Aka the very first, original L'Oreal to which all current hair products are based on, like how he has the original fidget spinner.
Ah. Given that the Abrahamic God is definitely a thing in the setting, that would probably be one of the cosmetics that Azazel taught humanity, and yes his big pile of divine cosmetics no doubt contains all the Azazel originals.
Siegfried hits dragons with his AOE NP as though they were single target, and there are a lot of fucking Dragon Servants. He hasn't been a meme in ages.
This is an incredibly belated reply, I know, but I've always kinda liked Siegfried regardless of effectiveness and tried to use him whenever I had an excuse... it's just that for pretty much the entirety of Arc 1, he was extremely underlevelled because I was too busy working on other Servants like Nero (for her AOE defense debuff NP), Nero Bride (for being a 5*), and the like. Well, that and I was slacking off on the daily experience quests...

Speaking of 5* Sabers, though, I've gotten two from ticket summons as of now; the first was aforementioned Nero Bride (got her within my first month of playing with like 3 tickets), and the second is Saber Shiki (just now; incidentally, she's my first 5* AOE Saber).

I've also come to the conclusion that Nero likes me; I mean, I got Bride from a ticket summon, and her other forms are both at NP2. Of course, she doesn't seem to like me as much as Ibaraki does (she's at NP5, which is unfortunate because I don't use Berserkers).
Is it wrong that I'm imagining that sometime after Goetia is defeated, Shirou and Rin show up to attach themselves to Chaldea, bringing Saber along?

Come to think of it, Saber's existence is gonna be interesting, particularly if she vanishes from Chaldea once the FATE System is (temporarily) shut down, having shifted back to Shirou and Rin's side with her Chaldea memories intact.
Is it wrong that I'm imagining that sometime after Goetia is defeated, Shirou and Rin show up to attach themselves to Chaldea, bringing Saber along?

Come to think of it, Saber's existence is gonna be interesting, particularly if she vanishes from Chaldea once the FATE System is (temporarily) shut down, having shifted back to Shirou and Rin's side with her Chaldea memories intact.

My ongoing thought is that Rin gets her Rintar memories almost immediately after the return of humanity and books it to Chaldea.
My ongoing thought is that Rin gets her Rintar memories almost immediately after the return of humanity and books it to Chaldea.
I suddenly had the thought of Luvia answering her [communication system of choice] and the following happen:

"I have clear memories of being possessed by the Goddess Ishtar and watching my son use that golden bastard Gilgamesh as a human flail to beat the everliving shit out of Quetzlcoatl in Uruk. WHERE THE FUCK IS CHALDEA, SHIROU AND I MUST HAVE WORDS."
I suddenly had the thought of Luvia answering her [communication system of choice] and the following happen:

"I have clear memories of being possessed by the Goddess Ishtar and watching my son use that golden bastard Gilgamesh as a human flail to beat the everliving shit out of Quetzlcoatl in Uruk. WHERE THE FUCK IS CHALDEA, SHIROU AND I MUST HAVE WORDS."

Y'know what, that's about exactly how it goes for me too.
Is it wrong that I'm imagining that sometime after Goetia is defeated, Shirou and Rin show up to attach themselves to Chaldea, bringing Saber along?

Come to think of it, Saber's existence is gonna be interesting, particularly if she vanishes from Chaldea once the FATE System is (temporarily) shut down, having shifted back to Shirou and Rin's side with her Chaldea memories intact.
Servants don't work like that; each summoning is a unique 'copy' made from the Spirit Origin that resides in the Throne of Heroes. When a Servant is dispelled (dies, unsummoned, whatever) their soul returns to the Throne via the Root (hence why the Grail uses Servant souls to create a path to the Root) carrying the memories and experiences of its incarnation back to the Spirit Origin. Most of said memories and experiences are ultimately 'lost' in the sense that they aren't 'strong' enough to significantly influence the Spirit Origin in any way, but particularly powerful memories like Avicebron's betrayal and murder of his master during the Great Holy Grail War of Fate/Apocrypha can be enough to permanently influence the Spirit Origin, though even then details are lost: Future incarnations of Avicebron do not remember the details, just that they betrayed and murdered their child master in a previous incarnation and that they will forever hold great guilt and regret for that action.

As long as a Servant lives, they are a separate and unique entity from the Spirit Origin; changes to one do not influence the other until the Servant returns to the Throne. Chaldea also hijacks this system by binding Servant souls to itself, preventing them from returning to the Throne, which is why you can get all your Servants back after they die instead of having to summon a new incarnation. So when the FATE system gets shut down the Chaldean Servants don't actually return to the Throne, they just hang out somewhere in Chaldea's systems until the FATE system is rebooted and then they all come right back. Thus, Shirou and Rin's Saber is doubly insulated from any experiences from the Chaldean Saber; as an incarnate Servant she wouldn't be affected by any changes to the Spirit Origin anyway, and even if she was the Chaldean Saber doesn't return to the Throne and thus doesn't change the Spirit Origin to begin with.

Incidentally, the fact that despite this double layer of insulation between Chaldean Servants and the Spirit Origin, Kana's corruption of Blackbeard somehow still managed to leak back to his Spirit Origin in defiance of all common sense and reason is why she is a thot.

On the other hand;
My ongoing thought is that Rin gets her Rintar memories almost immediately after the return of humanity and books it to Chaldea.
This is a much fuzzier area, Pseudo-Servant mechanics are very ill-defined, the fact that Rin is an apprentice Second Magician and thus has access to her own alternates, which would include things like the memories of her Pseudo-Servant forms, even the ridiculous Event versions, means that there is a non-zero but unquantifiable chance that something like that actually would happen.

