to the door.


You made it out.

You made it out and as soon as you exited Minerva's territory you fell down your knees and vomited. You hit the asphalt and felt the rough surface of the ground on your bare skin before you vomited.

Dinner came out as brown sludge as Medb grimaced upon seeing you puke your insides out. You vomited and vomited until your throat burned from stomach acid, tears welling up in your eyes as you heaved.

The tangy taste of dinner filled your mouth before you spat on the side.

"Fuck," you cursed.

"Well... Pretty much. Not that much had changed," Rider said as she crossed her arms.

You got up and staggered to your feet. You turned to the shipyard Minerva was staying at and flipped it off, "FUCK. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK YOU! FUUUUUUCK YOU!"

"And that's a breakdown," Rider murmured as she grabbed you by the arms and started dragging you away from throwing something at the place, "Come on, let's get you home."

"Rider I'm scared," you whimpered as you fell limp in her arms.

"Do you have any plans?" Rider asked in an attempt to distract you.

"Plans... Yeah. I do," you swallowed and groaned at the taste of your insides, "We have to kill Berserker."

"We can't do that alone. Not unless we break open Caster's old haunt and plunder that Dragon Vein so I can summon Clan Calatin," Rider grimaced as she pulled you.

"That's the last option. But we'll need more Servants. More help," you decided as dawn broke through the sky.

"Help? Brie, we can't rely on Hans and Lancer. They're the only ones who can go toe to toe with Berserker to an extent. We've already promised not to deal with them earlier. What are-" Medb continued before she stopped and dropped you.

You hit the floor before you grunted. That hurt.

"Brie that's stupid," Rider said as she grimaced with an obviously disapproving tone.

"Medb. It's not the worst plan. Plus you haven't heard it yet," you pointed out with a narrowed look.

"Yes but I can guess where this is going. You're planning on getting Assassin and Archer to help us," Rider said as she looked down on you. She crossed her arms and knelt down, "Did that girl scare you so much you lost track of your brain?"

"Well it's more like she poked around my head for a bit. But no, look, if we can do this we might have a chance. It's either we band together or Berserker starts killing us one by one," you hissed as you slowly got up and dusted yourself, "Emiya's going to be on board but we only need to find him."

"And where do you even plan to convince the Servant who's Master you traumatized to help us in the face of Berserker?" Medb questioned smartly with a raised eyebrow, "And how are you even going to convince Archer not to put an arrow between our eyes."

"I'll figure it out. Somehow," you told her with a nod as you leaned on her shoulder, "We're going to be busy."

"This plan sucks," Rider groaned as she supported you.

"Well Medb, you should Rejoice. Because after we kill Berserker we're going to indulge in one of your favorite pastimes," You chuckled as you walked down the road.


"Backstabbing people," you cut her off. You coughed as you kept walking.

"So who are you going to scam first?" Rider asked as she sighed while shaking her head. Now that was a question you'll answer after getting some clothes better than your pajamas.

Stomach Aches
[] "Let's go find Emiya first. Make sure he's all right. Plus he might be worried about us. Call it a hunch."
[] "Assassin. I need to work on how to make an apology. How mad do you think she's gonna be?"
[] "How do you feel about Cults? I'm sure we can grab a thug and have him point us to wherever Archer is."
[] "Let's regroup first. Maybe make sure Ruler's still kicking after the attacks last night."
Last edited:
[] "Let's go find Emiya first. Make sure he's all right. Plus he might be worried about us. Call it a hunch."

You leaned on your Servant as the two of you walked down the road, "Let's go find Emiya first. Make sure he's all right. Plus he might be worried about us. Call it a hunch."

"Isn't your intuition like dog shit?" Rider asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I have nothing else to go on. Let's just go find a friendly face," you grumbled as you walked.

You need new clothes first. You were going to get sick at this rate.


You were wearing a black short sleeved blouse and skirt once you stepped towards Emiya's burnt apartment. There were still Emergency responders all around while you crossed your arms and studied the damage. You could see see traces of your battle here in the previous night.

The city didn't feel safe anymore, not with Archer just waiting to snipe you at night. You didn't know where to go or hide in the coming evening but you needed to make sure your other and only ally in this war was all right. You couldn't help but be worried yourself.

Medb was running around looking for clues too and told you to sit tight. There were people lurking about discreetly watching you from a distance. Seems like it's a collection of people watching each other today, Hans' people were on the lookout for the culprits while Archer's allies were mixed with the wandering crowd.

You perked up once you noticed someone coming towards you. Turning, you recognized him as a tall friendly faced man with silver hair. Saber raised a hand in greeting while you nodded.

"So you're safe. I assume Emiya made it out too?" You asked him.

"Indeed. The attack caught us by surprise but we escaped unscathed. We tried getting a hold of you but we couldn't. We feared the worst," Saber replied as he glanced at he wreckage, "Innocents perished last night but while it may be commonplace in a Grail War, it is still distasteful. Lady Brie, would you like to take this elsewhere?"

"Yeah. There's too many eyes on us. Rider will follow us," You told him as the two of you walked.

You and Saber left the area while the people lurking in the corners kept their gaze on you. You figured they won't just ignore you but just as you were about to express your distaste, Saber smiled your way and spoke.

"Then can we go to that alley? We can lose them there," Saber suggested with a nod.

"Oh! Good thinking," you grinned before you both stepped inside.

Behind you Saber suddenly picked you up, "Excuse me."

