Well, there was Gilgamesh, who could cheat with his Clairvoyance . What a man.
There's a space between the . here.
"Rider nods and sips at her tea. "I suppose. Nonetheless, Shinji was absolutely worthless throughout that entire debacle."
Remove the " before Rider.
"Not now," Saber growls, seconds from releasing Strike Air and bonking everyone on the head. And for Lancer, who will dodge the table due to an unfairly strong skill, she will stab him a little. Just a little.
dodge around the table due to

Altera will always be my absolute favorite, but still.
I see you have excellent taste as well, kokuen. Have you too fully ascended, grailed and fou'd Altera in FGO?

"...I have fond memories of him before he learned to speak in complete sentences."
Strangely, I have memories of that one quest where Shinji was a genuinely good person who valued free will and the agency of choice... as he was sent off to Hogwarts at age eleven and became involved with an alchemist, body puppeteer, magical Britain, and the Order of Assassins.

It's still ongoing. Right, but that was an alternate universe Shinji, and the only one who became decent.
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Wasn't that a fic on FF?
Nrvnsqr for the quest, and Fanfiction.net for the resulting story as imagined by Alfheim Wanderer.

I think I posted blithely, because this has nothing to do with anything, besides the fact that there's a bizarre (and effective) fusion out there with Shinji as the protagonist.
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As the door slides open quietly and the wall is blasted open, Archer and Lancer both sigh as they turn to Gilgamesh. "Drink me," EMIYA sighs.

"I'll have twice what he has," Cu nods astutely.

Herakles grunts, and holds up three fingers.

Gilgamesh chuckles and shakes his head, while golden portals deposit gold-plated canned beers into their hands. "Drink, you mongrels, for today we are as brothers."

They clink their beers together, right as Altera and Arturia punch each other's fists, and the world is blown away by force.
Good thing EMIYA won't need to use Reinforcement on that Golden Beer.
There's a space between the . here.

Remove the " before Rider.

dodge around the table due to

I see you have excellent taste as well, kokuen. Have you too fully ascended, grailed and fou'd Altera in FGO?

I need horseshoes. FUCKING horseshoes.

I don't understand why they refuse to drop for me...
I need horseshoes. FUCKING horseshoes.

I don't understand why they refuse to drop for me...
The current event Knights quest drops horseshoes. At the moment, Saber class enemies are rate up so you will be able to farm both chocolates and horseshoes. I get 1 every 3 runs.

The cavalry free quest drops hearts and octoplets if you are interested in those.
Stories like these reignite my love for the basic premise of FGO: superhuman Heroes from across time gathering together to save humanity in a battle across time and space.

In between, they act like friends. Friends who want to kill each other half the time, but still friends.
Are you forgetting the whole "collected and led a bunch of heroic spirits?"

Not particularly. In Nasu he doesn't actually do anything with his position, he just stands around looking pretty. He is essentially a quest giver for the Argonauts, and pretty much all of his success can essentially be summed up as "The Argonauts did it." or "Aphrodite mind controlled Medea to get rid of a problem.". He doesn't even lead the Argonauts from what we see in Okeanus as much as he's a figurehead, all the strategy is done by Hector, and Medea Lily is the one who actually know what is going on.

Edit: Didn't notice what you said Swordo, sorry. I'll drop the topic.
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Not particularly. In Nasu he doesn't actually do anything with his position, he just stands around looking pretty. He is essentially a quest giver for the Argonauts, and pretty much all of his success can essentially be summed up as "The Argonauts did it." or "Aphrodite mind controlled Medea to get rid of a problem.". He doesn't even lead the Argonauts from what we see in Okeanus as much as he's a figurehead, all the strategy is done by Hector, and Medea Lily is the one who actually know what is going on.
He's a charisma monster however. Completely useless as a combatant but even if he's kind of an ass he did gather a crew of greater than life heroes and kept them together for far longer than it should have.