To anyone else, probably not, but the Kaleidoscope is pretty much exactly the right Magic for this to work and while Rin is still an apprentice, she's extremely talented with the Second Magic, to the degree that even Zelretch is legitimately impressed with her ability, though of course he'd never admit it.

I don't claim to be a Nasu expert, but wasn't there a whole thing in FSN that Saber isn't a proper servant because she isn't actually dead, and so all the stuff about Spirit Origins doesn't properly apply to her?
Not like it matters anyway since this Saber clearly remembers raising the twins. And even outside of FSO, FGO Saber is from after FSN.

But for pedantry's sake:
Case Files vol.4 ch.2 said:
"Due to my study into Necromancy, I have a small amount of knowledge regarding Heroic Spirits. Of course, the true Heroic Spirit engraved on the Throne of Heroes certainly has knowledge of the time spent with you. Neither time nor space exists at the Throne, so the records of Heroic Spirits recorded there must be immense. ...however, for that reason, when Servants are summoned into this world, those records are not summoned with them. The knowledge Servants possess consists only of their memories of life, plus knowledge granted to them by the World required to operate in the present era. Beyond that are only a few small modifications. As the Throne of Heroes records all things regardless of time, if that knowledge wasn't stripped from them, any number of paradoxes could result.

"Of course, that's all just a theory," she stipulated with the smile of a shark.


My feet suddenly felt unstable.

It felt like trying to build something, only to find out you were wrong from the very first step. I felt like the carpet might split open, dropping me straight into hell. If I didn't keep a tight rein on my feelings now, I was sure I'd collapse.

"Yes. It's just a theory. But, what if there were exceptions to it?"

Trisha continued.

"For example, memories from within a Singularity completely split off from every and all timelines, or from within Reality Marbles completely isolated from the rest of the world. Unless such conditions could be met...wouldn't your dream be impossible?"

(where does "Zelretch is impressed by her abilities but wouldn't admit it" even comes from? Sounds like another fanfic)
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I don't claim to be a Nasu expert, but wasn't there a whole thing in FSN that Saber isn't a proper servant because she isn't actually dead, and so all the stuff about Spirit Origins doesn't properly apply to her?
While Artoria isn't technically dead due to making a deal with the World to serve as a Heroic Spirit in the moment before her last breath, she still functions like a standard Servant with regards to incarnations; she is summoned into a Saint Graph as a prana construct etc, and her Servant soul presumably still goes back via the Root after dispelling. I would presume that in practice the only real difference between Artoria and a conventional Heroic Spirit is that her living body\soul held eternally in stasis in the moment before her last breath serves as her Spirit Origin instead of an actual Spirit Origin, otherwise I don't see how she could be functioning as a Heroic Spirit while technically still alive; the Servant Summoning ritual needs something to copy from, and if it's not copying from her Spirit Origin then it must be copying from her, well, her.
e: Wronk, she's just being summoned in her real body.

(where does "Zelretch is impressed by her abilities but wouldn't admit it" even comes from? Sounds like another fanfic)
Heaven's Feel, when Rin, Illya and Shirou combine their efforts and manage to successfully produce an inferior but functional replica of the Jeweled Sword. Due to the side-effects of doing so, Rin is better able to grasp and understand the blueprints and theory behind the Jeweled Sword that Zelretch left with the Tohsakas generations ahead of his original expectations. Though it will take decades and great expense for her to reproduce on her own, the fact that she can potentially do it at all is a noteworthy achievement.
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Not like it matters anyway since this Saber clearly remembers raising the twins. And even outside of FSO, FGO Saber is from after FSN.
This actually has an explanation. IIRC the Artoria summoned in FSN is sorta still alive. UBW Sunny Day has Rin make this Artoria her familiar to let her stay. So technically speaking, raising the twins here was when she was "alive", before she went back and died, becoming a proper Servant. So it kinda makes sense for her to remember Ritsuka and Kana
Not like it matters anyway since this Saber clearly remembers raising the twins. And even outside of FSO, FGO Saber is from after FSN.
This actually has an explanation. IIRC the Artoria summoned in FSN is sorta still alive. UBW Sunny Day has Rin make this Artoria her familiar to let her stay. So technically speaking, raising the twins here was when she was "alive", before she went back and died, becoming a proper Servant. So it kinda makes sense for her to remember Ritsuka and Kana
IIRC it's also brought up in F/GO that the FATE system operates differently from the usual Servant Summoning ritual in that it allows summoned Servants to retain substantially more information about their prior incarnations than usual, though that might be referring to the 'souls don't return to the Throne' thing they have going on, I'm not sure.

Are there any other Servants that reference past incarnations directly in the game? I feel like there are, but I can't think of anything specific off the top of my head.
Right, I should have worded that better.

I meant the "wouldn't admit it" part as being really weird since he...outright does in the very same route you're referencing.
HF said:
And he came to me, who was standing there dumbfounded, and smiled.

"So an unremarkable parent produced a superior child. I expected the least out of Tohsaka, but you managed to reach it in just six generations."
And he said something ridiculous like that.

"W-What do you mean?"

I played dumb.
Because I thought he'd kill me if he found out what went on.
Sorcerers don't tell others about their sorcery.
My instincts told me he'd kill anyone who followed in his footsteps, without mercy.

But my enemy's no ordinary person.
He pats my head and praises me.

"Use the people of the Association. It's a stiff, conservative place, but they have the tools."
As expected from the great master.
The old man who traveled across many parallel worlds was a wholehearted guy.
Hence my confusion
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As with all systems, there are exceptions and workarounds. And I fully expect Ritsuka and Kana to continue breaking all known conventions pertaining Spirit Binding and Servant Incarnation in particular without even realising, because they are the only ones able to utilise the FATE System, which is fully capable of doing so.
Right, I should have worded that better.

