Silent Night
[] Let them watch. You're not doing anything interesting unless they mess with you. Whoever these guys were they'll get bored and look for better targets. Stay with Rider and keep her close.

You weren't going to be provoked into lashing out at them. Whoever these eyes on you were you didn't want to deal with them. You had nothing to hide and no reason to conceal yourself not unless they attacked. If they're purely here to watch you then they can watch all they want.

Rider didn't mind the attention as she finished up her meal with a delighted smile on her face. You took some comfort in that she was happy as she was now. You can't help but worry about what she brought up before. It's almost a given that Cu Chulainn was a Servant in this war but it was just a matter of which Class.

You knew of his legend... Well, a brief overview but you knew that he was ultimately killed indirectly by Medb and directly by the sons and daughters of one of the guys he killed. Would he be using his famed spear or would he be... Like that monster you saw in your dream. You felt chills just by thinking about it and it was bothering you a lot.

Cu Chulainn was scary... You hoped this didn't turn into a thing. Medb would never let you live it down.

"I know! Why don't we get some wine while we're here," Medb said as she clapped her hands.

"Can Servants even get wasted?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well if we wanted to be? Why not? Though it would take a lot," Medb said as she glanced your way.

"You know, let's not do that. I don't want to deal with you if you're drunk and especially now that we have some audiences," You pointed out with a sigh.

"Well you're no fun at all," Rider chuckled as she crossed her arms.

"Whatever, man. I just want a nice and quiet evening for once," you sighed as you shook your head, "Besides, I'm gonna do just that. Once we go home, I'm sleeping."

Medb didn't argue with that and simply shrugged. The two of you were aware that you were still being watched. It'd be better if you didn't make and sudden moves unless you give the spies reason to act.

If they're Hans' then you're better off keeping your head down but if they're the vampires' goons then you should give them a reason to attack you. Medb was with you after all and they know better than to mess with a Servant even if they did bring Belials with them.

Though you felt that this particular night won't be quiet for the rest of the city, you had no interest in taking part in the chaos. Having paid for your bill, you and Rider stepped out of the restaurant with your companion stretching out in satisfaction.

"A meal fit for royalty. We should do that again sometime soon," Medb grinned as she held her hands behind her back.

"I guess. We've been sort of working too hard these days. Yeah, let's try another place when we have time," you agreed with a nod.

"It's a date then," Medb said with a cheeky look.

"Dunno about that," you said as you scratched your cheek.

"Oh that's it. You're no fun at all," Medb huffed as she walked by your side while you both returned to the apartments.

You glanced behind you and said, "Seems like we're going to be watched over for the night."

"Almost like we're not allowed to do anything while something happens," Medb murmured quietly as you both entered the elevator.

"Guess we'll just have to do as they want," you figured as you both got out and went straight for your room.

You took off your gloves and jacket and laid them on top of the dining table while Rider shut the door and locked it. Sitting on your bed, you sighed as your Servant turned to you with her arm crossed.

"Summon a Druid and secure the room," you ordered as she cut her finger and let the blood droplet hit the wooden floor.

From within it emerged a Druid bearing a wooden staff and dressed in a dark cloak. He etched several runes on the ground and you were greeted by a rush of power which elicited several squeaks from the corners of the room.

You and Medb raised an eyebrow at that before shrugging. The Druid proceeded to walk to the four corners of the room and etched upon them a few more runes which pulsed with prana before stepping back. He performed a polite bow before standing still.

Medb smiled and said, "Well, that should cover our bases."

"Yeah... I'm bushed," you yawned as you collapsed on your bed, "I feel sluggish..."

"Must be the food," Rider said as she sat down a chair, "Hey, don't worry. I'll keep an eye out for those spies."

"Nice... That's just nice," you yawned you leaned back and sunk deep into your pillow.

Rider smiled from her seat and nodded, "Good night... Master..."


You didn't dream. That was nice and you felt well rested than you were the previous day. You opened your eyes and slowly got up as you looked around.

Seems like everything was in order, those spies didn't try anything funny while you were out. You perked up once you noticed a bundle of fluff and pink hair on the other side of the bed. Rider must have fallen asleep sometime earlier and taken the spot next to you.

You stared at her sleeping face and moved some strands of pink hair from her lips. She looked like she was going to eat them. Idiot...

You rubbed your eyes and yawned before you noticed your phone vibrating. You frowned at it before considering your options here. You decided to pick it up and...

Silent Night
[] It's Kotomine. He sounds pretty tense and worried for some reason. Like he had constipation or something.
[] It's Luviagelita Edelfelt and she wished to get a report on Emiya's performance. You're not sure how she got your number.
[] It's... From an unknown caller. You're not sure if you should answer but you still did anyway.
[] You rejected the call and fell back on your bed. Well no, Medb pulled you back in and seemed half hugging and half strangling you. You can't breathe.

Early Troubles
[] It's Luviagelita Edelfelt and she wished to get a report on Emiya's performance. You're not sure how she got your number

You picked it up and answered the call. Almost at once you were greeted by a familiar yet haughty tone from the other end of the line. It almost made you want to hang up the call for not for instinctive fear driven into your core on your last meeting.

You sighed and let it rock.

"Good morning, girl. You might be surprised having this peculiar call this early."

"Miss Luvia. How can I help you and why do you have this number?" You asked with a frown.

"Shero gave it to me! It's to provide a line of communication to you whenever needed. In any case I have much to discuss with you today."

"Uh sure. What did you need?" You asked as you sat crossed leg on the bed.

"How's he doing? I don't mean to make you seem like her minder but at times we cannot truly discern what's going through his mind. He may be lying out of his teeth during his own reports which is why we require a second opinion."

"Oh. Well Mr. Emiya seemed fine last I saw him. Just a little beaten up but I was too. It's been a few days since then. Though I do notice his unhealthy frequency of sending Saber away while he works. I chalked it off as him covering more ground but..." It did seem strange that he would be willing to duel a Dead Apostle by himself and send Saber to help you. It was quite worrying he was willing to do that.

Luvia's tone remained serious compared to before, "I see. Then this means I will have a lengthy discussion with him when he gets back."

"Did something occur to cause this call?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I suppose I could tell you. It pertains the leader of the Dead Apostles you've been encountering. We believe we have a description of her identity. It would be prudent for you to be wary of her presence."

"Leader? You mean Caster's Master?" You frowned as you looked out the window.

"According to Shirou's reports that's very likely. We do not have concrete information but you may be up against a monster beyond that of an Ancient Apostle. Whatever happens, the Grail must not fall to her hands."

"Right. I'll keep that in mind... But I haven't spoken to Mr. Emiya since awhile ago. Is he all right?" You wondered with a frown.

"Eh? Oh. Probably... And that's the worrying part to be honest... That man is a fool of epic proportions. Miss Brie, Master of Rider, if you would take this mission you will be rewarded handsomely."

"You want me to check up on him, huh?" You murmured as you glanced at Rider snoozing beside you.

"And I want you to follow him to wherever he has gone. Contact me as soon as you find him."

"Can't you just call him? You are his sponsor," you pointed out with a frown.

