Library Cards
[] You tried finding a book...
-[] About Cu Chulainn

With Medb gone, you tried looking through some more books about Irish mythology. You had the broad strokes of it but aside from what you already knew, you weren't that knowledgeable about it. You knew Medb was a massive bitch in it though, so you figured that'll count for something.

But what you truly needed was to find out more about Riastrad, warp spasm, as Medb called it. It referred to the transformation the Child of Light underwent as he went into a battle frenzy, unable to distinguish from friend or foe. That was the most you knew.

You found a couple of books regarding the Hero but nothing concrete. You read about his feats and history, most notably his training under the Witch of Dun Scaith and his battle against Queen Medb of Connacht. You picked out a book which contained most of his legends while also containing his descent into Death.

Hopefully the Death of Cu Chulainn could give you some useful insights. You skimmed through it to find out what you needed. You should borrow this and give it a read later. But you did find some interesting stuff in regards to Caladbolg and Cu Chulainn. Perhaps you should look into that?

Only those born of Ulster wielding Caladbolg would be granted a momentary victory against the child of Light. That would be useful for stopping Berserker but you didn't find anything yet in stopping Riastrad. You did find something in one of his Legends though...

"Clan... Calatin?" You murmured as you read through the passage. A monster which fought Cu Chulainn during the war against Medb... It was strong enough to put him down in a fight and he needed the aid of another

Was that girl hiding one more Noble Phantasm from you? You should go ask her... Shutting the book, you turned to find Rider. Upon exiting the shelves, you noticed Rider sitting on a table, a woman walking away from her as soon as you came into view.

Rider had a serious look and gave the woman a long hard stare before turning to you. Her expression relaxed before cracking a smile.

"Making friends?" You asked as you set down your books.

"Just some lady handing out flyers," Rider replied with a shrug, "What about you? Find anything?"

"Some reading material for tonight," you replied as you looked down at your books, "I haven't found anything to stop the warp spasm but hopefully we can get our source from somewhere."

"Lancer seems ready to go for a beatdown than fighting smart. Though I suppose his Master can handle that part," Medb said as she tapped her cheek, "It took years for me to beat Cu-chan... But we don't have that much time nor the people I can manipulate to beating him into a corner."

"Yes well I have the book depicting his death. Hopefully the things in here will still apply to him even in his warp spasm state," you said as you sat down. You gave her a look and found that she had thoughtful expression, "You all right?"

"I... Yeah. You plan on staying here some more?" Rider asked with a raised eyebrow.

Library Cards
[] You're done here. You're also getting tired... You want to go to sleep now.
[] Go find more books (1)
-[] About Ferdiad
-[] About Scathach
-[] About Medb
-[] About Carmilla
[] "Hey, Rider. What's the Clan Calatin?"
[] Write in...
[] "Hey, Rider. What's the Clan Calatin?"

She was already ready to leave? You wonder what bothered her so much. Still, you didn't feel like going yet not until you had some answers. Books were nice and all but there was a genuine repository of things you could draw from when it came to legends from the past. She was just a bit stupid at times but maybe she knew something?

You shook your head, "No. I don't feel like going yet. I've barely started after all. Though I am feeling a bit under the weather."

"Geez. Don't push yourself, okay? What am I gonna do if you drop dead?" Rider said with a huff, "I... I guess I can stay with you for a bit."

"You have other things planned?" You wondered with a raised eyebrow.

"Huh? Oh no. Nothing like that," Rider awkwardly laughed at the notion, "I did plan on bringing you to some restaurants to eat before going home. But I guess I can let it slide."

"Right. I did find something interesting that I wanted to ask you," you said as you held up your book.

"Really?" Rider blinked in surprise at that.

You leaned forward and asked her, "Hey, Rider. What's the Clan Calatin?"

Rider paled at your words before looking at you, "Uh... Where'd you see that?"

She looked like you just told her to go make friends with Scathach. She was staring at you with a wary expression which only made you curious as she tapped her little finger. It's one of her nervous ticks. She was hiding something...

"In one of the books. It was only referred to in passing as a monstrous beast consisting of a father with his 27 sons attached to his body... Or at least that's what I interpret it as," you said as you held up your book, "It was mentioned the Cu fought it during his war against you so I'm led to believe-"

"It's not just a monster," Rider said as she cut you off. You blinked in surprise as she scratched her cheek, "People have the wrong impression that it's just one monster... Some people say that it's a collection of elite Warriors to defeat Cu Chulainn."

"But?" You asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Clan Calatin could be invoked as a means to summon the Clan itself, which is the creature but the true power of it lies upon the poisonous weapons they wield. Clan Calatin are the 28 weapons they wielded to kill Cu," Medb explained as she started biting into her thumb, "They could easily help us win the war if we wield them."

"Wield... The weapons?" You frowned at her.

"Those spears could contaminate the city in toxic elements. Heroic Spirits would be affected too and if Cu Chulainn in his current state would be struck then even he wouldn't remain unscathed. It'll be like detonating the adverse effects of radiation within the city with just one spear," Rider explained as she met your gaze with a serious look, "If we were to use it or the creature, you'd have to say goodbye to this city and anything within 7 kilometers from the center of where you use it. The only things that would survive in it would be the Creature itself or servants with resistance to poison."

"If all 28 spears were to be used then... Would that kill Cu Chulainn in his warp spasm?" You asked her with a frown.

"It should but the environmental damage would make modern day Chernobyl look like a joke," Rider said as she shook her head as she sighed, "Calatin was a dumbass with his bright idea of becoming a monster. Though bedding him in that form would be an experience but I didn't have poison resistance. Those spears he made specifically to kill Cu but it warped him and his sons in that beast."

"And you can invoke them, right?" You asked to confirm with a frown.

"Yes. But it will take a lot of energy. It would be like invoking Caladbolg dozens of times. If the mana drain doesn't kill you then the poison from Clan Calatin's presence will if you're with me. I'm not going to put your life in danger by dragging that stupid thing here, even if it is the masterpiece of my legend," Rider said as she gave you an intense look, "Give it up and don't ask me about it."

"Then that just leaves us at zero then. Without a trump card, we can't make headway in stopping Cu Chulainn under warp spasm," you said as you leaned in your chair.

Rider raised her eyebrows before huffing, "Use your head a bit. There is a way."

"Huh?" You blinked.

"We drop him near Scathach's lake. That'll cool him off," Rider said with her arms crossed, "After that, I can just trap him in my reality marble until he calms down. See? Simple! I'm the best so my genius can't be compared to anyone!"

[] "That... Actually sounds like a decent idea."
[] Don't say anything. Don't. It's a stupid idea but it might just work. No, don't praise her, she'll have her ego inflated. No praises.
[] "I think I prefer turning this place into a nuclear wasteland rather than watch you absolutely get shredded."
[] Write in...
At the Belly of the Beast
[] "It might work... but how much of that plan is just you wanting to have sex with him?"
-[]If we are going to go through with this we should talk to Scathath first.

You stared at her and at how smug she was about this idea but you couldn't just brush it off as nonsense. She did mention some pretty specific steps that kept you from disregarding her words as entirely dumb. It might have some merit, probably more than you could admit saying.

Sighing you leaned back on your seat and said, "It might work... But how much of that plan is just you wanting to have sex with him?"

Medb winced before flushing red and looking to the side, "Well... I guess... A tiny bit?"

"Dammit, Rider," you groaned as you rubbed your forehead.