I meant the "wouldn't admit it" part as being really weird since he...outright does in the very same route you're referencing.

Hence my confusion
I think we've had a miscommunication problem, when I said 'wouldn't admit it' I was speaking in the metaphorical sense that he'd never directly congratulate Rin and tell her how impressed he is with her talent, a 'pat on the head' sort of thing, not that he wouldn't acknowledge her actual legitimate achievements. The former is too 'human' an action for a Magus to ever contemplate, the latter is just good business.

As with all systems, there are exceptions and workarounds. And I fully expect Ritsuka and Kana to continue breaking all known conventions pertaining Spirit Binding and Servant Incarnation in particular without even realising, because they are the only ones able to utilise the FATE System, which is fully capable of doing so.
Yeah, the FATE System explicitly doesn't play by the rules, though even by its usual standards what Kana did to Blackbeard was An Achievement.
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While Artoria isn't technically dead due to making a deal with the World to serve as a Heroic Spirit in the moment before her last breath, she still functions like a standard Servant with regards to incarnations; she is summoned into a Saint Graph as a prana construct etc, and her Servant soul presumably still goes back via the Root after dispelling. I would presume that in practice the only real difference between Artoria and a conventional Heroic Spirit is that her living body\soul held eternally in stasis in the moment before her last breath serves as her Spirit Origin instead of an actual Spirit Origin, otherwise I don't see how she could be functioning as a Heroic Spirit while technically still alive; the Servant Summoning ritual needs something to copy from, and if it's not copying from her Spirit Origin then it must be copying from her, well, her.

Except Saber could not astralize in FSN because she was still in her body and not just a magic construct, am I wrong?
Whether or not Arturia was alive or not in F/SN is irrelevant because as sure as things stand she's dead as fuck right now, same with the rest of humanity who wasn't in Chaldea or some other bolthole like Avalon. (And even then the Land of Shadows got bodied according to Summer 1 and that got Scathach, so you'd have to be in a very well protected one.)
Are there any other Servants that reference past incarnations directly in the game? I feel like there are, but I can't think of anything specific off the top of my head.
Avicebron in LB1 remembers doing something horrible in a past summoning (ie Apocrypha) and that's drives him to pull a heroic sacrifice
There's also Mordred after her coming animation update, who retains the character development she got during Apocrypha
Except Saber could not astralize in FSN because she was still in her body and not just a magic construct, am I wrong?
Uh, I honestly don't remember? *Goes to check* Oh, you are indeed correct, I had thought she could astralize in Zero and the astralizing issues was just FSN, but no, she couldn't do it in Zero either. So I guess I was wrong and she was indeed being summoned in her actual body instead of in a Saint Graph, presumably the World was doing something to make that work somehow.

That... Hm...

She's definitely dead as of F/GO, because everything is on fire and Arturia counts under 'everything'. Which would mean that her F/GO incarnation has a Spirit Origin, but once everything being on fire gets fixed, she would go back to being alive, but the Throne is atemporal so the Spirit Origin should technically still exist...

I haven't the faintest fucking clue how that would work out regarding memories.

Avicebron in LB1 remembers doing something horrible in a past summoning (ie Apocrypha) and that's drives him to pull a heroic sacrifice
There's also Mordred after her coming animation update, who retains the character development she got during Apocrypha
Avicebron's memories of his betrayal is explicitly stated to be one of those things that was sufficiently major that it actually impacted his Spirit Origin and all his incarnations will remember it, FATE System or not, so that doesn't count.

Mordred retaining her Apocrypha character development definitely would count though, if Mordred remembers anything from Apocrypha that is evidence for the FATE System breaking the 'Servant incarnations are summoned with minimal memories' rule.
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FGO can't decide whether or not they want their Servants to remember past summonings tbh. One one hand about half the Prototype/Fragments Servants remember their time there. On the other hand, going by Summer 1 and some MyRoom dialogue, Artoria has only vague flashes and feelings of FSN.
There's plenty more examples that I can't remember off the top of my head, but who remembers and who doesn't feels mostly arbitrary
Eh, I suppose just because it can break the memories rule doesn't mean it has to. Hell, maybe it's down to the Servant themselves somehow deciding when they get summoned, or maybe it really is arbitrary and the FATE System just flips a coin each time to decide whether it's gonna break the rule or not with this one.

The important part is that it can do that, which normally isn't the case for Servant summonings.
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Are there any other Servants that reference past incarnations directly in the game? I feel like there are, but I can't think of anything specific off the top of my head.
Arash and Paracelsus both reference things from Fragments of Sky Silver in Serenity's Interlude - in quite some detail, at that. There's also some discussion of the actual process of Servants retaining (or not) memories. Starts at about nine minutes in on the above video.
Chapter Okeanos - Pt. 5
For several minutes, those who have gathered to hear the tale of the Okeanos Singularity fell into hushed silence as they waited for Ritsuka to speak. He stayed silent for many long minutes, alone in his contemplations as his sister and Mashu had left to get ice cones. He sat with a hand clutching his chin, the posture of a thinking man, and his audience gave him the space to work. He sits there unmoving. They stay silent, waiting with baited breath.

At long last, he breathes deeply. His audience tenses and get ready for the tale to continue.

And are immediately disappointed.

"...Yeah I have no idea how to convey this narratively so I'll just say what happened," Ritsuka sighs. "I get a dream of the Argonauts on Lemnos and see the memory of Herakles chiding the entire crew, and Jason there is more like a good hearted idiot who didn't consider the consequences of giving the Queen three kids. And he is also a diplomatic genius who successfully kept an entire island of women who just murdered all the men from murdering them." He stays silent for a while longer. Medea fumes silently at the memory but says nothing. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to translate this."