"Yes but he would just say something to throw me off. Truly what a foolish man. His fiancée is growing white hairs with worry and their pet lion is looking to commandeer a plane and start shooting laser beams from her holy sword. Do this and you might just save a city, girl."

"Right. I'll see what I can do," you sighed with a nod, "Do you have his location?"

"Indeed. I will be sending you his location. At least his hideout's location. Only the finest safehouses the Edelfelt could provide!"

"Got it. I'll find him," you replied with a small smile.

"It'd be best if you did. Good luck, girl."

The line went dead. You lowered your phone and set it aside. It was good that Emiya had people worrying for him. You just wished he didn't worry them to that extent. You wondered what he was up to now.

Still... They have bare information on Caster's Master. A being above an ancient Dead Apostle. What would a being like that be doing in this farcical Grail War? You could ask Kotomine and the church but you doubted that they'll hand you a ledger of the active Masters. Even then, Caster's Master could have given them an alias.

The church had no love for the undead after all.

You slowly felt a pair of slender arms wrap around your waist before Rider rest her chin on your shoulder.

"Hey. It's too early," she said as she hummed in a sleepy tone.

You yelped and elbowed her gut. Medb doubled over as you jumped off the bed. Tensing up in a panic, you flushed red as Rider was left awake by your gut shot.

She groaned in pain while looking at you, "Good... Morning to you too... Asshole."

"Don't do that! I'm fucking jumpy!" You squawked as Medb passed out.You blinked before going to her side, "Rider? Rider?! RIDEEEEEEERRRRR!!!!"


It was early in the afternoon while you and Rider were walking down the street. You were headed for the Edelfelt safehouse Luvia directed you to to check on Mr. Emiya. However the trip there has been a little bit awkward.

Medb was fuming behind you and you were doing your best not to give in to her. It was an accident and not only that it felt like it was from a goddamned horror movie for a moment there. You didn't even notice her get up until she had her hands on you.

She's so mad and not even in the good way.

She just kept glaring at you as if to say that once the two of you were alone you were dead meat. At least she's not mad enough to run you over with her bull. Still you should defuse this while you can.

"Um, Rider..." You sighed before glancing her way.

Medb looked at you with a look of disdain as she replied, "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry for hitting you back there. I really didn't mean it," you continued as you rubbed your shoulder.

"Oh no. It was my fault for having a bad habit. It's fiiiine," Medb grumbled as she looked to the side, "Certainly that elbow didn't have enough power to go through Rank E Endurance."

It was definitely not fine.

Maybe you should buy her a teddy bear... No, maybe that'll only make her mad.

Early Troubles
[] Just keep walking. You'll figure this out later. For now you have a job to do. Time may be on the essence here.
[] You should make it up to her somehow. It might affect the thing you're on. You could manage a detour to calm her down.
[] Just give in and tell her she can do whatever she wants later if it'll make her happy. You won't get mad if she does something for the duration of one day. You owe her that much.
[] Write in...
[] You should make it up to her somehow. It might affect the thing you're on. You could manage a detour to calm her down.

She was still pretty mad. You can't continue the mission like this if she's disturbed. You're going to have to attend to her fuming even if it meant to take a detour. You didn't want her to be distracted while you were both working. You were both closing in on Emiya's safehouse so you should be able to get there if you hurried up.

However you had other ideas as you grabbed your Servant by the hand. Medb yelped but didn't pull away as you led her along. You crossed the street you were on as she kept up with you with a surprised tone.

"H-Hey! What's up?" Medb blinked in surprise.

"We're having lunch first," you said as you tried finding the nearest diner.

"Huh?! Weren't you in a hurry?" You Medb asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well not anymore. It could stand to wait for a few minutes," you assured her as you slowed down, "Do you want anything?"

"I... I guess something filling," Rider sighed as she walked by your side.

"We could grab a bite or two," you decided as you stopped by a foodstand you found by the street.

"What brought this on?" Rider frowned as she crossed her arms.

"Well... I didn't mean to hit you that hard," you said with an apologetic tone, "And you were clearly mad about it."

"I mean I am! But it's... Sort of fine now," Medb sighed as she shook her head, "It'll take more than a few treats to earn a Queen's forgiveness!"

"Yeah?" You wondered before stopping to look at her, "What will it take then?"

"Not hitting me in the gut when I show affection?" Medb huffed as she narrowed her gaze. She then walked towards you and placed a finger on your lips, "Maybe accepting it once in awhile?"

"Oh come on, man. Do I have to?" You asked with a whimper.

"Why? Scared I might bite?" Medb smirked before you grabbed her wrist and pulled her close. You managed to keep her from bumping into someone then.

She leaned close to you before you pulled away and replied, "No. You might think I'm too much. Plus your charm doesn't work on me, stupid."

"Don't call me stupid," Medb huffed as she stepped back with a haughty tone.

"So you're not mad anymore?" You asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe. Now go buy me some treats," Medb smirked as you walked to the stand to buy some waffles.

You bought one for each of you before you both took your food as you made your way to Emiya's safehouse. You finished your food while Medb still had her own once you got there, looking up at the building squeezed between two stores.

You walked up the stairs before looking through the directory. You found the man's name on it. Third floor... You and Medb entered the building and found that there were no anomalies to be detected.

Rider chose to go first while you followed her from the back. She seemed to be in a better mood than before and was happily humming under her breath. You can't help but feel relieved somehow.

The two of you reached the third floor and came across the room Emiya should be staying at. Medb knocked twice as you stopped by her side and there was no answer from within.

"Maybe he's in the bathroom?" Medb wondered with a raised eyebrow.

"Saber would have answered," you pointed out before you looked down the doorknob and turned it.

The door was unlocked.

"We're officially committing a crime," you breathed under your breath before you stepped in.

You were greeted by the sight of a neat looking apartment. It was tidied up as if the owner were a person living here was only staying temporarily. It wasn't all that bad but you supposed that's what Edelfelt cash could get you.

Though you expected it to be grander if you were to think of Luvia's personality. Would she really be the type to be satisfied stuffing Mr. Emiya into this small apartment? The guy probably negotiated his stay here.

"No security measures or wards. It seemed like he left in a hurry," Medb said as she shut the door behind her.

You walked through the living room and saw the bedroom. You walked towards it and unlocked the door, leading you inside. You raised an eyebrow as you saw a wall of paper and a map of the city stuck against a corkboard.

Walking in, you felt the telltale presence of Prana in the air. It seemed that Emiya had been here. You walked up to the city's map where you recognized certain points being marked by jewels. Topaz, emerald, ruby, sapphire and diamond jewelry marked certain points in the map.

You held out your hand to touch the map and felt your Magic Circuits flare without warning. You looked up to see that the map lit up, one of the jewels blinking rapidly and making you frown.

That led to a spot on the map. It was the ruby jewel that was blinking rapidly. What could it mean? You stepped back as Medb took a peek in the room you were in.

She looked at the map and frowned, "Seems like you found something."

"Yeah. That ruby is glowing a lot," you murmured as you stared at it.

"It's located east side of the city. Towards the mountains," Medb said as she crossed her arms.

"Well I guess he went there," you guessed as you scratched the back of your head.

"We can get there fast," Medb assured you as she looked out of the room, "Three minutes from here maybe?"