"Hey! It has some historical bits, okay? If you read that book, Cu was only stopped by the sight of bare breasts from numerous women. And obviously, I'm worth more than them, so I can handle it!" Rider said as she narrowed her gaze at you.

"Yes but remember that he also doesn't fucking like you?" You reminded her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah? Well? I guess those two legends will have to compete with one another. It's a gamble but one we have at least 60% chance of winning," Rider hissed as she crossed her arms.

"Medb, you just said you were worth more than a hundred girls flashing Cu, I don't trust you with math problems," you griped as you shook your head.

"Dammit..." Rider sighed as she sat down and deflated on her seat.

"Still... I have to give it to you. It's a good plan," you said with a low tone, "Now don't blow your ego up, it's just one praise. If you were going to go through with this we should talk to Scathach first."

"What?!" Medb yelped causing an old lady to peek out the corner and hiss.


You and your servant winced before Rider glared at you, "What do you mean?"

"It's her lake. It might cool Cu off but it's still her lake. She lives near it. I don't want to get hit by Gae Bolg from the back. Would you?" You questioned her with a narrowed look.

"Of course not but... Ugh! Fine. We'll talk to that stupid hag," Medb clicked her tongue with an unhappy look.

"Good girl," you replied with a small smile as you pat her head, "I think we can get out of here. Just let me get a card so we can borrow these things on the way out."

"You don't have to, you know?" Rider said with a sigh as she moved your hand.

"It might be useful as a projectile," you giggled as you carried the books with you, "Or a blunt weapon."

"Sometimes I worry if you're the sociopath or if it's me," Medb sighed as she followed after you. You got your card and were able to take the books out with you now. You were going to give it a read once you wake up from your long overdue nap.

However as you and Rider got out of the library, you were greeted by the sight of a car waiting for you. You raised a eyebrow before Rider walked past you and got ready to grab you and run.

You were both caught in a wave of Magical Energy before you saw the door open. Hans' companion, Cedric stepped out and held the door open. You knew what this was. You looked around to find people hidden in corners or sitting idly about while looking your way.

Magi and there were a lot of them. Hans was really making sure he didn't provoke the Luctworths too much to send out Berserker. You knew what this meant but you would had preferred a call over the phone than a surprise pick up.

"Guess we're not going home tonight," you sighed as you shook your head.

"Miss Brie. We've secured the area of prying eyes. We'll be bringing you to our headquarters," Cedric said as he bowed politely towards you.

You walked by Rider and replied, "Do you have a dummy to act as me? That family might be monitoring me and would wonder why I vanished."

"Sir Hans has already accounted for that. Rest assured that he has made steps to securing your route," Cedric said as he met your gaze.

"Right. Let's get this over with," you said as you turned to Rider. She didn't seem happy about this but relented as she accompanied you to the car.

Cedric stepped aside as you got in before Rider followed after you. He shut the door soon after before getting in the passenger's seat. Home will have to wait, you're going to need a tune up right now.


You were escorted through the city towards the south end of it. There stood a tall black building reaching for the sky like some sort of tower but it was made from dark glass. It was decorated by a garden at its feet alongside a fountain. It seemed like a private building for Hans' headquarters... You noted that there were Magi coming and going so could they be working for him?

Rider had been on guard and lacked the usual cheer and mischievous smirk she had. It wasn't surprising considering that this was Lancer's home turf and she wasn't happy about that one bit. She might have been more open to going to Scathach now instead of this place. You held her hand and she looked at you in surprise. Her expression relaxed a moment later before letting out a sigh of resignation.

You needed this after all. It's partly why you were targetting Archer in the first place. You were getting more tired by the day and it was messing things up for you. You can't keep things up like this or else you'll probably just get killed if you fall asleep while something was happening.

The car eventually came to a halt before the building before Cedric got out first. He opened the door for you and Rider, allowing you both to step out and notice how some people were looking your way. You felt like you were walking straight into the lion's den here. There's no more turning back...

You were led inside the building to a lobby where people were wandering about minding their own business. You wondered if many of them were Magi as well. You could tell that this was some manner of hub for them.

Cedric led you to the right hall where an elevator was waiting for you. You walked in it with Rider still wearing her unhappy expression with her arms crossed.

"The operation will begin soon after you meet with Mr. Derrinsmith. You would have to excuse the chaos about. Our agents are hard at work overturning advances of the Luctworth in the city as well as uncovering the Servant Archer's hideout," Cedric said as he stood by your side upon entering the elevator.

You raised an eyebrow and asked, "You need this many people?"

"Mr. Derrinsmith has enlisted the assistance of Spellweaver Mercenaries. Two companies of them and they are aiding him in the war effort," Cedric explained as he glanced your way, "There were three but Berserker annihilated the third company a few nights ago."

"He has his own private army under his wing... Just how much reach does he have? And wouldn't he be interested in crushing us earlier given my circumstances?" You asked with a frown.

"Mr. Derrinsmith requires your assistance more than your defeat. Berserker is no normal for and must be approached with great caution," Cedric said as he clenched his fist, "Lady Scathach had already advised us with several countermeasures but we still need your aid."

"It's come to the point that he needs other Servants... And that's even when he had that old hag hovering over his shoulder," Medb scoffed with her arms crossed.

"Either way, Berserker will win this if we approach him one by one," you murmured as you stared at the door, "We have to band together if we want to stand a chance."

"No, I'm not nuking the city," Medb hissed in your mind.

You rolled your eyes before the doors opened and you walked into a pristine hall. There were two armed guards waiting before a black double door before they both saluted towards Cedric. The tall man nodded in response before opening the door, a wave of cold air swept out to meet you as you walked in.

You found three people in the room. Hans was obvious enough, looking at the large flat screen TV he had hanging on the wall. The news was on and he was staring at it intently with a serious express. Another person was one you recognized as Scathach sitting on the sofa by the desk, her legs crossed and a book in her hand. Her red eyes turned towards you and an amused smile curled upon her lips.

The final man in the room was the one covered from head to toe in an armor of thorns. Wild Barb's reached outwards from every surface of the armor, giving it's black coloration a menacing look. It was like looking at an armored beast ready to pounce on you.

He stood by the desk at the far end of the room, green light flashing from within his visor. His head immediately turned towards Rider as she had a sour look on her face. She really didn't like this gathering of her worst enemies.

Hans took his attention off the television and turned your way, "Brie, you're here."

"I was just about to go home and do my research," you said as you took out your books before tossing it at him.

Hans caught it in his arms and looked down, "Irish Myths and Legends... And the Death of Cu Chulainn... You're doing your homework."

"I hope you have an idea on how to stop this guy. Especially since you have those two on your side," you said with a narrowed look at Scathach and Lancer.

"I have my ideas. Not unless you have some tricks up your sleeve?" Hans asked with a raised eyebrow as he glanced at Rider.

At the Belly of the Beast
[] "No. We don't have any."
[] "A bit. But that's not why we're here."
[] "Yes. Probably. But only as a last resort "
[] "Medb wants to fuck him. But that's to be expected already. No, I won't let her no matter how much she asks or pouts."
[] Write in...
Distant Dreams
[]"Depends. Have you all tried fire hoses and strip clubs yet?"
-[] "Because if that doesn't work it's finding a Servant-grade sword-user-Magus from Ulster who can count for the deal he had with Fergus."
-[] "Or nukes. If everything else fails, we have nukes on speed dial."