The audience sighs heavily at this. Even Jeanne, who is happy to see this many men and women gathered who aren't about to sack a city, seems disheartened. Gilgamesh has long since wandered off from sheer lack of interest. Kana comes back then, spoon in mouth.

"Hey, Rits. We're out of rose syrup so I got you ribena."

"Aw man, I like rose syrup - wait that's still good gimmie."

"Mmhm." She plops down on her chair again and lounges for a moment. "So, why's everyone silently judging you?"

"I tried and failed to explain Herk's dream as a story. So I just told them what happened."

She blinks. "Wait you actually understood that? I just figured you agreed when I said Jason doesn't seem like himself. I woke up with a headache!"

"Senpai's a Berserker whisperer," Mashu says with a satisfied nod.

"It's a gift," he shrugs. "But yeah, anyways four days later we arrived at the mystery island. And found some really weird people."

"You can't really call them people, Rits."

"Fine. We ran into a Goddess, her literal boy toy, and a Shepard who got crowned King by God."


No sooner had they moored to the coast of the mysterious island of the Ark and disembarked did a strange woman with a stuffed toy on her shoulder arrive to greet them. Dressed in a strapless long dress seemingly made from corals, held up entirely by magic and an hourglass figure, she waved excitedly as she… floated towards them?

"Hello strange travellers! Are you also looking for the Ar--hmff?!"

Most astonishingly of all, the teddy bear moved to cover her mouth. He then whispered into her ear before clearing his throat and turning to them. "Ahem. What my fair lady is trying to say, strange travellers, is if you're available tonight, milady."

Ritsuka blinks. Kana blinks. Mashu blinks and then tilts her head. "Wait, I'm confused. Could we try again?"

"Of course! I'm available tonight, if you can catch my--"

"D a r l i n g ~ ?"

The bear freezes as his female companion smiles intently at him. He swallows. "N-Nevermind. Who are you, strange travellers?"

"By the way, Ritsuka," Dr Roman chirps in his ear, "This is the divine signature we're reading from the island."

"Yeah I guessed." Despite how she acts and dresses like… Well like an actual bimbo, Ritsuka can taste the amount of bullshit packed into her. If she tried anything… Well honestly it's a good thing she's ditzy and approachable. Goddesses be cray, you see. "We are Chaldea. We've come from the future to stop the Incineration."

"A likely story," the bear growls. "My dear, they might be allies of the Demon God. I think we should stop them - oh, but we should save some captives. For interrogation."

"Is that sooo, darling?" No sooner said than done does the Goddess call a silver and gold bow into her hand. "Then here I gooo~"

"Wait!" Atalanta, who Kana told to stay on the Golden Hind for fire support earlier, materialises suddenly before them, bowed on the ground so hard her forehead is touching the sand. "My Goddess… It… It is me, Atalanta!"

"Hm?" The Goddess opens one eye and her smile droops slightly. "Atalanta? My Atalanta, who gave her virginity to Hippomenes within one of my sister's temples and was cursed thusly?"

"...The very same." She looks up, eyes wide. "But I have remained true to you in other ways, Goddess! Renounce me for my shame, but know that their mission is true, and--"

Atalanta's plea is drowned by a large bear hug by her Goddess, who laughs merrily. "Awww, you've grown so big! I'm glad I could see you again, you're so beautiful now! Oh, Hippomenes was such a lucky boy! And now you are with Chaldea!" She steps back from the hug and a dazed Atalanta to look at the obsidian giant standing behind Ritsuka. "And you must be Herakles! My little brother!" She extends her arms. "Give your big sister a hug, little brother!"

Herakles does not move. He does, however, blink. This is a day for firsts.

"...Huh?" Atalanta, dazed, lets her jaw sag. "W...W-What?"

"Give her a moment," the bear sighs. "She gets like this whenever we meet anyone we actually know."

"Aw, don't be like that, Orion! We've finally found some friends!"

In Mashu's head, something like a record scratch is heard. Except it's actually five trucks crashing into one another. "Wait. Orion? The Hunter?"

"Yeah," the now-identified hunter of legend sighs.

"The constellation?" Kana asks.

"I remember when I still needed three stars to hold up my belt," he sighs harder.

"Why are you a bear," Ritsuka asks.

"Oh! I--"

"Gaia held a grudge," he says quickly, a paw on Artemis' mouth. "Look, this is seriously awkward, can we talk about it later?"

"Gaia is a huge bitch," Artemis nods enthusiastically. "But she made my darling small and huggable so I guess she's alright!"

"Woman you did this to me!"

"Whaaaaat no I would never hurt my darling - just like how my darling would never throw his beloved Goddess aside like dirty laundry for ever girl he meets, right? D a r l i n g ?"

"...N-No, 'course not. You're my l-lovely… l-lovely Goddess."

"D-awwwww you're so sweet - and so cute and cuddly ohmigosh eeeeeeeeee--"

So while the supposedly-virginial-and-asexual Goddess of the Hunt gushes over the ancient Giant who once nearly hunted every single beast on the planet to extinction, quietly Ritsuka wonders how she does that with her mouth. It frightens him. Just a bit. And just a bit away, Atalanta has curled up into a ball and is leaning against Herakles' shin, trying desperately to wipe the memory out of her brain with a cast iron brush.

It really is a day for firsts.

"...Right, Kana, we should probably look for the -- Kana?" Ritsuka looks around. His sister is nowhere to be seen. "Kana, c'mon. Kana." More nothing. "Kana! Where are y--KANA! GET DOWN FROM THERE!"

