And while we're on the topic: the twins don't have an Uncle Shinji running around.
Makes sense- I mean, even if Shinji mended his ways post-UBW, Rin and Saber wouldn't want him near the kids, on account of the whole 'tried to rape Rin' thing. If they know even the rough details of how he treats Sakura before being grailized... well, he had better have tried to mend his ways, because I really wouldn't put it past Rin to put him in a shallow grave otherwise.
Having watched the Heaven's Feel movie, the part I actually loved most was the first part, where thry set up Shirou and Sakura's relationship. It's a wonderful piece of backstory woefully lacking from the route and I am glad that UFOtable recognised that building it was to their benefit. It also made Shinji and Shirou's friendship actually believable.

And while we're on the topic: the twins don't have an Uncle Shinji running around.
The entire early flashback at the beginning was great.

My sister didn't like it which goes to show how she has shit taste. :V
Wrong, wrong and wrong. I could accuse you of maliciously bending facts to fit an agenda, that's how wrong you are.
Maybe my opening statement is wrong, but the rest? Its still valid. Shinji did the act. Also ...bending them?

So Tokiomi shopped around for a family that could use a heir.
Yes, but I recall it popped somewhere that even if Tokiomi knew, it wouldn't have really mattered, he'd still would waited for the Rin v Sakura.

Shinji, like Jason later on, was an inherently unpleasant person that was nevertheless a good person
Jason a good person. Thanks, you just made my day.

He's not a good person, or even close to it, but it's not for an inherently monstrous disposition.
Uh huh, I mean its not like he ordered Rider to setup bloodfort Andromeda and wasn't Ayako one of her victims in one of the routes?

Look I'll admit it, I haven't played the VN in years and my plans were derailed when a 2TB hdd fried my main desktop HDD and I keep forgetting to check the LP.

Anyway, the HF manga shows shinji at first, less of a little shit and more of an eager boy wanting to learn magic. He grew to be an asshole and a little shit.

If you've watched the HF movie
I haven't. Heavens Feel is the route I least prefer and out of the 3 times I played the VN fully, I only played through HF once.

Shinji wants to be in control and to be validated. Putting aside the fact Zouken told him to "deal" with Sakura, much of his treatment of her stems from a deep seated rage at what she represents relative to him: she is what he could not and would never be, she is his replacement because he was deemed defective and therefore useless.
So basically, partially of what I said on top of what I could argue in turn are sufficient crimes to jail him for some time.

Anyway, Let's not derail the thread with "Is shinji a plain asshole or he has more 'depth' to him than being an asshole". Its a discussion meant for Questionable Questing given that we touch upon very much Not Safe For Work stuff.
Let's not pretend the sole share of assholery rests on the theoi and heroes aren't assholes themselves.

For example, it's not a god who threw a baby down Troy's walls.
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"Fun to bully, more fun to silence," Gilgamesh shrugs.

SoD broken; there's no way that Gilgamesh knows who Shinji even is. Omniscient or not. :V

I am 1000000% certain that this is how Cu flirts. 1000001%, even.

Lancer shrugs. "We hit the town, have lunch, fool around, and then fight. Sounds like a great time!"
*glances up*
Did I say 1000001%? I meant 1000001%nth.

You've got that wrong!

If the "fooling around" comes before the combat, then that makes it the foreplay for the main event! There's no subtext here at all, because Cu is blatant about the sexual parts, and treats them it as an afterthought to his real passion!
Right, there's one thing I forgot about Tokiomi.

If he'd known about the worm pit, he wouldn't really have pulled Sakura.
This sounds kinda horrifying, and to be honest it kinda is.
But, the thing is, magus training is expected to be harrowing and terrible and painful and whatnot. So the worm pit, while particularly gross, is not inherently reprehensible for magus morals. If that's what's needed for Sakura to achieve her proper status as Matou heir, then it's worth it.
Like I said before, Tokiomi is the very model of the magus gentleman. In Tokiomi's eyes, the sin would lie in Sakura not getting the magical education she deserved, not in the specific methods involved.

Which goes to show why magus society is kinda fucked up but yeah.
He's not a terrible dad, but he's still the product of a rather terrible society.
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yet he remembers illya, who existed just to get ko'd by him.
Gil loves children, and now that he's in Chaldea and realises that Herk cared for her so much he's still angry about it, he realises that it may have been an awful thing to do. Still thinks it was necessary, he's not going to say attempting to cull the idiots and incompetents and weaklings was a bad idea - he's still Gilgamesh, he still doesn't suffer fools well - but even at the time, at his grumpiest, Gil didn't exactly rip her heart out with glee.
Gil loves children, and now that he's in Chaldea and realises that Herk cared for her so much he's still angry about it, he realises that it may have been an awful thing to do. Still thinks it was necessary, he's not going to say attempting to cull the idiots and incompetents and weaklings was a bad idea - he's still Gilgamesh, he still doesn't suffer fools well - but even at the time, at his grumpiest, Gil didn't exactly rip her heart out with glee.
I never said that he was heartless, just that Illya is:V