Sooo, wait. The final Action is Lancer aiming his Gay Bulge towards Archer Raw Ass?

And he managed to penetrate it just to ran out of juice at the same moment?

Yes, that is exactly what happened and no one can change that. Also, they were shouting very loudly and breathing heavily, don't forget that.
He appears in a singularity right? I think I remember him doing it.
He appears in the real world in Part 2 of the game, and he is like 50, but still fit enough to kill a Servant by surprise.
(Later, stronger version of rune array used to manipulating weather was used by Romanov-jou-chan to punish Red Revolution for her families death in alternate timeline. Also doomed entire world into ace age, but that's another, much longer story.)
Until Chapter 2 comes out, we won't know for sure she is the famous Anastasia, and it might be a red herring since her world is in an alternate 1570 and she leads the Oprichnik, so she might be Anastasia Romanov, wife of Ivan the Terrible (and first Romanov).
That is where Hercules(corrupted) almost kick Gil's ass?
He deflects Gate of Babylon, true, but it's less that he almost defeated Gil and more that he distracted him by taking shots at his child Master.
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The door is kicked open, and an irate Ritsuka Tohsaka stomps in, hands like claws. "I HEARD AN EXPLOSION WHO DID IT?!"


"More tea, Caster?" Arturia asks politely.

"Why thank you, Saber," Medea responds kindly.
"Oh, Master," Altera waves, holding her teacup up with pinky extended. "Would you like tea? We have cups." She offers another cup, shaped like a purring cat. Ritsuka then notices that her own teacup is shaped like a purring cat, too.


When he's finally gone, Saber throws her teacup away and clutches at her head, in perfect sync with Caster. "OH MY GOD THAT WAS HORRIBLE," Arturia wails.

"I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO THE SHOEBOX," Medea cries out hysterically.

"SCARE IS NOT CUTE," Altera weeps, sobbing uncontrollably.

Ah. There it is. Holy jeez Rits has Saber tamed too though what the fuck did you do to deserve Iron Claw in your life with them Saber?!


Atalanta rolls her eyes, still face down on the table. "Meh. What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

Nyalante continues to give less than an iota of a fuck I see. I'm kinda curious if she'll ever do something that will force Rits to use the Iron Claw on her.

...It'll probably be Medea's fault if it happens again, to be honest. She can't really help herself at this point, it seems.

"Pretty much," Kana agrees. "Though I'm impressed at how quickly you three fixed the walls! Honestly kind of wish he did find out, the construction teams could use the help!"

That would be useful, I have to admit. Also,

Wat. How long has she been there?!

"I was spelunking in the Gate of Babylon!" She says cheerfully. Kana frowns. "Actually, how did that happen? I thought you didn't let anyone in, Gil."

Wait. Does that mean that Gil considers her enough of a treasure to actually let her into his hoarder stash?

Damn, Kana. Girl you scary as fuck with that EX-Harem Protagonist skill.

Saber shudders. "The both of you are horrible. I don't want to believe in a world where Kotomine Kirei is still alive."

Cu nods, and downs his beer. "You and me both."


...Wait. If this is going off of Lostbelt of the Cosmos later, then that means that this Kirei may actually be a pseudo-servant. Or at least, that's what the guesses are in regards to this whole situation.


"Because I don't like fidget spinners," Archer responds flatly.

Oooh, that sick burn.

"Actually," Saber says with finger raised, "Rin was the one who tamed Shirou, because... Nevermind, it doesn't matter. Move on."

She tamed you too Saber. Don't forget; at the end of the day it was Rin's harem, not Shirou's.

And getting pregnant also helped with the whole 'stop being a suicidal idiot Shirou or I swear to god I will reach through the kaleidoscope and find every single parallel you and kick them in the nuts for doing this to me, and then reach Akasha so I can wish your deadbeat ass back from the Underworld and stab you in the nuts with my sword.'

It was all very romantic and tear inducing, I'm sure.