Atop the Golden Hind, right next to the Captain, Kana shakes her head. "Nuh-uh! I'm staying right here! You can go play with the creepy bear and the bimbo Goddess yourself!"

"Don't be like that, fair Kana of Chaldea!" Orion calls out. "You have nothing to be afraid of! I, Orion the Hunter, do solemnly swear to be a gentleman! A great beauty as yourself has nothing to fear, not your skin like fine marble, your eyes like bright amber, your great bounty to grace the--ack!"

"O r i o n n n n ~ ?"

"B-Besides we are looking for the Ark of the Covenant and could really use the help!" He rushes out, while his Goddess almost chokes him with one hand and a smile.

"Why?" Ritsuka sniffs. "You have a Goddess. Of the Hunt. And are a great Hunter yourself." He sniffs again. God, the way Artemis does inflections is really terrifying. He's going to cry himself to sleep later. "Can't you find it yourself?"

"...W-Well actually we found it already," the bear admits. "But, well. We can't reach it. There's… Well, point is we could use the help, alright?"

Ritsuka ponders this briefly. "Well, I'm not against it, but I have some ground rules for--"

"Hey!" Atop the Golden Hind, Kana holds out Euryale like a cat, and the middle Gorgon Sister scowls at Artemis. "Get that bimbo out of here! No mountainous cows are allowed!"

"How rude!" Artemis thrusts Orion out at her in a similar fashion. "Darling, protect my honour!"

"Your sacrifice doesn't change anything! But I'll still bully him!"


Atop the Golden Hind, Kana starts hissing like a cat. "No mercy! Only snek."

Orion looks over at Ritsuka in a panic. "A-Anything you ask Chaldean JUST SAVE ME!"

Ritsuka sucks on his teeth and nods. Yep. A day of firsts.


It is a cave. A nondescript cave, like any other cave that they have been to. It isn't even a particularly big cave. It's nothing like the cove that they parked the Golden Hind inside on the Nameless Isle. It's barely big enough to fit Herk. He has to stoop down a little bit, just to walk in. And sure he does it without any complaints, but you can just feel how annoyed he is, forced to bend over for the crime of being too swole. At least he has the abs to make it work.

All the same, this is the place. For at the back of the cave, where the tunnel ends, is the Ark of the Covenant. A gold-plated chest nested upon a flat stone, glowing as whitest light leaks through the opened lid. The singing of angels, pure and effervescent, echoes softly in the tunnel. Ritsuka shudders as a chill runs down his spine, from the beauty of the sound. Mashu stands enraptured for a moment, overcome with thought.

And sitting before it, legs crossed and a shepherd's crop nestled upon his lap, is a man with handsome, well cut features and long green hair, held back by a white headband. His eyes are closed, his breathing even and his posture perfectly still, but all the same he cranes his head as they approach. Then, he opens one eye, as green as his hair. And his expression softens.

"Ah, Chaldea. You've finally come. And you've recruited the Goddess and her Hunter. Excellent." He stands up and walks over quickly, shaking their hands in quick succession. "I am David. I've been waiting for you to come."

"...Well, here we are." Ritsuka furrows his brow slightly. A shepherd named David in the presence of the Ark of the Covenant? Yeah this is probably King David of Israel. Yeah. No pressure. He'll just let Kana take the lead on this one.

His sister sniffs. "Gonna be honest, I was kind of hoping for a Knight of the Round Table. But I'm not against meeting King David!"

The King chuckles and spares a surreptitious glance for their Shielder. Figures that he'd know that too. "No doubt about that. Now, you're probably here for the Ark of the Covenant."

"It's the Grail for this Singularity, right?" Orion asks. "You know, for curiosity's sake."

At that, David shakes his head. "You've been deceived. The Ark does not grant wishes. It is a holy artefact, an instrument used to commune with God, and my Noble Phantasm. And," he adds sharply when Kana goes to touch it, "It burns with His divinity, which burns sin. It tends to kill anyone who touches it, and quite painfully I might add."

Kana stops just short of it. She looks at Ritsuka with a wordless scream on her lips. He looks back with a bemused frown. "...Right. That was my fault."

"You referenced the movie earlier, you dummy. You should know better."


"Only the pure of heart could survive, and in doing so attempt to speak with Him," David goes on.

"I guess I should have brought Jeanne, then," Ritsuka sighs. "I'm sure she has a lot to say to him. Y'know, since she burned for him."

"She'd probably thank him for the opportunity," Mashu notes.

"Jeanne D'Arc, I presume?" Kana nods. "Ah, she's the one who heard Hi--" He raises an eyebrow suddenly. "Excuse me."

Immediately, David goes to Medea and kneels as he takes her hand in his own. "Fair lady, you have struck me with your beauty. Please, sire my children. God wills it."

Something breaks. Medea, the very image of a smug witch with loads of experience, blinks. Even for her, something this brazen elicits a reaction. "I… I beg your pardon?"

Orion squeaks as Artemis digs her fingers around his furry bear body. Kana is so disgusted she can't even laugh at the absurdity. Mashu is trying and failing to process the hypocrisy of it all. And Ritsuka is suddenly happy he didn't bring Jeanne along.

Nevertheless, David tries his luck.


"...So yeah, we found the King of Israel."

"Is that so," Roman says, the most dissatisfied that Ritsuka has ever seen him. Arms folded, eyes half-lidded, almost… pouting? "Well, I shouldn't be surprised. History was written by the winners."

David laughs and folds his arms. "'And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; swarm in the earth, and multiply therein.' Genesis 9:7."

"'Why have you despised the word of the Lord, to do what is evil in his sight? You have struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and have taken his wife to be your wife and have killed him with the sword of the Ammonites.' 2 Samuel 12:9." Roman looks at the King of Israel, entirely unamused. "We could do this all day, King David. The word of God is not for self-serving men."