You narrowed your gaze at him before stepping forward. Medb tensed up seeing you approach Hans while Lancer kept an eye on you. Even Cedric seemed wary of your body language as you closed the distance between you and his boss. Hans simply stood his ground before you stopped right on front of him.

He was a few inches taller than you were and you noted just how youthful his appearance was despite his age. He gave you a raised eyebrow as you huffed and crossed your arms right in front of him.

"Depends. Have you tried fire hoses and strip clubs yet?" You asked him as you met his gaze, "Because if that doesn't work it's finding a Servant-grade sword-user-Magus from Ulster who can count for the deal with Fergus."

"So you know of the promise Caladbolg's owner made with Setanta," Scathach noted from her seat.

"It's common knowledge, Teacher. It's nothing to be impressed by," Lancer replied behind her as he studied you from afar.

Hans closed his eyes and sighed, "Well, that's certainly two ways to defeat Ireland's greatest Hero. But deactivating Riastrad once it becomes active is our main priority."

"Wait... Once it becomes active?" Medb asked with a narrowed look, "Isn't he already..."

"No. He's not under the effects of Warp Spasm the entire time which is why his Master can control him. He only activates it upon entering combat," Scathach said as she crossed her arms and shook her head, "At that point, any trickery or mental attacks would be useless while he's under a frenzy."

"And even if he is manageable when not transformed, he gains access to Gae Bolg as if he were in the Lancer Class," Hans said as he handed you your books back, "Some of his stats have been lowered in terms of ranking when not transformed but he is still formidable."

Medb giggle behind you as she said, "So he can turn handsome again! Boy, that sure got me worried. I wouldn't want him to be a beast all the time."

"But it does pose the problem," Lancer cut Rider off with a sharp snarl, "He has the power of his Berserk form and the cunning of his normal class. Madness Enhancement just makes him unreasonable."

"Our current plan right now hangs upon making Cu Chulainn break his oaths," Hans explained as he raised his hand, "That will rob him of his power... But I suspect that there are countermeasures for that already."

"Or... Nukes. If everything else fails, we have nukes on speed dial," you said as you had a grimace.

Rider choked behind you before hissing, "Brie!"

"Oh. Oh dear. Did you tell her about that, young lady?" Scathach said with a raised eyebrow.

"Shut up, old hag! I told her I won't use it!" Rider growled before glaring at you.

Hans raised his hands and said, "Now, now... We're all allies here. Now I'd much prefer that it doesn't come to that but... It would be handy if it meant losing our lives or not."

"No promises," Medb said with a huff as she placed her hands on her hips, "Besides, it needs a lot of Magical Energy. Even if I drained most of the male population in the city, it'll still need more work. It's a Noble Phantasm I can't just deploy on a whim."

"Well that answers a few things. That would have been useful earlier," You said as you glanced her way.

"We are to move the planning on neutralizing Cu Chulainn at a later date. At the moment, Master, you have a job to do," Lancer reminded Hans with a steely tone.

Hans blinked before nodding, "I guess I do. Brie, Miss Rider, follow me. Let's get this over with."


You knew you entered his workshop when you felt the short surge of prana fill the air. You took a special elevator going down the floor you were on straight underground. You could feel the floor beneath you rumbling as you stood with your arms crossed. For a guy wanted for treason, he had a lot of resources to pull from.

Now that you were at the heart of his base, getting out of here was going to be difficult if things go south. Though you should already expect that considering Lancer was breathing down your neck and was no doubt one twitch away from beating up Rider.

You'd prefer them doing that when you're not within punching range.

Hans kept his servant in check, you didn't doubt that but he seemed distracted by fixing his hair. You could see the streaks of white on his hair more prominently than the last time. Was it just stress or overuse of Magecraft? You had information about that effect in your head and it seemed like an interesting bit of trivia.

Rider remained silent, no doubt having enough sense in her to keep her mouth shut when Lancer was a few inches away. This elevator ride sucked... The music was getting to you too.

"Next time pick a better music," you advised the older man.

"Sorry," Hans sighed as he closed his eyes.

The doors opened to a blank room with a depressed surface at the center of the room. It was a blank white room where Hans stepped in and it immediately recognized him as the owner. You followed after him once Lancer got out and watched as you noticed a shift in the Workshop.

The floors were marble blue and the walls and ceiling were pure white. Images began to fill the walls, equations and lists of reagents filled your view before reorganizing themselves. You could feel it, it was like this place was alive. An absolute territory which all manner of Magecraft was performed.

Doors began to appear around the room, some being created from wood, others being made from stone, another was made from steel while the last one as wrought from gold. Lancer waited at the side while Hans placed his hand on his pocket and turned your way.

"This is my Workshop. It contains the products of my research and the core of my reason for seeking a Grail," Hans said as he stood before the golden door, "It's also where most of my equipment is."

"Your reason... You mean your means to get your sister back?" You asked him with a frown.

"Yeah," Hans said with a heavy tone. He nodded his head as the door behind him opened.

You followed after him once he went in and you were greeted by the sight of a crystal coffin. Your eyes widened saw what was inside it. You could feel a warm glow inside the coffin and were struck by a sheer power you nearly fell from.

The crystal coffin sat within a rock formation as if it had been carved out. But upon closer inspection the rock formation had modern debris like plastic and metal as if they melted into the surface.

You stared at the coffin and felt an odd sense of familiarity.

"That's..?" You breathed as you held your chest throb.

"It's the incomplete record of my sister's soul. The previous Grail War I fought could only grant me this much upon my victory. But should I win this one, I should be able to recreate her in both body and soul. The Grail which we fight and bleed for may be wish granting machines but they are inferior compared to the original ritual in the Far East," Hans said as he glanced at you. He crossed his arms and said, "The Farcical Wars waged across the globe holds merely a fraction of the original Ritual's power. People need to win war after war, building up their wishes in order to see them completed. But without the Greater Grail of Fuyuki following its dismantling, this is the best shortcut I can think of."

"And if you lose this war, what then?" You asked him with a narrowed look.

Hans stared at the coffin before meeting your gaze, "Then I'll fight in another. Until I die or see my wish be granted. I think back to what you said. Wishes are worth fighting for no matter what they are. It's an admirable thing to say."

"I see. You'll have to work for that victory then," you told him with a firm tone.

"Once this is all over, let's have a good fight, Brie," Hans said as he held out his hand to you.

You looked him in the eye before clasping his hand and shaking it, "Sure."


You had changed to what was like hospital clothes except your top only covered your front. You still felt decent as you sat on the metal bed but your back did feel a little chilly. Medb helped you change and was giving you an unhappy look.

You met her gaze and smiled, "It'll be fine. I'll be fit as a fiddle once we're done here."

"If anything happens to you-" Medb grumbled with a narrowed look.

"Nothing will happen. It'll be fine," you assured her but at the same time it was also meant to reassure yourself, "Just try not to get stabbed by Lancer."

Rider pinched your cheeks and glared at you, "Don't make your Queen worry, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," you groaned before the door opened to reveal Hans in his own white robes and rubber gloves.

He wheeled in a cart of tools before stopping nearby.

"It's time. The procedure will take a few hours. I've already sent Lancer to keep guard outside... Brie, I'll be suspending your pseudo-Personality and locking you a level beneath the surface of your consciousness," Hans said as he glanced at you and Rider, "Are you ready?"