"Great. Another ride from the bull express," you grumbled.

"Don't diss my ride, dummy. Come on," Medb urged you as she walked out.

You blinked and followed her before stopping. You noticed a picture frame set down next to a pendant. You could feel prana coming from the pendant... Was it a mystic code like yours was?

You set the frame straight and stared at the picture. It was a photo of Emiya standing beside a beautiful black haired girl in red casual clothes. They seemed to be on a hillside smiling together underneath the blue sky.

You stared at the picture and looked at the girl. It seemed that he had people waiting for him. You'd hate to be the bearer of bad news so it was important that you found him. You took the pendant filled with magical energy and pocketed it as you followed Medb.


Medb waited for you at the roof of the apartment with her arms crossed. Catching your breath you nodded her way as pink lightning crackled and her bull manifested right before your eyes.

It shivered and snorted before letting Medb stroke it's head.

"We could be fighting there. Do you want to stop by the police station to get your weapons?" Medb asked with a raised eyebrow.

[] Contact the cops. You need some defensive measures for this trip.
[] Time's of the essence. You're going there as you are. No more detours.
Looming Darkness
[] Contact the cops. You need some defensive measures for this trip.

Even when you knew that modern weaponry could do little against possible enemies, it was still something you should have. It was at least to keep you secure while you were alone and it could be useful for when you're in a pinch. You never knew what you could be encountering there that could make Emiya so late.

You and Medb soared over the city before hooking towards the police station. You managed to get there in a minute or so and found that there was a police van waiting for you at the parking lot on the back. The police chief and a few of his trusted men were there as the bull landed before them.

"You sure this is okay?" You asked Medb before the two of you hopped off the beast.

"They're still under my charm. They won't remember this if I order it," Rider assured you as she turned to the cops, "Boys, nice to see you."

"Good morning, our Queen," the cops simultaneously replied in a respectful tone.

"See? Obedient like the pigs they should be," Medb giggled while turning your way.

"Not bad actually," you figured as you walked to the police van.

"We have everything you need. Please take what you'll be using," Chief Edmund replied before Medb blew him a kiss. He tensed up but kept a professional air as he opened the van's backdoor.

You were greeted by the sight of weapons. Automatic rifles, shotguns and handguns greeted you as you whistled in response. You picked up a pump action shotgun and immediately drew knowledge from within yourself. You shook your head before putting it down. Scathach was going to give you an earful for that but you can't help it! It just happens!

"Would it be better if we sent some men with you? From the message it would seem that you would need support," Edmund suggested by your side.

"It'll just cause needless death. We'll handle it as best we can," you replied as you picked up a couple of flash grenades and weighed them in your hand, "Just make sure no one knows about this."

"Of course, Miss Brie," Edmund bowed lightly as you took a utility belt which you strapped around yournwaist.

Sliding in a couple of flash grenades and magazines, you holstered a new handgun before you held a stick. You swung it to the side and watched it extend and crackle with 1 Millon volts.

"Oooh, pretty," Medb purred as she stared at your baton.

"It's not going to hurt Conrad but it's going to give any Leeches something to think about. I could use some black keys but we don't have time. This place was the closest," you said as the cops shut the van.

"Will there anything you need us to do, Mistress?" Edmund asked before Medb turned to him with a smile.

She tapped his scarred face and smirked, "Tell the church to scour the mountain side for leeches. They'll understand. If you're a good boy, you'll get your reward."

She left him with a giggle before hopping up her Bull. Pulling you behind her back, you held on to her shoulders just as the beast kicked off the ground as took the to skies. The wind howled past your ears as your eyes watered from the cold air. You flew before the bull turned in the air to face the mountain.

You went fast. Faster than when Scathach took you on her bike but you weren't in danger of flying off as long as you held on to Rider's shoulders. You both began your descent towards the mountain before Medb zeroed on what looked like an abandoned skiing resort. It was a little ways off from the main highway and seemed to be perched quite high in the mountainside.

The bull landed on its premises and kicked up snow upon impact. You let go of Medb as the two of you hopped down on the snow. You both stared at the resort and immediately felt a change in the air upon arriving. Medb walked forward and touched the air, only to have it shimmer.

"Bounded field," Rider guessed as she turned your way.

You drew your gun and nodded, "Let's take it slow."

She smiled as she held out her hand and had her riding crop appear. Swinging it, she tore through the shimmering air and walked through it. You followed after her to see that the sun had vanished to be replaced by gray storm clouds. The blue skies were hidden away and the air turned dreadfully cold.

Your breath smoked as you turned the flashlight attached to your handgun on for some light. You stepped forward and strained your ears to hear what was in your surroundings.

"No sign of anyone here," you replied as you looked around, "Rider, stay close."

"Ugh. This place sucks," Medb scoffed at the ruined resort's appearance. You looked around and walked towards the front door of the main building.

It seemed that there were footprints leading inside. You opened it and kept your gun raised while Rider crossed her arms beside you. The air was undisturbed for quite a time. You both turned down the corner and looked down to see blood splatters on the floor.

Kneeling down, Rider inspected it before frowning, "It's old but wet."

"How'd you know?" You asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"I've been to many battlefields. I also like seeing handsome guys bleed. I know what blood could look like. This isn't normal though," Rider said as she got up.

"It certainly isn't Emiya's blood. Let's keep looking," you told her as she looked down the hall.

"A fight happened here, that much I could tell," Rider said as she looked into the weathered rooms and offices.

You kept walking and ended up outside once more. The lodges were up the mountain but there were the recreation areas too. You lowered your gun and holstered it.

"Rider can you make a few Warriors? We can have them split up and clear out the area," you suggested as you turned to her.

"Sure," Medb replied as she pricked her finger with her ornate knife.

Droplets of blood fell on the ground and out emerged ten armored and muscled warriors wielding spears and axes. Medb clapped her hands once and placed a hand on her hip.

"Go forth in groups of three. Search the area for living humans and bring them to me. Should you be engaged in battle, blow your horns. Go!" Medb ordered as she tapped her riding crop on her palm.

The Warriors rushed towards the points of interest in the vicinity.

"Luvia's going to be so mad when she hears about this," you breathed as you looked around.

"Let's go searching too," Medb said as she smiled your way, "We could kill time better that way."

"Fine..." You nodded as you had the entire area to investigate. Where could Emiya be?

Looming Darkness
[] Go up a little further the mountain. Make sure you cover the area there.
[] Go back to the main building. Maybe you can find more blood trails there.
[] Visit the lodges. The Warriors should be there but you want to be thorough.
[] Look into the recreation area. There were Warriors there but they might need help looking in there.
[] There's a solitary warehouse to the far side of the resort. You could check in there for anything interesting.
Mad Snow
[] Go up a little further the mountain. Make sure you cover the area there.

Staying where you were, you crossed your arms and considered your options. It'd be better if you searched with the Warriors too. You and Medb started moving towards the spots that the Warriors didn't go to. You decided to start with the top of this mountainside.

Trudging through the snow, the two of you as ascended carefully while the Warriors checked their various positions. Medb's abilities were pretty handy in this sort of situation. You climbed as your boots dug into the snow until the mountainside plateaued.