"Whoa!" You yelped as he carried you in his arms before he rushed forward and jumped.

He broke through the air in one leap and cleared the building surrounding you both. You soared for a few moments before he landed on the rooftop.

You grunted as you gasped, "Warn me next time!"

"They may pursue us so deliberate actions were necessary," Saber replied before he jumped down the next alley and hit the ground.

You yelped before you were let down. You could imagine the spies you left behind being confused of your sudden disappearance. They may be more alert now. Saber pulled you along out of the alley and went down an underground tunnel leading to the subway. You walked behind him as he navigated through the crowd going to and for the area before stopping by the nearby trains.

Perking up, you noticed Rider nearby in her Spirit form before her presence lingered behind you. She caught up and Saber noticed this as he glanced at where your Servant was. He seemed to appreciate her addition to your little rendezvous.

"So where's your Master?" you asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Settling down the second safehouse. I'll bring you there myself but it will be a long train ride," Saber said as he looked around and got in the train. You walked in as well and noticed that the car was close to empty save for a few people, "Archer and his goons do not pass through these tunnels. My Master and I have been using it as a means of going around the city."

"For a guy like him, I'd expect Emiya to have a car. Isn't Luvia kind enough to hand him some wheels?" you wondered with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I've only heard this from my Liege but the Tohsaka household has broken enough cars to nearly indebt it to the Edelfelts. It was only thanks to a fortunate job that Mr. Emiya was able to absolve the debt. After that cars were no longer to be lent to him," Saber replied as he shook his head.

"What a cool guy," you muttered as you crossed your arms while Rider giggled silently on the side.

"That's besides the point. But yes, we're using the subways more often. However there's reason to believe that there's more to these connecting tunnels than meets the eye," Saber said as he glanced your way, "We just don't know what. It's kept Archer's allies away for a long while."

"I'm just glad you're safe. I mean, last night was pretty rough. Archer's becoming more eager," you murmured as the train rumbled while traveling through the tunnels.

"We know. Master has been conducting his own investigations. The attack was spurned by the creation of a new drug. This had sent the cultists into a frenzy of violence directed to the Masters of the city. Of course it's effectiveness varies with those that had been struck. If anything, you were the one who got it worst but no more," Saber pointed out as he patiently waited for the next stop.

Well that's just embarrassing.

"Don't worry. We can move through the tunnels now. I don't expect Archer to shoot us while out of his sight," Saber said as he pat your shoulder. He had a kind smile on his face and nodded, "I'm sure my Master will think of something."


You met up with Emiya soon after and found him underneath an old building's basement near the outskirts of the city. He had relocated rather extremely having lost his previous base of operations but he seemed to be already hard at work with his plans. He had his map laid out as well, looking up from it as Saber brought you in his new home. His base was underneath a tailor's shop and seemed to be a rather inconspicuous hideout.

The red haired man glanced up from his map and had a smile of relief once he saw you. You walked up to him and raised a hand in greeting.

"Hey there," you smiled back at him as he crossed his arms.

"You had me worried back there. Good to see you," Emiya replied as he noticed Rider manifesting behind you, "You as well, Miss Rider."

"Hellooo handsome," Rider giggled as she winked at the older man. You elbowed her and she winced once you reinforced your arm for a heartbeat.

"Rider. Why don't you cool off outside," you told her with a narrowed look, "I'll bring Mr. Emiya up to speed."

Medb scoffed at that and vanished, but not after making her dark chuckle known as she left. This left you alone with Emiya and Saber before the latter sighed and went after Medb. It was better to have two Servants on the lookout for trouble than just one.

"How about I make you some tea. You look like you haven't slept a wink," Emiya said as he brushed off his hands.

"I'd like that," you nodded.

He led you through the basement that had been converted into a living space. There were already furniture and you noted how the place seemed lived in already. It was also well stocked judging by how filled the pantry was as Emiya opened it up. He must have noticed the look on your face given he piped up while working.

"This is an Edelfelt property. It's been prepared for me much like the last apartment was. I really am going to owe Luvia a lot by the end of this. But! No rest for those wielding justice," Emiya said as he brewed you some tea with some hot water and tea leaves.

"Well isn't that convenient. Though I suppose owing her a lot can get hairy," you noted as you sat on one of the counters.

"Yeah. My wife hates it. But Luvia is a good person, especially for a Magus," Emiya said as he poured your cup some tea before offering it to you. Oriental... It had a nice fragrance to it.

"What about you? You're pretty kind for a Magus," you pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

"Well... It's mostly because of some issues I have. I wouldn't say I'm kind. It's just how I am. Plus I'm not really cut out to be a Magus," Emiya said as he sat before you with his own cup. He then met your gaze with a serious look, "Are you all right?"

Ah. This guy's sharper than he lets on.

"I met Berserker's Master. Not a nice person," you judged as you took a sip of your tea. Your eyesbrows raised as you felt your body relax, the held tension on your muscles soothing as you set down your cup, "Almost died."

Emiya looked at you and studied your expression before speaking, "That happens. What did you learn?"

"Well... For one thing she's an asshole and looks like me. Except she's smaller and younger. Like a little girl," you explained to which Emiya choked in his drink and started coughing.

"Oh... Really?" Emiya coughed as he tried to compose himself, "That's... Huh."

"You okay?" you frowned in concern.

"I... I was just reminded of something. Go on. She looked like you?" Emiya tried deflecting your question as he cleared his throat.