"Yes. I want to go home already," you griped as you looked at your Servant. Rider huffed and walked out of the room, leaving you alone with Hans.

The man turned to you and said, "You two have been close."

"Yeah... We've been through a lot," you nodded with a small chuckle.

"Though I do I believe I owe you an apology," Hans said as he fixed his tools, the sound of metal clinking in this large room you were in rattled your nerves a bit.

"About what?" You frowned.

"Trapping you in that Bounded Field. Though I have to say the side effects are amusing. Who would have thought you'd gain a personality," Hans mused as he met your gaze.

You sighed and laid down on your front, "I don't even care anymore. Your fuck up made me appreciate Rider so I guess you did okay. Trauma aside."

"Appreciate... Though it would seem that your fondness extends beyond appreciation," Hans pointed out as he placed a hand on your bare back and you felt a sudden surge of magical energy.

"I... See..." You murmured as you started getting sleepy.

"I'm beginning the operation..." Hans said as the last thing you heard was the sound of a saw whirring.


Where... Was this..?

Was this a dream? It was dark. So dark. You can't feel anything. You can't hear anything. You can't see anything.

Rider? Where are you, Rider? Rider...

Slowly, ever so slowly, a scene began to play. It was like looking through the Water's surface, however.

You could see a young girl with orange hair. She had brought a roll of paper with her as she stood in what seemed to be an attic. She set the paper down and revealed it to be a summoning circle. This was... A Servant Summoning circle.

"I won't let Brother fight alone," the girl said as she clenched her fist, a faint bruise at the back of her palm.

You watched as the young girl brough forth a piece of a broken blade. She began to chant as magical energy filled the air. Your eyes widened as you witnessed the summoning process.

Her words were spoken as if you were hearing an alien tongue... Or your mind didn't just wrap itself around it? No... There were patches in the vicinity leading to the void. This was like a glitched recording. There were contents that didn't register in full.

You looked to see the circle burn red. Your eyes widened as a surge of power filled the room and you were greeted by the girl being knocked back.

The girl had your face... Except she was young.

You turned to look at her summoned Servant and only saw a black mass. It was shapeless, without any human form, and it was wary of its surroundings.

The black mass soon turned its gaze towards the girl before it. A moment later, the Servant started moving towards her, slowly adopting a more human form from its shadowy body. It stood before her as the moonlight from the windows shined down upon the two of them.

"Servant... Assassin. Here to heed your call. I vow loyalty to my new Lord. Are you the Lord that has summoned me?" The Servant asked.

The girl stood up and smiled, "Yes. Celine... That's my name. Please, Assassin. Help me save my Brother."

"I see. I will see it done, my Lord," Assassin replied before kneeling before the young girl.


You opened your eyes and inhaled a lungful of air. You coughed and shot upwards as you tried to breathe. A pair of hands steadied you before you found yourself looking at Hans.

"You okay?" He asked before stepping back.

"I... Feel like shit," you groaned as you held your head.

"I did move a few of your organs around. But the worst has passed. You're free now," Hans said with an equally exhausted look. He looked like he hadn't moved out of the room you were in. You looked down at the blanket on your lap and noticed the amount of blood on the table.

He really did open you up.

Distant Dream
[] "I... Had a dream. Your sister... She didn't die in an accident."
[] "So are the Luctworth going to find out about what you did? Will they still think I'm on their side?"
[] "Get me my clothes. I'm done. I'm going home... I feel horrible."
[] "You didn't stick anything weird inside my guts, right? I'll know if you did."
[] Write in...
[] "I... Had a dream. Your sister... She didn't die in an accident."

Calming yourself down, you managed to think again. A small sigh left your lips as you tried relaxing a bit as your back felt like it was just run over by a moving sixteen wheeler... With all the wheels hitting you. You felt sore but you felt like you needed to endure this.

You sat on the side of the metal bed, ignoring your own blood staining the floor. Hans had picked up your clothes and handed them to you to change.

Meeting his gaze, you parted your lips and said, "I... Had a dream. Your sister... She didn't die in an accident."

Hans froze at that as you took your clothes. He blinked before looking to the side, "I... That was the official report. It was covered up by the Family to hide the loss of such a wonderful heir. Magic Circuits, a Unique Element, obedient and cooperative to their every whim, that was Celine, my sister. Compared to her I'm nothing."

"So you're trying to bring her back for what exactly?" You asked with a narrowed look.

"She lived and died as a dog of our family. To be ordered, commanded, with no regard to her feelings or thoughts. She was born to be their perfect leader. She was coerced into fighting a Holy Grail War to help me. She was lied to and tricked as they gave her weapons to do battle. She was just 12 years old, Brie," Hans said as he cleaned his instruments, "She was just a kid. She didn't deserve that. So even if I can't bring her back, I want to at least let her live normally. As a normal girl with none of this Magi bullshit, even if it's just an imitation, a sculpture to resemble her."

I don't want to die. I want to live normally.

You winced as you held your head before Hans flinched at that. He reached out for you and asked, "Are you okay?"

"No I... I was just wondering what that dream was about," you said as you wiped your sweat on your brow.

"Your consciousness was pushed into a deep layer of your mind. You might have seen a recording of Celine's memories," Hans explained in a heavy tone, "What did you see?"

"I saw her summoning a Servant. That's it," you replied as you stared at the ground.

"I see. That should be the most of it. She's gone but she lives on in a way. Inside of you... And inside that coffin I stole," Hans replied as he turned your way, "You should be able to function properly now. I didn't try and mess with your broken memories and restricted abilities given it could kill you but you should be able to summon Aegis and use reinforcement again. I also upgraded your Od capacity so you should be able to store more prana in you. But the storage itself is only limited by what your body could handle."

"So I'm still brain damaged, huh?" You said as you tapped your skull.

"I can't make you stronger. That's just making things difficult for me. But you should be able to activate Emergency Mode when your life is threatened. Unfortunately your pseudo Personality will be suspended if you try it. At least this time the overheating will not be severe," Hans said as he crossed his arms.

"Right. Just one more thing. Your sister, what happened in that war?" You asked him with a frown.

"I won," Hans replied with a grim expression.


"I see," you managed to say.


The ceiling shuddered before you looked up in alarm. The door was kicked open and Medb staggered in. Her eyes met yours before she dashed towards you with an alarmed look.

"Bad news! We're under attack!" Rider said as she ran towards you.

"What? By who?" Hans snapped with a frown, "Don't tell me..."

"Meteors. The stars are falling from the sky," Rider hissed as she looked to you.

"Shit... The Barriers protecting this building should hold but the assailant needs to be dealt with... Brie, your role here is done. You're free to do what you want," Hans said as he took off his robes to reveal his suit underneath.

[] "I'm staying. I'll help you in this. Rider and I will assist you until the danger had passed."
[] "Got it. Rider, we'll make our exit as smoothly as possible. I don't like the feeling of this."
[] Write in...
[] "I'm staying. I'll help you in this. Rider and I will assist you until the danger had passed."
-[]"We'll sneak out the back and try to hit them from behind. Help you, and help keep up the illusion of competition."

You made your decision on the spot. This was no time to hesitate after all.

"I'm staying. I'll help you in this. Rider and I will assist you until the danger had passed," you told him with a firm tone.

Hans' eyes widened before he sighed and nodded, "I see. What's your plan?"

"We'll sneak out the back and try to hit them from behind," you added as you held your clothes, "I'll help you, and keep up the illusion of competition."