It seemed you eventually came across a barrier to the actual skiing range but the barrier had been knocked down. It seemed that there were traces of something being dragged here. You and Medb glanced at one another before you both moved on. You both went through the skiing area and waded through the snow to the dense patch of trees just ahead.

It was cold but there was nothing at least. The Warriors would have sounded their horns if they found something. Medb walked by your side as she scanned the area before the two of you noticed markings on the trees. Glyphs?

You both stared at it before you narrowed your eyes. It looked like an Asian script. Chinese? Your eyes widened when it suddenly glowed blood red as a rush of prana erupted from the ground, spreading outwards. A vicious gust of wind blew through the trees as you and Rider tensed up.

"We got company," she chuckled as she held her riding crop.

You saw gray wolves rush through the treeline and dart towards you in a pack. Baring their sharpened teeth and claws, their eyes were crazed and blood red as they moved. You blinked in surprise before one jumped to rip off your throat.

Rider stepped between you two and sliced it with her riding crop. The beast tumbled through the air as blood caked the ground. You drew your gun and turned to aim at the sprinting beasts.

One of them broke off while another went for Rider. Two more came from your sides before you and your servant moved. You charged the wolf and punched three bullets into its body before you dodged past it in a sloppy roll.

Rider carefully dispatched the ones after her before turning your way "Brie!"

"I'm fine!" You snapped as you held your baton and swung it to the side. One wolf charged with a frenzied snarl before you smashed it's skull with the stun baton.

Raising your gun, your instincts guided your senses as you fired twice at the next beast coming your way. It tumbled and slid before you just as you zapped the animal with your baton.

Rider crushed the skull of a wolf with a backhand and sent it flying into a tree where you blew its brains out. You went back to Rider's side as you heard howls come from all around you.

The two of you made your way through the woods as you noticed more of that Asian symbol. It took you a moment to identify it but it seemed Chinese in origin? The symbols turned red in response to your movement through the woods. The sound of a war horn echoed behind you making Medb pause.

"They'll have to manage. Hopefully they'll be fine," Medb said before she grabbed your arm and pulled you along.

The two of you kept running until you reached the edge of the woods. You were then greeted by the sight of a full moon. What had been daytime turned gray heavens was no deep night as you walked out of the forest. You couldn't help but be captivated by it before Rider brought you back.

Wolves gathered by groups but this time Medb was ready. She splashed her blood on the ground and summoned two Druids to guard you both.

"Burn them!", She ordered as the Druids drew runes in the ground, calling forth a firestorm which snapped the beasts out of their conditioning.

The pillars of fire faded out of sight before vanishing entirely. The Druids turned to Medb and bowed, awaiting her next orders as she smiled in satisfaction. You turned to catch sight of something you failed to notice upon escaping the forest.

"Hey Medb. You know Dracula?" You asked her as you stared at the building attached to the side of the mountain.

"The Grail told me it's a novel about a powerful vampire. Fictitious however but based on a real person," Rider replied as she stood by your side.

The two of you stared at an ancient castle clinging to the side of the mountain as if it had been unceremoniously placed there. It was a grand yet threatening piece of architecture that spelled a feeling of dread at the pit of your stomach. Towering spires reached for the skies as glass stained windows cast an eerie glow from within.

You didn't see this thing from the air before. Could a bounded field truly hide something this huge so easily? You couldn't help but feel lightheaded just thinking about the logistics of making such a base... A base.

"Bet. It's Caster's territory," you suggested with a low hiss.

"Sucker's bet," Medb scoffed as you both stared at the castle.

"Goddammit Emiya, what did you get yourself into?" You growled as you holstered your gun, "I'm starting to get sick of vampires."

"Want me to blow it up?" Medb asked as she casually took out Caladbolg from her side.

"Well what if Emiya is in there?! You'll blow him up too!" You pointed out with a shrill voice. You grabbed her hand and lowered it, "Why don't we try knocking first?"

"I say we blow it up," Rider decided as she crossed her arms, "We'll get Caster in the blast too hopefully."

"No! No means no, got it?" You hissed as you glared at her.

"Well aren't you two being rather sweet-"


You whirled around and shot a familiar blonde haired Apostle between the eyes. He staggered back while chuckling before the bullet was spat out from his forehead.

"Ah, that stung," Conrad chuckled as he raised his head, "I was just saying hello."

"Hi to you too. Now fuck off," you barked as you kept your gun raised.

"Chill! Chill, chill, chill. Come on now, you don't have to be like that," Conrad said as he stepped back with his hands up, "I never meant you harm didn't I? I could have killed you two whenever I wanted."

"No we expected someone to show up. It just had to be you, Leech," Rider growled as she tightened her grip on the spiral sword.

"Well you see we had a pretty bad guest before you. He found Caster's Undead Farm and was very angry," Conrad said with a friendly tone, "He took his complaints to our Boss but she shut him up. Now she doesn't have any interest in him but Saber got away."

"Where's this going?" You frowned as you kept your gun fixed between his eyes.

"Well Saber hasn't turned up yet and the guy isn't in the position to speak due to a gag. So no command seals here but! All we want is Saber dead. Soooo," Conrad said as he spread his arms, "We want you to go kill Saber for us and we'll let that dapper man g-"

"Burn him," Medb ordered as the Druids called forth fire once more to envelop the Vampire.

Conrad jumped high to escape the inferno before landing a few feet away. You fired twice at him only to dodge the bullets as if they were softball throws. The Apostle's eyes emitted a rust colored glow as he laughed.

The fire chased him before he moved away.

"Great. This just keeps getting better and better," you sighed as you holstered your gun.

"Plan?" Rider asked as the Druids kept the Apostle busy.

"I'm thinking," you hissed as you bit your thumb. That stupid man getting jumped like this, no wonder Luvia sent you to clean up.

How do you approach this?


You perked up and turned to the castle to see someone running like the wind. You saw Emiya carrying a girl in his arms while being chased by shadowy figures. He ran through the snow as fast as he could before he saw you. His eyes were driven by fear as you saw what were chasing him.

Belials. They were in the middle of twisting and mutating into more abominable forms.

Shirou Emiya ran like the wind.

He was yelling.


Conrad landed on his feet with an impressed whistle, "Wow he got out of Caster's cage. Slippery fellow."

"RUN! RUN DAMMIT RUN!" Shirou Emiya, Freelance Magus and Champion of Justice shouted as he was being chased by six foot tall lumbering Dead Apostles.

He was being powered by his reinforcement while keeping the girl in his arms secured. He sprinted as fast as his legs could take him. A fireball caught Conrad on the head before you and Medb acted.

"YOU FUCKING OWE US FOR THIS, EMIYA!" you screamed as you all dashed to the woods.

"NO TALKING! JUST RUN!" Emiya shouted back as Medb kept up with the two of you.

"Shit! They're getting close!" Medb hissed as she glanced back.

"Rider!" You snapped as you decided.