He's a dick but he had his heart in the right place and like always he was fucked over by the gods.

Herk himself considers him a friend and what better endorsement?
A/N: Just a small teaser of what Mordred and Arturia together would be like.
"Together" you say. *dabs forehead* G-go on....

Credit to @BlackHadou for making me write it.
For this, they shall receive the closest thing to the human concept of "mercy" I am capable of: They will be assigned to the SHARP guillotine during the purges.

Arturia Pendragon, King of Knights and godmother to her Masters (isn't that weird)
You say "weird," I say "delightfully transgressive." Who's to say who's right? (I am. I'm to say and I am right.)

She finds a familiar horned helm, standing slightly taller than her.
something something "Mordred's horny" something something

"What did I do to... oh, right."
I'm checking my notes here and it says... "Morgause"? Does that ring any bells, Arturia? If it helps, you can probably just blame THIS on Merlin, too.

I wasn't summoned. I made my way here just to find you.
I... have shipped people for less! MUCH less! (Hell, they've actually TALKED to each other, that puts them waaaaay ahead of some couples I ship.)

Arturia sighs. She squirms over and pats the empty space in her futon. "Here, Sir Mordred. Lay down."
Presented without further comment: Arturia inviting Mordred to join her in bed.

"Stand if you like. I just want to talk."

Awkwardly, Mordred manages to lie down on the futon in full armor, looking up at the ceiling.

"Armor off, Sir Mordred. We are a civilised people. Civilised people don't sleep in armor."
Seen here: Having gotten her into bed with her, Arturia convinces Mordred to remove some of her coverings.

"Well?" Mordred asks. She insists on looking up at the ceiling, too shy to turn her head and look her in the eye.
...wow. Chart? Chart. ChartChartChartChartChartChart

Well, at least they can try to bond now,
Yesssss. I've seen several sources that seem to illustrate that Arturia is into bond- ...ing.

"You're very cute, Sir Mordred."

This is good progress is being made. They continue laying there, looking at the ceiling, being in each other's company.
I mean... this IS some sort of present just for me, right? Because it sure feels like it!

Mordred turns to face her again, but keeps her eyes closed. "Y-You... YOU ARE ALSO VERY CUTE, FATHER!"
JUST FOR ME. ALL FOR ME. ...and The Chart, of course.

Okay, Mordred. Your next line is: "And that's why you must be MINE!"

Atalanta glances at Medea, the Princess looking intently at her crystal ball, her hood fully drawn. "What're you watching, 'dea?"

"Something amazing," she responds quickly.
Well, she's not WRONG.

"The fuck you just call me?! You want a go?"


A man in gold and a man in blue bare themselves, muscles glistening with oil and sweat, before throwing themselves at one another. All is well in the Chaldean midnight.
So... we'll just go ahead and mark Gil and Cu as canon on The Chart, then? Yeah, let's just make that happen now.

I know it's necessary for the plot going forward but fuck me it's hard
*puerile giggle*

"How did the Fifth War go, for everyone?"
Oh, THIS chapter will be a delight, I can tell already.

No one knows why Gilgamesh is interested, but he brought the drinks so no one cares.
The Golden Rule: The man in gold has the booze, so he makes the rules!

Arturia is in the unique position of agreeing that the Einzbern are assholes.
From what I understand, "They're assholes" can be applied to... just about everyone involved in the Fifth Grail War, though? ...or in the Nasu-verse as a whole, really.

My Master was a Clocktower Magus who fueled his magecraft with human sacrifice. I showed him a better way, he tried to murder me.
How DARE you try to make him stop his traditional practices! It's TRADITIONAL, so that makes it okay!

"Kotomine is an asshole, yes," Gilgamesh says idly, swirling a glass of wine, "But what an entertaining asshole he was!"
*opens mouth*
*closes mouth*
No. No. If I start making jokes about Gil and Kotomine's entertaining asshole, I'll be here all month.