"Nice of you to think ahead," Hans replied before splashing you with your own blood.

You yelped and moved away before barking, "Hey!"

"The story will be you fighting your way out of this super secret, super evil lair," Hans explained as he smiled your way, "That'll keep the Family from suspecting you. I've placed a dummy signal inside you so they could track your movements like normal, allowing them to not harm you should you come to blows. For all they know, you're doing your job as my assassin and you botched your chance."

"I see. That'll make things convincing," you replied as you tapped your foot.

"Good. Get changed. I'll leave some weapons for you to use," Hans said as he moved to exit the room.

You watched him go before you turned to Rider, "Help me change. And don't get funny with me!"

"I'd rather not get buried here alive," Rider hissed as she helped you out of your hospital wear.

You got changed fast before the two of you went after Hans, only to find him at the center of the workshop. He brought out a briefcase from the floor and set it upon a pedestal before opening it. He took out a handgun and some magazines before offering them to you.

You looked at the gun before you and took it. It felt natural to hold it in your grasp. You felt a rush course through your body before you felt your heartbeat in your ears. You knew how to use it, how to aim, shoot, reload in sequence. But even as you held the weapon in your hand, you weren filled with the compulsion to shoot Hans' head. Did he really-

{Weapon check.}
{Weapon identified.}
{Final check completed.}
{System check all green.}
{Internal Calibrations completed.}
{Stating objectives:}
{Don't die.}
{Win the Grail.}

You blinked before you looked at Hans as he stood before you.

"You changed my objectives," you murmured as you met his gaze.

"Yes. I did. But at least you won't murder me in a heartbeat," Hans smiled your way as he set down the briefcase, "But there is that final command I can't get rid of. So be wary, it might be a self destruct command for all I know."

"Well that's a scary thought," you grumbled as you equipped the holster for your gun.

"But a nice one to have. Figured they wouldn't make this easy," Hans said as he finished gathering his mystic codes. He leaned on his cane and said, "Let's go."

"Right behind you," you nodded as you stood alongside Rider.


The building was under attack. The civilian employees were evacuated quickly while the hired Magi were doing their best in the face of the brutal assault they were under. The stars fell and rushed to smash open the Derrinsmith building but the combined efforts of Magi held the attack off.

Hans had sent Lancer to scout out the surroundings alongside many familiars and it seemed like that this was a pre-emptive attack from the remaining Masters. There were trucks coming from the highway bearing armed assailants.

You heard Hans curse as the elevator rose up from the workshop. Normally if he turtled up on there, he would be invincible so long as it wasn't a servant banging down his door. But he was actually going out to manage the defenses of his building. The elevator shuddered from a vicious blow and you leaned on Rider for support.

"Let me guess, I doubt the Hag is going to lift a finger to help us, huh?" Medb said as she crossed her arms.

"Scathach isn't going to help. Not unless it involves Berserker destroying more things than he needs to. She'll merely observe even if we live or die," Hans said as he looked into his phone, "There are arms goons. White coated. Stay alert."

The elevator door opened and you got out into Hans' office where you found Scathach sitting on the sofa. She wasn't reading or drinking but she seemed to be watching the spectacle outside through her runes. She looked up to glance at you and Medb with a raised eyebrow.

"Why is it that when something goes wrong, you two are nearby?" The Witch of Dun Scaith asked with a curious tone.

"What's the status of the building?" Hans asked as he limped forward.

"Whoever's behind this must be a joint alliance between two groups. You're being hit from the sky, and all four directions. Will the building hold, boy?" Scathach asked Hans in turn.

"It will. Lancer has made contact with the strike Team up front. Stay here if it pleases you," Hans told her as he walked past.

Scathach smiled before facing you, "This war is finally growing hotter. Are you prepared?"

"She was born prepped!" Rider cut in as she stood between you and Scathach.

The Witch allowed herself a small smile at that, "I see. Then don't die too fast. You two are growing more than I expected."

You were about to say something when Rider pulled you along. It didn't seem like you had no time for words. You opted for a resolute nod as Rider pulled you to the elevator. Hans had taken the spare elevator to go back to the ground level while you followed on the first one.

The building shook from the barrier taking hits but it wasn't going to last for long. You glanced at Rider and found her smiling lightly as she tapped her riding crop on her palm. You took out your handgun and pulled the slide as you composed your breath.

Escaping was your top priority here...


The white Archer stood in the center of the road. He held his slender bow in his hands and took aim at the black building up ahead. His allies had begun their assault and he watched as meteors fell from the heavens. It was a wonder how such a small body could call upon magecraft of this magnitude.

He sighed before whispering to his bow, "Gandvia."

His arrow burned with magical energy before he let it loose.


The elevator doors opened and the building was struck with the force of an artillery shell. You stumbled but Rider caught you just as the ceiling began to cave in and collapse. You both got out of the elevator and ran into the hall. Siren were going off and Magi were dragging the wounded out of the combat zone.

Hans must have been somewhere directing the defenders. You just needed to get to the back. You had to hurry.

Rider ran alongside you as she spoke, "Never a restful day for us."

"With how shitty we are, there's no rest for the wicked," you replied as the two of you moved past halls and offices.

You had to make it look like you're escaping. You can't risk Berserker targeting you on your lonesome or else the plan will fail. Still, if Archer or his group falls tonight it'll be a win for sure but...

"I doubt Hans is going to let Archer's group decide how to settle this," you murmured as you ran.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Rider asked you.

"The one to start the fight always has the advantage on how much they'd lose. They have the option to push or pull back but the defenders overextending just to defeat the former is in itself a disadvantageous move. I don't think Hans is going to look to ending this conflict tonight," you said as you ran. You kept up with Rider's speed by pouring magical energy to your limbs.

"I see. So that means you know what to do?" Rider smirked as she met your gaze.

"Yeah. We'll raise hell on our way out," you said as you turned a corner, "And give Archer something to think about!"

When you glanced back behind you, Rider was gone. Your blood froze before you noticed that your Servant had vanished. What? Where did she go?

"Rider?" You breathed as you looked around. You focused your thoughts, "Rider!"

No response. Where did she go? She as just behind you. You grit your teeth and noticed that the exit to the back of the building was there. You ran down the hall and got out of it, only to see a once Dead Girl stand before you.

"Die," she snarled as a bolt of white light erupted from her fingertips.

You moved on instinct and threw yourself into the ground. You rolled and hid behind a car but light gathered above your head.

"I've been waiting weeks for this," you heard her say. The ball of light burst and erupted spikes down at you, forcing you to reinforce your foot and spring away.

You caught yourself and drew your gun just as you ended up pressing the muzzle of your gun against your enemy's head. She had a thin blade of prana extending from her fingertips buzzing with energy, allowing her to slit your throat with a brief movement.

Olga Marie was alive but wore the scars of your precious battle. She had half-healed burn marks on her face but that didn't diminish the fiery anger in her eyes.

She was wearing a black coat over her orange best and skirt with her pale blonde hair tied behind her head. Her right sleeve hung limp, making you realize that she didn't have her arm anymore.

You looked behind her and found bodies of fallen Magi she had to fight to get here. Then that means that Assassin was here too... Rider was in trouble.

"I've been waiting for this," you heard her breathe as she glared at you, "I'm going to make you pay."

[] "You should have stayed dead."
[] "I don't even know who you are."
[] "Seems like you made a lot of friends."
[] "You already know how this'll end."
[] Write in...
[] "I don't even know who you are."