"It is tempting, knowing your reputation," Medea notes lightly, "But I must decline. I've committed to another."

"Hah! Well, fair enough, both of you." Shaking his head, David sighs and loses the smile. "Nevertheless, I did not come to exchange pearls of wisdom and laughter. I come with a mission."

"On a mission from God?" Kana asks hopefully.

"Chosen for myself, but with His blessing, certainly," David nods. "I was actually summoned in a distant land called Italy, during the reign of a Roman Emperor - or the Singularity thereof. At once, I was unsettled. Foul forces were at play there, and I had to act. So I left, and sought to commune."

"That explains why there wasn't an Archer," Ritsuka mentions distractedly.

"What about the Caster or Assassin?" Kana asks.

"...You shut up."

"And yet, with the Incineration in progress, I could not hear His voice, nor He I." David spreads his arms, gesturing to the cave. "This Singularity is the first I've seen where Gods may still act, and so I have hoped to speak to Him here. But I haven't had success thus far." He glances at Orion and Artemis. "Especially with my many… visitors."

Orion holds his bear hands up. "Hey, I didn't know it killed people! I just wanted a wish."

The Goddess nods furiously. "And I want my darling to be happy!"

"I'd be happy if you didn't hijack my summoning! ARTEMIS!"

"I'm screaming," Atalanta murmurs, shaking. "I'm screaming and I don't know if I'll stop."

"It helps to blame other people," Medea says, a comforting hand on her shoulder..

Ritsuka shares a brief look with Kana. She has nothing to say. He shares one with Mashu. She's still in awe of snippy Romani. Okay. "So, what do you know?"

"I know that the Demons of the Ars Goetia have gone wild, and that this Singularity was created by one of them. I'm not sure which one, but I'm sure it's coming for the Ark. And me."

Roman coughs. "The Argo is approaching, by the way. Jason still wants the Ark."

"He still doesn't know it's a deathtrap," Kana points out. "If we tell him, he'll probably drop it. And as a Hero, he'll be on our side. Like everyone in Rome!"

"I don't think it's that easy," Ritsuka says. "But we might as well try."

"I won't!" Artemis chirps. "I like Jason, so I'll just wait here!"

Ritsuka frowns. He turns to Orion. The bear shrugs. "I can't actually do anything. She has all the power."

Kana scoffs. "What are you even good for you stupid bear?"

"I'm good for you, fair lady," Orion replies smoothly. "A-Ack! Artemis! Artemis no! That one's just a joke!"

"I know! I'm laughing too, d a r l i n g ~"

Ritsuka sighs heavily and with a shudder. "God, I hope Jason hears us out."

"You don't need the Ark for Him to hear that," David points out.

"That's unhelpful but okay."


"The Ark kills people?" Jason leans forward, arms folded and eyes wide. "It's not… it doesn't grant wishes of a grander scale? It's not a superior wish granting engine to a Grail?"

"It kills everyone who touches it," Kana nods. "Gods, right? Even when they try to help, they kill people."

"Don't I know it," Jason says bitterly.

"Even I ain't bold enough ta steal it," Drakes says with a shake of her head. "Shame, too. Tis a beaut."

David shrugs, hands close to his chest. "At least He tries. It's more than I can say for the Olympians."

Jason ignores him and looks angrily back at his younger Medea, floating passively beside him. "What is the meaning of this, Medea?! You told me that the only way to grant my wish would be the Ark! Why did you lie to me?"!"

"I would never lie to you, Jason," Medea says, airily and sincerely, but chills run up Ritsuka's spine anyways. "I love you. I would do anything for you, Jason. Anything."

The Argonaut tenses up. Something is wrong. Kana's hand slowly hovers over Asriel. "Yes," he murmurs. "You would do anything for me."

"They're lying to you, my love. They've thrown their lot in with him. They wish to deny you everything. Paradise, glory." She cranes her head by his ear, whispering. "Peace."

At this, Jason changes. His posture, formerly affable, becomes feral. Furious. He draws his sword and points it at Kana, prompting Mashu to plant her shield. "ARGONAUTS! DESTROY THEM!"

From the ship, a flash is spotted. Only then does Ritsuka realise that Hector isn't around. "OH SHI--"

"Oh, Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. Stand back, I got this." David clears his throat and holds out one hand. In the other, he carries a sling, filled with stones. He twirls it, keeping his eye on the rapidly-approaching Duridana.

As the spear makes its final approach, David launches his projectiles.

"Hamesh Avanim!"

The stones are launched. Four miss the spear. The fifth knocks it off-course and elsewhere, where it detonates in the nearby woods instead. Exhaling softly, he turns around to Ritsuka and Kana, hands on his hips. "And that's my part of the battle. Your turn, Masters of Chaldea."

At this, a Hydra screams out of the ocean and onto the beach, one hundred heads roaring.

"Seriously?!" Ritsuka points at it, nearly in hysterics. "There's a MONSTER!"

"Can't do all the work," David shrugs. "Prove yourselves. Show me the mettle of the ones who will save the world."

The rest happens in a blur. Rider appears with Euryale, the older Gorgon wielding a bow, and take on the Hydra themselves. The enemy Herakles arrives in a blur of speed, is intercepted by his own Herakles, and they both vanish to elsewhere on the island leaving shattered island in their wake. Bullets whiz past Drake's head and she retaliates, blasting her pistols at Blackbeard while they close the distance. The Argo in the distance howls as hundreds of green arrows fall like stars upon it, shredding the sails and threatening to turn a Trojan into a pincushion. High above in the sky, a Witch matches a Princess spell for spell, flame on flame and arcane laser on arcane laser.