Cu rolls his eyes. "I had to be in the same space as that asshole, too. But I guess he's alright now. But god damn what an asshole."
Seen here: Cu complimenting Kotomine's asshole... -ishness.

"We get it, you're obsessed with assholes." Archer rolls his eyes and scoffs.
*narrows eyes* You're not supposed to make my jokes for me, Archer.

"You want a go too?! Bring it!"
Seen here: Cu Chulainn, noted asshole obssessor, tries to convince two men at once to "bring it" and have "a go" at him.

Caster bound Assassin to the gate around this time too.
I... could stand to hear a bit more about Caster's ability to... bind Servants.

"Ah, Sasaki," Medea sighs, "He had such a clever tongue... Now if only he were a girl and more respectful. But, needs must.
*gestures wordlessly at that*
*just... gestures*

"If you wanted to kill yourself so badly, Archer, you could have just stabbed the boy full of swords."
Usually, I'd be making a joke RE: Archer and Shirou and "stabbing" with his "sword" and wondering if that counts as incest or what, but.... I'm pretty sure THAT joke's been made so much and so thoroughly that even *I* can't beat it any deeper into the ground.

Everyone at that table knows Archer is selling a load of shit. But no one is sure enough that they would call him out on that.
Which is the very definition of a well done bluff.

But only because only an idiot would try to kill himself in such a roundabout fashion despite being an Archer with access to A-Ranked Broken Phantasms.
"Why didn't you just... MURDER HIM?"
"Because... reasons! Shut up!"

Well, there was Gilgamesh, who could cheat with his Clairvoyance . What a man.
Yes. Gilgamesh is definitely a man. That, at least, is certain. You can ask Kana if you need someone to vouch for that!

EMIYA shrugs. "Can you say for certain?"
"But can you say for CERTAIN that you're certain?"
"But can you say for certain that you're CERTAIN that you're-"

Lancer killed Shirou, Rin saved his life,
That's not a very good death, then. Almost... a little one. *eyebrow waggle*

Lancer nods. "Sounds about right. That kid is tough. He doesn't die when he is killed,
Seen here:
  • Lancer complimenting someone on their ability to not be murdered by him.
  • Memery.
"I'd ask our Masters how Rin is like as a mother... but I'm worried about what I will learn."
Have... you spent a lot of time thinking about Rin as a mother, Archer? Is that something you contemplate often? What kind of things will I find if I check your search history, Archer?!

"What an asshole," Archer nods.

"Total fucking asshole," Cu agrees.

"My kind of asshole," Gilgamesh grins.
Again, the overall consensus is solid RE: Kotomine's asshole... -ishness.

"Perhaps you are simply bad at committing suicide, Archer."
Okay, I laughed.

Archer sighs. "How do you know what that is? Have you been talking to Kana?"
"I thought I told you I didn't want you talking to her. She's a bad influence!"

Alternately: "You, all right?! I LEARNED IT FROM YOU!"

"Rin and I also investigated some gas leaks that night and concluded that Caster was at Ryuudo Temple," Archer says. "It might seem like a leap in logic, but it wasn't.
"Because one of my Noble Phantasms was 'The Script of The Series.'"

"Shinji is useless," Medusa says simply, to unanimous agreement.

"What a spineless wimp," Cu remarks.

"Completely unremarkable," Medea says.

"Fun to bully, more fun to silence," Gilgamesh shrugs.
You know, when THOSE people are all in agreement about how useless you are as a human being... maybe you need to take a good, long look at yourself.

But we're also talking about Shinji, so... meh.

"You possessed his body."
*perks up* G-go on....

Fortunately Archer was around and then saved him and then slashed him.
Archer is into slash when it involves Shirou, got it.

Archer frowns. "Wait, did everyone try to attack Caster?"
I mean, an unkind person would be making some kind of joke about Caster being the Grail War's bicycle right about now.