"Yes. A big name Model named Minerva. She's guarded by a retinue of my lookalikes wielding weapons. I suspect that they're a pain in the ass to fight as a Magus but can be dispatched by Servants," You reported as you thought back to that group, "They're dangerous. The Luctworth, the people that manufactured me sent them here to end the War fast. If anything, things are going to roll tonight."

"I see. So what did you have in mind? Fight Berserker? Didn't you have an alliance with that Hans Derrinsmith?" Emiya wondered as he leaned on the table.

"It might as well be shot. Can't trust the guy after he messed with my insides. But that's a risk I was prepared for when getting his help. But yeah, I need to fight Berserker and I can't do that alone. Which is why I have... An idea," you proposed as you looked at him.

"And that's?" Emiya frowned in turn.

"We need to get Assassin and Archer's help. Berserker is too powerful. Even if Rider and Saber worked together, as long as Berserker's supported by Minerva we can't do anything. We'll get killed one by one. If we want to stand a chance we have to make a temporary truce," you told him with a serious tone. You can only hope he would understand because you had no one else to turn to at this point.

Emiya was caught by surprise and blinked, "Wait... Archer and Assassin?"

"Yes. Berserker's faction only has eyes on Lancer's group. If we take this time to convince Archer and Assassin we'll stand a chance while Berserker's busy or tired from fighting Lancer. I know for a fact that Lancer's a thorny asshole," you growled as you looked to the side. Hans will have to be put to the slaughter if you want to live through this, "After that, we can resume the war once Lancer and Berserker are dead."

The older man had a thoughtful look before rubbing his chin, "I see. But how will you convince them?"

"I'll figure something out... But I would prefer to get your help. If possible," you replied with a quieter tone.

"Then who would you be willing to talk to? We can begin tonight if you wish. We won't have much time left," Emiya said with a nod.

[] You'll talk to Assassin while Emiya meets with Archer's people. It's going to suck but you'll have to do it. It's your mess after all and you're not going to sleep right until you made things clear.
[] You'll talk to Archer's faction while Emiya finds Assassin. He might have a better chance of convincing Olga if he finds her. Archer was going to be tricky given the whole cult thing but you'll have to shoot your shot.
[] You'll talk to them both and have Emiya as your back up. Safety in numbers but this is going to take a longer time and the ball may roll while you're putting off one for the other. Still, it's more secure this way with two Servants and Masters.
Imaginary Justice
[] You'll talk to Archer's faction while Emiya finds Assassin. He might have a better chance of convincing Olga if he finds her. Archer was going to be tricky given the whole cult thing but you'll have to shoot your shot.

The best way to do this would be to let the other split off and work on their own. While it would be dangerous, it had a chance of working. Confronting Assassin was going to be a death sentence after what you did go Olga. It would be better to let the experienced Magus with Grai Wars under his belt deal with her.

Emiya was a good man and you hoped that he could be the good cop to your horrible one. The guy's a charmer of course so that could help a bit. But you hoped that he would be able to convince her not to attack you while you're all trying to kill Berserker.

As for your job, it would be dealing with Archer.

"I'll take Archer. I've met him a few times and I want to talk to him," you replied with a resolute tone, "The alliance is only until we can beat Berserker. After that we can take them down."

Emiya stared at you before chuckling, "An Alliance to take out Berserker. The folks back home are going to be angry. But okay, I'll trust that you can handle yourself. However don't be reckless and I know that's coming from me, but still."

"Yeah. Do you have an idea where Assassin is though? All I'm going to do is grab the nearest junkie and ask," you said as you crossed your arms.

"Saber and I have an idea. Here, take this phone. It's cheap but we can contact one another there. Try not to break it," Emiya said as he handed you an ancient phone from a decade ago.

You inspected it before pocketing it, "Thanks, Dad."

You froze.

Emiya stared at you with a surprised look as you felt your muscles lock up. Ah.

That's no good, huh?

You felt your face grow hot as the older man sputtered. He coughed and composed himself to chuckling lightly before ruffling your hair. His hands were pretty big as he stroked your head.

You just wanted to melt into a puddle now.

"I'd hate to have a daughter like you. You have a rebellious streak," Emiya laughed as he got off his seat, "You best be prepared to talk as well as fight. You're walking in a den of lions after all."


"What's your problem?" Rider asked as she walked by your side.

"That old man must have been quite the heartbreaker when he was young," you grumbled as you walked down the street.

"Ah. Did something happen, hm? Remember, the guy's married~," Medb giggled in your ear.

"I accidentally called him Dad," you blurred out before Rider stumbled. She caught herself before giving you a wide eyed look.

Rider stared at you before snickering on the side, "Oh. Oh noooo."

"Shut up," you snapped.

"Is this like how you call your Mentors as your parents? Hey, hey. Are you going to walk up to Scathach and call her Mom too?" Rider said as she clung to your arm while you marched.

"I don't want to die yet," you groaned as you buried your face in your hands.

"Ah. If that were the case, she'd be my evil In-Law. Tsk," Rider hissed as she bit her thumb.

"Who knows, maybe you'll actually be a decent human being," you scoffed as the two of you walked.

"I'll take my chances dueling Archer," Rider stuck her tongue out at you.

"Speaking of Archer, the old town sure is filled with the unfortunate," you said as you walked by old buildings now housing the poor and drug addicted.