The two of you stared each other down while you listened to her words. Seems like Emiya's right on the money. Didn't he say he was going to deal with her yesterday? Now you can't help but worry for him even as a blade of light was so close to ripping your throat out. She was alive, though and that was a problem. How will you get out of this?

Meteors fell and crashed upon the barrier but it wasn't going to hold. You knew that at the very pit of your being it wasn't going to hold. You had to figure out a way to stop it somehow. But first, you had to deal with this girl. She was just stubborn.

You schooled your emotions and kept yourself from breaking down there as you held your gun to her forehead. You can't make any mistakes in this fight so you had to bring out everything you have.

"I don't even know who you are," you lied through your teeth as you glared at her.

"I'll carve my name on your body so you'll remember!" Olga snapped before you saw a meteor fall from the heavens towards you both.

That made you pull back as she did the same, it punched through the barrier and you watched the whole thing crumble. The burning celestial stone struck the building's back end and blew it apart. Flames danced as you ended up falling on your back and hitting the floor.

You rolled to recover before you saw the girl before you start chanting.

"Zodiac, Cosmos, Sign!" Olga Marie roared as the ground beneath her feet flared with magical energy.

You hissed as you raised your gun and fired at her. She didn't even dodge as minor protective charms kept your projectiles from hitting her. It didn't punch through!

"Go! My familiars!" Olga commanded as you watched twinkling wisps home in on you.

You moved and dived out of the way as the flew past you. Hiding behind another car, you tried chanting yourself. You need your shield!

"Cliffs at the Shores of World's End. I stand against Eternity. I am the Rock unmoved by Time's waves" You chanted as you got on top of the car's hood and ran over it. You fired at Olga as she deigned to dodge and get to a better angle.

"Star! Bind and Set!" Olga chanted as you jumped and hit the ground before her.

"Strike me and feel retribution. Strike me and be destroyed! Manifest oh shield of Wisdom!" you roared as you charged straight for her.

"Waning Moon, Activate! Crush her, LUNA!" Olga snarled as she swept her hand through the air, covering it in glittering dust.

You stepped into the dust cloud before you noticed miniscule surges of Magical Energy connecting the grains of dust together. Your eyes widened as you stomped the ground and finished your chant.

"Shelter me from my enemies! AEGIS!" You yelled as light surged through your right arm and there manifested a shield of light.

However magic circles began to brew overhead and layer themselves over one another. You saw the moon itself shine brighter than normal until it was as bright as the Sun itself. The light of the moon was fixed unto one point and thrown at you.

You held up Aegis and took the brunt of the blow, nearly blowing apart your shield as you slid back. You held up your gun only for Olga to close in with a reinforced kick and knock it out of your hand. The gun clattered on the ground as you focused on close range, watching and reacting to Olga's follow up kick as she smashed her leg into your shield.

She bounced off before lunging and breaking open your guard for her to jump and smash her knee into your face. You met her knee with your head and jerked back before she knocked you straight into a van. The door crumpled upon impact before you got out.

"She's got new tricks," you breathed before you raised your head.

Olga walked towards you as her right sleeve flapped as she moved, "Did that jog your memory?"

"You weren't this strong last time," you coughed as you spat blood on the ground.

"I'm better prepared, better equipped, and I have people helping me. Losing to you taught me a valuable lesson," Olga said as she looked at you as if you were scum.

"Hope I made you grow up of your serial killings days," you said as you readied your shield.

Olga's eyebrow twitched and you noticed twinkling dust around you. You looked up to see her familiars scattering it from above you.

"Luna," Olga invoked as a hammer of light smashed straight down at you.

Aegis held it back but you were forced to kneel. You caught your breath before you grit your teeth and tried to regain your footing. You looked up to see Olga hold up her hand and fire a bolt of white light from her finger tips.

You were struck square on your chest and you flew through the van and into the parking lot's center. You rolled to stand up before you saw her throw your gun at you. It slid towards you until it stopped.

"I don't need to kill civilians anymore. But... We still have a score to settle. Assassin already knows how to deal with your Servant. We've been waiting for this, we've been watching you from the shadows, and now we'll take this win we deserve," Olga declared as she held her hand up and gathered her familiars.

The twinkling wisps each shattered, becoming tiny specks of light that floated upwards. You grabbed your gun and watched as the lights moved exactly twenty feet above you, twinkling beautifully in the foreground of the dark sky.

The moon was shining gold.

And then... The lights rearranged themselves. They shifted and turned, forming groups and formations you vaguely recognized. You blinked before you noticed how the formations became clearer and recognizable. Yes. Those things were.

"Constellations..." You breathed as you watched the Magus before you brim with power.

"I'll return my family into the light. Everything we've done, everything my father sacrificed, it doesn't matter what the cost! I'll win this war no matter what it takes! I'll give everything up if it means for my family to rise again! You don't understand that! You'll never understand that! You're just someone that got lucky once If I win, all those deaths would have meant something!" Olga roared as the constellations all shined above her and granted her their blessing, "I'll show you the real power of an Animusphere! I'll crush you myself!"

You pitied her... She was fighting so hard and lived for this purpose. It's true, you didn't understand. You didn't have a family to make nice with or a legacy to uphold. But her? She had the weight of her family's legacy on her back.

She was fighting for her wish. She killed for it... That's how much she wanted it.

Everyone in this war was fighting for their wish.

If it was Yu, it was for the wish to see her Love.

If if was Hans, it was for the wish to make his sister Whole.

For this girl, she simply wanted to uphold her family's legacy. To get rid of the dishonor in their name.

The more you heard of their wishes, the more you doubted yourself if you were doing the right thing. You wanted to live. You wanted to survive... But most of all you wanted to keep Rider smiling.

You stepped back and nudged an assault rifle a security guard had dropped.

"That's... A beautiful wish," you told her with genuine admiration, "Unfortunately, I have something to grant too."

You dismissed your shield and picked up the gun. It was heavy but it was a reassuring weight, your mind has already given you knowledge on how to use it. M4A1 tactical assault rifle, it can fire several hundred rounds per minute with at least a 500m range. You're not sure if it'll work against her and her bullshit but it'll have to do.

Not unless...

You held your handgun on your hand while you rested your rifle over your shoulder.

"My Queen's going to get pissed off if I die here," you told her with a small smile.

"You think your toys can help you now?" Olga asked as she narrowed her gaze.

"Oh... This?" You asked her back while holding up your handgun, "No. This is for me."

You then pointed your planted your gun's muzzle to your side right on your non-vitals. Olga's eyes widened as you pulled the trigger.


You dropped your weapons before you as you fell down your knees. You gasped as pain went through your body. Olga seemed surprised by what you did but you kept smiling.

Ah... You're blacking out...

{Severe damage taken.}
{Conditions have been met.}
{Designating present hostile to highest designation.}
{Pseudo Personality Suspended.}
{Activating Emergency Mode.}
{Unit reactivating.}

You will not Die. That was your primary objective. All else was irrelevant.

Your body was growing hotter. You let out a breath as you picked up your handgun and rifle. You staggered to your feet and holstered the handgun on your side, the bleeding you sustained already healing.

At this, Olga Marie stepped back, "You're... Not human."

"That is irrelevant. Depending on your actions, I may go from non-lethally disabling you to permanently erasing you," you replied as you brushed your hair covering your eyes, sleeking it back with a cold expression, "I advise you to stand down."

