Gil loves children, and now that he's in Chaldea and realises that Herk cared for her so much he's still angry about it, he realises that it may have been an awful thing to do. Still thinks it was necessary, he's not going to say attempting to cull the idiots and incompetents and weaklings was a bad idea - he's still Gilgamesh, he still doesn't suffer fools well - but even at the time, at his grumpiest, Gil didn't exactly rip her heart out with glee.
Well, from mythology, Herk is one of the few who kind of got fucked by the gods worse than Gilgamesh did...
Illya technically isn't a person, shes a homunculus. A doll, if you will.
She's only technically a homunculus because her mother was one. Ilya was a naturally born child from two parents who loved each other. Hell, the only reason her life span got cut short and she stopped growing was because the Einzbern's experimented on her after the 4th War to turn her into both the Lesser Grail and the most powerful Master for the 5th War. If they hadn't done that, she'd have grown up and possibly lived an long life. Also would be calling Shirou her little brother the entire time.
the most powerful Master for the 5th War
that not really bragging since she manage to power Herc before the Grail take the brunt of the cost

Chaldea even with it generator can't even run Herc with God Hand

well, may be later on they can but by then there would be too many servant
Speaking of Nyanalanta...I got her yesterday on a yolo roll! Let the foot races commence (I have a whole bag of apples beside me and I'm not afraid to use them).
Would it be an issue to ask which servants this Chaldea brought to the Orleans singularity? I have a rough clue as to the comp at Septem but seeing as they chose to forgo the REGEND jokes for F/Sunny, I wonder who is the dragonslayer of great repute here.
Would it be an issue to ask which servants this Chaldea brought to the Orleans singularity? I have a rough clue as to the comp at Septem but seeing as they chose to forgo the REGEND jokes for F/Sunny, I wonder who is the dragonslayer of great repute here.
Cu and Medea both went to Orleans, as Chaldea's oldest Servants. Cu killed more Servants, but Medea killed more Wyverns with her army.
Wait. Why someone, something, some-whatever needs Ascension Materials, anyway?
The Servant container can be strengthen further by using various material to upgrade it

it like modding a computer, better graphic card, hardrive, mouse, keyboard, better cooler, etc