You walked deeper and deeper into it, two girls seemingly defenseless as the eyes of the depraved set their sights on you. However the worst of them were those of clear minds bearing handguns, on the lookout for cops and the like.

So when they saw you and Rider they recognized you. Rider was already on them before they could react, kicking them into a dark alley before sending them into the dirt. You caught up as Rider smash one of the men in white uniforms into the wall before she whipped the other to stay on the ground.

Walking up to them, you had Rider move aside while you looked down on the remaining conscious cultist. You knelt down and grabbed him by his clothes.

Imaginary Justice
[] "Take me to your leader. I just want to have a talk. Preferably without getting shot at."
[] "Hi. I'm Brie. I'd like to join your Cult. Got any room left?"
[] "I mean you no harm. But I'd like to hear about your group's teachings... Do you take free trials?"
[] Drag him up and lift him towards Medb, "Okay Rider, do your brainwash stuff. I have him steady."
[] Write in...
[] "Take me to your leader. I just want to have a talk. Preferably without getting shot at."

You gave the man a bright smile while holding his collar, "Take me to your leader. I just want to have a talk. Preferably without getting shot at."

The man's eyes widened in fear as he looked between you and Rider before you dropped him into the ground. He scrambled to his feet and nodded before taking out his phone. With a quick text message, he never let his eyes wander away from you.

You picked up his friend's gun and inspected it before you slung it over your shoulder. You planned on coming unarmed but you're just going to borrow this for a little while. You looted the fallen Cultist's body for some ammo and hid it in your new belt.

"Your gun too. Give it," you told him as he looked at Rider and then at you.

"W-Who the hell are you?" He asked as he tossed the handgun and ammunition on the floor.

Picking up the gun you met his gaze, "I'm the Master of Rider. I'm interested in your Archer after he tried to kill me. Tell him I'm not mad and I'm coming for him. Get us a car and I'll find out if it's sabotaged to explode. If I do, you're going to lose some fingers."

"Yes ma'am!" The man whined with a nod as he fell down his rear.


A van had come to pick you up. But that wasn't before you shook the cultist down on the location of his people. It did match with what was known of the place. Emiya had the place marked on his maps based on the information Hans had shared before. You were going to be sure if it was the place because if it wasn't, you were going to throw a fit.

The vehicle was a sleek black van driven by a man in white uniform. You looked inside to find a woman waiting for you there. She was a blonde haired woman dressed in pristine white robes that already set off alarms in your head. You couldn't help but resist just shooting the entire thing because of how shady the whole situation was.

Archer's Master must be pleasantly surprised if you were walking right into their home territory. Rider had vanished into her spirit form to show that you were alone, however this shouldn't matter if the Cult had Magi supporting it, she would be tripping a bounded field despite not being in the flesh.

"Hello Miss Brie. We've come according to your summons. We take it that you're interested in speaking with our esteemed Guru?" The woman spoke in a pleasant and airy voice.

"Preferably without getting killed. I want to talk and I'm willing to look past the attack last night," you replied with a narrowed look.

The woman smiled and nodded, "We understand. Please, join me. We will take you to our Guru and you may discuss with him the details."

"Got it," you nodded as you stepped in the van.

Shutting the door behind you, you ended up seated beside the attendant as she kept that dazed and unfocused look on her face. You were a little creeped out but Rider's presence never left you.

That was the sole comforting thing you had other than the weight of your weapons. You felt the van move before it soon drove out the older part of town into the city proper. It seemed like you were going to cut through downtown to the southern part of the city.

Driving by the other cars that went by, you eventually turned your gaze back to the attendant as she smiled towards you. You really felt your skin crawl at that.

"So what's the religious speech you folks normally give prospective devotees?" You asked with a raised eyebrow, "Don't groups like yours normally have such things?"

"Well we do but those are reserved for followers on the lower level of the caste," The attendant replied with the same warm tone.

"A caste. Are you serious?" You blanched as you stared at her.

"Worry not. Given your status, I'm sure the Guru will provide you with a high position. As a Master in the Holy Grail War, you will be under his direct supervision for the duration of your stay," the attendant added with a nod, "A caste was established in order to bring order to our group and one way of ascending would be through monetary donations, which grants access to our group's privileged areas not accessible to normal newcomers."

"Areas. I don't suppose this includes that fancy drug of yours?" You blinked as you watched her.

The attendant took out a vial from her robe pocket. It was a clear vial with a small amount of glittering silvery white powder inside. It wasn't the appearance of normal drug substances... But you could feel a slight power from it.

Prana? Was this shit infused?

"The Cult of Serene Lotus does not recognize the substance as a Drug. But instead it is virtue and karma given form," the attendant said as she held it close to her chest, "It is the backbone of our religion. It allows us to achieve Nirvana and glimpse of true enlightenment if only for a few moments."

No doubt that some sap knowledgable about a little alchemy managed to cook it up and stir up a crowd, gaining enough power to start a cult. The Association was not going to be happy with this if a crackdown were to happen.

"Nirvana..." You breathed with a narrowed look, "Isn't the ingestion of that thing trivialize the tedious task of achieving enlightenment monks have been searching for hundreds of years?"

"It merely gives us a glimpse of our true goal. It keeps us focused on our task and relieves us of the weight the current world has brought upon us," the attendant said as she uncorked the vial, "Here, I am allowed to provide you with a sample-"

Rider manifested and slapped the vial away before pulling you back away from the woman. She had Caladbolg summoned and was lifting it up over the woman's throat while keeping a protective hand on your waist.