"...Ajax," Herakles says.


"I'd tell you to kill yourself," Rider says, "But you seem to be especially bad at it."

Oooh, sick burn rider. Someone seems like she's holding a grudge.

Rider tilts her head and looks at the Counter Guardian. "It might not be, but you certainly sound like you have one, Archer."


I like Rider. Without her sisters around she is much more snarky and sassy.

"Yep," Lancer nods, "Which is why you let the spineless wimp have his way with the troublesome lady. And by way I mean in the celtic sense."

Saber, halfway through a sip, spits out her drink. "What?! ARCHER!"

"I thought he wouldn't dare," Archer hastily insists. "And I was certain she could take care of herself."

"He tied her to a chair and left her completely defenseless," Lancer corrects immediately.


"I am very sorry," Archer says in a small voice.

Again. Why would you still think that Shinji is a good guy Archer??

You deserve every bit of roasting that Rider gives you man. Cuz ya still dumb.

The door slides open, and Ritsuka walks in. "Yeah, I'm sorry for earlier, guys, I was a bit on edge because we're finally confirming the next... Singularity..." He nearly drops his tablet, spotting the grand scale war about to happen before him.

Gilgamesh and Cu look back at him, and the King shrugs. "If it bears any consideration, fighting like this inside the sparring grounds would have certainly devastated Chaldea as well."

Ritsuka looks at each of them and sighs heavily. "...You know what, fine. Fight. Destroy. Blow up Chaldea if you want. I'm done."

Fuck, no they broke him. That's no more fun.





Gil, you continue to do you you fabulous asshole.

I would do more because this chapter was great, exceptforthatpartwithAlteracryingIstillcantbeleivethatyouwoulddosuchathingswordoyouaremyenemyforeverforthatuntilwegetanotherAlterachapter but I'm tired and I'm sure that @Datcord will do this much better than I ever can.
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The door is kicked open, and an irate Ritsuka Tohsaka stomps in, hands like claws. "I HEARD AN EXPLOSION WHO DID IT?!"
The thread is just thinning and thinning.
"Bluh," grunts Atalanta.
...Did she just cough a hairball?
"I was spelunking in the Gate of Babylon!" She says cheerfully. Kana frowns. "Actually, how did that happen? I thought you didn't let anyone in, Gil."

"I thought it would be amusing to show you my collection, Master," the King sniggers. "Feast your eyes, for this will be the only time I permit it."

"Is the original air conditioner really just a large fan, though?"

"It is better than any 'air conditioner' you use today," Gilgamesh responds, matter-of-factly. "But yes. Yes it is."
"Alright then riddle me this, asshole: Why can't you replicate his drill sword?"

"Because Ea is beyond the grasp of a filthy faker like him," Gilgamesh sneers.

"Because I don't like fidget spinners," Archer responds flatly.

Everyone looks at him. Gilgamesh almost sputters, but he's too dignified for that. So he just scowls instead. "Excuse me?" He growls. "You dare compare the Sword of Rapture to a toy?"

"Well, no, think about it," Arturia says, "It has three separate cylinders, and it spins. And it is red and gold and patterned. Archer might be onto something."

Gilgamesh sucks on his teeth. "Very well. We shall test that hypothesis." He draws a strange key from the Gate and raises it into the air. Red circuits paint themselves into the air, past the ceiling, and then contract rapidly back down into his hand. There is light, and then there is the greatest sword of the King of Heroes.

Archer takes one enraptured look at it, and immediately doubles over, massaging his eyes. "Fuck me I forgot how much that hurts," he hisses.

Gilgamesh smirks as he looks at Saber. "You make a fair point, Saber. It is a fidget spinner. And I quite like it." Ea rotates briefly, and causes the wind to shift.
Oh God, Ea, the original fidget spinner! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
"...So they were moping in the woods," Lancer says, just to break the sad mood, "And then I showed up and offered to help! And you know what the kid did? It was amazing!" He slaps Archer on the back again. "Do you want to know, Archer? Do you want to know why he's way better than you?"