Mad Snow
[] Bull Time! Time to fly out of here on a magic bull! That should be a good exit.
[] Keep running. Hopefully Saber will pop out to join you with all the commotion.
[] Buy time. Have Medb summon groups of Warriors as meat shields. You'll buy time for Emiya to escape with his cargo.
[] Say something snarky about how if Emiya had the time rescuing princesses from castles, he could have thought this through like a sensible fucking adult!
[] Write in...
Between You and Me
[] Bull Time! Time to fly out of here on a magic bull! That should be a good exit.
-[] Make sure not to leave Shirou or his damsel behind though, Luvia surely won't be happy if you do.

"Rider! Bull! Get us out of here!" You yelled as you sprinted behind Emiya.

"I can't bring him out while on the run! He needs time to adjust!" Medb replied as the Belials toppled trees behind your group.

"Emiya! Will Saber catch up?" You asked as you vaulted over a log.

"He'll make his way back! He's far from here already! No need to wait!" Emiya answered as he carried the girl in his arms.

"Rider!" You yelled again.

"On it!" Rider screamed as she jumped and a rift appeared beneath her. A thunderous noise erupted and a charging bull managed to catch a Belial with it's skull, sending the monster flying to the side.

Medb landed on its back as it mowed down tree after tree. She patted it's head as it whined before she grabbed you by the back of your clothes. You yelped as you landed behind her.

Turning to Emiya beside you, he grit his teeth and jumped. The bull adjusted to catch him and have the man land behind you. He nearly fell when you grabbed him by the shirt before you held on to Medb.

"Now!" You ordered as the bull escaped the forest and soared to the skies. The bull gained speed before shooting upwards with greater force.

It pierced through the layered bounded field and you were greeted by sunlight. A streak of white cut through the skies as Rider moved through the heavens and left the Darkside of the mountain behind. You looked at where Caster's territory was and tried to forget about it.

That place was nightmarish.

"Thanks. Your timing... Was great," Emiya breathed as he met your gaze.

"Don't thank me. Thank Luvia. I'm more scared of her than whatever Caster is up to. So be grateful okay?" You wheezed as Medb hit high altitude before descending.

"Where's Saber? Is he going to be fine? Hate to see that guy die," Medb asked from the front.

"He'll rendezvous with us once we're in the clear. He can take care of himself. Plus I'll know if he's in danger," Emiya assured her as he let out a sigh of relief.

"You have a lot to explain to Luvia when we land," you breathed as you shook your head.

Emiya winced before looking to the side, "Actually I have a favor to ask."

"Ohhhh favors. I love favors," Rider giggled with a cruel smile.

"What is it?" You frowned.

"Please don't tell Luvia about... Her," Emiya said as he looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms.

"Why?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It'll cause misunderstandings and will possibly bring more trouble to us," Emiya said before he gave you a serious look.

"Is she your other girlfriend?" You asked the obvious question.

"No! I found her as a prisoner in that castle. I'll help her get back to where she needs to be but I can't have Luvia breathing down my neck," Emiya said with a pleading tone, "She may be an innocent girl and I don't want to have Edelfelt agents stalking her when I leave her."

"Dude... Is this a thing you do?" You blinked in surprise.

"Luvia tends to stick her nose into my business but that comes with the territory of being the one funding my operations," Emiya sighed as he shook his head, "That includes harassing people I save. So please, just throw her off. Can you do that?"

Between You and Me
[] You're obligated to tell Luvia about what happened. Can't risk her find out about you lying. The woman's terrifying... And she money!
[] You'll keep it a secret. But he really owes you a lot now. He'll be cooking you dinner from now on.
[] You can't decide. At least not until it was worth reporting to Luvia. You'll wait until the girl is awake and you question her yourself.
[] Write in...
Honored Guest
[] You can't decide. At least not until it was worth reporting to Luvia. You'll wait until the girl is awake and you question her yourself.

You considered it for a moment before sighing. This was really way beyond what you agreed on but still you're a big softie. Medb's going to laugh at you. No, scratch that, she was already giggling in front of you before you grit your teeth. You would have kicked her off had she not been the desginated driver of your trip.

Still this was something you can't decide on at the moment. You needed to judge her yourself if she'll be fine. You're certain Luvia was just looking out for the man if he was this dumb but still... You'll check her out yourself.

"I'll talk to her when she wakes up. Let's use my safehouse," you replied as you met Emiya's gaze, "If she's fine, then I'll keep it a secret. But if not, I'll tell Luvia."

"Thank you," Emiya sighed in relief as he managed a small smile.

"I don't hate how you live your life being a superhero but we're only human. You can't just throw yourself at every problem expecting to come out okay," you said with a grave concern in your voice.

Emiya simply kept his smile and replied, "It's not the first time I was told that."

"A repeat offender. Great," you scoffed as you shook your head, "Whatever, man. I'm not your babysitter."

"Right. I apologize," Emiya said in a downcast manner. What a helpless old man...

Dammit you almost felt sorry for lecturing him like this. It annoyed you as you crossed your arms and looked ahead. Medb simply giggled under her breath while she drove her bull through the skies.


You were back in your safehouse after landing on the roof of the building. No one saw you thankfully so whatever fancy tricks she was using was concealing the fact that there was a flying bull around the city.

Emiya was out in the living room alongside Medb. They were going to be waiting for Saber to show up. As a precaution, you glared at Medb very hard as you left her with the older gentleman knowing her tendencies.

"I swear to God, if you seduce him-"

"What's soooo wrong, Master?"

"You want me to be turned into a pancake by the Drill Headed Amazon woman?!"

"Ah, but he's just so charming, you know? He's going to be the dandy type oncx he gets gray hair."

"Medb I will smash Aegis into your face."

"Relax, okay? I'm just playing around. If your jealous, just say so!"

"I am- Who the hell am I jealous about?!"

"Me of course!"


"I am low on mana~!"

"Don't make me come out there!"

These exchanges continued for a bit while you were trying to make your newest guest comfortable. She was still unconscious but she seemed all right from a first glance. Her complexion was healthy and she didn't seem to be too hurt.

She was wearing what seemed to be just normal casual clothes for the cold weather. Her long brown hair was tied into twintails. Her coat was worn over what seemed to be a comfortable looking sweater beneath. You had set her down for half an hour now and watched over her.

There was nothing abnormal about her but... You can't help but feel something off about her. The gears in your mind tuned as you stared at her before taking the pair of glasses you found in her pocket. Reading glasses...

"Not vampire food but kept as a prisoner..." You breathed as you stared at her face, "Who are you..?"

It was then you felt the room shift in atmosphere and the girl's eyes slowly opened. What you saw was a willful blaze... Or was it just your imagination. Whatever the case you blinked and noted that the girl was indeed awake sporting a rather confused expression. She had a cold expression as she met your gaze before frowning.

"I'm Brie. It's a bit hard to explain but I think you're saved from wherever my friend picked you up. Don't worry, I didn't kidnap you," you said with your best smile and calming tone.

Great job, buster.

"I see. That man got me out?" The girl guessed as she slowly recalled.

"If you mean Emiya, yes. He was the one who got you out," you told her with a nod. You smiled and held out your hand, "Sorry about the suddenness of everything. Nice to meet you though."

"....." She stared at you hard for a moment before you tilted your head in confusion. She blinked as well before sighing in relief, "Apologies. I was discerning if you truly were not another madwoman."