And all this leaves Ritsuka, Kana and Mashu to face a Greek Hero alone, as Jason summons his aspis and clashes his sword against it. "You will deny me no longer!" He bellows. "I will have retribution!"

"Any plans?" Ritsuka asks his sister.

"Yeah," she says, and draws her blade. "We'll kill Jason."

"You sure? He's still a proper Servant."

"Yeah, well, I've been practicing!"

With a feral snarl, Jason charges and swings. And so the battle is joined.


On the Argo, Hector smiles lazily as he holds his hands up, facing the Huntress with no fear. "Well, you got me," he says. "My spear's gone and I've got nothing left to lose. Go ahead, make it right."

Atalanta does not even nock an arrow to shoot him with. She just looks at him. "That night, during the party, you poisoned the wine. Yes?"

"That's right," he nods. "Kind of a nasty thing to do, isn't it? But when you're outnumbered, you do anything to make it even. Hunters use poison too, don't they?"

"No, it spoils the meat. Which is why you didn't either."

Hector raises his eyebrow. "What do you mean? I incapacitated the crew."

"Yes, of course." She wrinkles her nose. "Rotten grapes. How inventive."

"Ah," he says, like a breath from his lungs. "Seems I've been found out. What are you gonna do about it?"

Now, Atalanta holds up her bow, ready to press it against Hector's neck. "What do you want, Hector? Why are you rebelling against Jason?"

He smirks. "She'd kill me."

"I'd kill you."

"So do it." He continues to smirk, but his eyes are hard. "Make it right for Anne and Mary."

Atalanta says nothing. She nocks an arrow onto her bow.
"...Yeah I have no idea how to convey this narratively so I'll just say what happened," Ritsuka sighs. "I get a dream of the Argonauts on Lemnos and see the memory of Herakles chiding the entire crew, and Jason there is more like a good hearted idiot who didn't consider the consequences of giving the Queen three kids. And he is also a diplomatic genius who successfully kept an entire island of women who just murdered all the men from murdering them." He stays silent for a while longer. Medea fumes silently at the memory but says nothing. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to translate this."

The audience sighs heavily at this. Even Jeanne, who is happy to see this many men and women gathered who aren't about to sack a city, seems disheartened. Gilgamesh has long since wandered off from sheer lack of interest.
Well, they can't all be winners, Rits.

She plops down on her chair again and lounges for a moment. "So, why's everyone silently judging you?"

"I tried and failed to explain Herk's dream as a story. So I just told them what happened."

She blinks. "Wait you actually understood that? I just figured you agreed when I said Jason doesn't seem like himself. I woke up with a headache!"

"Senpai's a Berserker whisperer," Mashu says with a satisfied nod.

"It's a gift," he shrugs.
Sounds about right, yes.

"Wait!" Atalanta, who Kana told to stay on the Golden Hind for fire support earlier, materialises suddenly before them, bowed on the ground so hard her forehead is touching the sand. "My Goddess… It… It is me, Atalanta!"

"Hm?" The Goddess opens one eye and her smile droops slightly. "Atalanta? My Atalanta, who gave her virginity to Hippomenes within one of my sister's temples and was cursed thusly?"

"...The very same." She looks up, eyes wide. "But I have remained true to you in other ways, Goddess! Renounce me for my shame, but know that their mission is true, and--"

Atalanta's plea is drowned by a large bear hug by her Goddess, who laughs merrily. "Awww, you've grown so big! I'm glad I could see you again, you're so beautiful now! Oh, Hippomenes was such a lucky boy! And now you are with Chaldea!" She steps back from the hug and a dazed Atalanta to look at the obsidian giant standing behind Ritsuka. "And you must be Herakles! My little brother!" She extends her arms. "Give your big sister a hug, little brother!"

Herakles does not move. He does, however, blink. This is a day for firsts.

"...Huh?" Atalanta, dazed, lets her jaw sag. "W...W-What?"

"Give her a moment," the bear sighs. "She gets like this whenever we meet anyone we actually know."

"Aw, don't be like that, Orion! We've finally found some friends!"
And so Atalanta and Herk discover that Artemis is a ditzy bimbo.

"D-awwwww you're so sweet - and so cute and cuddly ohmigosh eeeeeeeeee--"

So while the supposedly-virginial-and-asexual Goddess of the Hunt gushes over the ancient Giant who once nearly hunted every single beast on the planet to extinction, quietly Ritsuka wonders how she does that with her mouth. It frightens him. Just a bit. And just a bit away, Atalanta has curled up into a ball and is leaning against Herakles' shin, trying desperately to wipe the memory out of her brain with a cast iron brush.

It really is a day for firsts.
And now poor Atalanta is in the denial stage about her patron deity being, well, a ditzy bimbo.

At that, David shakes his head. "You've been deceived. The Ark does not grant wishes. It is a holy artefact, an instrument used to commune with God, and my Noble Phantasm. And," he adds sharply when Kana goes to touch it, "It burns with His divinity, which burns sin. It tends to kill anyone who touches it, and quite painfully I might add."

Kana stops just short of it. She looks at Ritsuka with a wordless scream on her lips. He looks back with a bemused frown. "...Right. That was my fault."

"You referenced the movie earlier, you dummy. You should know better."

Dodged a bullet there, Kana. Don't even have to open the damn thing to get yourself killed.

Immediately, David goes to Medea and kneels as he takes her hand in his own. "Fair lady, you have struck me with your beauty. Please, sire my children. God wills it."

Something breaks. Medea, the very image of a smug witch with loads of experience, blinks. Even for her, something this brazen elicits a reaction. "I… I beg your pardon?"