"You keep your dirty hands off my treasure," Rider growled as she narrowed her look.

For her part, the attendant simply giggled, "Ah, what wonderful devotees you two will be. Rest assured it will all be all right. The Guru will be seeing you... We have arrived."

You blinked before looking out the window to see a white temple rise along the residential area. You could see white tents and various stalls installed along a large part of a neighborhood. You looked to see the building stretch larger as you came close to it.

This place was supposed to be the entertainment center for the city, wasn't it? Did the Cult take over the place somehow? No, it seemed just a part of the whole shitshow. There was an adjacent building nearby, which was the actual temple replica you were driving to.

"Our numbers are now there thousand strong and we weather the winter nights as a peaceful congregation only intent on spreading love and the glimpse of Nirvana," the attendant said in her warm voice, "We welcome you, Sister Brie. Welcome to the Serene Lotus."


They let you keep your weapons.

You walked towards the building and were admitted inside as the attendant led you. The people here... They weren't normal. How hasn't the church noticed a gathering this big in the city proper?

"Magi," Rider said as you noticed some people walk by eyeing you warily before glancing at Medb in fear.

They were hurrying away.

"Are you we the only ones with zero resources?" You frowned as you walked by your Servant's side.

"Maybe. Well no, Olga Marie was pretty much by herself last time but..." Rider said with a grimace.

The attendant stopped at that, "Oh? You know of Olga Marie?"

You and Rider stopped, looking at her with steely gazes. The Attendant remained unfazed by this as she smiled.

"My, she was the first Master to join us after all," the Attendant said as she clapped her hand, "You should have told me. I'm sure she would be happy to see you."

"She staying here?" You blinked before frowning. She did attack at the same time as Archer did last time...

Did they have an alliance? Probably but in that case Emiya...

"She is. However Servants are not allowed within the inner Sanctum. An exception will be made for Lady Rider but as a general rule, only the Awarded Hero is allowed to wander freely," the Attendant replied with a nod.

Carmilla wasn't here. Medb held your hand and glared at the attendant.

"We won't be long. I don't plan on staying for the night anyway," you said as you looked at her.

"Then the Guru will meet you now. Please follow me," the Attendant said as you followed her.


The Inner Sanctum could be described as a room of grand opulence. It was gaudy and filled with silver and gold statues of men and women. Embroidered art images were hung on the walls as the room was alive with merrymaking and drinking.

Men and women in white robes sat and embraced one another as you stepped in. Many of them partook in the substance you were offered before and the incense in the air was clouding your mind if only for a little bit.

A rustic cadence of music played as you walked up to the man lying down upon a large reclining bed being attended to by a group of women in white and silver robes. He was large and fattened as he looked like a mockery of the Buddha himself, aged, flabby and balding. A kind and warm smile filled his face as he rose up and faced you.

Rider was looking around with a raised eyebrow while you simply kept your gaze upon the man before you. This was the Guru then...

"Welcome, Master of Rider to the heart of my temple. I am the man known as the Guru, the Master of Archer. To what do I owe this pleasant visit?" The Guru loudly greeted you as he flashed you his perfectly white teeth.

He was huge... Easily over six feet tall and probably weighing hundred of pounds. You grimaced as you stood beneath his throne.

"You tried to kill me," you openly stated with a narrowed look, "Archer blew up my apartment."

"It wasn't my intention. I do apologize," the Guru said as he looked down at you.

"Then what was your intentions?" You frowned as you crossed your arms.

"Merely to flush out the remaining Master's and gauge their strength. I have information that strange newcomers have arrived in the city. They have acted to suppress my forces but I finally had information on them," the Guru explained with a solemn tone, "I apologize. Truly. You looked like one of them."

This guy...

"Though I doubt this is merely a visit for that, no! We have been watching our for a long time. You must need something given you are not one to walk into my temple in this manner," the Guru said as he flashed you his command seals etched on the back of his hand.

Your own Seals didn't react. That means...

"Have you come for an alliance? To join my retinue as a fellow Master? One has already availed to my offer, there would be room for more," the Guru said with a small smile.

You perked up and sensed eyes on you from... Somewhere. One wrong move and your head will go flying.

He's here and he's watching.

[] "I need your help in taking out Berserker. Otherwise you will die."
[] "I don't need your alliance. I just need Archer's strength. We have a common foe that's all there is to it."
[] "Not an alliance. A truce. This is an offer you can't refuse. Not unless you want to get torn apart by Berserker."
[] Write in...
Last edited:
Above Sin
[]"I don't talk to proxies. You're a fake, you've got no Command Seal. We want the Master of Archer."
-[] "If you're not going to take a threat that will kill everyone in the city seriously and act like partners, we're gone."

You stared the man down even as you felt the weight of hostility on your body. Archer was watching but he hasn't done anything yet. You figured out that this guy was a sham but only because you fought Archer before. He was pulled away by a Command Seal once but this Guru had all three still tattooed.

It was a simple ploy but it could work on anyone save for you and Ruler. This man wasn't the leader nor the Master of Archer. You had no time for this and this place was already creeping you out.

"I don't talk to proxies," you pointed out as you rested your hand on your rifle, "You're a fake, you've got no Command Seals. We want the Master of Archer."