"I... Get that a lot," you replied with a weak laugh.

"Akuta," the girl said making you raise an eyebrow.

"Huh?" You managed to say as you glanced at her.

"My name is Akuta Hinako. I was a part of a hiking group going up the mountain. We were attacked during the time we made camp... I believe I was the only one left," the girl said as she turned her gaze down, "The authorities... Had they been notified?"

"W-Wait, hold on. When were you caught? What happened back there?" You asked her with a frown.

"We set out at the first of December... Days have passed since then," the girl replied as she simply looked tired, "I apologize... A lot has happened."

"R-Right..." You managed to say. A hiking group... It matched the missing people posters you saw in Emiya's place.

Not only that but Conrad mentioned a corpse pile he was grabbing undead from... Were those Belials all made from people just twisted by Caster's magecraft? No... It had to be some fucked up branch of necromancy.

Fucking vampires...

Caster had to go somehow. Archer's hunting her down too so maybe you can drop a hint for him? Too dangerous... Launching an assault on that castle was going to be a pain not only for you physically but there's your prana reserve to note. You'd need an army and if Medb made an army you might die from giving too much energy.

You had to ask Emiya about this later and see if you could both make a plan. This can't continue or else more people will turn into toys for Caster to play with.

"Whatever the case, you're safe now. Just rest up, okay?" You told her as you nodded. You stepped back before asking, "Do you want me to get you anything?"

The girl stared at you then before looking aside, "Just... Something to drink."

"Right. I'll be back," you replied as you turned to the door and walked out into the living room.

Fortunately Medb kept her hands to herself in the corner but she was looking at Emiya hard. The man knew this and had trouble ignoring her, only to look happy to see you come out to his rescue.

Good. Everything hasn't burned down.

"How is she?" Emiya asked in a concerned tone.

"I'm not a doctor but she's lethargic. She asked for something to drink so I'm getting her water. She's a mess but she's not injured," you reported as you made your way to the open kitchen and grabbed a glass.

You took a pitcher out the fridge and poured some water into the glass as you continued.

"I think she just needs rest. Were there any survivors up in that place?" You asked Emiya with a raised eyebrow.

"I... The warehouse. It had the corpses of lost hikers. That much I confirmed," Emiya answered with a grim tone, "Still, thanks for looking after her."

"There's still the thing about Magi law, Emiya. If she's involved, you'll have to wipe her memories somehow. Do you have anything handy?" You wondered as you walked by him.

"I do. I know my line of work, Brie... Still, Caster's not going to sit around knowing we took her. If she was kept there then it must be for some reason," Emiya said with a suspicious look.

"We can expect an attack... That's if she's stupid. Would she really leave that territories of hers instead of just sending her meatheads?" You suggested with a frown.

"I don't know. Still, can you notify the church that we found the Apostle's den? They'll be interested in knowing at least and maybe we can have Ruler stop the Grail War to get Caster," Emiya said as he met your gaze.

"Caster hasn't made moves that will jeopardize the war. Even the killings she's doing and abominations are in line. I doubt Ruler will intervene... We'll just make her mad since she'll want to help but can't," you sighed as you shook your head.

"So what do we do now and what about the girl?" Medb chimed in from the side.

"I'll take care of her. I have some connections I can pull without alerting Luvia. She'll be safer with me and Saber... Caster might want her back," Emiya decided with a determined look on his face.

Honored Guest
[] His choice. You've done your part. The girl seemed harmless if weakened from her time in that castle. He can take care of her. Caster's not going to mess with him head on.
[] No. You'll keep an eye on her. Professional Magi he may be but you feel like it'd be better if you could keep an eye on her. Emiya isn't exactly the bastion of responsibility (... Not that you can talk.)
[] What if you used the girl as bait and ambushed Caster? That could work. It was certainly a very Medb plan that the Queen would agree.
[] Speed Dial Luvia now. Emiya was gonna do something dumb again. Better tattle now than later!
Brie the Snitch
[] Speed Dial Luvia now. Emiya was gonna do something dumb again. Better tattle now than later!

You stared at him before setting down the glass of water you had on hand. Emiya blinked before he saw you take out your phone. He realized too late what was happening before Medb grabbed him behind his back as you held up your phone to him as you showed Luvia's number.

His eyes widened and you've never seen a grown man so scared as he slowly shook his head, "Don't. Brie, please don't."

"Hail Hydra," you replied as you hit the speed dial.

There wasn't even a ring before it was picked up by a familiar haughty voice.

"Yes? This is Edelfelt."

"I have Emiya. He's planning on doing something dumb again," you quickly reported as Emiya's eyes widened.

"It's not what you think, Luvia-san. I was just helping someone!" Emiya said as he struggled to break free from Medb's hold.

"He could be in danger of attracting Caster's attention but he doesn't care. He already got caught and barely escaped but he's gonna try it again," you continued while the redhead shook his head.

"I have a plan! Please don't do anything hasty!" Emiya said before Medb yawned as two Celtic Warriors appeared by her side and grabbed the man by his shoulders.

".... I see. Thank you for your hard work, Miss Brie. It seems that I can trust you better now. An admirable job. Ah, but Shero?"

Emiya winced at the tone Luvia's voice took.

"Consider your funding for your next mission halved. Also this will reach Tohsaka and Pendragon. Expect a call later."

Emiya looked like someone just cut off his strings and fell limp. Poor guy.

"We had our agreement that I will indulge your heroics but not at the cost of your own life. Tohsaka is already insufferable and I'd hate to make it worse. Not only that but be more responsible! You're going to be Father after all. You have things to leave behind if you die."

Emiya tried to say something but found that the words died in his throat before they could escape. He simply kept his silence before the Warriors let him go. He let out a sigh and nodded as if someone has splashed water in his face.

If it was the only way to make him stay put then you'll do it. You took no pleasure from this before you turned off the speaker and placed your phone on your ear.

"This is Brie. Target has been calmed down," you said as the Warriors dragged Emiya to the sofa where he could think, "Still you don't hold back, do you?"

"Give me a report of what happened."

It wasn't a request but an order. You sighed before you explained what you knew. From the abandoned resort, to the wolves and the castle you saw hidden beneath layers of bounded fields. You reported how Saber was still missing and Emiya had brought with him a girl he saved from Caster's castle.

That caused something to shatter on the other end of the line.

"That fool! No wonder he's in danger of Caster's wrath. Stupid, stupid man!"

"It's fine. I'll keep watch over him until Saber gets here. I'm just trying to keep Rider from seducing him in his moment of weakness," you replied as you glanced at your Servant eyeing the older gentleman like a cat would a mouse.

You should have gotten some pocket cheese.

"Make sure she doesn't. Now, the girl. What can you tell me about her?"

"Civilian named Akuta Hinako. She was part of a hiking trip up the mountain but her group was attacked presumably by Caster's minions. She's the only survivor by virtue of being taken alive and locked up in the castle. She's unhurt but she's weak," you briefly explained as you stared at the glass of water on the table before you.

"And what are your insights?"

"Caster wanted her for something most likely. Whatever it was she was being kept alive for it... But..." You said as you looked down at your left hand.

"What is it?"

