Library Cards
Rabbit Faced
[] You tried finding a book...
-[] About Cu Chulainn
With Medb gone, you tried looking through some more books about Irish mythology. You had the broad strokes of it but aside from what you already knew, you weren't that knowledgeable about it. You knew Medb was a massive bitch in it though, so you figured that'll count for something.
But what you truly needed was to find out more about Riastrad, warp spasm, as Medb called it. It referred to the transformation the Child of Light underwent as he went into a battle frenzy, unable to distinguish from friend or foe. That was the most you knew.
You found a couple of books regarding the Hero but nothing concrete. You read about his feats and history, most notably his training under the Witch of Dun Scaith and his battle against Queen Medb of Connacht. You picked out a book which contained most of his legends while also containing his descent into Death.
Hopefully the Death of Cu Chulainn could give you some useful insights. You skimmed through it to find out what you needed. You should borrow this and give it a read later. But you did find some interesting stuff in regards to Caladbolg and Cu Chulainn. Perhaps you should look into that?
Only those born of Ulster wielding Caladbolg would be granted a momentary victory against the child of Light. That would be useful for stopping Berserker but you didn't find anything yet in stopping Riastrad. You did find something in one of his Legends though...
"Clan... Calatin?" You murmured as you read through the passage. A monster which fought Cu Chulainn during the war against Medb... It was strong enough to put him down in a fight and he needed the aid of another
Was that girl hiding one more Noble Phantasm from you? You should go ask her... Shutting the book, you turned to find Rider. Upon exiting the shelves, you noticed Rider sitting on a table, a woman walking away from her as soon as you came into view.
Rider had a serious look and gave the woman a long hard stare before turning to you. Her expression relaxed before cracking a smile.
"Making friends?" You asked as you set down your books.
"Just some lady handing out flyers," Rider replied with a shrug, "What about you? Find anything?"
"Some reading material for tonight," you replied as you looked down at your books, "I haven't found anything to stop the warp spasm but hopefully we can get our source from somewhere."
"Lancer seems ready to go for a beatdown than fighting smart. Though I suppose his Master can handle that part," Medb said as she tapped her cheek, "It took years for me to beat Cu-chan... But we don't have that much time nor the people I can manipulate to beating him into a corner."
"Yes well I have the book depicting his death. Hopefully the things in here will still apply to him even in his warp spasm state," you said as you sat down. You gave her a look and found that she had thoughtful expression, "You all right?"
"I... Yeah. You plan on staying here some more?" Rider asked with a raised eyebrow.
[] Go find more books (1)
-[] About Ferdiad
-[] About Scathach
-[] About Medb
-[] About Carmilla
[] "Hey, Rider. What's the Clan Calatin?"
[] Write in...
-[] About Cu Chulainn
With Medb gone, you tried looking through some more books about Irish mythology. You had the broad strokes of it but aside from what you already knew, you weren't that knowledgeable about it. You knew Medb was a massive bitch in it though, so you figured that'll count for something.
But what you truly needed was to find out more about Riastrad, warp spasm, as Medb called it. It referred to the transformation the Child of Light underwent as he went into a battle frenzy, unable to distinguish from friend or foe. That was the most you knew.
You found a couple of books regarding the Hero but nothing concrete. You read about his feats and history, most notably his training under the Witch of Dun Scaith and his battle against Queen Medb of Connacht. You picked out a book which contained most of his legends while also containing his descent into Death.
Hopefully the Death of Cu Chulainn could give you some useful insights. You skimmed through it to find out what you needed. You should borrow this and give it a read later. But you did find some interesting stuff in regards to Caladbolg and Cu Chulainn. Perhaps you should look into that?
Only those born of Ulster wielding Caladbolg would be granted a momentary victory against the child of Light. That would be useful for stopping Berserker but you didn't find anything yet in stopping Riastrad. You did find something in one of his Legends though...
"Clan... Calatin?" You murmured as you read through the passage. A monster which fought Cu Chulainn during the war against Medb... It was strong enough to put him down in a fight and he needed the aid of another
Was that girl hiding one more Noble Phantasm from you? You should go ask her... Shutting the book, you turned to find Rider. Upon exiting the shelves, you noticed Rider sitting on a table, a woman walking away from her as soon as you came into view.
Rider had a serious look and gave the woman a long hard stare before turning to you. Her expression relaxed before cracking a smile.
"Making friends?" You asked as you set down your books.
"Just some lady handing out flyers," Rider replied with a shrug, "What about you? Find anything?"
"Some reading material for tonight," you replied as you looked down at your books, "I haven't found anything to stop the warp spasm but hopefully we can get our source from somewhere."
"Lancer seems ready to go for a beatdown than fighting smart. Though I suppose his Master can handle that part," Medb said as she tapped her cheek, "It took years for me to beat Cu-chan... But we don't have that much time nor the people I can manipulate to beating him into a corner."
"Yes well I have the book depicting his death. Hopefully the things in here will still apply to him even in his warp spasm state," you said as you sat down. You gave her a look and found that she had thoughtful expression, "You all right?"
"I... Yeah. You plan on staying here some more?" Rider asked with a raised eyebrow.
Library Cards
[] You're done here. You're also getting tired... You want to go to sleep now.
[] Go find more books (1)
-[] About Ferdiad
-[] About Scathach
-[] About Medb
-[] About Carmilla
[] "Hey, Rider. What's the Clan Calatin?"
[] Write in...