The Guru's cheerful visage didn't waver as he leaned forward, "Oh my. Such words. You may be mistaken. You see this? These seals are my divine gifts allowing me-"

You cut him off quickly with a scoff, "If you're not going to take a threat that will kill everyone in the city seriously and act like partners, we're gone."

That silenced that man as he set down his hand. You could see anger rise up his face as he looked down on you. Veins bulged on his head as he let out a sharp breath through his nostrils.

"Again, you are mistaken, girl. I assure you that I am the one in control here," the Guru said as his voice cracked with emotion, "Please do not squander my hospitality with baseless accusations."

"Right..." You murmured as you noticed the people within the Sanctum leaving in droves towards the exits to the side.

The man's attendants stepped back as he sat up and leaned down, "You have com here for my help yet you disrespect me when I have done nothing wrong. You are as crass as we first saw you, girl."

"But you did. I asked to meet with someone specifically asked for. While it was smart of your benefactor to hide behind your lard, it's awfully rude to me who only came here to talk," you continued as you saw that it was just you, him, and Rider within the Sanctum.

The incense was more intense now and it made you dizzy. But you endured as the man rose up to his full height and grit his teeth.

"Such insolence," the Guru growled as he loomed from his seat, "Even if that were the case, who would be stupid enough to meet with you?!"

"I don't have time for this. Hey, Archer. You don't mind if we wreck this guy, right?" You asked as you looked around.

There was no answer.

But you did feel the oppressive eyes upon you vanish. You'll take that as a yes.

"Guess that's it," you murmured as you turned to Rider. You Servant picked you up and jumped back.

The spot you stood on was crushed by a falling reclining chair as the Guru glared at you. Rider landed on her feet and chuckled under her breath while you drew your rifle, checking it's ammunition as your Servant splashed a bit of blood on the ground.

Warriors rose up wielding blades, spears and axes as they took formation and prepared themselves. You got behind them as the Guru ripped a plastic bag of black glittering powder and breathed in a lungful all at once.

"Archer's Master must have a crude sense of humor if this is their idea of a pre-show," Rider said as she crossed her arms.

"Let's just get this over with," you replied as you narrowed your look.

The Guru howled as the effect of the drugs released a burst of Od from within is body. He lunged forward with inhuman speed, making you raise your weapon.

You fired as the Guru dashed to the side before he met the combined charge of the Celtic Warriors. Steel dug into his fat before he swept his enhanced arm and sent an entire line of armored men over 200 pounds flying. Bullets struck his body before Medb pulled you by your clothes as he crushed the ground.

"AGH. I'LL BREAK YOUR LITTLE BODIES AND USE THEM AS RAGS!" the Guru howled as he swung his arm.

You and Rider broke apart, letting him hit the floor between you both. The floor exploded and you rolled back to avoid another sweep. He roared and lunged after you. You watched as an arrow strike the man's shoulder so hard it was torn off.

The mass of flesh hit the ground before becoming still but the Guru foamed in his mouth as he dashed towards you. You punched several bullets into his body before he stumbled into the ground.

"Stand down, fatso!" You barked before the Guru got up again. Damn.

"Archer when I'm done here, I'm going to have a lot to fucking complain about!" You snapped as you unloaded your gun on the Guru.

Bullets punched through fat and muscle but the man simply took them. He was soon knocked to the side by several Warrrios bearing shields, slammed into the ground before they were crushed. You reloaded your gun as you saw Rider hanging back.

"Need help, Master? You better impress our new friends here," Rider said as she summoned more of her soldiers.

You noticed a Black Box float by your side as you watched the Guru rise and snarl at you.

Above Sin
[] Open the Box.
[] Work with Rider to take out this mass of fat.
[] Fight on your own. It would be good practice.
Two Sides
[] Fight on your own. It would be good practice.

You got this. You watched the Guru come for you with his arm and move past him. He turned, jerking back to sweep the air with his limb as you fired several shots into his leg. He fell down on his knee before his arm grabbed you by your rifle and threw you into the ground. You rolled and turned before recovering as you reloaded while he jumped high in the air.

You dodged out of the way as your body seemed to move on autopilot. You had to take control otherwise you'll just end up in that state again. You'll use this as practice. If Archer and his Master wanted a show you'll give them one to remember. You had to take the initiative here and fight. You raised your gun and fired your bullets, only to see the Guru go berserk and come for you.

Was this the effect of that black powder? Just how much more potent was it than the white ones? It was almost like it had the capacity to elevate people on inhuman levels. You punched bullet after bullet into the man's body but he was moving more than his body could take. His muscles ripped and his bones creaked, his mind was just gone.

Never stopping, never retreating, you can't tire him out. You moved in as he lunged at you, timing his swing as you slid beneath his arm. You shot his leg and ripped through his flesh. That forced him down before you fired twice, empty rounds flying through the air as you let out a breath as you aimed for his spine. Fat and muscle got in the way before he shot towards you with the speed of a car.

You saw this coming, forcing you to drop your gun and sidestep him. The man towered over you before he swung his fist back at your way. You felt your magic circuits flare as you met his strike. You reinforced your arm and felt his muscle and bones shatter upon making contact with your small fist. He heaved in pain before you knocked him down with your full body weight, using his damaged foot to unbalance him.

The Guru fell on the floor as you ran over him and jammed your handgun into his mouth.

You pulled the trigger and watched his brains spla-

A hand grabbed your shoulder before you noticed Rider looking at you. You blinked before you looked down to find that the man was already dead. He was lying in a pool of his own blood as you drew away from him. The effects of the drugs continued to wrack his body even in death.