"Can't place where I saw her before. I don't know, I'm not exactly doing well either. I had to run from zombies on steroids," you growled before composing yourself.

".... Hand the phone to Shirou. I need to talk to him. Keep an eye on the civilian for now."

You grunted in affirmation before walking to the dazed man and handed him the phone. He took it and spoke into it.

"Yes? Hello?" He managed to start.

Rider waved at you then as you took the glass and walked back into the bedroom. The girl was still there waiting, perking up upon seeing you. She was studying your with a calculating look while you walked towards her with the glass in hand.

"Here, I brought you something to drink," you said as you handed it to her.

"Thank you," Hinako replied as she accepted the glass and took a sip.

"You must have had it pretty bad back in that place. You look like you're really thirsty," you said with a sad look, "Can you tell me what happened there?"

Hinako was quiet for a moment before she replied, "I was only questioned by this woman with black and white hair. A madwoman. She simply said that I was a good specimen for her works and hoped to create what she was destined to do. They took my blood and kept me imprisoned in a cell or chained to a wall. I had... Started to lose hope until I was saved unexpectedly."

Create? What the hell was Caster doing in that place? Blood of a girl like Hinako and the corpses of a hundred people? What made this girl so special in particular?

"You'll be all right now but as of the moment you can't leave our sights yet. That madwoman you mentioned, she may just come back for you," you said as you glanced at the girl, "We'll make sure she doesn't before we let you go back to your home."

"I... I would appreciate that," Hinako replied as she politely bowed her head.

"It's not safe here anymore... Guess I'll have to move again," you sighed as you stepped back.

Hinako reached out and grabbed your left hand. You tensed in surprise before she asked you a question, "Tell me. What's going on? Why is this happening? Who is that woman and were my companions killed?"

You flinched at her questions before you felt your command seals sting for a moment. Or... Did it? You're not sure either way but the girl seemed to be starting to panic.

"I can't really explain it but you're safe now and that's all that matters. Knowing more could be dangerous for you. I know it's too much to ask right now but please trust us," you asked her as you squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"I see..." Hinako murmured as she lowered her head, "Okay I'll trust you for now... You seem like a person that could be trusted."

You blinked at that before managing a small smile, "Thanks. Just rest up for now. We'll be changing locations soon."

You turned away and walked to the door. Once you were out, you saw Emiya seated on the sofa with a contemplative look while Medb was helping herself to some ice cream. Emiya glanced at you and held out your phone.

"How was the call?" You asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Could be better... You really put me on the spot," Emiya chuckled as he had a weak smile.

"No regrets. Better than having your blood in my hands. Still, isn't Saber taking too long? He might be lost," you frowned as you looked at the front door.

"You're right. He hasn't been in contact with me," Emiya said with a concerned tone.

"We could go look for him," Medb suggested from the side as she scooped a spoonful of ice cream.

"I'll go. You two stay here in case Caster comes," Emiya said as he got up.

"You're the one she wants dead, dummy," you said as you crossed your arms.

Brie the Snitch
[] Send Rider with Emiya on his search. He'll have support at least if anything happens. Provided Medb doesn't try anything funny with him... Luvia's going to kill you if it happens.
[] You'll go out to find Saber. It's much safer for everyone that way even if you just want to stay at home. You have lower chances of being jumped.
[] Write in...
Evening Curtains
[] Send Rider with Emiya on his search. He'll have support at least if anything happens. Provided Medb doesn't try anything funny with him... Luvia's going to kill you if it happens.

He can't go out alone without a Servant. The least you could do was make sure he was going to be all right. You didn't want any noble Magus houses hunting you down because he died. No. You're going to do this correctly.

"You can go but be quick. Rider will accompany you," you decided to which Medb silently pumped her fist.

"I can handle myself. Besides, you might be in danger," Emiya said as he stood up.

"I can manage an hour without my servant. Besides, I have my command seals," you replied as you crossed your arms, "You however have a target on your forehead. Rider can provide support and if you get killed, she can run back and report to me."

"You say the most comforting words, huh?" Emiya snarked with his arms crossed.

"Saber's most likely trying to lose his pursuers. Rider can give you both a quick getaway if you take her. One word of advice," you pointed out as you held up your hand.

You walked up to him and grabbed him by the necktie and pulled him down.

"Don't ever fall for Rider's charm. If she does seduce you, Luvia will probably skin me alive and then some. My life is at stake so be a Hero and please don't get me killed," you breathed in a very terrified tone as you imagined yourself being bisected and ripped apart.

"Okay, okay. I'll stay away from her. Arm's length," Emiya said as you let him go.

You took out a pendant from your pocket and handed it to him, "I found this at your safehouse. Take it with you."

"This is..." Emiya stared at the red jewel and slowly smiled in relief. He then said, "I see..."

"It has some magical energy. I don't know why you left it but it could be useful if you're hurt," you told him with a nod.

"I see. Thanks for bringing it to me," Emiya said as he pocketed the Mystic Code. He then took out something from his other pocket and gave to you, "Here. A trade."

You stared at the dog tag in his hand which you carefully took. Lines of text began to appear on its surface before etching your name on the steel.

"It's a Mystic Code. It has some pre-built spells you may find useful. I know I did," Emiya said as he pat your shoulder, "It won't be paying my debt to you but consider it as a deposit."

"I'll take it, old man. But I'm not the type of girl that's gonna give into flattery and gifts," you said with a huff.

{Acquired Mystic Code: War Dog's Tags}
{You're free to switch Mystic Codes now}

Emiya chuckled at that before making his way for the door, "Stay safe, Brie. I'll be back."

You nodded before you glanced at Rider. She smirked before walking over to you, "Any words for me?"

"Stay safe, Medb and find me soon. I'll be taking the girl to the police station. You can find us there," You replied as you held up your fist.

"Right," Medb said cheerfully before bumping her own fist against yours, "But as a precaution I'm leaving a Druid with you. He'll follow your orders."

"Thanks," you gratefully sighed as she summoned a Druid with a droplet of her blood.

"See you later, Master," Medb giggled as she chased after Emiya.

With the door closing, you sighed before you turned to the Druid. He simply stood there with glassy eyes underneath his heavy hood. Medb took in the DNA of Warriors and used them as models for her mooks.

If these guys start looking like Emiya, you'll be so mad...

"So... You'll follow my orders, huh?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, Lady Brie," the Druid replied as he tapped his staff on the floor.

"Stay here. I'm making a call. Afterwards, get ready to leave," you said as you took out your phone.

Who needs Uber when you have cops waiting to serve you?


You were seated beside Hinako within a police mobile, driving through the city as dusk set in. The Druid Medb summoned remained intact despite how far she was and was seated on the passenger seat up front while the police officer under Medb's charm drove quietly.

Now that you thought about it, it was a pretty eerie scene but Hinako was taking it surprisingly well. She only seemed confused rather than terrified or panicky. She simply say quietly beside you as she looked out the window.

"So... You're acquainted with the police?" She asked before turning her gaze your way.

"Sort of. Sorry I can't really talk much about it but they should be willing to help us be safe," you replied with a nervous tone.

"... No. They won't be enough. These humans are only fodder to what that woman can bring if she truly wished to take me," Hinako said as she closed her eyes.