"Don't... Underestimate me!" Olga snapped as she called upon a hail of lights towards you.

[] Action: Kill.
[] Action: Employ violence until hostile has surrendered.
[] Action: Redirect priority. Provide support to absence servant.
[] Input Customized Commands...
Black Hole
[] Action: Employ violence until hostile has ceased resistance.

You stared at the approaching light show coming to rip you to shreds. You moved and held out your hand. Your body hummed with magical energy as your insides burned, your circuits, flaring violently as golden lightning danced around you.

You stared down death.

"Aegis: Multi," you breathed and shields of light caught every single projectile coming your way.

Smoke filled the air where the projectiles hammered against your defenses. You used this chance to get out of the line of fire and dive behind a car. Rolling on the ground, you hit the dirt and recovered as you noticed Olga land on top of the car.

You aimed your rifle between her eyes and fired as she jerked back in alarm. She held back your barrage of lead before shooting down to your side. She got in close before you pulled back to avoid her kick. It was powerful enough to lift her up the air where she called upon streaks of light to rain down on you.

Rolling back, you held up your shield to defend yourself before you let out a breath. Dropping your rifle, you grabbed the body of one of the fallen Magi and threw it at her. Olga shrieked before ripping through the body with a wave of her hand, blood and gore spraying into the air.

You fired from below and took several shots her way. You watched her retreat before landing on the ground. She palmed the floor as you watched the artificial constellations able you shift. Blue light washed over Olga as she darted towards you. She was almost as fast as Rider.

Holding your ground, you fired at her as she dodged and weaved past your bullets before she swept the air with a kick. You went past her and picked up another corpse, using it as a shield.

Her fist went through the dead man's torso, making it bloody and stained in red but also making her stuck.

"Why... Why this?!" Olga gasped as she pulled back as you drew your handgun.

You fired through the corpse and punched into Olga's body. It didn't pierce her flesh but it did make her double over. You reached for her face but her gore filled hand managed to catch you. She twisted your arm before striking you with a back hand as the corpse fell to the side.

You felt your mind rock but you managed to hold on and stomp your foot. You punched her across her face before you shooting her shoulder. Her face contorted in pain before she tackled you straight into a tree, slamming your back into it before she held your neck and smashed you into the ground.

"Heaven, Zodiac, Sign!" Olga chanted as a superheated ball of light formed above her head.

You raised your rifle and fired at it, destabilizing the influx of energy with your bullets until it broke apart. Olga's eyes widened as she raised her defenses to take on the remainder of your rifle's magazine.

Sparks flew before you were out. Olga moved to summon her familiars before you threw the gun at her. It hit her right on her head as you tackled her into the ground. Sitting on her chest, you prepared to crush her head with your fist but a burst of energy knocked you back.

Hitting the floor, you rolled to recover as the constellations changed. Magic circles appeared by her side and unleashed streams of energy towards you.

You picked up two corpses and threw them forward, letting her spells blow apart human bodies into red paste. Olga's skin turned pale at your wanton disregard for the integrity of the dead. Psychological attacks were proving to be effective...

"Stop throwing corpses at me!" Olga screamed as she started chanting but you simply picked up bodies by their ankles, catapulting them towards her as she was forced to shoot them down.

"Why? They pass the minimum requirement as projectiles," you replied as you tore a corpse's head, tearing off meaty flesh, severing it from its neck with your strength, and presented it to her, "You stated that you would give everything to win. Now win."

Olga took step back in visible terror.

You threw the severed head at her to which her automated spells broke apart as if it was a watermelon, spelling blood and brain matter on the ground. You had painted the parking lot red with the bodies Olga had once cleanly dispatched.

The stench of death filled the air as you walked through the bloody floors. You picked up another body and reinforced your arm.

"No... Stop it... Stop it!" Olga cried out in hysteria.

Light filled the parking lot before you dropped the corpse and raised your shield. You managed stave off the pillar of light as it washed over your body. You fought back and felt it dissipate while Olga remained standing.

"It's... It's not my fault. It's not. It's not my fault! This is war! I had to do it or else I won't win," Olga said with a cracked voice as she held herself, "Why... Why does it always go wrong? Why?!"

You stared at her as she raised her gaze, her eyes burning with hatred for you.

"A little blood won't scare me," she lied through her teeth as she met your gaze, "If I kill you, it'll be fine. If I kill you those deaths will have meaning. So stay out of my way!"

Pillars of light fell all around you as you raised your shield. You slid back before you saw constellations change and you felt gravity pull you down. You fell down your knees before Olga raised her hand.

"LUNA!" she screamed as the light of the moon thundered towards you.

You blocked it with Aegis and held your ground, sliding back through the Sea of blood you made. You grunted as your limbs were pumped with magical energy before Olga's attack ended.

You fell down your knees as you were pushed down by gravity. Moving was difficult... That artificial constellation was proving to be a problem. You glared at her and you understood how to beat her. Looking over your memories, you had what it takes.

A black box manifested beside you, waiting to be opened.

Black Hole
[] Action: Employ Psychological Attacks. It had shown to be effective against this opponent.
[] Action: Enhance Lethal actions and eliminate the enemy.
[] Action: Destroy the Artificial Constellations. It should severe her power source.
[] Input Custom Command...
Warning: This update may be extreme. It may contain some scenes of violence that isn't for everyone. Please be warned.
[] Action: Employ Psychological Attacks. It had shown to be effective against this opponent.

You were being pushed down by the current formation of the artificial stars. This sort of Magecraft was only available to those deep into the study of Astromancy. You didn't have data on their practitioners in your information storage however they were heavily reliant on their preparations as well as mystic codes. Not only that but if left alone they could prove difficult to combat once given the chance.

However you assessed that there were minimal moves required for you to win this. All you had to do was get close and disable her. Doing so physically was difficult but if she would give you an opening then it would be the ideal situation. You watched as stars fell and you were forced to raise your guard.

You were at a disadvantage in long range spell battles, you need to crush her. You just had the tools and information needed to put her down.

"It is useless. Struggle as you might, your wish is not one to be granted. Even if it did, you cannot delete what has come to pass," you began speaking as you watched your shields crack in the face of her assault, "This black mark of your family, it cannot be easily cleansed."

"What do you know?!" Olga shrieked as she directed a meteor straight for you. It disturbed the wavelength of the constellations to allow you to move.

You shot away from where you stood as the molten rock struck the back of the building with a vicious blow. Catching yourself, you raised your gun and fired while Olga held up her own defenses.

"I lied when I stated that I did not know you. I know you, however. I know a lot. I know that the Animuspheres are a disgraced family that fell from their position in the clocktower. I know that you are struggling to live and fight your way back into the light. I know that you were not ready to fight in this war. Tasked with rebuilding a fallen Magus House, the pressure, the anxiety, the sheer madness that drove you to fight now would be the death of you and you know it," you told her as you held your ground as your shields broke but you just replaced them, "And I have judged your worth, Olga Marie Animusphere."

"You judged me?" Olga hissed as lightning danced around her before a pillar of light fell down from above.

You layered your shields and raised Aegis to the sky. You endured the blow even as your legs were about to give. You met her frustrated gaze as you held your shield, "Yes. And I have judged that you are an imbecile."

Olga flinched at your words even as your body smoked from her strike. She grit her teeth and stepped back, "What?!"