Orion squeaks as Artemis digs her fingers around his furry bear body. Kana is so disgusted she can't even laugh at the absurdity. Mashu is trying and failing to process the hypocrisy of it all. And Ritsuka is suddenly happy he didn't bring Jeanne along.

Nevertheless, David tries his luck.
Oh, David, you're just lucky you walked away from that with a polite refusal from Medea.

And to be honest, I can't tell if he'd be more faithful to her than Jason was.

"...So yeah, we found the King of Israel."

"Is that so," Roman says, the most dissatisfied that Ritsuka has ever seen him. Arms folded, eyes half-lidded, almost… pouting?
David wins the "amazingly embarassing parent" award for this singularity. Poor, poor Roman. I wonder if David recognizes him?

Jason ignores him and looks angrily back at his younger Medea, floating passively beside him. "What is the meaning of this, Medea?! You told me that the only way to grant my wish would be the Ark! Why did you lie to me?"!"

"I would never lie to you, Jason," Medea says, airily and sincerely, but chills run up Ritsuka's spine anyways. "I love you. I would do anything for you, Jason. Anything."

The Argonaut tenses up. Something is wrong. Kana's hand slowly hovers over Asriel. "Yes," he murmurs. "You would do anything for me."

"They're lying to you, my love. They've thrown their lot in with him. They wish to deny you everything. Paradise, glory." She cranes her head by his ear, whispering. "Peace."
This is so very, very ironic.

And all this leaves Ritsuka, Kana and Mashu to face a Greek Hero alone, as Jason summons his aspis and clashes his sword against it. "You will deny me no longer!" He bellows. "I will have retribution!"

"Any plans?" Ritsuka asks his sister.

"Yeah," she says, and draws her blade. "We'll kill Jason."

"You sure? He's still a proper Servant."

"Yeah, well, I've been practicing!"

With a feral snarl, Jason charges and swings. And so the battle is joined.
Well, on the plus side, the siblings are going to be very disappointed when they realize that Jason is the worst Saber possible when he isn't being backed up by his crew. Very good at planning, but in a straight one-on-one, he can't fight for shit. If it was him attacking Shirou in the Emiya household right before the Saber summon at the start of F/SN instead of Cu and he did it entirely solo, Shirou would've actually won.

"So do it." He continues to smirk, but his eyes are hard. "Make it right for Anne and Mary."

Atalanta says nothing. She nocks an arrow onto her bow.
Welp, farewell you crafty bastard.

Well, until Chaldea summons you, of course. Then you can apologize to Anne and Mary.
"Senpai's a Berserker whisperer," Mashu says with a satisfied nod.
That is true.
"Fine. We ran into a Goddess, her literal boy toy, and a Shepard who got crowned King by God."
It says a lot about your life when that doesn't fit even the Top 50 the craziest things that have happened in your life.
"Wait!" Atalanta, who Kana told to stay on the Golden Hind for fire support earlier, materialises suddenly before them, bowed on the ground so hard her forehead is touching the sand. "My Goddess… It… It is me, Atalanta!"
Oh boy, Atalanta is about to have her mind blown.
"...Right, Kana, we should probably look for the -- Kana?" Ritsuka looks around. His sister is nowhere to be seen. "Kana, c'mon. Kana." More nothing. "Kana! Where are y--KANA! GET DOWN FROM THERE!"

Atop the Golden Hind, right next to the Captain, Kana shakes her head. "Nuh-uh! I'm staying right here! You can go play with the creepy bear and the bimbo Goddess yourself!"

"Don't be like that, fair Kana of Chaldea!" Orion calls out. "You have nothing to be afraid of! I, Orion the Hunter, do solemnly swear to be a gentleman! A great beauty as yourself has nothing to fear, not your skin like fine marble, your eyes like bright amber, your great bounty to grace the--ack!"

"O r i o n n n n ~ ?"

"B-Besides we are looking for the Ark of the Covenant and could really use the help!" He rushes out, while his Goddess almost chokes him with one hand and a smile.

"Why?" Ritsuka sniffs. "You have a Goddess. Of the Hunt. And are a great Hunter yourself." He sniffs again. God, the way Artemis does inflections is really terrifying. He's going to cry himself to sleep later. "Can't you find it yourself?"

"...W-Well actually we found it already," the bear admits. "But, well. We can't reach it. There's… Well, point is we could use the help, alright?"

Ritsuka ponders this briefly. "Well, I'm not against it, but I have some ground rules for--"

"Hey!" Atop the Golden Hind, Kana holds out Euryale like a cat, and the middle Gorgon Sister scowls at Artemis. "Get that bimbo out of here! No mountainous cows are allowed!"

"How rude!" Artemis thrusts Orion out at her in a similar fashion. "Darling, protect my honour!"

"Your sacrifice doesn't change anything! But I'll still bully him!"

It is moments like these that make you understand why Ritsuka is so dead inside.
Atop the Golden Hind, Kana starts hissing like a cat. "No mercy! Only snek."
Immediately, David goes to Medea and kneels as he takes her hand in his own. "Fair lady, you have struck me with your beauty. Please, sire my children. God wills it."

Something breaks. Medea, the very image of a smug witch with loads of experience, blinks. Even for her, something this brazen elicits a reaction. "I… I beg your pardon?"

"It is tempting, knowing your reputation," Medea notes lightly, "But I must decline. I've committed to another."

"Hah! Well, fair enough, both of you." Shaking his head, David sighs and loses the smile. "Nevertheless, I did not come to exchange pearls of wisdom and laughter. I come with a mission."
Well, he actually took no as a no. Huh.
"It helps to blame other people," Medea says, a comforting hand on her shoulder..
Bad, Medea, bad.
High above in the sky, a Witch matches a Princess spell for spell, flame on flame and arcane laser on arcane laser.