That cannot be normal. If Ruler knew this, she'd throw a fit. You stepped away before you and Rider noticed someone walking from behind the Throne/Altar. Rider tensed up and narrowed her gaze before you blinked in surprise.

It was a woman.

A mature woman dressed in a fitting sweater beneath a white coat. Her long skirt brushed against the ground while making her seem rather out of place in the scene before you. Her long black hair swayed behind her before she came to a halt before you with her hands behind her back. You watched her look down at the corpse before you and met your gaze.

"Impressive. You've grown since you've first awakened, haven't you?" the woman said as she took a step forward.

Rider got between her and you but not before Archer manifesting behind the woman with his bow in hand. You grabbed Rider's hand to keep her from doing anything while you kept your eyes on the woman before you.

"I guess you're satisfied with the show, Lady?" you frowned as you pulled your Servant back.

"I apologize for the rough welcome. I had to make sure that it wasn't the... Other you that was approaching us," the woman said as she held her hand to make Archer stand down. She held out her hand towards you, "My name is Kiara. Kiara Sessyoin, I work as a Professor in the neighboring City's University. However you may know me as the Master of Archer and the leader of this Religious Sect. It's nice to meet you, Miss Brie. Lady Rider has told me a lot about you."

You tensed up at that before you looked at Medb with wide eyes as she met Kiara's gaze. She looked back at you with a wary look and raised her hands.

"I didn't know I swear!" Rider cried out.


Assassin hit the floor as she was sent flying by Lancer's spear. The tunnels of the subway flashed with light with each time the Servants clashed. Making use of the shadows and blindspots, Assassin struggled against the might of Lancer even as her attacks struck his Thorn Armor. The green light beneath his visor's helmet flashed and with his black lance he managed to catch her by the side.

Blood spilled on the ground before Lancer grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into the wall.

"Now tell me. Giving up yet?" Lancer asked as he held the Blood Countess by her neck.

Assassin bared her fangs as she looked at the man before her, "A boorish man like you, would be humiliating to lose to. Don't underestimate me, you fool."

Spears of blood held Lancer's wrist in place while Assassin melted into the shadows. The Servant of the Lance ripped his hand through the blood spears and turned to see bolts of energy slam into his chest. This threw him off his feet and smashed him through a wall. He rolled to recover before he turned to the right and saw a train come for him.

He jumped out of the way but saw Assassin emerge from the shadows to push him into a pillar. The two Servants tangled together before the woman turned and slammed him into the ground. Lancer punched her across the face before kicking her into a pillar just as another train came by. She melted into the shadows before appearing to Lancer's right.

Dodging and weaving through her scepter's attacks, he charged before he was blocked off by spears of blood. Assassin swung her scepter in a flourish and sent the other Servant flying into the ceiling. He held on before kicking off it to grab her by the neck and grind her into the ground. Another train came by and he slammed the Blood Countess' body against the train until she melted into it.

She swept her scepter upon his legs before blasting him through a wall. Marching after him, Assassin conjured her blood orbs just as Lancer got up unfazed by her previous blow.

"I didn't feel anything," Lancer growled before rushing towards Assassin.

Her orbs flew and he dodged them all until he swung his spear towards the woman's neck. However just before he could do so, a bronze Iron Maiden clamped shut around his body. Assassin drew strength from his blood before moving away. She fell down her knees and felt for her side, finding it healing slowly before she raised her gaze.

That didn't kill him. No, that would be too easy. That armor... It was almost indestructible.

The Iron Maiden bulged from within as the sound of steel rang through the tunnel.



"I feel nothing," a voice rumbled within it.


"Is that it? Is that all you have to offer?" a voice echoed in seething anger.


"I shouldn't have expected much from one who lost against that damned Warmongering Queen," the voice snarled before the Iron Maiden creaked open and green light shined from within.


The Iron Maiden parted and tore itself apart as Lancer stepped out, his armor of thorns unscathed by Assassin's blow. She clicked her tongue and narrowed her gaze as she held her scepter. She didn't have enough prana to call her Noble Phantasm. She could run but it would take time to lose him. She must get Olga back... But this man was in her way.

How unfortunate.

"End of the road, Assassin," another voice said before she turned to see a second man appear. He limped forward with a cane but she felt life emerge from his form. This man was Lancer's Master... Cornered, huh?

The man leaned on his cane while looking down on her, "Without a Master to support you, you're at your weakest. Lay down your life and exit the War. That's your only choice now."

Assassin stared at him before smirking, "And what? Leave a broken girl like that to fend for herself?"

"Elizabeth Bathory," the man declared her name and she immediately clenched her fists, "Or should I call you Carmilla? Why would you go so far for an inept Master. Don't you see you're fighting a losing battle?"

"What's the point of this farce?" Assassin questioned with a hiss.

"To not fight a battle that has no meaning. There's no use fighting. Please stand down," the human requested with a narrowed look as his blue eyes met her own.

Assassin stared him down before shaking her head, "I apologize. However I have no plan on giving up. You'll have to rip me to shreds if you wish to stop me."

The man closed his eyes and sighed, "Very well. Lancer."

"You had your chance of a peaceful end. Now you will regret this," Lancer growled as he made a spear out of his Thorns. He moved faster than Assassin expected. This... was he being supported by that human?