"Right. But it's better than nothing," you replied as you shook your head, "Still, humans?"

"Forgive me. My English still requires practice," Hinako said as she bowed her head.

Emiya could speak it fluently. Well he was an old guy. Maybe he had time to study well. You waved off Hinako's worries and simply laughed it off.

"It's fine! No one would blame you for it," you assured her before leaning back on your seat, "But you're probably right about that. They won't be enough but it's the best we have at the moment."

"What I've seen were monsters taller than the common man tear apart my companions. You will need stronger people than the police, you know?" Hinako pointed out as she grimaced.

"I'm not exactly swimming in friends right now. But don't worry. Those monsters can be stopped if you hit them hard enough," you replied as you looked ahead, "I'm starting to wish I didn't send Rider off."

Hinako simply stared at you before you brought your hands together. Maybe you should have stayed at the apartment after all... If Caster hit you now while you're in transit you're pretty much fucked. Wow, you're more nervous than you first expected.

"Are you afraid?" Hinako asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I am. But strategically, I have more allies at the station. It's my second primary hub. The officers can help delay Caster while I get Rider back. It's better protected than the apartment we were in at least," you replied as you shook your head, "What am I saying? You won't get it."

"And even now you're prioritizing my safety even when you're afraid?" Hinako frowned at that before pointing out, "You could be smart and just leave me behind."

"That's true. But I'm not that morally bankrupt..." You said as you shook your head, "Though I admit I did think it once or twice."

"Why didn't you?" Hinako wondered.

"Because enough innocent people died in this stupid thing already. Adding another number in the pile just leaves a bad taste in my mouth," you answered as you stuck your tongue out.

The girl by your side sighed in relief, "I see. That's good. Then I'm reassured at the very least."

The car drove towards the station while nightfall began to arrive.


Edmund wasn't in his office so you decided to use it. No one questioned you or turned to stop you and Hinako. Even the Druid wasn't accosted as he simply trailed behind you. You stopped in place before turning to the Druid.

"Secure the station. I don't know what you have in your kit but make the whole place as secure as it can be," you ordered before the Druid bowed and tapped it's staff in the wooden floor.

A burst of prana coursed through the walls and ceilings as you looked up. Hinako remained in her seat with a surprised look at what was going on.

"Magic?" She wondered with a curious tone.

"Not really. Also don't call it that, you'll make some people angry. I'd explain it but it might just put you in danger," you said as you faced towards her.

"I can see why such a thing would be a closely guarded secret... Are the officers under your spell too?" Hinako asked with a frown.

"It's not exactly ethical but yeah. It's the only reason why we can use this place," you explained as you crossed your arms, "Don't worry, it'll be fine."

You took out your phone and looked at the message you just received. It was from Emiya.

Still no sign of Saber. Sorry we're taking too long. Rider has been chatty. She said we'll meet at the station. See you there.
-Emiya S.

What a guy.

"Looks like we'll be stuck here for a bit. If we're lucky we can lie low for now," you sighed as the Druid did his thing.

"You seem used to this sort of thing. I never would have taken you for one to live like this. You seemed more... cowardly," Hinako said as she gave you a scrutinizing look.

"Well if things went my way, I am. But with how things are, I'm sort of forced into this role," you said as you sat on the Chief's desk.

"How unfortunate. A shame. Perhaps I could be of some help but getting involved would no doubt make me the target of forces unseen," Hinako stated as she leaned back on her chair.

"Savvy one, aren't you?" You noted as you crossed your arms, "It's just that we're right in the crosshairs of one such force but if we make it through, they'll be the only ones we'll worry about."

Hinako studied your expression before nodding, "I understand. I'll trust your judgement."

"No pressure," you breathed with a nervous tone.

Maybe the church would have been the better choice than the station? You're not sure how they would take a civilian knowing about this whole mess.

Evening Curtains
[] Step out of the office and get some food from the vending machine. If Rider and Emiya will take long, you'll need to feed Hinako with something.
[] You're low on ammunition. You might need to go down the Armory and get some more. Maybe you can take a bigger gun just in case something needed to be shot at
[] Just stay in the office with Hinako. You'll need to keep an eye on her for awhile and leaving would probably be a bad idea.
[] Write in...
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[] Just stay in the office with Hinako. You'll need to keep an eye on her for awhile and leaving would probably be a bad idea

Leaving now would be a bad idea considering everything. Plus you can't just rely on the Druid to pull Hinako out if there was danger. Though you didn't have anything special to do as a Magus, you did know how to run very fast. That's the plan anyway, you did feel sorry for the cops that you were going to use as Meat Shields.

Hinako was staying put where she was, staring at the Druid working his Magecraft in order to fortify the defenses of the police station. You figured that it would be faster if Medb were to have given you two of these guys. Still, he'll have to do for now.

You waited for now. Rider should be getting back soon. You just wondered what was taking them so long. You really did trust Medb but God, she was too frisky. It then dawned to you that the last time she had fun was when you were with Scathach. She's expended quite a bit of Prana then.

Was Emiya going to be all right?

It was then Hinako stood by your side and tapped your shoulder.

"Hyah!" You yelped in surprise before looking at her. You didn't notice her move one bit. She was just there beside you.

"You seem to have the habit of getting lost in your thoughts," she pointed out with the same calculative look in her eyes.

"And you must be fun in parties," you accidentally snarked back before you shut your mouth.

"I'm never one to mingle with others anyway. People. I never did grow to like others..." Hinako said as she placed her hands in her pocket, "Or to be with them."

"Ah. Well I'm not really against being by myself too but I don't dislike being with others," you replied as you glanced her way.

Hinako narrowed her look and said, "I never took you for the type."

"What about you? You don't seem to be the really bookish type. Reasons for introversion aside," you pointed out with a shrug.

"Have you had your eyes checked?" Hinako frowned as she crossed her arms, "What do you mean by that?"

"Well... It's your eyes. They look so fiery," you observed as you stared at her, "They seem strong and willful. It contrasts with your appearance and your manners."

Hinako fell silent at that as she seemed taken aback. She lowered her head and fixed her glasses as she looked away, "You must be seeing things."

"It's no wonder that you could be so calm in this sort of situation. You're pretty tough yourself," you said with a low chuckle.

"I have to be tough. I must be if I were to survive through whatever life threw at me. Whether it be evil people or just tragedies," Hinako said as she rubbed her arm. She then met your gaze, "I do envy you."

"How so?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You can feel afraid and not break. You can be cowardly yet still do the right thing. You would protect someone even when you're powerless," Hinako said as she closed her eyes, "If only people could be like you. How ironic."

Well, you're not sure about that. You're not exactly the best person. Not only that, you're not entirely sure if you were human to begin with. People can't be like you if you're... Well, you.

"Say... What would be better?" Hinako asked as she raised her head to the ceiling, "To make people better than they are or watch them burn due to mistakes they made on their own?"

[] You think that it's better to help people and help them be better.
[] You think it's better to leave them as they are despite their mistakes. People will eventually dig their own graves.
[] You don't care, really. You just want to live quietly somewhere far from this nonsense. Maybe you'll buy a farm and raise some cows.
[] Write in...