Rider nods and sips at her tea. "I suppose. Nonetheless, Shinji was absolutely worthless throughout that entire debacle."
I sense a recurring theme here. It's subtle, but if you look CLOSELY... I think there's a slight undertone of Medusa not actually liking Shinji that much?

But that means I don't actually know how strong you are!"

Rider tilts her head owlishly at Lancer. "Would you like to know?"

Cu's grin turns feral. "When would I like to know?"
I am 1000000% certain that this is how Cu flirts. 1000001%, even.

And for Lancer, who will dodge the table due to an unfairly strong skill, she will stab him a little. Just a little.
Merlin: "Just say the word, Arturia! I'm pretty sure he'd be down for it!"

Saber looks at Archer. She nods appreciatively at him for the save, and decides not to draw on the Wind Hammer just yet.

"Less, to be fair," Caster says, "He did produce our Masters."
Yeah, I can just SEE that conversation once the world's been saved:
"Good news, Dad! Thanks to Medea of Colchis, all the Fifth Grail War Servants agreed that your seed is the least useless part of you!"

"Of course, Rin is also an idiot. Because she took the idiot out on a date in the middle of the war right after."
What, do you NOT find war zones romantic? Sheesh.

Herakles just grunts. Whether it is in support or in opposition will never be known, because Ritsuka isn't here to translate.
Again, I love that Ritsuka actually UNDERSTANDS Berserker.

Lancer shrugs. "We hit the town, have lunch, fool around, and then fight. Sounds like a great time!"
*glances up*
Did I say 1000001%? I meant 1000001%nth​.

"...What? It's not weird."

"It is a bit," Saber says dryly.
Arturia, you are a lovely and perfect little cinnamon roll, but... you have NO GROUNDS for judging anyone else's weirdness status. Ever.

But that first time will always be something I cherish.
*puerile giggle* Yes, I've... heard that to be the case for most people.

"And romance has no place on the battlefield!
Lancer: "Hey, wait a fucking second...."

"You broke the rules of engagement by attacking in the day!"
Seen here: Arturia upset that Medea broke the rules of engagement.

They turn to the source with idle curiosity and find Saber and Caster wrestling over Rule Breaker and Excalibur.
And now Medea and Arturia are wrestling with their... magic swords.

"I have shown them the light!" Medea raises a bare hand, not for any real reason but just as a flourish.
Well done, Medea! If nothing else, you've got STYLE.

"Drink me," EMIYA sighs.
*puerile giggle*

"I'll have twice what he has," Cu nods astutely.
*glances downwards*
*glances at Cu's spear*

Gilgamesh chuckles and shakes his head, while golden portals deposit gold-plated canned beers into their hands.
Good lord, Gil drinks Tecate?

"Drink, you mongrels, for today we are as brothers."
*pours scotch*

They clink their beers together, right as Altera and Arturia punch each other's fists, and the world is blown away by force.
In this scene: Arturia and Altera attempt to sink their fists into each other while everyone drinks and watches.

EDIT TO ADD: I want you to know that I was REALLY tempted to make some kind of Requim for a Dream joke here, but... didn't. Because I'm a good person.

In between, they act like friends. Friends who want to kill each other half the time, but still friends.
I'm confused. Is... is that not how you "friend"?
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I sense a recurring theme here. It's subtle, but if you look CLOSELY... I think there's a slight undertone of Medusa not actually liking Shinji that much?
Shinji is the kind of man who likes forcing himself on women, and he enjoys forcing himself on Sakura. As in, non consexual sex with his adopted sister. Also she's infected by Penis worms.

Her father sold her to that fate, albeit unknowingly and according to the WOG Nasu himself, if Tokiomi did knew? He'd do it anyway so that Rin and Sakura could murder the other and whomever survives is obviously the true heir of the line.

Anyway, Shinji is sexual criminal who enjoys raping women.

What the fuck is her life.
It has always been my opinion, which i think is borne out by various canon things, that more than anything in the world what Mordred wants is family. Most of all she wants her father to love and acknowledge her as her son.