"You are not ready. You were never ready. I can see it in your eyes. This war, the deaths you have walked past, the battles, you were never ready. For you were the Heir to a prestigious house, you were groomed to continue the work of your ancestors... Groomed, pampered and spoiled by the society you were born into. And that's what makes you different... That's what makes you beneath me," you told her as you held your gun in your hand, "I was manufactured to kill. My body is a weapon, honed to a fine edge in this state, while you are nothing but a pig for me to slaughter."

"Shut up!" Olga screamed as she brought down another pillar of light.

You defended and held on, your eyes stared into hers and you could see that she was terrified, "Magi are not killers. They are amoral, yes and death is simply a side effect of their works. Normal people would view them as monsters. But then what does that make me?"

"I don't know! I'll kill if I need to! I'll kill you to win this!" Olga said as she had a ball of light float behind her and burst.

Spears of light surrounded you before you circles yourself with shields. They pierced your defenses but they never reached you. You simply looked at her with the same glassy eyes.

Your magic circuits burned as you approached her, "You say that but you never truly bloodied your hands until now. You killed these soldiers cleanly, elegantly even, you spared them agony and the pain of death. Do you believe that makes it okay?"

"It was all painless! I didn't make them suffer!" Olga said as she stepped back, "Stay away!"

"You are not a killer. You are just a girl given the weight of a legacy a thousand years old. The line will end with you and you will die a disappointment," you continued.


"It'll be all your fault."

"Shut up!"

"You were never ready for this."

"I am!"

"That's a lie."

"A failure. That's all you are."

"N... No. No..."

"You were never meant to usher your family back to greatness. If you were, you would not have reached this state," you said as you stopped right before her as she held her head.

She looked up before you struck her across the face with your pistol. Olga fell down on the ground before you stepped on her stomach.

"You must have had many chances. But you made all the wrong decisions. You are alone. Unloved, unwanted, undesired, a failure, a disappointment..." You continued as she looked up at you with tears in her eyes, "You are a waste of skin. Pathetic. It is all your fault."

You pressed your gun to her forehead and rested your finger on the trigger. Olga parted her lips as she could only look at you.

"Fa... Father... Forgive me. Father..." She gasped as her eyes turned unfocused.

"No. There would be no forgiveness," you replied as you looked down on her, "Not from your family, not from your father, not from the people you have killed. There will be nothing."

"Stop... Please..." Olga whimpered as her influenced over the artificial constellations faded and her hold on the spell disappeared, "Please..."

The heavy weight on your body slowly disappeared as you kept your gun aimed for the girl's head. Time to put her out of her miser-

"That's enough," a voice cut through the air, making you turn back to see Assassin rising from the ground.

Her mask was off, displaying her furious yet tempered expression as she looked at you. Her skin was bloodied and singed but she was whole. You looked down at her hand and you saw that she was dragging a weakened Rider by her hair.

Rider was bruised and bloodied all over, her fair skin covered with deep cuts and ripped flesh. Her white outfit was stained red with her own blood as she shallowly breathed.

It's your Servant.

Assassin lifted Rider up and brought her just in front of a waiting Iron Maiden. Medb was conscious even through her injuries, lifting one eye as she looked at you.

"Let the girl go and I'll drop this whore of yours," Assassin said as she narrowed her gaze.

You looked at her before glancing at Rider. You slowly pressed your boot down on Olga's abdomen until you heard a crack and the girl cried out.

"A Servant is a tool," you stated as you tilted your head, "Servant Rider had always been a suboptimal specimen. Her death would be of little consequence-"


You didn't flinch even as the Countess of Blood was close to shoving Rider into the maiden. You paused.


It should be of no c-

"Get out."

You looked down on yourself. What is-


The pseudo-personality was attempting to override present program. Assessing problem. Emergency diagnostics initi-


Personality subdued. Perhaps there would be some merit to the personality's suggestion. Losing Servant Rider would prove detrimental to the overall function of this unit. However in doing so poses the risk of releasing the subdued Master.


What are the best course of action?

[] Action: Comply. Release Olga Marie Animusphere in exchange for Servant Rider.
[] Action: Pull the Trigger.
[] Action: Create a compromise. Olga Marie will be spared in exchange for Assassin killing herself.
[] Action: Use a command seal. Restore Rider's health and allow her to escape Assassin's clutches.
[] Input Custom Command...
[] Action: Create a compromise. Olga Marie will be spared in exchange for Assassin killing herself.
-[] Should she refuse, use a command seal. Restore Rider's health and allow her to escape Assassin's clutches.

You stared at the Blood Countess holding your servant by the hair and assessed the situation. She was seeking negotiations by bringing forth your Servant instead of just killing her. She must have no faith in her Master to defeat you, that much you understood. She had taken the necessary moves to procure herself a bargaining chip.

Still if she were to go this far then that would mean she still needed her Master for something. Or perhaps was this a sentimental gesture? You remained uncertain as you observed her while keeping your foot on Olga's broken rib. The Magus groaned as you kept your gaze on Carmilla as she narrowed her eyes at you.

"Assassin... Assassin..." Olga mewled on the ground as she reached for her Servant.

"I propose a compromise," you began as you moved your gun's aim from Olga's head, "Her life will be spared in exchange for you killing yourself. That way I am certain that she will no longer be able to participate in the war."

"Don't... Don't please," Olga gasped as she looked at her Servant, "Please... Please, you're my only chance. Don't..."

"Will you let her go? Truly?" Carmilla asked with a sharp tone.

"Truly," you responded in a blank tone.

"Carmilla," Olga shook her head as she tried to move your foot from her stomach, "No. No!"


The ground smoked beside Olga's head as you pulled the trigger, silencing her and forcing Assassin to become stiff. Her muscles locked and she bared her fangs at you. Medb simply watched as she was being held by the other servant.

Olga's whimpering had been snuffed out and left you looking at Assassin in the silence. Carmilla eventually dropped Rider on the ground and stared you down. If looks were able to slay you, you would have died many times already. But so long as you kept a gun on her Master's head, she will do nothing.

An iron maiden manifested behind Carmilla as she stood still. Her eyes fell upon her Master and spared her only a quick look before closing her eyes.

"I refuse," Carmilla declared as she raised Rider into the air. She moved her arm to swing your servant into the waiting iron maiden.

You thought as much.

"Rider. Be healed and escape," you declared as your tattoo burned scarlet.

Your Command Seal burned before the spell took hold of your servant. Medb's body flared with magical energy before the wounds she sustained were healed one by one until her fair skin had returned to its former glory.

Assassin moved to shove her but Rider had summoned Caladbolg. Carmilla was forced to defend against the spiral sword's blow with her scepter before they pushed each other back. Rider took this chance to get away and move some distance from Assassin before lowering her sword.

"Assassin..." Olga murmured in relief with a small smile.


You shot her shoulder, forcing her to scream. Rider and Assassin ceased their battle to turn your way as you blew a hole on Olga's shoulder. Assassin snarled in response before you aimed for Olga's head.

She was writhing in pain before letting out a silent cry. Tears fell down her face.

"Negotiations have failed. Executing enemy Master," you murmured as you rested your finger on the trigger.

You feel nothing.

"Don't!" Carmilla roared.

"BRIE!" Medb screamed.

[] Shoot. Eliminate target.
[] Don't shoot. Emergency Mode Shut Down.
[] Reprioritize. Target disabled. Provide assistance to Ally Defense.
[] Write in...