Enchantments and runes were etched upon the air around Lancer as he and Assassin clashed. The Blood Countess weaved and countered before ultimately breaking their exchange with a swing. Sparks flew before Lancer took this chance to lunge. He was going for her heart.




A hand pushed her back and sent her into the ground. A white cape filled her vision followed by silver armor, the figure of a Knight unraveling before her eyes. His silver arm shined in the dim light of the subway while he held an estoc in his normal hand. He stood between her and Lancer, breaking them apart and keeping the Knight of Thorns away from her.

"Saber," Assassin breathed in surprise.

"I've come to help," Saber replied as he spared her a momentary glance, "Please stay calm."

Lancer's visor flashed green as he set his gaze upon the silver Knight, "You. Meddling again?"

"Are you in league with her, Saber?" the man with the cane questioned with a narrowed look.

A new voice joined the tunnel and a man with orange hair stepped down from the stairs, "That depends still. However I would like to ask you to leave for now. We have urgent business with that woman, Mr. Hans Derrinsmith."

Hans faced the man and gripped his cane, "Mr. Shirou Emiya. The Tohsaka's Handyman."

Emiya took his right hand from his pocket and held it out. He met Hans' gaze and said, "Husband, if I may clarify. My wife wouldn't be as forgiving with your choice of words. Still... I'd advise that you withdraw."

"And if I don't?" Hans replied as he tapped his cane on the ground and etched a rune upon the floor's surface.

"Trace On."


You sat before Archer's Master with tea being served for you both. Contrary to the decadent temple you had fought in, her office was reminiscent to that of a psychiatrist's room. A comfortable little place where one would be able to vent and let out their feelings. It was a place of healing and reflection and looked absolutely normal compared to the insanity you had seen in that temple.

You didn't know what to think if you were completely honest. You were thrown for a loop as you sat before the woman who was Archer's Master. The Command Seals on the back of her hand was evidence enough. Given how Archer was acting around her, she was the real deal.

Archer stood behind her like a silent guardian, making sure he never stood out and merely waited. The woman herself, Kiara, was relaxed and seemed to be enjoying her tea greatly. You on the other hand felt suspicious and surprised as you took the time to digest the information you were given...

And Rider...

"You haven't explained anything," you pointed out as you glanced at your Servant upon glancing at her, "How did you two meet?"

"Ah... Well... It was on one of those nights you see and I was gathering prana," Rider said as she looked to the side without meeting your gaze.

Kiara smiled at Rider and said, "It was a wonderful night, wasn't it?"

Rider whimpered.

Two Sides
[] "Rider. Explain. What happened between you and this lady. You've been acting real weird, Rider. What did you do?"
[] "That's besides the point now. Let's get back on topic. I need your help and I'm willing to call a truce until we solve Berserker."
[] Write in...
[] "Rider. Explain. What happened between you and this lady. You've been acting real weird, Rider. What did you do?"

You couldn't help but wonder what's gotten Rider all tensed up. Maybe this alliance thing wasn't going to work out and you were already having second thoughts about it. Still, you should at least give it a swing more than anything. But before that you had some questions you needed answering.

Rider was behind you and was giving the woman before you a wary look. You weren't sure what happened but something did and it was enough to rattle the Queen of Connacht.

"Rider. Explain," you began asking as you glanced back at her, "What happened between you and this lady? You've been acting real weird, Rider. What did you do?"

Medb sighed as she spoke, "I was out gathering mana when I met her. One thing led to another and we sort of spent the night together."

"It was quite the experience as well," Kiara said as she giggled on her seat. She took her teacup and blew on it, "I never would have thought she was a Servant."

"And you didn't seem like a Master either," Rider replied as she crossed her arms.

"Rider... That was risky. Be more careful, okay?" You told her with a pointed look.

"Yes. Carefulness would go a long way especially after such a night. Tell me, Rider, is that man doing well?" Kiara asked as she sipped her tea. She let that hang in the air for a moment as Rider froze up.

The woman continued and smiled, "Perhaps you ended up taking a bit too much in your fit of passion?"

Rider took a step forward before Archer placed his attention on her, keeping her place. Medb schooled her expression and didn't give anything away.

"Rider?" You frowned in your seat.

"It's nothing," Rider said as she grimaced, "Please don't ask any more."

"That would be a shame to the soul you took. Tell me, when you're gathering mana, was that truly the first time it happened? If I didn't know who you were, I might have guessed you for a succubus, Miss Rider," Kiara said as Rider tensed up by your side, "How many accidents have you had since you started?"


Rider narrowed her gaze before speaking, "We're not here for that. Get on with it or we're leaving."

"Dear me, I was just making conversation. In any case, you may be correct. Let's discuss the matter of Berserker," Kiara said as she leaned back on her seat, "What do you think should be done?"

"You're... On board?" You blinked in surprise.

"Why of course. Defeating the greatest threat benefits us both in terms of living longer. We'll still be fighting after the battle but that's to be expected," Kiara said as she crossed her legs and smiled your way.

You stared at her before glancing at Rider. She must be giving you the reins as a show of trust. Which meant that you can use this chance to figure out the best way to take out Berserker. Kiara had the manpower and resources to contest even Hans should she truly want to, making her a boon.


You were worried about Rider.

[] Discuss your current allies and plans on how to defeat Berserker. You both have to be on the same page if you're going anywhere with this.
[] Stop this for a moment. You need to talk to Rider. Maybe you can go out and take a breather, you're not feeling relaxed here.
[] Write in...