It has been shown that when given such acknowledgement, Sir Mordred will do anything to keep it. Any. Thing.

Shinji is the kind of man who likes forcing himself on women, and he enjoys forcing himself on Sakura. As in, non consexual sex with his adopted sister. Also she's infected by Penis worms.

Her father sold her to that fate, albeit unknowingly and according to the WOG Nasu himself, if Tokiomi did knew? He'd do it anyway so that Rin and Sakura could murder the other and whomever survives is obviously the true heir of the line.

Anyway, Shinji is sexual criminal who enjoys raping women.
I once saw a... compelling snippet that advanced the theory that the reason Shinji was all about banging Sakura was that with the worms in her it was like banging Zouken by proxy and he was seriously into that.
Shinji is the kind of man who likes forcing himself on women, and he enjoys forcing himself on Sakura. As in, non consexual sex with his adopted sister. Also she's infected by Penis worms.

Her father sold her to that fate, albeit unknowingly and according to the WOG Nasu himself, if Tokiomi did knew? He'd do it anyway so that Rin and Sakura could murder the other and whomever survives is obviously the true heir of the line.

Anyway, Shinji is sexual criminal who enjoys raping women.
Wrong, wrong and wrong. I could accuse you of maliciously bending facts to fit an agenda, that's how wrong you are.

OK, let's go in order.
Shinji wants to be in control and to be validated. Putting aside the fact Zouken told him to "deal" with Sakura, much of his treatment of her stems from a deep seated rage at what she represents relative to him: she is what he could not and would never be, she is his replacement because he was deemed defective and therefore useless. He lives in a house dominated by his grandfather, and he desperately tries to assert some manner of control of his own life and succeed to become a worthy member of the family, which means being a successful magus, and lashes out when faced with reality.
He's not a good person, or even close to it, but it's not for an inherently monstrous disposition.

Now on to Tokiomi. The first thing we need to keep on mind is that Tokiomi was the very model of the magus gentleman, and a self-made one at that. His fortune was accumulated through smart real estate management and a successful career as inventor of magical devices. He wished his daughters to experience the success he achieved. To both of them. If both girls could face each other in glorious magical combat as the finalists of the HGW, then he would have fulfilled his duty as a magus and parent to its fullest extent.
But that would be impossible if he were to teach both. There can only be one heir.

So Tokiomi shopped around for a family that could use a heir. The Matou offered. He had no idea Zouken had lied about his offer of a magical education, and would have never accepted otherwise. The entire point was to secure an education and future for Sakura that would be just as bright as Rin's, because he knew both were immensely talented, even if one was less standard in her abilities.


On a side note, let me talk a bit about Shirou and Shinji for a bit. If you've watched the HF movie and paid attention to the scene where Shinji asks Shirou to stay to clean the archery dojo, you might note his reaction to Shirou's acceptance. Despite having been as smarmy and dickish as he could be when telling Shirou to stay behind, and despite knowing that Shirou knew they were supposed to go home early because there was a killer on the loose, Shirou still said yes. And that pissed Shinji off. Here was this guy, this fucking doormat, that couldn't drop the goody two shoes act and be the tiniest bit selfish to save his own damn life. Fine, if he wants to be suicidal, let him be. He'd shielded him from being used by other people for long enough, he can take care of himself this time around.
Shinji, like Jason later on, was an inherently unpleasant person that was nevertheless a good person. Much of his earlier relationship with Shirou involved protecting Shirou from himself, despite using him to validate himself in the process. This juxtaposition of traits is something Nasu likes to write.
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Having watched the Heaven's Feel movie, the part I actually loved most was the first part, where thry set up Shirou and Sakura's relationship. It's a wonderful piece of backstory woefully lacking from the route and I am glad that UFOtable recognised that building it was to their benefit. It also made Shinji and Shirou's friendship actually believable.

And while we're on the topic: the twins don't have an Uncle Shinji running around.