"Stop," Archer says, still bent over.

Cu laughs. "The kid tells me to back off from his woman! It was great! That's why I respect the red-headed bastard while you are an asshole. Who is surprisingly good with drinks," Lancer admits, "But still an asshole."
That was the funniest scene in F/SN.
"...Ajax," Herakles says.

"Yes," Medea nods, "It was Ajax. Thank you--"

She turns to look at Berserker. Berserker just looks back at her. "Did you just talk, Herakles?"
Oh God, Heracles has been pulling their leg all a long! :lol
"It's not 'raw ass' it's Rho Aias, get your mind out of the gutter," Archer grumbles.

Rider tilts her head and looks at the Counter Guardian. "It might not be, but you certainly sound like you have one, Archer."

Archer groans and rubs his temples some more. "Kill me."

"I'd tell you to kill yourself," Rider says, "But you seem to be especially bad at it."
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!! Send help, can't breath...
Archer shot Caster full of swords.
shoot Shirou with swords
'That is also around the time Gilgamesh shot Archer full of swords," Saber adds.
All these men trying to impale others on their swords.
"Because it is amusing to throw things in your face," Gilgamesh responds. "Observe!" He pulls a fidget spinner inlaid with gold and red designs, looking superficially like Ea if it were a fidget spinner, and tosses it at him. It bounces off his head, the Red Man's expression irritated and firm as he very pointedly avoids laying his eyes upon the toy, just in case. "See? Amusing!"
Oh, Gil, you're a riot.
He turns to leave, and then Gilgamesh suplexes him. "WHY?!"



*Ritsuka's howls of pain*
Everyone nods once, now that it is out in the open. "Fair," Arturia says, "But then if that's what you wanted, why didn't you, say... shoot Shirou with your bow? You know, like an Archer."

Everyone turns to the Counter Guardian, awaiting his response. It had better be good.

"You would have blocked," Archer sniffs.

"Yes, but not forever!"

Sounds like he recalls FHA.

"Alright then riddle me this, asshole: Why can't you replicate his drill sword?"

"Because Ea is beyond the grasp of a filthy faker like him," Gilgamesh sneers.

"Because I don't like fidget spinners," Archer responds flatly.

Oh snap!
"Alright then riddle me this, asshole: Why can't you replicate his drill sword?"

"Because Ea is beyond the grasp of a filthy faker like him," Gilgamesh sneers.

"Because I don't like fidget spinners," Archer responds flatly.
Harsh. I wonder when he thought of that one? Waiting for just the right moment to use it must have been a chore.
"...Ajax," Herakles says.
Herakles you cheeky bitch! :rofl:
Archer groans and rubs his temples some more. "Kill me."

"I'd tell you to kill yourself," Rider says, "But you seem to be especially bad at it."
Yep. Gonna need to pop a Command Seal to heal that one.
"Observe!" He pulls a fidget spinner inlaid with gold and red designs, looking superficially like Ea if it were a fidget spinner, and tosses it at him.

Okay. Real talk now. The Gate doesn't hold the originals of anything, does it? It's just some magical sweatshop for making magical gewgaws and shiny bits that the ancient Babylonians put together to entertain their king and it's reputation got inflated over time, right?
Okay. Real talk now. The Gate doesn't hold the originals of anything, does it? It's just some magical sweatshop for making magical gewgaws and shiny bits that the ancient Babylonians put together to entertain their king and it's reputation got inflated over time, right?

The Noble Phantasm version of the Gates of Babylon certainly holds the originals of everything or pretty much everything (I don't think it has Excalibur or Avalon).
The Gate of Babylon owns the originals of everything created by human hands. Anything forged by gods or fairies, like Excalibur and Avalon, are beyond its reach.
Did anyone post the comic where the Gudaos went back in time to call Rin and Shirou their grandparents?