[] "Those Heroes? Aren't you one too? At least you saved me enough times to be my Hero. At least that's what I think."
You listened to her words as she wore the same tearful look on her face. She was looking for an answer, hoping you'd be able to give it to her. It was funny how she was looking at a Doll like you, not even human, probably not even a few months old for answers. You're not sure if there were any right and wrong answers but what you did know was what you'll tell her.
She just seemed so vulnerable, so defenseless now and not even in a way you were happy to poke fun at with. She was actually lost, faced with someone she wronged and fearful that they would come to retaliate and hurt you. She had already tasted losing you when Caster took you away and it was a miracle that you even lived.
For the first time, she was afraid of losing someone. Even if that person was you, she was afraid of losing you.
You could feel her tears fall on your cheeks but you didn't move away as you held her face. She was beautiful... Crying didn't suit her at all but you couldn't blame her. She was totally different from the Legend you knew, from the Dreams you've seen, from the facade she tried to show you. She was just a girl...
"Those Heroes?" You murmured with a small smile, "Aren't you one too?"
"I did so many wrongs. Broke so many. I don't regret any of them but you can't call someone like that a Hero, Brie," Rider replied as she tried to compose herself as her tears fell.
"Well... At least you saved me enough times to be my Hero. At least that's what I think," you said as you brought her close to you and let her forehead rest against yours, "I think that's all that matters. Whether you're good or evil, a Saint or a Harlot, a Goddess or a Demoness, I know for sure that you're Rider, my Servant... My Queen."
Your faces were inches from one another as you lovingly brought her down and hugged her. Rider blinked at your words before holding on to you tightly. She was starting to shake again. She was a foolish girl, she made her mistakes, she killed many in the past for her own selfishness... But what mattered to you was the here and now.
You lived in the present and looked to the future. Rider clutched on to you tight as her entire body shook. You accepted her because she's all you had. You're just a Doll after all, not even human... And if it's for her you'll grab that Grail and grant her wish.
"You're a fool to accept me. Knowing who I am..." Rider said as she got up and looked down at you.
"Well I'm probably the best one considering I have nothing to lose... Except maybe I'll probably sob and weep while you drag me around," you chuckled as you scratched your cheek.
"You're a coward through and through but I don't hate that. You're not one to bow too easily to my will and I don't hate that either," Rider said as she pulled you up by your collar, "I guess this is all right."
Rider wrapped her arms around you before leaning down to press her lips against yours. It was a quick one but it was intense enough to make your head swim before she pulled away with a giggle. She had this goofy smile on her face as she looked down on you.
You could taste her on your lips had an embarassed look. Cherries... She tasted like cherries, "I won't ever get used to that. And don't make it a habit."
Rider simply smiled at you as she slowly returned to her normal cheery self. She then leaned down against you and sighed in satisfaction. You can't breathe... She was lying on top of you in full now.
The couch wasn't made for two people it felt cramped. But you simply suffered in silence as you leaned back. Ugh... She's so heavy, you can't breathe. If you died somehow, you knew who to blame.
"So you two are an item now?" Kotomine asked as he adjusted his glasses while giving you a strange look.
"I don't know... Maybe?" You shrugged as you sat within the confession booth while you looked at Rider harassing Ruler in the distance, "It's sort of this weird thing."
"She's a Ghost, Brie. No matter how pretty she is, she'll go poof at the end of the War," Kotomine replied as he rubbed his forehead.
"I'm a sculpture given life by the memories of a dead girl's personality. What's your excuse?" You hissed as you glanced through the holes to where the Priest was.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry and I've listened to weirder confessions. Just try not to bring it up around Ruler, you know how she is," Kotomine sighed as he shook his head.
"WHAT?! BUT... THAT'S..!"
"Oh joy," Kotomine Kinzo, representative of the Catholic Church within New Rimeland City groaned as La Pucelle herself grew redder than an apple.
You and Kotomine watched as Medb whispered some more into Ruler's ear before the Saint went limp. She slumped in one of the pews while steam rose up her head.
"Congratulations. Your Girlfriend just made Jeanne D'arc pass out from embarassment," Kotomine said in dry, soulless tone, "I hope you're happy."
"This wouldn't be a problem if Jeanne was summoned as a Saber. She was in an army of guys, no way she wouldn't pick up a thing or too," You hissed right back at the Priest.
"Yes but this form is more of her Saint side rather than that fierce military commander that nearly led her country through battles," Kotomine said as he crossed his arms, "Trust me, I wish she was Saber but she would just be a normal servant then!"
You looked out see Rider giggling darkly while Ruler tried to recover.
Saint at Risk
[] Rider's having too much fun bullying Ruler. You should go and stop her.
[] Ruler will snap and when she does Rider's going to regret it. You should see how that goes.
[] Cut straight to the point and ignore shenanigans. Report what you know about Archer's faction and how it could affect the war.
[] Write in...